
What to eat on a hike and how to organize meals for a group? On a hike.

(E. N. Demin)


Proper nutrition is extremely important for strengthening the strength and health of the tourist. Food should provide him with energy to cover expenses during the trip. Products should be designed for long-term storage, have light weight and small volume alike. as in most cases they are in a tourist's backpack.

Food must have a certain calorie content, nutrients to restore body cells that wear out in the process of life - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and water. A lot of energy is spent on hikes, so the calorie content of the daily diet should be more than the norm for professions not related to physical labor.

The main source of energy is foods containing mainly carbohydrates (cereals and flour products, vegetables, potatoes, sugar) and fats. However, for many other important aspects of life - for the restoration of worn out cells, the formation of hormones and enzymes - proteins are necessary (meat, fish, eggs, cheese). If carbohydrates and fats are interchangeable to a certain extent and can be partially formed in the body from proteins, then the latter, being carriers of nitrogen, cannot be formed either from carbohydrates or from fats. The daily diet of a tourist should contain at least 1-1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, the same amount of fat and 5 times more carbohydrates, i.e. with a weight of 70 kg, a tourist should consume 70-100 g of protein per day, 70-100 g of fat and 500-800 g of carbohydrates. From protein products, the tourist's diet should include milk proteins valuable for the body (powdered or condensed milk and cheese), from fats - sunflower, soybean and butter. During strenuous hikes and in winter, the diet should contain 150 g of protein, 150 g of fat, 600 g of carbohydrates, which gives about 4500 calories.

Food should also provide the body of the tourist with vitamins and mineral salts.

Some vitamins with a varied diet are stored in the body in reserve, some of them are formed during the vital activity of intestinal bacteria. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is not stored in reserve and is not synthesized. The need for it must be met daily. With significant physical stress, the need for vitamin C increases. It can be covered by fresh vegetables, fruits, juices; a lot of vitamins C in lemon, sauerkraut, rose hips with pink and red color (they are also preserved in dried rose hips), needles of coniferous plants (if necessary, infusions are prepared from them). On a hike, especially in winter, vitamin C can be taken in the form of glucose tablets with ascorbic acid to increase performance. You can also use multivitamin pills containing several vitamins (always with vitamin C and B,). The daily amount of ascorbic acid on days of heavy physical exertion is recommended to be increased to 300 mg. Vitamin B1 for each dose is given no more than 0.05 mg: it is no longer absorbed.

A varied set of products provides the body with the necessary mineral salts. Some of them are found in drinking water.

Separately, there is the question of table salt. The diet mainly satisfies the need for it (there is a lot of it in bread: in 100 g of rye bread - 1.5 g of salt, and in 100 g of white bread - 0.8 g), but due to ingrained habits, additional food is added 12-15 g per day. In a campaign in the hot season and with increased sweating in conditions of great physical exertion, a person loses a lot of salt with sweat. If you have to travel in these conditions, then the daily salt intake per person should be 30-35 g.

Drinking water is of the utmost importance. All life processes of the body proceed with the participation of water. The lack of it depletes the body faster and more strongly than the lack of food. On a hike, one tourist needs about 3 liters of water per day (including the cost of cooking, in which part of the water evaporates).

Water can contain pathogens, so it must be boiled and drunk only from springs in its raw form. On a halt near the river, one should be located upstream from the settlement, if possible on the opposite bank. Polluted, especially marsh water, before boiling, can be treated with several crystals of potassium permanganate: in this case, red flakes settle to the bottom, and the water brightens. You can also filter the water by digging a shallow hole on a low bank (preferably in the sand) so that water seeps into it. The first few portions of water must be scooped out, after which it will be more or less clean. Boiled water should be kept in the camp a significant supply. On a water trip, it is worth preparing a drink for the whole day in the morning, since it is not always possible to boil water during the day.

A novice tourist, especially during a hot season, feeling thirsty, often consumes an excess amount of water, but the more he drinks, the more he loses moisture and salts with sweat and the more he wants to drink. Therefore, it is advisable to drink your fill during the morning breakfast; about 0.5 l of liquid falls on lunch; in the evening, after the end of the day's transition, you can drink plenty. On the way, it is better not to drink, and if you are very thirsty, rinse your mouth and drink 1-2 sips of water. Satisfies thirst acidified water.

Diet is essential during a hike. The daily routine should include two to three hot meals a day. You can’t eat dry food: this can lead to indigestion and stomach disease; Hiking foods are easily contaminated and eating them without boiling will lead to intestinal infections. In addition, with prolonged dry food, appetite is lost.

On a winter trip, when the daylight hours are short, as well as on a water trip, when packing and packing things in a kayak take a lot of time, it is advisable to make a hearty breakfast and dinner and a relatively light lunch, preferably with hot tea.

On a water trip in the morning you can cook porridge or flour products, and in the afternoon, sometimes even on the go, eat them, seasoned with canned fish, tomato sauces. On such a trip it is recommended to take a supply of canned vegetables.

On a ski trip during the day, they usually eat sugar and sandwiches with sausage, butter, and lard.

On foot trips, especially in the southern regions, it is useful during the day, at the hottest time, to arrange a big halt and prepare a normal dinner. In this case, lunch is up to 40% of the daily diet, breakfast - 35% and dinner - 25%. With a two-time hot meal, breakfast and dinner differ little from a normal lunch, and 10-20% of the daily ration is allocated for a daily halt.

With significant intervals in eating and heavy physical exertion, it is useful to eat 3 pieces of sugar or slices of chocolate or glucose tablets with vitamin C on the go. Sugar is quickly absorbed and, entering the blood, replenishes energy reserves.

Does not increase efficiency, does not improve well-being and does not warm alcohol. It causes only temporary excitement, which is replaced by a breakdown. Violation of the coordination of movements, even if it is externally and not noticeable, requires an increase in effort, a greater expenditure of energy. In winter conditions, apparent warming is explained by increased blood flow to the surface of the body, which entails increased heat transfer and ultimately cools the body even more. Alcohol can be given if there is a strong chill, which must be quickly eliminated before putting the victim in a sleeping bag.


When preparing food for a trip, you can count on those that are easy to get on the spot. But for this you need to first find out what exactly you can buy. Often ordinary products are scarce for the travel area (for example, potatoes in the lower reaches of the Volga, in Altai). It is impossible to reduce the supply of food that the group takes with them or purchases on the spot, based on berries and mushrooms, hunting and fishing trophies. In different years, seasons, the number of berries and mushrooms in the forests changes, and the number of game also changes. And if berries and mushrooms do not significantly affect the choice of basic products, then the calculation for hunting and fishing will already affect the meat diet. In the event of unsuccessful hunting and fishing, the group will be in a difficult position.

When going on weekend hikes, it is best to calculate products based on a pre-compiled menu and the number of participants.

When preparing for a long trip, the calculation must be based on the average norm of products per day per person and then multiply this figure by the number of tourists and days. Naturally, when traveling to places where it is difficult to count on replenishment of products, the set should be somewhat different than when traveling through crowded areas. Based on the experience of long-distance hikes in sparsely populated areas, we can recommend approximately the following set of products per person per day:

Bread black

White bread

wheat flour

Canned meat


meat stew

beef stroganoff

meat pate

kidneys in tomato

fried liver

minced sausage

liver pate

Semi-smoked sausage


Ghee butter

Vegetable oil

Condensed milk

milk powder

Horns, pasta


Peas (concentrate)


Millet groats

dry potatoes

Dry vegetables

sugar, sand

candy lollipops

In addition, it is useful to take 100 g of potato flour, 100-250 g of tomato sauce, 10-20 g of black pepper and 5-10 g of bay leaf per person for the entire trip. If flour is taken on a hike, then 5-10 g of dry yeast is needed for each group per day.

Of course, each group will adjust this set in its own way, but it should not be changed much. It goes without saying that most of the cereals will be replaced with concentrates on a trip to the highlands, on a ski trip the amount of cereals will be reduced and the amount of fats and meat will be increased, and on the water trip, fish and vegetable canned food will be added to the list - half a can per day per person.

The list of products for a summer hike in the middle lane will change, as some of them can be purchased locally.

Our industry allows us to provide a wide and varied range of food on any trip, which, among other things, makes it possible to reduce the cost of food per day to a certain extent (for example, canned food such as meat pate, kidneys in tomato, etc., are cheaper, than beef stew).


Bakery products

Bread should be stored for 3-5 days, a larger supply of fresh bread is difficult to carry and does not store well (especially in conditions of high humidity). Only in winter, frozen bread is stored for a long time and, when thawed, restores its properties. Therefore, on winter trips, you need to take it in small rolls, loaves, which are easier to cut with ice cream and then thaw.

On winter hikes and where you can count on buying fresh bread, you can alternate it with crackers. In other cases, a supply of crackers is taken for about 5 days, and then the group itself bakes bread from flour.

Commercially available crackers must be additionally dried before the trip. It is better to dry crackers yourself from homemade bread, as additives to factory-made bread that improve its taste make crackers from it too hard. Crispbread, rye and dessert (made from white flour) have a significantly smaller volume than crackers of the same weight, and they almost do not break during transportation. Crackers or bread rolls are useful in cases where, due to weather or time conditions, it is impossible to make full-fledged bread from flour. Crackers have to be packed especially carefully, since even if they get slightly wet, they quickly deteriorate and, as a rule, they cannot be dried during the campaign.

From crumb crumbs, and if necessary, from a whole cracker, you can cook rusk porridge, pouring it with hot sweet tea and butter. For short trips to a treeless zone, when it makes no sense to take a primus stove or a supply of firewood with you, rusk crumbs, mixed with condensed milk with cocoa, serves to a certain extent as a substitute for regular food.

Flour does not require mandatory waterproof packaging: when it enters the water, the bag is covered from the inside with a thin layer of dough, the rest of the flour remains dry. For baking bread, it is useful to have one or two large pans or a miracle oven. A metal stand is attached to the aluminum form with wire, the form is filled up to half with dough, and the whole structure is suspended above the fire at the level of the bucket lids.

Bake cakes, pancakes or pancakes only with yeast. A supply of soda should be used only in cases where the dough has not risen. On a hike, of course, dry yeast is more convenient, and if they are not on sale, you can take ordinary pressed, finely chopped and dried in the sun. Protected from water by dense packaging, such yeast is stored for a long time. A tablespoon of dry yeast is poured into a quarter cup of warm water, a tablespoon of granulated sugar is added, and all this is placed in a warm place by the fire. After 1-2 hours, a characteristic foam appears in the mug, and the yeast is ready for use.

The dough is kneaded after dinner in warm water (about one part of water to four parts of flour) and, wrapped in oilcloth or polyethylene, is left until the morning. In the morning, at the same time as preparing breakfast, bread is baked. If the group is large, then one shift of attendants bakes bread, and the second one prepares breakfast. Bread baking should be stopped when breakfast is finished. In a water trip, a new batch of dough is usually kneaded in the same bowl, and the remaining dough (sourdough) is used instead of yeast. Dry yeast is used only when the dough does not fit.

If necessary, steeply kneaded cakes can be placed on clean, well-heated pans and baked without oil, after sprinkling the pan with flour - the flour should darken, but not burn. The thickness of the tortilla in its raw form is 1-2 cm. Before putting the tortilla in the pan, it is placed for a short time near the fire so that the dough rises. The cake will be ready if, when pierced with a thin branch, the dough does not stick to the latter.

Flour can be used for primitive seasonings for soups by frying it in oil with onions until browned, about 5 minutes. This "concentrate" is very popular among Siberian hunters. It is stored for a long time, and to fill the soup with it, 15 minutes is enough.

Meat products

During a hike, meat is mainly consumed in the form of canned food, although in populated areas you can sometimes count on buying fresh meat, in taiga regions - on hunting. In addition to stew, which is most often used on hikes, there are other canned meats that are cheaper. Meat pate is relatively cheap and successfully cooked with macaroni (“navy-style pasta”), beef stroganoff - with dried potatoes lightly boiled and browned in a pan. Kidneys and liver go for cereals and soups. Minced meat, liver pate are good for short lunch breaks in the middle and at the end of the hike.

If you cook canned meat for a long time, they spread into small fibers, lose their taste and aroma. Therefore, it is better to lay them immediately before meals, and for the second dishes - directly into bowls, preheating.

Canned fish is used mainly for lunch on a short halt during a boat trip, when they are added to pre-cooked porridge or pasta, so canned food in tomato sauce should be preferred over oil. You should not take cans of fish on a hike, on which there is an inscription: “The product is not subject to long-term storage” (ordinary sprats, etc.).

Canned food should be in cans: glass ones are much heavier and less durable - they break when they fall, and burst in the cold. If for a winter trip you can only buy canned food in glass jars, then you can recommend the Siberian method of storage: freeze the contents of the jar in bowls and carry such circles with you without adding heat. Tin cans should not be swollen (a sign of damage to canned food). True, the jar can be swollen both from the fact that it is dented from the sides, and as a result of low atmospheric pressure (in the highlands). Tin cans smeared with grease can be stored for up to six months; jars with labels that are not heavily oiled can even be stored for several years. Usually, on a tourist trip, the labels from the cans fly off, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btheir contents is lost. Therefore, tourists should know that there are two multi-digit numbers on the bottoms of the cans: the number with the letter in front is assigned to a certain type of canned food. So, for canned fish, the letter “P” is in front of the numbers, for vegetables - “K”, for meat and dairy - “M”. If you make a list of canned food and write down the numbers indicated on the banks, then in the future you will not have to guess about their contents.

Fresh meat can be preserved for some time by cutting out the bones, sprinkling with salt and overlaying with nettle or bird cherry leaves. Meat can be preserved by deep frying small pieces, placing them in a bowl and pouring hot melted beef or mutton fat (Central Asian kourma). In this case, only the top layer spoils, if it is not additionally salted.

Fresh meat can also be smoked by hanging finely chopped salted lean pieces over a smoky fire. The closer the meat is hung to the fire, the faster it is smoked, the tastier it is, but it also spoils faster (hot smoking). The colder the smoke gets on the meat, the slower the smoking process takes place, the harder the product will be and the longer it will be preserved (cold smoking). In the hot sun, you can prepare dried fish, dried meat, if only it is cut into small strips and rubbed with salt or soaked in saline.

The meat is fried in salted, small pieces. For greater softness, before the end of frying, pour the meat with a small portion of water or broth and, closing the pan with a lid, simmer a little.

When roasting meat directly on the fire, the pieces strung on a stick are first brought to the fire so that the surface of the meat is baked. The duration of frying is 10-15 minutes or more, depending on the heat and the thickness of the piece. The meat is salted at the end, but the Nenets prefer to pre-soak the whole piece in saline, sometimes with cranberries, wild garlic and wild rosemary.

A frying pan after frying meat is often used to quickly prepare gravy by frying a tablespoon of flour with onion and butter on it and then adding broth, milk and just salt water. Mustard, pepper also do not interfere.

Fresh fish spoils quickly. The first sign of spoilage is a change in the color of the gills. Hot-smoked fish is tasty, but does not withstand storage at all. Cold-smoked fish is denser and stored for a long time. The fish is first cleaned of scales, holding by the tail and scraping with a knife away from you, then gutted. Before frying, the fish is rubbed with salt (the thicker pieces are cut lengthwise) and rolled in flour or crumbs. Small fish can be fried by sticking a stick through the mouth to the tail. The scales from such a fish are removed after frying along with the skin on one side, otherwise the fish will fall apart.

It has become a practice to prepare baked-smoked fish, when it is hung inside a metal box over a fire. The lid of the box is sealed with clay. You can put small chocks of non-resinous wood in the aroma box.

Semi-smoked sausage at normal air temperature lasts quite a long time. So that the surface of the sausage does not mold, it must be greased. It is not recommended to take unstable boiled sausages (tea, amateur, etc.) on a hike. In case of urgent need, boiled sausages that have lasted 1 -3 hours in a hot Russian oven or in an oven, can be stored UP TO a week, of course, in not too hot weather.

Hunting in the conditions of a tourist trip is mainly for upland and waterfowl. The bird must first be plucked, then singeed, and only then gutted.

Butter-dairy products

Ghee (butter should not be taken: it quickly deteriorates, and it still has to be melted) must be packed in metal cans and sealed. Unstable flat aluminum pots are not suitable for storage.

Vegetable oil is commonly used for frying fish and baking bread. It must be poured into flasks or cans, which must be hermetically sealed.

Condensed milk can be replaced with dry milk (in packages of 250-300 g) or cream. The packaging must be completely metal (some of the cans are produced with metal lids, but with cardboard walls coated with steel).

Cheese spoils in the cold, and it is hardly advisable to take it on a ski trip. In winter, you can take processed cheese with you.

Egg powder is mainly used for making flour products (noodles, dumplings), when part of the flour or semolina gets wet.

Cereals and pasta

Their set, of course, can be widely varied depending on the tastes of the group. However, it should be taken into account that rice and buckwheat groats are boiled for too long, that it is quite easy to cook horns (it is worth taking horns with you, since pasta is inconvenient during transportation, and noodles and vermicelli crumble). A small supply of semolina is intended for cases when, due to weather conditions, cooking time is limited. Good peas (concentrate). Cereal concentrates are useful only when traveling in high-mountainous regions, in treeless areas, where the preparation of pmshcha is associated with great difficulties. In such cases, you need to focus on concentrates, where sugar and milk, and not fats, serve as a connecting element. Before buying concentrates in the store, it is useful to try them. Millet groats should be washed and dried before the trip, buckwheat should be fried and sifted.

Unlike conventional cooking methods, in field conditions it is more profitable to pour cereal into boiling water - it is difficult to regulate the fire on the fire, and if the water boils in advance, this will allow you to keep the porridge over the fire less, more likely that it will not burn. All cereals are salted (about a tablespoon for two half-liter mugs, and for sweet cereals - half the norm).

Backfill rates may vary depending on whether thick porridge is going to be boiled or liquid. Our industry produces flour products (noodles, vermicelli, horns) with the addition of tomato. They taste good and keep well.

Number of mugs


water in a mug

brewing, min.





Beans, peas, beans


Dried vegetables are recommended to be taken with you, unless the group hopes to get fresh ones on the way. They do not take up much space, weigh relatively little and do not require time for cleaning and processing. Dry vegetables must be pre-soaked in water for 1-2 hours (even better soak overnight for cooking in the morning). Dry potato soups are especially good for seasoning the ear or when cooking game. In the latter case, dry potatoes should be laid about an hour after the start of cooking the game. It is also recommended to take dry borscht and dry cabbage soup in the form of ready-made mixtures, and fresh onions and garlic from vegetables.

Sugar and confectionery

Sugar is recommended to be taken in the form of sand. It is more convenient during transportation, does not tear the packaging. Sugar must be in waterproof packaging. Wet sugar sometimes has to be boiled with milk (lean sugar). From sweets, lollipops in metal cans are best. Sawed sugar is recommended on a ski trip, where it is taken to reinforce strength on the way. Glucose tablets with ascorbic acid are also good for this purpose.

Tea, coffee, cocoa must be in tin boxes. It is useful to first remove the pack from the box, wash and dry the box and then put the contents into it without paper packaging. In this case, much more will fit there and every third pack can be purchased without a metal box. Cardboard boxes of coffee or cocoa with metal bottoms are not suitable for a long trip. It is best to seal metal boxes along the seam of the lid with adhesive tape, having previously removed the paper sticker, otherwise all waterproofing will be useless.

Other products

Salt should be packed in waterproof bags, preferably from oilcloth. The seam on the bag should be kinked so that moisture does not penetrate inside. Even in waterproof bags, the salt quickly becomes damp, and its weight increases sharply when the bag is opened in the morning or in the evening during the dew. If 80% starch is added to the salt, wetting can be avoided to a certain extent.

Tomato sauce, tomato are sometimes sold in tins; it is convenient to fill polyethylene flasks with them - when you press on the flask, the tomato is simply squeezed out of it. When pouring sauce into a flask, one must try to fill it to the very top, otherwise mold will appear.


At the very beginning of the trip, all products must be sorted out and put in bags. It is not worth doing this earlier, because during the approach to the beginning of the route, backpacks often move, the packaging deteriorates, and everything has to be repacked. With a few exceptions, products must be in packaging that protects against water. For a backpacker, it is usually enough to have one large but durable waterproof liner in a backpack. Then the products can be put in a backpack simply in cloth bags. When kayaking, it is recommended to pack products in separate waterproof bags, since it is still not possible to put the entire backpack into the bow or stern of the kayak. It will presumably be up to the group to decide on packaging on their own, but if commercially available polyethylene bags are used, each should be placed in a smaller cloth bag so that the polyethylene is not heavily loaded.

Products that must be decomposed into bags of 1-2 kg; so it is easier to put them in a backpack, kayak and take into account the consumption. In order not to waste time * in vain on finding the right products, it is necessary to make inscriptions or numbers on the bags. Bags made of perfol (PK-4 film) are convenient for packaging - durable, lightweight, transparent plastic (packaging for individual bags is made from it). True, such a film quickly ages, but it will last one trip. The film has an unpleasant odor, so before use, the bags should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. All disadvantages are compensated by lightness and cheapness. Bags for sugar, salt, which are used daily, are best made from oilcloth.

It is necessary to distribute products so that each tourist or kayak, crew of a boat, raft has a supply of products that he can use separately; so, bread should be distributed to all tourists. It is impossible for one tourist to have all the cereal or all the sugar: in the event of an accident or the loss of a backpack, the group may lose these products.

When moving on a kayak, a number of products can be packed in a more primitive way: for example, individual packs of cookies, crackers are wrapped in tracing paper or clean paper, dipped in paraffin, and then placed deep in the bow or on the stern of the kayak, where the packaging will not be subjected to constant friction.


Untinned copper utensils and galvanized buckets are not suitable for cooking and storing food. Enamelled buckets and pans are also not very suitable: they are heavy, and even with uneven heating on a fire, small pieces of enamel bounce off. Aluminum buckets with lids or aluminum pans are convenient for this purpose. You just need to keep in mind that with a hot flame of a fire, the part of the wall that is above the liquid level loses strength. Many tourists make homemade oval-shaped buckets that fit one into the other. Large tin cans are also often used. Such a bank withstands a large hike very well. Just do not take almost the same jars used for packaging egg powder, dry vegetables: they are not soldered and will flow.

In high-mountain trips, pans with hermetically sealed lids (autoclaves) are used, which reduce the cooking time at reduced pressure. However, they are much heavier, and the duration of cooking can be reduced by rational selection of food products and concentrates. Under the same conditions, special stoves designed for gasoline are used. On winter hikes, food is sometimes cooked on a portable wood-burning stove. Finally, for short-term trips to treeless areas, various crystalline compounds with alcohols are good; the most famous are Hexa tablets, which help to make a fire, warm water relatively quickly and cook food.

It must be borne in mind that when cooking on a stove, stove or dry alcohol, water is required in 2 -3 times less.


Bogdanov Ya. M. and Krakovyak G. M. Hygiene. FiS, 1961. Lukyanov VS On the preservation of health and performance.

Medgiz, 1955.

Verzilin N. In the footsteps of Robinson. Detgiz, 1956. Vasiliev B.P. Mushrooms. Selkhozgiz, 1959.

In order to properly select food for a hike or trip, you need to remember that the diet should be as varied as possible. Products on the road are chosen for a long time, as light as possible, high-calorie, which could be prepared quickly.

Try to keep proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily diet close to 1:1:4 - this is what doctors recommend. There are many proteins in meat and fish, cheese, peas, beans and beans. Carbohydrates - in sugar, sweets, honey, jam, flour products, cereals. Fats - in oil and fat. We also need various vitamins, mineral salts - there are a lot of them in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Calorie content of staple foods (per 1 kg).

Name of products Number of calories Name of products Number of calories
Rye bread 1900 Candies 2500-3500
wheat bread 2600 Chocolate 4800
Rusks rye 3000 Raisin 2600
Cookie 3900 Dried apricots, prunes 2150
Wheat crackers 2800 Smoked sausage 5500
Biscuits 3200 boiled sausage 2050
Butter 7800 Semi-smoked sausage 3000
Ghee butter 8850 Canned stewed meat 1900
Dutch cheese 3900 Ham 2500
Processed cheese 2150 sausages 1950
Powdered milk 4800 Salo bacon 6150
Egg powder 5300 Liver pate 3000
Condensed milk with sugar 3400 fresh potatoes 650
Condensed milk without sugar 2000 Vegetables are different 200-350
Buckwheat 3100 fresh apples 450
oatmeal 3300 Dry apples 2200
Semolina 3400 Fresh pears 350
Pasta, noodles, vermicelli 3450 oranges 250
Peas, beans, beans 2800 Canned fish in tomato 1100-1850
Rice 3300 Fresh fish 400-500
Millet 3000 Dried vobla 2900
Millet and buckwheat concentrate 3500 Vegetable oil 8500
Kissel 2500 Sugar 3900

It is desirable that the food be complete and fully compensate for the considerable costs that every traveler incurs every day - up to 3000-4000 kcal on a simple route, up to 2,800-3000 kcal on days of passive rest. In the most common diet with three meals a day, on average, each tourist needs food, in grams.

- Bread (black, white) - 350-400.
- Cereals and pasta (semolina 50-60 g per serving, the rest 70-80 g) - 180-220.
- Soups (concentrates) - 30-40.
- Canned meat - 100-130.
- Sausages, bacon, ham (or canned fish) - 50-80.
- Oil - 40-50.
- Cheese - 30-40.
- Condensed milk - 50.
- Sugar, sweets - 130-150.
- Dried fruits, onions, garlic, nuts - 50.
- Salt - 5-10, spices are also desirable.

The calorie content of such a set is 3,000-3,500 kcal, the weight together with the packaging is 1-1.4 kg. If you take crackers (150-180 g) instead of bread, then the weight of the diet will decrease to 0.8-1.2 kg. In trips that are not too long, up to 15 days, you can use low-calorie layouts (less than 2,000 kcal) weighing 400-500 g. You can also use this scheme when compiling a diet. For the first week, use a diet weighing about 400 g, then increase it to 500-600 g. For example, the weight of food in grams is indicated in brackets.

- Breakfast (136): rusk (15), pemmican (20), soup (concentrate in sachets, 45), filler (hercules or vermicelli, 20), cocoa (6), milk powder (30).
- Instead of lunch (145): dried fruits (35), sausage (40), halva (35), sweets (20), cookies (15).
- Dinner (109): cracker (15), soup (45), filler (20), butter (25), tea (4).
- Miscellaneous (76): sugar (63), onion, garlic (10), salt (3).

Thus, the total weight of the daily diet will be 476 g. In order to switch to such a meager diet, tourists or travelers must be psychologically prepared for this. Before such a trip, you need to arrange hungry days at home in order to remove the fear of starvation.

Travel food packaging.

The main container in which the products for the trip are placed are cloth bags. It is best to use a tie tape, commonly called cotton tape, for ties. It is better to choose a light-colored material for bags so that you can make an inscription on it with a ballpoint pen indicating what is stored in the bag and how much, for example: “Buckwheat - 2 kg”, “Sugar - 1.5 kg”, etc. Products , which are especially afraid of moisture, for example, sugar, salt, milk powder, in addition, should be placed in waterproof bags.

Tips and tricks for selecting, preparing and packing food for a hike.

Bread should be taken for a maximum of 2-3 days - it is heavy and quickly stale, crumbles. From pasta, it is better to take horns or thin pasta. Cheese is preferable to take hard varieties or sausage. It lasts longer. Since butter cannot be stored for more than two or three days in summer, it is better to take ghee with you. Sugar is more convenient to have lumpy. If you are not going to buy fresh vegetables and fruits on the way, take vitamin preparations on a long trip.

Dried crackers should not be placed in bulk in the bag. They will break and crumble in a backpack. They are laid tightly to each other, wrapped in tracing paper and placed in an old (but clean!) Nylon stocking. On it, knots are made between packs. It turns out a garland, from which it is easy to cut off a portion without unpacking the rest. A similar package - in stockings - is also suitable for cookies, sweets, dried fruits, onions. Dried fruits are washed ahead of time several times with warm water and dried on clean paper (not in the oven!).

Sausage should be greased with sunflower oil and wrapped in tracing paper. Do the same with cheese. Lard, loin, brisket, cheese, sausage cannot be put in a plastic bag for a long time - they suffocate without air. You can melt the butter and pour it in a semi-liquid state into wide-mouth plastic jars or metal jars from under instant coffee. The latter must first be checked for tightness by pouring water into them. Just in case, the jar is placed in a plastic bag.

Vegetable oil, tomato sauce from bottles is poured into flasks or plastic jars with a tightly screwed lid. If it leaks, then you need to pull a rubber fingertip or a children's balloon on top. Backpacks that store oil should be handled with care when hiking. They do not need to be thrown at random, put on their side to sit on a small halt, etc.

Do not skimp on seasonings, especially since their weight is negligible - adjika, pepper, bay leaf, various dried herbs, tomato paste. Onions and garlic not only improve the taste of dishes, but, in general, are useful, as they have antimicrobial properties. A clove of garlic eaten at night disinfects the mouth and palatine tonsils, preventing colds.

Personal crockery and kitchen utensils for the trip.

When hiking or traveling, it is preferable to take aluminum spoons, as wooden spoons sometimes break or float away when washing dishes in the river. It is advisable to take an enameled mug, 300 grams, aluminum burns both lips and hands. Both aluminum and enamel bowls are used, although the latter are heavier. A flask and a thermos are optional items on a hike.

Of the kitchen utensils for a one-day trip, if you are going to make a fire, one pot or pot is enough for tea. Untinned copper, galvanized or enameled buckets and pans are dangerous. Some can cause poisoning, in others, enamel sometimes bounces off on fire and gets into food. It is best to use utensils made of aluminum alloys or stainless steel.

The capacity of the dishes is chosen so that each has a total of 1.5 to 2 liters. For example, for a group of 9-10 people, on a multi-day trip, a set of buckets or pots of 6, 6.5 and 7 liters is suitable, for 6-7 people - 5, 5.5 and 6 liters. Duty cooks need 1-2 ladles, canvas gloves (to remove buckets from the fire), a brush for washing dishes, a metal washcloth, a piece of oilcloth replacing the table.

Eating well on a hike is a double pleasure. There is an appetite in the fresh air, and a blissful primitive feeling of recuperation after a hard day, and a legitimate opportunity to relax. However, in addition to pleasure, good food at the bivouac is also a guarantee of the full-fledged work of the participants on the route. A well-fed tourist is an energetic tourist!

There is a simple rule: for a trip to go well, you need to spend twice as much time on organizing it as the trip itself lasts. That is, if you are going on a weekend hike, it is wise to start preparing for it on Tuesday. And if you go camping for two weeks, then preparation should begin a month in advance. Even if you are going on a hike with an instructor from a club, check in advance how they organize meals in the club, what you need to take with you, and what the club will buy. If you go camping with friends, you will have to turn on the collective mind. And it is better to act according to a simple and effective algorithm. We will try to compose it.

Preparing for a hike

The first thing to start with is the distribution of roles. If there are four or five of you, then everyone will get the main position and not even one:

    Commander (at watermen Admiral); Navigator-cartographer - developer of route details; Logistician - responsible for tickets and transfers; Supply manager - responsible for food, cargo and bivouacs.

If there are more of you, then everyone will still find responsible work - someone will be the head of the construction of the camp, someone responsible for photography, someone for medicine, etc. But it is the Supply Manager who will be the hero of our today's review, since without him there is no way in the team, it ultimately depends on him how satisfying and tasty you will eat on the route. Therefore, you need to choose a person who is diligent, economic and firm in spirit.

So, you have been chosen as the Supply Manager (yes, everything happens for the first time, you were considered the most worthy candidate for this role, get used to it!) And the first thing to do is to compose layout.

Planning a hike

This is the most important, so we will write down in stages what we consider first and what then.

Calculation of caloric intake during the trip

First, you need to realize how active the trip will be and, based on this, estimate the number of calories a person needs per day.

    For a hike along the plain with one or two overnight stays, or for a leisurely mattress rafting along a quiet river, 2500 kilocalories per day are enough; For a bike trip or a hiking trip for 5-8 days on a gentle terrain - 3000 kilocalories per day; For a long trip, kayaking of the 3rd category of complexity (Karelia, Ural), or a bike trip on difficult terrain (fords, sandstones) - 3500 kilocalories per day; For a 7-10 day hiking trip in the highlands (1-3 category of difficulty), climbing camps with their own meals - 4000 kilocalories per day; For water, ski and hiking trips of high difficulty categories (4-6), long expeditions, high-altitude ascents from 1B and winter trips of any duration - 5000 kilocalories per day.

Of course, few people count up to a calorie, but it’s not so difficult to roughly estimate the energy efficiency of your menu, knowing the basic calorie content of products.

Let's agree right away - we are not going on a hike in order to lose weight. And in order to see with your own eyes all the possible beauty and improve your skills and abilities. Therefore, we will forget about diets and we will eat as many calories as possible, so as not to weaken and not slow anyone down. If anyone wants to lose weight, you can take extraordinary duty.

For example, from high-calorie drinks - cocoa in milk powder. One two-hundred-gram mug - 255 kilocalories at once! Tea with sugar and lemon - 80. Below are some popular high-calorie foods. The number of calories is indicated per 100 grams of raw product, neither cooked nor dried. In addition to dried fruits - there the weight is already in dried form):

Product Calorie content, kcal Product Calorie content, kcal Product Calorie content, kcal
Hazelnut 701 Ghee butter 885 Pike 83
cashew nuts 647 Sunflower oil 889 Kozinaki 576
Peanut 555 Diluted dry milk 58 Chocolate (any) 550
Dried apricots 270 Hard cheese 460 Sugar 377
Prunes 262 Beef 191 oatmeal cookies 430
Raisin 285 Pork 218 Halva 519
Oatmeal 358 Chicken 161 Iris 384
Cornflakes 345 Potato 57 Caramel 285
Buckwheat 175 Carrot 29 Drying 335
Lentils 284 Onion 41 Rye bread 210
Semolina 77 Garlic 103 wheat bread 246
Sausage "Salami" 576 hot mug maggi 304 Egg powder 545
Salo salty 797 Roach (if caught in the ear) 108

We pay special attention to foods rich in fats (lard, smoked sausage, butter, cheese) - there are always not enough of them on a hike, and fatty acids are necessary for the body to nourish cells. Protein foods (nuts, chocolate, cocoa, milk, meat) are important for muscle recovery. Carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals, dried fruits, sweets) - a source of energy. Everything is needed! Next, consider the power supply.

Diet on a hike

Breakfast and dinner are usually cooked on a campfire or burner on any hike. But there is a difference with lunch. If the hike is easy, of a relaxing nature, then it is possible to take a lunch break for an hour and a half during the day, cook a full-fledged soup or fish soup (if the hike is water). In a more difficult hike, walking time 6-8-10 hours a day, spending so much time preparing dinner is an unaffordable luxury. Yes, and you will become heavy from abundant food, it will be difficult to walk. In this case, it makes sense to quickly boil water in jetboils for lunch, make tea and brew instant soup from a bag directly into mugs - not very high in calories, but quickly absorbed. For him, give each a sandwich with a high-calorie, fat-rich salami sausage or lard. And 50 grams of kozinaki or chocolate - this is enough to restore strength.

And sometimes it is not possible to boil water, for example, in technical climbing, difficult ski trips. In this case, you will have to do with water or tea from a thermos, nuts, chocolate and sandwiches.

Calculation of the weight of products for a trip

Here you need to proceed from the capabilities of the participants. Usually personal items (sleeping bag, clothes, KLMN, first aid kit, tools, gadgets) weigh from 6 to 10 kilograms. A two-three person tent weighs 2-4 kilograms. A public first aid kit weighs about 1.5 kilograms. Jetboil - 400 grams, large gas cylinder - 450 grams, burner - from 100 to 300 grams. Plus ropes, iron, safety systems, ships and oars ... all this is shared by everyone. Human strength is not unlimited, and even the most pumped-up elk will lose strength in a few days if a backpack of 30 kilograms or more is hung on it.

In a ski trip with a sleigh and in a bike trip, the situation with weight, although not as critical as in a hiking trip, still has a weight limit, you also turn the bike with your feet, and drag the sled along with you.

But hikers and climbers on expeditions need to approach the issue of weight especially carefully.

If you are going for two weeks or more, and the return is planned along the same path, it is reasonable to make some kind of bookmark of products in the middle of the route in advance, to make hiding places on the way back.

According to experience, the optimal starting weight of a backpack for a hiking trip for a man is 15-20 kilograms. For a girl - 12-16 kilograms. This means that all products must weigh at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​per participant. For the whole trip.

You can lighten the weight of food by two things:

    A smart choice of products. Drying heavy foods before hiking.

There is a separate article about drying products. As for the weight, you will have to once again revise the list of desired products and exclude too heavy ones from it. Alas, halva, sherbet, vegetable oil and any canned food are not designed to be worn on the back for a long time. It is better to replace them with lighter goats, ghee, milk powder and dried meat.

Nutrition with ready-made sublimates

A separate topic is ready-made sublimates. Yes, it's convenient. But, unfortunately, domestic products are still far from ideal - they are not particularly tasty and the portions are small. You won’t die of hunger, but you won’t gain strength either. Much more balanced products are made by European companies, the choice of our employees is the food of the Norwegian manufacturer REAL or German - Trek "N eat. But they are not cheap, comparable to lunch in a good restaurant. If you have never taken them on a hike, take them for a day or two , try if you will miss such food. Calorie content of one serving is from 450 to 600 kcal. For a simple or short trip - what you need. But in a long winter trip, you already need something more rich.

Procurement of products for the future

It's basically dry. The lesson is simple, but quite time-consuming, so it is better to distribute it to all participants in the campaign. Someone has an electric dryer or an air grill oven - let it dry meat and vegetables. The rest will take care of crackers, cooking energy sweets, etc.

I will share the recipe for energy candies. We take 100 grams of kumquat or dried lemon, prunes, dried apricots, 50 grams of hazelnuts, cashews and walnuts. 100 grams of honey. Grind dried fruits and nuts in a blender or meat grinder, mix with honey. Then we roll everything into a sausage and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. We cut the sausage into pieces, wrap each one in foil or baking paper - voila! One such candy the size of a matchbox invigorates better than any energy drinks!

Hike menu

Now that we have decided what we will eat and when, we can easily make a trip menu. For example:

Day 1

    Breakfast: oatmeal with dried milk, cheese, caramel, dried fruits and nuts, cocoa or coffee, dried - 1400 kcal Lunch: instant soup - 1 mug, one bacon sandwich, one cheese sandwich, tea, chocolate - 1200 kcal Dinner: lagman with beef, butter and vegetables, crackers, garlic, tea, cookies - 1500 kcal.

Day 2

    Breakfast: corn flakes with dried milk, cheese, toffee, dried fruits and nuts, cocoa or coffee, cookies - 1200 kcal Lunch: instant soup - 1 mug, one sandwich with salami, dried cottage cheese (kurut), tea, gozinaki - 1300 kcal Dinner: thick lentil soup with pork, crackers, garlic, tea, dryers - 1500 kcal

And so on. Foods that weigh the most should be eaten on the first day of the trip (in our example, on the first day, the main dish is lagman, which contains a 100-gram bag of tomato paste taken carelessly).

Vegetarians, Religious Groups and Allergies on the Hike

The presence of food prohibitions and preferences should be found out from the participants at the very beginning of the calculations. Not waiting for them to start starving themselves because they can't eat what you already have on the menu. So, through a survey, we found out that in our group of 12 people there are two Muslims (do not eat pork), two lacto-vegetarians (do not eat meat), one categorically does not eat buckwheat porridge, and one does not eat corn flakes. What to do? It is necessary to make sure that everyone is fed without violence against their bodies and beliefs, and this is the task of the supply manager.

The problem with pork is the easiest - although it is the most high-calorie meat, beef and lamb are not far behind. We simply exclude the pig from the menu completely, and we don’t give lard for a snack to two guys, we replace it, for example, with horse sausage “kazy” - by the way, an excellent product if you find it on the market or from the natives, it is more nutritious than lard.

There are also no problems with single non-lovers of buckwheat or cereal - on the days when these products are planned on the menu - we just give them a separate package of instant oatmeal. And the resulting small calorie deficit is compensated by an additional piece of cheese and a handful of dried fruits.

Catering on a hike is a whole science. The layout (as the meal plan is usually called) depends on many factors: the nature of the trip (hiking, horseback, water, mountain), its location, the climate on the spot, the number of days, the composition of the participants, and so on.

Therefore, we will make a reservation right away: this article is not addressed to people who have been involved in tourism for a long time, who are members of clubs, and so on. Professionals will not find anything new here. But those who go hiking from time to time or are just starting to master tourism can use this material as a reminder, which outlines the basic principles of preparing for camp meals.


What you need to pay attention to when compiling a menu for a trip:

  • Required calorie set
  • Balanced nutrition, getting the required amount of proteins and fats (with carbohydrates, things are easier)
  • Save space in backpacks and weight

Important. In nature, with physical activity, you will want to eat in any case. You can take 5000 kcal per person per day - and it will still seem like you are starving. Only under backpacks will you die.

What trip are we going on?

In any for the lower or medium categories of complexity. We do not take mountain climbing into account. For trips on kayaks and catamarans, bike rides, "pawns" - this system is quite suitable. It is also suitable for a horse trip, but this species usually has experienced organizers who plan meals for both people and animals.

Such a menu organization system is also suitable for ordinary trips to nature, for example, to the river bank with tents, for fishing - for a week or more. Even if you're driving, you still don't have an infinite amount of free space to fill up with food. In the case of a car, there is only one advantage - you don’t have to think about weight, you can take with you more vegetables that can be stored longer, and fresh meat for the first 2 days.

Human factor

Before planning a camping menu, you need to find out if the participants of the campaign have allergies, food intolerances, perhaps someone does not eat any food for ideological reasons. All these points must be taken into account, otherwise one of the participants may remain hungry, and the trip will be ruined for the whole group.

Skeet Chief

It is most convenient if one person does the planning of the meal. He will draw up a menu, calculate how much to buy products, and distribute who and what will be purchased.

It is best to give this person unlimited power regarding the distribution of food. In field conditions, duty officers should obey him, his word should be considered law. The supply manager can stop all disputes in the distribution of products. He must decide all global issues related to nutrition (and take responsibility for his decisions, of course). Such unlimited power while you are in the city in your kitchen may seem ridiculous. But in the forest, this approach will help to avoid quarrels. Especially if the trip is quite tiring and difficult.


Nowhere without her. And when planning the entire hike and route, it is imperative to think about where the group can get water. Depending on this, you need to plan places for days and nights.


Usually the layout is calculated for three meals. Breakfast and dinner are the most satisfying. Lunch is easier, especially if you move around during the day, then you should spend as little time as possible on lunch.

If the hike is associated with serious physical exertion, then the most high-calorie meal is breakfast. It has to be meat. Dinner can then be made milky.

Who cooks

The organization of food preparation and the distribution of products among backpacks is extremely important. It is necessary to pack everything so that it is convenient to get it on day trips. One of the most effective systems is on duty. They are usually on duty in pairs (if the group does not exceed 25-30 people, if more, then perhaps it is more convenient for three of us). The duties of the attendants include: collecting firewood, kindling a fire, cooking, washing dishes (for all or only boilers, as agreed).

The days of the trip are divided by the number of pairs on duty. Each day has its own menu. Each pair of attendants buys, packs and carries food for "their" days.

Most often, shifts begin in the evening: dinner-breakfast-lunch, and in the evening of the next day the attendants are replaced. This is due to the fact that most often the group stays at the place during the day, and it is more convenient to immediately appoint people on duty for a day.


Let's take the average - 2500 Kcal per person per day. This is enough for a not too hard hike, with small transitions. If the trip is supposed to be on foot, then the calorie content should be higher, 3000 or more Kcal.

By weight, take 500-600 g of dry product per person per day. With a certain art of the supply manager, such a weight of a dry product will approximately cover the calorie content of 2500 Kcal. This weight is optimal. More - it's hard to drag, less - not enough strength for a hike.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

It is necessary to maintain the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates as - 1:1:4. In no case should you neglect fat and fatty foods. It is very good to think over products - sources of protein. Here is what is usually taken on a hike to achieve the right ratio of nutrients.

Squirrels. Meat, namely stew. This is the main product of the hiker. The bad thing is that iron cans are overweight. Sometimes they take canned fish, they can be put in pasta or in soup. Dry and cured meat as a source of protein is not bad, besides, there is no ballast, but it is difficult to prepare and may deteriorate during transportation in the summer. Smoked sausage and smoked loin - as additions to the menu, they are excellent, with high-quality packaging they can withstand two weeks and do not deteriorate. In addition, they help to gain fat. Processed cheeses are very well stored and transported. Ordinary cheeses are stored somewhat worse, so in the heat you need to count on them for no more than 7-10 days. In addition, milk powder and egg powder serve as a source of protein food.

Soy products and meat would be an excellent source of protein, there is one “but” - soy protein is extremely poorly absorbed.

Fats. Ghee and vegetable oil, cheese and sausage. When planning, you need to pay special attention to fats, since they are always in short supply.

Carbohydrates. Various cereals, sugar, dried fruits, chocolate, crackers and cookies. Carbohydrates, especially the simple ones found in refined foods, are the easiest.

Vitamins. Usually take fresh onions and garlic. It is best to eat them fresh, finely cut into porridge or even put onion rings on sausage. So you get more vitamins. You can take dried herbs with you, dried vegetables (carrots, beets, tomatoes) - add all this to porridge and soup. The only negative is that it takes some time to dry before hiking.

For one meal

It is believed that about 60 g of dry cereals are laid per person per meal (summer norm). Then the amount of food containing proteins and fats is superimposed on this amount. And it adds calories.

Sources of Calories: for breakfast - cocoa. An indispensable thing for active tourism. Dried fruits, chocolate, cheese and sausage - all this diversifies the menu and makes it more high-calorie.

Sublimated Products

They are good for everyone - both nutritious and healthier than concentrates and bouillon cubes, and just right in weight. One bad thing - well, very expensive. In addition, few people have access to it. Firms involved in sublimation exist only in large cities, and even then not in all.

But if there is access to such products, then meat or broth can be sublimated. In order not to sit the whole trip on bouillon cubes and concentrates.

"Unaccounted for"

Everything that was taken over the layout is called "unaccounted for". It enters the common cauldron and is divided among all. For a holiday (after all, there is always a holiday on a hike, for example, you have passed the most difficult part of the route, the day of Neptune, etc.) you can take a couple of cans of condensed milk and pancake flour to make pancakes. Pick berries in the forest - that's the sauce.

Where can I buy

More or less simple with stew and cereals. They are sold in any store. You just need to test several manufacturers of stew before going and choose the best one (usually the stew of each manufacturer has characteristic features, somewhere there is more fat, somewhere there is almost none). It’s good when there is a lot of meat in the jar, but you shouldn’t refuse fat with broth either, since in this case the porridge will turn out dry. Yes, and in fat, you can fry onions, vegetables, if any, add it all to the porridge.

Ghee is sold in stores, sometimes under the name "Russian". But with egg powder - problems. It is very difficult to buy it. It often happens with those firms that are engaged in sublimation of products, if there is access to such, the problem is solved. You can try to make dried meat yourself. Dried vegetables and crackers - too.


Products should take up a minimum of space. They should be easy to get. The most effective thing is to lay everything out at meals and sign it. All store packaging is out. Products must be packed in such a way that their packaging is guaranteed not to tear. A great way for bulk products: in a plastic bag and tightly wrap it with tape on top. Sausages should not be divided into parts for a meal before going: they will lie longer in the whole package. Plastic bags are also not for them - suffocate. Wrap the sausage and cheese in a clean cotton cloth.


When preparing for a hike, you should not count on it. Since there may not be mushrooms, the grass may be all dry, and the fish will refuse to be caught. But being in nature, you need to use every opportunity to diversify the diet. Nettle, plantain, dandelions - you can add to soup, porridge, make a salad of greens and berries. Mushrooms - fry, boil, add to soup and porridge.


Be sure to take boilers (for tea, soup and hot). Check that the amount of food prepared for all group members + a supply for 2 servings fits into the cauldron. You will also need a ladle and a large spoon to stir and lay out (you can get by with one, but often there are two dishes, do not run to wash every time), two good knives, a can opener, a baking sheet for fish, some kind of tablecloth or just a piece of polyethylene to lay out cheese and sausage, make an impromptu table.

Each participant of the campaign takes personal dishes himself. A mug, a bowl, a spoon and a personal knife are the minimum necessary for a hike. Dishes should be durable and light.

Layout for 1 person for 1 day (in grams of dry product)

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Manka 40

Powdered milk 80

Raisins 30

Ghee 20

Cocoa 15

Sugar 30

Cheese 60

Salt 2

Chocolate 20
Soup (concentrate) 20

Vermicelli 20

Rusks 25

Sausage 70

Tea 5

Sugar 30
Beans 90

Loin 50

Bow 40

Cookies 40

Tea 5

Sugar 30

Salt 2

List of purchases for the menu of one day based on 8 people (in grams)

Manka 350
Powdered milk 650
Cocoa 120
Raisin 250
Melted butter 150
Tea 80
Sugar 600
Cheese 450
Salt 40
Soup 150
Vermicelli 150
crackers 8 pcs.
Sausage 500
Beans 700
Loin 400
Onion 3-4 pcs.
Cookie 300

Disorganized Approach:

  • Everyone takes what he pleases. As a result, for dinner you have to boil buckwheat mixed with pasta and rice, and season with stew and sardines.
  • Another option for unorganized meals is a set of food products that everyone must take with them (the set is the same for everyone). This is a more advanced food option. You have to cook together just different pasta or rice of different production. That. some of the products will cook a little earlier, some a little later, which is not critical.
  • Both options for "non-organized meals" are usually implemented in short trips, for 2-3 days, but anything happens. An example of such a hike is a weekend hike (PVD). Someone decided to go camping for the weekend, the decision matured at best on Wednesday, or even on Thursday or Friday. Called friends, those in thought. As a result, it is announced: "Let's go there, a bowler hat, I'll take an ax, take something, a meeting at the station on Saturday at so much." As a result, from Saturday, an unknown number of people who go on a hike gather at the station.

    As a rule, with this approach, there are a lot of "extra" products in backpacks. Because the one who convened, announcing a set of products to everyone, thought, it’s better to take too much than not enough. Anyone who succumbed to the provocation could think of the same. So the products taken for a two-day trip can be enough for almost a week. But to carry all this on yourself !!! There is also the opposite situation, people think that food is centralized, they take money with them, not food. An example of this is a "broken phone", the organizer called friends, friends still friends, etc. Some people didn't get all the information. In the morning everyone gathered at the station, jumped on the train, and already on the spot it turned out that not everyone was destined to eat.

    A disorganized approach to nutrition fully justifies itself with one-day trips. Everyone takes a snack and no problem, nothing needs to be cooked.

    Organized approach.

    In the campaign there is a person responsible for food - supply manager. Even before the trip, it is planned that there will be a group during the entire trip. What products are purchased before the trip, which ones are bought during the trip, if possible. Usually, money is collected from the participants for products (estimated amount, approximately) before the trip, and after that the final payment takes place. In this case, the supply manager must take care of the optimal number of products per group.

    Naturally, there are also different approaches to the question "what and how much to eat." Analysis of information on the Internet, as well as received from personal experience of nutrition in different groups, I can say the following. All power systems do not take into account the specifics of the trip, as well as the preparedness of the participants for just such a diet.

    So, first things first. How much. It is widely believed that the more food you take, the more energy you spend carrying it on a hike. And there is such a critical point, after which "more energy is spent on carrying products than they give." The required amount of products per day per person is called 400 g and even 250 g !!!

    I will not dispute this point of view, because something else is important. First, scrupulous approach to the weight of the products in the backpack should be if you plan a long autonomous trip. So if the trip is 20 days and not a single store along the way, then with the consumption of 600 g of food per day, the weight of food at the start for 1 person will be 12 kg, with the consumption of 400 g of food - 8 kg, there is a difference. If the hike is 6 days and every 2 days there is a store along the way, then at the start with the same nutrition there will be 1.2 kg and 0.8 kg of food in the backpack, respectively. In general, even if you eat a kilogram a day, it will be only 2 kg of food. Is it worth limiting yourself in this case? Of course, there is no need to carry too much, the lighter the backpack, the better. But there is no point in living from hand to mouth.

    Secondly, there is a limit above which a person cannot eat food, no matter how much energy he has spent. Try to eat a kilo of pasta or buckwheat or something else. No matter how it seems that it is real, if you sit hungry for a day, the vast majority of people will not succeed. (Hereinafter, the weight of products means the weight in an uncooked form, the weight of cereals.)

    In a complex categorical hike, energy costs can be 8 or even 12 thousand kilocalories per day !!! At the same time, it is already problematic to replenish 4 thousand kilocalories on a hike, because in terms of pasta, this is 1.2 kg.

    Part of the layout is shown, which differs from the full table

    Thirdly, not everything eaten is digested. More than once I found recommendations to start drinking dark beer before a difficult hike in a week or two. Beer, especially dark beer, increases the digestibility of food. It is this feature of beer that leads to obesity in people who abuse beer, and not its high calorie content. The calorie content of beer is about 7 times lower than that of the same pasta, which is not a high figure. That. the body can use the food eaten with different efficiency, i.e. 100 grams of pasta eaten by one tourist is not the same as 100 grams of pasta eaten by another tourist.

    Fourthly, an important point is the preparedness of a person for certain conditions, fitness. Agree, for a trained person, when moving along the route, the pulse will be lower than for an untrained person. And the amount of "burned energy" directly depends on the heart rate (heart rate). Accordingly, an untrained person will spend more energy on overcoming the daily transition, all other things being equal.

    If a person has previously gone hiking many times and at the same time ate on "Spartan" rations, then he should not have problems. If there is no such experience, then you should not abruptly leave your usual diet. Food, most likely, will need even more, because the workload has increased.

    Next question "when there is". Traditional meals include breakfast, dinner and snacks during the day. Indeed, this approach is optimal. In the morning the group gets up, builds a fire, prepares breakfast, packs up and leaves. In the evening he comes to the place of spending the night, kindles a fire, prepares dinner, and at the same time puts up tents. During the day, dry drinks, in the cold season, always with tea. Eating hot food twice a day is fine. A hot lunch is definitely better, but it's too time consuming to stop and cook it. Usually no one is smart here, cooking for lunch is extremely rare.

    And the last question "what is". It is important that the diet is balanced. Those. the tourist must receive fats, proteins and carbohydrates in certain ratios. But the ratio directly depends on the conditions of the campaign.

    Below is a table of the daily needs of adults in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy for people of different ages.

    Group Men Women
    proteins, g fats, g carbohydrates, g energy, kcal proteins, g fats, g carbohydrates, g energy, kcal
    Total including animals Total including animals
    Age 18-29 years old
    brainwork 91 50 103 378 2860 78 43 88 324 2449
    light physical labor 90 49 110 412 3059 77 42 93 351 2601
    light labor 96 53 117 440 3262 81 45 99 371 2754
    heavy physical labor 102 56 136 518 3780 87 48 116 441 3220
    extra hard work 118 65 158 602 4390
    Age 30-39 years
    brainwork 88 48 99 365 2758 75 41 84 310 2343
    light physical labor 87 48 106 399 2957 74 41 90 337 2504
    light labor 93 51 114 426 3165 78 43 95 358 2652
    heavy physical labor 99 54 132 504 3674 84 46 112 427 3114
    extra hard work 113 62 150 574 4182
    Age 40-59 years
    brainwork 83 46 93 344 2597 72 40 81 297 2250
    light physical labor 82 45 101 378 2805 70 39 86 323 2394
    light labor 88 48 108 406 3008 75 41 92 344 2555
    heavy physical labor 95 52 126 483 3516 80 44 106 406 2957
    extra hard work 107 59 143 546 3979

    The table shows average data for an 8-hour working day. In simple hikes (without a category), energy costs lie in the area "light physical labor" - "light labor". In complex categorical - can exceed "particularly hard work." It's not just about severity, it's also about duration. The duration of the transition can be more than 8 hours a day. And also not taken into account the cost of heating in the cold season, or in the mountains.

    All food can be conditionally divided into "fast" and "slow". "Fast" begins to act almost immediately, and also ends quickly. Until the "slow" starts to act, it will take 2 or more hours, but it will last for a longer period of time. So after oatmeal for breakfast, for all its usefulness, after 2 hours you want to eat - the "gasoline" is over. And vice versa, if it happened to a person during a campaign, then it is useless to feed him with sausage. In this case, chocolate or candied fruits simply work wonders. A person who lagged behind and, it seemed, was about to be unable to walk at all, after taking a "fast" meal in a couple, he begins to walk in such a way that you cannot keep up with him.

    The table calls for replenishing energy costs with approximately 12% - proteins, 33% - fats and 55% - carbohydrates, regardless of the severity of the work. In simple trips, this is correct and justified, because. "labor on the march" is comparable to labor in the workplace, for which the table was developed. In difficult hikes, with high intensity and duration of movement, I recommend placing more emphasis on carbohydrates, and often eat "fast" food on the way. This will allow you to keep the pace of movement and save you from hypoglycemia.

    Now about how nutrition works in practice.

    I once had a chance to go on a winter hike with my comrades, who took a lot, a lot of good garlic sausage, besides that there were also pates, there was also enough stew. The volume of cereals was small. There was not much chocolate, candied fruits, cookies and other relatively "fast" food. As a result, the sausage in the cold was hard, but edible. The pate was frozen so that it was almost impossible to eat it. And most importantly, there was a wild carbohydrate starvation. The diet lacked carbohydrate food. I have had hypoglycemia several times. At the end of the trip, one girl changed a large piece of sausage from the soldered snack for a small piece of chocolate. And no one wanted to change.

    In commercial tourism, food is an article on which you can save. On the rest of the articles - travel, visiting paid places, registration with the SRS (Search and Rescue Service), insurance, you can only save on insurance. Accordingly, saving on food is an additional income for the organizers.

    It happens that the fact that the organizers, it turns out, are vegetarians and do not eat meat, is hushed up. At the same time, the transition to a full-fledged vegetarian diet does not occur. Instead of stew, sunflower oil is added and that's it. In terms of the amount of food, it may be enough, but in terms of quality - a person who is not prepared for such a person begins protein starvation. I constantly want meat, even if you don’t eat a lot of meat at home. If you are used to eating meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it will be even worse.

    Another option is nutrition "correct", but not enough. People are constantly hungry. In one and the other case, the justification of the organizers is that we eat the same way. On this occasion, it has already been said about the different expenditures of energy in people of different preparedness. It's the same with diet. If a person is already accustomed to eating without meat or anything else, then it is easier for him to live like that than for someone who is not used to it. In addition, there is no certainty that the organizers do not have a stash, which they sharpen on the sly.

    Analyzing approaches to nutrition on sites like ours, I found such an item "we do not take stew, because it consists of water, fat and veins, we take sausage instead." Unfortunately, there is enough poor-quality stew, but the range of low-quality sausages is no less, rather the opposite. Good sausage is better than bad stew, but good stew exists. When they simply don’t take the stew, they also appeal to its quality.

    I also found "dairy for breakfast every day." I haven't seen groups where All participants would be delighted with dairy in general, and every day even more so. In such a radical dairy diet, I see 3 negative points. Firstly, in many Caucasians, as they grow older, the number of enzymes involved in the digestion of milk decreases, which leads to intestinal disorders when it is consumed. Secondly, milk is the most "fast" food. After breakfast, dairy will quickly want to eat on the go. And thirdly, if the hike takes place in the mountains, then our acid-base balance is shifted to the alkaline region due to a decrease in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide. This can lead to altitude sickness. Therefore, in the mountains, it is recommended to consume ascorbic acid to restore the acid-base balance. Milk, on the other hand, shifts the balance to the alkaline region, thereby aggravating the situation. Even if the mountains are not high, as, for example, the Crimean ones, when driving on them by car or even on foot, they lay their ears. There is no question of mountain sickness, but why run into it?

    Now, what do we offer in terms of nutrition.

    Two meals a day with hot breakfasts and dinners. And a few snacks along the way (as needed), one of which is solid.

    For breakfast and dinner, we prepare a side dish with stew. As a side dish, we often offer rice, buckwheat, pasta and yachka. Once or twice during a hike (with a six-day hike) we cook soup for dinner. Note: soup refers to real soup, not more liquid than usual porridge.

    We drink the main course with tea, optionally coffee with cookies, dryers, crackers or something similar, as well as condensed milk.

    For snacks we eat canned fish, sausage, pate, lard. And sweet: chocolate, sweet mixes, candied fruits, sweets.

    Sample menu for 6 days:

    Day 1
    snack: canned fish, chocolate, sweet mixes
    dinner: pasta with stew, tea (coffee) with breadcrumbs

    Day 2
    breakfast: yachka with stew, tea (coffee) with waffles
    snack: pate, candied fruits, cookies
    dinner: buckwheat with sausage, tea (coffee) with cookies and condensed milk

    Day 3
    breakfast: rice with stew, tea (coffee) with dryers
    snack: lard, cheese, sweet mixtures
    dinner: cheese soup, bacon, tea (coffee) with cookies and condensed milk

    Day 4
    breakfast: yachka with stew, tea (coffee) with dried
    snack: canned fish, sweets, cookies
    dinner: macaroni and cheese, tea (coffee) with cookies and condensed milk

    Day 5
    breakfast: buckwheat with stew, tea (coffee) with dried
    snack: pate, chocolate, sweet mixes
    dinner: fish soup (with canned fish), lard, tea (coffee) with breadcrumbs

    Day 6
    breakfast: rice with stew, tea (coffee) with biscuits and condensed milk
    snack: lard, candied fruits, cookies

    At the request of the participants, the menu can be changed both before the trip and during (if possible).

    If you do not eat any products for any reason, please let us know in advance. The menu will be agreed with you individually.
