
How to kill beer fume. Is it possible to hide the alcoholic aroma from others? Getting rid of fumes with proven methods

The fume becomes noticeable an hour after drinking alcohol. It is when the liver begins to process strong drinks into harmless acetic acid that an unpleasant odor comes from the stomach, which completely disappears within 3-36 hours. But how to get rid of the aroma of alcohol on an emergency basis?

TOP 10 easy ways to kill a fume

The best way to cope with the unpleasant odor after drinking alcohol can only be time. But if it is not there, then there are operational ways to “disguise” in case of unforeseen situations:

Oral hygiene

You can get rid of bad breath by simply brushing your teeth. If this is not possible at the right time, a special refreshing spray will help you. These funds begin to act immediately, but have an effect only for 15 minutes. As a first step in eliminating alcohol odor, this method is very useful and important.

Chewing gum

If you don't know how to get rid of alcohol odor without brushing your teeth, then this is an easy and affordable alternative. True, the effect is also short-lived - after 15 minutes, the smell of chewing gum will be weak and the fume will again make itself felt. Remember that mints and alcohol give an unexpected result - the situation only gets worse. Therefore, it is better to use fruit analogues.

Other flavors

If you want to learn how to kill the smell of alcohol at home, then the most affordable method is to chew nutmeg, parsley, roasted seeds or coffee beans for 2-3 minutes. This is enough to eliminate the fume for 30-40 minutes. But remember that your mouth will smell no less pungent than alcohol.

Large amount of liquid

It does not hurt to listen to the advice of doctors and find out their authoritative opinion on how to get rid of the aroma of alcohol. They believe that it is best to drink plenty of coffee or tea (preferably green). So you stimulate the kidneys and achieve a diuretic effect, which will help to remove the remnants of alcoholic beverages from the body. But this method is contraindicated for those who have unstable blood pressure or have heart disease.

Proper food

To improve overall well-being and get rid of the aroma of alcohol, you need to eat a hot first course - borscht or soup, and scrambled eggs for the second. In the first case, the body will receive a lot of vitamins, and in the second - proteins and amino acids. These elements will allow the liver to cope with the processing of ethyl alcohol residues. And for dessert, eat fruits that have a diuretic effect - strawberries, strawberries or watermelon.

Physical activity

If you don’t know how to kill the smell of alcohol with food, then just take a walk on the street and about half an hour will be enough. Or at least open a window, a window in the room where you are. Light exercise will not hurt either: for example, breathing exercises activate the work of the lungs. Therefore, take deep breaths and exhalations for 5 minutes - hyperventilation clears the lungs, as a result of which the fume is not heard so much.

Water procedures

A contrast shower perfectly cleanses the skin and removes alcohol toxins through the pores. But you should not swim in the river while drunk - even under supervision there is no guarantee that you will not start to drown. And it is not always possible to save an adult even by professional and experienced rescuers.

medical supplies

If you want to know how to kill the smell of alcohol with the help of special drugs, then remember at least the famous Anti-Policeman remedy - many drivers have tested the effectiveness of this method on themselves. But these drugs, by analogy with chewing gums, eliminate the unpleasant odor only for a short time - about an hour. Anti-hangover drugs do a good job with fumes: Limontar, Zorex, R-X 1. But activated charcoal and other sorbents will not help remove fumes, since its causes are in no way connected with the stomach, where these drugs act.


Salt solution will help to eliminate the fume for a while. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of salt with a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this remedy.

Bay leaf

These fragrant leaves must be chewed thoroughly. And then for a while you can forget about the discomfort, because of the unpleasant smell in the mouth.

You should not be limited to only one specific method - to quickly kill bad breath after drinking alcoholic beverages, use several methods at the same time. For example, drink fluids, eat the right food, and exercise. In the most severe cases, it does not hurt to drink a hangover cure. But remember that the final beer or vodka fumes will disappear at least three hours after the last glass or glass you drink.

There are many tips on how to get rid of the smell of alcohol. But not all of them are correct:

  • You shouldn't have a hangover. The fresh smell of alcohol will not improve the condition. Such experiments are fraught with drunkenness.
  • After taking alcohol, do not go to the bathhouse and do not lie in a warm bath. In such a situation, the heart begins to work hard due to a double load - alcohol + high temperature. Such an unsuccessful tandem worsens the condition. And some even end up in the hospital with disturbing symptoms.
  • If coffee beans help to eliminate the fume, then hot coffee and tea will not cope with this task. These drinks lead to increased dryness in the mouth, although at the same time they provide a good diuretic effect, which will not interfere.
  • Herbal decoctions (oats, chamomile, dandelion), mineral water and freshly squeezed fruit juices effectively restore the disturbed mineral-acid balance. But the unpleasant smell that comes from the stomach will not disappear.

If you cannot kill the fume in the morning, when alcohol intoxication has already passed, then the following recipes will help:

  1. For starters, have a good and proper breakfast. Drink a light broth, but not fatty, as such a dish increases the load on the liver. And she is already trying to remove alcohol toxins from the body.
  2. In the morning on an empty stomach, take one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Use flaxseed or walnut. True, not everyone will find it easy to drink oil.
  3. Fruits do an excellent job of eliminating unwanted odors that come from the oral cavity. Make a citrus fresh juice for breakfast or squeeze the juice from a kiwi.
  4. In the morning, drink a glass of mineral water with a tablespoon of honey, a small amount of ascorbic acid or lemon.
  5. Instead of coffee for a hangover, it is better to drink tea based on sage. Such a drink cleanses the body and eliminates the fume.
  6. Eliminate any odors, remove excess fluid and relieve hangover symptoms and decoctions of herbs such as dandelion, oats, bearberry.
  7. Add a few drops of vinegar to freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon. Rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture. This juice should not be drunk. Therefore, in order to completely kill its traces, rinse your mouth with clean water after the procedure. This will also protect your tooth enamel from oxidation.
  8. Always keep an infusion of peppermint or wormwood in your first aid kit. A couple of teaspoons of the extract should be poured with a glass of boiled water. Let the wormwood-based remedy infuse for twenty minutes. And mint broth needs a whole hour. Drink the resulting solution several times in the morning and you can remove the fume.
  9. Rinse your mouth with essential oils. Suitable cardamom, geranium, cloves. Prepare a solution for rinsing from a glass of water and a few drops of oil.

We have listed the most effective ways to get rid of the smell of alcohol. But the fume completely disappears only after complete sobering up. Therefore, before taking alcohol, remember what it is fraught with and control the amount of alcohol you drink.

The end of December-beginning of January is some kind of long jump between corporate parties and evening gatherings with friends and colleagues, visits from relatives. From all this, the head is spinning, serious stress appears, which is removed with a drop of alcohol.

But in the midst of a series of similar near-alcoholic pastimes, occasions suddenly occur when you absolutely need to exude freshness and purity, but there is still a smell from what you have taken on your chest. What to do and how to remove the smell of alcohol or fumes?

Let's make a reservation right away - the methods described below are only suitable for a cosmetic solution to the problem, they will not get rid of problems when contacting the traffic police. But after all, everyone remembers that even after a small portion of alcohol it is better to take a taxi or walk on foot, and not drive?

The difference between the smell of alcohol and the smell of alcohol

These two smells are fundamentally different from each other, and here's why. The smell of alcohol is straightforward: it can be felt only when there are remains of alcohol in the oral cavity - on the teeth and on the palate, in the stomach. Therefore, to get rid of, or at least a short-term disguise, it is enough just to brush your teeth properly and rinse your mouth well.

The fume appears later, after an hour and a half, and it is much more insidious in terms of smell. The reason for its appearance is the decay products of ethanol. They appear at the moment when the liver began to process the alcohol that got into the blood. Some of these breakdown products, such as acetic acid, for example, have a rather nasty, pungent odor.

The body removes them in three ways: through the lungs with breathing, through the pores of the skin and naturally through urination. The metabolism of alcohol conversion and complete elimination from the body takes about a day - and in the case of a large amount of strong drinks, it can take up to 48 hours.

How to get rid of the smell of alcohol

What to do if alcohol was taken literally half an hour ago and you need to mask the smell for at least the next hour?

Brush your teeth

It is optimal to take a paste with a pronounced smell - for example, mint. During cleaning, it will be possible to remove the remnants of alcohol not only from the teeth, gums and tongue, but also from hard-to-reach places - from the pharynx and from the back of the tongue.

Rinse your mouth and throat

It is best to carry out this procedure in two stages - plain water and a special rinse, it can be replaced with cool green tea or infusion of chamomile, mint.

Drink real coffee

This invigorating drink contains quite a lot of aromatic oils that cover the smell of alcohol for a while. It is best to drink coffee without milk and sugar and hold the liquid in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing.

chew gum

It is best not to resort to this popular but somewhat paradoxical method too often. The fact is that this is not the most aesthetically pleasing sight, which, in addition, is so noticeable from the outside that the action of moving jaws in itself can give you away with your head - especially if you are not noticed in such an addiction at normal times.

Chewing natural flavors

Greens, spices, citrus zest - all this can be easily found in the kitchen or in any store. These products contain quite a lot of aromatic oils that will successfully cope with unpleasant odors. The most effective are parsley, cilantro and nutmeg. Roasted seeds also help a lot. Coffee beans will help too.

How to get rid of the smell of fume?

If more than an hour has passed since the feast, it makes sense to add others to the methods described above in addition to speeding up the removal of decay products from the body.

Drink more liquid

Tea (black or green) or coffee is good. The caffeine content in them makes these liquids diuretic and stimulate the kidneys. Accordingly, all chemical compounds with an unpleasant odor will be removed faster.

Take a warm or contrast shower

The latter option is suitable only for those who are completely confident in their cardiovascular system, for everyone else it is better to limit themselves to just a warm shower with fragrant gel or soap. This will open and cleanse the pores of the skin.

Have a big bite

For example, scrambled eggs or steak, a good rich soup. Such dishes are rich in protein and amino acids, which will greatly help the liver work in an enhanced mode.

Add spices and pepper

Spicy spices greatly speed up the metabolism: you cannot expect an instant effect, but spicy soups - for example, the famous Thai tom yum or Caucasian khash - very quickly bring you to an almost normal state and block the smell of fumes for a while.

Exercise or take a walk

The point is to ventilate the lungs well: oxygen is needed for better oxidation of alcohol in the liver; the more the body receives it, the faster all processes will pass. With increased breathing, the lungs will also be cleansed, which means that the smell of fumes will gradually decrease.

There are different circumstances in life, and it may happen that after a stormy rest in the morning you need to be fresh as a cucumber. But, not only fresh, but also smelling good. And alcohol tends to retain its smell for a long time. How to get rid of this amber, in the common people, called fumes?

There are several options, so you can easily choose the one that suits you. But before you get rid of the smell of fumes, you need to find out why it appears. This will help to lead a directed fight against this disease.

Where is the smell from?

It's all about chemistry. All alcohol contains ethyl alcohol. When it enters the human body, it is processed in the liver, and one of the products of processing is acetaldehyde. It is he who enters the bloodstream, spreads throughout the body and is excreted through the lungs and sweat. Hence the smell. They themselves probably noticed that it smells not only from the mouth, but also from the clothes. So knowing where the unpleasant effect comes from, we can learn how to get rid of the smell of fumes. Let's go in order.

How to get rid of the smell of fume?

We learned that the whole thing is aldehyde, which walks through the blood. The smell will not disappear completely until this substance is processed and leaves the body. To make this happen faster, you need to take some action.

  1. Drink immediately after waking up glass of water with lemon juice and a spoonful of honey. Such a healing elixir will give you vivacity, as well as replenish the water balance in the body, which will contribute to the faster processing of acetic aldehyde. This drink can be replaced with sage tea or traditional pickle.
  2. Physical activity. As you know, when a person sweats, all toxins come out. This also applies to the products of alcohol processing in the body. So, after drinking the morning healing elixir, you should go straight for a morning jog. Moreover, you need to give it your all in order to get tired and sweat, and then the aldehyde will come out.
  3. After actively charging or jogging, it's time to step over to water procedures. The shower will wash away all the sweat with an unpleasant odor. If time permits, you can also take a bath with the addition of lavender or rosemary oil. This will not only bring a lot of pleasure, but also give your body a pleasant smell. And all the clothes, both from a drunken party and after a run, can be safely sent to the wash. She absorbed sweat with particles of aldehyde, and now only a washing machine will save her.
  4. Breakfast. You definitely need to eat well. It is better if it is fatty food. It will also contribute to the faster processing of alcohol decay products.

Steps to get rid of odor

All of the above methods are effective, but it will still take time before all the aldehyde is out of the blood and the smell disappears. Is there anything I can do to get rid of or cover up the smell? Of course have! Such methods help only for a while, and then the smell may appear again, but sometimes you need to be fresh and fragrant for not so long. So, we will learn how to quickly remove the smell of fumes.

  • You need something to chew this smell. There are many suitable products. For example, roasted coffee beans. The main thing is not to swallow them, namely, to chew for a long time. Cloves are also suitable, but not ground. It effectively neutralizes all bad breath. Parsley roots and leaves, mint leaves, dried bay leaves have similar effects.
  • Chewing gum. I think this is the first thing that everyone who has problems with bad breath decides to use. To eliminate the smell of alcohol, it is better to use fruit flavors, since strong mint flavors can only emphasize the smell of alcohol.
  • Walnut oil or linseed oil. You need to drink a spoonful of such a remedy. As a result, the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach is enveloped, which prevents, for some time, the release of aldehyde.
  • Salt. You need to take a tablespoon of salt and dissolve in water. Rinse your mouth with this solution. It also helps for a while.

Maybe you have your own answer to the question of how to remove the smell of fumes. Share it with us. In any case, the best thing is not to abuse alcohol, then you won’t have to get rid of the smell!

Laughter, joy, pleasant emotions are the faithful companions of the feast. But this action also has negative sides - bad breath caused by consumed wine, vodka or cognac.

To beat it out of your mouth, you need to eat properly and follow other rules for drinking alcohol.

How to drink so that your mouth does not smell of alcohol

Motorists who want to relax, employees of enterprises who hide their “weakness” from management or spouses who do not want to provoke their soulmate to a scandal often try to hide the smell of alcohol from the mouth.

To quickly, effectively neutralize the alcohol "loop", you can use certain techniques.

Method one: foresee the consequences and 30-40 minutes before the start of drinking alcohol, swallow 5-6 tablets of activated charcoal (calculated at 0.28 g per 10 kg of weight). The bioadditive will not only freshen your breath, relieve possible intoxication of the body, but also prevent the appearance of a fume the next day.

Method two: drink plenty of fluids with food and drinks. In this way, it will not immediately work out to kill the smell of alcohol, but it will help sober up. The fact is that an unpleasant odor can cause the accumulation of toxic substances in the vessels, lungs and liver.

Also, alcohol dehydrates tissues, causing dry mouth, thirst, therefore, to quickly remove intoxicating products from the digestive and circulatory system, you need to generously drink food - plain water, iced tea or compote.

Method three: choose the right foods for snacks. Before you drink the first glass, you need to eat a few dishes of meat, fish or cheese.

Food also should not be forgotten during the entire feast - in this way it will be possible to avoid alcoholic aroma from the oral cavity, fumes, intoxication at home without harm to health.

Products that suppress the aroma of alcohol

The main question that concerns the predominantly male half of the guests at the buffet table is what is there to eat to sober up attention and not smell of alcohol?

The list of suitable products includes fatty, meat dishes and side dishes for them. But there are foods and dishes that are able to beat off an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity as quickly as possible.

The best neutralizer of alcoholic flavors from the mouth is milk. Moreover, the fatter the product, the more effective and faster it helps. Before you knock down the alcohol flavor from the oral cavity, you need to make sure it is fresh - if possible, boil 2 tbsp. product.

If it does not clot, then the milk is ready for the detox procedure. No worse to hide the result of drunk alcohol will help chocolate or seeds.

A particularly relevant method with chocolate in the event that after a feast you need to go to work - a few pieces of chocolate eaten during the work process will not arouse suspicion and hide the aroma. Seeds are best for snacking on beer.

If the buffet is held at home or in a place where there is open access to the kitchen, then you can prepare a neutralizing dish - a salad of ripe tomatoes, fresh parsley and unrefined sunflower oil. To do this, you need 3 tomatoes, a bunch of aromatic herbs and 1 tbsp. oils.

If the feast takes place outside the home, then you can immediately evaluate the table and select smelling foods for yourself - dishes with a lot of greens, onions or garlic.

The latest fragrant and slightly burning products, along with the destruction of the alcohol plume, provoke the appearance of an even more unpleasant aroma. Therefore, it is better to replace them with fresh vegetables - cabbage, radish, celery. Fruits will also help - bananas, plums, persimmons.

Tricks of drinking alcohol

Even after drinking an impressive amount of wine, vodka, whiskey, he can look cheerful and not embarrass those around him with his fumes.

You can do this with some tricks:

  1. Vegetable oils- sunflower, olive, linseed. Getting into the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach, a viscous product creates a thin film on the walls of organs, which blocks the release of adelhyd into the air. This method well neutralizes alcoholic fumes, fume.
  2. citrus products. Half a lemon, 3 tangerines, a small orange or grapefruit will help to effectively bring down the smell of vodka, wine or beer. The healing effect of fruits is due to the presence of a high concentration of vitamin C in them.
  3. Aromatic herbs and spices. It helps very well to drown out the plume from the consumed alcoholic drink of cloves. To do this, you need to chew 2 dried unopened buds of the plant without swallowing. You can also replace the cloves with mint leaves, parsley branches or roots. The last ingredient is the most difficult to find in a store or even on the market, in addition to the fact that the parsley root interrupts the fume and the smell of recently drunk alcohol, it also has narcotic properties. Nutmeg, bay leaf, cinnamon stick are also faithful helpers in this problem. The main thing is not to overdo it with a portion of fragrant product and not to swallow them.

If you drank too much and do not want to advertise it, then you can chew 3-4 roasted coffee beans. But this method has contraindications - chewing coffee beans is categorically contraindicated in hypertensive patients, people with diabetes and arrhythmia.

In cases where, after all the methods used, it still smells of fumes from the mouth, you can use pharmacy products - "Antipolizey" (a herbal-based product with the addition of citrus essential oils), Zorex(which completely kill the smell), "Glycine"(aliphatic amino acid).

In order to urgently destroy the “ignoble” odor from the mouth due to drunk alcohol, you can resort to traditional medicine. All healing products are prepared on the basis of medicinal plants. Recipe one: 100 g of rose hips, 60 g of dry St. John's wort, 30 g of motherwort herb pour boiled water, leave for 15 minutes. After that, add 2 tbsp to the drink. honey and drink.

Another remedy that knocks down the fume is wormwood grass. Pour boiling water over 35 g of crushed raw materials, leave for 20 minutes and strain through a bandage or gauze. Use for mouthwash. Also for this purpose, peppermint or white alder leaves are used, but this will require only 15 g of raw materials.

Rinse recipes help best with regular procedures - once every 20-30 minutes. Many believe that this method is inconvenient during a feast. But if you prepare a gargle in advance, pour it into a small bottle, then none of the guests will notice the unpleasant aroma of alcohol during the feast.

But the best method of destroying the effects of drunk alcohol is a moderate dose. After 1 glass of wine, 30 ml of vodka or skate, the smell from the mouth will not change for the worse, even if there is nothing.

The standard situation, when a fun evening with alcohol turns into a hard morning, is familiar to many. It's great if you can afford to lie in bed, get enough sleep and slowly restore your former shape. And if not? In an hour or two there will be a business meeting, and all that worries you now is how to remove the fumes.

The unpleasant odor that appears after drinking alcohol means that the process of decomposition of ethyl alcohol is underway in the liver with the release of acetaldehyde. The body, seeking to get rid of this extremely toxic substance, throws it out through the lungs, skin pores and urine.

Of course, this begs the question of whether it is possible to speed up the decay process and how to remove the fume faster. Can. But for this it is necessary that the blood circulation in the body occurs more lively. And that requires physical activity.

If the amount of alcohol drunk the day before was significant, you should not overload your heart with a run or other active sport. Limit yourself to light exercises, including swinging your arms, legs, and turning your torso. An alternative to charging can be a regular aspirin. It thins the blood, improves its circulation, and, moreover, relieves headaches well.

Prepare freshly squeezed citrus juice (orange, tangerine, grapefruit) or cool water with lemon. This will regulate the water balance in the body and restore tone.

Take activated charcoal tablets at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg. body weight. Crushed and mixed with water, charcoal will absorb toxins faster than whole tablets.

Be sure to take a shower. It will not only give you a tone, but also wash away the released aldehyde from the skin. Send all the clothes in which you were the day before to the wash - it has steadfastly retained the smell of fumes.

If possible, walk to work. Fresh air will ventilate your lungs and clear your head.

These should be your first steps in deciding how to remove the fume.

But that's not all. The process of alcohol breakdown continues, which means that the smell is still there. Therefore, we have to find out what the fume is.

Doctors are of the opinion that it should be fatty foods. Fat, enveloping the stomach, will temporarily reduce the amount of aldehydes released. You can choose any dish according to your taste. It can be scrambled eggs with sausages, 300 gr. sour cream or rich broth with coriander and cumin.

There is an opinion that it is enough to drink any vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons. For a while, the smell of fume will be muffled.

There are situations when in a matter of minutes you need to disguise the traces of yesterday's party. Find out so you don't get confused.

Nutmeg is an excellent remedy and it is enough to chew them for 5-7 minutes so that the unpleasant odor disappears for a short period of time. The same property has cloves and parsley root.

The next method will take a little longer. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth. Then chew on two bay leaves. This will give you fresh breath for a longer time.

Armed with the knowledge of how to remove alcohol from alcohol, do not forget that the best remedy is not to abuse it.
