
What is the difference between thermostatic sour cream and regular sour cream. Inheritance from grandmothers: thermostatic fermented milk products

Sour cream is a fermented milk product produced by fermenting normalized pasteurized cream with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci.

Sour cream has a high nutritional value due to a significant amount of milk fat (from 10 to 40%), protein content (about 3%), lactose (3%), organic acids (0.7-0.8%) and other components.

Recently, for the purpose of rational nutrition of the population, sour cream with 15, 20 and 25% fat content has been produced in large quantities.

Currently, not only fresh cream is used for the production of sour cream, but also dry cream, whole and skimmed milk powder, frozen and plastic cream. Therefore, the consistency, taste and smell of sour cream differ from those of 30% fat sour cream.

The consistency of sour cream largely depends on the content of fat and SOMO, with an increase in which it becomes thicker, the separation of whey from the clot slows down.

Sour cream is produced in two ways: thermostatic and reservoir using cream homogenization or using low-temperature processing (physical maturation) before fermentation.

The technological cycle of sour cream production consists of the following main operations: acceptance and separation of milk, normalization of cream, pasteurization, homogenization, cooling, fermentation and fermentation of cream, packaging, cooling and ripening of sour cream, storage and transportation.

With the thermostatic method of producing sour cream, the cream after fermentation is packed in glass containers and fermented in a thermostatic chamber, after which it is cooled. This method produces low-fat types of sour cream, it is also used when using raw materials with a low SOMO content.

One of the conditions for obtaining high quality sour cream is pasteurization at high temperatures. The pasteurization temperature, depending on the fat content of the cream, is 92-96 ° C with a holding time of 15-20 s. This mode provides a more stable sour cream with a thick consistency during storage and with a pronounced taste of pasteurized cream, which is imparted by the formed free sulfhydryl groups, volatile carbonyl compounds, lactones, etc.

On quality cream has a significant effect on the homogenization of cream, which contributes to a significant improvement in its consistency.

Sour cream is packaged at fermentation temperatures or after partial cooling and left to ripen in refrigerators at 1-7 "C.

The main ways to improve the quality of low-fat sour cream with a traditional consistency are: high pasteurization temperature; homogenization and physical ripening of cream; packing by gravity with compressed air; adding food fillers, protein stabilizers to the cream.

Along with organoleptic indicators, when assessing the quality of sour cream, its acidity is taken into account, which should not exceed the values

Packed up sour cream in large (transport) and small containers. Sour cream intended for transportation and long-term storage is packed in wide-mouth jars with a net weight of 35 kg, wooden barrels with a net weight of 50 kg and in small containers: glass jars, cardboard or polystyrene cups with a net weight of 50, 100, 200, 250 and 500 g.

Small-packed sour cream of 20, 25, 30 and 40% fat content is stored at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C in a store for no more than 3 days, without refrigeration - no more than 24 hours. Dietary sour cream should be sold immediately after receipt.

To ensure a uniform supply of the population with sour cream, it is reserved and stored in large containers at temperatures from 0 to -2 "WITH and relative air humidity not more than 85% up to 3-4 months, depending on the quality.

When transporting sour cream, freezing, strong shaking should not be allowed, as this can lead to the release of whey, the appearance of a grainy consistency.

Sour cream- a fermented milk product produced by fermenting normalized pasteurized cream with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci.

Sour cream has a high nutritional value due to the content of a significant amount of milk fat (10-40%), about 30% proteins and 3% lactose, 0.7-0.8% organic acids and other components.

The range of sour cream differs depending on the mass fraction of milk fat, the use of various food fillers (SOM - skimmed milk powder, sodium caseinate, condensed milk, soft diet low-fat cottage cheese, MBC - milk protein concentrate, soy protein, vegetable fats). In the production of new types of sour cream, food additives (dyes, flavors, etc.) can be used.

More than 30 types of sour cream are produced in the country. The main types of sour cream include sour cream, which differs mainly in fat content.

Recently, for the purpose of rational nutrition, sour cream of 15.20 and 25% fat content has been produced in large quantities.

Sour cream of 15% fat content, sour cream with fillers (student 10% fat content, canteen 15% fat content, homemade 20% fat content, Special sour cream of 10 and 20% fat content, sour cream acidophilic, sour cream enriched with milk protein, "Moscow", sour cream "Protein"), etc.

Sour cream is a Russian national product, has a high calorie content.

Sour cream is obtained by fermentation from pasteurized cream for several hours at a temperature of 18-20°C.

Sour cream is subdivided depending on the mass fraction of fat (in%):

- low-fat - 10, 12, 14;

- low-fat - 15, 17, 19;

- classic - 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34;

- oily - 35, 37, 40, 42, 45, 48;

- high-fat - 50, 52, 55, 58.

Assortment of sour cream: dietary sour cream 10% fat; sour cream 20 and 25% fat; ordinary sour cream 30% fat, it is divided into the highest grade (acidity 65-90°T) and the first grade (acidity 65-110°T).

Sour cream is produced with fruit and berry, coffee, chocolate, protein fillers.

The quality of sour cream is of great importance. High-quality sour cream has a pure sour-milk taste and smell with a pronounced taste and aroma characteristic of a pasteurized product, a uniform consistency, moderately thick, glossy appearance. Sour cream of 20-, 25- and 30% fat content may not be thick enough, slightly viscous; for sour cream of 20% fat content, the presence of single air bubbles is acceptable.

According to the standard, fat content, acidity, mass fraction of solids for sour cream with protein fillers are normalized.

Pathogenic microorganisms are not allowed in sour cream.

If there was a fashion for dairy products, then jars marked "thermostat" would flaunt in the top lines of the most authoritative and high-status ratings. Kefir, yogurt and sour cream, made in the thermostatic process, are taking over the dairy market as modern technology combines with village traditions to create better products that bring maximum benefits.

For the sake of objectivity, it must be admitted that under the newfangled brand with a loud name, you can see a good old friend - a rural product from fresh milk from his cow, fermented at home and stewed in clay pots in the warmth of a Russian stove. The thermostatic production method allowed us to revive ancient traditions at a new high-tech level, returning to the origins of the production of natural dairy products.

Until today, we have been buying yogurt, kefir and sour cream made tank method . With this method, the starter is introduced into the pasteurized milk placed in stainless steel tanks with a volume of up to ten thousand liters. The ratio of such a starter to milk is 1 to 20.

Sourdough acts on milk at a certain temperature. The most important thing in this process is to accurately record the time when the acidity of the product reaches the required level. At this very moment, not earlier and not later, you need to start cooling. To do this, cold water is let in between the double walls of the tank. At the same time, the agitator, which looks like a huge fan with one blade, turns on. It breaks the clot to a homogeneous state.

With the reservoir method, a dairy product of a sufficiently liquid homogeneous consistency is obtained. It can be easily poured into sterile bottles.

This method is economically beneficial, as it allows you to produce large volumes of products with minimal time and resources.

At thermostatic method fermentation takes place in the same container, in which the product will arrive on store shelves a little later.

The expert of the agro-industrial holding “Brothers Cheburashkins. Family farm” Svetlana Vitkovskaya:

The main distinguishing feature of the thermostatic method is that milk or cream, together with the starter, is immediately closed, and the product is placed in a special chamber, where it is aged for some time and thickens. How this happens, I'll tell you on the example of yogurt. At the beginning, milk goes through several stages: purification, normalization by mass fraction of fat and dry matter, homogenization, pasteurization at 92-95 ° C, holding for 300 seconds and cooling to a fermentation temperature of 36-38 ° C. Then special yoghurt cultures (sourdough) are introduced, which allow you to get a dense consistency. The starter type determines the final product. Immediately after mixing the starter, the yogurt is sent to the filling machine for filling into cups. Jam is poured at the bottom of the glass, and fermented milk is added on top. The cups are transported to a thermostatic chamber with an automatically maintained temperature of 38-40 ° C, where the fermentation process takes place within 4-5 hours - a dense, undisturbed clot is formed. Then the cups with thermostatic yogurt are cooled to 2-6 °C and delivered for shipment. All this takes 24-36 hours. Our factory produces six types of this yoghurt. As additives, only jam made from berries with added sugar is used. By the same method - thermostatic - we make sour cream.”

Products made in the oven process have a thicker texture. Yogurt yogurt made by the tank method is easy to drink, and the same yogurt made by the thermostat method can be eaten with a spoon. Thermostatic kefir is less homogeneous than tank kefir. Thermostatic sour cream is distinguished by its natural density. The taste of thermostatic products is more intense and rich, at the same time it is more delicate and natural.

Thermostat-produced dairy products carefully convey to us all the useful substances for which we value natural milk so highly. The protein of thermostatic yogurt, kefir or sour cream is absorbed 30% faster than whole protein milk . Live active components of probiotic cultures with the thermostatic method retain the maximum healing effect, improving the functioning of all internal organs and human systems.

Thermostatic dairy products are extremely beneficial for baby food. Pediatricians recommend introducing thermostatic kefir into the diet of babies, starting from the age of 7 months. Thermostatic yogurt can be given to children from 9 months.

From a year and a half to extreme old age, it is very useful to take 200 g of kefir or yogurt daily.

By buying thermostatic dairy products, you keep up with the times, get high-quality nutrition and save your future from health problems.

Among the huge variety of dairy products on store shelves, thermostatic sour cream has recently appeared. Not everyone knows what it is, so they are reluctant to buy it yet. But those who have already tried it note that it is tastier than ordinary sour cream. In addition, it is even more useful. What is sour cream This is a fermented milk product that is obtained from cream and sourdough. Its fat content varies from 10 to 58%. Nowadays, it has become so easy to get sour cream that it is quite widespread in many countries. Sour cream can be used not only in cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Previously, before the advent of the separator, sour cream was obtained in this way: the milk was left to sour, and after a couple of days the settled top layer was removed and put in a cool place. Even our great-grandmothers used this method of sour cream production. Of course, such a product did not have a long shelf life. But such production did not cause any problems. Over time, this method faded into the background. Sour cream began to gain popularity and went into mass production. In some places it is still called "Russian cream". And now the milk is separated, then pasteurized and leaven is added. After gaining the desired acidity, the cream is left to ripen in a cool place. After that, sour cream is obtained in two ways: thermostatic and reservoir.

Thermostatic sour cream: what is it

With this method of preparation, sour cream is poured into a container in which it will go to the store. Special starter microorganisms are also added there and sent to thermostatic chambers with a certain temperature for fermentation. With this manufacture, sour cream is thick. And the reservoir cooking method violates the consistency, it becomes liquid.

Thermostatic sour cream - what is it? Many people who only saw it on the shelves wondered. It looks like something familiar, for sure it is useful. And if you read the composition, nothing more, cream and sourdough. It is this cooking method that retains its beneficial properties, the taste is brighter, and the product itself is juicy and fragrant.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many who understand what “thermostatic sour cream” means note its advantages over the usual one: sour cream prepared in this way is more viscous, it can be consumed with a spoon; each batch is not similar to the other, because thermostatic products are prone to change due to external factors (packing time, ferment, temperature storage conditions); live sourdough helps to establish the proper functioning of internal organs, improves immunity, contains beneficial microflora of probiotic cultures. Among the shortcomings of thermostatic sour cream, they mainly note a short shelf life and a rather high price compared to the usual one.

How to determine the quality of a product

There is a folk way to check the quality of sour cream. When pouring it from one jar to another, a "slide" should form, from which "waves" diverge, gradually falling off. If the product contains thickeners and stabilizers, the sour cream will simply blur when shifting.

Also, the quality can be judged by appearance. Good sour cream of white color, with a glossy surface. There should be no lumps or bumps. Natural sour cream has an almost pure sour-milk taste, sometimes it can be slightly sweet or with a taste of baked milk. All these criteria are met by the best, according to the consumer, varieties of the product.

The best types of thermostatic sour cream

There is not yet a wide variety of this type of product on sale. Most often, there are several varieties: Sour cream "Prostokvashino" thermostatic is considered one of the best due to the fact that it "reaches" in a jar in just a couple of hours. The bank itself is convenient, it does not visually stand out from the rest. The foil is under a tight-fitting lid. It is quite thick in texture. Also, the Brest-Litovsk thermostatic sour cream is in no way inferior to it. Very thick, they say about such "a spoon is worth it." Temostatic sour cream "Korovka from Korenovka" 20% according to reviews is the same in terms of density as the usual 30%. But it is very soft and delicious. These manufacturers are considered the most famous. There is also "Pershinskaya sour cream", "Azov product" and some others. Thermostatic sour cream: reviews Everyone praises its excellent taste, density and compares it with products from childhood. Many grandmothers fermented their homemade sour cream to the delight of their loved ones and baked pancakes to treat their grandchildren. Also, most buyers note a not very affordable price per can. In this regard, of course, it is cheaper to buy sour cream of the reservoir preparation method. But many say that you can pay extra for such a bright taste. - Read more on FB.ru.

Among the huge variety of dairy products on store shelves, thermostatic sour cream has recently appeared. Not everyone knows what it is, so they are reluctant to buy it yet. But those who have already tried it note that it is tastier than regular sour cream. In addition, it is even more useful.

What is sour cream

This is a fermented milk product that is obtained from cream and sourdough. Its fat content varies from 10 to 58%. Nowadays, it has become so easy to get sour cream that it is quite widespread in many countries. Sour cream can be used not only in cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Previously, before the advent of the separator, sour cream was obtained in this way: the milk was left to sour, and after a couple of days the settled top layer was removed and put in a cool place. Even our great-grandmothers used this method of sour cream production. Of course, such a product did not have a long shelf life. But such production did not cause any problems. Over time, this method faded into the background.

Sour cream began to gain popularity and went into mass production. In some places it is still called "Russian cream". And now they are pasteurized and sourdough is added. After gaining the desired acidity, the cream is left to ripen in a cool place. After that, sour cream is obtained in two ways: thermostatic and reservoir.

Thermostatic sour cream: what is it

With this method of preparation, sour cream is poured into a container in which it will go to the store. Special starter microorganisms are also added there and sent to thermostatic chambers with a certain temperature for fermentation. With this manufacture, sour cream is thick. And the reservoir cooking method violates the consistency, it becomes liquid.

What it is? Many people who only saw it on the shelves wondered. It looks like something familiar, for sure it is useful. And if you read the composition, nothing more, cream and sourdough.

It is this cooking method that retains its beneficial properties, the taste is brighter, and the product itself is juicy and fragrant.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many who understand what “thermostatic sour cream” means note its advantages over the usual one:

  • sour cream prepared in this way is more viscous, it can be consumed with a spoon;
  • each batch is not similar to the other, because thermostatic products are prone to change due to external factors (packing time, ferment, temperature storage conditions);
  • live sourdough helps to establish the proper functioning of internal organs, improves immunity, contains beneficial microflora of probiotic cultures.

Among the shortcomings of thermostatic sour cream, they mainly note a short shelf life and a rather high price compared to the usual one.

How to determine the quality of a product

There is a folk way to check the quality of sour cream. When pouring it from one jar to another, a "slide" should form, from which "waves" diverge, gradually falling off. If the product contains thickeners and stabilizers, the sour cream will simply blur when shifting.

Also, the quality can be judged by appearance. Good sour cream of white color, with a glossy surface. There should be no lumps or bumps. Natural sour cream has an almost pure sour-milk taste, sometimes it can be slightly sweet or with a taste of baked milk.

All these criteria are met by the best, according to the consumer, varieties of the product.

The best types of thermostatic sour cream

There is not yet a wide variety of this type of product on sale. Most often there are several varieties:

  • Sour cream "Prostokvashino" thermostatic is considered one of the best due to the fact that it "reaches" in a jar in just a couple of hours. The bank itself is convenient, it does not visually stand out from the rest. The foil is under a tight-fitting lid. It is quite thick in texture.
  • Also, the Brest-Litovsk thermostatic sour cream is in no way inferior to it. Very thick, they say about such "a spoon is worth it."
  • Temostatic sour cream "Korovka from Korenovka" 20% according to reviews is the same in terms of density as the usual 30%. But it is very soft and delicious.

These manufacturers are considered the most famous. There is also "Pershinskaya sour cream", "Azov product" and some others.

Sour cream thermostatic: reviews

Everyone praises its excellent taste, density and compares it with products from childhood. Many grandmothers fermented their homemade sour cream to the delight of their loved ones and baked pancakes to treat their grandchildren. Also, most buyers note a not very affordable price per can. In this regard, of course, it is cheaper to buy sour cream of the reservoir preparation method. But many say that you can pay extra for such a bright taste.

Among all, Prostokvashino sour cream is distinguished, noting its creamy slightly sweetish aftertaste. This is considered an indicator of naturalness.

It turns out that thermostatic sour cream is becoming more and more popular. What it is, more and more people know. This is a storehouse of useful vitamins and substances that favorably affect the entire body as a whole.
