
What is the difference between Olivier salad and Winter salad? Options for preparing your favorite salads. What is the difference between salad "Olivier" and "Capital": the main differences

Olivier salad came to us from the 60s of the 19th century and is firmly entrenched in cookbooks, records, memories, and now almost every housewife can cook it. In the original version, this dish included: boiled hazel grouse, red caviar, boiled beef tongue, capers and crayfish necks. Today, this composition has undergone significant changes, but in most cases vegetables, meat ingredient and dressing remain the basis.

Here are a few secrets that will help make your Olivier healthier and tastier:

  • It is better to cook vegetables without peeling, so they will retain more vitamins and minerals. It is even more useful to bake them wrapped in foil or cook them with a double boiler.
  • Don't spare the meat ingredient. Instead of sausage, put boiled meat in an appetizer, the dish will turn out to be less high-calorie and more “healthy”.
  • If you have a bitter onion, cut and marinate it in boiling water, a solution of vinegar, sugar and salt for 10-15 minutes. For 100-150 g of onion (1 pc) - 3 tbsp 6% vinegar, 3 tbsp boiling water, salt (1/4 tsp) and sugar (2 tbsp), the marinade should completely cover the vegetable.
  • You need to dress the salad just before serving, so it will retain freshness longer, and the vegetables will not lose their shape.
  • Dressing - mayonnaise is better to cook yourself, so you will be sure of its composition and freshness.

Now let's start cooking...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 gr.

BJU: 7/10/11.

Kcal: 156.

GI: medium.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 40 min.

Servings: 12 portions on 200 g.

Dish ingredients.

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 500 g (4 pcs).
  • Onion - 160 g (1 pc).
  • Chicken fillet - 300 g.
  • Carrots - 350 g (4 pcs).
  • Pickled cucumbers - 200 g (3 pcs).
  • Canned peas - 200 g.
  • Sweet and sour green apple - 200 g (1 pc).
  • Greens - optional.


  • Salt - 5 g (1/2 tsp).
  • Milk - 100 ml (1/2 tbsp).
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower) - 200 ml (1 tbsp).
  • Lemon juice - 15 ml (1 tbsp).
  • Table mustard - 8 g (1 tsp).

Recipe of dish.

Let's prepare the ingredients. Wash vegetables, herbs and fruits. Drain water from canned green peas.

We put a saucepan with water and chicken fillet on the stove (the water level should be slightly higher than the meat), cook at maximum heat until boiling, then reduce to medium for 20-25 minutes (check with a fork, pierce, if the juice is light and there is no blood, then chicken ready). To preserve the maximum benefit, it is better to lower the poultry fillet into boiling water.

All vegetables and eggs can be boiled in one bowl. To do this, take a deep saucepan, put potatoes, carrots and eggs in it. We put on maximum heat until the water boils, then reduce to medium.

Hard-boiled eggs - 12 minutes after boiling. Cooking time for potatoes is 15-20 minutes (we check the readiness with a fork, if it easily enters the tuber, then the vegetable is cooked). Carrots will be cooked in 20-25 minutes (willingness is determined in the same way as for potatoes).

While the main ingredients are cooking, prepare the salad dressing - homemade mayonnaise. This time I decided to make this sauce without raw eggs and replaced them with milk.

For cooking, we need a half-liter glass jar. Pour milk into it (1/2 tbsp).

Add salt (1/2 tsp), mustard (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tbsp) and vegetable oil (1 tbsp) to the milk.

We put an immersion blender on the bottom of the jar and, without moving it, begin to beat our ingredients until a stable emulsion is formed.

Five minutes and our homemade mayonnaise is ready. You can store it in the same jar, closing it with a lid, in the refrigerator.

Potatoes, carrots, onions and apples are peeled. We remove the shell from the eggs.

We tear the boiled chicken into fibers.

All ingredients: potatoes, carrots, onions, pickles, apple and eggs cut into small cubes.

Combine chopped in a deep bowl.

winter salad ingredients

What is the difference between Olivier salad and Winter salad? Favorite salad recipes

Every modern family and a single Russian person is well aware of the salads "Olivier" and "Winter". How are they different? What are the classic recipes for these dishes? This and more in this article.


The basic salad of the New Year's feast is everyone's favorite Olivier. The Winter salad recipe is a bit similar. Fairly simple ingredients that, combined with each other, create a special symphony of taste, and also look very picturesque on any table: New Year's or dinner.

The Olivier recipe is well known to both the wise hostess and the teenage schoolboy. Although each family has its own special zest that allows you to create a unique version of your favorite dish.

But not many people know that the real Olivier salad recipe, which was first prepared by the French culinary specialist Lucien Olivier in Moscow at the Hermitage restaurant (60s of the 19th century), is absolutely not the same as the Slavic peoples know it now.


Chef Olivier was very fond of improvising in the culinary field: creating new dishes, experimenting with ingredients. And so the incredibly delicious salad-cocktail "Olivier" was born.

In this dish, the main components were laid out in layers. And in the middle of the topmost one, a small hole was made, in which a slide of finely chopped pickles, boiled eggs and potatoes, capers was placed. Especially for the salad, Monsieur Olivier came up with a dressing that completed this - divinely delicious - composition.

But gradually the main ingredients of the dish became difficult to get on the shelves of Russian stores. And so they were replaced with those that were on sale. The Russians added more peas, boiled carrots, an apple, and so on. And the game was replaced with sausage.

Thus was born a new version of the salad "Olivier" - "Winter". What is the difference and recipes will be discussed further.

"Olivier" original

For 1 kilogram of salad, close to that prepared by the famous French chef, you need:

  • Pickled cucumber - 1 piece.
  • Hazel grouse meat - 0.5 pieces.
  • Olives - 4 pieces.
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces.
  • Cancer necks - 3 pieces.
  • Lettuce leaves - 4 pieces.
  • Mayonnaise sauce - 1.5 tablespoons.


Cut into even strips the pulp of fried hazel grouse, boiled potatoes and cucumbers. Mix ingredients.

Add olives (or capers). Season with mayonnaise sauce. Cool in the refrigerator and put in a crystal salad bowl. Decorate with crayfish necks (boiled), greens. Serve cold.

Grouse meat can be replaced with chicken, veal, partridge. And pickled cucumbers - gherkins.

Recipe for Russian Olivier

A modern salad is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 4 pieces.
  • Eggs - 5 pieces.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces.
  • Boiled sausage - 0.400 kg.
  • Canned peas - 1 can.
  • Bulb - 1 piece.
  • Greens - 20 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 0.200 kg.


It is quite simple to make a tasty and beloved salad by many: cut boiled potatoes and eggs, cucumbers and sausage into small or large cubes. Lay out canned peas (without liquid).

Salad "Olivier"

An original and tender dish is obtained by adding lightly salted salmon (or salmon).


  • Potatoes - 2 pieces.
  • Eggs - 3 pieces.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 0.200 kg.
  • Canned peas - 0.100 kg.
  • Bulb - 1 piece.
  • Greens - 20 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 0.150 kg.
  • Red caviar - 20 g.


Cut into even cubes: boiled potatoes and eggs, salmon, cucumbers. Pour peas to the ingredients (without liquid).

Finely chop the onion and herbs. Add to salad. Season with mayonnaise, cool.

Serve in a salad bowl, decorating with red caviar on top (see photo above).

Salad "Winter"

How is it different from Olivier? Some ingredients are replaced by others or new components are added to slightly modify the familiar dish.

For example, there is a version of the salad, where boiled meat or tongue is added to the sausage, and seasoned with a special sauce.

There is also a recipe for salad "Winter" with chicken and mushrooms or vegetables (the so-called "Winter Vitamin") and others.

Let's consider several options.

Salad "Winter". Classic recipe

Just by replacing some ingredients or adding new ones, you can make another salad - "Winter". How is it different from Olivier? Classic salad "Winter" is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 8 pieces.
  • Carrots - 4 pieces.
  • Eggs - 6 pieces.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 5 pieces.
  • Boiled tongue - 0.300 kg.
  • Boiled sausage - 0.200 kg.
  • Canned peas - 0.200 kg.
  • Bulb - 1 piece.
  • Lettuce leaves - 5 pieces.
  • Greens - 20 g.

For refueling you need:

  • Mayonnaise - 0.300 kg (can be replaced with yogurt or sour cream).
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  • French mustard - 1 tablespoon.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Salt, black pepper.


Put in a salad bowl finely or coarsely diced: boiled tongue, potatoes, eggs and carrots, sausage, cucumbers.

Add peas (without liquid) and chopped onion with herbs.

Prepare the dressing (mix all the ingredients for this, pass the garlic through the garlic and add to the dressing). Dress salad with dressing.

Serve in beautiful vases or use a round (square) dish to put servings on a flat plate.

Another version of the salad "Winter"

How it differs from Olivier has already been mentioned above - the addition of new ingredients. For example, chicken, mushrooms and cheese. And also the method of delivery.

For this version of the cocktail salad (that is, puff), the following components are needed:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.300 kg.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 6 pieces.
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pieces.
  • Mushrooms (champignons or others) - 0.200 kg.
  • Bulb - 1 piece.
  • Hard cheese - 0.100 kg.
  • Mayonnaise - 0.200 kg.


Form the first level of boiled chicken fillet cubes, coat with mayonnaise. Grate cucumbers on a coarse grater, form the second level, also coat with mayonnaise.

Grate boiled peeled eggs on a coarse grater - this will be the third level, mayonnaise. Lay out lightly fried mushrooms and onions as the fourth level, mayonnaise.

And the last, fifth level, is made from cheese grated on a coarse grater. Put in a cold place for 2 hours.

This, of course, is not quite a classic recipe for the Winter salad (how it differs from Olivier, it becomes clear from the set of products), but also a very tasty and desirable dish on any table.


Thus, there can be an innumerable number of options for preparing Olivier salad. And each housewife, cook can make this dish original and tasty in her own way.


Salad Winter - classic recipe with photo

Winter salad in Soviet times was often called not winter, but Olivier, and since then many culinary specialists have become accustomed to just this version of the name of the popular holiday salad, a delicious dish for every day.

Winter salad, a classic recipe, has changed throughout the past since the Soviet and post-Soviet era, the composition of the ingredients has been supplemented, and several cooking methods have survived to this day - with sausage, meat, crab sticks, beans, as well as various recipes Winter salad.

What do you need for Winter Salad? The ingredients for the classic Winter Salad remained the same - boiled sausage, pickles, potatoes, green peas, eggs; sour cream or mayonnaise is considered a dressing for a classic salad. Inquisitive modern housewives in Winter Salad recipes have begun to use yogurt dressing more often or mix sour cream with mayonnaise.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Instead of boiled sausage in a salad, chicken, beef, veal, pork, ham, smoked sausage can be used.

Winter salad is prepared by many housewives for the New Year holidays, that is, in winter, which, apparently, is where the name of the salad came from.

Classic Winter Salad, the recipe for a traditional dish is not much different from Olivier, Meat, Moscow, Stolichny - the ingredients are classic and almost the same, only the ratio of products in the recipes is different.

What is the difference between Olivier salad and Winter salad? The recipes are similar, the compositions of the salads do not have too obvious differences, a delicious Winter salad is prepared with sausage, pickles, fresh, with peas and without peas, with potatoes, eggs, seasoned with sour cream, mayonnaise; in the classic composition of the Winter there is no onion, and in the Olivier salad there is sausage (boiled, smoked) or meat, boiled carrots with potatoes, eggs, mayonnaise, onions.

We offer a classic recipe for Winter Salad with sausage, because the presence of a classic dish on the festive, New Year's table is remembered by everyone from childhood, in every home salad was considered and is still considered an attribute of the holiday.


  • sausage - 500 g;
  • fresh potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs - 5-6 pcs.;
  • pickled or pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;
  • canned peas - 1 small jar;
  • sour cream;
  • salt;
  • any greenery.

Recipe for Classic Winter Salad with Sausage

  1. Boil the potatoes in the "uniform" (peel), cool, peel and cut into small cubes.
  2. Hard-boiled eggs are also cut into squares.
  3. Crumble pickled cucumbers and sausage.
  4. Drain liquid from canned peas.
  5. We combine all the chopped products in a plastic container, mix.

Before serving directly, salt the Winter salad with sausage to taste, season with sour cream (you can half with mayonnaise), mix, put Olivier in a salad bowl, decorate with herbs.


What are the ingredients for a winter salad?


Fast and budget

Salad "Starolvovsky"

Salad with beans


What are the ingredients for a winter salad?

It is only in Europe and America that radishes appear when stores open. We have this vegetable "begins" only at the end of spring. But this circumstance is by no means a reason to refuse delicious vitamin salads in the “off season”. There are always several ingredients on hand that can be used to prepare a nutritious and healthy snack. In this article, we will look at what ingredients are needed for a winter salad. But first, a little theory.

Any salad, according to the canons of culinary art, should consist of three parts. The first is a vitamin, and at the same time a refreshing note. Without it, the salad will be a cold second course. The other part is nutritious. In summer light salads, it may not be. But in winter it is a must. And, finally, the third component of salads is sauce, dressing or dressing. And now let's look at all this using the example of classic Russian snacks that are customary to cook in winter.


For many people, the New Year is associated with the smell of fir needles, champagne bubbles, Christmas tinsel. But for a Russian person, this is, first of all, Olivier salad. Without it, the celebration of the New Year is impossible. And the housewives make it in such quantities to stretch until Christmas - a whole basin. But few people know that not everyone can afford the ingredients of the winter Olivier salad. If you believe the cookbook, which was published in 1897 (by Pelageya Alexandrova), then the appetizer of the French chef that glorified Russia includes the following products. Hazel grouse meat, crayfish tails, and clear calf's head broth (lanspic) served as the nutritious part. Of the winter vegetables, the composition included boiled potatoes and pickles. But for freshness, capers, lettuce leaves and olives were added to real Olivier. Isn't the appetizer too expensive?

Post-revolutionary metamorphoses of the classic Olivier

Alas, the Soviet man, who was about to live happily under communism, did not even see hazel grouses, capers, lanspices and crayfish necks. However, desperate housewives were not going to just give up. Various “substitutes” for expensive ingredients for the winter Olivier salad were used. Riabchikov was replaced with chicken or boiled tongue, and when socialism entered the “developed” phase, with boiled sausage. Instead of cancer necks, the proletarian culinary fantasy introduced hard-boiled eggs into the recipe. Capers with olives were replaced with boiled carrots, onions and canned peas. Well, lettuce leaves disappeared by themselves, like an unnecessary bourgeois decoration. Thus, from the old classic recipe, the Revolution of 1917 and the events that followed it “survived” only potatoes and cucumbers.

Classic "Winter" salad: ingredients

However, the appetizer, despite the fact that all delicacies were completely removed from its composition, turned out to be excellent in taste. By the way, it is this “proletarian” salad that has gained popularity abroad, and is now served all over the world under the name “Russian”. The saturating component there is boiled sausage. But in Russia itself, opinions about the salad were divided. People familiar with the glorious culinary past of the country refuse to dignify the Olivier dish, which was born in the years of total shortages. And they came up with another name for it - "Winter". By the way, if you apply the same set of ingredients, but use fried chicken fillet instead of sausage, you get a different salad - "Capital". There is also a festive version of the winter snack. In it, instead of sausage or chicken, boiled beef or pork tongue, or meat is used. Let's now, for example, create a classic Winter salad.

Fast and budget

The saturating part in this appetizer will be eggs (five pieces) and boiled sausage (400 grams). Refreshing ingredients for a winter salad are: a can of canned green peas, two pickles and one large onion. Neutral in taste, but satiating components are boiled potatoes (three tubers) and carrots (two things). The technology for preparing the “Winter” salad is no different from the usual Olivier salad. Potatoes, carrots and eggs are boiled. Then they are peeled and cut into small cubes. We do the same with sausage and pickles. The onion is also finely chopped. The peas are strained and added to the common pot. Don't forget to salt and pepper the dish! This appetizer is traditionally dressed with mayonnaise. Want to reduce calories? Then, instead of mayonnaise, dress the salad with sour cream. To increase the nutritional value, a thicker and richer aioli sauce is suitable.

Other famous winter salads

More than one "Olivier" can be eaten from autumn to spring. In the cookbook of a Soviet person, there were also such masterpieces as “Fur Coat”, “Mimosa”, as well as vinaigrettes, which each housewife prepares in her own way. Consider what ingredients are constantly present in the winter salad. Literally in every recipe we meet potatoes, and if it is not there, beans. These are healthy foods that saturate perfectly. They serve as a background for other ingredients, since they themselves do not have a pronounced taste. Of the vegetables in winter salads, carrots, onions, celery root, garlic, cabbage, and beets are also often present. They are stored for a long time, so they are easy to get in the winter. The saturating part does not depend on the season. It can be meat, poultry, fish, seafood, mushrooms, cheese, nuts. The problem with winter salads is the meager selection of refreshing ingredients. In the summer we can take radishes, fresh cucumbers, spinach and other greens. In winter, we will have to limit ourselves to apple, pomegranate seeds, orange, all kinds of marinades and homemade preparations. Although in today's supermarkets it is quite possible to buy fresh vegetables, and even arugula and cherry tomatoes.

Salad "Starolvovsky"

We bring to your attention a small selection of recipes for winter snacks taken from a Ukrainian cookbook. The ingredients for the Starolvovsky winter salad are as follows: four small red beets, five cloves of garlic, a handful of walnut kernels, a few raisins, a spoonful of vinegar. The cooking process will not require effort from you, but it will take some time. First you need to cook beets in their uniforms. Vinegar should be added to the water so that the root crop retains its ruby ​​​​color. It usually takes an hour to boil beets. Next, it needs to be cooled, peeled and grated on a fine grater. Squeeze garlic through a press to it. Roast the nuts, crush and add to the salad. Throw and steamed raisins. Salt. Fill with mayonnaise.

Salad with beans

Legumes are soaked overnight, but the next morning they cook for a very long time. Therefore, it will be better if canned beans are a saturating ingredient for a winter salad. Drain the liquid from the jar. We wash the beans. We clean four onions and three carrots, cut into small cubes. Fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Since we are not preparing a soup, but a salad, the root crops must then be thrown into a sieve to drain excess fat. We cut four pickled cucumbers into the same cubes. Mix with beans, onions and carrots. Salt the salad. We fill it with mayonnaise.

Pork ham salad with champignons

Despite the big name, this appetizer is very budgetary. What do you need for a winter salad? The ingredients are as follows: baked pork (boiled pork) only 200 grams. Pickled champignons - the same; two small tubers of potatoes; 100 g of hard cheese; four pickled cucumbers; two bulbs; a dozen walnuts; lemon; mayonnaise for dressing. Like any winter salad, we start cooking by boiling potatoes in their uniforms. We clean and cut it into cubes. Grind other ingredients in the same way. Sprinkle with lemon juice, season with mayonnaise. Now that you know so many winter salad recipes, your table will be enriched with new dishes.


What are the ingredients for a winter salad?

It is only in Europe and America that radishes appear when stores open. We have this vegetable "begins" only at the end of spring. But this circumstance is by no means a reason to refuse delicious vitamin salads in the “off season”. There are always several ingredients on hand that can be used to prepare a nutritious and healthy snack. In this article, we will look at what ingredients are needed for a winter salad. But first, a little theory.

Any salad, according to the canons of culinary art, should consist of three parts. The first is a vitamin, and at the same time a refreshing note. Without it, the salad will be a cold second course. The other part is nutritious. In summer light salads, it may not be. But in winter it is a must. And, finally, the third component of salads is sauce, dressing or dressing. And now let's look at all this using the example of classic Russian snacks that are customary to cook in winter.


For many people, the New Year is associated with the smell of fir needles, champagne bubbles, Christmas tinsel. But for a Russian person, this is, first of all, Olivier salad. Without it, the celebration of the New Year is impossible. And the housewives make it in such quantities to stretch until Christmas - a whole basin. But few people know that not everyone can afford the ingredients of the winter Olivier salad. If you believe the cookbook, which was published in 1897 (by Pelageya Alexandrova), then the appetizer of the French chef that glorified Russia includes the following products. Hazel grouse meat, crayfish tails, and clear calf's head broth (lanspic) served as the nutritious part. Of the winter vegetables, the composition included boiled potatoes and pickles. But for freshness, capers, lettuce leaves and olives were added to real Olivier. Isn't the appetizer too expensive?

Post-revolutionary metamorphoses of the classic Olivier

Alas, the Soviet man, who was about to live happily under communism, did not even see hazel grouses, capers, lanspices and crayfish necks. However, desperate housewives were not going to just give up. Various “substitutes” for expensive ingredients for the winter Olivier salad were used. Riabchikov was replaced with chicken or boiled tongue, and when socialism entered the “developed” phase, with boiled sausage. Instead of cancer necks, the proletarian culinary fantasy introduced hard-boiled eggs into the recipe. Capers with olives were replaced with boiled carrots, onions and canned peas. Well, lettuce leaves disappeared by themselves, like an unnecessary bourgeois decoration. Thus, from the old classic recipe, the Revolution of 1917 and the events that followed it “survived” only potatoes and cucumbers.

Classic "Winter" salad: ingredients

However, the appetizer, despite the fact that all delicacies were completely removed from its composition, turned out to be excellent in taste. By the way, it is this “proletarian” salad that has gained popularity abroad, and is now served all over the world under the name “Russian”. The saturating component there is boiled sausage. But in Russia itself, opinions about the salad were divided. People familiar with the glorious culinary past of the country refuse to dignify the Olivier dish, which was born in the years of total shortages. And they came up with another name for it - "Winter". By the way, if you apply the same set of ingredients, but use fried chicken fillet instead of sausage, you get a different salad - "Capital". There is also a festive version of the winter snack. In it, instead of sausage or chicken, boiled beef or pork tongue, or meat is used. Let's now, for example, create a classic Winter salad.

Fast and budget

The saturating part in this appetizer will be eggs (five pieces) and boiled sausage (400 grams). Refreshing ingredients for a winter salad are: a can of canned green peas, two pickles and one large onion. Neutral in taste, but satiating components are boiled potatoes (three tubers) and carrots (two things). The technology for preparing the “Winter” salad is no different from the usual Olivier salad. Potatoes, carrots and eggs are boiled. Then they are peeled and cut into small cubes. We do the same with sausage and pickles. The onion is also finely chopped. The peas are strained and added to the common pot. Don't forget to salt and pepper the dish! This appetizer is traditionally dressed with mayonnaise. Want to reduce calories? Then, instead of mayonnaise, dress the salad with sour cream. To increase the nutritional value, a thicker and richer aioli sauce is suitable.

Other famous winter salads

More than one "Olivier" can be eaten from autumn to spring. In the cookbook of a Soviet person, there were also such masterpieces as “Fur Coat”, “Mimosa”, as well as vinaigrettes, which each housewife prepares in her own way. Consider what ingredients are constantly present in the winter salad. Literally in every recipe we meet potatoes, and if it is not there, beans. These are healthy foods that saturate perfectly. They serve as a background for other ingredients, since they themselves do not have a pronounced taste. Of the vegetables in winter salads, carrots, onions, celery root, garlic, cabbage, and beets are also often present. They are stored for a long time, so they are easy to get in the winter. The saturating part does not depend on the season. It can be meat, poultry, fish, seafood, mushrooms, cheese, nuts. The problem with winter salads is the meager selection of refreshing ingredients. In the summer we can take radishes, fresh cucumbers, spinach and other greens. In winter, we will have to limit ourselves to apple, pomegranate seeds, orange, all kinds of marinades and homemade preparations. Although in today's supermarkets it is quite possible to buy fresh vegetables, and even arugula and cherry tomatoes.

Salad "Starolvovsky"

We bring to your attention a small selection of recipes for winter snacks taken from a Ukrainian cookbook. The ingredients for the Starolvovsky winter salad are as follows: four small red beets, five cloves of garlic, a handful of walnut kernels, a few raisins, a spoonful of vinegar. The cooking process will not require effort from you, but it will take some time. First you need to cook beets in their uniforms. Vinegar should be added to the water so that the root crop retains its ruby ​​​​color. It usually takes an hour to boil beets. Next, it needs to be cooled, peeled and grated on a fine grater. Squeeze garlic through a press to it. Roast the nuts, crush and add to the salad. Throw and steamed raisins. Salt. Fill with mayonnaise.

Salad with beans

Legumes are soaked overnight, but the next morning they cook for a very long time. Therefore, it will be better if canned beans are a saturating ingredient for a winter salad. Drain the liquid from the jar. We wash the beans. We clean four onions and three carrots, cut into small cubes. Fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Since we are not preparing a soup, but a salad, the root crops must then be thrown into a sieve to drain excess fat. We cut four pickled cucumbers into the same cubes. Mix with beans, onions and carrots. Salt the salad. We fill it with mayonnaise.

Pork ham salad with champignons

Despite the big name, this appetizer is very budgetary. What do you need for a winter salad? The ingredients are as follows: baked pork (boiled pork) only 200 grams. Pickled champignons - the same; two small tubers of potatoes; 100 g of hard cheese; four pickled cucumbers; two bulbs; a dozen walnuts; lemon; mayonnaise for dressing. Like any winter salad, we start cooking by boiling potatoes in their uniforms. We clean and cut it into cubes. Grind other ingredients in the same way. Sprinkle with lemon juice, season with mayonnaise. Now that you know so many winter salad recipes, your table will be enriched with new dishes.


What are the ingredients for a winter salad?

It is only in Europe and America that radishes appear when stores open. We have this vegetable "begins" only at the end of spring. But this circumstance is by no means a reason to refuse delicious vitamin salads in the “off season”. There are always several ingredients on hand that can be used to prepare a nutritious and healthy snack. In this article, we will look at what ingredients are needed for a winter salad. But first, a little theory.

Any salad, according to the canons of culinary art, should consist of three parts. The first is a vitamin, and at the same time a refreshing note. Without it, the salad will be a cold second course. The other part is nutritious. In summer light salads, it may not be. But in winter it is a must. And, finally, the third component of salads is sauce, dressing or dressing. And now let's look at all this using the example of classic Russian snacks that are customary to cook in winter.


For many people, the New Year is associated with the smell of fir needles, champagne bubbles, Christmas tinsel. But for a Russian person, this is, first of all, Olivier salad. Without it, the celebration of the New Year is impossible. And the housewives make it in such quantities to stretch until Christmas - a whole basin. But few people know that not everyone can afford the ingredients of the winter Olivier salad. If you believe the cookbook, which was published in 1897 (by Pelageya Alexandrova), then the appetizer of the French chef that glorified Russia includes the following products. Hazel grouse meat, crayfish tails, and clear calf's head broth (lanspic) served as the nutritious part. Of the winter vegetables, the composition included boiled potatoes and pickles. But for freshness, capers, lettuce leaves and olives were added to real Olivier. Isn't the appetizer too expensive?

Post-revolutionary metamorphoses of the classic Olivier

Alas, the Soviet man, who was about to live happily under communism, did not even see hazel grouses, capers, lanspices and crayfish necks. However, desperate housewives were not going to just give up. Various “substitutes” for expensive ingredients for the winter Olivier salad were used. Riabchikov was replaced with chicken or boiled tongue, and when socialism entered the “developed” phase, with boiled sausage. Instead of cancer necks, the proletarian culinary fantasy introduced hard-boiled eggs into the recipe. Capers with olives were replaced with boiled carrots, onions and canned peas. Well, lettuce leaves disappeared by themselves, like an unnecessary bourgeois decoration. Thus, from the old classic recipe, the Revolution of 1917 and the events that followed it “survived” only potatoes and cucumbers.

Classic "Winter" salad: ingredients

However, the appetizer, despite the fact that all delicacies were completely removed from its composition, turned out to be excellent in taste. By the way, it is this “proletarian” salad that has gained popularity abroad, and is now served all over the world under the name “Russian”. The saturating component there is boiled sausage. But in Russia itself, opinions about the salad were divided. People familiar with the glorious culinary past of the country refuse to dignify the Olivier dish, which was born in the years of total shortages. And they came up with another name for it - "Winter". By the way, if you apply the same set of ingredients, but use fried chicken fillet instead of sausage, you get a different salad - "Capital". There is also a festive version of the winter snack. In it, instead of sausage or chicken, boiled beef or pork tongue, or meat is used. Let's now, for example, create a classic Winter salad.

Fast and budget

The saturating part in this appetizer will be eggs (five pieces) and boiled sausage (400 grams). Refreshing ingredients for a winter salad are: a can of canned green peas, two pickles and one large onion. Neutral in taste, but satiating components are boiled potatoes (three tubers) and carrots (two things). The technology for preparing the “Winter” salad is no different from the usual Olivier salad. Potatoes, carrots and eggs are boiled. Then they are peeled and cut into small cubes. We do the same with sausage and pickles. The onion is also finely chopped. The peas are strained and added to the common pot. Don't forget to salt and pepper the dish! This appetizer is traditionally dressed with mayonnaise. Want to reduce calories? Then, instead of mayonnaise, dress the salad with sour cream. To increase the nutritional value, a thicker and richer aioli sauce is suitable.

Other famous winter salads

More than one "Olivier" can be eaten from autumn to spring. In the cookbook of a Soviet person, there were also such masterpieces as “Fur Coat”, “Mimosa”, as well as vinaigrettes, which each housewife prepares in her own way. Consider what ingredients are constantly present in the winter salad. Literally in every recipe we meet potatoes, and if it is not there, beans. These are healthy foods that saturate perfectly. They serve as a background for other ingredients, since they themselves do not have a pronounced taste. Of the vegetables in winter salads, carrots, onions, celery root, garlic, cabbage, and beets are also often present. They are stored for a long time, so they are easy to get in the winter. The saturating part does not depend on the season. It can be meat, poultry, fish, seafood, mushrooms, cheese, nuts. The problem with winter salads is the meager selection of refreshing ingredients. In the summer we can take radishes, fresh cucumbers, spinach and other greens. In winter, we will have to limit ourselves to apple, pomegranate seeds, orange, all kinds of marinades and homemade preparations. Although in today's supermarkets it is quite possible to buy fresh vegetables, and even arugula and cherry tomatoes.

Salad "Starolvovsky"

We bring to your attention a small selection of recipes for winter snacks taken from a Ukrainian cookbook. The ingredients for the Starolvovsky winter salad are as follows: four small red beets, five cloves of garlic, a handful of walnut kernels, a few raisins, a spoonful of vinegar. The cooking process will not require effort from you, but it will take some time. First you need to cook beets in their uniforms. Vinegar should be added to the water so that the root crop retains its ruby ​​​​color. It usually takes an hour to boil beets. Next, it needs to be cooled, peeled and grated on a fine grater. Squeeze garlic through a press to it. Roast the nuts, crush and add to the salad. Throw and steamed raisins. Salt. Fill with mayonnaise.

Salad with beans

Legumes are soaked overnight, but the next morning they cook for a very long time. Therefore, it will be better if canned beans are a saturating ingredient for a winter salad. Drain the liquid from the jar. We wash the beans. We clean four onions and three carrots, cut into small cubes. Fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Since we are not preparing a soup, but a salad, the root crops must then be thrown into a sieve to drain excess fat. We cut four pickled cucumbers into the same cubes. Mix with beans, onions and carrots. Salt the salad. We fill it with mayonnaise.

Pork ham salad with champignons

Despite the big name, this appetizer is very budgetary. What do you need for a winter salad? The ingredients are as follows: baked pork (boiled pork) only 200 grams. Pickled champignons - the same; two small tubers of potatoes; 100 g of hard cheese; four pickled cucumbers; two bulbs; a dozen walnuts; lemon; mayonnaise for dressing. Like any winter salad, we start cooking by boiling potatoes in their uniforms. We clean and cut it into cubes. Grind other ingredients in the same way. Sprinkle with lemon juice, season with mayonnaise. Now that you know so many winter salad recipes, your table will be enriched with new dishes.


Winter salad, step-by-step recipes for a popular winter table dish with a photo

Salad "Winter" is traditional for the New Year and Christmas feast. Its ingredients are available all year round. Winter salad is quite high-calorie, and thanks to this, it will help your body to have a good meal in the winter. Winter salad is usually prepared from meat or sausage, potatoes, green peas, boiled carrots, eggs, pickles, mushrooms or fish. Seasoned with mayonnaise, yogurt or sour cream. We suggest you prepare an original winter salad, the recipe of which with a photo and step-by-step instructions is presented below.

To prepare a winter salad, you need to choose meat and fish that are not too fatty, because fat will make the salad too heavy for the body, exacerbating the effect of boiled and salty ingredients.

They will add spice to the winter salad, burning and fragrant spices - hot peppers of various varieties, a mixture of curry and garam masala. Very handy in the winter salad will be cumin and coriander. These seasonings will warm you up in winter and remind us of summer.

The taste of the usual winter salad can be diversified by adding unusual ingredients to the salad - canned peas can be replaced with boiled chickpeas, boiled potatoes - with boiled celery root. Instead of herring, you can put salmon or baked chicken under the “fur coat”.

Be sure, if possible, add greens to winter salads - parsley, dill or green onions. You can grow these ingredients right on your windowsill.

Basically, boiled vegetables are used to prepare the Winter Salad. In order for them not to lose their shape and useful vitamins, they can be steamed.

Also, the salad will turn out to be healthy and tasty if you add soaked dried vegetables to it - eggplant, carrots, tomatoes or dried fruits. Vegetables that can be eaten raw - radish, cabbage, some root vegetables - add to the salad raw.

Useful properties of boiled meat

Many now say that meat is harmful to the body. And yet, it is a necessary product in the diet of a growing body of a young person, especially in winter.

Meat is a source of protein, which is the basis for building bones and muscles. In addition, meat aids in the digestion process.

The calorie content of meat depends on its type (from 100 to 500 kcal). Even on a diet, you can choose for yourself an acceptable type of meat that will help your body cope with beriberi.

Step by step winter salad recipes

Winter salad classic recipe

Classic winter salad - step by step recipe with photo

Ingredients: 300 grams of boiled meat or sausage, two medium-sized potatoes, half a dozen chicken eggs, two hundred grams of pickles, one can of green peas, salt, mayonnaise (or sour cream).

Meat, potatoes and eggs must be boiled and then cooled. Cut the ingredients into cubes. Although the eggs can be rubbed.

Water from a jar of peas must be poured through a strainer. Then mix the peas with the rest of the ingredients in a wide and deep bowl. Such a preparation for a winter salad can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

And already before serving, the salad is salted and seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. You can add various types of meat to a winter salad - beef, veal, sausage, pork or chicken.

Winter bean salad

Winter bean salad - step by step recipe with photo

Ingredients: boiled beans (canned) 200 grams, two boiled eggs, four onions, four carrots, four pickles, mayonnaise and vegetable oil.

Onions with carrots must be peeled, cut into cubes, pass through, and then stew a little under the lid. After that, put the onion with carrots on a sieve.

Winter salad with champignons

Winter salad with champignons - step by step recipe with photo

Ingredients: two hundred grams of champignons, two potatoes, 100 grams of canned peas, two carrots, two pickles, two hard-boiled eggs, green onions, vegetable oil and mayonnaise.

Potatoes, carrots and eggs need to be boiled. Then we cool everything, clean it and cut it into cubes together with cucumbers. In vegetable oil, salt to taste, you need to fry the mushrooms. After frying, the mushrooms must be mixed with chopped ingredients, and then green peas with mayonnaise should be added. We put the finished salad for a while for impregnation in the refrigerator and let it brew. And before serving, decorate the salad with finely chopped green onions.

Layered winter salad with red cabbage "Vitamin"

Winter cabbage salad - step by step recipe with photo

Ingredients: 300 grams of red cabbage (sometimes also called blue), a cup of boiled beans or chickpeas, 300 grams of pickled mushrooms (you can take pickled cucumbers or sauerkraut), large boiled carrots, three boiled potatoes, 100 grams of mayonnaise, two tablespoons of sunflower oil, two cloves of garlic, herbs, juice of half a lemon, salt and freshly ground pepper.

In a transparent salad bowl, the first layer should be put chickpeas or beans and grated potatoes. Then salt the salad and add dressing - sunflower oil and squeezed garlic. After that, add a layer of champignons (or cucumbers, cut into strips or sauerkraut) and a layer of grated carrots with mayonnaise to the salad. We lightly crush the blue cabbage with our hands and put it on the top layer of the salad, pour over it with lemon juice and decorate it to our liking!

Winter Salad Video Recipe


In winter, we crave hearty meals and warm drinks. When it’s cold outside the window and at heart, a bowl of hot soup or a glass of mulled wine saves us.

Come to our aid and, familiar from childhood, winter salads made from healthy seasonal products. Having prepared "Winter Salad", we will not only please ourselves with tasty and healthy combinations of products, but also, at the home table, we will give our loved ones a piece of our heart warmth in the harsh winter time.

This dish is prepared not only for the holidays. It has become a favorite everyday meal for many. Salad "Winter" will make it easy to diversify the usual menu and will not take much time to prepare. It needs products that are always in the refrigerator at any time of the year. And now we'll talk about how to cook "Winter Salad" with fresh cucumber, the recipe for which we will give.

What products are used to prepare the Winter salad (ingredients)?

Here is a list of the ingredients you will need to prepare. A portion is designed for an average family of 3-4 people, so this amount will be enough for dinner:

3 boiled eggs;
- 200 grams of boiled beef or chicken;
- 3 boiled potatoes;
- 2 fresh cucumbers;
- jar;
- greens, medium-sized onion.

Many recipes also include boiled carrots. It gives the salad a more piquant flavor, but should be very finely chopped.

Cooking "Winter" salad step by step

1. So, boil the chicken or a piece of beef until tender, adding salt to the water. When the meat has cooled slightly, it remains to cut it into small cubes.

2. We also boil the potatoes, cool, peel and also cut into small cubes.

3. Cut cucumbers in the same way. They must first be tasted: perhaps the peel will have a bitter aftertaste. In this case, it must be cleared.

4. Grind boiled and peeled eggs.

5. We put all the components in a large container so that it is convenient to mix and refill. But we don’t add mayonnaise yet, as we will still cook it ... Now we add only chopped onions and herbs. If it was not possible to find greenery in winter, it's not scary. The refreshing taste of cucumbers will be a pleasant component of the dish.

What is the difference between Olivier and winter salad?

Fresh cucumber is the ingredient that, perhaps, is the main difference between this salad and the traditional Olivier for us.

However, if we turn to historical facts, we can learn a lot of interesting things about what it is, after all, the real one? We are accustomed to the classic recipe, and many of us do not even suspect that in the original preparation, grouse meat and black caviar, capers and crayfish necks, lettuce and olives are put in it. Due to the fact that these products are quite scarce and expensive, enterprising housewives have replaced them with more affordable ones. The taste turned out no worse, there are a lot of variations: someone cooks with meat, someone with sausage or ham, someone with chicken.

"Winter", which we continue to talk about on this page www.site, has firmly entered the top three most popular salads that housewives like to cook at any time of the year.

6. Making homemade mayonnaise for the "Winter" salad

We put the prepared and chopped products in the refrigerator, and in the meantime we proceed to the next step. To make the dish as healthy and tasty as possible, it is better to cook mayonnaise for dressing at home from proven ingredients. For this we need:

1 egg yolk;
- 1 tsp mustard;
- 150 ml of vegetable oil (we give preference to olive oil);
- 2 tablespoons of cold water;
- 2 tablespoons fresh;
- 1.5 teaspoons of sugar;
- 1/3 teaspoon of salt.

Thoroughly mix the egg yolk with sugar, salt and mustard. Beat everything intensively with a fork or blender.

Gradually add vegetable oil, making sure that the mass is obtained a homogeneous consistency.

Dilute lemon juice with water and also carefully pour into mayonnaise.

Lightly beat the resulting mass and send it to the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

7. You can fill our salad with mayonnaise and serve in portions at the dinner table.

8. If desired, you can add some spices, black pepper and salt to taste - it all depends on personal gastronomic preferences.

From my experience...

If the cooked dish turned out to be too much, you should not season with mayonnaise all at once. It is better to set aside the amount that will be served for dinner, and put the rest in the refrigerator, covering it with a film so that the vegetables do not weather.

By the way, you can replace chicken and beef meat in the Winter Salad with an ordinary doctor's sausage or ham.

If you don’t want to cook mayonnaise yourself either, then take a light store-bought one with about 30-40% fat content.

The dish is very nutritious, satisfying and fragrant. A beautifully decorated salad "Winter" will become a decoration of a festive feast and will be able to replace Olivier very worthily. It is appropriate with any side dish - with hot mashed potatoes, meatballs, pasta and other products.

Olivier salad belongs to the category of generally recognized dishes. Its advantages are satiety, availability of ingredients, ease of preparation and appetizing appearance. However, the housewives also know another salad with a similar composition, called winter. What is the difference between the two mentioned dishes, and is there any difference at all? Let's try to figure it out.

First of all, let's pay tribute to the Frenchman Olivier, who once lived a long time ago, who once invented a culinary masterpiece in the form of a salad. The cook took many secrets with him, but nevertheless, in general terms, the dish was subsequently reproduced. I must say, what we indulge ourselves with now is not at all like the original version of the dish.

According to the first mentioned recipe, fried hazel grouse was an important component of Olivier. It was chopped and mixed with boiled potatoes. Cucumbers (usually fresh), olives and capers were also added there. The dressing was a unique Provence sauce. The mass laid out in a vase was decorated with crayfish necks, pieces of lanspic (broth frozen to a state of jelly) and lettuce.

Over time, the composition of the dish has changed a lot. Instead of scarce and expensive products, more familiar and affordable ones began to be used. It is noteworthy that this appetizer did not become less adored by the population. In Soviet times, Olivier especially fell on the New Year's table. By that time, the popular dish was made from potatoes, sausage cubes, canned peas, chopped eggs and cucumbers. These ingredients were mixed with mayonnaise.

To date, the classic recipe is presented in the same form. In addition, there are various variations of Olivier. They appear when someone brings their own twist to a traditional composition. For example, boiled carrots, ham or apples can be introduced into the dish. Some components are sometimes excluded or replaced by others. In this case, the resulting result often acquires a new name.

As for the winter salad, most often it means the very Olivier. But in this case, it was noticed that the products for creating the dish can be easily purchased in the cold season, unlike the ingredients of some "summer" options. In addition, here again there is a hint of the New Year holidays.

There is also another version. It states that Olivier is an appetizer, where sausage is certainly present, and a salad with meat is a winter salad. Whatever the name of the culinary product, it turns out delicious and is suitable not only for exceptional occasions, but also as a hearty everyday meal.

And now you are going to cook salads for the holiday, because they are an integral part of the feast. You start looking at recipes and notice that some dishes are very similar in ingredients to the classic Olivier. But why, in this case, do they have different names and what is their difference?

What is the difference between salad "Olivier" and "Capital": the main differences

These two snacks are similar both visually, in design, and in recipe. They contain salinity, peas, meat products, mayonnaise and chicken eggs. In addition, they are prepared in exactly the same way - you just need to cut the necessary components and mix them, season with mayonnaise.

According to historical data, the salad called "Olivier" was invented much earlier, back in the 19th century. Of course, then he had a different recipe, but still. It was prepared by the French chef Lucien Olivier and included the most expensive ingredients. The composition of the original included veal tongue, hazel grouse, caviar, truffles, etc. Alas, even today such ingredients are available only to a few. That is why the salad recipe has been modified and simplified over time.

The recipe for the "Capital" salad was developed a little later, in the 1930s. It is based on the Olivier recipe. The original composition included such components as cucumbers, potatoes, poultry meat, eggs, olives, mayonnaise, sauce. As you can see, this recipe is much simpler.

Later, other ingredients such as peas and carrots were added to salad recipes.

What is the difference between "Olivier" and "Capital" salad? When preparing the first hostess, they often use varenka, ham. For the preparation of the second - boiled chicken fillet.

In addition, you can notice that there are more potatoes in Olivier . If we talk about carrots, it can be added or not to both salads.

Another distinguishing feature is the serving of appetizers. It may also differ, but some recipes indicate that it is better to lay the “Capital” in layers rather than mix the components.

As you can see, there are not so many differences, and the most significant is that "Capital" is less budgetary, since it contains meat, and not boiled sausage.

What is the difference between "Olivier" and "Winter": distinctive features

Another salad, which is an analogue of the classic "Olivier" - "Winter". It got this name for the reason that it is cooked most often in winter, because not all vegetables are available during this period.

What is the difference between "Olivier" and "Winter"? There are not so many distinctive features, besides, they are not fundamental. That is why many believe that these two names mean the same salad. In "Winter" fresh cucumber is used, in "Olivier" - most often pickled or salted. There are no carrots in Zimny.

What is the difference between the salad "Olivier" from the "Capital" and "Winter"? Their distinguishing features are insignificant, which is why each hostess has her own recipe and adds to the dish those ingredients that she and her household like.
