
How is Pepsi different from Coca-Cola? The difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

Trademarks Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola today occupy a separate, historically established niche of drinks. In an attempt to pull the consumer blanket over themselves, the beverage companies have been waging advertising wars since time immemorial.


Pharmacists have invented Pepsi and Coca-Cola as a stimulating, uplifting drug that can even improve digestion. By the way, both pharmaceutical discoveries were patented.

So. At the beginning of its century-long journey, colas had a fundamental difference: Coca-Cola included cocaine from coca leaves and caffeine from kola nuts. Pepsi-Cola contained neither. The objective boundaries between drinks began to blur in 1903, when cocaine was banned from the production of Coca-Cola.

Further more. The composition of both "counts" was constantly changing. So, about 70 years have passed since the first day of the appearance of Coca-Cola, and caffeine was withdrawn from its composition as a tranquilizer. "Tranquilizing? But what about coffee? - You ask. “No way,” we answer you. This is because coffee contains very little caffeine. There is even less of it than in green tea. There is also a certain percentage of caffeine in "colas", but it is so reduced that it is not able to cheer up even a well-rested person.

Today, both drinks consist mainly of sugar and water. They also contain various acids, such as citric acid. By the way, in this part of the article it would be appropriate to debunk the myth that a piece of meat can be dissolved in a glass of cola. So: a piece of meat can be dissolved in any liquid where there is citric acid. But after all, we eat an orange, while receiving only one benefit for the body.

Just like all carbonated drinks, colas contain colorants, acidity regulators, preservatives, and other additives.

...and practice

If you ask any person what he loves more, Pepsi or Coca-Cola, then the answer will be unambiguous - either one or the other. Do you think it's a matter of taste? Not at all.

Scientists say that a person is not able to distinguish a glass of Coca-Cola from the same one with Pepsi. No color, no taste, no smell. Your brain gives preference to any of these drinks, but not your receptors. That is, it all depends on the strength of the brand and the advertising company. And if someone does not believe - try this experiment for yourself. It is desirable several times in order to exclude the possibility of coincidence. Experience can be put into

Trademarks Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola today occupy a separate, historically established niche of drinks. The companies that produce these drinks have been fighting advertising wars since ancient times. They fight in everything: who has better taste, who has a wider line, who has a steeper bank, who has more expensive advertising. Not to mention the volume of sales.

Both main drinks are located in supermarkets side by side, and which rack the hand reaches for more often depends on which direction both companies will move. Consumers themselves are also participating in these battles, dividing into two opposing camps and actively guiding their favorite brands in the direction they need.

Did you know, for example, that several hundred thousand Americans sued Coca-Cola to get the old recipe back? And that a larger volume of Pepsi-Cola bottles is a tribute to the historical success of the Great Depression?

A bit of history...
The battle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola began in 1898. It was then, 12 years after the advent of Coca-Cola, a New Bern pharmacist sold his first Brad's Drink, later renamed Pepsi-Cola.
Pepsi during the Great Depression was sold in bottles of 340 ml, while cola - 170. And the price remained the same - 5 cents per bottle. Such price dumping was accompanied by advertising. Pepsi-Cola doubled its sales from 1936 to 1938.
The marketing war reached its peak in the 80s, when Pepsi-Cola got as close as possible to its principal opponent. "Blind tests" then showed that consumers prefer Pepsi-Cola if they try drinks from ordinary glasses and do not see the labels.
Historically, Coca-Cola appeared before Pepsi-Cola. Although both drinks were invented by pharmacists as an exciting, amusing medicine that can even improve digestion. By the way, both pharmaceutical discoveries were patented.
At the beginning of its century-long journey, "colas" had a cardinal difference: Coca-Cola included cocaine from coca leaves (by the way, the favorite drug of the Indians of Bolivia) and caffeine from the cola nut; in the manufacture of Pepsi-Cola, pepsin caffeine from kola nuts was used. The objective boundaries between drinks began to blur in 1903, when cocaine was banned from being used in the production of Coca-Cola.

The composition of both "counts" was constantly changing. So, about 70 years have passed since the first day of the appearance of Coca-Cola, and caffeine was withdrawn from its composition as a tranquilizer. This is because coffee contains very little caffeine. There is even less of it than in green tea. There is also a certain percentage of caffeine in "colas", but it is so reduced that it is not able to cheer up even a well-rested person.

In the spring of 1985, Coca-Cola launched New Coke, a sweeter drink with more pronounced vanilla and orange notes, that is, as close as possible to the competitor. The results of the blind tests were very encouraging: people chose the new cola. A public scandal began: fans of the classic Coca-Cola united and demanded that everything be returned as it was and filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer.
Coca-Cola Classic appeared in stores. After a while, the word Classic disappeared from cans and bottles, because New Coke was completely discontinued and there was no longer any need to separate the two drinks.

And Pepsi-Cola again found itself in the role of catching up. Realizing that things were going even worse than before the competitors' prescription scandal, Pepsi-Cola launched another rebrand in 1991. The name of the drink was taken out of the circle, made it fashionably inclined, and a red inclined plate was attached to the circle.

24 years after Pepsi-Cola launched Pepsi-Cola Throwback, a soda made from a 70s recipe, for 8 weeks in the States. Demand has been so life-affirming that the company announced this week that it will permanently sell Pepsi-Cola classics as long as people buy them.
Let's go back to the 90s. Work on a large-scale project for the worldwide reincarnation of the trademark began in 1992. Tasks were identified quickly. The main thing that was required from the developers was to make Pepsi-Cola as easily recognizable all over the world as standard red cans and bottles of Coke. Everything related to the brand in one way or another, from cans and bottles to branded vans and store refrigerators, had to be exclusively blue.

Today, both drinks consist mainly of sugar and water. They also contain various acids, such as citric acid. It burns the gastric mucosa, while causing a false feeling of lack of water in the body, simply speaking, thirst.

If you ask any person what he loves more, Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola, then the answer will be given unequivocally, either one or the other. Do you think it's a matter of taste? Scientists say that a person is not able to distinguish a glass of Pepsi-Cola from the same glass of Coca-Cola. No color, no taste, no smell. Your brain gives preference to any of these drinks, but not your receptors. That is - it all depends on the strength of the brand and the advertising company. And if someone does not believe - try this experiment for yourself. It is desirable several times in order to exclude the possibility of coincidence.

Market Battle
Coca-Cola receives 74 percent of its income from the international market, Pepsi-Cola - only 48. Coca-Cola is actively present in almost all countries of the world, including developing countries and countries of the third (up to the tenth) world. According to 2008 data, Coca-Cola controlled 42.7% of the US market, Pepsi-Cola - 30.8%. But Pepsi-Cola is making a competitor in India (since recently), Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and five Canadian provinces.

Today, in the 21st century, everything is focused on customers. Entrepreneurs are trying to influence them by bringing innovation to the market. Company executives, with the help of marketers, seek to draw the attention of consumers to their product, but behind every good product there must be good advertising, a unique brand and features that distinguish the product of one manufacturer from the product of another. We chose this topic because we consider it interesting, useful and relevant, because knowledge of why a consumer chooses a particular product is of great value today. The purpose of our study is to understand, using the example of carbonated drinks, why one brand is most successful, while the second brand represents, in fact, the same product.

Today, everyone knows the Pepsi and Coca-Cola trademarks, which occupy a special niche due to their fame. The companies that make them have been in advertising wars for a long time, fighting for product taste, sales volume, leadership in design and advertising. It is these that we will explore in more detail.

We have set the following tasks:

  1. Conduct an analytical analysis of the success stories of the Pepsi and Coca-Cola brands
  2. Conduct an experiment to get data on whether consumers taste these two drinks differently
  3. Analyze all the collected and received data, draw a conclusion in accordance with the main purpose of the study

During the study, we used the following methods:

The participant of the experiment was asked to taste 6 cups of drinks. The experiment consisted of 3 stages of 2 cups, which could contain both different and identical drinks. At each stage, the participant had to taste the drinks and determine which of the two cups contained Pepsi and which contained Coca-Cola. Before the start of the tasting, the participants voiced their preference among the two drinks and how often they drink them.

The experiment involved 146 people. The results obtained were processed by a statistical method. Statistical methods include both experimental and theoretical principles. Statistics come primarily from experience; not without reason it is often defined as the science of general methods of processing the results of an experiment. The processing of massive experimental data is an independent task. However, in most cases, for the processing of experimental statistical material, mathematical models of the phenomenon under study are used, which are based on the ideas and methods of probability theory.

Probability theory is the science of mass random phenomena. Mass character means that huge quantities of homogeneous phenomena (objects, processes) are being studied. Randomness also means that the value of the considered parameter of an individual phenomenon (object) is basically independent and not determined by the values ​​of this parameter for other phenomena included in the same set. The main characteristic of a mass random phenomenon is the probability distribution.

Based on the data obtained, only 8 respondents really distinguished the taste of the two drinks, however, it should be noted that there is a certain probability of guessing the correct answers.

The probability of guessing 3 times out of 3 tests is 0.02, that is, 2 out of 100 people can randomly give the correct answers. This probability is calculated by the formula

Where P(k) A smooth k times at n independent tests, p- probability of occurrence of an event A at every test.

In our case, it turns out that about 5 people out of 146 can really distinguish these drinks from each other.

Most of the participants - 89 people, when asked which of the two sodas they prefer, called "Coca-Cola", another 36 people - "Pepsi", the rest did not express a definite preference. Many have argued that the taste of the two drinks is different and they can tell it apart. The experiment showed that 45 people did not give a single correct answer, they do not distinguish these drinks at all. 60 people correctly identified one pair out of three. Given the probability of guessing, which is equal to 0.42, it can be argued that 62 people out of all participants most likely accidentally gave one correct answer. 31 people correctly identified drinks two out of three times. Of these, about 20 people could guess the correct answers in terms of probability theory. The results of the experiment and the probability of randomly guessing the correct answers are given in Table. 1. An extended version of the table with the results of the experiment is available at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JdAUVqdMCW_0_D6yxWD6CwW5HiNYkxoJYD8g4YufyZk/edit?usp=sharing

Table 1. Results of the experiment and the probabilities of guessing by chance

Based on the results obtained, it can be argued that the drinks have really very similar taste, almost indistinguishable. Even those who regularly consume one type of drink and consider it to be distinct in taste are likely to be mistaken. The choice of people's preferences among these two products is mainly and impressively influenced by the brand, advertising company, product packaging, and only to a small extent by taste.

In 1975, the management of the Pepsi-Cola company conducted an experiment called the "Pepsi Challenge", during which hundreds of representatives set up stands in stores and supermarkets around the world and offered all visitors to taste two drinks - "Pepsi" and "Coke", without speaking what cups they are in, and express your taste preference. It turned out that more than half of those surveyed chose Pepsi, but in the global market it could not surpass Coke.

Carol Dollard, Pepsi's former director of new product development, argued that there was a big difference between the first sip of soda and the bottom of the can. The thing is, when taking a single sip, people tend to choose a sweeter drink (in our case, this is Pepsi), but if we are talking about a large amount and constant use, then this threatens to increase blood sugar levels. According to M. Gladwell (Canadian journalist and pop sociologist), this is precisely what caused Coke to maintain its leading position in the market.

Twenty-eight years later, in 2003, Dr. Reed Monague, director of the Neuroimaging Laboratory at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, wanted to look deeper into the results of the test and repeated the study using MRI to understand what was going on in the minds of sixty-seven volunteer tasters. To this day, the doctor works in the field of neuroscience, called "neuromarketing" - this is the study of brain activity related to economics, ethics and other social sciences. At the beginning of the experiment, he asked each participant if he felt the difference between the drinks and which one he preferred. The results were the same - Pepsi won again. Brain studies of the participants confirmed this information. While the volunteers sipped Pepsi, their dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, areas of the brain associated with positive thoughts and memories of pleasant emotions, were activated. However, in the second phase of the study, Dr. Montagu made some changes - he let the participants know which of the drinks, Pepsi or Coke, they would try. As a result of this information, 75% of the respondents answered that they liked "Coke" more. What's more, Montagu found that the increased activity had become inherent in another area of ​​the brain. An increase in blood flow was recorded in the median prefrontal area of ​​the cerebral cortex, which, among other things, regulates higher thought processes and processes of understanding.

Despite the fact that many participants in the experiments described above, when taking a sip, preferred the Pepsi drink, most people do not distinguish between the smell and taste of Pepsi and Coca-Cola soda. Not everyone is aware that the former has a sweeter taste sensation. Our own experiment just proved this statement.

During the entire existence of Pepsi and Coca-Cola, many studies and experiments have been carried out, the voices and opinions of the participants did not always coincide, but the result has always been and is the same - Coca-Cola undoubtedly occupies a leading position in the market.

Positive and pleasant associations of experiment participants, as well as consumers today, in our opinion, are more associated with the Coca-Cola drink: this is the history of the company, its logo, color, bottle design, its smell, taste, and most importantly, memories of about what this drink was like in childhood, sincere advertising on New Year's Eve on TV, which makes every child wait for the New Year's miracle, Coca-Cola branded New Year's decorated trucks. It is emotions that help determine important moments in everyone's life. Brands have an emotional impact on us. A connection is formed between the consumer and the brand, which determines the degree of consumer loyalty. The client, consuming the product, as well as letting the values ​​created by the brand into his mind, is under a special impression. This is the key to the success of the Coca-Cola drink - it creates not only a product, it creates value. Many of us have seen the commercial for Coca-Cola, which tells a little story of two lovers, where they share every moment with Coca-Cola, no matter what happens. In the final frame of the video, the words "Taste the Feeling" appear, which literally translates from English as "experience the feeling." This is exactly what the brand's advertising campaign is aimed at - it encourages the consumer to share feelings with the drink.

The project was made by:

Klimin A.I.

Tikhonov D.V.

Steshina V.V.

Ozolova A.V.

Sokolova V.M.

Alexandrova I.A.

Frolova A.V.

Savchenko A.D.

Today, every person in the world, regardless of his nationality, race and social status, will not hesitate to say what Coca-Cola is. And for a Westerner, these 8 letters with a red background are considered sacred at all.

How it all began

The story began in Atlanta, USA in May 1886. In order to somehow survive the defeat of the Civil War, the people began to actively use drugs. Then these were not tablets, but various tinctures, the basis of which was alcohol. Since people at that difficult time for them adhered to a healthy lifestyle, pharmacists decided to create a new medicinal drink in which alcohol could be replaced with another substance so as not to lose customers. The ingredient that became its replacement was called cocaine.

The teetotaling society forces a pharmacist named Steve Pemberton to change the composition of French wine coca. For a long time he was looking for an ingredient that can replace alcohol, but at the same time has the same tonic property. And, fortunately, it is found in the composition of the nut of the cola plant. By combining the drink "Coca" and cola extract, the pharmacist gets a powerful tool for toning the body, but with a disgusting taste. It will take him a long time to drown it out and make it sweet. The drink was a thick liquid that was sold in beer bottles. People bought this tonic (although the creator himself advertised it as a medicinal drink that can cure any nervous breakdown) for use during a hangover and diluted with tap water to make it easier to drink.

How carbonated "Cola" appeared

One day, a hungover customer walked into a drugstore to buy a non-carbonated Coca-Cola drink. The price of a miracle drug that instantly relieved discomfort after drinking was 25 cents. Having bought it, he asked the pharmacist to dilute it with water. Since the seller was too lazy to go to the other end of the hall, where the tap was, he offers to dilute his syrup with soda. The visitor at that moment did not care at all how his drink would be diluted, and he agreed. Having tried it, the buyer exclaimed that it is much tastier than with water. The news of this spread throughout the area in a matter of days, and everyone wanted to get a taste of the new Coca-Cola. From that moment, a new time began - the era of carbonated "Cola".

The appearance of the famous logo

Frank Robinson is the man who gave the world the famous logo, which 130 years later uses the Coca-Cola trademark. Thanks to his entrepreneurial talent during Prohibition in Atlanta, the sale of drinks increased from 25 gallons a year to 1049. He is the only person who believed in the potential of the company and the product produced and remained in the company until the end of his days, while the creator himself drink, in desperation, he sold 2/3 of the company to a pharmacist who diluted Cola with soda.

The basis for the creation of the first logo was the font Spencerian. From 1850 to 1925, it was actively used in printing business magazines and newspapers. Robinson himself, having created this advertising label, said the prophetic phrase: "2 letters C will look great in advertising." But he didn't miscalculate. For all the years of competitive war, the Coca-Cola brand has carefully watched how their red-and-blue rival rushes about and works on creating new logos. The company itself broke through only in 1980, presenting the world with a new style of writing 8 famous letters. Since they didn't catch on and people didn't appreciate the fancy writing, the brand reverted to the old font.

In 1958, the Coca-Cola logo has a red background.

August 16, 1888 Pemberton, being a poor man, leaves this world. And only 70 years later a stone headstone appeared on his grave.

Long-awaited popularity

The impoverished Irishman Asa Candler, who came to Atlanta to work and had only $ 1.75 at his disposal, believed that the new land would certainly bring happiness. After a while, he earns good money and decides to buy the famous drink recipe from Mrs. Pemberton. The purchase cost him a lot of money. He had to buy it back for $2,300.

With his brother and two other people, they founded The Coca-Cola Company, which still exists today. The trademark of the company, which existed since 1886, Aza registered only on January 31, 1893 in the United States of America.

The first year of an officially registered company brought only a loss. For 365 days, the revenue was $50 when the contribution was $70.

But Aza believed in his company, and indeed, by 1902 it had become popular and brought in $120,000 a year.

If Pemberton is considered the creator of the drink, then the father of the company is Kendler, who from the moment the drink was created, namely from 1886 to 1912, turned Coca-Cola into the most popular drink in the West.

Fact #1. The first campaign, created by Frank Robinson in 1904, hangs in - in the city of Cartersville.

Fact #2. May 2013 will be remembered by Singaporeans for a long time. Ordinary passers-by received free drinks from Coca-Cola. The can of Cola being handed out consisted of 2 parts, thus encouraging people to share happiness with others.

Fact #3. Coca-Cola is the most popular drink. Every second, 8,000 glasses are drunk.

Fact #4. A steak placed in a bowl of Coke will completely dissolve in 2 days.

Fact No. 5. If you pour all the Coca-Cola drink produced by the company into the pool, then 512,000,000 people can swim in it at the same time.

Fact No. 6. If a drink that has been created throughout its existence is bottled in identical bottles and laid out in a line, then such a chain of a popular soft drink will wrap around our planet 4334 times.

Fact No. 7. This is the first company that placed its advertisement on Pushkin Square in 1989 in Moscow.

Fact #8: The firm is the longest running sponsor of the Olympics. They began cooperation in 1928.

Carbonated drink Coca-Cola

Reviews about the taste of this drink are positive everywhere, but a separate discussion on many forums was awarded to the harmfulness of the product. Of course, it is worth agreeing with the fact that this is far from a useful product, but what explains such a huge flow of reviews about harm and at the same time its mega-popularity in the Russian and foreign markets? It turns out that people shout that it is bad, but at the same time they do not refuse to buy. It's about advertising and the ability to interest buyers. Many wrote reviews that they buy Cola only during promotions, because everyone wants to receive a gift. And we can say with confidence that this brand knows how to competently promote its product. Suffice it to recall what a stir the action caused during the Olympic Games in Sochi. People swept Coca-Cola from the shelves, trying to get an Olympic bear, a T-shirt or glasses as a gift. Now remember what you associate the New Year with?

Of course, with the red "trucks of happiness" that Coca-Cola advertising shows us every year. Therefore, no matter what the negative reviews on the forums and no matter how people shout about the dangers of this drink, people will always buy it!

Eternal competitor

On June 16, 1903, PepsiCo was registered, which later turned out to be a long-term competitor to the Coca-Cola brand.

The First World War, or rather its consequences, played a cruel joke on the company in 1921. Products every day brought less and less income. As a result, the company went bankrupt and in 1928 began to belong to the state. But after a while it is bought by Charlie Gut.

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, an attack began on the Coca-Cola brand. The price of a 6 oz bottle was 5 cents, PepsiCo's marketing ploy was that they started selling 12 oz bottles at the same price. The success of such a move was known in advance. The Coca-Cola Company had only 1 billion 6-ounce bottles in its inventory, which is very few, and the vending machines that sold these drinks only accepted 5-cent coins. And the Coca-Cola company could not set a different value. Hence, the popularity of the competitor has increased. It was a victory over a rival, as PepsiCo was able to sell over 5 billion bottles of Pepsi at the time.

But most of all, the advertising campaign of the 1970s called "Best Collection Blindly Selected" struck everyone. Each participant tried "Cola" and "Pepsi", and then chose the drink they liked. The PepsiCo brand won with a score of 3:2. After that, the popularity increased even more.

Not even the Coca-Cola commercials could bring together as many actors, athletes, and singers in their television commercials as PepsiCo did. Celebrities such as Lionel Messi, Pink, Aishwarya Rai, Fergie, Beyoncé and many others starred in the commercials. Khrushchev himself contributed to the popularity of Pepsi. A photograph of his working visit to the United States of America, where he drinks this carbonated drink, has spread around the world. There was no better advertising in the USSR, and after that many people ran to look for this advertised product on the shelves.

soda war

Drink "Pepsi-Cola" appeared in 1890 after "Coca-Cola". And after so many years, the rivalry of these brands does not end, but, on the contrary, is gaining momentum. The peak of Pepsi's popularity came in the 1930s and 1940s, when the company created advertisements with an emphasis on African Americans.

Years later, the company went bankrupt, and the creator of the Pepsi-Cola drink, Caleb Bradem, was forced in court to reveal the recipe, which had been kept in the strictest confidence for so many years.

If the composition of Coca-Cola is still unchanged, then Pepsi-Cola changes it quite often. Not every fan of carbonated drinks will tell you how Cola differs from Pepsi. The sugar content of both products is 11%, but why does Pepsi win in multiple tests? The fact is that in "Pepsi-Cola" there are no fats and proteins. But this does not mean that it is more useful than Cola. And before you buy any of these fizzy drinks, remember that this amount of sugar (11%) is a good start for the development of diabetes and obesity, and also gradually destroys tooth enamel.

If you look for an answer to the question of how Cola differs from Pepsi in the political arena, then we can say this: the former support the Republicans, and the latter support the Democrats. And only in politics "Pepsi" was able to win, as the company supported B. Obama. But the greatest popularity so far belongs to Coca-Cola. It is worth noting that both companies actively sponsor education and annually provide college students with about 3,000 grants.

What is the difference

The average consumer will never understand how Cola differs from Pepsi. Today they have the same smell and taste. Experts are sure that if you put a glass of both drinks in front of you, then after tasting them, you will not feel the difference. And if there are labels on them, then you will choose Cola. The buyer chooses a particular product through the influence of advertising, and the label of this company has a very strong effect on our brain.

During the many years of war between these two popular brands, to the question: “How is Cola different from Pepsi?” - and could not find a specific answer. The struggle for superiority only affected the difference between marketing moves and advertising, but the composition of drinks remained the same secret and unchanged. And the new ways created to promote Pepsi and Coca-Cola have become the basis of many textbooks on advertising and marketing.

No matter how sharply and negatively the public reacts to the excessive consumption of delicious but harmful carbonated drinks of these two brands, which have hated each other for more than half a century, people around the world will consume them in large quantities every year.

Could Mr. Pemberton, dying many years ago in poverty, imagine that some time later the drink created for medicinal purposes would become popular, and that the United States of America, where he registered his brand, would top the list of countries that most consume the drink that creates the famous Coca-Cola Company?

There is no person in this world who has never heard of the iconic drink called Coca-Cola. Everyone tried it, regardless of nationality, religion, place of residence and social status. For residents of Western countries, eight letters on a red background of the label are almost sacred at all. But where did the triumph begin?

History of creation

Coca-Cola was invented in the USA in 1886. It's not weird at all. Another thing is strange: the first to prepare this wonderful drink was ... a pharmacist. The first version of the cult soda consisted of coca leaves (yes, yes, the same coca from which cocaine is still made today) and nuts from the cola tree. The composition was patented as ... a remedy for upset nerves. Coca extract was removed from the drink much later, and its popularity came even later.

Pepsi was also invented by an American pharmacist. His name was Caleb Bradham. This was in 1898. Unlike Coke for nerves, Pepsi did not contain drugs, but the digestive enzyme pepsin. By the name of this very enzyme, the drink began to be called. By the way, initially Pepsi was recommended to improve digestion.

How Coca-Cola became carbonated

One day, a customer suffering from a hangover came into the pharmacy. The man really wanted to buy a tonic - Coca-Cola, not yet a carbonated drink. It cost only 25 cents, and the symptoms of a hangover removed "like a hand." Having paid for the purchase, the unfortunate man asked the pharmacist to add some water to the product. The pharmacist did not want to go to the other end of the hall, where the tap was located, so he suggested diluting Coke with soda. The sufferer didn't care, he agreed without hesitation.

Having tried the “prototype” of carbonated Coca-Cola, the unlucky buyer exclaimed: it tastes much better than with plain water! The news instantly spread around the district - and everyone, without exception, wanted to try the new Coca-Cola. Thus began the era of carbonated Cola.

The unfortunate fate of the creator

The inventor of the first composition of Coca-Cola, John Pemberton, having organized a completely successful company, could not get out of poverty. Sales of the drink grew rapidly, but the company could not gain independence. Then it was decided to sell part of the enterprise.

In the process, the composition of the first version of the cult drink, or rather the tonic called Coca-Cola, was revealed to the world: lemon, lime and nutmeg oils, vanillin, nutmeg extract, caffeine, orange elixir, orange blossom oil, and - of course - coca plant extract.

Pemberton departed for a better world on August 16, 1888, not that he was not rich, but practically a beggar. A stone tombstone appeared on his grave only 70 years later.


Coca-Cola, being a little older than its carbonated competitor, has always been the world leader among drinks. Pepsi, in turn, has always acted as a catch-up. At different times, the gap between competitors has changed. Statistics show that in the 1950s, Coca-Cola was preferred by an average of five times more consumers than Pepsi. The next decade brought Pepsi much greater success: the gap between competitors was halved. Everything went back to normal in the 1980s.

Interestingly, people on a variety of blind tests tend to choose Pepsi.


Pepsi's main marketing strategy is aggressive. Pepsi's commercial has been starred by so many stars that it could give shape to any company in the world. Also fickle Pepsi in terms of logos and slogans.

Coca-Cola, on the other hand, is different long-term marketing stability. Pepsi is banking on a younger, driven, aggressive consumer (the notorious NEXT generation). Coca-Cola, on the contrary, focuses on adults, family people, time-tested classics and stability.

Taste qualities

The question of the difference in tastes is very difficult, because it is strictly individual. A fairly large number of people do not distinguish between the taste of Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Those who distinguish say that the first is a little sweeter, and the second has more bubbles.

Another opinion, taken from the Internet, is that Coca-Cola has dominant fruity notes, while Pepsi has a rich cola taste. However, we should not forget that the taste of the drink often depends on the region where it was produced and bottled. And the sensations of taste are from the person who tastes this drink. Also may vary depending on the geographical location and the composition of both drinks.


This question cannot be considered very deeply for several reasons. It is known that the compositions of the considered drinks are almost identical. Coca-Cola has never revealed the full formula of the drink. The composition of Pepsi, on the contrary, is now known to the last ingredient. Why did it happen? Because in 1923, the company had to go through bankruptcy proceedings - and in the process, divulge all the information.

So what's the difference?

There is no doubt that the first compositions of Pepsi and Cola were different. Yes, and then pharmaceutical preparations were produced for different purposes. Having become world-famous drinks and eternal competitors in the struggle for the first place, Cola and Pepsi turned into "dark horses" - because their current composition is not fully known to the masses.

Drinks are united not only by the pharmacy past, but also by marketing innovations: many marketing moves, first used to promote Pepsi and Coca-Cola, are now included in marketing and advertising textbooks.

The public has always reacted violently to the popularity of these tasty but not-too-healthy fizzy drinks, linked by an eternal war for dominance, but people all over the world do not get tired of indulging themselves in a can or two of soda a day. And this is how empires hold on ...
