
What is the difference between yogurt and kefir: comparison. What is healthier, better, tastier: yogurt or kefir? What is the difference between starter cultures for yogurt and kefir? How yogurt differs from kefir - the main differences

Many dairy products can be made from milk. Along with ordinary kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and curd mass are popular among consumers. Each product is unique in its composition and taste. Many people are accustomed to the fact that the main difference between kefir and yogurt is that fruit fillers are added to the latter, but not to the former. However, in fact, there are much more differences between fermented milk products.

What is kefir?

Kefir is considered a fermented milk product with pronounced probiotic effect, which manifests itself in a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and metabolism. The special value of kefir lies in the fact that it prevents the entry and reproduction of pathogenic flora in the intestines.

The vital activity of lactic acid microorganisms that are part of the fermented milk product leads to the death of Escherichia coli, pathogens of infectious diseases, including the causative agent of tuberculosis. The nutritional value of kefir also lies in the fact that it stimulates the immune system and has a diuretic effect. Since milk products are not suitable for everyone due to their high lactose content, kefir must be included in their diet, as it contains all the beneficial substances of milk, and also promotes the absorption of lactose, as it is its catalyst.

What is yogurt

On the shelves of the store, you can often find yogurt with various flavors - fruits, cereals and chocolate, since in the CIS countries the fermented milk product positions itself more as a sweet dessert. In fact, in the homeland of the drink in Bulgaria, no additives can be added to yogurt; low-fat salads are often seasoned with it. A fermented milk product is produced by fermentation with a protosymbiotic mixture of pure cultures, which include the Bulgarian stick and thermophilic streptococcus. In total, there are about 10 to 7 CFU in yogurt in 1 g of the product.

What do kefir and yogurt have in common?

Both products very beneficial for the body, as they contain useful lactic acid bacteria, calcium, protein, which is easily absorbed by the body, therefore, after drinking drinks, a person feels light - there is no heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

Both yogurt and kefir - low-fat diet foods, which means they can be the basis of a diet or one of its allowed products. Fermented milk products are indispensable for the stomach and intestines, as they improve metabolism, help cleanse the intestines of toxins and other harmful substances, and also envelop the gastric mucosa, saving it from products that irritate it. Sour-milk drinks are made from milk and the technology for their production is almost the same. Milk is heated to 36 degrees, a special ferment with lactic acid bacteria is added, and as a result of fermentation of milk, yogurt and kefir are obtained. So that they do not deteriorate, they are stored in the refrigerator and also transported so that the buyer receives a quality product.

What is the difference between kefir and yogurt?

Despite the fact that both products are sour-milk products and are produced as a result of fermentation of milk, there are many differences between them.

  1. Type of sourdough. In order for milk to become yogurt, only two cultures are added to it - thermophilic streptococcus and Bulgarian stick. For the production of kefir, a more complex sourdough is needed, consisting of acetic acid bacteria, various yeasts, lactic streptococci and rods. In total, there are about 20 fermented milk cultures necessary for sourdough kefir.
  2. Production technology. Milk of different fat content is suitable for making kefir, so kefir can be both fat and non-fat. Yogurt is made mainly from skimmed milk.
  3. Protein content. Kefir contains less protein than yogurt. A glass of product (150 g) accounts for about 8 g of protein. It is considered complete because it contains all the essential amino acids. Greek yogurt has more protein - 10 g per 150 g of product. The value of yogurt is that due to its high protein content, hunger comes much later, as the product saturates for a long time. Kefir contains only 4-5 g of protein per 150 g of fermented milk product.
  4. Effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir has more benefits for the stomach and intestines than yogurt. The fact is that those lactic acid bacteria that are part of it tend to settle on the intestinal walls, thereby contributing to the restoration of beneficial microflora. Therefore, the product is recommended to be consumed after a course of antibiotics. Yogurt has a slightly different focus. The beneficial bacteria that are in its composition cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, it is especially useful to drink it during a diet.
  5. Taste qualities. Kefir, which can be seen on the shelves of supermarkets, differs only in fat content. That is, you can buy fat-free kefir, one percent and fat - 2.5%. Yoghurts can also be with a certain percentage of fat, but they also differ in flavors, which are very diverse. So, yogurt can be with peach, banana, apple, pumpkin, cereals, cocoa and just vanilla with added sugar. Therefore, most people perceive the fermented milk product more as a dessert. Natural yogurt without additives is also on sale, it can also be prepared at home.

Yogurt and kefir belong to the group of natural fermented milk products. They are popular due to their healing properties. Both products are quickly absorbed, contribute to weight loss, they are recommended for dietary nutrition.

starter cultures

Kefir sourdough is a product of symbiosis of many strains of lactic acid bacteria ( bifidobacteria Bifidobatteri, streptococci Streptococcus termophilus and Streptococci lactis, several dozen species of lactobacilli Lactobacilli and other beneficial microorganisms).

There are only two components in yogurt starter - Bulgarian stick Bulgaricus Lactobacillus and thermophilic streptococcus Streptococcus termophilus.

Both ferments synthesize useful enzymes and substances, but the fermentation processes themselves in kefir and yogurt are very different from each other. In yogurt, only lactic fermentation occurs, while in kefir, due to the presence of natural yeast, alcohol fermentation is added to lactic acid fermentation.

Shelf life and taste

In one-day kefir, the percentage of carbon dioxide, acidity and alcohol is minimal. Every day these figures are growing, endowing kefir with tonic properties.

In the gentle, slightly sour taste of kefir, towards the end of its shelf life, a characteristic taste of yeast appears. The taste of yogurt does not depend on the length of storage, remaining soft, smooth and creamy throughout the entire shelf life.

Consistency, additives and calories

The consistency of yogurt is denser and more homogeneous than that of kefir if it was produced by the thermostatic method and without additives.

Some manufacturers add taste and appearance improvers to yogurt - sweeteners, preservatives, thickeners, emulsifiers, colorants. Such products are not recommended to be consumed regularly. It is better to give preference to natural yoghurts, which, in addition to milk and sourdough, may contain only natural berries or homemade jam.

The calorie content of kefir is 32-57 kcal, while for yogurt this figure reaches 90 kcal.

Impact on the human body

Kefir and yogurt also act differently on the human body. Kefir bacteria form colonies on the intestinal walls, restoring its microflora. The mission of yogurt cultures is to cleanse the intestinal tract of pathogens. The Bulgarian stick stamp promotes the rapid absorption of useful components and the removal of harmful substances from the body, killing Staphylococcus aureus and dysentery bacillus.

Kefir takes care of the health of the teeth and strengthens the gums. Natural yogurt without additives has the same properties, but excessive consumption of sweetened yogurt can damage tooth enamel.

Kefir boosts immunity and yogurt also strengthens the immune system. Yogurt is good for the skin and kefir masks are widely used in folk cosmetology.

quality requirements

Kefir should contain at least 3 g of protein per 100 g of product, the protein content in yogurt is slightly higher - up to 5%. The fat content of fermented milk products ranges from low fat (0.5% fat) to full fat (from 3.2 to 9% fat). When choosing fermented milk products, you need to pay attention to packages with the shortest shelf life at a storage temperature of 4 to 6 ° C.

The indicator of colony-forming units of lactic acid bacteria in both kefir and yogurt should be at least 107 CFU per 1 g of the product.

Console " BIO" in the name of yogurt and kefir indicates the addition of a probiotic culture concentrate with a high content of bifidobacteria (up to 1012 CFU / g).

Around the world, dairy products are popular as an easily digestible, affordable and delicious food. And I can't imagine my diet without them. Such representatives of the "dairy" team as yogurt and kefir contain a lot of calcium, and also contribute to the normalization of digestion. Perhaps an unexpected question occurred to you at the supermarket shelf in the dairy department: What to buy: yogurt or kefir? Especially if you are a fan of both.

If both kefir and yogurt are presented on the modern market, then this, of course, can be the result of artificial marketing, when marketers seek to cover more market segments (if you don’t like yogurt, then buy our kefir / Snezhok / Acidophilus). But is this the case for yogurt and kefir? More likely no than yes. After all, yogurt is a fermented milk product made from milk (both dry and whole) by adding sourdough (lactic streptococci and Bulgarian sticks). At the same time, yogurt allows the addition of fillers. However, in Bulgaria (considered the birthplace of yogurt), yogurt cannot contain sugar or other additives by law. It must be understood that the regulations governing the production of dairy products vary from country to country. Initially, both products were unsweetened in taste, namely sour. Kefir is a fermented milk drink, for the preparation of which sourdough is used, consisting of two dozen different yeasts and microorganisms. Therefore, kefir is a more complex product than yogurt. In general, the protein content in the finished product for kefir is somewhat lower than for yogurt.

As we have already seen, the opinion “yogurt is sweet and kefir is unsweetened” is irrelevant.

Findings site

  1. To turn milk into yogurt or kefir, different starter cultures are used;
  2. On average, the protein content of yogurt is higher than that of kefir;
  3. Fillers are quite rare in kefir.


Many people believe that since yogurt and kefir are fermented milk products, there is not much difference between them. This is not true. The differences between yogurt and kefir range from differences in how they are made and the types of bacteria they contain, to different effects on human health.

Differences between kefir and yogurt when cooking

There are two types of yogurt: mesophilic and thermophilic.

mesophilic yogurt means that it is cultivated at room temperature.

thermophilic yogurt during manufacture, it requires a certain temperature range for the incubation of bacteria. A special yogurt maker Dnepropetrovsk will help you make thermophilic yogurt at home. In it, during the preparation of yogurt, a certain temperature is maintained, which contributes to the correct preparation process.

Kefir - mesophilic culture, made at room temperature.

There is also a difference in what is used to make a new batch of product.

New party yogurt is being prepared by adding a small amount of yogurt from a previous batch to fresh milk. You can also make yogurt from dry sourdough.

Kefir is produced with the help of milk fungus (kefir grains). The number of gelatinous grains of this fungus will increase with each new batch of kefir. When kefir is ready, these grains are simply removed from the fresh batch and added to fresh milk to make the next batch. Kefir grains can also be purchased in the form of dry sourdough.

What contains more bacteria - Yogurt or Kefir?

Yogurt and kefir differ in the types of bacteria they contain. And the drinks themselves differ in their effect on the body, they perform different tasks.

Yogurt contains two types of bacteria: Bulgaricus Lactobacillus and Streptococcus termophilus.

Kefir contains dozens of different types of lactic acid bacteria:

lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacilli brevis
- Lactobacilli casei
- Lactobacilli casei subsp. Rhamnosus
- Lactobacilli casei subsp. pseudo-plantarum
- Lactobacilli paracasei subsp. paracasei
- Lactobacilli cellobiosus
- Lactobacilli delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus
- Lactobacilli delbrueckii subsp. lactis
- Lactobacilli hilgardii
- Lactobacilli johnsonii
- Lactobacilli kefiri
- Lactobacilli kefiranofaciens
- Lactobacilli kefirgranum
- Lactobacilli parakefir
- Lactobacilli lactis
- Lactobacilli plantarum
- Bifidobattery
- Lactococci lactis subsp. lactis
- Lactococci lactis var. diacetylactis
- Lactococci lactis subsp. Cremoris
- Streptococci salivarius subsp. Thermophilus
- Streptococci lactis
- Leuconostoc cremoris
- Liveiti
- Acetobacter aceti
- Acetobacter rasene

bacteria in yogurt help cleanse the digestive tract, yogurt is easy to digest and is food for the bacteria that inhabit a healthy gut.

Bacteria pass through the gastrointestinal tract without staying there.

bacteria in kefir on the contrary, they can settle in the intestine, colonize it.

Kefir also, in addition to a large number of beneficial bacteria, also contains yeast, which benefit the body. But yeast produces a small amount of alcohol, so kefir contains up to about 0.07% alcohol.

What tastes better yogurt or kefir?

Yogurt has a tart creamy taste and a smooth texture.

Kefir also has a tart taste, but may still have a subtle taste of yeast and alcohol.

We all know that yogurt is eaten with spoons, and kefir can be drunk even through a straw. Yogurt has a thicker consistency than kefir for the same fermentation time.

CONCLUSION. Yogurt and kefir are useful fermented milk products that perform different, different, useful tasks in the body. π

The store shelves of modern supermarkets are lined with various fermented milk products. What is more useful - kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk? Or perhaps some other drink? Every time buyers face a difficult choice. They have heard a lot about the beneficial qualities of all fermented milk products. But it is important to know the criteria for evaluating their effect on health. Let's try to make the right choice and consider what is more useful - kefir or yogurt. Let's pay attention to the ryazhenka.

How did kefir get to Russia?

Kefir was first learned to be made in North Ossetia. In one of the local legends, it is said that the prophet Mohammed himself conveyed to the highlanders a long time ago. The recipe for the preparation of the drink was kept by the inhabitants of the Caucasus in strict secrecy. The scientific community learned about him only in 1876.

The sourdough was brought to Russia only in 1906. Today, kefir is produced in many countries of the world; for a real drink, only live sourdough is used, the one that comes from those fungi once brought to the country. Further in the article you will find out which is more useful - kefir or yogurt.

History of yogurt

Hot Türkiye is considered the birthplace of yogurt. From Turkish, the word itself is translated as "condensed". Once nomads, traveling through the steppes, took with them leather skins with milk to satisfy their hunger and thirst. On the inside of the wineskins, special bacteria formed, which, mixed with sour milk, made up a life-giving and non-perishable drink.

Yogurt bacteria was brought to Europe by the physician of the French King Louis XI. For many years, they were sold in pharmacies as a drug. But yogurt was widely used by Europeans at the beginning of the 20th century. It was released as a marketing strategy by a food company.

What is ryazhenka?

Ryazhenka is obtained from fatty baked milk. In the fight against excess weight, this is not a very suitable product. The very lowest fat content of fermented baked milk is 4%, which is much higher than that of yogurt. To bring the figure in order, it is better to give preference to kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

But fermented baked milk is the most purified fermented milk product, because it is obtained at a temperature of 40-45 ° C. It is very suitable for people with high stomach acidity, unlike kefir. People with gastritis prefer fermented baked milk.

What is the difference between kefir and yogurt, which is preferable?

How can healthy kefir be obtained from ordinary milk? All this thanks to the usual kefir fungus. This is a kind of synthesis of several bacteria (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, streptococci). Milk for kefir is fermented in two ways - sour-milk and alcoholic fermentation. One-day kefir contains 0.06% ethyl alcohol. With an increase in the shelf life, the percentage of alcohol in the drink only increases. Due to carbon dioxide and acidity, kefir has tonic properties and invigorating spicy taste.

Yoghurt sourdough has a less complex formula and consists of only two types of bacteria - thermophilic streptococcus and Bulgarian sticks (Lactobacillus bulgaricus). It was in Bulgaria that this stick was first described. The Bulgarians spread the culture of yogurt nationally. An ancient legend tells of the Bulgarians who were the first to make yogurt from sheep's milk. In the process of fermentation of this drink, unlike kefir, yeast fungi do not participate, so there is no alcohol in it.

It is important to note that both kefir and yogurt contain live probiotics. They help the human colon to function well. Therefore, you need to buy only those drinks, on the packages of which it is written that there are living lactic acid organisms. Be sure to indicate the number of these bacteria on the package.

So, in kefir and yogurt there is a protein that is so necessary for the body. Kefir also includes lactic acid, carbon dioxide, B vitamins, micro and macro elements, polysaccharides. in yogurt it also produces vitamins and amino acids.

What is better - kefir or yogurt for the intestines and stomach?

Thanks to kefir, its diverse living bacteria, the native environment of the gastrointestinal tract normally exists and functions. Kefir bacteria eliminate pathogens in the stomach. Sometimes kefir bacteria replace the dead or injured intestinal or stomach microflora. Yeast fungi stabilize and maintain the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir is able to eliminate the dysbacteriosis that arose after antibiotic treatment.

Yogurt cleanses the stomach and intestines from harmful microorganisms, nourishes the intestinal microflora, and contributes to the normal functioning of these organs. The main difference between these two drinks is that yogurt microorganisms do not settle in the intestines, but come out along with harmful microbes (dysentery bacillus or a strain of Staphylococcus aureus).

It is important to note that kefir is not suitable for people with high stomach acidity, since carbon dioxide is present in it. People with gastritis or stomach ulcers should choose yogurt for themselves so as not to aggravate the disease. Therefore, if you do not know what is better for stomach pain - kefir or yogurt, give preference to the second, it does not increase acidity.

The famous scientist Mechnikov believed that it was necessary to alternate between each other - taking kefir and yogurt. If you use only one of these products, then the bacteria in the intestines will acclimatize, and the therapeutic effect will weaken. So it is better to drink both drinks.

What is better - kefir or yogurt for weight loss?

Many girls choose a kefir or yogurt diet to acquire harmony. Let's say right away that both of them help in this matter. It is only important that the yogurt is unsweetened, because sugar adds calories. It is best to purchase a special sourdough and prepare the drink yourself, then it will be beneficial.

If you doubt that it is more useful - kefir or yogurt, then for a diet, choose the alternation of yogurt and kefir. Such a diet will definitely benefit. To them, you can add moderately sweet fruits. Strawberries, raspberries, currants, peach, pineapple, orange, apple are excellent. Together with sports, such a diet will definitely help to bring the figure in order.

Kefir and yogurt for kids

It is important for young parents to know what is best for a child - kefir or yogurt. It must be said right away that both drinks are important. There is a special children's kefir on sale, which is offered to a baby at 8-9 months. Enter this product in the evening, 30 ml. Over time, the portion is increased. It is not recommended to give ordinary store-bought yogurt to children.

Yogurt also begins to be given to babies from 9 months, but only specialized for children. When the child is one year old, berries and fruits can be added to the product. For a one-year-old baby, 100 ml of yogurt per day is enough.
