
How is jamon different from prosciutto. Jamon, prosciutto, basturma, bresaola

So listen
Let me be in the middle of summer
Bliss under the old pear,
Treating yourself in the cool
The wine that gurgles in the bottle
Ilyansky, or something, and moreover
The most tender ham piece,
Yes, so that there are seasonings for it ...
Lope de Vega "He who left stayed at home"

Dried meat or ham is not just a piece of meat, it is a delicacy. It is suitable as an appetizer with wine, beer, sherry and whiskey. Pre-salted meat, and then dried, is stored for a long time. For this reason, warriors and travelers often took it with them on the road.
There are many varieties of jerky, they are all delicious and some can be cooked at home.


Jamon is the culinary pride of Spain. This famous delicacy has existed for over 2000 years. Roman emperors adored him, and Miguel de Cervantes described the beauty of taste in his novel Don Quixote. In his novel Goya, or the Hard Path of Knowledge, Lion Feuchtwanger described Pepa, comparing it with a delicacy - "A plump jamon is a nice pig with a pleasant, smooth skin like satin."
First, the hind legs of the pig are salted and kept for a week at 3 °C, and then they are dried for 6-36 months. Drying begins in winter or early spring, so that the temperature slowly increases until the very end of summer.
In autumn, jamon is hung in the cellar, where it is kept for 9-12 months at a temperature of 8 °C. In the cellar, under the influence of microflora, meat acquires aroma, structure and characteristic taste. To check the readiness of the ham, the expert pierces it with a thin needle from the bone of a cow and draws conclusions from the aroma.
There are two types of jamon: Iberico and Serrano. Jamon Iberico (Spanish: jamón ibérico, often called "pata negra" - "black leg") is more expensive. For its preparation, an Iberian pig (black pig) fed on acorns is used. The meat is very tender and just melts in your mouth. Most often it is served on holidays. Jamon serrano (Spanish: jamón serrano, "mountain jamon") is made from pigs raised on the plateau (white pig). In Spain, it is eaten as a daily dish.
Jamon must be cut into thin strips. Cortador is the very specially trained person who will cut your jamon perfectly.
Jamon goes well with fruits such as melon, pear, grapes. For drinks, choose dry white wines or sherry.


Prosciutto is an Italian cured ham. It is prepared from the hind legs of pigs, which are fattened with fruits and corn. On such a diet, meat acquires an amazing taste and aroma. The most famous type of prosciutto is Parma ham. In this variant, the pigs are fed whey left over from the production of Parmesan cheese.
First, the hams are salted and then dried for at least 9 months. The meat turns out dense and dry due to the low content of fat in it.
Prosciutto is cut into thin slices and served with melon, figs and dry red wine.


Basturma is a cured beef tenderloin in a crust of spices. For the first time this dish was invented by the warriors of Genghis Khan. They put pieces of meat under the saddle, under the weight of the rider, excess juice came out of it, and it was salted with the salty sweat of the horse. During the trip, it was dried in the wind and a delicious delicacy was obtained. Later, such meat was in demand in the countries that were part of the former Ottoman Empire.
Basturma is prepared from veal tenderloin, rubbed with salt and put under pressure for 12 hours. Then it is washed, plentifully smeared with gruel of black and red pepper, garlic and blue fenugreek (chaman). Basturma is hung in a ventilated room for 12-14 days. The taste of basturma is rich, and the meat itself is quite tough. Serve it thinly sliced ​​as an appetizer for beer or whiskey.


Bresaola is an Italian dry-cured veal tenderloin. The tenderloin is covered with a crust of salt and black pepper and left for 15 days, then hung out to ripen for 5 weeks at a temperature of 24-25 ° C and an air humidity of 40-50%, and ripen at a temperature of 12-15 ° C and an air humidity of 70 % about 3 weeks. Under these conditions, the meat slowly releases moisture and ferments. Thanks to this, bresaola acquires its unique taste. Each cook has his own secrets for preparing bresaola, and sometimes dry red wine is added when salting.
Bresaola is not too salty in taste. Dried meat is cut into thin slices and served with olive oil, lemon juice and ground black pepper. Dry red wine is suitable for drinks.

Eat not much, but tasty!

Last modified: September 22, 2018

Translated from Italian, "prosciutto" means nothing more than "ham". It is the name of the product that defines that part of the pork carcass, from which the main Italian delicacy, prosciutto, is made. But not every domestic or farm pig can produce a high-quality dried hind leg or a steamed cut from the thigh.

Animals are grown for this in special conditions, fattening - somewhere with corn and fruits, and somewhere with whey obtained during the preparation of parmesan. The finished product is consumed on its own or as an addition to various dishes. Prosciutto does not require additional heat treatment, and thinly sliced ​​​​delicacy slices can go well even with melon and figs.

Prosciutto with melon slices

Each region of Italy has its own secret of using spices for prosciutto. Some types of ham are made using only sea salt with no additional ingredients. An important factor is that producers of real prosciutto do not use preservatives and flavorings, which makes the product not only tasty and recognizable, but also useful and truly dietary. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that from the age of one, many parents introduce Italian ham into the diet of their babies. In addition, the ham dried using a special technology, having a high nutritional value, is part of a variety of diets.

And it is also worth noting that the production of prosciutto is subjected to constant checks in Italy on the part of the Quality Control Bodies, in connection with which, a product that does not meet accepted standards is never put on sale. And the manufacturers themselves maintain their brand and prestige, trying to at least outdo competitors in some way.

Prosciutto is the national product of Italy

The Italians claim that the national delicacy appeared more than two thousand years ago, but there is an opinion that the Etruscans were the first to produce prosciutto back in the 6th-5th centuries. BC. Be that as it may, in the 1st century BC. The technology of making ham by the ancient Romans was described by the popular encyclopedist and scientist of that time Mark Terentius Varro. One of his works was devoted to agriculture. To date, there are many types of ham made in different countries. But a real dried ham called prosciutto is an exclusively Italian product!

How to make prosciutto

The main component of a well-made prosciutto, in addition to high-quality pork ham, is a successful combination of three components - sea salt, a certain temperature regime and exposure time. And indeed, the taste of prosciutto depends on their correct combination. By the way, the duration of drying is reflected in the cost of the product. It is noteworthy that the delicious ham is made only from pigs raised in Italy. Raw meat, as, indeed, ready-made meat, is not subject to even minimal freezing. Otherwise, the original taste of the delicacy will be irretrievably lost.

Prosciutto crudo

According to the method of preparation, prosciutto is divided into two types:

  • prosciutto crudo - dry-cured ham on the bone;
  • prosciutto cotto - the steamed part of the cut from the back leg.

Sometimes lower quality meats, such as cotto shoulder blades, are called prosciutto, which is not quite right. Also, prosciutto does not include the hind legs of sheep, wild boars, aurochs and deer.
As mentioned earlier, sea salt is used in the manufacture of traditional prosciutto. But each manufacturer has its own secrets for adding seasonings. It can be:

  • local herbs;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • Bay leaf;
  • juniper berries;
  • rosemary, etc.

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Prosciutto crudo Prosciutto crudo

Prosciutto crudo is subjected to dry salting, after which the ham is first laid out on racks, and only then it is hung up and sent for a long time to rooms where a certain humidity and temperature regime is maintained. The mummification process takes several months, during which the meat is periodically checked for smell by piercing the leg with special sticks. Often the hams are lightly smoked.

Prosciutto crudo

The pulp of prosciutto turns out to be dense and, at the same time, tender and elastic, and slight fatty inclusions acquire a brilliant white hue. The color of the meat depends on the conditions and exposure time. It can be both pink and brown-red. The longer the ham is dried, the more pronounced its somewhat sweetish and unusually pleasant taste becomes. Cutting prosciutto requires a handy holder called Tagliere per prosciutto, as well as a thin long knife.

Tagliere per prosciutto for slicing ham

Without these devices, it can be too difficult to cope with a pig's leg. By the way, keeping prosciutto in the refrigerator is not recommended, so Italians tend to buy just as much delicacy prosciutto cotto ham as they need for dinner. Fortunately, they do not need to stock up!

Prosciutto cotto Prosciutto cotto

Meat for prosciutto cotto is saturated with saline , which may contain a small amount of preservatives and flavorings - in the norm allowed by the most stringent standards. After that, whole pieces are placed in special molds and sent to steam chambers, after which they are smoked or not smoked. Cotto is more like a high quality ham sausage.

Delicate Prosciutto cotto

The ham is cut into the thinnest wide plates, which are used as cold cuts or used in the preparation of various dishes. They can be rolled into rolls, filled with a variety of fillings, and also lightly grilled.

What are the types of prosciutto

Prosciutto gets its trade name from the area where the product is produced. And those varieties that do not have a strict binding to the region are defined as nostrani or nazionali. There are a lot of types of prosciutto, so let's talk about some of them.

Parma ham

Prosciutto di Parma, or Parma ham, is famous all over the world. It is distinguished by its exquisite taste, intense aroma, thin layers of fat, and pink color. It is stamped with the crown of the Duchy of Parma.

Prosciutto di Parma with hallmark

Pork legs of 9-10-month-old hogs come from ten Italian regions, and prosciutto is produced in the north of the country, in the eastern part of the province of Parma. Fresh hams weigh 12-13 kg, and ready - 7-8 kg without bone and 9.5-10.5 - on the bone. Notably, a different weight of Parma ham is a cull and has a lower price. In the production of hams, only salt and pork fat are used, which are coated with the open part of the leg. The hams are dried for at least 12 months.

Tuscan prosciutto

Prosciutto Toscano is sprinkled with spicy salt, herbs, always pepper and seasonings. The meat is distinguished by various internal shades of red, a low content of fatty layers, a delicate and, at the same time, complex taste. The finished ham weighs 7.5-10 kg. It has a kind of arched cut. Prosciutto Toscano is protected by the DOP abbreviation, which guarantees the originality of the name and the geographical origin of the product.

Prosciutto di Modena

Prosciutto di Modena has been known since Roman times. During long campaigns, warriors thus preserved meat in salt. The distinctive features of the product include the bright red color of the ham in the context, an intense aroma combined with a sweetish-salty taste. The process of preparing Prosciutto di Modena includes a double operation of dry salting, covering the "meat" side with a mixture of fat, flour, salt and spices, and aging for at least 14 months. The product is also marked with the DOP abbreviation.

Prosciutto di Venticano

Prosciutto di Venticano is characterized by a long aging period of more than 18 months, and by the fact that the processing of pig legs is carried out in one municipal area of ​​the Campagna region, and the drying of the hams in another. The finished meat is soft to the touch, delicate in taste and pink with white streaks in the cut. And this is despite the fact that it has been drying for 1.5 years! On the bone, the ham weighs 9-11 kg, and without the bone - 7.5-9 kg.

Piadina with prosciutto

Manufacturers produce many more types of prosciutto, which can be talked about for a long time. Each of them has its own history, features, appearance, taste and even geographical affiliation. But in general, they are all appetizing, tender and original. Italians carefully keep traditions, recipes and their own secrets of preparing a national delicacy.

Prosciutto - what you need to know about the main Italian delicacy?

Each region of Italy is known for its special culinary delights and delicacies. One of these unique places is the province, in the vicinity of which they produce the most magnificent ham masterpiece - prosciutto. What is it, anyone who has ever visited the Apennine Peninsula will answer you.

This delicious dried appetizer impresses with its spicy taste and unforgettable aroma.

A delicious salad with prosciutto or pizza, decorated with marble slices, will create an atmosphere of celebration and enjoyment of taste. And all because its quality directly depends on many factors, such as the quality of fresh meat, compliance with all production standards, and even the area in which animals are raised for the production of ham. The taste of the meat delicacy is directly affected by the quality of the feed for young pigs, namely, these are cereals and whey from the production of parmesan.

The division of dried ham into "prosciutto cotto" and "prosciutto crudo" is associated with the presence of heat treatment at a certain stage in the production of meat delicacy. Ham, which is pre-boiled, is called “prosciutto cotto”, but for another type, it is typical that all standards for the manufacture of dry-cured products without heat treatment are observed.

Prosciutto cotto is boiled before drying

Dried pork ham in different Italian regions has some differences both in preparation and in taste.

For example, the most popular meat appetizer among Italians is prosciutto di Parma, which is produced in the province of the same name.

It is distinguished by a delicate aroma and a slightly sweetish taste. Evidence of high quality is the brand in the form of a crown, as a sign of authenticity and impeccability of products.

How prosciutto is made in other regions

Prosciutto di San Daniele is born in the region and takes about 13 months to produce. The only difference in the production of this type of dried ham is the presence of a hoof (specialists do not remove it), as well as the removal of moisture from the meat by pressing it. In the preparation process, only sea salt is used to process raw materials.

Prosciutto di San Daniele ham matures in about 13 months

Amber-colored ham from, Tuscan ham with the aroma of spices and garlic, prosciutto from, as well as a slightly smoked meat product from Sauris have an incredible taste and aroma. In and Cuneo, the prosciutto ham is cured with the addition of vinegar, which gives it a sharp flavor note.
A close relative of prosciutto is the Spanish meat product - jamon.

The main feature of the manufacture of these two savory products is the use of pork ham.

This is the only thing that unites them. So what is the difference between prosciutto and ham? First, the nutrition of pigs has a direct impact on the flavor of the ham. For the production of the Spanish product jamon, animals live on free pasture, feeding on cork oak acorns. Secondly, there are significant differences in the stages of preparation.

Jamon is somewhat dry and hard

The drying process of prosciutto is much shorter than that of the Spanish congener, which ripens in special rooms for up to 48 months. Thirdly, the structure of Italian jerky is much softer than Spanish cured meat, which is somewhat dry and tough.

How to choose the right prosciutto

To choose a quality meat product from the surroundings of Parma, you should visit one of the proven butcher shops. Such establishments value their reputation, and their owners will definitely recommend the most suitable tidbit of fragrant meat.

Here you can buy a whole ham, or you can pack thin slices in a vacuum, so that later you can whip up delicious prosciutto bruschettas.

An equally excellent option for tasting dried delights is prosciutto sausage. It should also be stored in a special package in a cold place (but not in the freezer).

Do not freeze prosciutto

The price of prosciutto depends on the age of the product and ranges from 15 euros per kilogram. The ideal aging period is 8-24 months. As for the composition of meat, sea salt is the only thing that should be indicated on the label of Parma ham.

But, the most important sign confirming the Italian production is the PDO Prosciutto marking on the packaging of the ham product.

Only with this indicator, you can take a little dried ham or Prosciutto Remit sausage as a gift to your loved ones, and not worry about the quality of the product.

What do you eat prosciutto with?

Qualitatively cooked ham, in its delicate taste and aroma, perfectly combines with both vegetables and fruits. Prosciutto with melon is a special combination of salty and sweet, which will impress any gourmet. Perfectly harmonizes with dried meat fresh figs. If you combine prosciutto, goat cheese and local bread (ciabatta), the result is a great and hearty breakfast.

If you add goat cheese and bread to prosciutto, you get a great breakfast.

What else do you eat prosciutto with? The meat delicacy can be supplemented with olives, nuts, parmesan cheese, seasoned with a little olive oil or honey. Italians also prefer to wrap crispy bread sticks in slices of ham.

The low calorie content of Italian ham allows it to be included in some dishes, complementing its delicate taste and aroma.

For example, a salad with prosciutto and arugula will be a healthy and tasty dish for those who care about their figure.
Fans of traditional Italian cuisine will love pizza prosciutto fungi, which consists of mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms and ham, as well as spicy pasta with prosciutto and cheese.
Magnificent taste qualities of meat delicacy perfectly set off young red wines, as well as white wines - Trebbiano, Colli Piacentini, Malvasia.

homemade prosciutto recipe

To prepare the most approximate meat delicacy on your own, it is worth remembering that the procedure for preparing prosciutto is somewhat different from Italian production.
So, in order to get ham with great taste at the output, you need to choose high-quality pork pulp. Then it should be washed and dried.

After that, rub the meat generously with salt and leave for 24 hours, periodically draining the liquid. A day later, the pulp is washed and dried.

For the next step, you need a refrigerator, the temperature in which should not exceed 5-7 degrees. To tie the ham, use strong threads or tows. Attach the pulp well to the net and leave for 2 weeks. After the specified time, the ham can be tasted.
Bon appetit!

For a detailed recipe, see the video:

Of course, the taste of homemade ham cannot be compared with the rich and delicate taste of an Italian delicacy.

But this recipe will help out if you suddenly want to plunge into the Italian atmosphere of culinary delicacies, and enjoy prosciutto pizza with a glass of excellent wine brought from the outskirts of the province of Parma.

The famous prosciutto for Italians is not just a delicacy. This is a real gastronomic symbol of the country, which occupies a worthy place on a par with pasta and pizza. What is prosciutto and what it is eaten with in Italy - you can find out from this review.

Translated from Italian, prosciutto means "ham" or "ham".

Prosciutto is not just ham

This national delicacy on the Apennine Peninsula is treated with special trepidation. In Italy, the term "prosciutto" is used to refer to two completely different meat products:

  • Prosciutto crudo is a dry-cured ham rubbed with salt and not subjected to heat treatment at any stage of production.
  • Prosciutto cotto is a ham that is pre-boiled and is a ham in the traditional sense of the word.

Cured meat in Italy is much more popular than boiled ham. Therefore, speaking of prosciutto, here, as a rule, they mean its dry-cured variety.

Different regions have their own traditions of preparing the famous delicacy. Only the highest quality meat is used for production. Pigs, from which ham is made, are fed corn and fruit in Italy.

How prosciutto is made: the hams are dry salted and then dried for at least 10 months. In Italy, there are varieties for the preparation of which only ham and salt are used, but in some areas of the country spices, garlic or pepper are added. Ready-made Italian prosciutto meat has a pearly pink color, amazing aroma and exquisite taste.

It is customary to cut the meat into the thinnest, like paper, translucent slices. Do this just before serving. Hand cutting is especially appreciated - this is also a special skill, no less important than the preparation itself.

In total, about 10 varieties of prosciutto are produced in Italy.

Parma ham is also prosciutto

The most famous type of prosciutto in Italy is dry-cured Parma ham (Prosciutto di Parma). It is distinguished by a characteristic pink color on the cut, thin layers of fat and a mild spicy taste. They make a delicacy in numerous small industries in the vicinity of Parma.

For the production of the famous ham, pigs are selected that were born and raised in the middle and northern regions of Italy. Manufacturers are interested in specific breeds: Landrance, Large White and Duroc. Selected animals must be at least 9 months old and weigh at least 150 kg. The finished ham has a weight of 15-16 kg.

For the preparation of the delicacy, no additional ingredients and spices are used, only sea salt. This is one of the differences between Parma ham and prosciutto, in the production of which spices can be used. Another difference is in animal feed. Pigs destined for Parma ham are especially strictly fed in Italy: selected grains, chestnuts and whey left over from the production of Parmesan cheese.

The readiness of the meat is checked by independent inspectors. Pig legs that pass the test are marked with an iron seal and a hallmark depicting the crown of the Duchy of Parma in Italy. This sign indicates that you have an original product of high quality.

According to connoisseurs, the most delicious variety of Italian Parma ham is culatello. It is believed that the production of this product should be started in November or December - this is the only way to achieve the highest quality and a fantastically delicate taste. Even in Italy, where many varieties of prosciutto are produced, culatello is not so easy to find on sale. The product is not cheap: the price is about 50-80 € per kilogram.

Prosciutto is not an analogue of jamon

And Italian prosciutto is made from pork hams - what's the difference between them? Both of these products are nothing more than dry-cured ham. However, the meat is taken from pigs of different breeds. In the case of the most expensive varieties of jamon, these are black Iberian pigs, whose diet includes cork oak acorns.

Another difference is the production time. The minimum aging time for Serrano jamon is 7 months (for expensive Iberico varieties it can reach 48), for prosciutto it ranges from 9 to 24 months. The longer the Spanish delicacy is aged, the more refined it becomes. However, the difference is not only due to this.

For prosciutto, the special microclimate of the surroundings of Parma is of great importance. Prosciutto owes much of its incomparable taste to the clean local air with the aromas of herbs. After all, one of the nuances of the production process is the ventilation of the premises where the delicacy is stored. And jamon after salting is first dried and then cooled.

And finally, the difference lies in the meat itself. Compared to jamon, prosciutto is more juicy, tender and soft. In addition, on the cut, the Spanish ham has a dark red color, closer to burgundy, while its Italian "brother" is always pearl pink.

And a few more interesting differences:

  • Prosciutto has an optimal combination of lean meat with a small surface layer of fat. Jamon meat is pierced with thin fatty veins that form an original marble pattern.
  • Prosciutto has a slightly spicy taste with sweet notes. Jamon has an intense aroma and a sharper, rich, salty-sweet taste.
  • Spanish gourmets most often eat jamon with cheese and vegetables. In Italy, connoisseurs of haute cuisine enjoy prosciutto with melon and fruit.
  • The taste of jamon perfectly sets off sherry or red wine. And white is recommended for prosciutto. The taste of Parma ham is best revealed in combination with slightly sweet wines - lambrusco and spumante.

Prosciutto is a popular gastronomic souvenir

Tourists love to bring prosciutto from their trip to treat their family and friends with a real Italian delicacy. True, in this case, a logical question arises about how to save the product and not let it lose its unique taste.

Methods for storing meat differ depending on its type: with a bone or without a bone. A whole ham can be kept in a dry, cool place out of direct sunlight. Under these conditions, the shelf life is up to 12 months, and all this time the slow drying process will continue. After the first slices are cut, the pork leg should be placed in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +10 ° C.

The boneless ham is sold in vacuum packaging. In an intact film, meat can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months. It is not recommended to freeze it, as the original taste after that will be hopelessly lost. Prosciutto is 100% natural product. No preservatives are used in its production, so after unpacking it should be refrigerated and consumed within 7-8 weeks. The cut must be covered with a cloth, cling film or foil.

Sliced ​​prosciutto is recommended to be eaten within a few hours after opening the package.

The best place for prosciutto tasting is prosciutto

Prosciutto can be found on the menu of almost every Italian restaurant. But it is much better to immediately go to special institutions - prosciutteria (prosciutteria). Often there is not only more offer, but also lower prices. In Italy, popular prosciutterias include:

  • La Prosciutteria Firenze (Florence);
  • Prosciutteria Cantina Dei Papi Trevi (Rome);
  • La Prosciutteria Milano Brera (Milan).
In addition to the already well-known prosciutto, prosciutters offer a wide variety of meat delicacies and, as well as good Italian wine. As a rule, appetizers are served in the form of assorted plates and can cost from 10 to 20 €.

And in the Italian Langirano there is the Prosciutto Museum. Here, the manufacturing process of this traditional product is recreated in detail. The exposition tells about the history and features of the technology of its preparation, raw materials for production and local culinary traditions.

During the annual Festival of Parma Ham in Langirano, participants eat almost a ton of the delicacy and wash it down with no less impressive volumes of wine.

The cost of an entrance ticket to the museum is 4-5 €, and participation in the tasting will cost each tourist 3 €. The museum has a shop where you can buy delicacies. The cost of prosciutto di Parma from different manufacturers is from 15 to 25 € per 1 kg.

Prosciutto is an Italian ham that is loved in many countries. But with the ham that we see on the shelves of our domestic stores, it has very little in common. Prosciutto is a cured pork leg sold whole or cut into very thin slices. With a centuries-old history, this dish remains popular, and not only in Italy, but also far beyond its borders.

Prosciutto - what is it and what is it eaten with, how is the product used in Italian cuisine?

What meat is the product made of, a brief history

So what kind of food is this - prosciutto? For the inhabitants of Parma, pork has been the main source of food since ancient times., therefore, Parma ham, known as prosciutto, dates back to the time of the Roman Empire.

Perhaps this story began when farmers learned to use salt to preserve meat.

Regarding the name, there are several versions. One of them is that the word "prosciutto" was formed from the Parma dialect "pàr-sùt" - "always dry".

Another - that the origin of the name is Latin, from the word Perex Suctum, which means "dried" or "merged".

A little later, the product began to gain popularity in many countries. And in order to protect its quality and traditions, Parma producers in 1963 assembled a consortium on the topic of supervising the production of ham.

And in 1996, Prosciutto di Parma was included in the list of products from the DOP category.

As many as seven types of this ham are made in Italy. relating to protected name products:

  • Prosciutto di Parma. The most famous variety, which is produced in the province of Parma. Includes only two components: pork and salt. No other spices or preservatives are allowed. The meat must be frozen, it is made within a year. The finished dish retains its natural red color and acquires a refined, intense and sweet taste.
  • Prosciutto di San Daniele. The Italians themselves say that this ham has three components: meat, sea salt and the unique climate of the territory where it is produced. Its distinguishing feature is the “paw” on the ham, that is, the thigh remains intact from a biological point of view. The meat is pinkish-red, with white streaks, sweetish, tender, with a slightly spicy aftertaste.
  • Prosciutto di Modena. Ham produced in the city of Modena and given its uniqueness due to a set of geographical factors. The taste is rich, but not salty. Has a pleasant sweet smell.
  • Prosciutto Toscano. Raw materials in this case are supplied not only with salt, but also with pepper and certain herbs, for example, sage, rosemary. The taste of the dish is delicate, with a slight herbal aroma.
  • Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo (Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo). Made with salt and spices. The hallmark is a stigma in the shape of a winged lion. The color is usually pink, the taste is sweet and mild.
  • Prosciutto di Carpegna. Produced in Carpegna. The cut has a salmon color, the taste is very delicate, piercing.
  • Prosciutto crudo di Cuneo (Prosciutto crudo di Cuneo). It is produced using dry salt, which may contain pepper or other spices. The overall production process lasts for at least ten months. It has a uniform red color and a lingering sweetish aroma.

On the pages of our site you will also learn - the famous Italian dish, known all over the world!

How is it different from ham?

Another well-known variety of ham is jamon., and not everyone understands what is the difference between it and prosciutto: let's try to figure out all the differences.

The main difference between jamon and prosciutto in the place of origin. The homeland of Prosciutto is Italy, and jamon is Spain.

In terms of taste, there is also some difference, which again depends on climatic conditions.

Jamon has a dark color, since black breeds of pigs are mainly used for its production.

In Italy, pigs are fed differently.- mainly fruits, corn, and sometimes whey.

There are also some differences in production technology.. Jamon is hard and dry, as it is salted in closed containers. There is no pre-heat treatment.

The Italian dish is salted in natural conditions, which involve constant maintenance of moisture at a certain level. Therefore, the product is more juicy and tender.

Traditions of use

In Italy, according to the traditional recipe, it is customary to serve prosciutto with fried pork, vegetables or melon. It is an indispensable ingredient in classic tortellini.. Pairs well with white wines.

To a greater extent, the traditions of eating prosciutto are determined by the taste preferences of a particular region. However, you need to know that cut the ham only immediately before eating it- in this form, it is not adapted for long-term storage. Even after an hour, the slice will lose most of its properties and become very dry.

If you still need to cut the dish in advance, then you should slightly move away from the classic variation and make the slices thicker.

How to make at home: cooking recipe

Italians have a lot of traditions when it comes to cooking. and rules. So, it is very important to maintain a certain humidity and temperature.

As for the holding time, the classic recipe suggests that it must be at least 10 months old, but better - 12-14 months.

Drying takes place in open space. The thigh is suspended on racks designed for this purpose.

To give the dish a sharpness and piquancy, natural additives are used - salt, spices, herbs. It is not frozen, as this threatens to lose the unique taste and aromatic characteristics.

In the classic version, the salting process, and after drying the meat, will be very long. At home, not everyone can wait until the delicacy is ready during the year, so those who want to treat themselves to a piece of Italy at home can pay attention to a slightly modified recipe.

All you need is soft pork and sea salt. The cooking instructions assume the following sequence:

  • First, the meat is washed and dried with a towel., after - it is thickly rubbed with salt over the entire area and remains in this form for a day. It sometimes needs to be turned over and the liquid drained.
  • After the pork, you need to rinse again from salt and use a towel to remove excess liquid from it.
  • Allow the product to dry slightly at room temperature. At the same time, the refrigerator where the meat will be cooked must be thoroughly washed, ventilated and the temperature set to 5-6 degrees.
  • Pork is hung in the refrigerator on natural threads, harnesses or stripes of leather. In this form, it should be left for at least two weeks.
  • The cooked ham is cut very thinly. and served separately or added to various dishes.

You can also roll the meat not only in salt, but also in pepper, herbs and their mixtures.

Do you know how to prepare a classic? We will reveal the secrets of Italian housewives on our website!

We invite you to get acquainted with the recipe for vegetarian lasagna, which is prepared in the best Italian traditions.

Application in Italian cooking

Prosciutto is a dish in itself. It can be used as a snack, served with green peas, asparagus, melon, it is included in various sauces, Italian pasta, sandwiches.

Here, for example, is a simple recipe for a summer appetizer with prosciutto and melon, common in Italy:

Mistresses of all countries actively use this type of ham for cooking all kinds of dishes. Let's look at some of them that you can easily repeat at home.

Scrambled eggs with pesto

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 20 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 ml 20% cream;
  • 30 g prosciutto;
  • a teaspoon of pesto;
  • a pinch of salt.


  • Heat the butter in a frying pan over low heat.
  • Break the eggs into a bowl, beat them a little with a whisk, add cream and salt. Mix again, pour over the oil in the pan. Using a spatula, pull the edges of the scrambled eggs to the middle, then mix it vigorously. Remove from heat after 40 seconds and add pesto.
  • Cut the tomato into thin slices, put it on a plate. Place the scrambled eggs on top, and slices of ham on it. Season with pepper.

Unusual salad with pear

Baked asparagus

For this interesting recipe, you need to prepare the following:

  • 20 pieces of fresh asparagus pods;
  • 4 slices of Italian ham;
  • 4 teaspoons of olive oil;
  • 60 g parmesan cheese;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • a tablespoon of thyme;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


  • Place a saucepan over medium heat and heat a couple of teaspoons of oil in it. Add prosciutto and fry for a minute. Remove from heat and place on paper towels.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, grease a baking sheet with oil. Dredge the asparagus in the remaining oil and place on a baking sheet, season with salt and pepper. Bake 12 minutes until soft.
  • Cut the cheese into thin slices, place it on top of the asparagus, leave for another five minutes in the oven to melt. Divide among four bowls and cover.
  • Pour water into the pan with a level of 5 cm, put on fire. Add a teaspoon of salt, bring to a boil, then reduce heat. Crack the eggs one at a time into the water. Cook in slightly boiling water for 3-4 minutes until the yolk is ready. Remove the eggs and carefully place one on top of the asparagus.
  • The dish is prepared as follows:

    • Boil the rice, chop the ham and fry in olive oil. Remove the seeds from the chili pepper and finely chop it. Finely chop and fry the onion until golden brown.
    • Stir in the rice, meat slices, chili and onion. Add chopped herbs, pepper and salt.
    • Rinse the squids, peel them from the film and stuff them with the mixture. Place each of them on a piece of foil, spread with olive oil, sprinkle with herbs, wrap securely. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

    And from this video you will learn another interesting recipe from the chef with Italian prosciutto ham:

    The Italian prosciutto guest will help you make your diet more varied and spicy. Notes of Italy on our table are always interesting and unusual. It is only important to cook meat correctly or purchase it from trusted manufacturers.

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