
Tea bags - for your beauty. Green tea for face and body

I will tell you the recipe for a lotion of youth and freshness for every skin type! DON'T DRINK - SO LET'S GO TO GET ANOTHER USE out of IT! A beautiful princess on the packaging and a disgusting taste and smell inside...

Tips for face, body, hair and more)


This tea began to appear in my house from time to time due to its cheapness, but only my parents drink it, because we cannot. We can't. I won’t say that it’s just tea, although it’s ordinary tea with logs that come across inside .. but its taste is somehow disgusting, as well as its aroma. I don't know what I don't like more - the taste or the aroma. box, etc.). I confess that I have not tried other teas of this brand, maybe they are better than this one, which I really hope for. I would rather drink some Java than this muck. No, seriously!

And now let's figure out where this tea is all the same, you can use it in addition to spoiling your mood with its taste (I give the pros and cons of using it) :


+ I myself am a little dark, and black tea helps me maintain an even darker and healthier skin tone both in winter and summer. For this-twice a day, wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in tea, or just wash your face with strong tea leaves. Leave the tea to dry on your face and neck and in a few days you will notice that you have become a little darker, I promise!

- Do not allow tea to splash on the white enamel of the sink, then it is difficult to wipe it off if you do not wipe it off immediately and do not wipe yourself with a towel for the same reason - but you can get your face wet with a disposable napkin.


​+ The peoples living by the sea taught me that before going to the beach they spray and wash themselves with steep black tea, which is very protective from sunburn. I myself am probably 15 years old, I like to make beach tea spray from steep tea leaves with a couple of drops of jasmine and almond oil.

BUT, in order for the oil to dissolve in the liquid, first dilute it slightly in a teaspoon along with a drop of honey or alcohol (this will be your emulsifier-solvent), and then add it to tea or wherever you want.


+ The same washing with tea or wiping the face with a tea bag has a very beneficial effect.for sensitive skin- removes irritation and redness from the skin, mattifies, deodorizes and makes the skin velvety - which is especially necessary in summer for both oily and sensitive skin.

+ And even to me with my dry skin-It is very pleasant to wash your face with tea in the summer and the skin stays fresh longer. But in order to matte my already dry skin less, I add a few drops of peach kernel or almond oil to this homemade lotion, or even better, on a cotton pad moistened with tea leaves.

+ Also tea lotion.dries up pimples and any rashesnot only on the face, but also on the whole body, because the tannins contained in tea leaves have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. You can also add droplets of any favorite oils, both base and essential; as well as decoctions of other medicinal herbs.

- It can dry out dry skin a little, if you do not add a drop of any oil. And don't forget the emulsifier!


+ What could be better in the summer heat than washing your face and neck with tea ice cubes?)

For me and my mother, nothing is better than cubes with tea leaves and mint leaves in the summer;)

+ Ice cubes tone the skin, strengthen tissues, tighten and make the skin elastic, and also smooth out slight wrinkles!

+ Of course, I like to add tea tree oil and mint leaves and rose and chamomile flowers, even blackcurrant leaves and sometimes berries of various plants to the tea leaves for ice cubes. The effect is amazing!

- Nails and light-colored clothes are painted a little - if the cube leaks. Be careful with this.

I will describe in DETAILS how I make beauty ice cubes, with beautiful photos, soon in a self-care review.


+ Yes, yes, we still got this method from mothers and their grandmothers :) The same way to wash your eyes with tea, with any redness and inflammation, even conjunctivitis TEA WORKS! ..and even this disgusting tea Princess Kandy will work the same way.

- Do not put lotions of tea on the eyes at night - in the morning an unpleasant film may appear on the eyelashes.


+ To strengthen hair and prevent hair loss- also this disgusting Kandy tea comes to our aid. A strong infusion of tea should be rubbed into the scalp for two weeks - this will strengthen the hair and stimulate their growth! Checked on myself. Sit with tea on your head a little longer and go wash your head.

+ This black tea cannormalize the work of the sebaceous glands. A glass of strong brewed tea is taken, mixed with a glass of decoction of oak bark, and the hair is rinsed with all this. I didn’t do it myself, because I’m lazy, and the girls I know in this way prolonged the stay of their heads in a fresher form for a long time and now their hair is less oily.

- This method is suitable for dark hair, as blond hair can turn brown. thanks to black tea and decoction of oak bark. And so that they are still painted in a chestnut tone, wrap the hair soaked with tea leaves and oak broth in polyethylene and sit longer.


It's bad that there is little that can remove this rotten taste from this particular tea from Princess Kandy. Neither mint, nor even lemon balm or chamomile, and even cinnamon and ginger, are capable.

+ Capable onlyfood flavorsin flasks, and I also added to a cup of this Kandy teaa little vanilla powder. This saved him! Taste and smell became more attractive.

To make your charming face always look amazing, try these black and green tea face mask recipes (recipes)

There are many legends about tea. According to one of them, the Buddha cut off his eyelids so that they would not interfere with his meditation. In the place where the thrown eyelids fell into the ground, tea trees grew. Buddhists around the world celebrate May 17 as Buddha's birthday by bathing his holy statues with tea or sweetened water.

tea properties

A cup of tea contains 2 times less caffeine than a cup of coffee. You can remove 80% of the caffeine from the drink if you first pour boiling water over the tea, wait half a minute and drain the liquid. After that, pour tea with a fresh portion of boiling water, brew for 5 minutes.

Tea, so necessary and beneficial for our body, is also beneficial for our charming face. There are many masks using tea in the form of ground powder from tea leaves or in the form of strong tea leaves. The masks are absolutely easy to make and use, they do not require exotic ingredients, and they are quite effective.

Tea face mask recipes. Black tea

Tea leaves mask for oily and normal skin - toning, drying


  • 2 teaspoons of black tea leaves.

Application: Put the thick black tea on a napkin, then put it on your face. Withstand 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Moisturizing, firming, toning, anti-wrinkle mask


  • Strong brewing of black tea in the form of heat - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • Honey, slightly warmed in a water bath - 2 teaspoons;
  • Ground oat flakes - 2 teaspoons.

Application: Mix everything thoroughly until the consistency of thick sour cream, then apply it in a warm form on the face with a thick layer. We cover the face with a paper napkin, and on top with a terry towel. Withstand 20 minutes. Rinse first with warm, then cool water.

Nourishing, vitamin, toning, smoothing mask


  • Strong brewing of black tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • Fat-free cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

Application: We stand 15-20 minutes. Rinse first with cold and then warm water.

Mask cleansing, smoothing, drying


  • Brewing cold strong black tea - 3 tablespoons;
  • Whipped protein - 1 piece (for dry skin - 1 yolk);
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon (for dry skin - vegetable oil is better);
  • Clay (for dry skin - pink or red, for oily skin- white) - 1 tablespoon;
  • Ground oatmeal - 1 tablespoon;
  • Ground almonds - 2 teaspoons.

Application: The mixture should be in consistency, like thick sour cream, if it turns out too thick, you can add a little tea leaves. Withstand 10 min. Wash off with cool water.

Mask for aging skin - toning, nourishing, tightening


  • Wheat flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • Strong cold brewing of black tea - 2 tablespoons;
  • Egg yolk - 1 piece.

Application: Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with room temperature water.

Black Tea Tanning Toning Lotion


  • Dry black tea - 2 teaspoons;
  • Boiling water - 1 cup;
  • Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking: We brew tea, let it brew until it cools, then add lemon juice.

Application: We wipe our face with this lotion every day, in the mornings and evenings. You can pour it into a bottle and store in the refrigerator, this lotion is enough for 4 days. Then you can make a new batch. Make cosmetic ice according to this recipe.

Tea face mask recipes. Green tea

Mask for aging skin - tones, gives elasticity, firmness


  • Green tea ground or small-leaved - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Boiling water - 0.5 cups

Cooking: We brew tea, insist under the lid for 5 minutes, then filter through a fine sieve or gauze and mix the tea gruel with sour cream.

Application: Keep the mask on for 15 minutes. Wash off with water at room temperature.

Nourishing, rejuvenating mask


  • Strong green tea brew - 1 tablespoon;
  • Honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • Fat cottage cheese - 100 grams.

Application: Withstand 15 minutes. Rinse first with cool and then warm water.

Nourishing toning mask for combination or oily skin


  • Green tea crushed - 1 tablespoon;
  • Kefir or yogurt - 2 tablespoons.

Application: Keep the mask on for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Rejuvenating, refreshing, toning mask


  • Strong warm brew of green tea - 2 tablespoons;
  • Grapefruit juice (or any citrus) - 1 tablespoon;
  • Egg yolk - 1 yolk;
  • Aloe juice - 1 teaspoon.

Application: We apply the mask for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm soda.

Purifying mask


  • Clay white, green, blue, yellow (for combination or oily skin), pink or red - for dry and normal skin - 1 tablespoon;
  • Strong brewing of green tea - 2-3 tablespoons.

Application: We keep the mask on the face for 7-8 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

These simple face masks will help your skin always look fresh and young!

Not everyone can assume that black tea is great as a face mask. But it has long been used by beauties. No need to buy a special type of drink, the one that is in the house will do.

It only needs to be leafy and black. The best tea brought from the mountains, natural, without dyes and flavors.

It is one of the best natural remedies for fighting also tea ideally improves color and smoothes the skin. Tea contains antioxidants and caffeine, which tone, energize, giving a fresh look to the face.

Such masks are especially useful in the summer on hot days, as they protect the face from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

What skin is it suitable for?

Ideally, black tea is suitable for older ladies, as it is a natural source of energy and vigor for aging skin. This drink contains a lot of vitamin C, A, B, as well as various amino acids, caffeine and tannin.

All these substances make the skin younger and more beautiful, smooth wrinkles, give a healthy glow. If you constantly apply masks with this product, then the result will be on a par with the use of cosmetic creams.

Also, those women who work in hazardous industries, on night shifts, can add tea to the mask. From city life, stress, overstrain at work, the skin of the face suffers first of all, and everyone notices this first of all.

The mask with black tea gently cleanses, makes the skin beautiful, evens out the color, breathes new life into it. Caffeine and tannin perfectly relieve the appearance of fatigue on the skin, and tone it up.

Young girls can also use a mask with tea once a month for prevention. As a result, they will always have a beautiful complexion and a healthy glow, dark circles under their eyes, which students of educational institutions complain about so much.

In addition, the constant use of tea for the face gives a beautiful swarthy shade. Even in winter it looks like a tan, as if the skin has been exposed to the sun. It is important not to overdo it here.

The benefits of a black drink for skin prone to acne, irritation, and allergies are noticeable. Cold brewed tea will reduce oiliness and remove shine on the face.

Masks with tea will also help those who suffer from dry skin.

This mask is a natural source of moisture for the face. Also, tea is great for chapping and frost. This is an excellent protection against all the environmental ills that modern women often have to face.

The sooner you start taking care of your facial skin with a natural antioxidant, the less problems it will have in the future. It is important to know what rules for using tea exist, and how to make such masks so that they really have an effect.

Under what conditions can not be used

There are practically no contraindications for using masks from a tea drink. It happens very rarely that a person develops an allergy or irritation to the mask. In such cases, stop using immediately.

How to make tea compresses for the face, see this video:

Even people with high blood pressure should be careful with strong tea leaves. Caffeine-addicted people should also not use such masks.

Do not use expired tea in the mask, as its effectiveness will be reduced, and it can cause irritation on the skin. It is also worth remembering that the tea leaves are always fresh.

Terms of Use

In order for a cosmetic product to bring the desired result, you need to know how to apply it correctly. There are several nuances on how to use black tea so that it affects the skin.

In order for a natural cosmetic product to help, you need to know how to prepare it correctly, which recipe is suitable for a particular skin type.

Best Recipes

Many recipes for masks using tea have been used in ancient times in different countries. In some of them, in addition to tea, other ingredients are added for the benefit and effectiveness of the procedure.

In addition to masks, they make compresses, ice, tonic from tea. Tea is suitable for oily and dry skin, and for young and fading. Its effectiveness depends on how this remedy is prepared, as well as what auxiliary product is added there.

Masks against wrinkles and skin aging

  • Steep a spoonful of leaves in a glass of boiling water, mix with milk and Milk and oatmeal have long been considered an elixir of youth and beauty. Apply to the skin, hold for 6-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of tea leaves with 1 tablespoon of wheat flour and egg yolk. Keep the mixture fresh for about 10 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. Wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes elastic.

Anti-wrinkle masks should be used no more than once a week.

Moisturizing masks

Color Enhancers

Masks with eggs or sour cream are done once a week.


  • You can make compresses for the eyes from tea leaves. This will remove the look of fatigue and fading of the skin of the face, remove black circles under the eyes. It is easy to do, no special tools or tools are required.
  • Boil the leaves in a mug. Cotton wool should be moistened in a strong brew of a black drink, kept in front of your eyes for 3 minutes. This procedure also relieves swelling on the eyelids. Helps a lot after a sleepless night. Can be done every day or as needed.

How to wipe your face with ice, this video will tell:

Tonic or lotion

Every girl periodically uses a facial tonic. It helps to refresh the skin, give radiance, wash away impurities, cleanse pores, strengthen blood vessels. It is useful to make it from black tea.

Mix tea leaves with a tablespoon of lemon juice, add a teaspoon of salt, then cool. You can wipe your face like this in the morning and evening with a cotton swab. You can freeze this tool and arrange it in forms.

Take out an ice cube in the mornings and evenings, wipe the face area. It is very useful. Ice from tea can be made varied with the addition of other products.

ice from tea

Brew tea leaves in a glass of water, add fresh mint leaves or lemon balm. If the skin is prone to oily sheen, then you can also add natural lemon juice. Strain the infusion, let cool, then pour into ice molds.

Place in freezer, take out as needed. This precious tool will always help to take care of the skin of the face when it is needed. This ice can be washed in the morning.

For oily skin

Infuse tea leaves in a glass of boiling water with elderberry flowers in the amount of one tablespoon. Then, when the mixture has cooled, mix with oatmeal and beat with egg white.

Keep on face for 5 minutes. Then rinse your face well with warm water. Egg white cleanses the pores on the skin, and tea gives softness and smoothness, relieves inflammation.


Black tea masks will help not only make the face younger, fresher, but also save money on cosmetics. Nature is rich in effective means for beauty and health.

Tea masks have long been used by Eastern peoples. Oriental beauties noticed the healing properties of tea, which relieves inflammation, tones the skin, and improves its condition.

Black tea for skin care

Black tea is a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent. Skin tannins work as antioxidants, helping the skin fight against adverse factors. Tea also helps the vessels to remain elastic.

Compresses can be made from black tea. They help to smooth out wrinkles, relieve swelling. For a compress, it is recommended to saturate the cotton wool with weak tea leaves at room temperature and wrap it in a bandage. The compress should be kept on the face and neck for 20 minutes, and then washed off with a strong tea solution. This procedure should be repeated every other day or two for 2 weeks. After that, you need a break for a month.

Remember! Black tea makes your skin golden in color by gradually coloring it. Black tea recipes should be used with caution.

Masks with black tea for women after 25 years of age perfectly cares for the face. It is prepared simply: 2 tsp. honey and the same amount of oatmeal are mixed with strong black tea in a 1: 1 ratio. The contents are heated in a water bath for 5 minutes, and then applied to the face. To prevent the mask from cooling down longer, cover your face with a towel.

If you are concerned about the spider veins on your cheeks, then you will need cold tea grounds, which must be placed on your face, covered with a damp cloth. After 20 minutes, everything must be washed off with a strong tea solution. The procedure should be carried out, as in the case of compresses - after 1-2 days for two weeks.

Green tea for oily skin

Green tea, like black tea, is no less rich in beneficial properties. It has antioxidant properties, fights free radicals, and prevents skin aging. Tea dries the skin, so it is good for oily skin. But while using tea solutions, you must definitely use a moisturizer.

To preserve youth and beauty, you need to wipe your face skin with ice cubes from green tea infusion every day after washing. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 tsp to one glass of infusion. salt and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Such procedures will help the skin to be elastic, narrow pores and relieve inflammation. Skin care with tea will help you to be attractive for a long time.

Green tea for face is a source of vitamins and nutrients. Using this tool, you can achieve excellent results. The tool helps in the fight against many diseases of the epidermis.

In the last decade, green tea has become a very popular skin care product. And they use this product not only for preparing a decoction or infusion, but also in dry form for preparing a wide range of face and body skin care products.

The tradition of using green tea for skin care is relatively young. She came to the post-Soviet countries much later than green tea as a tonic. Nevertheless, cosmetic products, which include green tea, are becoming more and more every day. Among them, the most popular are:

  • masks;
  • creams;
  • scrubs;
  • lotions;
  • tonics;
  • ointments;
  • emulsions.

The cost of the above drugs is the most diverse. It depends not only on the quality of the product and brand, but also on what raw materials were used as the basis for the cosmetic product. There are very cheap and affordable creams for restoring the epidermis and healing wounds with green tea extract, but there are also expensive masks made from a special kind of Japanese tea called Matcha.

The simplest remedies that you can prepare at home from ordinary leafy green tea are listed below:

  1. Decoctions and infusions that are used instead of alcohol-free tonics or face lotions. Also, brewed tea is used to make ice cubes.
  2. Scrubs made from powdered tea leaves. Helps exfoliate the dead top layer of skin. The procedure makes it possible not only to carry out a soft peeling, but also to nourish the skin with readily available useful substances.
  3. Masks in combination with all kinds of food products: cereals, fats and sour-milk compounds.

You will find recommendations on how to prepare them correctly, as well as use them with maximum benefit, in the article on green tea as a panacea for problem skin.

Properties, composition and characteristics

The properties of a useful product are directly related to the rich mineral composition of tea, because the leaves of this natural source of youth contain vitamins A, C, as well as group B. In addition, chemical studies confirm the content in the product of such trace elements as:

  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • zinc.

In addition to these components, green tea contains flavonoids and essential oils, as well as caffeine. All these substances are characterized as tonic and regenerating components. Their action allows you to quickly restore the skin, get rid of acne and age spots.

Benefit and harm to the face

The benefits of green tea for the face are as great as for the whole body. External use of infusions and products with green tea has no contraindications, since the action of the product is exclusively local. It can be used externally by pregnant and lactating women, while taking the drink internally is not always recommended. Creams and masks are also harmless to expectant and new mothers, and they are perhaps one of the safest and most comprehensive ways to care for the face.

The uniqueness of products based on a useful product is that they are suitable for any type of skin. They are able to solve a huge number of skin problems, so green tea cosmetics can be called “smart” with confidence.

Using just one product, you can get rid of both dry and oily skin. The therapeutic effect is observed when used on flabby skin or in a fight with youthful acne.

Many skin problems can be easily solved by using green tea products in various commercial forms (creams, masks, lotions) throughout the day. It will not harm the skin.

Green tea home remedies

The most popular homemade recipes that can solve many skin problems are listed below. All proposed masks and lotions can also be used on the skin of the neck and décolleté, as well as on other parts of the body.

If in the process of preparing homemade cosmetics you need to add an infusion of green tea, then you should be aware that:

  • decoction should be prepared immediately before use;
  • a concentrated product with medicinal characteristics is made from ten grams of a tea leaf and one hundred milliliters of water heated to ninety degrees Celsius.

Tea leaves are placed in a cup, filled with water and insisted for an hour. During this time, all useful substances will come out into the liquid, but they will not have time to lose their qualities.

After applying cleansing compositions, it is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics, as well as to refuse to use other facial skin care products.

Dark spots

Pigmentation spots that often occur after sun exposure, as well as due to bowel problems during pregnancy and breastfeeding, can be cured with a mask made from:

  • one tablespoon of green tea infusion;
  • three tablespoons of natural yogurt or sour cream;
  • one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

The mass should be applied to clean and dry skin. Leave it on your face for half an hour. You need to repeat this mask every other day for two weeks.

To some extent, such a mask is able to lighten age spots, only it needs to be used for a long time.

Puffiness under the eyes and dark circles

Puffiness under the eyes and dark circles can be overcome with lotions from the infusion of green tea. Cotton pads or a soft cloth are dipped into the liquid, and then the material is applied to closed eyes. The application lasts no more than fifteen minutes. The effect of the use of green tea is many times greater than the use of black tea, because all the beneficial substances are in a higher concentration in the raw materials of weakly fermented tea leaves. You can enhance the effect with a cup of tea taken orally. As a sweetener, it is desirable to use natural bee honey. You can even do without sugar.

Flabbiness of the skin

You can fight loose skin with the help of the following remedy, prepared from:

  • one glass of infusion;
  • one tablespoon of homemade sour cream or butter.

The exposure time of such a composition is fifteen minutes. After that, rinse off the mass and dry it with paper towels.

Another version of the mask of a similar action is prepared from:

  • three tablespoons of infusion;
  • fifteen grams of rye or wheat flour;
  • one chicken yolk.

The mass is mixed and immediately applied to the face. Leave the mixture for about twenty minutes. The number of procedures per week should not be more than three. They need to be interspersed with other activities.

Oily skin

You can normalize the condition of oily skin with the help of the following mask. To prepare it, you need not a decoction, but the leaves themselves, which should be steamed. You can take the vitamin mass that remains from the preparation of fragrant green tea. A miracle cure is prepared from:

  • two tablespoons of heated leaves;
  • a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • one tablespoon of crushed oatmeal flakes.

A nourishing and at the same time drying mask should be used daily at night for at least ten days. After that, it is advisable to take a break for at least three weeks. If the skin is very oily, then the product can be used with a break of fourteen days. The exposure time of the mixture on the problematic part of the face is twenty minutes. After the time has elapsed, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Against sunburn and winter frostbite

Against sunburn and winter frostbite, a protective lotion will help, which can be prepared from:

  • three slices of lemon;
  • a glass of hot infusion;
  • two tablespoons of alcohol.

The agent is insisted until completely cooled in a jar wrapped in a towel, and then filtered. Squeeze out the moisture from the lemon rings. The substance must be stored in the refrigerator. Apply the lotion with a cotton pad on the skin of the face and allow it to dry. If the skin is very susceptible to chapping, then after the first layer has dried, you need to process it again.


To overcome acne and other inflammatory processes in the upper layer of the skin of the face, you can use a composition prepared from equal parts of apple cider vinegar and green tea decoction without impurities. In a glass of liquid, a teaspoon without a slide of table salt or sea salt suitable for human consumption should be dissolved.

The resulting product should be impregnated with a cotton napkin, and then put the latter on the face, steamed in a steam bath with essential oils.

Already after five daily procedures, the face will become much cleaner. The course of treatment with this remedy is three weeks. After completion of the procedures and treatment in general, it is recommended to use a protective lotion with alcohol, the recipe for which is given earlier.


You can get rid of rosacea (reddening of the skin of the face, which is the result of pathological expansion of capillaries) by using a remedy obtained from:

  • three tablespoons of green tea extract (sold in pharmacies);
  • one tablespoon of strong chamomile tea;
  • one tablespoon of fresh aloe juice;
  • one tablespoon of glycerin;
  • five drops of mint essential oil;
  • five drops of lavender essential oil;
  • five drops of immortelle essential oil;
  • five drops of neroli essential oil.

All listed ingredients should be mixed in a bottle with a wide neck until a homogeneous consistency. Apply the product daily for a month, twice a day: in the morning and in the evening after a thorough washing.

You can also use a composition of equal parts of grape seed oil (natural, not cosmetic!) and green tea to combat rosacea. Peppermint or lemon balm can be used as a tonic. Any of these components should be put into tea leaves in the amount of one teaspoon of leaves (about two grams), crushed into gruel. You need to use the remedy for fourteen days.

After this time, the results will be noticeable. But it is not worth using the drug for a long time. A second course can be carried out only after three months. During this time, the vessels will noticeably contract and "learn" to keep the desired shape.

Healthy, rejuvenated and radiant skin will be a reward for all those who will not only use green tea as lotions or other face and body care products, but also drink a healthy drink in the morning instead of coffee.
