
Hibiscus tea at low pressure. Does hot hibiscus increase blood pressure? Hot or cold hibiscus and pressure

Recently, a variety of drinks that came from the East have become fashionable, one of these is red hibiscus tea, for the preparation of which hibiscus or Sudanese rose is used.

This drink has a characteristic rich red color and a sour taste, and hibiscus is consumed both hot and cold.

The beneficial properties of this type of tea have long been known and proven, many people liked it very much and replaced coffee or more traditional black tea. But is it always possible for everyone to drink it, how does it work with hypertension, does hibiscus actually increase or decrease blood pressure?

Hibiscus - useful properties

Hibiscus, or Sudanese rose, is a plant highly valued for its beneficial properties in Egypt, first of all. It is drunk with pleasure also in India, China and Malaysia. Drink of the pharaohs, royal tea - all these are other names for hibiscus.

But in fact, tea is not quite the right definition, since it is brewed not from the leaves of the tea tree, but from the perianths of the Sudanese rose.

Sudanese rose is a small flower with beautiful, large bright red flowers. It does not grow in our latitudes. But some hibiscus lovers have adapted to grow hibiscus at home in pots, pick flowers, dry and use for medicinal purposes.

This tea is recommended to drink in the heat, it invigorates, refreshes, quenches thirst, and these are not its only properties. There is a lot of discussion about how hot and cold hibiscus works for various diseases and ailments, but different opinions on this matter are not always confirmed by official studies.

American scientists who conducted experiments on 65 volunteers found that hibiscus would be useful in such cases:

  • Tendency to migraines and headaches;
  • Change in blood composition - anemia with low hemoglobin;
  • Violation of the secretory function of the stomach - hibiscus stimulates digestion and speeds up metabolism;
  • Liver failure - Sudanese rose helps to get rid of toxins and improves the production of enzymes;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Allergic reactions, including bronchial asthma.

In addition, the antibacterial properties of hibiscus are known - it will be very useful in the season of colds caused by various microorganisms, especially with honey and cinnamon.

Hibiscus can be brewed and drunk in unlimited quantities with severe alcohol intoxication, the properties of this drink will quickly improve your well-being after a long feast.

What is the effect of hibiscus in hypertension

It is widely believed that cold hibiscus lowers blood pressure, and hot hibiscus tea increases, so it can be said that partially folk remedies for reducing pressure can include hibiscus in their list. Therefore, many hypertensive patients are interested in the question of whether they can drink it and which one. In fact, hibiscus does not change its properties depending on temperature.

In any form, red affects blood pressure in the same way - it lowers it. Therefore, it can be safely drunk to patients suffering from hypertension.

Hibiscus affects the body with arterial hypertension as follows:

  1. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  2. Strengthens capillaries.
  3. Normalizes the permeability of the vascular walls.
  4. Prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

The diuretic properties of hibiscus are very valuable in arterial hypertension - it relieves edema and thereby also helps to reduce pressure. Hibiscus normalizes the salt balance and relieves spasms, and this is also useful for hypertension, especially in its early stages.

This effect is explained by the composition of the drink, it is rich in antioxidants - flavonoids and phenolic acids, which have a very beneficial effect on all processes in the human body, stimulate blood circulation and relieve accumulations of toxins. That is why red hibiscus tea is recommended for use not only to stabilize blood pressure.

This drink should be included in your diet for anyone who suffers from coronary heart disease or has had a myocardial infarction. The red color of the drink is provided by anthacyanin substances - it is they who are able to increase the strength of blood vessels and improve the functioning of the heart muscle, while stabilizing blood pressure.

Also in red flowers contain such substances:

  • Easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • Micro and macro elements;
  • fruit acids;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Vitamins.

Of course, such a product could not go unnoticed by physicians, and has found wide application in the treatment of vascular and heart pathologies in the first place.

How to brew and drink red tea

In order for hibiscus to maximize its medicinal properties, you need to learn how to brew it correctly. Doctors recommend drinking at least 300 ml of this drink daily to prevent hypertension and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system - then the risk of developing the disease is reduced by 35%.

And if blood pressure is already elevated, after 4-5 weeks of regular use of hibiscus, the indicators decrease by 7-13%. This is much more effective at high blood pressure than green tea, which is why hibiscus is used as an alternative remedy for hypertension.

It is important not only to properly brew tea from the petals and perianths of the Sudanese rose. You need to choose a quality product. It is best to buy hibiscus in tea shops or good supermarkets, where tea is offered by weight or in transparent bags. There should be no noticeable dust and crumbs in the package, and the inflorescences themselves should be large and well dried.

The technology for making hibiscus tea is somewhat different from brewing black or green tea. Some lovers of this invigorating drink boil it like compote, immediately with sugar and in a very large saucepan. But this is not a rule, but rather an exception to it. Connoisseurs recommend brewing hibiscus like this:

  1. 2-3 tablespoons of hibiscus flowers are poured into an enameled saucepan - this will be 4-5 large inflorescences.
  2. Then pour 500 ml of hot water and put on a slow fire.
  3. Tea is boiled for 5-7 minutes, after which it is allowed to brew a little and drunk, adding sugar or honey to your liking.

You can do without boiling - so the drink will retain more vitamins and amino acids. The inflorescences are simply put into a glass jar or a ceramic jug, poured with water at room temperature and allowed to brew for several hours.

The longer the tea is infused, the richer the color and taste will be. This option is suitable for those who prefer cold hibiscus, because very hot drinks, as you know, in themselves, no matter how useful they are, can increase blood pressure for a short time.

It is best to store the prepared drink in the refrigerator, it will not lose its beneficial properties during the day. You can fill it with boiling water in a thermos if you like a hot drink, but remember that such dishes are not the most suitable for long-term storage. Brewing hibiscus several times, like green tea, is not worth it - you can only dilute it if the drink came out very concentrated.

If you do not like the specific sour taste of hibiscus tea, you can experiment with cinnamon, or combine it with rose hips, tea rose and other useful medicines. Hibiscus will not lose its properties, but its taste will become more pleasant.

Hibiscus is a drink made from hibiscus flowers, which has a pronounced red color. This plant belongs to the Malvaceae family and came to us from India.

There are approximately 150 species of hibiscus, with both annuals and perennials found. It is used for various purposes: as an indoor flower, for cooking, for medicinal purposes.

Hibiscus is drunk instead of tea, it perfectly helps to quench thirst. The drink is also valued for its medicinal properties - many take hibiscus for pressure, both high and low. The question of how to drink hibiscus from pressure is popular: hot or cold.

It is believed that a cold drink has the property of lowering blood pressure, while a hot drink has the ability to increase it. But, according to another opinion, hibiscus reduces pressure, regardless of whether it is drunk hot or cold. Therefore, it is not recommended for hypotensive patients to take it.

The beneficial properties of the plant are due to its composition. The karkad contains the following components:

  • fruit acids(citric and ascorbic), which give a sour taste to the drink. Hibiscus is not the champion in vitamin C content (for example, it is contained in more), however, due to the combination of several types of fruit acids, the resulting drink has a tonic effect on the body, is a dietary product;
  • pectins, contributing to the cleansing of the intestines from toxins and the regulation of its activity;
  • anthocyanins, which take part in the formation of cells and vascular tissues of the body. They improve the structure of blood vessels, make their walls more durable and elastic. Anthocyanins are antioxidants and prevent the development of cancer.

Unlike the first three components, pectins practically do not dissolve in water, so they are contained in a drink in small quantities. They are preserved in the hibiscus leaves left at the bottom of the brewing vessel. Nutritionists recommend eating them.

Beneficial features:

  • stimulating metabolism. The drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, promotes better absorption of nutrients, the breakdown of fats contained in food. It can be used as an effective tool for weight loss, which has an effect even in the absence of physical activity, proper diet and diet;
  • anti-inflammatory and mild diuretic action. Hibiscus helps to improve the condition of patients with acute respiratory infections, has a diaphoretic effect, reduces fever. Recommended for use as an adjuvant in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • antioxidant due to the high content of anthocyanins. Antioxidants dissolve well in the liquid and give the drink a characteristic ruby ​​color. These substances suppress free radicals that promote the formation of cancer cells. Hibiscus is the only plant in which anthocyanins are found in such a high concentration;
  • strengthening properties of blood vessels. Hibiscus is very useful for pressure. Tea helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol and prevents the formation of this harmful substance for the body. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of the drink helps to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Before drinking hibiscus tea with high blood pressure, many are interested in the question: what effect does it have? Scientists from the United States managed to establish which properties of the drink are useful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Ability to lower blood pressure

Relatively recently, studies were conducted in which volunteers aged 30 to 70 participated.

Each of the participants in the experiment suffered from hypertension of varying degrees.

The subjects were divided into two groups, while the participants of the first took "pacifiers" (pills in which there are no active substances), and the second - a drink from hibiscus.

Six weeks later, scientists noted an improvement in the condition of people who took hibiscus tea at high pressure. It ranged from 7.6 to 13.2 percent, while those who took placebo - 1%.

According to the results of the experiment, it can be argued that it is definitely worth using hibiscus to reduce pressure. It was noted that both hot and chilled drinks exhibit the same properties. As for the question of how to drink hibiscus: hot or cold, it follows from the research results that you can drink the drink in any form, depending on the preferences of the hypertensive person himself.

How to brew hibiscus at high pressure?

There are three main ways to brew hibiscus tea at elevated pressure. The fastest way is to brew a drink directly in a cup, when dried flowers are poured into a vessel and poured with hot water.

Dry hibiscus leaves and petals

It is recommended to take one teaspoon of the plant and fill it with water with a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees. If you use boiling liquid for brewing, the finished drink will be deprived of some of its beneficial properties. The second method of preparation is somewhat more complicated, but the resulting tea has a more pronounced taste and aroma.

The traditional way to brew hibiscus tea to relieve pressure (as the Egyptians prepare it) is as follows:

  • a dry plant at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of liquid is placed in a ceramic vessel (teapot);
  • cold water is added to dry leaves and infused for several hours. It is better to do this before going to bed so that the drink is infused all night;
  • then the resulting mixture is brought to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and heat for another three minutes;
  • removed from fire and strained.

The third method is considered the most correct, since it allows you to save all the useful properties of the plant. To prepare hibiscus tea to reduce pressure, use water at room temperature, which is poured over the dry leaves of the plant. The drink is infused for six hours. The proportions correspond to those indicated in the previous cooking method.

Both with high and low blood pressure, it is extremely important to know. Indeed, in both cases, a mug of tea can become both a panacea and a destructive drink.

It is indicated for both hypertensive and hypotensive patients. In general, the advantages of this drink are invaluable if brewed and consumed correctly.

How to drink hibiscus with high blood pressure?

For healthy people who do not have problems with blood pressure, it is enough to drink 1-2 cups of the drink a day.

However, immediately before bedtime, the drink should not be consumed because of its diuretic properties.


As already mentioned, the substances contained in hibiscus contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It does not matter whether the drink was drunk hot or cold.

That is why hibiscus at low pressure is recommended to drink very rarely or completely refuse to take it. People whose work requires increased concentration should drink hibiscus in small doses, as it has sedative properties.

The drink is contraindicated:

  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis or ulcers, caused by high acidity.
  • in the presence of problems with the gallbladder and kidneys.
  • people who may have an allergic reaction: allergy sufferers, children under 12 years old, nursing mothers.
  • women during pregnancy, as the drink increases estrogen levels, which can lead to miscarriage.
  • together with the intake of various medications, such as antibiotics, antiviral, painkillers, anti-inflammatory.

Many nutritionists recommend hibiscus for weight loss, while you need to drink a drink three times a day. It should be remembered about contraindications and possible side effects in the form of a decrease in pressure (dangerous for hypotensive patients) and allergic reactions.

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Hibiscus - hibiscus tea for pressure and just an excellent drink that has a generally positive effect on the body. If you don’t like its sour taste, you can add a little tea rose petals, rose hips or other ingredients that have varying degrees of usefulness. The most valuable property for hypertensive patients is the reduction of blood pressure. Despite the fact that some sources recommend taking hibiscus for hypertension in a cold form, this information has not been confirmed by scientists. Both hot and cold hibiscus tea can help lower blood pressure.

Hibiscus is a tasty and healthy drink, which includes Sudanese rose petals or, in other words, hibiscus. The homeland of this tea, which has a red color, is considered to be the regions of South Asia. The drink has many medicinal properties. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and also has an antispasmodic and mild diuretic effect. But when using it, you should know whether hibiscus tea increases or lowers blood pressure.

Thanks to its unique composition, hibiscus tea is an excellent tool for healing the body. The beneficial properties of hibiscus flowers have been discovered for a very long time. Sudanese rose petals contain a large amount of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. The flowers also contain bioflavonoids and fruit acids. Regular consumption of tea from these flowers will help:

Among other things, this drink helps to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and has a positive effect on the liver. Tea helps with general intoxication of the body, removes salts and toxins. Sometimes hibiscus is used as an antihelminthic.

Important: The drink brings particular value to people suffering from problems with blood pressure drops. Tea helps to normalize the performance and significantly improve the patient's condition.

The use of hibiscus in reasonable quantities is allowed even during pregnancy. Due to its slightly sour taste, it helps to cope with morning sickness, and also normalizes bowel function, improves the outflow of bile. A unique set of trace elements contributes to better absorption of iron, which, in turn, has a positive effect on hemoglobin levels. Also, when carrying a child, the general strengthening effect of the drink is important.

How does hibiscus affect blood pressure

Hibiscus hot and cold have different effects on pressure. Quite often, doctors with low blood pressure recommend drinking a cup of hot tea (red, black). At the same time, it must be necessarily sweet, with the addition of sugar or honey. However, it is worth noting that there is no caffeine in the flowers of the Sudanese rose, and it is precisely the hibiscus that does not directly affect the increase in pressure, like, for example, a cup of coffee. This is where the body reacts to a sweet hot drink.

It was also noted the property of red tea to eliminate headaches in patients suffering from weather dependence. The vasospasm disappears, blood circulation normalizes, as a result, the pain syndrome decreases. But the improvement in vascular tone and the gradual restoration of the cardiovascular system occurs only after regular long-term use of the drink.

If the patient suffers from arterial hypertension, then drinking a hot drink is not recommended. Doctors advise drinking cold hibiscus or warm (not higher than 40 ° C). The diuretic effect of red tea plays an important role in this. Flavonoids, which are part of hibiscus flowers, help to remove salts, which helps to reduce swelling and, accordingly, reduce pressure.

It is important to know when hibiscus lowers or raises blood pressure and when the effect of treatment occurs. Persistent normalization of blood pressure indicators in hypertension is possible only with regular use of the drink. On average, doctors recommend drinking 2 cups of tea a day in the morning and evening. Treatment is carried out in courses of 30 days followed by a break of two weeks.

Please note: The effect of hibiscus tea on pressure indicators is due to the strengthening of blood vessels, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, and a slight diuretic effect.

How to brew hibiscus

The healing properties of hibiscus tea are fully revealed only with proper brewing. With daily use of such a drink, the likelihood of developing hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases is reduced by 35%. If there are already deviations in the work of the circulatory system, after a few weeks of regular use of red tea, the patient's condition improves significantly, and the pressure indicators decrease by 10-12%.

There are several popular types of hibiscus tea:

Brewing methods

It is important for people who wish to treat with hibiscus tea to know not only about the benefits and harms of the drink, at what time to drink it under pressure, but also how to brew it correctly. When brewing hibiscus, only ceramic or glassware should be used. Oxidative processes occur in metal containers, which significantly affects the color and taste of the drink. Tea is brewed in the following ways:

The longer red tea is infused, the richer its taste and color will be. Hibiscus is brewed only once; during the second steaming, there are practically no useful properties left in it. For short-term storage, you can use a thermos. Hypertensive patients who use hibiscus for pressure can store it in the refrigerator for up to three days. With hypotension, it is recommended to prepare tea immediately before drinking.

If you don’t particularly like the sour taste of tea, you can try combining it with rose hips, tea rose petals, or other medicinal plants. Useful properties of hibiscus are not lost.


Despite the fact that hibiscus is a tea with beneficial properties, it has its drawbacks and contraindications for use. People who have pathologies and diseases such as:

Drinking tea with these disorders can lead to the development of diarrhea, vomiting and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Since hibiscus also affects blood pressure in a certain way, headaches, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms may occur.

Hibiscus is a drink that contains the hibiscus plant. It is grown mainly in the East Asian regions. It is there that people highly appreciate the decorative and food culture.

In Malaysia, the hibiscus is the state symbol and is even depicted on the local coin. In countries such as Sudan, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand, cultivation is carried out on an industrial scale.

Hibiscus tea has a lot of useful properties. One of these properties is considered to be the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, which can regulate their patency and raise the pressure. It also has antispasmodic and diuretic effects.

When the vascular walls are strengthened, then, accordingly, blood pressure normalizes. Hibiscus expels cholesterol from blood vessels and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect. Often, a cup of hibiscus saves from toxic alcohol poisoning and an allergic reaction.

Hibiscus contains flavonoids, which cleanse the body of salts and toxic substances.

Hibiscus tea is able to kill bacteria and pathogens. Helps to normalize peristalsis and rid the intestinal walls of tone. It acts as a laxative for atony and relieves the patient of chronic constipation. The laxative effect passes gently, without injuring the walls of the large intestine.

Any effect from hibiscus appears not after a single application, but after a long one. Drinking hibiscus for better results is recommended for two to three weeks. If you want to repeat the course of folk treatment, then you need to take a short break. Typically, this is one week.

Hibiscus is an environmentally friendly product, it does not adversely affect health, and doctors recommend drinking it at any age.

Hibiscus consists of fruit acid. amino acids, easily digestible carbohydrates, macroelements and microelements. All these constituent elements saturate the body with the energy necessary for a full life. They tone it up by increasing resistance to various infections and diseases.

Gammalinolenic acid, which is part of hibiscus, reduces cholesterol levels, especially in cases where there is a lot of it.

Scientists have proven that not only hibiscus tea itself has a positive effect on the human body, but also hibiscus flowers.

Hibiscus does not contain oxalic acid, which contributes to the development of kidney stones. Regular consumption of such a drink produces bile, which stimulates the liver and protects it from the harmful effects of external factors.

Good hibiscus copes with a hangover.

How does hibiscus tea affect blood pressure and blood vessels

Experts have conducted many experiments to determine how hibiscus and blood pressure interact with each other and find out whether it lowers or increases blood pressure. As we said above, hibiscus flowers, which are considered the main component of hibiscus, are composed of antioxidants. And as we know, antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the vascular system of the human body. Hibiscus also consists of organic acids, vitamins (thiamine, niacin, ascorbic acid, riboflavin). Hibiscus and pressure are closely related. The main feature of the drink, diuretic and antispasmodic effects. A diuretic reaction with persistent high blood pressure (hypertension) lowers it. All useful substances of hibiscus gradually remove excess fluid from the body, which at one time interferes with cardiac work.

Flavonoids contained in hibiscus flowers, with their antispasmodic effect, dilate blood vessels. Also, after a cup of drunk hibiscus, the smooth muscles of the vessels relax, thereby preventing any changes in them. Among patients suffering from a regular increase and decrease in blood pressure, the question often arises: “Does hibiscus tea increase or decrease blood pressure?”.

Scientists in Spain have taken up this issue. After research and experimentation, they determined that hibiscus is composed of many substances that reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by approximately 8 to 12 millimeters of mercury.

To find out, they conducted an experiment in which people who drank hibiscus every day for two, three months took part.

Due to the fact that the renal vessels expand, microcirculation in the tissues improves, causing a decrease in the level of renin hormones. These hormones, in turn, are responsible for the increase in lower blood pressure.

Hibiscus extract is responsible for relaxing the heart muscles, and, accordingly, reduces upper pressure. Which drink hibiscus cold or hot? How does temperature affect pressure? Among people, there is an opinion that cold temperature hibiscus helps to lower blood pressure, and hot, respectively, to increase. But this is absolutely wrong. Low temperatures cause vasoconstriction, which leads to high blood pressure.

Any hot drinks have a vasodilating effect, but at the same time stimulate the heart. The myocardium after a hot drink begins to work hard, at this time blood pressure is pumped up.

When a patient is diagnosed with hypertension, and he often has crises, then hibiscus tea should be at a warm temperature.

How to drink hibiscus tea

How to drink hibiscus to lower blood pressure? Hibiscus lowers blood pressure with regular use. People suffering from hypertension notice that one cup of hibiscus a day has a lowering effect on blood pressure. In order for all vitamins and healing properties to be preserved and hibiscus to help with high pressure, it must be properly brewed.

You can buy hibiscus in the form of tea in disposable bags or by weight. In order to prepare a hot hibiscus tea potion, you need to pour 20 grams of dry leaves with boiling water. How to properly treat tea with high blood pressure? If the patient has a predisposition to a hypertensive crisis, then the tea should cool down after brewing. To stabilize blood pressure in hypertension, patients need to drink tea constantly.

But you should not drink it in liters, because blood pressure can rise sharply. and of course, do not forget about the medications prescribed by the attending physician. Remember that it is impossible to restore blood pressure only to hibiscus.

What is the use of hibiscus

Such a drink as hibiscus can be drunk by all people. Even small children can be given a little bit of it. This plant has no contraindications, but only useful and medicinal properties. What properties does this drink have?:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves fever and normalizes the work of the central nervous system;
  • removes excess fluid from the body. And as we know, excess fluid makes it difficult for the heart to work;
  • with constipation, it gives a laxative effect, which passes gently and does not injure the walls and muscles of the intestine;
  • if a hypertensive patient has a hypertensive crisis, then hibiscus will reduce pressure;
  • eliminates pain syndromes and spasms;
  • strengthens the vascular system;
  • lowers cholesterol in the blood;
  • often, hibiscus is used in traditional medicine to combat benign neoplasms.


It can be concluded that hibiscus is a universal remedy. You can drink it all and regularly, while it does not adversely affect the body.

The only thing to remember is that it must be properly brewed. Because it will depend on how strong the effect will be.

A person who drinks hibiscus to raise blood pressure should know their performance. If there is a tendency to a sharp increase, then the drink is drunk cool, and for hypotensive patients, it is recommended to drink it hot.

Flower teas are loved by people all over the world, and hibiscus is one of the most beloved and beneficial. But the controversial point that hibiscus tea raises or lowers blood pressure is still open to many. And this is taking into account the fact that research on this issue has been going on for a long time. Let's see if this incredible flower can help solve the problem with pressure, as it treats many other diseases.

Red hibiscus tea is made from the Sudanese rose, the petals and bracts of which are dried before drinking. Its composition is rich in various trace elements and other useful substances. If you drink it, then you can:

  • calm the nervous system, normalize metabolism, relieve spasm and get a slight hypnotic effect, and all thanks to magnesium in hibiscus;
  • due to the increased content of calcium and phosphorus, make tooth enamel stronger, like bones, and healthier hair and nails;
  • remove or prevent anemia;
  • avoid profuse sweating during the hot season;
  • thanks to potassium, remove signs of poisoning, which was accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea;
  • restore acid-base, water balance in the body due to the tandem of potassium and sodium;
  • make the walls of blood vessels strong and elastic, because Sudanese rose contains many vitamins of groups B, A, PP and C;
  • use tea as a prophylactic against SARS, stress and bad mood;
  • thanks to the beneficial acids of tea, prevent the formation of dangerous cholesterol plaques in the blood;
  • make memory better, and brain work more intense, remove fatigue;
  • affect blood pressure, bringing it back to normal;
  • reduce excess weight, because an increased content of acids contributes to the breakdown of fats in the body;
  • relieve hangover symptoms and promote the rapid release of toxins.

Important! Cold hibiscus lowers blood pressure, and hot tea raises it, and it has a neutral effect only on a completely healthy person.

The effect of hibiscus on pressure and blood vessels

Many recommend hibiscus for high pressure as an effective and quick remedy. But there are those who take hibiscus for low blood pressure, considering it a panacea. But how does this amazing tea actually work?

Doctors advise caution in drinking hibiscus with hypertension. Verbal battles about its effect on blood pressure have been going on for a long time, and there is still no general opinion about the Sudanese rose drink.

According to some, hot tea can increase pressure, while others are sure that it is useful for reducing pressure and only when cold. However, among herbalists there are still more of those who consider it a salvation from high blood pressure, and the temperature of tea does not matter.

Therefore, hypertensive patients with low pressure should be extremely careful about this drink, especially when it is hot.

The rapid effect of the drink will not come if you drink one cup of tea, but you should carefully listen to the body so as not to miss the moment of deterioration.


Despite the fact that most doctors recommend hibiscus to bring high blood pressure back to normal, this drink should be taken with caution. After all, there are people to whom it is categorically contraindicated, and this includes those who suffer from:

  • increased acidity, exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers, because the drink contains a lot of natural acid, which worsens the course of existing pathologies, irritating the stomach, causing heartburn;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, especially at the acute stage due to the fact that the drink has an active diuretic effect: stones can advance and worsen the patient's health;
  • any form of food allergy, because hibiscus refers to those products that can cause an individual allergic reaction.

In addition to the list of contraindications, there are a number of precautions that doctors recommend to follow:

  • do not give drink to young children, especially those who have manifestations of diathesis;
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid Sudanese tea, as no studies have been conducted on its effect on these groups of people, which may be hazardous to their health.

Important! If the taste of hibiscus is so important in your life, but for some reason you can’t have it, you should consult a doctor, and not decide the issue yourself.

Sudanese rose petals: how to brew?

Herbal tea lovers know many ways to prepare not only an amazing taste drink, but also a healing one. The same applies to hibiscus, which in the East is considered a cult drink.

Also read: Salt and pressure - what is the danger

4 proven ways to make tea from Sudanese rose petals:

  1. Hot. Rinse the cup with boiling water and put a teaspoon of dry tea mixture into it. Pour hot water, cover and let stand for a couple of minutes, then you can drink. With hypotension or hypertension, it is allowed to use a sweetener - honey or fructose, but the drink is already good without any additives or additions.
  2. Cold. Prepare the drink according to the above recipe, but leave to infuse until completely cooled. You can add a few ice cubes. Such tea perfectly quenches thirst and restores the water balance of the body.
  3. Decoction - cold hibiscus. For this recipe, dried rose petals are soaked in water for a couple of hours. Use cold water, the container must be enameled. After that, the liquid is brought to a boil over high heat and removed from the stove. The broth should cool completely under a closed lid. Serve in tall glasses with ice.
  4. Infusion - cold hibiscus with raisins. Put the number of petals and raisins to taste, but so that the total amount of the mixture does not exceed 100-150 grams. It needs to be poured with boiling water, preferably in a thermos, and insisted for a couple of hours until the petals give the water its color, taste and useful substances. Welding is allowed to be used a couple more times.

This is useful to know!

The most popular varieties of Sudanese roses are:

  1. Rosella, grown in the vastness of India. The cold drink has an incredibly rich taste and color, it is easy for them to quench their thirst on a hot day. And if you make it hot, you can feel a slight fruity aftertaste in your mouth.
  2. Sabdarif, grown by farmers in Sudan and Egypt. Special plantations are being prepared for him. Rarely goes as an additive to other varieties of hibiscus, most often it is sold as an independent tea.

When buying hibiscus tea, there are points that you need to pay attention to:

  • when purchasing leaves by weight, you need to make sure that they are protected from dust, litter, light;
  • if it is a packaged product, then the package must be intact, without damage and with all the necessary information about the manufacturer and place of collection of tea;
  • the petals should be saturated in color and have a characteristic smell, excessively dark or light shades indicate the low quality of the raw materials sold to you;
  • tea should not contain dust and crumbs of petals, which means that you are being sold a low-quality product;
  • it should be free of mold and other signs of deterioration.

On average, good hibiscus tea costs from 400 rubles per 0.5 kg. Drinks that are in the lower price range should be checked carefully before buying, as good varieties of hibiscus may not cost as much.

Packaged teas should not be used, because most often they contain tea dust, which remains during the packaging of the main product. It is easy to store the purchased product. It must immediately be transferred to a cloth bag or sealed ceramic container. It should stand in a dry, slightly cool place.

At the first sign of spoilage or decay, tea should be thrown away, because now there will be no benefit from it, only harm.

Cases of serious food poisoning with spoiled hibiscus have been recorded, and the consequences for a person were the saddest, and recovery was long and painful.

The Sudanese rose has been pleasing people all over the world for many centuries. The rich taste and color of hibiscus are comparable only to the beneficial properties of the drink. Due to its availability and low price, many people use it daily as a regular tea or drink. But doctors do not recommend doing this if there are health problems. Otherwise, treatment with hibiscus is both tasty and healthy.
