
Black bread. BIO flour Black bread BIO wheat

History of the Black Bread brand


The Black Bread LLC company was created by Pavel Abramov, a well-known professional volleyball player in Russia.

He was inspired by this idea by his wife Margarita and her sister Maria, who became interested in healthy eating and homemade cakes. They baked bread from whole grain flour from abroad, as it turned out to be a problem to find real organic flour in Russia.

And the pastries turned out so fragrant, dense and tasty that Pavel came up with the idea - why not start producing such flour in our country?

sustainable agriculture

Having found suitable land in the abandoned state farm fields of the Tula region, they began to implement their idea. The soil used for cultivation was rested and clean enough to start working on again.

The use of any agricultural chemistry, harmful fertilizers and herbicides was excluded, and only sparing technologies were used in the cultivation of the land.

Unique aroma and taste

Spelled, wheat, oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, spelled, amaranth and other types of grain are grown with "black bread". The grain is then ground in a stone mill, which helps the flour retain all of its best baking qualities.

By the way, the whole family of Pavel now makes bread only from this flour. And what an incredible taste the baking turns out - any bread, be it wheat, rye or spelled, cannot even be compared with the usual store-bought bread.


The founder of the Black Bread company is firmly convinced that the products that we eat every day must be organic. After all, this affects the health of the people of our country and the health of our children.

In addition, by conducting a "blind" test, the company's employees were once again convinced that the taste of biograin is different from the grain that was grown under conditions with chemical fertilizers.

The only guarantee of the quality of real organics is the presence of an eco-certificate.


All products of the Black Bread company are environmentally friendly, which is confirmed by the Pure Dew BIO certificate. And also the company has passed the system of voluntary certification of ecological and biodynamic management "BIO".

"Black bread" invariably follows the regulations of eco-standards, which are not inferior to EU standards. The certification process is complex, but the main thing is the guarantee of a pure organic product.


Whole grain rye flour is one of our most sought-after products and is very popular with customers who choose organic products.
In its production, we grind whole grains of rye in a mill with stone millstones from East Tyrol, so the flour retains all parts of the grain and a maximum of useful substances: nutritious endosperm, grain germ rich in vitamins and bran containing fiber. Whole-grain rye flour "Black bread" is a real whole-grain flour with a yield of 100%, which has not passed through any sieve.
In addition to the health benefits, whole-grain rye flour has a bright flavor and beautiful color. It is good to cook whole grain bread, pancakes, pies, tortillas, cookies and other pastries from it.
Until the middle of the twentieth century, Russia was called the "rye power". Rye was the main grain crop that fed the people for many centuries. Wheat bread in Rus' was eaten only on holidays, while black rye bread was on the table every day.
Rye is a unique culture, as if specially created by nature for Russian fields. It is resistant to frost and drought, little susceptible to diseases and pests, and gives stable yields. In the first half of the twentieth century, rye in our country was gradually replaced by wheat, but today the popularity of this most valuable grain crop, which has beneficial properties for the human body, is growing again.

Store at temperatures from 0° to 25°C and relative humidity below 70%. Shelf life 6 months

100 grams of the product contains:
proteins 8.2; fats 1.9; carbohydrates 74.7
Energy value: 349 kcal / 1461 kJ



250 ml whole grain rye flour, 200 ml natural yogurt, 2 tsp. honey, 1 tsp soda, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil


Whisk yogurt with butter and honey. Mix flour, salt and soda thoroughly in a separate bowl. Combine dry and liquid ingredients. Knead the sticky dough, roll it into a ball, wrap in a film and leave for 30 minutes to proof. On a well-floured surface, roll out the dough into a 1 cm thick layer. Cut out the cakes of the desired shape and put them on a baking sheet. Prick each pastry with a fork. Bake at 220 C for about 15-20 minutes. Serve with cheese, tomatoes, fresh or pickled vegetables, fruit, sour cream and Finnish gravlax (thin slices of fresh salmon sprinkled with salt and dried dill and drizzled with cognac or vodka).

BIO wheat. Ideal for sprouting.

We checked this grain for germination: it sprouted, which means it is “alive”.

Pavel Abramov's enterprise "Black bread" is located 18 km from the city of Aleksin, Tula region. Land and production facilities are located in the villages of Khatmanovo, Solomasovo, Sukhotina. Now the farm grows 12 types of grain crops (wheat, spelt, rye, oats, barley, spelled and others).

The grain is stored at the former collective farm grain stock in the village of Solomasovo. Flour is produced in the neighboring village of Khatmanovo, at a mill with stone millstones. Bakers say that it is precisely such equipment that makes it possible to grind flour with the best baking qualities. The production of three types of whole grain flour has already been launched: from spelled, wheat and rye, as well as fine wheat flour and wheat bran.

Pavel Abramov:

“It turned out that Russian organic flour does not exist in principle, that white wheat flour of the “highest grade” is a carbohydrate dummy, from which everything useful that is in the grain has been sifted out. And I wanted to change the situation.

Now "black" is called bread made from rye flour. If you look at the composition of mass-produced bread varieties on sale, we will find a mixture of rye and wheat flour, yeast and all sorts of “improvers”. In the time of Pushkin, "black" meant "whole grain", and "bread" was called grain grown in the field. Therefore, the name of the company reflects our philosophy - to grow grain on clean land, grind it into flour and bake whole grain black bread from it - healthy and healthy.

The Black Bread company began when my wife Margarita and her sister Masha became interested in healthy eating. I also began to learn more about the composition of food from supermarkets. Masha began to bake homemade bread - unusual, low, dense, rich dark color and, at the same time, unusually fragrant and amazingly tasty, with honey and seeds. It was made from whole grain organic flour of foreign production. Then it turned out that Russian organic flour does not exist in principle, that “high-grade” white wheat flour is a carbohydrate dummy, from which everything useful that is in the grain is sifted out ... And I wanted to change the situation.

We found land, the first tractor appeared ... Gradually, an idea took shape: grain-flour-bread. Theoretical training began - the study of works on farming.

Production was launched in a completely neglected farm of the former Shevchenko state farm. The fallow fields on state farm land were abandoned, overgrown with birch trees as thick as an arm, but at the same time the land was clean, rested from agrochemistry, with which it was once plentifully watered. In general, what you need! It was decided to cultivate the soil in full accordance with the principles of sparing land use, using no-tillage technology, without the use of any pesticides and mineral fertilizers.

Despite all the problems of domestic agriculture, despite the terrible rainy weather, in 2013 our first crop was harvested. Do you know that when grain is brought from a field where no chemicals have been used and poured into a heap, then this heap is alive? Bugs, spiders, ladybugs crawl out of it! They crawl out and crawl out, scatter in all directions.

And what do you think, if the seeds were pickled before sowing, then mineral fertilizers were poured into the soil and sprinkled with a herbicide so that the weeds did not grow - what will be the output? We must not forget that our children will eat bread from this grain.

A lot of young people are now reaching for the earth, and I understand them well. Working on the ground, you clearly understand that you are doing a useful thing. In my opinion, this is the best thing a person can do, this is confidence in the future, confidence that tomorrow our children will be strong and healthy.

My wife bakes bread on Sundays with our flour. As before, in the days of our great-grandmothers - 7 large "pies" each, a week ahead. Wheat, in my opinion, is more suitable for soup. Rye is my favorite. From spelt - unlike anything else, with a sweetish aftertaste. The whole family eats our "black" bread: Alexandra, Yaroslav, Margo, me, grandmothers are connected. And my wife taught all her girlfriends how to bake bread, so the traditions of home baking in our country are being revived!”

How to germinate wheat:

Nutritional value per 100g of product:

Best before date: at least 2 years from harvest. Up to 5 years under proper storage conditions.

LLC "Black bread" is a bio-certified agricultural enterprise, a producer of grain crops from the Aleksinsky district of the Tula region. Wheat, rye, spelt, oats and barley are lovingly grown here and whole grain flour is produced by grinding the grain in a mill with stone millstones, specially brought from Austria.

The farm uses moisture- and energy-saving tillage technology. This technology differs from the usual one (with moldboard plowing) in that with this technology the land is not turned over by the plow. During moldboard plowing (the most energy-intensive agricultural operation), anaerobic bacteria turn out to the surface, and aerobic bacteria are buried to a depth; at the same time, both of them die, which negatively affects the process of formation of the fertile soil layer. In addition, with frequent plowing, the so-called “plow sole” is formed, which negatively affects the germination and viability of crops. No-till technology allows not to interfere with the natural processes occurring in the ground. At the same time, the soil is not depleted, is not subject to wind erosion, and every year it increases its natural fertile qualities.

In addition, Black Bread LLC fundamentally does not use any pesticides, stimulants and plant growth regulators, as well as mineral fertilizers and GMOs. Seed dressing before sowing or the introduction of any other chemicals is also not performed. The only fertilizer is straw (its own, organic), the only means of combating pests and weeds is the correct crop rotation and work in the field. The main goal is to preserve all the benefits of whole grains, as nature intended. Any Black Bread product is live, organic and healthy.

The products of Cherny Khleb LLC undergo thorough control at all stages of production and have a bio-certificate of the state-registered SDS of ecological and biodynamic management "Bio-Control".

On March 8, 2019, Black Bread successfully passed certification in accordance with the standards of the EU countries and the USA and received two certificates that allow the USDA Organic and Euro-leaf logos to be applied to the packaging.

The founder of Black Bread LLC is Pavel Abramov, a graduate of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, professional athlete, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Athens, father of two domestic children.

He talks about his offspring like this: “I read somewhere that a happy person is engaged in a business that interests him. Then you take it and do it, otherwise you can wait for the right moment all your life. I want to live this life so that I have something to talk about to my children and grandchildren.Each time, despite all the difficulties, I return from the farm in high spirits.

A few words should also be said about the complexities of the eco-enterprise. Most of them are the same as in any business - equipment breaks down, machine operators have to be fired, suppliers do not meet deadlines, buyers delay payments, and let's face it - it is difficult to open even a barbecue in our country.

But there is another part - stereotypes, a misunderstanding of everyone who is used to working using the technology, which is now called "traditional" - turning the earth with a plow *, dressing the seeds and watering the crops with herbicides. The farmer next door, a good business executive, told me that we would not have a crop. Yes, neighbors! At first, our agronomist did not fully believe in the future harvest (“How can you not treat the seeds?”), Until she saw everything with her own eyes in a farm that has been using this technology for 30 years.

From the personal - moments of doubt and weakness in the evenings, the feeling that you are going to hell. But morning comes, rye stands in the field, beauty, and the sun is in the sky. And everything returns to its place. Do a real thing, good for people. If there is meaning in life, then it is in this. When you walk across the field, the sky is above, and the endless horizon is ahead; when at the table, under the apple trees, your children eat real, black bread made from flour, water, salt and honey, baked by their mother - this is an unforgettable feeling.

BIO wheat. Ideal for sprouting.

We checked this grain for germination: it sprouted, which means it is “alive”.

Pavel Abramov's enterprise "Black bread" is located 18 km from the city of Aleksin, Tula region. Land and production facilities are located in the villages of Khatmanovo, Solomasovo, Sukhotina. Now the farm grows 12 types of grain crops (wheat, spelt, rye, oats, barley, spelled and others).

The grain is stored at the former collective farm grain stock in the village of Solomasovo. Flour is produced in the neighboring village of Khatmanovo, at a mill with stone millstones. Bakers say that it is precisely such equipment that makes it possible to grind flour with the best baking qualities. The production of three types of whole grain flour has already been launched: from spelled, wheat and rye, as well as fine wheat flour and wheat bran.

Pavel Abramov:

“It turned out that Russian organic flour does not exist in principle, that white wheat flour of the “highest grade” is a carbohydrate dummy, from which everything useful that is in the grain has been sifted out. And I wanted to change the situation.

Now "black" is called bread made from rye flour. If you look at the composition of mass-produced bread varieties on sale, we will find a mixture of rye and wheat flour, yeast and all sorts of “improvers”. In the time of Pushkin, "black" meant "whole grain", and "bread" was called grain grown in the field. Therefore, the name of the company reflects our philosophy - to grow grain on clean land, grind it into flour and bake whole grain black bread from it - healthy and healthy.

The Black Bread company began when my wife Margarita and her sister Masha became interested in healthy eating. I also began to learn more about the composition of food from supermarkets. Masha began to bake homemade bread - unusual, low, dense, rich dark color and, at the same time, unusually fragrant and amazingly tasty, with honey and seeds. It was made from whole grain organic flour of foreign production. Then it turned out that Russian organic flour does not exist in principle, that “high-grade” white wheat flour is a carbohydrate dummy, from which everything useful that is in the grain is sifted out ... And I wanted to change the situation.

We found land, the first tractor appeared ... Gradually, an idea took shape: grain-flour-bread. Theoretical training began - the study of works on farming.

Production was launched in a completely neglected farm of the former Shevchenko state farm. The fallow fields on state farm land were abandoned, overgrown with birch trees as thick as an arm, but at the same time the land was clean, rested from agrochemistry, with which it was once plentifully watered. In general, what you need! It was decided to cultivate the soil in full accordance with the principles of sparing land use, using no-tillage technology, without the use of any pesticides and mineral fertilizers.

Despite all the problems of domestic agriculture, despite the terrible rainy weather, in 2013 our first crop was harvested. Do you know that when grain is brought from a field where no chemicals have been used and poured into a heap, then this heap is alive? Bugs, spiders, ladybugs crawl out of it! They crawl out and crawl out, scatter in all directions.

And what do you think, if the seeds were pickled before sowing, then mineral fertilizers were poured into the soil and sprinkled with a herbicide so that the weeds did not grow - what will be the output? We must not forget that our children will eat bread from this grain.

A lot of young people are now reaching for the earth, and I understand them well. Working on the ground, you clearly understand that you are doing a useful thing. In my opinion, this is the best thing a person can do, this is confidence in the future, confidence that tomorrow our children will be strong and healthy.

My wife bakes bread on Sundays with our flour. As before, in the days of our great-grandmothers - 7 large "pies" each, a week ahead. Wheat, in my opinion, is more suitable for soup. Rye is my favorite. From spelt - unlike anything else, with a sweetish aftertaste. The whole family eats our "black" bread: Alexandra, Yaroslav, Margo, me, grandmothers are connected. And my wife taught all her girlfriends how to bake bread, so the traditions of home baking in our country are being revived!”

How to germinate wheat:

Nutritional value per 100g of product:

Best before date: at least 2 years from harvest. Up to 5 years under proper storage conditions.
