
Black tea is bad. Health impact

The fragrant drink made from tea leaves has been around for over 3,000 years. We owe this popular drink to China. It was the Chinese who first came up with the idea of ​​​​boiling tea leaves. And before that, dried and fresh leaves were added to food or simply chewed. There are many varieties of black tea. The taste depends on the location, climate and altitude of the tea plantation.

Useful properties of black tea

Black tea is fermented during production, resulting in a higher caffeine content than other teas. Thanks to this, as well as vitamin B1, it has tonic properties. For this reason, it is appropriate to drink it under psychological stress, it will fully replace a cup of coffee.

Black tea

Black tea also improves mood, and due to its light astringency, it settles stomach problems. Just like green or white tea, it has antioxidant properties.

Benefits of black tea

  • Caffeine;
  • Polyphenols (tannins);
  • Theophylline;
  • Vitamins B1, PP;
  • Potassium;
  • Fluorine;
  • Sodium;
  • Calcium;
  • Copper;
  • Nickel;
  • Zinc.

Recently, American scientists have discovered other beneficial properties of black tea. In several people, regular drinking of black tea has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels, which means a lower risk of heart disease. Black tea is also beneficial for diabetics as it lowers blood glucose levels. Probably, black tea has a positive effect on our blood vessels, and thus reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and brain stroke.

Tea or coffee

Recent studies have shown that a cup of coffee will give you no more energy than classic black tea. It turns out that tea has a much stronger effect on our performance than any other caffeinated boosters like energy drinks or even coffee. The Dutch study was conducted on 44 volunteers up to 40 years old, and each of them was confirmed to reduce fatigue.

In addition, every day you can safely drink two to four cups of black tea, which cannot be said about coffee.

Black tea with milk: benefits and harms

If you add milk to black tea, it will lose its benefit in protecting against heart disease. The fact is that the milk enzyme casein binds to catechin, which is responsible for the benefits of the cardiovascular system, thereby suppressing its effect. If you can't live without milk, soy milk may be the answer. Instead of casein, it contains lecithin, which has other properties.

Is black tea good for blood pressure?

This drink is viewed with suspicion by many, as it contains caffeine and an uplifting effect similar to coffee, which is known to raise blood pressure. However, recent scientific studies indicate that black tea can, on the contrary, reduce blood pressure, and that we still do not know everything about its beneficial properties.

According to Australian scientists, three cups of this black drink a day can significantly reduce blood pressure. The study involved 95 volunteers aged 35 to 75 years. Half of them drank natural black tea three times a day, while the other half received only a placebo that tasted indistinguishable from black tea and contained the same amount of caffeine. Six months later, it turned out that the average pressure of people who drank real black tea was 2-3 mm Hg. Art. lower than those who received placebo.

Harm of black tea

  1. Do not drink tea if you are constipated.
  2. People who are extremely sensitive to caffeine.
  3. Using MAO inhibitors and anticoagulants.

How much tea can you drink

Physicians in different countries have different opinions on this question. In Europe, doctors consider 1 liter per day to be acceptable. In the Eastern countries, in China and India, this figure is much higher.

How to prepare black tea

Unfortunately, in today's hectic times, we have almost forgotten about the traditional way of making black tea, and quality tea has been replaced by semi-finished products. The classic preparation of black tea is almost a ritual.

The most important thing is high-quality and tasty water. Tap water is not very suitable because it contains chlorine and fluoride and has a slight smell. It is best to use bottled water without gas. If possible, do not use an electric kettle.

One cup usually takes one teaspoon of black tea. It is important to pour tea with boiling water so that all substances stand out from the fermented leaves (in the case of green tea, on the contrary, boiling water cannot be used so as not to destroy the vitamins and aroma). Then you can enjoy real black tea.

Recipes for homemade cosmetics with green tea

Tea compresses

Such compresses are used for dilated vessels, pores or inflammation of the skin from exposure to sunlight. To do this, moisten the gauze with tea and apply for 10-20 minutes. If you have a dry skin type, then after the mask you should use a nourishing cream.

Mask for aging skin

Withering of the skin can be slowed down with a mask made from a tablespoon of flour diluted with tea to a creamy consistency with the addition of egg yolk. The mask should be applied to the skin of the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

"Tea" tan

To give the skin a tan or revive too pale skin, you can use a teaspoon of black tea brewed in 30-50 ml of water. The resulting brew should wipe the face in the morning and evening after washing.

Eye mask

To eliminate edematous phenomena, you can use the tea left in the teapot. It should be mixed with sour cream and applied to the eyelids and under the eyes for ten minutes.

There are several dozen types of tea in the world: black, green, white, yellow, pu-erh, oolong, bound and others, which have different tastes and require special brewing technologies. Therefore, experts cannot specify the general beneficial and harmful properties for all types of this drink. But it is still worth highlighting some features of the two most popular varieties of tea - black and green.

Green and black varieties are made from the same material - a fully ripened leaf of a tea bush. And the main difference between different types of drink lies in the way the leaves are processed - for the teaching of the black variety, more intensive rolling and drying of raw materials in the sun is required. Green tea also involves processing, but for a short time, so that the maximum amount of antioxidants and vitamins is preserved in the tea leaf.

Benefits of green and black tea

Thanks to gentle processing, green tea is more beneficial than black tea. But both varieties contain special bioactive substances that can positively affect the body. First of all, it is worth noting the effect of tea on the gastrointestinal tract. For example, a green variety is capable of destroy pathogenic microorganisms, and black - remarkably restores the entire digestion process. That is why it is recommended to brew tea more often for stomach problems.

Regular consumption of high quality tea helps the body get rid of toxins, especially for the green variety. Not surprisingly, this drink is an indispensable element of most diets. In addition, it is one of the few natural ways cleanse the kidneys. The properties of both black and green varieties of tea are able to remove from the body even elements of heavy metals (lead, zinc, mercury, and others), which a person sometimes receives with food.

In the course of the studies, scientists and doctors came to the unanimous opinion that tea is capable of neutralize the effect of radiation And. This information is especially relevant now, since a person is regularly exposed to radiation from a computer, TV and other household appliances. Also, tea is one of the most popular prophylactic agents in the fight against cancer. A green variety of drink, for example, can perfectly cleanse the blood of heavy metals and toxins that cause leukemia.

The strengthening and stimulating properties of black and green tea should be highlighted. The tannin contained in tea makes vessels stronger and helps with varicose veins. The drink also stimulates breeding excess from the body cholesterol promoting weight loss. But to achieve the effect, it is worth using green tea, and not black. And a drink made from more processed raw materials better helps fight against diabetes, as it contains more polysaccharides - substances that inhibit the absorption of glucose by the body.

Information about the benefits of any type of tea for teeth. Due to the fact that this drink contains a large amount of fluorine, high-quality tea makes tooth enamel stronger and helps resist tooth decay. Tea is also helpful. with conjunctivitis- but not in the form of a drink, but a strong brew, which should be gently rinsed with eyes. For this, it is best to use black tea leaves.

Why tea can be harmful?

When the question of the dangers of tea for the human body is raised, first of all it is worth remembering caffeine And theophylline contained in it. As a rule, few people have an idea about the negative properties of theophylline, which affects the cardiovascular and nervous system to a greater extent than the well-known caffeine. In addition, tea contains special essential oils that become harmful if not properly brewed. A digestive system Maybe get injured under the influence of microorganisms that form a white film on the surface of each tea leaf.

After these negative factors, a natural question arises: why is there more information about the benefits of tea than about its harm? The fact is that most of the material about the drink comes as advertising from its manufacturers, who do not benefit from displaying their product from a negative point of view. That is why it is widely believed in the world that tea is less harmful than coffee, which is not entirely true.

Any kind of tea with uncontrolled use can cause damage to the heart and condition of the vessels. Also, like coffee, a tea drink is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it prevents the absorption of folic acid, which is necessary for the fetus. Moreover, regular consumption of tea stimulates premature aging of the placenta and sometimes provokes its exfoliation.

Theophylline, which is part of the tea leaf, is capable of raise body temperature, so you need to be careful about the recommendations to drink more tea with a cold or flu. For example, even one drunk cup of green tea significantly worsens the state of the body during an illness. And with a peptic ulcer, in general, it is worth abandoning any kind of drink, since it increases acidity stomach.

Harm from drinking tea also lies in its ability vasoconstrict, that leads to hypertension And atherosclerosis. And the polyphenols contained in the green variety overload the liver if you drink a large number of cups of the drink every day. Ultimately, this may lead to appearance of stones bladder and kidneys. Tea, just like coffee, intensively leaches many useful substances from the body, which worsens the condition of the skin, teeth and bones. A iron at all ceases to be absorbed with regular consumption of a large volume of the drink.

A person is ready to go to the ends of the earth for a miracle cure for all diseases, he is looking for a panacea in exotic and rare fruits, roots, herbs. Or maybe everything is much simpler and you just need to look around you? Perhaps in the usual things lies a previously unknown power?

Black tea is an invariable companion of every meal of millions of people. Tea is drunk at breakfast and instead of it, during breaks for rest, for a pleasant conversation, to keep warm and escape from the heat, to wake up and fall asleep. The body receives this fluid in large quantities and is reasonably puzzled by the question: how useful or harmful is it? Let's take a closer look at the chemical composition of black tea, talk about its properties, find out whether it is harmful or beneficial to drink this aromatic drink.

Benefits of black tea

Scientists around the world have been studying the properties of black tea for years and agreed that it can definitely prevent the development of cancer. Especially skin cancer - melanoma, the risk of developing this type of cancer is reduced by as much as 70% when drinking black tea. But you need to drink it not just like that, but along with lemon. Many people, without knowing it, are doing excellent cancer prevention every day!

Black tea is good for sunburn. Before you go sunbathing, you can brew strong tea and lubricate your skin with it before sunbathing. Of course, this will not protect against ultraviolet radiation for a long time, but for the recommended 20-30 minutes it is completely. Tea will help and soothe burnt skin, for this you need to pour 200 ml of strong tea leaves into a cool bath. This will relieve fever and flushing (redness).

Black tea is also indispensable for bags under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids. If in the morning it is easy to read on your face that there were pickles for dinner or that you didn’t sleep at night, but cried, then you need to apply tea compresses to your eyes. Tea has a tonic property, it helps to bring the skin "to its senses", tighten it, and start the process of getting rid of excess water. The easiest way to use tea bags for compresses is to put them in the freezer for a few minutes before use, the cold will enhance the effect.

Tea also helps with eye diseases - dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis. Black tea contains tannins and astringents, it also has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. When the eye is just starting to fester, it is urgent to start rinsing it with tea leaves of medium strength. Tea can be washed and wounds on the skin, wipe the face from acne. The main thing is that the tea should be unsweetened, freshly brewed, without fragrances and additives.

For gum disease, it is useful to rinse your mouth with fresh tea, tannins will stop bleeding, and the fluorine contained in tea will strengthen the gums and tooth enamel. Very strong tea leaves can stain your teeth, be careful. After rinsing, you can go over your teeth with a brush without paste or with a small amount of it.
Smokers will also benefit from black tea. After smoking a cigarette, it is recommended to rinse your mouth and throat with pure black tea, this will kill bacteria, neutralize unpleasant odors, and wash away harmful substances that have settled on the mucous membrane.

It is believed that black tea is a good antiviral agent. In winter, it is really useful to drink tea with lemon, honey, herbs, berry jam. It supports the immune system, protects against beriberi. During working hours, a tea break will also be useful, this drink stimulates the brain, relieves fatigue, and increases concentration.

Black tea has a positive effect on blood vessels, digestive organs, kidneys and the entire urinary system as a whole. It dilates blood vessels, thereby relieving migraines, headaches, improves blood circulation, normalizes heat transfer, is the prevention of vascular diseases, hypertension.

Black tea also has a downside - it can also be harmful.

Harm of black tea

It contains alkaloids, that is, caffeine. It is he who gives the effect of excitation after drinking a cup of tea, tones, speeds up the heartbeat. This may cause an increase in blood pressure. Strong and sweet black tea is indicated for drinking with hypotension, caffeine will raise blood pressure, glucose will nourish the body, and other bioactive substances in tea will maintain blood pressure at the proper level.

To reduce the amount of caffeine in black tea, you can simply pre-wash the dry tea leaves under warm water. It also helps to drink black tea with milk, it reduces the effect of caffeine.

Black tea also leaches magnesium from the body in large quantities.- the most valuable mineral, the lack of which leads to insomnia, irritability, loss of strength, chronic stress, impaired cardiac activity.

Black tea should not be abused by pregnant and lactating women. Its tonic effect can adversely affect the fetus and child.

Do not drink old black tea. Brewed in the evening in the morning, it loses all useful properties, becomes useless for health at best, and harmful at worst. Also, black tea should not be taken with medicines, as its active substances can react with medicines.

black tea is bad, although many argue that with moderate use of black tea, the benefits are much greater than the harm.

Have you heard that you should beware of strong, thick or stale (more than two hours) drink? Or, for example, a warning: do not drink tea at night, as it contains caffeine, and you will not be able to sleep. And so on and so forth. It reminds me of a warning about evil. Only these same "warners" most often sell alcohol. It's often the same with tea. A site selling these products warns of the dangers of excessive consumption of the drink.

Who benefits from black tea?

And let's agree this way: if you are sitting under a bush of Ceylon tea or a bush of coffee and have lived in that climate for a sufficient period to acclimatize. Do you like it like this - eat directly from the bush, or make decoctions - but who will stop you? No wallet, no traditions, no other speculation - just your own sense of proportion.

Remember, in childhood, in summer and autumn, you run along the street (more often a village or a southern city), which tree you saw with ripe or not very ripe fruits - you plucked it - you ate it. And after all, you didn’t overeat - you run further and play with the guys. And then for some reason your parents or grandmothers distract you from the game - they invite you to eat - and you can’t explain that you’ve already eaten.

What kind of tea should you drink

And here is another argument in favor of my statement that for the northern inhabitants this drink is more harmful than useful. In the 19th century, Russia exported its tea - Koporsky or fireweed, or simply Ivan tea. Have you heard about it? Why did they stop? As in many cases, the explanation is very deep and, on the other hand, simple (I see two reasons):

  1. The money that the crown of Great Britain was losing, from the fact that huge Russia drank OWN tea and gave it to foreign countries.
  2. Health, which multiplied due to the benefits of fireweed. Britain (and if you want someone higher) does not need healthy opponents - it needs 15 million people on the territory of Russia to serve mining sites.

So drink black - unhealthy tea. And bring your money.

And by the way, you noticed that it is difficult to convince black tea lovers that this tea is not worth drinking. An example is my mother: a sick thyroid gland, the pressure began to jump, and glaucoma also appeared. I tell her: “Mom, you can’t drink black tea” - I doubt that she will listen. So it was with me when, I - even though I was younger then, but there was a period - I realized that it was not worth it to drink it - and problems began to leave this habit. And it was one cup of morning coffee - what can we say about people consuming caffeine in tea and coffee for many, many years and more than one cup a day?

For me, this is drug addiction.

Now I drink herbal teas. , or ask friends. In addition, it also supports ). When there are not enough herbs, you have to go to the pharmacy.

What is harmful black tea

Black tea washes out:

How do nursing mothers harm themselves and their child when they drink black tea with milk to increase lactation. Not only does milk lose its beneficial properties, but caffeine promotes flushing out of the body:

  • calcium,
  • magnesium.

Also proven - iron is poorly absorbed due to caffeine.

From this follows the conclusion tea is bad for kids until they develop bone tissue. AND harming the elderly due to the increased fragility of the skeleton.

Harm to the cardiovascular system:

  • Well, about pressure increase something else you can guess.
  • Bad effect on heart activity; in particular
  • Possible arrhythmia or
  • increased heartbeat,
  • Extension vessels,
  • In some cases it may develop phlebeurysm.
  • And h / tea can cause seizures tachycardia or
  • Seizures hypertensive patients
  • Theophylline raises body temperature.
  • H / tea provokes the development anemia due to an obstruction in the absorption of iron by the body.

Harm to the digestive system:

  • This tea may be irritating to esophagus- more precisely on his mucous membrane.
  • In addition, it is possible constipation, stomach pain, intestinal cramps and general deterioration of digestion.
  • If this is possible with an overdose, then is it not logical to assume that with normal consumption these effects are to a lesser extent, but there are.

Harm to other organs:

  • Thanks to the content caffeine and black tea dehydrates the body(more water comes out than comes in).
  • The raid from tea spoils tooth enamel;
  • Tea is contraindicated for people with glaucoma oops, in connection with jumps in intra-ocular pressure. For the same reason, it is possible pain in the eyes.
  • Available noise in ears,
  • headache,
  • strong tremor in arms and legs
  • Excretion from the body of magnesium, promotes defective functioning of the body generally
  • muscle tension,
  • irascibility, nervousness and irritability.
  • Insomnia and fatigue(and this does not depend (despite the assertion of "specialists") on what time of day you drank tea);
  • tea has been shown to be harmful women over 50(76 thousand case histories were studied in the USA - they concluded: the probability of occurrence rheumatoid arthritis almost doubles)
  • In addition, it was noted in the article about the benefits that the presence in black tea fluorine. However, its excess leads to problems with bone tissues.
  • Fluoride is not good for brain activity(in children to a greater extent).
  • At lack of iodine and excess of fluorine function is inhibited thyroid gland.
  • Besides, fluorine harmful to people for kidney problems.

Tea and kidneys

Black tea does not work the kidneys, is it a myth or reality? Let's try to understand this issue.

  • The tea contains oxalates they are the main enemies of the kidneys, because thanks to them, pebbles are formed. Moreover, tea bags or cooled down leads to the risk of getting a stone ridge.
  • If you are just starting to have kidney problems, then you can solve them if you stop drinking tea.
  • With tea we get a lot of fluoride which exacerbates kidney disease.
  • Polyphenols (antioxidants) that we get from the drink are not so useful. It is not known what the daily norm of polyphenols is (most likely it is individual). It was mistakenly believed that a fair amount of green tea would rejuvenate the body, but in fact with uncontrolled use of tea, poisoning with polyphenols occurs. And this leads to the risk of negative changes in the tissues of the kidneys.

Problems with drinking black tea

Many write that black tea promotes weight loss, but in the “contraindications” it is written “not recommended for people overweight". Where is the truth? Can he spit on the warning and surrender to the will of the inner censor, as with herbs? I would not advise. Let's argue: overweight people most often have health problems - pressure jumps, the heart plays pranks, and in general, everything is not always in order with blood vessels. And in a similar situation, take regularly tonic(even without sugar) dubious benefit.

For pregnant: black tea has been proven harmful to a baby in the womb who consumes the mother's tea: (I think possibly all of the above i) the child will reduced birth weight.

When breastfeeding a responsible mother will refuse to drink black tea and coffee, not only for the reason overexcitation of the child(what they write about), but also because of the above side effects of black tea(You are not the Lord God and cannot know which of these items will affect YOUR baby)

Well, little things like warnings:

  • Do not take medicine(partial assimilation of drugs and deposition in the kidneys).
  • At high body temperature - do not drink hot black tea(problems with blood vessels) chills may get worse.

Bad habit

These are already trifles in comparison with the above, and in comparison with drug addiction some people.

The truth will emerge, but transnational corporations will try to get rid of this information. They need a population serving oil rigs - not thinking, not criticizing, always under the dope - working cattle.

Wake up!!! Learn. Move away from the stereotypes imposed after the Second World War. Get back to basics.

Is red tea harmful?

We are forced to write a separate paragraph about red tea due to confusion. Many consider hibiscus to be red tea, but this is fundamentally wrong. Hibiscus is a Sudanese rose, you don't think rosehip tea is red. A crude example, but understandable. Let's say we harvested tea in China, and if it is minimally processed, we will get green tea. And if we use various fermentation methods, there are enough technological secrets here - we will get red, yellow, black teas, in general, whatever our heart desires. That is, red tea is similar in properties to black and green, it has a higher content of essential oils and phenolic compounds. So the damage from it is the same. Just in case, remember:

  • You can not drink with diseases such as: ulcers, gastritis, atherosclerosis, acute viral infections, hypertension.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Hot tea burns the mucous membrane of the mouth, leads to stomach cramps, cold tea increases the accumulation of sputum.
  • Strong brewing due to the high concentration of theine provokes overexcitation of the nervous system, headaches, on an empty stomach - it can provoke vomiting.
  • With improper brewing, the harm increases - lipids, essential oils, phenols are oxidized.
  • You can not drink drugs - tannin, reacting with medications, destroy them or reduces their impact.

Red tea can easily harm the kidneys. Especially for people who have a tendency to form kidney stones. The mechanism for the formation of stones is this - you have a problem with the exchange of uric acid. It accumulates in the kidneys, and this leads to the formation of stones.

Black tea is rich in antioxidants, beneficial minerals and vitamins. In addition, it is able to eliminate nervousness, calm or increase efficiency. Modern man can no longer imagine his life without this drink. According to statistics, every person consumes an average of two cups of tea per day. In this article, we will understand what are the benefits of black tea and whether drinking this drink can be harmful to health.

The calorie content of black tea does not depend on its varieties. So, in one cup of the prepared drink without adding sugar contains 6-10 kcal. The composition of black tea is rich in the following elements:

  • proteins fats carbohydrates;
  • vitamins: A, groups B, C, P, K;
  • micro and macro elements: fluorine, potassium, iron;
  • nicotinic, tannic and pantothenic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • alkaloids: caffeine, theophylline.

Useful properties of black tea

What are the benefits of black tea for the body? Why is it considered one of the best natural drinks?

For many countries of the world, black tea is the national drink. However, few people know about the amazing properties of black tea. Brewed black tea is able to simultaneously give complete peace of mind, eliminating nervousness, and have an exciting effect, increasing the emotional state and working capacity of a person.

Consider the main positive qualities of black tea:

  1. Has antibacterial action.
  2. Able in some cases to reduce high temperature, due to antipyretic properties.
  3. Removes toxins from the body.
  4. Helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes.
  5. Strengthens tooth enamel and gums, prevents the development of caries. Also, black tea helps to fight diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.
  6. Helps to cope with depression.
  7. Weak tea reduces blood pressure, while strong tea, on the contrary, increases it.
  8. Improves digestion, minimizes signs of diarrhea or other digestive disorders.
  9. With regular use, it normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys.
  10. Expands the vessels of the brain, relieves migraines.
  11. Regular rubbing of the eyes with cotton swabs dipped in black tea relieves conjunctivitis.
  12. Black tea can protect the skin from UV rays and therefore prevent sunburn.
  13. There is an opinion that black tea slows down the aging process.

With regular use of black tea, men feel vivacity and a burst of energy throughout the day. For women, this amazing drink is also useful. It helps to improve skin condition, strengthen hair, nails. Due to the low calorie content of the drink and its cleansing properties, black tea is actively used for weight loss.

Which tea to choose: loose or in bags?

Many people prefer tea bags because they are easy to brew and waste less. However, manufacturers add a lot of flavors, flavor enhancers, and dyes to such tea. Therefore, allergy sufferers should use such a product with caution. As you know, tea bags are tea dust - overcooked and unsuitable leaves that remain after the selection and production of tea. Therefore, give preference to loose leaf tea so that you can visually assess the quality of the product.

How to brew black tea

Tea should bring maximum benefit to the human body, and not harm. That is why it is necessary to be able to brew it correctly. The process of making tea begins with boiling water. It is better to use filtered spring or spring water. Well water spoils the taste of tea, so it should be discarded. Suitable water temperature is 95 degrees.

It is preferable to choose a teapot from red or purple clay. Rinse the kettle with boiling water and pour tea leaves (1 tsp per 250-300 ml of water), fill the kettle with boiling water to the middle, close the lid and towel (also cover the spout). Infuse black tea for 3-5 minutes and add water to the teapot. Do not remove the foam that forms on top, it contains essential oils.

Strong tea

Freshly prepared strong tea is able to increase blood pressure, excite the nervous system due to the high content of caffeine in it. However, you should not get carried away with such a drink, as it can have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system.

If you add milk and sugar to strong black tea, it will help with poisoning by medicines, chemicals, alcohol. This combination of tea can even reduce the effects of radiation exposure.

The use of tea in cosmetology

Black tea is also suitable for external use, such as cosmetics. Compresses for the eyelids with brewed black tea effectively fight dark circles under the eyes, and in a matter of seconds after applying the compress. A compress of strong tea will help to refresh and tone the skin of the face. Black tea is actively used in the creation of masks, lotions, due to its anti-aging properties.

Our grandmothers rinsed their gray hair with strong black tea. With regular use, the hair acquired a brown tint.

Is it possible to drink black tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is an opinion that black tea is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. However, it has much less caffeine than green. Therefore, with weak brewing, black tea will only benefit.

Black tea for children

A small amount of weakly brewed tea with milk and a minimum amount of sugar allowed to give to children from 2 years. The daily norm is 1-2 cups.

For babies up to a year, special tea in granules is suitable; it can be given to a baby from one month. Such tea is able to calm the child, reduce colic and gases in the child's tummy, and normalize digestion. The daily norm is 50-150 ml (depending on age).

Harm of black tea

Large doses of drinking a fragrant drink can adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys, disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland, and destroy bone tissue. It's all about the mineral substance that is present in the composition of black tea - fluorine. With its excess in the body, irreversible processes can begin.

Strong tea can increase blood pressure, which is contraindicated in hypertensive patients. It is also not necessary to exclude individual intolerance to the product.

Black tea brewing should not be left overnight or overnight. This creates a favorable environment in which harmful microorganisms develop that can cause a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Do not exceed the amount of consumption of black tea - 2-3 cups per day for an adult. If you consume more than 5 cups daily, the body will lose magnesium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. As a result, a person develops weakness, chronic fatigue, absent-mindedness, sleep is disturbed.
