
Valuable advice: how to brew and drink Monastic collection. The composition of the herbal collection of Father George - indications and instructions for use, contraindications

They say that there is a certain monastery tea that heals all ailments. It's hard to believe, but people's rumors will not lie.

What is this drink and are the rumors about it true?

Who came up with the recipes

Monastic tea is herbs collected on the territory of Belarus. The composition of each collection is unique. In ancient times, the archimandrite of the Timashevsk Holy Spirit Monastery, Father George, who knew the properties of herbs, left behind manuscripts with recipes. He also wrote how to properly brew monastery tea. The inhabitants of the monastery did not conceal recipes from the world. The composition of the monastic collections includes such herbs as willow-herb, wild rose, chamomile, thyme, mint, plantain, St. John's wort, lovage, yarrow, and many, many others. All of them are collected and compiled with love and great skill. After all, it is sometimes beyond the power of official medicine to cope with such diseases, from which the Belarusian monastic infusion cures. As the clergy say, "according to your faith it will be given to you."

How to brew medicinal teas

To believe or not in the miraculous power of the drink presented in the article, let everyone decide for himself. And no one has ever spoken bad words about these drugs. It is very important to know how to properly brew and take monastic tea. There are a few general rules for all fees. These herbs should not be boiled. They need to be filled with hot water with a temperature of about 60 degrees, no more, and insist from 5 to 20 minutes. There are other opinions on how to properly brew monastery tea. Some experts say that it should be steamed or simmered in a warm place for about an hour. What is this warm place? This is a stove, oven or battery, that is, a place where the temperature is artificially maintained within 45-60 degrees. In some cases, it is advisable to use a thermos.

What is more convenient to brew

You can use single and reusable sachets made of stainless steel, porcelain or synthetic material.

It is best to prepare a hot infusion with a ceramic, glass teapot or a French press. Herbal ingredients will give all the nutrients to hot water, and they themselves will be pressed and held by a press with holes that will not allow them to get into your cup with water.

Another option is a sachet made of plastic fine mesh, canvas or paper. The principle is the same as when brewing ordinary disposable tea bags.

Medicine made with love

Drinking healing infusions should be courses, without missing a single day. Moreover, they are drunk three times a day - in the morning, afternoon and evening. The general course can be from one to three months.

From what diseases are there monastery fees? Monastic tea is medicinal plants collected and dried with all the subtleties, so that the beneficial substances of herbs do not disappear and do not evaporate during the harvesting process. All plants are harvested at different times of the year. Berries - in late summer and autumn, flowers - in late spring and summer. With proper proportions, compiling medicinal fees, you can achieve unique therapeutic results. And this is not given to everyone. Only a person who knows well and has studied the properties of plants growing on the territory of his monastery and its environs can make such compositions. And the holy father, who is credited with the authorship of the fees, inspires trust and respect. After all, he worked in the monastery not out of fear, but out of conscience. With faith and love, the monastery tea "Collection from all ailments" is made. How to brew it to truly heal the body? Place a tablespoon of herbs in a one-time brew sachet and pour boiling water over. After 5-7 minutes you can drink. And dry herbs isolated with a hygroscopic bag will not get into your mouth and will not spoil the feeling when drinking. After all, monastery tea is not only healthy, but also a very tasty drink. It is better to drink it with honey or natural brown sugar.

From diabetes

There is a special herbal collection for diabetics. It consists of herbs such as St. John's wort, plantain, clover, flax, mint, strawberries, elderberries and rose hips, bean pods.

It is no coincidence that beans are included in the antidiabetic collection. Pods and beans contain a large amount of potassium and phosphorus salts, essential amino acids for diabetics - arginine, methionine, tyrosine, lysine and tryptophan. They contain many vitamins of group B, C and provitamin A. Beans are the champion in the content of phaseolin crystalline globulin. His in it - up to 20%. It is also rich in dextrin, protease, lecithin, cholesterol, beta-galactoarabine, hemagiotypin phasin, citric, ascorbic and silicic acids. Infusion with bean pods acts as a diuretic and kidney remedy. They increase diuresis and can lower blood sugar levels by 30-40%.

The berries of a wild rose, or wild rose, are also included in the collection for a reason. A large amount of vitamin C contained in them improves the general well-being of the patient, increases his resistance to harmful environmental influences.

Blood-red hawthorn fruits are harvested in autumn, in September and October, in dry weather. They are considered conditionally edible, so the number of berries in the collection is strictly regulated. They contain palmitic, crategus, tartaric, citric and other acids, as well as pectin, phytosterol and flobafen.

Approximately 4% of the population of our planet suffers from this serious illness, which forces people to limit themselves in many pleasures. They must follow a special diet and constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. severely affects the state of blood and blood vessels, as well as vision. Endocrinologists advise their patients, in addition to conventional therapy, to use monastic tea for diabetes. Reviews (the medicinal properties of the drink with regular use for a month always show a positive trend in the course of the disease) of doctors on the composition of the collection against diabetes are very approving.

What do those who took the drug collection say? From doctors and their patients, only numerous positive words collected (its healing properties are beyond doubt) confirm folk wisdom: "From the earth - grass, from God - medicine." Where can I buy? And how to find out more information about monastic tea for diabetes? The composition, reviews, price, indications for use are described in detail on the official website of the manufacturer of this product.

Heart collection

It is no secret that myocardial diseases are very difficult, and treatment is expensive. If this is not a hereditary pathology, then many problems can be solved with the help of folk remedies. The recipe for making healing monastic herbal tea is not a secret. All herbs included in its composition are well known to phytotherapists. Why should the cores pay attention to the monastery tea? The recipe for making this drink is very simple - take one tablespoon of hearty collection and pour one glass of boiling water over it. Let it brew for 5 minutes and take before bed every day for one month.

The first results are noticeable after a week of admission. But do not try to collect herbs for heart treatment on your own. The fact is that the proportion of herbs is a very complex issue. In addition, the area in which herbs grow and the time of harvesting are of paramount importance.

Heart collection calms the nervous system, restores heart rhythm, returns good sleep, and normalizes blood pressure.

Herbs for alcoholism

How to use monastic tea in this case? Often a person suffering from alcoholism does not consider himself sick. Therefore, he will not only brew such tea, but even buy it. Healing him from the disease and saving the family from the inevitable misfortunes that alcoholism entails is entrusted to relatives.

How does anti-alcohol monastic infusion work? It causes in the patient a persistent dislike for the sensations associated with the use of alcohol. In his subconscious, a feeling arises and consolidates that his state of health only worsens from alcohol. He loses interest in drinking as a means of pleasure and relaxation. There is no need to explain how to brew, take and store monastic tea from alcoholism. Obviously, he should not be in the sight of a sick person. This can cause him negative emotions. After all, he does not consider himself sick, and drunkenness does not cause him any inconvenience. After drinking a glass of vodka, he feels stronger, more significant and free person. Why get treated for it? And to admit that a chemical dependence has already arisen or is about to arise, oh, how you don’t want to. So it is better to hide the tea bag away from the eyes of the drunkard. How to brew monastery tea in this case? You can brew and take it like regular tea or follow the instructions on the package. The main thing is regularity.

Medicinal collection from prostatitis

A considerable number of men of mature age suffer from this disease. Stress, a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol and, as a result, problems with the functioning of the prostate gland. However, the strong half of humanity has a way to significantly alleviate their condition. And with regular use and completely cured. A harmoniously selected composition of herbs effectively affects this delicate organ - the prostate gland, eliminating congestion, improving blood circulation and strengthening male strength. All plants included in the collection enhance each other's action. They have no contraindications and are not addictive. What herbs are included in tea for prostatitis? These are chamomile, rushanka, birch leaves flowers, thyme, knotweed and mountain marshmallow. How to brew monastery tea for prostatitis is written in detail on the label attached to the collection package.

Tea for female infertility

This herbal tea should be taken by women who are unable to conceive. It consists of 42 components. Among them are such well-known female herbs as red brush, linden, nettle, oregano, sainfoin, coltsfoot, cuff, sea buckthorn, plantain, motherwort, lungwort, knotweed, wild rose and others. Drinking tea helps to normalize the cycle, promotes the production of female sex hormones and cures urinary infections, activates ovulation, and also prevents the development of fibroids and cysts. It is indicated for both primary and secondary infertility. How to brew monastery tea in this case, you can read on the package. Do not make a drink for the future. It is better to use it fresh. The most important condition is the regularity of use. The first course should last at least one month. The result will be noticeable pretty soon. An examination by a gynecologist and tests always confirm the effectiveness of this drug collection.

collection from smoking

The combination of seven herbs is indeed very effective in the desire to quit smoking. The chemical composition of the collection acts in such a way that the craving for nicotine is dulled in the recipient. By calming the nervous system and clearing the entire body of nicotine resins, it gently and methodically leads you to the desire not to take cigarettes in your mouth. It is necessary to drink tea in a course of 21 days, longer if possible. It is advisable to drink this drink in the morning, afternoon and evening. And how to brew monastery tea is written in the first part of the article. In the case of fighting smoking, this is also one teaspoon of herbs for one glass of boiling water. Five to seven minutes is enough for fermentation. The composition of the collection includes crushed rhizomes of comfrey, leaves of black elderberry and coltsfoot, flowers of linden, lungwort and St. John's wort and rocky pikulnik.

A few words in conclusion

The price of a 100-125-gram package is approximately 850-990 rubles. The shelf life does not exceed 2 years. Herbs have long been great helpers of people in the fight against a variety of ailments. Nowadays, when the ecological situation in many regions leaves much to be desired, herbs can become not a panacea for diseases, but a deadly poison. Therefore, you should not risk your health and collect plants that have grown near industrial cities. Monastic tea, the recipe for which is described in our article, will prevent you from acquiring new health problems, since all its components were collected in environmentally friendly places. As for this drug, it is not difficult to prepare it. No need to worry that they did not withstand the required temperature range or brewing time. The most important thing is not to boil it, drink it fresh and keep it regular. If these conditions are met, you will significantly improve your health, no matter what bothers you - liver, kidneys, infertility, alcoholism, coronary heart disease, obesity, malnutrition or diabetes.

Contraindications - individual intolerance, but this happens extremely rarely. In the presence of serious systemic diseases, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is better to talk to your doctor before starting the course.

  • chronic fatigue;
  • restless sleep;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea;
  • weight loss;
  • rash on various parts of the body;
  • pain in the joints;
  • itching in the anus.

You can get rid of helminths with the help of drugs or medicinal herbs. Many still prefer natural ingredients. The main thing is to know which plants and in what proportion to use.

Many are interested in how to brew monastery tea. To make a useful infusion, you do not need to be a specialist. It is brewed just like any other tea or herbal tea.

In order for the drink to retain its beneficial properties and turn out to be tasty, the following rules must be observed:

  • 1 tsp collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water (this is a full faceted glass);
  • let steep for 15 minutes without covering the lid as the herbs need access to oxygen to brew properly.

You can brew tea in any container, be it a cup, a thermos or a ladle. A portioned ceramic cup with a strainer is ideal.

Coffee technology brewing

Monastic tea can also be prepared using coffee technology. Many argue that a drink prepared in this way retains a maximum of useful substances. Tea brew is prepared as follows:

  • pour 1 tsp. collection in a metal bucket or a Turk;
  • fill with cold water;
  • bring the broth to a boil over low heat and remove from heat;
  • cover with a lid and wait until the drink has cooled to the required temperature.

Instructions for using monastery tea

Instructions on how to properly take monastic tea are as follows:

  • for the purpose of treatment and prevention, it is recommended to drink 3-4 cups of tea per day;
  • the course lasts 3 weeks;
  • decoction should be taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals;
  • you can drink both primary and secondary brewed tea;
  • you can not use several fees at the same time, the tea recipe is already balanced;
  • You can add honey or sugar for flavor. Remove lemon.


  1. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Individual intolerance to some components.
  3. Children's age up to 12 years.

Herbal medicine has been around for a long time. Phytotherapy is no less popular than medical treatment. In some cases, herbal treatment is a concomitant therapy to the main doctor's prescription. In some, herbal medicine gives tremendous results and is able to heal serious ailments. Many have heard that Father George's monastic collection of 16 herbs is a unique herbal collection that helps with a large number of pathological conditions. Sometimes this tool is called "monastic tea", which is not entirely true. Monastic tea (sometimes referred to as “monastery tea”) is another remedy that contains five herbs and can be taken without regard to dosage and certain therapeutic courses. Father George's monastic collection of sixteen herbs requires careful implementation of recommendations for dosage and timing of administration.

The composition of the herbal collection of Father George

The composition consists of sixteen herbs. The high efficiency of the composition is due to a number of reasons:

  • a natural composition is taken, carefully selected and balanced;
  • composition - the most powerful combination of vitamins and trace elements, which is important for the human body;
  • the effectiveness of the drug has been laboratory-proven;
  • safe for human health;
  • the composition has been approved by practitioners and is recommended for use;
  • does not have a wide range of contraindications and side effects;
  • the recipe has been tested by a large number of patients and has proven its effectiveness;
  • herbs are harvested in environmentally friendly places without contact with fertilizers or synthetic stimulants.

A feature of the composition is a unique balance of natural ingredients that can heal or heal. As part of the monastic collection of herbs of Father George, it is recommended to use:

  • stinging nettle - affects the body's metabolic processes, accelerates the elimination of toxic elements, positively affects hemoglobin levels;
  • rosehip - has a huge supply of vitamins and minerals, helps the immune system to activate;
  • immortelle - is a restorer of metabolic processes and hematopoiesis in the human body, stabilizes the level of cholesterol fractions;
  • sage - is a "cleaner" for blood vessels, positively affects the functioning of internal organs;
  • series - normalizes the processes of blood supply to various organs and systems;
  • yarrow - has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, helps restore health after protracted illnesses;
  • dried flower - positively affects the heart and blood vessels, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, treats pulmonary diseases;
  • motherwort - has a calming ability, affects nervous diseases, treats sleep disorders, neuroses, phobias;
  • linden - effective for colds, has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect;
  • buckthorn bark - able to evacuate harmful toxic accumulations from the body, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, suppresses appetite;
  • birch buds - a storehouse of vitamins, helps to overcome vitamin deficiency, maintains the tone of the body;
  • chamomile - has a wide spectrum of action, relieves spasms, pain, helps with insomnia and internal anxiety;
  • wormwood - productively removes intoxication of various origins, has an anti-inflammatory ability;
  • cumin - has a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system, treats gastritis, peptic ulcers, helps with inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • bearberry - increases the vitality of the body, is effective in the treatment of colds, sore throats;
  • cudweed - overcomes skin diseases, heals joints, is noted for antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

About the treatment of joints with bay leaf

Benefits of Drinking Monastery Tea from Father George

The high efficiency of the collection is evidenced not only by the reviews of a huge number of people, but also by laboratory tests and the conclusions of specialists.

With certain pathologies, treatment with a collection from Father George can become the remedy that will cope with the disease:

  • headaches of various etiology, localization and strength;
  • in the postoperative period to maintain a weakened body;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders in the metabolic processes of the body;
  • sleep disorders;
  • stomach ulcers, gastritis;
  • diseases of the reproductive system of men and women;
  • cystitis;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • infertility;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • high blood pressure;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • frequent colds;
  • weight loss without objective reasons;
  • circulatory problems.

The collection helped a lot of people. All those who used it noted a lasting improvement in health.

  • the most important requirement is the observance of proportions; for making tea, you must use a small kettle;
  • the collection is infused without closing the lid; for proper brewing, air must flow to the drink;
  • the resulting drink can be taken within two days, stored in the refrigerator, do not heat before taking, it is better to add hot water.
  • collection, when preparing it at home, grind;
  • half a liter of water is used per tablespoon of herbs;
  • pour boiling water over a mixture of herbs and let it brew without wrapping for thirty minutes;
  • course of treatment from one to three months;
  • take a drink three to four times a day;
  • the dose of drinking at a time - one hundred - one hundred and fifty milliliters;
  • if necessary, a second course take a break for two weeks and again take a monthly course;
  • You can repeat the course of treatment as many times as necessary until complete recovery.

After a couple of days, most people notice an improvement in their health, a surge of strength, a feeling of lightness and a boost of energy. After two to three weeks, the attenuation of chronic diseases was noted. The treatment resulted in cases of getting rid of serious diseases: asthma, hypertension, oncology and many others. For effectiveness, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the medication regimen and consult a doctor before starting the collection.

The effect on the body of a collection of sixteen herbs

There are cases when a collection of sixteen herbs by Father George healed patients who were unable to be helped by traditional medicine. A carefully selected combination of herbs enhances the action of each and as a result gives a very strong effect. Many call the collection miraculous, cured of a serious illness.

Features of treatment with flax seeds

Among the main effects of collecting herbs on the body are the following:

  • improves the condition of the body in any type of disease, supplies the missing micro and macro elements, helps to restore strength;
  • has an anti-cancer effect;
  • in the postoperative period accelerates the recovery process;
  • cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, toxins, drugs;
  • stabilizes the digestive system and improves metabolic processes;
  • restores after stress, nervous strain and chronic fatigue;
  • normalizes blood pressure, improves the condition of the circulatory system;
  • cleanses the body's natural filters;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.

Recipes for the preparation of the healing collection of Father George

For the result from the use of the monastery collection, it is necessary to carefully approach the preparation of ingredients. Some herbs can be collected independently, some can be bought at pharmacy kiosks.

When harvesting herbs on your own, you should remember the basic rules for collecting herbs:

  • you need to know exactly what the grass you have to harvest looks like, many plants have similarities and are easy to confuse;
  • it is recommended to collect herbs in the area of ​​​​residence, it is in this case that herbal treatment will be quite effective;
  • it is necessary to harvest plants away from factories, highways, fertilized gardens or fields, the distance from such objects should exceed a half-kilometer zone;
  • it is necessary to collect the upper part of the plants only in dry weather, it is not advisable to pluck the grass after rain or wet from dew;
  • rhizomes or roots are recommended to be dug early in the morning or after rain;
  • pick off the part that is needed, if you need flowers of the plant, leave the ground part untouched, the rule of collecting herbs is to leave a third of the plants in each plot;
  • adhere to the rules for collecting herbs regarding the lunar cycle - the ground part is collected during the growing moon (nettle is an exception), the underground part of the plants is collected on the full moon or during the waning of the moon, it is believed that plants collected correctly have greater healing power;
  • the collected elements of medicinal herbs cannot be rammed into baskets or bags, the plants must be laid loosely;
  • immediately after returning home, the collected plants should be laid out in places without direct sunlight, in a thin layer.

The recipe for preparing the collection of Father George requires the correct dosage. The effectiveness of treatment depends on how correctly you measure portions of herbs. Grass is taken in the following proportions:

  • sage - thirty-five grams;
  • May rosehip - twenty grams;
  • nettle nettle - twenty-five grams;
  • bearberry - twenty grams;
  • sandy immortelle - twenty grams;
  • a series of tripartite - twenty grams;
  • wormwood - fifteen grams;
  • chamomile pharmacy - ten grams;
  • yarrow - ten grams;
  • dried flowers - ten grams;
  • cudweed - ten grams;
  • thyme - ten grams;
  • motherwort heart - ten grams;
  • linden or water shamrock - ten grams;
  • buckthorn bark - ten grams;
  • birch buds - ten grams.

It should be noted that the dried flower, which may seem unfamiliar, is “cat's paw”, or “serpentine”, “hernia grass”, “grass from forty ailments”. Blooms from late spring to early summer. It is recommended to combine the use of Father George's collection with an alcohol tincture of Japanese Sophora fruits.

Cure of Cancer by Father George's Monastery Collection

Currently, such an insidious disease as cancer remains a practically incurable disease and becomes a sentence. Poor environmental conditions, poor quality water, GMO food and many other factors contribute to the emergence of a terrible disease. Every sixth inhabitant of the country dies from malignant neoplasms every year. Herbalists who treat many diseases claim that even such a serious disease as cancer can be overcome.

There are many scientifically proven facts when cancer patients who are sent home to die get back on their feet and are healed through phyto-healing and spiritual enlightenment.

A collection of sixteen herbs by Father George helped more than one terminally ill patient. The infusion has a destructive effect on cancer cells of any localization and with any severity of the disease. In addition to the traditional recipe for preparing the collection, another equally effective recipe is recommended. Take seventy percent alcohol and carefully crushed collection. The proportion is one to four, one hundred grams of collection for four hundred grams of alcohol. Let it brew for thirty days and take a teaspoon with a tablespoon of water or milk three times a day before meals.

Contraindications to the use of the collection of Father George

Everyone can take the collection, except for those who are allergic to one of the components of the drug. In case of uncertainty, it is necessary to check empirically - take a quarter of the recommended one-time rate. As a rule, only one in a hundred people is susceptible to an allergic reaction to the components of the collection.

It should be noted that for the first two or three days, a person who takes the monastery tea of ​​Father George will notice a sharp deterioration in his health. This is how it should be, the drink begins to act, and the body reacts in this way for the first time. In order for the herbal treatment of Father George to bring results, one must believe. Believe that the disease will go away, and victory will be sure. If the disease has changed your life and robs you of hope, maybe the sixteen herbs of the monastery will be the medicine that will help you heal and continue to live a full life.

A unique healing tea, created on the basis of the most powerful herbs by the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery, is still very popular today for its ability to help treat many diseases. If you brew it correctly and use it correctly, you can strengthen the immune system, cope with chronic diseases, defeat fatigue and stress.

Properties and uses of monastery tea

Today, there are several recipes for compiling a healing monastery collection, but all of them are based on a basic list of medicinal herbs:

  • St. John's wort;
  • elecampane;
  • rose hip;
  • oregano;
  • celandine;
  • motherwort;
  • violet, etc.

Proven medicinal herbs are the main components of tea

They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, immunomodulatory, sedative effects. Knowing the composition and properties, it is important to understand and how to drink monastic tea correctly. It all depends on the purpose and the problems that need to be solved. You can use the monastic collection for the prevention of many diseases of the internal organs and for the treatment of:

  • diabetes
  • alcohol and nicotine addiction;
  • prostatitis;
  • cystitis;
  • insomnia;
  • hypertension;
  • headaches;
  • rheumatism;
  • gastritis;
  • heartburn;
  • obesity.

The use of monastic tea is possible as an addition to the main medical treatment, but here you need to consult a doctor. For treatment, systematic and long-term use without interruption is important.

How to brew

Proper preparation of the drug is the key to successful prevention and treatment. For drinks of plant origin, this is especially important, since it is possible to obtain a useful extract from dried herbs only with proper brewing.

To properly brew monastery tea, you need to take 1 tsp for one cup of water (200 ml). collection. This is the optimal dosage of vegetable raw materials for one serving of the drink. Tea can be prepared immediately before use or for the whole day.

The brewing technology is as follows:

  • bring water to a boil;
  • let cool to 95 degrees;
  • prepare ceramic or glassware (a cup or teapot), pour tea into it;
  • pour hot water, cover slightly with a lid so as not to impede air circulation;
  • insist 20 minutes, strain;
  • consume warm.

One of the main rules of brewing is not to impede the release of steam. If the tea is cold, it is not recommended to warm it up. It is better to boil water and add a little to the cup so that the drink becomes warm and comfortable to drink.

Lemon and honey (optional) are added to the cup for taste. The taste of tea, even without additives, is very pleasant and easy to drink without habit, especially if brewed and taken fresh, not allowing it to cool.

Visual instructions for brewing

If tea is poured into a thermos with hot water for the whole day, do not close the lid, let it brew for a maximum of 15 minutes. Next, the infusion is filtered through a sieve and returned back to the thermos. The lid can now be closed to keep the infusion warm all day. The tea leaves remaining in the sieve can be poured with hot water again already in the cup.

How to take for various diseases

Monastic tea drink is used to treat and prevent many diseases and conditions. If we are talking about strengthening immunity, cleansing the body, eliminating minor ailments, increasing efficiency - that is, improving well-being and preventing diseases, it is right to take tea before meals in about 30-40 minutes. The duration of admission is at least 3 weeks, although for really significant help to the body it is recommended to drink it for 2-3 months.

How to drink tea in the presence of various diseases? It all depends on their nature and stage. With an exacerbation of any chronic disease, tea and any similar product is not desirable. Here you need to follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, and only after the removal of acute symptoms, fix the result with folk methods.

Monastery tea can be brewed twice

So, with diabetes, prostatitis, rheumatism, you need to take monastic tea before meals. From smoking, alcohol dependence, to cleanse the vessels, the rules for use are similar. Standing 30 minutes before eating is considered correct.

When there are diseases of the heart, thyroid gland, kidneys, stomach, liver, with osteochondrosis and mastopathy, the drink is brewed and consumed after meals, after about 1-1.5 hours. How many times a day do you need to drink tea to achieve a positive effect? 3-4 times a day, 200 ml. This dosage is considered optimal for prevention and treatment.

Monastic tea is often used for weight loss

To cleanse the body of toxins, normalize metabolism and stimulate the process of losing weight, tea is drunk half an hour before meals, always warm. There is an unspoken rule for the use of the most famous monastic collection.

  • They drink it before meals in the case when it is necessary to eliminate problems with those human organs that are below the waist.
  • After eating, tea is used in the treatment of diseases of those organs that are located above the waist.

The same rules are followed for the preventive intake of the drink. Monastic tea is allowed to be brewed 2 times. The properties of the drink after repeated brewing decrease in intensity, but the extraction of valuable substances continues, as evidenced by the rich color and taste. If this option is used, repeated brewing is carried out immediately after the first one, the contact of vegetable raw materials with air for a long period of time is not allowed.


Pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age and some categories of people with the following diseases should not use the monastery drink:

  • glaucoma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • low acidity of the stomach;
  • pronounced PMS with heavy menstruation;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Monastic tea has contraindications in the form of individual intolerance to the components. Since there is a variety of herbs in the collection, an allergy to at least one of them is a taboo for treatment. Elderly people should be careful with tea, for them the daily allowance of tea can be adjusted downwards.

The monastic drink is worth trying for everyone who strives to maintain their health and youth for as long as possible. Knowing the rules of brewing and use, you can significantly improve your well-being, increase overall tone and help the body cope with the negative impact of environmental factors.

Everyone knows firsthand about the miraculous power of herbal medicines. But with the advent of drugs in the form of tablets, many began to neglect traditional medicine, despite the fact that it was and remains one of the safest means in the fight against early ailments.

A striking example of such a folk remedy is the monastery collection. The recipe for the drug has existed since the time of Ancient Rus'. Even in those days, the monks themselves, who lived in the northern monasteries, relied on his strength. Hence the name came from. Natural herbs for the northern climatic latitudes were truly a magical remedy. Herbal collection saved the lives of many people of that time.

Later, the recipe for the miracle cure was lost. However, thanks to Father George (rector of the monastery of the Holy Spirits), already at the end of the 20th century, monastery tea was actively used to treat a host of ailments.

Composition and useful properties

Monastic collection - a mixture of 16 medicinal herbs, which allows you to strengthen the immune system and health. The main feature of such a tool is the presence of all the necessary medicinal substances in one collection. All components in its composition interact well with each other and are easily absorbed by the body. The tool can be taken by both adults and children.

Main Components

Monastic herbal collection includes the following ingredients:

  1. Chamomile. An excellent preventive measure against cancer. Helps strengthen the immune system, fights allergies and insomnia. Additionally, chamomile is used in various cosmetic procedures. And most importantly - it has no contraindications for use.
  2. Thyme (thyme). Brewed at the first sign of a cold. Thyme is actively used by many pharmaceutical companies. It is added to lozenges and cough syrups. Dried thyme is added to tea to normalize the psychological state. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Rose hip. Increases immunity, promotes the intake of a large number of vitamins and trace elements. Natural vitamin C. Suitable for people with diabetes and digestive problems.
  4. Nettle. Well cleanses the body of toxins. Can increase hemoglobin levels. Nettle gives an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Adding this plant to food or tea is recommended for people suffering from beriberi. It perfectly strengthens the hair, adding density and a lively, natural shine.
  5. Sage. A popular herbal antibiotic. Helps to overcome cough due to its bactericidal properties. It has a pleasant, unobtrusive smell. Perfectly complements any tea or decoction. Sage is used to strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
  6. Series. The main tool in the fight against cancer. Removes toxins, improves blood composition. Has antifungal activity. The sequence is especially useful for the elderly.
  7. Motherwort. Natural sedative. Helps to overcome insomnia. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is a prophylactic against such common diseases as heart attack and stroke. Motherwort is widely used in preparations for the treatment of neurosis, phobias and panic attacks. It should be used with caution and strictly in the allotted proportions.
  8. Yarrow. Allows a person to recover in a short time after surgery. Additionally, it treats liver diseases, as well as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. It will help a person suffering from a disease of the stomach, in particular - gastritis. Yarrow cleanses the skin from rashes and redness. It is good to use it for early burns.

Additional components

Important is the presence in the collection of the following composition of herbs:

  • Sagebrush

The taste and color of the plant is not the most pleasant, but it has many useful properties. Wormwood is used for food poisoning and in case of inflammatory processes. Especially popular in cosmetology; quickly relieves burns. Antimicrobial agent. Wormwood has analgesic properties.

  • Birch buds

Indispensable in the treatment of tumors at any stage. They have a restorative function. Able to completely or partially block cancer. Birch buds contain many vitamins and microelements. Used as a skin rejuvenator.

Active substance in the fight against cough. It is able to relieve both dry and wet coughs. It has a powerful diuretic effect, so it is recommended not to abuse this plant. Linden flowers are a good addition to the bath. This will achieve smooth and silky skin for the fair sex. Linden helps to relax after a busy day at work. Its main component is copper. It stimulates the formation of insulin, improves the metabolic process.

  • bearberry

Suitable for cancer treatment. It contains a large amount of antioxidants. It is they who do not allow infected cells to continue to develop and mutate. Bearberry has a positive effect on liver function. The use of this plant makes the body more resilient to physical stress and natural changes. It is useful to gargle with bearberry decoction instead of the usual mouthwash.

  • dried flower

Stabilizes the work of the intestines, heart and blood vessels. Does not allow harmful microorganisms to develop. It is recommended to use dried flowers for gallbladder disease. Good diuretic. Its key feature is the removal of sputum and bile from the lungs. After several applications of dried flowers, the patient becomes easier to breathe.

  • Buckthorn

The main assistant of the thyroid gland. Buckthorn contains a lot of iodine. It is able to reduce appetite, remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Concentrated decoctions are made from buckthorn, which are recommended to drink to stabilize the work of the stomach and intestines. The benefits of its bark are very great.

  • marshwort

An excellent remedy for hypertensive patients. Stimulates the formation and development of new cells. At the same time, it does not allow malignant formations to progress. Helps a person to get stronger after illness. Its action is not instantaneous, but qualitative. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to complete the full course of treatment. Dryweed marshmallow, among other things, helps in the fight against acne.

  • Immortelle

Immortelle is indispensable for violations of the digestive function. Helps to overcome gastritis and peptic ulcer. Relieves inflammation of the joints, normalizes cholesterol levels. It should be taken with caution and in the required proportions.

Disease control

It has been scientifically proven that the monastic collection can cure a person from many ailments. Herbs included in its composition have a powerful positive effect on the body, strengthen the immune system, improve brain function. This tea is indispensable during the rehabilitation of the body after operations. This folk remedy is able to cope with almost all ailments. The collection helps if you:

  • migraines (headaches);
  • diabetes;
  • weakened immunity;
  • urolithiasis disease;

It will also be effective for:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • liver disease;
  • arterial disease;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • malignant tumor;
  • disease of the mammary glands;
  • disruption of the respiratory system;
  • infertility;
  • increased pressure;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • mental disorders;
  • a cold;
  • joint disease;
  • gastritis, ulcer (diseases of the stomach);
  • metabolic disorder.

But do not rely only on miracle tea. This drug is not able to cure a chronic disease.

Monastic collection helps to improve the condition of tissues, blood vessels, metabolism. He can also overcome the disease at the initial stage of its development. The main thing is to properly prepare the drug and complete the full course of treatment.

After a short break, treatment continues. Remember that only the competent and conscientious use of the monastery drug gives a really good result.

We brew herbal tea correctly

Based on the above properties of the components, we can conclude that the monastic collection is a unique remedy for the treatment of various diseases. The collection includes a huge number of herbs, which greatly increases its usefulness compared to other medicines.

But in order for monastery tea to really turn out to be the right consistency, color, smell, and at the same time not lose its beneficial properties, you need to carefully consider the very process of its preparation.

  1. For brewing monastery tea, an ordinary teapot or thermos is best suited.
  2. The proportions are as follows: 1 teaspoon of the monastery collection for half a liter of hot boiled water.
  3. Tea is brewed for about 30 minutes. It is better to place it in a dark place with a loose lid.
  4. The drink is ready to drink. It is better to divide the resulting decoction of monastery tea into portions and drink throughout the day. For example, 150 ml four times a day.

Such herbal tea can be stored no more than 2 days and only in the refrigerator. When used directly, it is not necessary to heat the broth. It is enough to add a little boiling water to the prepared portion of tea. Nevertheless, it is better to drink freshly brewed tea, because many useful substances will simply disappear during long-term storage of monastery tea.

Herbal preparation should be used with caution. The course of your treatment directly depends on the type of disease and its severity. Follow all prescribed recommendations and constantly monitor the general condition of your body. Some monastic tea helps after a couple of weeks, others - only after a few months. It is very important not to abandon treatment at the first sign of improvement in health. You need to drink herbal tea after that for another 5-7 days. Thus, the result will be significantly improved and fixed for a long time.

If you take monastic tea for a long time (more than a month), then a break of 7-10 calendar days is necessary.


As such, there are no prohibitions on the use of this traditional medicine. The collection is completely natural, includes dried herbs.

If you have an allergic reaction to any of the components in the composition of the collection, you must first check whether it persists when taking the decoction. To do this, just drink a tablespoon of monastery tea. If the result is negative, you can safely take the resulting drink.

The main advantages of folk remedies

Based on the description of this drug, one can understand why monastic tea is useful for people of any age category. The main benefits of the collection are as follows:

  1. 100% natural composition: all herbs are collected and carefully dried. No dyes, fragrances or fragrances. Only a pure and natural product recommended for use.
  2. No contraindications. The collection includes sixteen herbs, each of which has a unique healing effect. If you are allergic to any of the components, it is necessary to confirm this reaction before starting the use of monastic tea. If the result persists, then it is better to refrain from drinking the drink.
  3. Acceptable price. The tool at its cost can not be compared even with the cheapest tablets. The main thing is that it does not cause side effects.
  4. Utility. Such tea will be useful for a person who wants to strengthen his health, immunity, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, overcome insomnia and calm the nerves.
  5. Visible result. Subject to the rules of preparation, storage and use of monastic tea, any patient will see a positive result. Observe only the proportions and certain terms of taking the medicine.


The cause of all our diseases is in the head. Everything can be cured, from the common cold to cancer. Moreover, it is not necessary to take expensive medications or go under the surgeon's knife. It is enough to believe in yourself and your strengths, as well as in the action of the funds that you accept.

Traditional medicine appeared in the times of Ancient Rus', has been preserved and is actively used to this day. If the recipe did not give a result, they would simply be forgotten about it, as well as about the pills, which, at times, cease to be produced. Sometimes medicine is powerless in the face of illness, and a simple monastic tea suddenly works a miracle and the patient is on the mend.

It is worth trying to brew this healing collection to make sure of its positive effect on the human body. After all, even tea based on the most common and well-known sixteen herbs can work wonders!
