
The healing power of carob syrup. Video: how maple syrup is made

The carob tree in Cyprus is one of the most famous plants. There is even a Carob Museum in Limassol where you can learn a lot of interesting things about it. Almost everywhere in Cyprus you can buy syrup made from the fruit of the tree. It is considered very useful.

What is this tree?

This plant is called the carob tree for the shape of its fruit. It belongs to the legume family, has the appearance of a tall tree with a spreading crown and fruits in the form of a pod with beans. The pod is bent, resembling a ram's horn, which is why the tree is called carob. In Cyprus, the carob tree can be found very often, both in cultivated gardens and growing in the wild. Moreover, it grows even in the mountains, the root system "learned" to extract minerals and moisture in mountain soil poor in useful substances.

The scientific name is siliculose ceratonia. The name comes from the Greek word "ceratiοn" (or "ceras"), which means "horn". It is noteworthy that the term "carat" (the well-known jewelry measure of weight) also comes from this word. The fact is that carob beans have approximately the same shape and weight (slightly less than 0.2 grams), and in ancient times they were used as weights. True, later it was determined that the weight of one bean is still not equal to a carat, but the name has already taken root.

Carob syrup is very popular in Cyprus, which is why this plant is cultivated. They also use wood that is dense enough to be used in carpentry. To be fair, it's not hard enough to be considered one of the best types of wood, and you'll most often find small crafts made from carob. Also, paper products are made from carob wood.

What is the benefit of syrup?

If carob wood has not become a unique type of material, then the fruits, on the contrary, can be called simply miraculous. They contain a lot of useful substances:

  • fructose,
  • proteins,
  • pectin,
  • potassium,
  • antioxidants.

It should not be surprising that the syrup from these beans has many virtues. It is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetic industry. Another advantage was that this syrup is completely natural. Due to the presence of fructose in the composition, it does not require the addition of sugar in the production. And the syrup is also unique in its taste: even without additional additives, it is pleasant to drink it. It has a sweet taste with a slight chocolate bitterness.

The use of carob syrup from Cyprus in cooking is very common. It can be drunk by people who are not healthy with high-calorie cocoa: the taste of the syrup is very similar to a chocolate drink. It is added as a thickener (pectin) to confectionery: marshmallow, marshmallow, jelly. And also carob syrup is added to sauces, not only to sweet, but also to meat dishes. You can also use it as an independent addition to various dishes: pour over pancakes or muffins, add to tea.

For medical purposes, cough syrup is used. It also strengthens bone tissue, improves bowel function, and helps normalize blood pressure. It is recommended for sleep disorders and as a general sedative. And finally, carob syrup promotes weight loss! To reduce weight, you need to dilute a spoonful of syrup in a glass of water and drink half an hour before meals.

Due to the absence of sugar in the finished syrup, even diabetics can take it. True, a high amount of fructose can still increase blood sugar if you drink a lot of syrup. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in small doses. You should also not give syrup to babies under 3 years old, at least without consulting a pediatrician, again due to the high content of fructose in the composition. Otherwise, this syrup has no contraindications.

Carob syrup from Cyprus is a must try. And bring home to get a little healthier. Or you can just add it to tea or sauce to remember your holidays in sunny Cyprus.

The use of carob syrup from Cyprus; description


The popular name for this tree is carob, and scientific ceratonia leguminous. It is called carob because of these very pods: when ripe, they twist into long (from fifteen to thirty centimeters) curved strips resembling the horns of a ram or goat.

Ceratonia is widespread throughout the Mediterranean, it reaches as much as twelve meters in height and, due to lush foliage and spreading branches, gives a plentiful shadow.

The ancient Greeks were the first to use the fruits of this tree. It was carob that gave the world the well-known measure of carat weight. Since all carob seeds weigh exactly the same, this made them ideal "weights" for jewelers and apothecaries.

carob in cooking

The pod of ceratonia is widely used in the cuisine of the peoples of the Mediterranean countries. Sugar makes up more than half of its pulp. The bag is cleaned of seeds and dried: it can be eaten whole, cut into strips, crushed and used as a powder or made into syrup.

The hard sugary cone is especially popular with those who for some reason cannot have cocoa: this elongated brownish-red shell tastes very much like chocolate. Carob is devoid of caffeine, it does not increase blood pressure and does not cause headaches. The abundance of carbohydrates guarantees early saturation. In Malta, Israel and North Africa, pod dishes have long secured a place of honor on the holiday menu.

Syrup and its beneficial properties

It is believed that the first to cook syrup from ceratonia horns began in Cyprus. It is prepared as follows: the pods are placed in a huge bronze cauldron, where they are boiled for at least four hours. The liquid is passed through a fine sieve, which retains pieces of pulp. The finished product has a pleasing dark golden color. Due to its rich taste, it is often diluted with juices, such as orange.

The islanders call their product "Cypriot black gold" and export widely. It is especially popular in Muslim countries, where it is drunk in large quantities during the month of Ramadan. Currently, Cypriots are competing with regions such as Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Sicily, where carob syrup is also widely brewed. Its use, however, is not limited to the confectionery industry alone: ​​it is recognized that this drink has a beneficial effect on health.

Let's describe in more detail healing properties of ceratonia syrup:

  • It helps with sore throat and;
  • It contains truly gigantic amounts of calcium: three times more than in milk;
  • The drink is rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and dietary fiber;
  • It contains (albeit in not very significant amounts) vitamins B 2 and B 3;
  • Due to the presence of tannins, it also treats loosening of the stool (this effect is most pronounced in young children);
  • It is free of gluten and casein, which extensive field experience suggests may lead to increased symptoms of childhood autism and hyperactivity, migraine, and ulcerative colitis in adults;
  • The drink is rich in polyphenols - plant antioxidants that help the body cope with harmful free radicals.

Carob syrup is added to drinks or plain water. It is so sweet that four to five tablespoons a day is enough for an adult, and three teaspoons is better for children and teenagers.

Generally speaking, anyone can enjoy the taste of sweet syrup. There are, however, certain groups of people to whom it is especially indicated:

  • Smokers and quitters. We will not once again describe the versatile health damage from this still popular bad habit. We only note that people who regularly inhale hot smoke saturated with resins constantly irritate the throat, trachea, bronchi and lungs themselves. The carob syrup will help soothe inflammation and stimulate the flow of phlegm, thus helping the body get rid of toxins. Unfortunately, the therapeutic effect of carob will only slightly mitigate the harm of smoking, but will not completely eliminate it. You can make it a rule: when your hands themselves reach for a pack of poison, drink instead a small glass of water or tea, with a sweet additive dissolved in them. Double benefit and no harm!
  • We can give a similar recommendation to those who have noticed excessive addiction to such everyday stimulants as coffee and chocolate. If you drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day and cannot imagine a morning that would not start with this invigorating drink, you should be warned: your health is at risk. High blood pressure, nervous exhaustion, heart problems are just the beginning of a long list of ailments that lie in wait for you. Carob syrup is very reminiscent of coffee in taste and color, but since it does not contain a single molecule of caffeine, it does not harm the nervous system and the whole body in any way. Using this substitute drink will help you keep your favorite tradition, while the potential harm will turn into a visible benefit.
  • You are being tortured gastrointestinal problems: poor digestion, rumbling in the stomach and flatulence. Although such conditions should be treated by a doctor and nothing can replace the advice of an experienced specialist, we note that carob decoction, used as an adjunct to the main treatment, will enhance the effect of the medications taken and will soon bring the desired relief.

Who is contraindicated syrup

  • Although carob pods are extremely rare, when introducing a new dish to the diet, it always makes sense to exercise caution. At first, eat small amounts of the supplement - a third of a teaspoon. If you have not noticed any negative effects (they appear primarily in the form of skin rashes), feel free to increase the dose.
  • If you have diabetes (especially type 1), the intake of easily digestible "fast" carbohydrates should be put under maximum control. Unfortunately, it is these carbohydrates that make up the lion's share of the components of the carob drink. Read the nutritional information on the product label carefully and never exceed your doctor's recommended daily allowance of carbohydrates.
  • If you are struggling with excess weight, you should not eat anything that can be easily converted by the body into excess adipose tissue. In this case, your choice should not be a spoonful of sweet contents, but jogging, exercise and a strict diet with a protein and vegetable bias.
  • Let's not leave aside common myths. Since carob is to some extent a fashionable novelty, unscrupulous importers and distributors hastened to declare carob products as the newest panacea. You can often find claims that this remedy helps with anemia, impotence, improves kidney function and successfully fights viral infections. Unfortunately, with all the listed conditions, the help that the body will receive from ceratonia will consist only in the well-known placebo effect.

Useful properties of carob fruits (video)

So our story is over - the baggage of your knowledge has been enriched with information about what carob syrup is. Useful properties and contraindications of this drink would be useful to describe to friends - it's so nice to share reliable news!

Various concentrates are made from carob fruits - syrup, carob powder, gum. These products are useful for women, men, young children, they are used in medicine. Carob syrup is not only healing, but also delicious, it is added to sweets and other confectionery.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Pekmez or carob syrup is a product better known in Turkey and Cyprus, where this plant grows. For Russians, this is exotic, which attracts, but also causes concern. The syrup is made from the juice of the carob fruit. It is slowly simmered on fire, boiling until excess moisture evaporates. In Turkey, they love it very much, they use it for the treatment of young children, first of all medicines.

The healing properties of the syrup are explained by its composition:

  • fibrin and lignin - favorably affect the intestinal microflora, increasing the number of lactobacilli;
  • pectin - reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, plays the role of a coagulant and antioxidant, removes harmful substances from the body;
  • tannins - help cure diarrhea and helminthic infestations;
  • galactomannans - reduce the content of the ghrelin peptide, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B9, D);
  • minerals (Ca, K, Cu, Na, Zn, Mg, Mn, Fe, P).

A large amount of vitamin D makes the syrup useful for the prevention of rickets in children. Of the minerals in the product, there is a lot of calcium, which is necessary for both children and adults. With brittle bones, frequent fractures and osteoporosis, during intensive growth, calcium is needed in large quantities.

Interestingly, during the growing process, carob is not subjected to chemical treatment from pests, according to manufacturers. Therefore, the syrup does not contain toxic substances hazardous to health.

The high level of antioxidants in its composition slows down the aging process, removes free radicals, and strengthens the immune system.

What diseases does carob syrup help with?

The syrup cleanses and soothes well. For insomnia or problems with constipation, they drink it at night. This helps to solve two problems at once - returns sleep, and improves digestion. The syrup is drunk in its pure form (1 tsp per reception) or diluted in water. The amount of water depends on taste preferences - you can take 100 or 200 ml, it does not play a special role.

Effective syrup for shortness of breath, palpitations, high blood pressure, anemia. It is recommended to use it to prevent the development of cancerous tumors.

The use of syrup is beneficial for a large number of ailments:

  • with impaired metabolism;
  • chronic constipation;
  • with menopause;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • with stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • depression;
  • with lung diseases;
  • oncology;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • impotence;
  • with inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • migraine;
  • with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

For smokers, carob syrup will help cure chronic bronchitis. Thanks to the antioxidants that make up the product, it prolongs youth.

Detailed instructions for use

How to take the syrup depends on the ailment that needs to be eliminated. To cleanse the body of toxins, improve the condition with diarrhea and nausea, they drink it 1 tbsp. l. before meals, 3 or 4 times a day. Small children from 2 to 6 years old are given 1 teaspoon each, from 6 to 12 years old, 1 teaspoon each. 3 times a day.

For colds, coughs, sore throats, acute respiratory viral diseases, the syrup is diluted in 1 tbsp. hot water (50 °C), and consumed up to 6 times a day before meals.

Severe headache, irritability, anxiety and poor sleep are treated by using 5-6 tbsp. l. syrup per day, for 2 or 3 months. Then they take a break for 3 weeks, and if necessary, repeat the course. Instructions for use are not strict guidelines, a slight excess of the dose will not cause negative consequences if there are no contraindications for use.

Use in traditional medicine

In countries where the carob tree grows, syrup from the pods is used in folk medicine. It is given even to infants up to a year old with indigestion and colic. Syrup is drunk to relieve headaches, increase immunity, in case of poisoning, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the nervous system.

Rosehip syrup: what is useful and harmful, use, medical instruction

Rosehip has been used as an ornamental and medicinal plant for a long time. In cosmetology, wild rose is used to correct facial contours, smooth wrinkles and increase skin regeneration. Tinctures, drinks and syrup are prepared from this wonderful plant, dried for the winter. Its benefits are undeniable, therefore it is worth knowing about all its healing properties.

Rosehip syrup - instructions for use:

Release form

Glass bottles, 125 ml
- glass bottles of 250 ml of the drug


Rosehip fruit, sugar, ascorbic acid, purified water

That's what rosehip syrup is good for, its benefits for us:

Contains sufficient tonic vitamins C and P for the treatment of hypovitaminosis;
treats bronchiectasis, bronchopneumonia, pneumonia
contains tannins and pectin;
treats chronic and acute diseases of the intestines and liver
contains flavonoids;
treats an overdose of anticoagulants
improves immunity;
treats uterine and pulmonary bleeding
has a general strengthening effect;
treats chronic and acute infections;
activates cerebral circulation;
hyperthyroidism and adrenal insufficiency
with its help it is possible to carry out the prevention of malignant tumors;
restores strength;
treats traumatic shock
improves blood clotting;
treats nephritis
normalizes blood pressure;
treats atherosclerosis
improves eyesight.

Rosehip syrup strengthens the skeletal system, synthesizes collagen, protects against premature aging, is a good antioxidant, helps restore bone tissue in case of fractures and has a beneficial effect in the treatment of colds.

It also reduces the effects of stress, which can be detrimental to overall health. In folk and traditional medicine, rosehip syrup is used as a choleretic agent, to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as a means of combating hangovers and alcohol poisoning, as well as to lower cholesterol levels.

Rosehip syrup cleanses the body of harmful toxins, being a diuretic. The kidneys have the peculiarity of accumulating various wastes, which are removed by the use of this miraculous remedy. In addition, rosehip cleanses not only the renal pelvis, but the entire body as a whole. Syrup is also used to cleanse the gallbladder of stones. The use of rosehip syrup can save a child and an adult from worms.

Rosehip syrup - harm and contraindications:

Uncontrolled consumption of rosehip products can adversely affect the liver and cause non-infectious jaundice. Also contraindications apply to people:

With circulatory problems;
with cardiovascular diseases;
with a tendency to constipation;
with diseases of thrombophlebitis;
with dermatological diseases;
with a stomach ulcer or gastritis;
with bronchial asthma;
pregnant women;
during lactation;
with individual intolerance.

The use of any medications should be agreed with the doctor. If the patient begins to use rosehip syrup in unlimited quantities on his own, this can cause a blockage in insulin production, and the pancreas will partially lose its function. Treatment with syrup should be carried out in courses with interruptions so as not to harm the body.

Precautionary measures

In order not to provoke unwanted complications after the use of rosehip preparations, precautions must be taken:

After applying rosehip syrup, rinse your mouth so that the acid does not break the enamel of the teeth.
Prolonged use of rosehip preparations can provoke increased gas formation, therefore it is recommended to use greens: dill, celery, parsley.

Rosehip syrup - application and dosage of the drug

Children - half a teaspoon a day. Be sure to drink water or tea.
Adults - a dessert spoon twice a day.

The correct dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor, given a specific disease.

Disease prevention

The drug is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prevention. Basically, the preventive action is based on strengthening the immune system, cleansing the body and energy supply. At the first appearance of depression, fatigue, loss of appetite and loss of strength, you can start using syrup, given the standard dosage for adults - 2 dessert spoons twice a day. And do not forget to drink water or tea.

How to make syrup yourself?

1 kilogram of berries;
1 kilogram of sugar;
6 faceted glasses of water.

In pharmacies, rosehip syrup is sold without a prescription, but you can prepare it yourself. To do this, rinse the fresh berries well and remove the seed pods. Prepared fruits are ground in a meat grinder or crushed in a blender. Then the mixture is poured with boiled water and boiled for 15 minutes. At this time, you need to prepare a thick sugar syrup, mix with rose hips and keep on fire for half an hour. Store the syrup in a dark place.

In the United States and European countries, products from the carob tree are widely used. Syrup, the use of which is not yet so widespread in our territory, is used there in cooking, dietary nutrition, treatment, cosmetic, food and chemical industries. In cooking, carob syrup, the properties of which we will discuss later, is added to pastries, sweets, it is poured into drinks, used as a sauce for dessert dishes. In addition, it is one of the active components of medicinal colds, manifestations of bronchitis. And what else are useful products that gives


The use of this remedy, obtained from the fruits of the carob tree, is quite diverse. As already noted, first of all, it is used in cooking, as well as in official and folk medicine. Cooks in many countries, especially in the Mediterranean, practice adding syrup to various dishes. It is poured over pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, it is used as a component for pastry dough. In addition, carob syrup, which reviews are almost always positive, can be used as a health supplement for home improvement. This is practiced because the fruits of the carob tree are extremely useful and rich in substances valuable for human health.


Ceratonia siliqua is the scientific name for the tree. It has a great height (at the peak of its life it can reach 15 m), bears fruit in rather large pods resembling a horn. Inside it are seeds, which can be 10-12 pieces. They are separated from each other by a fleshy, dense partition, which is also used for human needs.

The benefits of fruits

The beans of this tree are used to make flour, which is widely used in cooking. Also, gum is prepared from the fruits of the carob tree, which is used for the needs of the food and cosmetic industries. Carob products, in particular syrup, contain
increased amount of sodium, zinc, potassium. And calcium in it is 3 times more than in milk! In addition, having a sweet taste, the syrup does not contain sugar, so it is allowed even for diabetics. However, the dose of application must be agreed with the doctor. To convey the pricelessness of this gift of nature, it is enough to say that the Jewish prophets called the fruits of the carob tree "bread." And for a long time he served as the only source of food for them. These are the amazing properties of the carob tree.

Syrup: application, useful properties

How is it used for health purposes? The syrup is high in zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium. It can be used for colds, vomiting, insomnia, diarrhea, and for weight loss. The presence of zinc and calcium in it makes it indispensable for teeth and gums. In addition, some studies confirm that the syrup has antitumor effects, especially in the lungs. All parts of the plant do not contain toxic substances, so there were no side effects from taking the syrup. These are the wonderful products that the carob tree gives.

Syrup: application, recipes

From vomiting, diarrhea, to remove toxins, adults should take 1 tbsp. l. syrup 30 minutes before meals 4-5 times a day (children from 2 to 5 years old - 1 tsp, from 5 to 12 years old - 1 tsp 3 times a day). From colds, coughs, tonsillitis and SARS - 1 tbsp. l. syrup diluted in a glass of water (60 degrees) 5-6 times a day. Headaches, insomnia are treated with a course: 5-6 tbsp. l. a day before meals (3 months), repeat after 2 weeks. For weight loss: 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of syrup in a glass of water, add the juice of a lemon wedge. Drink 5-15 minutes before meals (before lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, add another dose in the morning.
