
A quick way to cheer up. Energy charge

Lack of sleep, weather changes and long trips can not have a positive effect on the state of cheerfulness. To quickly cope with lethargy, restore activity and efficiency, these five simple ways will help.

Olya Malysheva

1. A cup of good green tea stimulates performance longer than a cup of coffee. Green tea also contains caffeine, but it has a milder effect on the body. However, this is not the kind of drink that should be consumed by the liter and consumed every day. Use green tea when you really need some energy boost. Choose the best quality tea and drink no more than one or two cups some time after your meal. Like coffee, green tea is dehydrating, so be sure to drink plain water afterward.

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2. Dark chocolate with 70% cocoa often help out in the evening when mental activity is required, and concentration is no longer so easy. A couple of pieces of dark chocolate have a stimulating effect similar to a cup of green tea. The advantage of dark chocolate over other desserts is that it does not contain flour or milk and goes well with other foods. This is an addition to the diet that does not harm much, but brings pleasure. Choose high-quality chocolate and a reasonable amount of it.

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3. Move it! Instead of updating your Facebook or Instagram feed over and over again, do 50 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, run up the stairs, or take a brisk walk. Any physical activity helps to cope with drowsiness. Just a few movements in intensive mode - and you will cheer up, improve lymph flow and restore tone.

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4. Eat lighter. With lack of sleep, many are drawn to the liver, pastries and other flour and refined foods. And it is from these products that even more lethargy will be added. The more energy you need throughout the day, the healthier and lighter your diet should be. Drink more water in the morning and make yourself a generous serving of freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Later, add energy to yourself with fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. Save heavy meals for those preparing for the afternoon siesta.

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5. Breathe deeply. Go to an open window or go outside. With a straight back, closing your mouth and slightly squeezing your throat, take a slow breath. Feel your lungs fill with air from the bottom up, and your chest expands to the sides. As you inhale, silently count 1, 2, 3, 4. As you exhale, also slowly empty your lungs by squeezing your chest, counting 1, 2, 3, 4 again. A soft hissing sound from the back of your throat indicates that you are doing everything right. Perform five complete cycles of deep breathing, counting to four in your mind during each inhalation and exhalation. Increase the number of cycles over time. Such breathing refreshes the body and mind, quickly restoring strength.

Work, English courses, constant communication with a lot of people - all this makes us restless, draws energy from us, the reserves of which must be constantly replenished, otherwise by the end of the day you will not even look like a squeezed lemon, but something worse.

More often than not, we rely on caffeine when we need to recharge. But in addition to a few cups of coffee or tea, we can get headaches, pressure problems, mood swings, or other unpleasant effects. Therefore, this method should not be abused. The good news is that there are many other ways to tone up. We will tell about them.

Snacks high in protein

Do you regularly feel sleepy? During the day, you need to snack on snacks that are filled with proteins. Eat, for example, an apple wedge with peanut butter, a slice of bread with cottage cheese, a handful of almonds or dried fruits.

Well, if you need to cheer up very quickly, then a protein shake will help. It can be found in the fitness club.

More vitamin B

Signs of vitamin B deficiency: frequent mood swings, poor concentration, anxiety, depression. If you constantly feel tired, then you need to think about how to replenish the reserves of a valuable vitamin. You can find many foods high in it (beans, fish, nuts, whole grains, eggs) or drink vitamin complexes, which are best taken in the morning with meals for good results. And, by the way, all vitamins are better absorbed with a sufficient amount of fat in food.

little workout

When you are tired, the last thing you want to do is move. However, it has long been known that a little exercise can give you a boost of energy for the rest of the day. No need to torture yourself on a treadmill for an hour, a short run around the block will be enough. Lacking motivation at all? As always, good music in your headphones can help. By the way, we recently compiled a special. Well, if you don’t feel like getting out of your house or office at all, then do 25 squat jumps.

Cold shower

A hot shower soothes and relaxes. But if your goal is cheerfulness, then the water should be made colder. Cold water tones the body and speeds up blood circulation. You can start with a hot shower and finish with a 5-minute cold shower. If you cringe at the mere thought of a cold shower, then you can at least splash ice water in your face a couple of times.

Eat less but more often

Changing your eating habits can greatly increase your energy levels. If you eat less and more often, you will get an even flow of calories. Heavy meals will make you feel sleepy, while small meals will give you almost pure energy. And try to avoid sugary drinks, especially caffeinated ones. You will get a sharp jump in energy, but after a while you will feel even worse.

Try going to bed 20 minutes earlier

Many people have already got into the habit of postponing urgent matters until late at night. As a result, you go to bed later and later. 4 hours of sleep is not enough for a normal body, you will be tired and nervous during the day. Try to reverse the situation, firstly, trying to manage urgent matters to be done during the day, and secondly, start going to bed 20-30 minutes earlier every day than the previous one. After a while, you will develop the correct and suitable mode for you.

take a walk

A walk in the fresh air affects the body in much the same way as a little exercise. If you walk in the winter, then additionally cheer up from the frosty air. Worried about being bored? Grab your camera and take some beautiful pictures. And you can walk one extra stop, instead of immediately jumping on the bus (you can also leave the car away from work). A walk will help you reset your brain and relieve the fatigue that appears after a few hours spent at your desk. So the next time you feel like you need a break, take a walk!


Chat with someone, you can even chat or call. A few minutes of conversations on abstract topics will increase the level of attention and productivity. Colleagues too busy? But your mom is probably ready to discuss the latest family news with you.


Our brain is an extraordinarily powerful tool. And by visualizing our desires, we may well turn them into reality. The next time you feel exhausted, sit in a chair with your back straight and your hands on your knees. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a good mood, that you are charged with energy. Breathe calmly and deeply, keep your back straight all the time. After several such workouts, you will learn how to meditate and in just a few minutes you can literally bring yourself back to life. Read about how to train yourself to meditate every day.

What are some ways you can keep up your energy throughout the day without caffeinated drinks?

Water will increase blood circulation, help to improve well-being. If you are unable to do so, just wash your face. Girls who are afraid to spoil it can be advised to moisten a towel with cold water, wring it out slightly and apply it to the face, neck and décolleté.

Take a break. If your eyelids feel noticeably heavy, your hands are no longer able to do any other work, put everything aside and give your body a break. Lean back, relax your muscles, close your eyes. Stop thinking about work, just get distracted from what is happening around. Five to ten minutes of this relaxation will relieve your body of fatigue.

Do a light ear massage. It is on this part of the body that points are concentrated through which you can influence the entire body. Warm up your hands by rubbing them together. Massage the lobes, tragus, and inside of the ear for three to five minutes. You will feel how fatigue gradually recedes.

Have a bite. Perhaps your fatigue is due to a lack of substances necessary for its work in the body. Fruits, sandwiches and other products available to office workers will come to your aid. If you have the opportunity to go out to a cafe, do not neglect it. A full lunch or dinner will help fight fatigue, but only if you don't overeat.


Constant use of caffeinated drinks will not lead to anything good. If you are used to coffee to invigorate the body, gradually replace it with green tea with lemon. And useful, and vivacity will add.

Helpful advice

In order not to constantly look for ways to restore vigor, just get enough sleep at night. Seven to eight hours of sleep will help you feel great throughout your work day.

It's not every morning that we wake up in a cheerful mood. Someone went to bed late, and someone was disturbed by noisy neighbors. The ringing alarm clock is annoying, and you don’t want to get up at all. And it is necessary…


How to put yourself in order and tune in to the working mood? First, while still lying in

With the advent of autumn, our vital energy seems to leave us. In the morning we hardly get out of bed, then we "crawl" to the kitchen and drink coffee to cheer up a little. But we feel a surge of strength only for a short time. And then again - lethargy and drowsiness throughout the day.

This cannot be tolerated! After all, there are proven ways to get rid of the autumn blues. ethnoscience claims - these simple rules can forever change your life for the better.

1. In the autumn-winter period, residents of the middle climatic zone are sorely lacking in sunlight. Therefore, we do not miss a single sunny day - we go out for a walk when the sun is shining, at least for 15 minutes.

In the premises we take care of good, bright lighting - during the day we do not draw the curtains, and at dusk we turn on the electric lamps.

2. Walking is useful not only in sunny weather. In winter and autumn, the air is frosty and fresh. In cities, winter air is more environmentally friendly than summer city air. Clean air saturates our body with oxygen, so walking, we become more cheerful.

You need to walk every day, at least for 30 minutes. in a day. And the rooms in which you live and work need to be ventilated periodically.

3. Any physical exercise, running, walking, swimming, dancing, etc. - a great way to keep yourself in good shape.

If there is neither the opportunity nor the desire to thoroughly engage in physical education, force yourself to at least get up and jump on the spot. Or squat.

4. The best way to get rid of the autumn blues is a sound healthy sleep. If you are tormented by insomnia, study folk recipes for insomnia (see).

5. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also take multivitamins.

6. Pay attention to the drinking regimen. Perhaps you don't have enough water. And when the body is dehydrated, we feel tired and overwhelmed.

7. Pay attention to nasal breathing. When your nose is stuffed up, your brain experiences oxygen starvation, which is why drowsiness!

8 . Some people just need an afternoon nap. If possible, sleep for 15-30 minutes. afternoon.

9. To be always in good shape, you need to monitor your weight. Extra pounds take a lot of energy from the body, and we do not have enough energy.

10. Don't slouch! Sit up straight! The posture of a person lounging imposingly on an armchair, chair or sofa is a signal to the brain that it is time to relax, rest and sleep.

When you are outwardly collected and you have a straight back and shoulders, the brain reacts to this with a burst of energy.

11. Bad habits - smoking and alcohol - suck the vitality out of you. Get rid of them and soon you will become more cheerful.

Folk ways to cheer up

1. How to cheer up with the help of folk ways knows ethnoscience. For example, you can massage your ears. Pinch the earlobes with your index and thumb fingers and gently rub them for 1-2 minutes.

2. If you are tormented by drowsiness - take a few deep breaths. Then massage your neck and temples for a few minutes.

3. Touch the tip of your tongue to the palate and tickle it. This exotic way helps to cheer up, you can check it out!

4. The next exercise will also help to cheer up - stand "on tiptoe", stretching your arms to the ceiling. Hold this position for as long as possible. Then, standing with your whole foot on the floor - lean forward and backward and left and right, at least 10 times.

5. How to cheer up if drowsiness has overcome, and there is a whole working day ahead? Suck on a mint candy, chew some mint gum, or sip a glass of unsweetened mint tea that has cooled to room temperature. Mint is very refreshing and invigorating.

6. A glass of cold water will also bring you to your senses. You can also wet your temples and wrists with cold water.

7. A contrast shower perfectly relieves lethargy and drowsiness. Alternate dousing with warm and cool water. 1 min. doused with warm water, then 1 min. cool. No need for fanaticism! Both warm and cool water for dousing should be at a temperature that is comfortable for you. A contrast shower should be done within 5-10 minutes.

8. Buy an aroma candle. It is needed so that you can arrange aromatherapy sessions for yourself. Some essential oils (mostly citrus) help to cheer up.

If you don’t want to bother with aroma candles, just rub your whiskey with an invigorating essential oil of orange, mandarin or bergamot. And you will feel fresh.

Nutrition and vigor

In this matter, you need to adhere to the principles of a healthy, balanced diet.

Eat quality foods. Portions should be small. It is better to eat often, but in small portions, than to eat a couple of times a day, but to the "dump".

The diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Useful cereals, salads and light soups.

Cut back or cut out sugar, sweets, and sweet pastries altogether. Better eat honey (1-2 tablespoons a day) or dried fruits.

How to create a good mood for yourself and cheer up even on the gloomiest day?

1. Music greatly affects our mood. From listening to an energetic song, you can cheer up as much as even two cups of coffee will not work.

2. In autumn and winter, try to dress brighter and smarter. The more we like ourselves and others, the higher our self-esteem and better mood.

3. Try to communicate more with people you like and avoid communication with people-"vampires" who constantly steal your time, pouring out a stream of their complaints and problems on you.

4. Laughter is the best way to cheer up and cheer yourself up. Watch all comedy shows and movies. Read collections of jokes. Search the Internet for sites with a humorous theme. In any way, try to cheer yourself up and laugh.

5. If you can't concentrate at all, try to occupy your brain with some kind of puzzle or crossword puzzle. Mind training is always useful, because when the brain is in good shape, then the body is also in good shape.

6. Find yourself a hobby. It can be anything - dancing, singing karaoke, knitting, cooking. What you love is good for lifting your spirits.

7. Play more with children and pets. Children are very cheerful people. Take an example from them - rejoice every minute, be surprised and enjoy life. A positive-minded person never asks the question "how to cheer up", he is always cheerful and cheerful.

8. Do not allow your body to stress. Learn to "extinguish" any negative emotions. Numerous books by popular psychologists will help you with this. And many people have found solace in religion.

9. Treat yourself to something pleasant - shopping, going to a beauty parlor or massage parlor, etc.

If you can't cheer up

If, despite the strict implementation of all the above recommendations, you can’t cheer up in any way, and you constantly feel a breakdown, be sure to consult your doctor. It is possible that your condition is a symptom of some chronic disease. When using and reprinting the material, an active link to the site

The desire to sleep during the day is not a disease, but a failure of biorhythms, the so-called internal clock. In our hectic time, almost half of the inhabitants of large cities are people who sleep "on the go." They have a decrease in tone and memory, and performance is lost. Such people are constantly in a state of stress and often find themselves in stupid situations. In this article we will try to figure out how to cheer up if you want to sleep.

Reasons for wanting to sleep during the day

Causes can be: insomnia at night, change of time zone, lack of sunlight, multi-shift work, stuffy work areas, taking certain medications, increased overwork. In addition, drowsiness can be the result of diseases and conditions such as diabetes, depression, obesity, alcoholism.

Also, lack of sleep is affected by a large number of entertainment, such as television programs, gaming entertainment facilities, the Internet. Everyone wants to participate everywhere, to see and try everything. Of course, during the day there is not enough time for everything and you have to compensate for it at night.

If in the first half of the day people work efficiently and productively, then in the second half they desperately struggle with sleep, resorting to the endless use of coffee, tea, and even energy drinks. But this only worsens the situation - biorhythms are upset with a vengeance, nerves are exhausted, sleep is disturbed. Such a vicious cycle can bring a person to a nervous breakdown.

Vitamins and movement will save the day

Let's try to solve the problem if you want to sleep. The main way to fight sleep is movement. Start the morning with a cool shower and some simple exercise. It is better to walk to the workplace - the fresh morning air invigorates perfectly, and walking accelerates the blood, which, in turn, activates the brain. In the evening, try not to engage in active activities. Watching a movie, talking to your family, reading a book will help you sleep better and deeper.

Vitamins and minerals help in the fight against sleep. If, for example, the body lacks vitamin B 1, then this can cause headache, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath and increased heart rate. Lack of vitamins B 2 and B 6 causes depression. Magnesium is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Proper nutrition

When the question arises of how to cheer up if you want to sleep, then you should pay attention to daily nutrition, which should be moderate in calories. A typical breakfast should contain a 150 g slice of bread, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge (optional), 100 g of meat or fish. For lunch, eat a salad rich in vegetables, a sandwich with a boiled egg and 50 g of cheese. Fatty foods are best avoided as they make you feel bloated. Food should energize you and not cause lethargy in the body.

In no case do not exclude fruits. Minimize alcohol and nicotine. Include blackcurrant juice in your diet, which has a tonic effect, carrot juice (helps fight diseases). Grapefruit and sea buckthorn juices improve mood. It is better not to add sugar to juices, but a spoonful of honey will not hurt.

Fees and oils will help with drowsiness

Stimulant collection is made from blended herbs such as nettle, celery, echinacea and golden root. An incomplete teaspoon of the collection must be poured with boiling water and insisted. You can also take some powdered herbs with you, and when the need arises, put two pinches on your tongue and suck for a while. Just do not take it in the evening, otherwise you will not be able to sleep.

You can take no more than 30 drops of ginseng or eleutherococcus. But do not overdo it, otherwise the heart will beat strongly, the pressure will jump and insomnia will overcome.

Also cedar oil. Take a teaspoon of the product in your mouth, hold it for a while, swallow it. Take 3 times a day before meals for about a month.

Essential oils will help when you do not know how to cheer up if you want to sleep. The only difference is the flavors of the herbs used. In the fight against daytime sleepiness, lavender, lemon, jasmine are used. For cheerfulness, it is worth smelling the bottle or a dampened napkin.

How to spend a sleepless night

Those who for some reason are forced to stay awake are faced with the question of how to cheer up if you want to sleep at night. Here are some tips to help you. It is important to get a good night's sleep the day before the event. In order to feel cheerful at night, the body must be rested. It is good if you have protein-rich snacks with you. For example, almonds, cashews, walnuts, low-fat cheese, biscuits, yogurt. If possible, carry bananas and apples with you.

To keep your brain awake, meditate, talk to others, ask questions. Focus on some interesting topic, remember the sequence of events, make your brain work. Do not sit in one place, walk around in the room you are in. It also helps when you don't know how to cheer up if you stand by the window, visit the bathroom if possible, go up and down the stairs, or jump in one place.

How to stay awake at work

People working in the office after a hearty lunch are struggling with sleep. Such people often ask how to cheer up if you want to sleep at work. What should I do to ward off sleep? Do some stretching in the office. Take breaks between tasks. Sometimes simple ways to cheer yourself up can help. For example, stomp your feet under a table, twitch your earlobes, pinch yourself, stretch your shoulders, and stretch.

Reduce the amount of food during lunch or divide the meal into several snacks. A slight feeling of hunger stimulates the brain to work - and you will feel sleepy. Excessive heat relaxes and lulls. To avoid this, open the windows in winter and turn on the air conditioner in summer. Add ice to a glass of water and splash cold water on your face. Do not bring the body to dehydration, drink plenty of fluids.

How to cheer up if you want to sleep at work? Set fire to a flavored stick in the office - and then not only you, but all employees are guaranteed to cheer up. Place flowers in pots in the office to purify the air.
