
Quick menu for guests. Guests on the doorstep: delicious recipes in a hurry

Laying a festive table is a rather expensive business. Let's talk about various options for budget, hearty and delicious dishes.

To begin with, we choose the practice of planning. We study the products in stock, try to use them in festive dishes. We write a list of dishes with ingredients and a list to buy in the store.

We offer examples of options for delicious and inexpensive dishes with a brief description.

Salads, appetizers

Envelopes / tubules with cheese and mushrooms. We wrap fried mushrooms with grated cheese in thin pita bread or pancakes, heat them in a pan with butter on both sides so that the cheese melts. Can be served both hot and cold.

Salad with mushrooms. Ingredients: boiled red beans -100 gr., mushrooms fried in butter - 100 gr., 2 boiled eggs, garlic, salt, sour cream or mayonnaise. Mix everything.

Herring under a Fur Coat. Ingredients: 0.5 onions, 1 herring, boiled grated potatoes, grated carrots, eggs, beets, mayonnaise or sour cream)

Sandwiches with cheese clouds. Grate 2 processed cheeses like "Nadezhda", "City", 2 eggs grate, garlic, sour cream or mayonnaise, mix. Put the resulting cheese cloud on bread, you can add cucumbers and sprats.


Salad in a hurry. Mix 1 jar of canned green peas, 0.5 finely chopped onions with sour cream or mayonnaise, plus salt and pepper to taste. It turns out simple and quite tasty.

Sharp carrot. These are variations on the theme of “Korean-style carrots”. Three carrots on a grater with garlic and black ground pepper, coriander, and other spicy hot spices, season with sour cream or vegetable oil.

Radish with carrots. Three grated radishes with carrots, salt and season with sour cream.

Avocado with cheese and garlic. Three grated 1-2 medium avocados, 150 gr. cheese, 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt, season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Available cutting options: cheese, sausage, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers.

Pancakes with various "economical" fillings. We wrap various fillings in thin pancakes: finely chopped or grated boiled eggs, rice with fried onions; liver with onions and eggs; mashed potatoes with mushrooms and fried onions; cheese with mushrooms; sliced ​​boiled sausage with mushrooms and cheese.

Salad with biscuits "Fish". Lay out in layers: “fish” cookies, coat with mayonnaise, grated smoked cheese (“Sausage”), finely chopped chicken breast with green onions, 3 finely grated eggs, a layer of mayonnaise. It is better to let it brew in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that the cookies are “soaked”.

Salad with fresh vegetables and herbs:
Option 1: young cabbage, cucumber, dill, green onion, sour cream, salt.
Option 2: cucumber, radish, 2 finely chopped eggs, lots of herbs, salt, sour cream.
Option 3: cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, cheese, onion, herbs, salt, sour cream.
Option 4: chicken breast or ham, cheese, bell peppers, tomatoes, 2 boiled eggs, salt, ground pepper, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic. Cut the tomatoes into rings, put grated cheese with garlic and mayonnaise on top.

Liver plates. We make a liver pate: 0.5 kg of boiled or fried liver, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 0.5 packs of plums. oils, salt and spices to taste. Scroll the liver with vegetables in a meat grinder, mix everything. Then put on "wheat plates", tartlets or bread.

Salo. Salo can be used both as a cut, and make a kind of snack by chopping it together with garlic and pepper in a meat grinder. Then spread this mixture on bread. It turns out especially tasty if such sandwiches are slightly warmed over a fire on a grate.

It is more economical when using an abundance of seasonal ingredients: in the presence of freshly picked or canned, frozen mushrooms, we cook dishes with them, in the season of an abundance of fresh vegetables, we use them to the maximum, etc.


Chicken breast fritters. Finely chop the raw chicken breast, 1 onion, salt, pepper, mix with mayonnaise and fry in a pan.

Chicken cutlets. We scroll the chicken breast, add a small piece of bacon or pork, 2 eggs, salt, pepper, a little milk, bread or potatoes. Mix thoroughly and fry.

Liver pancakes. Grind 0.5 kg of chicken liver in a meat grinder or blender, 1-2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, onion, 100-200 gr. flour. Mix thoroughly until thick sour cream and spread the pancakes on a preheated pan.

Fish in sauce. Ingredients: 3 large pollock, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 100 gr. milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt, pepper. Put the fish in a hot pan, fry on both sides, add chopped carrots and onions, simmer for 5 minutes, add milk, sour cream, seasoning, simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

Fried potatoes with onions.

Fried mushrooms with onions and sour cream.

Fish cutlets.

Boiled rice with fried mushrooms. Separately, cook the rice and fry the mushrooms with onions, then mix or spread the mushrooms on top of the rice.

Chicken wings baked in the oven. A few hours before baking, soak chicken wings in sauce: sour cream or mayonnaise, salt, pepper, spicy seasoning. Then spread on a baking sheet and bake until crispy.

Potato casserole. We wrap it in thin pita bread, laying it out in layers: mashed potatoes, minced meat or stew, fried onions, cheese, sour cream.

Warm meat salad. Fry separately: finely chopped chicken breast, a little beef and vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, onions. We spread it on a plate, serve crusty.

Potato pancakes with sour cream and mushrooms.

Zucchini pancakes with sauce(mayonnaise, sour cream and garlic)

For tea

Homemade cakes are much cheaper and more natural than purchased ones.

Biscuit pie with apples. Beat 5-6 eggs and 150-200 gr. sugar, add 100 gr. flour, the dough should be like liquid sour cream. Cut 2 medium apples into a baking dish, spread the dough and bake for 30 minutes.

Pie based cake. Based on this cake, you can make a cake. We cut the cake into several layers, coat with cream, add soaked dried fruits, marmalade, berries, pour chocolate icing.

Pancakes or thin pancakes with jam, condensed milk, chocolate

Homemade cookies and waffles

Ice cream with jam or sliced ​​bananas

Marshmallow and cookies

Cheesecakes for tea with jam and sour cream

Cake from cottage cheese. Lay out in layers: cookies like "Jubilee", "Sugar", a layer of cottage cheese with sour cream, a layer of thinly sliced ​​​​marmalade, a layer of cookies, a layer of cottage cheese with sour cream, a layer of marmalade, cookies, cottage cheese and pour chocolate icing.
For chocolate icing, melt 2 tsp in 100g of milk. cocoa powder, 4-5 cloves of dark chocolate, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar.


The use of exotic fruits significantly increases the cost of the festive table, you can use more affordable fruits: apples, pears, bananas, oranges. In season - watermelon, melon.

After the holiday

It happens that many products remain after the holiday. So, from vegetable and sausage cuts, you can cook soup-hodgepodge, make a kind of gravy for a side dish, and cook a casserole from the remaining side dish and hot. If there are a lot of products left after the celebration, then some can be frozen in the refrigerator, for example, chicken, meatballs, sausage, pancakes and cheesecakes, fish and many others. So they will remain fresh and significantly reduce the time for cooking in the future, it will be enough just to get them out and warm them up.

Complete the list. What options for delicious and inexpensive dishes do you prepare for the holiday?

Traditionally, the feast is associated with an abundance of snacks and complex gourmet dishes. Times are changing, and the modern pace of life dictates new rules to housewives, that is, you want to set the table in a hurry, surprise guests and at the same time save the budget.

This is not about serving semi-finished products as a treat that you just need to warm up, but about how to spend a minimum of time preparing a delicious dinner and amaze guests with your culinary skills.

It is natural that the first thing to do is to make a menu. Organizational issues are usually resolved in advance, but it also happens that guests suddenly come unexpectedly and you have to improvise.

However, even in a situation where you have to act decisively, there are several options. First and most important, every housewife should have a few simple and quick-to-prepare dishes and snacks in stock, in order, in extreme cases, to quickly navigate.

By the way, more attention should be paid to appetizers, because they are the most popular among guests at a festive feast.

The second and important point is the table setting. A beautiful new tablecloth, bright cutlery and glasses must be in the house and they should be taken out on occasion.

This does not mean that you need to spend all your savings on expensive porcelain, today there are many alternative options. For example, you can buy “just in case” several plates and salad bowls made in the same style, and leave them until better times, that is, when guests arrive.

The same goes for glasses, they may not be made of crystal, but they should have an attractive appearance.

In addition, you need to take into account the fact that table setting is a whole art. All items must be made in the same style and create a harmonious composition.

So, in order for the preparation for the feast to take a minimum of time, you need to designate several recipes for yourself in advance and purchase festive dishes.

Grocery list

What is needed to prepare this or that dish or the hostess should know herself. That is, she must draw up a menu in advance if, for example, some solemn event is just around the corner, or in case guests come suddenly.

If we are talking about how to whip up a festive table quickly and inexpensively, then the ingredients should be available. For example, when friends or relatives swooped in without warning or informed at the very last moment, treats had to be served from what was in the refrigerator.

Therefore, in stock, every housewife should always have simple products in stock. Here is a list of what you can whip up:

  • canned fish and vegetables
  • home preservation
  • mayonnaise, sauce, spices
  • seasonal and frozen vegetables and fruits
  • compotes
  • meat, fish or poultry
  • frozen or canned mushrooms

In general, from the entire list above, you can easily prepare a delicious holiday. And if there is an opportunity, time and money to run to the store, then you can buy ready-made salads, semi-finished products, desserts and much more.

So, the festive table usually consists of one hot dish of several salads, appetizers, cold cuts of meat and fish, dessert and tea. If you clearly think over your actions, then it will take no more than 2 hours to cook everything.

An important secret, if a festive table is being prepared in a hurry and inexpensively for ten people, then you should not cut the whole bowl, you need to calculate portions of about 100-150 grams per person, each dish. A simple calculation will save time and money.

A hot appetizer is traditionally a meat or fish product and a side dish. There are many ways to cook everything quickly. The easiest cooking method that does not require constant attention is baking in the oven or slow cooker, in extreme cases in the microwave.

For example, in the oven you can bake meat or chicken with potatoes in cream. The ingredients are quite simple and inexpensive, taking about one hour, depending on the power of the kitchen appliance.

To reduce the cooking time, you can cover the container with foil, so the products are more juicy and fragrant.

The fastest way to cook meat or fish along with vegetables is to bake in the microwave. So you can bring a kilogram of chicken legs in a sleeve or special heat-resistant bags to readiness in just 15-20 minutes.

The only drawback of this method is that everyone's favorite crisp will not work, but the product will be saturated with salt and spices, remaining juicy and fragrant.


Not a single festive feast is complete without. There are so many recipes that choosing two or three with simple and inexpensive ingredients will not be a problem.

But when choosing the right options, you should be guided by a few simple rules. To begin with, these are the ingredients, you should focus on salads, which include simple products, these are vegetables, meat, sausages, eggs, canned food.

If you need to urgently cook vegetables, such as beets, carrots or potatoes, then you can do it in 5 minutes in the oven. To do this, place the ingredients in a plastic bag and make a few holes in it for steam to escape.

Then you should set the maximum power and time from 3 to 5 minutes. Similarly, any product can be brought to readiness, except for the liver and eggs.

Dressing will help improve the taste of the salad, make it original and unique. Traditionally, salads are smeared with vegetable oil, mayonnaise or sour cream.

But if there are other tasty and simple seasonings that make the taste of products more vivid and rich. In a salad of fresh vegetables, you can add a drop of vinegar and a grated clove of garlic, in meat or fish - mustard or horseradish.

Soy sauce, ketchup, tomato paste are suitable as additives. By the way, the main flavoring additive for any salad is fresh herbs.

Snacks and cuts

The choice of snacks is huge, there are an unlimited number of recipes, which means that it is quite possible to choose delicious, not expensive and fast ones. Armenian lavash rolls with stuffing are very popular.

The only drawback is that the appetizer must be infused before serving, otherwise it will be difficult to cut it evenly. As a filling, you can use cheese, mayonnaise, sticks, fish, sausages, vegetables, greens, an egg.

A fairly simple, unpretentious snack is canapés and sandwiches. Here you don’t have to be a chef or spend hours looking for recipes, you can safely improvise.

For canapes, everything that is currently in the refrigerator is suitable: cheese, cheese, smoked sausage, eggs, preferably quail, vegetables, grapes, olives or black olives.

It is very important to choose products that taste well with each other, if you can’t make the right choice on your own, it’s better to look for ready-made recipes. For canapés, you can use toothpicks instead of skewers.

A great option is baguette sandwiches. Such an appetizer is quite common on festive tables and is in demand among guests, especially if there are children among the guests.

The content itself depends only on the culinary fantasies of the hostess herself. Traditional options, red caviar and butter, but far from budget, processed cheese and fish, sprats and cucumber.

The last appetizer, the preparation of which does not take much time and does not entail extra costs, is stuffed eggs. There are also many filling options, for example, minced meat or fish, cheese, egg yolk and mayonnaise with garlic and herbs.

In general, you can decorate an ordinary chicken egg beautifully, you just need to show a little imagination.

It is difficult to imagine a festive table without cutting. By the way, cutting sausages, cheeses, vegetables or fish is not a time-consuming event.

Therefore, if there is absolutely no time to cook salads and snacks in large quantities, you should compensate for them with an abundance of various cuts. And so that several varieties of chopped smoked meat do not look too “sad” on the festive table, you should arrange the serving in an original way, for example, roll the slices in the idea of ​​​​rolls.


At the birthday party, as a rule, a cake completes the celebration, but its preparation will take quite a long time. Although you can find cake recipes without baking, you still have to spend a lot of effort.

An easier and more budgetary way to surprise guests with a delicious dessert after holiday snacks is this. To prepare it, you will need a little flour, butter, a couple of eggs, a glass of sugar and slaked soda with vinegar.

Cooking time no more than 40 minutes in the oven. In addition, berries, fruits, dried fruits or nuts can be added to the dough. Serve guests a delicious treat with jam, jam, honey or condensed milk.

Decorations for salads and desserts

Each housewife can emphasize her individuality and demonstrate her culinary skills with the help of vegetable decorations. It will not take much time, but will certainly delight and surprise guests.

What products can be used for decoration:

  • eggs, chicken or quail
  • cucumbers
  • boiled carrots
  • tomatoes
  • canned green peas
  • corn
  • olives or olives

It is more expedient for the manufacture of decorative elements to use the same ingredients that are part of the salad, so as not to spoil the taste.

For example, a simple vegetable vinaigrette with the help of simple impromptu flowers cut from boiled beets and carrots with parsley or dill can be turned into a real festive dish. Similarly, you can arrange other salads.

Now a little about the technology for making decorative elements for salad, by the way, such manipulations will not take much time, and the mood will be unforgettable. So, in order to collect a flower, you will need a sharp small knife and the raw material itself, which should be carefully cut into a thin ribbon in order to subsequently roll it into a bud of an impromptu flower.

Desserts can also be given an original aesthetic look. For example, at the end of a festive feast, it is worth offering guests ice cream decorated with chocolate chips, coconut flakes, and pieces of fruit.

How to cut vegetables and decorate dishes - in the video:

What not to do

To begin with, it should be noted that you do not need to buy ready-made foods in stores, especially salads. Because it is too expensive and the quality of the product is highly questionable.

The same applies to semi-finished products, despite the fact that with the purchase of ready-made frozen dishes, the time for preparing a festive dinner is minimized, guests can hardly be surprised and delighted with such a treat.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that you should not put products on the festive table that quickly deteriorate and lose their attractive appearance. These include jelly and aspic, these products will quickly melt.

When compiling the menu, you need to carefully consider the composition of the dishes, because some recipes are designed only for "amateurs".

For example, not everyone will like a salad, which includes meat combined with sweets. This fact must be taken into account and when cooking, try to focus on the preferences of each guest individually.

The last advice - you should not prepare a new dish for the festive table for the first time, it is better to experiment in advance, because the surprise may fail and the product will not live up to expectations.

sample menu

This section presents several simple recipes for the festive table, cooking will not take much time and will help save the budget. Among the ingredients are only products available regardless of the season.

What can be prepared for the festive table tasty and inexpensive:

  • Sandwiches with tomato and Feta. On thin slices of baguette, place finely chopped tomatoes, seasoned with soft salted cheese and garlic. As a decoration, you can use parsley, olives and pitted olives.
  • Korean carrot salad with boiled chicken breast and red bell pepper. All ingredients should be cut into strips and seasoned with mayonnaise. The salad has an amazing spicy taste and will not leave guests indifferent, while the cooking time is no more than 15 minutes.
  • A quick and inexpensive hot dish - pork ribs with potatoes and fried onions in pots baked in the oven. Cooking time no more than one hour, preparation up to 15 minutes.
  • Cottage cheese cake for dessert will be the perfect end to a festive feast. For him, you will need 250 g of cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content, 3 chicken eggs, a glass of flour and the same amount of sugar, a teaspoon of soda, a pinch of vanilla, 100 g of softened butter. To taste, you can add grated, raisins or nuts. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and bake in the oven until tender, 20 to 40 minutes.

It must also be remembered that the use of spices, of course in moderation, gives the products other flavor notes. Therefore, if possible, you should learn how to combine food and all kinds of seasonings correctly, because it is they who can turn simple dishes into masterpieces.

In general, there is no limit to female ingenuity; organizing a festive table quickly and inexpensively is not a problem for a real hostess.

First, a strategic supply of non-perishable food should always be in the house "just in case".

Secondly, you should have a few simple recipes for delicious dishes ready for the unexpected arrival of guests. And lastly, the content of the table is not so important for the guest, but the hospitality and cordiality of the hosts.

Sometimes guests come unannounced. And the hostess has a question in her head about how to feed unexpected visitors. After all, the purchase of products was not done in advance, and cooking takes a lot of time. Let's look at how to cook up a quick, delicious lunch, but hurry up.

Each woman understands the judgment - a quick meal in a different way. One only has time to think about what she has left of the stock in the refrigerator, the other, while friends are discussing new events, is already preparing a salad or cooking a hodgepodge. We will try to suggest recipes that will be useful to all housewives.

Quick recipe for pasta, spaghetti

These products are perfect for preparing an Italian dinner. You should put water on fire, boil, salt to taste, cook pasta. Be careful not to overcook. As a sauce for them, you can cook tomato, tomato-meat, Bechamel. You can also fry pasta with mushrooms, chicken, champignons.

Quick recipe for spaghetti with tomato sauce and meat


  • three stalks of celery;
  • garlic;
  • onion, one carrot;
  • 55 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 300 gr minced meat;
  • two large spoons of pasta.

Chop onions, celery, carrots, garlic. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the onion and celery, then add carrots, pasta and dilute the sauce a little with water, let it boil. In another pan, fry the thawed minced meat in oil. Then mix the vegetables with minced meat and stew a little more. Leave it to cool down a bit. Serve with spaghetti, after sprinkling greens on top.

Quick recipe with hard cheese

Perhaps there is nothing easier than making sandwiches with sausage and cheese. In addition, they are loved by almost everyone, especially children. But to make your sandwiches even tastier, put them in the microwave for 30-60 seconds, and sprinkle with dill or green onions before serving.

Quick Pizza Recipe

If you have a pizza blank, then in just a few minutes you can make one more dish. To do this, you only need the filling. Use it as: mayonnaise, tomato sauce (ketchup), eggs, cheese, greens, vegetables, meat, chicken - any products that you have available. Having decorated the base with the filling, it will be enough to hold the pizza in the microwave for 15-30 minutes and dinner is ready.

Quick egg recipe

There are a lot of recipes for making quick meals from eggs. For example, boil eggs, cut in half and decorate them with sauce (mayonnaise) with herbs or make a filling of yolk with appetizing cod liver. Also, if you mix the yolk with processed cheese, mayonnaise, garlic, then stuff the eggs, decorate with chopped tomatoes, parsley, you get an excellent cold appetizer.

Quick Fried Egg Recipe

Opening the refrigerator doors, you will immediately understand what dishes you can cook for friends, by the presence of certain products. The main thing is to turn on your imagination. If you have a lot of eggs, then make a fluffy pizza or scrambled eggs in a pan with vegetables, meat, bacon, cheese. Prepare an ordinary fried egg with bacon, onions, tomatoes, decorate it with green peas and herbs. Bake an omelette in a frying pan under the lid, and then wrap the filling of ham, cheese, vegetables in it.

Quick Frozen Food Recipe

If there are shrimp, crab sticks and other seafood in the freezer, your menu on the festive table will become even more diverse. It is enough to boil the shrimps in salted water, then fry them together with garlic, onions, sweet peppers and tomatoes.

Quick recipe for stuffed crab sticks

Crab sticks can be unwrapped and stuffed with canned fish in oil, mushrooms with vegetables, or chopped eggs with cream cheese, spices, and mayonnaise. Also make a salad for lunch of four boiled eggs, 300 g of sticks, a jar of boiled corn, greens, crackers, three tablespoons of sauce (mayonnaise).

Quick recipe for cheese cakes

To 1 glass of kefir, add 0.5 tsp. salt, the same amount of sugar and soda. Stir. To this mixture, add a glass of pre-grated cheese and 2 cups of flour. Stir again. You have made the dough, divide it into parts and roll them into cakes. In the middle of this tortilla, put the finely chopped ham as a filling, fold the tortilla in half, connecting the edges, and roll it out again. Fry the cakes on both sides in a pre-heated frying pan, in vegetable oil. It is best to fry with the lid closed.

Welcome dear guests!

“One evening, evening, evening, when the guys, frankly, have nothing to do.” And suddenly these guys have a wonderful idea, and whether they should go to visit you. And at this time you are sitting, suspecting nothing, on the couch, drinking cocoa in the evening and amusing yourself with the thought of a magical strawberry bubble bath. And then the bell, like a bolt from the blue, threw you up and you start rushing around the kitchen with only one thought - what to cook in a hurry.
But STOP!!! Why do we need to rush? As you know, a real woman can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a hat and a scandal. But you and I are real women, and no one dares to doubt it. We will deal with the hat and the scandal later, but now I propose to discuss in this article recipes for dishes that take several minutes to cook.

To begin with, we make an audit in the refrigerator and see what fast food products are, it is possible eggs, sausages, cheese, mayonnaise, vegetables, fruits, herbs, conservation. Then we inspect the freezer, there may be dumplings, pizza base, crab meat, dough, assorted vegetables, and also look into the box with preservation - canned fish, meat, vegetables and mushrooms.

We have a lot of guests, mostly friends, so I always keep an emergency supply of food in the freezer and in the grocery box. Below you will see a list that I call “Guests on the doorstep”, according to which I specifically purchase products for such cases. Even if they are not needed on the occasion of the arrival of guests, they will still come in handy, you can always cook food in haste from them.

As a rule, guests come with something delicious for tea, so we temporarily forget about dessert and throw all our efforts into instant dishes.

Quick snacks.

    1. Cheese snack. The simplest, rub the cheese into a grater, add garlic squeezed through a press, herbs and mayonnaise. Cheese can be replaced with cottage cheese, it turns out very well too. This mass can be wrapped in thin pita bread, simply spread on bread, on a cracker, put in halves of boiled eggs, on chopped tomatoes or cucumbers, wrapped in thin slices of ham, as well as in lettuce leaves. If there is time before the arrival of guests, you can bake, subject to the availability of a test.
    2. Fish snack. Open the canned fish, drain the oil, remember with a fork, remove the bones, crumble boiled eggs, finely chopped onions, previously scalded with boiling water, and mayonnaise. You can also wrap this mass in pita bread, spread it on bread, put it in eggs (here crumble the yolks inside the fish mass, and leave the whites for stuffing).
    3. Sandwich with sprats. If sprats are found and if there is time to fry rye bread in a toaster and rub it with garlic, then you can make sandwiches. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the bread, put a piece of sprat, next to a piece of lemon or pickled cucumber. You can do without a toaster by toasting bread in a pan.
    4. Sandwich with Korean carrots and meat. If there is a Korean carrot, take rye bread, spread mayonnaise, carrot on top, pre-cut it smaller, a piece of meat or sausage on top.
    5. There are such waffle bread, called "Elizaveta", take 2 pieces, put a piece of cheese between them and microwave for 20 seconds. Very tasty a cheese sandwich it will turn out at least for coffee,.
    6. You can also cook quickly. snacks on skewers They not only taste delicious, but also look beautiful. Cubes of cheese, sausage, fresh cucumber, or tomatoes, or olives. You can also cut crab sticks + cheese + a piece of pepper or tomato. An appetizer on skewers laid out on lettuce leaves will decorate your table on its own when you don’t have time to think about decorating dishes.
    7. Roll with salmon in pita bread. Spread a thin sheet of pita bread with melted cheese, put thin slices of salmon and chopped dill, roll up and cut. If there is no processed cheese, you can grease with curd cheese, or just mayonnaise. Roll with salmon from this will not be worse.
    8. Pizza It will also come in handy on a fast table. Making pizza, having a base in the freezer, is easy and fast even for the youngest and most inexperienced hostess. I always make pizza with any topping like this: first of all, I smear the base with a thin layer of ketchup, the last - cheese and mayonnaise, in this sequence. Most often, I cut any ready-made meat products into the middle, rub pickled cucumber into a grater, cut onions into thin half rings. If there are tomatoes, fine, I put them in thin rings, there are olives, even better, I also cut them into rings and put them, evenly distributing them over the surface. There is no basis for pizza, you can use a loaf, you get hot sandwiches, even easier, just sausage, tomato, cheese and mayonnaise.

Quick salads.

Salads based on Chinese cabbage Lightweight and bulky at the same time. Add to shredded cabbage leaves:

  1. Crab meat, canned corn, boiled egg, fresh cucumber, mayonnaise;
  2. Or chicken, green peas, cucumber, cheese, mayonnaise, crackers;
  3. Or ham, corn, tomatoes, cheese, mayonnaise, crackers;
  4. Or fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, olives, cheese, olive oil, sesame.
  5. Korean carrot salad. Add chicken, bell peppers, olives to it, season with mayonnaise.
  6. Salad of green onions, cucumbers with egg. Finely chop the green onion, salt, mash a little with a crush, cut fresh cucumbers into strips, pour over with mayonnaise, rub the boiled eggs on top.
  7. Pickled cucumber salad. Cut them into rings, add chopped onion, red is better, pour with vegetable oil with a smell.
  8. Salad with canned fish. Lay out in layers: boiled potatoes, grated on a coarse grater, mayonnaise, canned fish, finely chopped onion scalded with boiling water, mayonnaise, finely chopped egg, mayonnaise, cheese.
  9. Bean salad. Mix everything in a jar of green peas, sweet corn, beans, add mayonnaise, grated cheese and croutons.
  10. Vegetable salad with meat. This salad is best prepared closer to the fall. Take fresh cabbage, beets and carrots in equal proportions, rub them through a Korean carrot grater, or cut into thin strips, sprinkle with lemon juice, mix. In the resulting mass, add bell pepper, cooked meat or chicken, season with mayonnaise. Ideally, for this salad, the meat should be fried in thin sticks and let the salad brew.

If the mayonnaise ran out at the wrong time (as always), you can cook it quickly, though if you have a blender,

Hot fast and delicious.

  1. Dumplings from p / f. Sauté the onions and carrots as you would for a spiced soup in a high-sided skillet. If there are mushrooms, it would be great to add them there. Pour boiling water, boil, cook dumplings in this broth, serve with herbs and sour cream. By the way, such dumplings cooked on a fire in the winter forest are very, very tasty, like visiting a fairy tale.
  2. sausages, kupaty, which are sold in p / f.
  3. Chicken wings.
  4. Fried eggs. Fry the onion, add any meat products, tomatoes, fill everything with eggs, chop the greens, salt. 3 minutes and you're done.
  5. baked vegetables. We throw the frozen assortment of vegetables into a baking sheet, salt, pepper, three cheese and grease with mayonnaise. Bake in the oven until golden brown. The stores sell assorted ready-made mixes, or you can dial separately each type that you like. If cauliflower is included, then it is better to boil it first.
  6. Pasta "Spider line" can be cooked very quickly. Throw pasta into boiling water, stir until it boils, wait 3 minutes. Then turn off the gas and wait another 3 minutes. Done, you can drain and rinse. While the pasta is cooking, fry the onions, add the prepared meat products, combine with the pasta. Serve with grated cheese. Why not carbonara? 🙂 And you can fry them in butter, they will turn golden brown, then salt, add boiling water, the water should be more than the level of pasta on your finger, reduce the heat and close the lid. Very tasty with ketchup and cheese.
  7. French fries. Also from frozen p / f, which are sold in any supermarket. The secret of the crispy crust is that the potatoes are salted when they are cooked. And it is better to use fine salt.
  8. Cutlets, meatballs, meatballs from minced meat. I like to add finely chopped Chinese cabbage to the minced meat, it adds airiness, at least it seems to me.

And finally...

Quick desserts for tea.

  1. Pie about which I wrote earlier. Instead of apples, you can use other fruits and vegetables. It turns out well with an apple and a lemon, and a banana can also be added here. I did it with pumpkin.
  2. Based on Charlotte's dough, you can cook cottage cheese pie with berries. Pour half of the dough onto a baking sheet, spread the curd mass, add frozen berries, fill with the remaining dough and bake. My mother generally bakes all pies like this, with fish, and with mushrooms, with pickles, with any filling that she finds in the refrigerator.
  3. From frozen puff pastry yeast can be prepared bagels with marmalade. Roll out the dough to a height of about 20 cm, cut it into triangles with a base of 5 cm. Put a piece of marmalade on the wide edge and wrap it in a bagel. Bake until done, then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Any filling can be done.
  4. various kinds.
  5. Syrniki. For 2 packs of cottage cheese 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, salt, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of flour, vanillin. Serve with sour cream, jam, condensed milk.

These are the quick food recipes for unexpected guests that I remembered at the time of writing this article. All snacks can be prepared with friends, so it will even turn out more fun. Give out aprons to everyone so that they don’t get dirty, distribute tasks to whom to cut or clean. While sharing the latest news, you will not notice how everything is prepared.

If you do not have some product, then you can call the guys while they are on their way to you, they will go to the nearest store and buy. And the guys should not still come to visit empty-handed, do not put the hostess of the house in an awkward position.

Emergency list of products.

Canned vegetables: green peas, sweet corn, mushrooms, olives, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, lecho, etc.

Canned fruits: peaches, pineapples, etc.

Frozen p / f: dough, pizza base, dumplings, sausages and kupaty, vegetable platter and french fries, crab meat and sticks, berries, fruits, fruits, etc.

Canned fish, meat.

What is quickly cooked during heat treatment.

Minced meat, various types of sausages, chicken wings, half-baked sausages, liver (especially chicken), seafood, fish, eggs, gossamer pasta, potatoes, most vegetables.

Let's be friends with pages.

Unusually tender and tasty honey cookies in a hurry will not leave anyone indifferent. Prepare it for children, guests or just for yourself, it won't take you much time.

Delicious, tender and beautiful cottage cheese pie in haste. And yes, it's also useful. Easy to make and a masterpiece!

Pilaf in a hurry cannot be called real, but it is also pilaf in terms of the composition of the ingredients. Yes, and the taste, in general, is very close. A quick pilaf recipe helps out when there is absolutely no time.

The pie is prepared very quickly, because ready-made puff pastry and canned fish are used. It turns out a very tasty cake that your whole family will love.

Cheese cakes in a hurry - an incredibly tasty and satisfying addition to tea. Cook them, and your breakfast will become much brighter and more fun :) Fortunately, they are prepared very simply and quickly.

Caesar salad in a hurry

It happens like this - you know exactly what dish you want. And you also know for sure that there is no time to cook it according to the classic recipe. Or strength. Or both. Let's try the same recipe, but accelerated.

Such cheesecakes are perfect for a quick breakfast or for capricious children who do not like to eat cottage cheese. Everyone eats hot and fragrant cheesecakes in a hurry!

Such delicious and ruddy donuts will always be welcome in your family. They are prepared quickly and you can involve the kids in the process. Interesting? Then read how to cook crumpets in a hurry;)

Juicy and tender meatballs for dinner in half an hour. Virtually no effort - and a delicious dish on the table. I tell you how to make meatballs in a hurry!

Quick and unusual pancakes will help to feed the whole family tasty and at no extra cost. I tell you how to make meat pancakes in a hurry!

The light and unique smell of freshly baked bread will fill your home with aromas of warmth and comfort. It will not be difficult for anyone to bake such bread - the recipe for whipped bread is extremely simple!

Airy and soft whites with a delicious filling and a breathtaking smell :) These whites are prepared really quickly, in haste, although they are made from yeast dough. I share a secret.

When there is very little time for cooking, but you want to cook something unconventional, whip up lasagna according to this recipe. Unusual, tasty and most importantly - fast!

A delicious and satisfying pie will appeal to everyone, especially men. And most importantly, this meat pie is prepared in a hurry - you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on its preparation!

These bagels refute the prevailing opinion that nothing delicious is obtained in haste. Learn the recipe for bagels in a hurry and break the stereotypes!

If you want to make something really delicious with your own hands, then this easy honey pie recipe is just what you need.

Excellent taste and aroma, ease of preparation and availability of ingredients - these are the main advantages of this pie. Cook this apple pie in a hurry and enjoy the result!

If you do not have time, but you want to pamper your loved ones with something tasty and hot, the recipe for this dish will come in handy. Fast, simple and very tasty.

Delicious and delicate cake with honey flavor is a good dessert for any family holiday. I tell you how to make a honey cake in a hurry.

Ah, this cozy smell of home, a warm blanket, a cup of tea and a fresh biscuit... What could be better? And, if you have a blanket and tea, let's do a biscuit.

The most delicate taste of this casserole will conquer you and your children. Very healthy dish, quick and easy to prepare. We are studying the recipe for curd casserole in a hurry!

Cake "Napoleon" in a hurry

Everyone knows the cake. But the recipe is simplified for those who do not have time for the classic performance of this masterpiece. The taste will not suffer :) So, we are preparing the Napoleon cake in a hurry!

Are guests on the doorstep or do you want something tasty and unusual? Make a delicious and hearty cheesecake in no time. It's easy and simple!

If you have free 20 minutes and really want homemade sweets, then this wonderful recipe is for you. Just take your favorite jam from the pantry and start cooking.

For those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time, but at the same time like to treat themselves to sweets. This is a very simple and quick pie, and you can safely come up with the filling for it yourself.

A hot tortilla in a hurry will make your Sunday breakfast much tastier and more varied. Products - a minimum, pleasure - a maximum :) I share the recipe!

Delicious and easy soup, very inexpensive and prepared quickly. Peasant - because without meat and with a lot of vegetables. Cooking peasant soup in a hurry!

Delicious homemade pies are made very quickly. A recipe for the very busy or for those who love to eat, but are too lazy to cook :)

Very tasty gingerbread in a hurry. Cooking is easy and simple, affordable products, a minimum of time for baking and a decent result.

A healthy, sweet and tasty treat for a sweet tooth - oatmeal cookies in a hurry. Very quick recipe - see for yourself!

Yes, do not be surprised, it is possible - indeed, borscht can be cooked in haste. And it turns out very tasty borscht, believe me!

Yeast dough for pies, pizzas, bagels and buns in record time. Products from such a test will be appreciated by the whole family, and, of course, by you. Making yeast dough in a hurry!

Amazing, fragrant and delicious buns in a hurry are obtained according to this recipe. Take a little of your time and bake this miracle, you will love the result!

Quick, fragrant and tasty buns for tea. Fill your home with the smell of cinnamon, comfort and tranquility. The recipe for quick buns is extremely simple and understandable - so everyone will figure it out.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a hurry - a delicious addition to lunch or dinner. They are prepared quickly, look unusual and practically no hassle.

Salad "Alenka"

Salad "Alenka" - an insanely simple salad from the "in haste" series. A quick and easy recipe for Alyonka salad is a salvation in cases where you need to prepare a delicious salad with lightning speed.

Tuna and Egg Salad is a very easy salad to make in a hurry. A simple tuna and egg salad recipe is a lifesaver when you need to prepare a quick and easy lunch, dinner or snack.

Salad with kirieshkami and beans - insanely easy to prepare, but hearty and tasty salad that even students can afford. Goes well with beer. Learn how to make a salad with kirieshki and beans!

Canned tuna salad is a simple, without a hint of frills, but very tasty salad that is well suited for an everyday lunch or dinner. An easy canned tuna salad recipe.

Pizza "Minute"

Pizza "Minute" is an excellent dish for bachelors, students and lazy people :) Pizza "Minute" is prepared literally in a jiffy, but its taste can hardly be distinguished from ordinary pizza. The simplest recipe.

Sweet and Sour Pork is a Chinese dish that we will prepare in 20 minutes. For cooking, we need meat, soy sauce, sugar, flour and rice vinegar. Everything is simple. Ready? :)

Sausages in the microwave are an elementary cooked thing that even a child can figure out. A great option for lightning-fast cooking of some full-fledged dish.

Chicken with vegetables is a very tasty dish that is prepared from ordinary products. Unless the use of spices - curry and tandoori - gives the dish a pleasant oriental flavor. Try it!

I suggest you make sure that healthy can be tasty. Steamed fish is a very light, tasty and incredibly healthy dish. Read the recipe!

If you prefer vegetarian cuisine, watch your figure, or just decide to treat yourself to vegetables, try cooking broccoli with tomatoes. Incredibly delicious!

Steam cooking is a fast, convenient, and most importantly, healthy way. Steamed minced meat turns out juicy and soft, does not contain extra calories and is suitable for diet food.

I first tried this salad while visiting my school friend and was fascinated by the delicate taste and ease of preparation of this dish. Try and you cook a salad of mackerel - you will not regret it!

Fast pizza - a recipe for those who love pizza, but are too lazy to cook it according to all the rules of Italian cuisine. We simplify the recipe to disgrace, but we still get a very tasty and mouth-watering pizza :)
