
A quick lamb dish. Caucasian traditions: how to cook lamb

Sheep meat is widely used in the preparation of various dishes. It has a large set of useful properties and belongs to the category of dietary products. But not every housewife knows how to fry lamb so that it is not tough, and also how to get rid of a specific smell. There are many recipes and tips for baking this meat delicacy that will help simplify the process, make the final product tasty, and also preserve its usefulness.

Selecting and preparing meat

The taste, juiciness and tenderness of the final dish will depend on the correct choice of lamb. The fillet of old animals remains tough even after long cooking. The meat of a young lamb will be soft, and it can also be easily cooked.

Advice! The milk pulp has a lighter shade than the old one.

The veins of a young ram are white, while those of an older animal are yellow. Judging by the lambing of sheep, it is better to buy meat in the winter season or in the spring. Parts of hams, shoulder blades, loin and sternum are suitable for frying.

Be sure to rinse the product well before starting cooking, if necessary, beat it off.

How to remove the smell

Lamb has a specific smell that many people do not like, which is why they refuse to eat such healthy meat. But there are ways to help get rid of an unpleasant odor, for example, soak the product in vodka or marinade.

It is enough to keep the milk lamb fillet for 12 hours, but the old one requires much more time for soaking. You can add an onion to the marinade, which perfectly neutralizes the smell, as well as mustard, garlic, yogurt and lemon juice.

How to roast lamb properly

The classic recipe is to cook lamb meat in a pan. To do this, it is important to choose the right dishes, which should be deep and have thick walls. The product is better to take with small fatty layers. You can fry lamb in pieces or in the form of ribs. Many recipes advise adding onion rings, which goes best with this meat. You can also use various spices and seasonings. It is recommended to salt the dish five minutes before the end of cooking. Following these rules, lamb will turn out not only juicy, but also acquire a spicy taste.

How to fry in a pan

Cut the washed pulp into thin slices and place in a heated frying pan with butter or lamb fat. You can pre-sprinkle the slices with spices, for example, red pepper and cumin. On a moderate temperature, fry the meat on both sides. After that add onion rings, salt and continue cooking.

To understand how long to fry the pulp, you need to monitor the condition of the onion, which becomes transparent when ready. The whole process takes about twenty minutes.

fried ribs

The ribs are usually cooked in sunflower oil, but if there is a lot of fat on them, then it can be cut off and melted to the state of cracklings. Then put the meat bones in this dish close to each other, cover with a layer of chopped onion and press it with a tight lid. At a minimum heat, the dish is stewed for ten minutes, while all the ingredients have time to release their own juice. The next step is to add spices and finely chopped garlic. It is better not to lift the lid when extinguishing, but if the liquid in the pan becomes low, then water must be added. After fifty minutes of cooking, the ruddy ribs should be turned over. The whole procedure takes about an hour and a half.

With potato

In order to fry or just cook tasty lamb with potatoes, you will need two hundred grams of fillet with fatty layers, the same amount of potatoes, onions and spices. Cut the meat into equal cubes, place in a hot frying pan and fry in its own juice until cooked, constantly mixing the pieces together. Add peeled potato wedges, chopped onions, salt and sprinkle with seasonings to taste. Simmer under a closed lid.

On a grill pan

Beat the pieces of lamb with a hammer, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic, rosemary, pour olive oil, add pepper and salt. Then put the fillet in the cold for half an hour. After that, remove the rosemary, and put the chops on a hot grill pan and cook over high heat, frying on each side. Serve this dish with lemon wedges.

With vegetables

Lamb should be cut into small bars along the cross section of muscle fibers, washed and dried. Roll each piece in flour, put it in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry for twenty minutes over medium heat, then salt, pepper and pour the meat broth. Under a closed lid, the fillet is stewed for another half hour. And ten minutes before the end of the process, you need to add olives, cut into circles and herbs.

With onion

There are many ways to fry tender lamb in a pan with onions, as this ingredient is added as an odor neutralizer.

We lower the fillet strips of medium width into a frying pan and fry over a strong flame, stirring constantly. After the appearance of the crust, reduce the intensity of the fire and pour boiling water into the meat. Stew the delicacy for about half an hour until the liquid has completely evaporated, without covering with a lid. The next step is to add onion half rings, salt, season with pepper and chopped herbs. Leave for another ten minutes until fully cooked.

Roasting on the grill

You can fry on coals in the grill as sirloin pieces of lamb, as well as meat on the bone. Before cooking, you can marinate the product, especially if it is harsh.

If you want to try a delicacy fried on a fire, then you need to constantly turn the meat slices over for ten minutes so that they cannot burn. But you can simply move the hot coals aside and fry the dish at a slower and calmer pace. Seasonings are recommended to be used at the end of the procedure, as they may lose their taste characteristics.

In the oven

The most delicate dish is obtained by cooking lamb in the oven. For this recipe, a whole piece of meat that is baked in a sleeve is more suitable.

We rub the fillet with pepper, chopped parsley, salt, garlic, as well as a mixture of vinegar, olive oil and fragrant herbs. We lay out a layer of onion rings in the sleeve, and place the prepared meat on top. We put it in the refrigerator for four hours so that the product is saturated with spices. After going through the marinating process, it is necessary to fry the dish for about three hours at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Advice! To check the lamb in the oven for the criterion of readiness, you need to make a small incision and look at the color of the released juice, if it is pink, then the dish can be taken out.

The main thing is not to overdry the product, otherwise it will be hard. It is better to serve the dish hot, as the cooled delicacy is covered with a layer of fat and becomes less tasty.

Lamb ribs or fillets are used in different countries to prepare national dishes. This meat is very nutritious and healthy. It is combined with various side dishes and spices. Following the recommendations, you can easily fry or bake lamb, which is suitable for both everyday dinner and a buffet table.

Lamb was sung by Galsworthy, Dickens, Conan Doyle. Barbecue and young lamb pilaf are culinary classics. Unfortunately, people who are accustomed to pork or beef often find the smell of lamb unpleasant. However, not everything is so bad: hostility to this kind of meat can be explained by an unfortunate choice. Let's find out what factors affect the aroma of lamb and how, if not to get rid of it, then at least make it acceptable.

Factors affecting the smell of lamb

The taste and aroma of lamb largely depend on the age of the animal:

  • the lamb feeds on mother's milk up to 3 months. Milk lamb is pale pink, it has no or very little fat on it, it smells only of milk. But such meat can only be bought in spring (sheep lambing occurs from January to March);
  • young lamb - an animal aged from 3 months to a year. Its meat is bright pink, covered with a thin layer of snow-white fat, similar in texture to wax. Young lamb of some breeds (for example, Romanov) does not smell at all, other breeds have a light specific aroma, loved by many gourmets;
  • An adult animal is considered to be over 1 year old. Its meat is red. The older the ram or sheep, the darker the color of the meat and the more intense the smell. In animals older than 3 years, fat acquires a yellow tint.

The smell of meat depends on the method and time of slaughter, conditions of detention, breed and sex of the animal. So, the meat of sheep of skinny-tailed and short-haired breeds almost does not smell, but the aroma of fat-tailed ram meat cannot be confused with anything. The meat of sheep that live in a shed and graze near it smells less intense than mutton obtained from animals that have to travel long distances.

Meat has a persistent unpleasant odor:

  • adult breeding sheep that were not castrated before slaughter (the operation must be carried out a few months before slaughter). All lambs that are slaughtered at the age of over six months must be castrated at 3-4 months;
  • adult sheep slaughtered earlier than 3 weeks after estrus;
  • animals whose intestines or bladder were damaged during slaughter (they are no longer fed a day before slaughter). Urine smells like the meat of rams, frightened and pissed during slaughter;
  • animals whose carcasses were not hung up after slaughter to drain blood.

How to choose lamb

The lighter the lamb, the younger it is and the less likely it is to smell bad. But this meat has one interesting culinary feature: the intensity of the smell increases on the second day after slaughter, and then decreases again. Therefore, it is better to cook either steam lamb, or the meat of an animal slaughtered 2-3 days ago.

Rules for choosing lamb:

  • you can’t buy meat with red streaks or blue spots: these are signs of improper slaughter;
  • the greater the distance between the ribs, the older the lamb was;
  • fresh meat is elastic to the touch. If you press it with your finger, the dent will quickly disappear. If it remains and fills with liquid, it means that the lamb is frozen;
  • after touching the finger, there should not be a sticky substance;
  • bones and joints should be white, in lambs with a pink tint. A gray or yellow tint is a sign that the animal was sick;
  • you need to take a piece of fat and heat it on the fire of a lighter. If the smell is unpleasant - you can not buy lamb.

How to remove the smell of lamb

To cook odorless lamb, it is soaked or marinated (in difficult cases, old lamb is marinated after soaking). The duration of soaking or marinating depends on how intensely the lamb smells. For baking, milk lamb is marinated for 0.5-1 hour, young lamb - 1-3 hours, old - up to a day. It is better to marinate meat for barbecue for at least 12 hours.

Do not add dill, parsley, rosemary to the lamb marinade. The specific smell of lamb is well hidden by garlic, zira, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, mint, oregano, cumin.

If the first course (kharcho or shulum) is prepared from lamb, the meat is soaked for several hours in cold water, then washed, placed in a pot of water and brought to a boil over high heat. The water is drained and the meat is washed. For those who do not like the smell of lamb at all, it is recommended to drain the second broth as well (after the water boils). For the third time, in addition to meat, put 1-2 onions, cut in half, and large carrots into the pan. When the lamb is cooked, these vegetables are thrown away. If the dish needs to be slightly acidified, use lemon juice. The broth is seasoned with black hot pepper and bay leaf.

Ways to remove the smell of lamb intended for second courses:

  1. Cut off fat, as it is the main source of odor.
  2. Soaking in salt water (per 1 liter - a tablespoon of salt without top). Wash lamb thoroughly before cooking.
  3. Soaking in milk. To do this, use boiled or homemade sour milk, kefir. The meat is poured with milk and put in a cool place.
  4. In 0.5 l of kefir, add 100 g of chopped garlic, pour the meat with the mixture.
  5. If the meat smells unpleasant, it is washed, soaked for an hour in water with vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water). You can’t soak lamb in vinegar longer, as it will become tough. Then the meat is poured with salted water or milk. This method is used for particularly unpleasant-smelling meat. Lamb must be cut into portions, washed in cool water. It is necessary to clean and chop the teeth of 2-3 heads of garlic, mix the resulting mass with salt. Carefully rub each piece of meat with garlic paste, put the lamb in a saucepan and put it in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Then the meat is wrapped in paper or cotton napkins and placed in a plastic bag. You need to put several bags on top of each other, otherwise the ubiquitous garlic aroma will fill the entire freezer. A bag of meat for 3-7 days is placed in the freezer. After defrosting, the lamb is washed.
  6. The meat is rubbed with ready-made mustard and put in a cold place for 3 hours.
  7. Lamb is marinated in soy sauce.
  8. Mix a teaspoon of dry mustard and adjika, 5 crushed garlic cloves, season with black and allspice, ground coriander to taste. Add 200 ml of water to the resulting mass and pour lamb with marinade.

Marinade for barbecue.

Lamb is considered a difficult meat to cook. Usually, only experienced chefs decide to take dishes from it. How to cook lamb tasty and simple even for novice housewives, our recipes will tell you.


  • meat on the bones - 700 - 1000 g;
  • onion - 1 large head;
  • tomato - 1 medium;
  • green pepper - 1 medium;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • potato tubers - 4 pcs. medium or 2 large;
  • salt, cumin, pepper.


  1. Coarsely chop the washed meat, add water, send to the stove.
  2. After boiling, drain the liquid. Pour the meat again with boiled water.
  3. Cook over medium heat until lamb is fully cooked (about 120 minutes). Scrub the surface of the broth with a strainer or spoon. Otherwise, the soup will not turn out transparent in the end.
  4. Cut all prepared vegetables into medium pieces. Send them to the already prepared broth along with salt and spices.

Cook lamb shurpa for another 20-25 minutes.

Delicious meat skewers


  • saddle of a young lamb - 2.5 kg;
  • onion - 300 - 350 g;
  • fresh parsley and cilantro - a whole bunch;
  • self-ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt;
  • honey - 30 g;
  • highly carbonated mineral water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Remove the subcutaneous film from the meat piece. Cut the meat into portions along the vertebrae.
  2. Send arbitrarily chopped onion, all chopped greens, pepper, salt, liquid bee honey to the lamb. The latter can also be added just before frying.
  3. Pour everything with cold carbonated mineral water.
  4. Leave the meat under these conditions for 4 - 5 hours.

Before frying lamb skewers on the grill, wipe the skewers with raw onions so that their taste does not spoil the finished treat.

Traditional kharcho soup


  • lamb (pulp) - half a kilo;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • dry rice - 5 dessert spoons;
  • large tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • salt, peppercorns, vegetable oil;
  • cilantro, parsley, dill - 1 bunch;
  • fresh garlic - 5 teeth;
  • dry lavrushka - 4 pcs.


  1. Rinse the meat well, cut into small pieces. Pour 2 liters. water. Cook for 60 minutes, then pour all the washed and chopped greens into the pan. Cook for another half hour. Be sure to remove the foam.
  2. Remove the skin from the tomatoes using boiling water. Cut the pulp into cubes.
  3. Randomly chopped onion fry until golden brown. Add tomatoes. Cook another quarter of an hour together.
  4. Transfer the contents of the pan to the meat. After boiling, pour in the cereal.
  5. Add salt, peppercorns, parsley. It goes well with this mutton basil soup, both fresh and dry. Cook for another 10-12 minutes.

Add crushed garlic to the already prepared treat. Leave it to infuse under a tightly closed lid for at least 1 hour.

Cooking pilaf


  • meat pulp - 1 kilo;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • rice (long) - 1 kilo;
  • sunflower oil - ½ tbsp.;
  • salt (garlic) and pepper.


  1. Heat oil or any fat in a cauldron. Send lamb washed, dried and cut into pieces in advance. Fry the meat until lightly browned and “sealing” the juices over high heat.
  2. Turn down the stove heat. Pour onion half rings into the cauldron. Fry vegetables until golden brown.
  3. Pour in a thin strip of carrots.
  4. After 10 minutes, add salt, pepper, a little water. Simmer for approximately 25 minutes. You can also add garlic cloves to taste.
  5. Put clean cereal in a cauldron. Fill with water 1 finger above the level of the grains. Salt if necessary.
  6. Simmer the dish over low heat under the lid until all the liquid has evaporated.

Be sure to let the pilaf brew for about 20 minutes before serving.

Meat stew with potatoes


  • lamb pulp - 600 - 700 g;
  • raw potatoes - 6 - 7 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 - 4 cloves;
  • sweet red pepper - half;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - big head;
  • salt, zira, pepper;
  • fresh cilantro - 1/2 bunch.


  1. Cut the meat into medium pieces and lightly fry in any fat. Lamb should be lightly browned.
  2. Pour liquid (plain water) so that it completely covers the meat.
  3. Close the container with a lid and simmer the lamb until tender. Add more water if necessary.
  4. Add randomly chopped vegetables, small cubes of fresh garlic, salt and spices to the meat. Fry lightly.
  5. Throw in large pieces of potatoes. Add some water.
  6. Close the container with a lid and simmer over low heat until the vegetables are ready. A cauldron is perfect for this purpose.
  7. Season the dish to taste.

Let the treat brew, sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs and serve for dinner.

Beshbarmak in a slow cooker


  • lamb pulp - 1 kilo;
  • large onion - 2 pcs.;
  • beshbarmachnaya noodles - 250 g;
  • peppercorns - 6 - 8 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and water.


  1. Send meat, peeled onions (1 pc.), Lavrushka, salt and pepper into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Completely cover the ingredients with boiling water.
  3. Activate the extinguishing mode for 120 minutes.
  4. Throw away the bow.
  5. Cut the meat into small pieces. Place on a large flat plate.
  6. Pour the circles of the remaining onion on top, previously scalded with boiling water.
  7. Switch the kitchen "assistant" to steam cooking mode. Pour in the noodles. Cook for 10 - 12 minutes. Do not close the lid.
  8. Put the finished noodles on the meat with onions.

Serve on a shared platter.

Lamb soup piti


  • lamb pulp - half a kilo;
  • onions - 2 large heads;
  • raw potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • tomato - 1 large;
  • quince - 1 pc.;
  • dry chickpeas - 100 - 120 g;
  • salt, pepper, fresh herbs.


  1. Cut the peeled onion into half rings.
  2. Chop the meat into small pieces. Quince - cubes.
  3. Soak the chickpeas for a couple of hours in cold water. Put on a sieve to dry.
  4. Put prepared foods in layers in a deep pan: onion - meat - quince - chickpeas. Completely pour boiling water over all the ingredients.
  5. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil. Reduce the heat and let the soup simmer covered for 120 minutes.
  6. Add tomato and potato pieces.
  7. Cook the dish for another half hour. Salt, pepper.

Eat hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Since the soup turns out to be quite fatty, it is customary to serve it with a bowl of ground sumac. This red spice with a sour taste perfectly sets off the rustic flavor and taste of piti.

Cooking lagman


  • flour - 1 kilo;
  • raw eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • lamb pulp - 600 - 650 g;
  • tomato paste - 3 dessert spoons;
  • onions - 4 heads;
  • ground turmeric, paprika, chili - 1 teaspoon each;
  • fenugreek - 10 grains;
  • red tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • daikon - 100 g;
  • garlic - 7 - 8 tooth.


  1. Sift flour into a large bowl. Crack eggs into it. Salt. Knead dumpling dough. In the process, if necessary, add warm boiled water.
  2. Remove the dough into the bag while preparing the rest of the products.
  3. Chop the meat and send it to the cauldron. Sprinkle with chopped onions. Add all the spices stated in the recipe.
  4. Pour in 1 tbsp. water with tomato paste. Simmer the mass for 7 - 8 minutes.
  5. Add another 2 liters of water and cook the dish for 70 minutes.
  6. Peel all vegetables and chop coarsely. Lay to the already prepared meat. Add water and salt.
  7. Stew the mass under the lid until the vegetables are ready.
  8. Roll out the dough thinly and sprinkle with flour. Cut into thin strips.
  9. Boil the noodles in salted water for 2 minutes. Put in a colander and send to plates.
  10. Complement the noodles with meat and vegetables.

Serve hot with tortillas.

It is worth noting that lagman is neither a soup nor a second course. This is something in between, so do not spare noodles and vegetables - there should be a thick dish with some broth in the plate.

Baked lamb ribs


  • lamb ribs - 1 kilo;
  • salt, oregano and dried garlic;
  • soy sauce - 4 dessert spoons;
  • balsamic vinegar - 4 dessert spoons;
  • olive oil - 3 dessert spoons;
  • honey - 4 dessert spoons.


  1. Rinse the ribs, dry with paper towels, cut into separate parts.
  2. Pour the blanks with vinegar and olive oil. Add all other ingredients stated in the recipe.
  3. Mix everything well. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Line a baking sheet with foil (shiny side up). Place meat on it. Cook for a quarter of an hour in the oven, heated to 220 degrees.
  5. Reduce the heating temperature by 30 - 40 degrees and leave in the oven for another 7 - 8 minutes.

Serve the resulting ribs with hot sauces.

Meat chanakhi in a pan


  • lamb (thigh part) - 1 kilo;
  • potatoes - 1.5 kilos;
  • eggplant - 1 kilo;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • cilantro, parsley - 1 bunch;
  • tomato juice - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Cut the meat into pieces, like a barbecue. Send to a thick-walled pan.
  2. Pour potatoes on top, chopped arbitrarily, but not too large.
  3. Add skinless eggplant pieces.
  4. Cover everything with the thinnest onion rings.
  5. Pour in salted and peppered tomato juice.
  6. Sprinkle the ingredients with chopped herbs.
  7. Cover the contents with thin slices of tomatoes.
  8. Stew treats for 2 - 3 hours over low heat.

The exact cooking time depends on the size of the pieces of food and the softness of the meat.

Lamb baked in foil


  • leg of lamb - 1 pc.;
  • pitted prunes - 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 - 4 teeth;
  • sweet mustard - 2 dessert spoons;
  • vegetable oil - ½ tbsp.;
  • parsley greens - 20 g.


  1. Mix chopped parsley, crushed fresh garlic and all spices.
  2. Pour in oil, mustard, lemon juice.
  3. Cover the meat with the aromatic mixture. Stuff your leg with prunes. Cut the rest and arrange on top. Wrap the future treat in foil.
  4. Send the lamb to the oven for 90 minutes. The optimum temperature is 170 degrees.

Serve the finished meat with any vegetable side dish.

Vak balish - small meat pies


  • medium-fat kefir - 1 full glass;
  • creamy margarine - 130 g;
  • flour (first-class) - 2 tbsp.;
  • salt and soda for kneading dough - half a small spoon each;
  • beef pulp - 250 - 300 g;
  • salt for filling and broth - to taste;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • butterfat - 30 g;
  • potatoes - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • raw egg - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2/3 tbsp.


  1. Sift flour into a bowl. Add margarine, cut into pieces. Grind with your hands to a state of fine crumbs. Salt.
  2. Soda extinguish with kefir.
  3. Stir the fermented milk product into the flour and margarine. Knead a non-sticky but soft dough. Roll into a ball and put in a bag for half an hour. You don't need to refrigerate the dough.
  4. For the filling, mix small cubes of raw potatoes, onions and meat. Salt everything. Add spices.
  5. Start with the resulting mass of cakes. Blind small pies, leaving a hole at the top.
  6. Lubricate the blanks with a beaten egg.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes at medium temperature.
  8. In ½ st. water add oil, salt. Boil.
  9. Pour the resulting broth into the holes of the pies, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Bake the dish for a little more than half an hour under the same conditions.

Khashlama from lamb


  • meat - 1 kilo;
  • onion - 3 heads;
  • sweet yellow pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • ripe tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • salt, aromatic herbs.


  1. Pour onion half rings to the bottom of the cauldron. Spread pepper strips on top. Add tomato slices. Use only half of the vegetables!
  2. Pour medium meat pieces and cover them with the remaining products.
  3. Add salt, spices, pepper.

Close everything with a lid and leave on low heat for about 3 hours.

Any lamb dishes are cooked longer than any other meat, but they turn out to be very satisfying and colorful. If young lamb is baked in the oven or fried in the form of a barbecue, then you should not overdo it with spices - they can easily kill the special taste of tender meat.

Lamb is dietary meat, not fatty, as many housewives believe. It has less fat and cholesterol than pork. Hearty pilaf and fragrant kebabs are just a few lamb dishes. Culinary secrets will help to make meat a juicy, tasty and fragrant dish.

Cooking delicious lamb - meat selection and preparation

When buying, look at the color of the meat. It is dark in the old ram. Choose light tender flesh of a young lamb. The most delicate is the cut from the lower back and dorsal part. For any dish, a ham is also suitable. Hearty pilaf and stew will come out of the brisket. The shank is taken to the cold.

Lamb has a specific smell. Some useful tips to remove or drown out the smell:

  • marinate the meat before cooking. Marinating will remove the specific smell. Suitable tomato or pomegranate juice, kefir, vinegar, soy sauce or other marinades. Marinate lamb for 30-40 minutes. If you marinate longer, the meat will become tough;
  • trim the fat from the meat. The smell comes from him;
  • Before preparing any dish, soak the meat in cold water for half an hour. Change the water every 10 minutes. Another tip - soak meat in milk for an hour instead of water;
  • rinse beef after soaking under hot water;
  • add spices to your meals. Aromas will drown out the specific smell.

Cooking delicious stewed lamb with vegetables


  • 2 kg lamb;
  • 3 pcs. carrots, young zucchini, bulbs and eggplants;
  • 4 heads of garlic;
  • spices with salt to taste.

Cut the peeled onion into half rings, and rub the carrots on a grater. Pour 100 ml of sunflower oil into the bottom of the cauldron and stew carrots and onions in it for 30 minutes. Washed and cut into pieces meat is placed in a cauldron with vegetables. Simmer for 20 minutes, do not forget to stir. While the meat is stewing, let's take care of other vegetables. Eggplant cut into cubes, and pour cold and slightly salted water for 5-10 minutes to remove bitterness. Cut the zucchini into cubes.

Place these vegetables to the meat and cook for 10 minutes. Put salt with spices and cook for another 10 minutes. Do not cut the peeled garlic into cloves and send to the cauldron. Cover with a lid and cook for 1.5 hours. It is advisable to leave the dish to brew for an hour, it will come out fragrant and tasty.

Cooking delicious lamb baked in foil


  • 2 kg lamb. Take the whole ham;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 3 art. l. mustard;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 st. l. olive oil;
  • parsley and spices - basil, marjoram, black pepper and Provence herbs;
  • one lemon.

Rinse lamb ham and pat dry. Squeeze juice from a lemon. Pass the peeled garlic through the garlic press. Finely chop the washed parsley. Combine spices with olive oil in one bowl. Send parsley, garlic and lemon juice there. Stir.

Rub the lamb with the resulting aromatic mixture. Leave for 5-8 hours. Make cuts in the marinated meat with a knife and put the prunes there. Top the meat with mustard. Wrap the ham in foil and send it to the oven on a baking sheet. Preheat it to 200 degrees. Cooking time - from 1.5 to 2 hours, everything is repelled by the size of the ham.

How to cook delicious lamb in wine

Surprise your guests with juicy ribs cooked in wine. Prepare the ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg lamb ribs;
  • 2 onions;
  • a glass of dry white wine;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper;
  • parsley, basil, dill, mint - to taste.

Rinse and towel dry the ribs. Divide the meat into portions of three to four ribs. Cut the onion into cubes, chop the garlic. Let's start cooking:

  • heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the ribs in it until golden brown;
  • transfer the ribs to a cauldron or pan;
  • separately fry the chopped onion with garlic and transfer to the meat;
  • pour the contents of the cauldron with wine and cook over low heat until the wine has evaporated. Stir occasionally or it will burn. Look, if the wine has evaporated, and the meat is still hard - add wine or hot water to the cauldron, but in moderation;
  • simmer for 1.5 hours. 10 minutes before the end of the stew, salt and pepper. Put in the chopped greens. Put in a little mint.

The readiness of the dish is easy to check - the meat will easily separate from the bones. Serve your guests a hot meal. A good side dish is potatoes or vegetable salad.

We hope that you will fall in love with lamb dishes and use our recipes. But keep in mind that there is at least a little fat in lamb, but it freezes in a cooled dish. Therefore, eat hot lamb, and juicy tender meat will become a worthy decoration of your table.

Lamb is not only hearty, but also very tasty meat. From it you can cook a huge number of both original and gourmet dishes.

Eurasia was the first continent where people domesticated sheep and began to eat meat. For many peoples, such a product is practically the only meat type that is eaten almost every day with vegetables, cereals, and dough. But lamb is far from a dietary type of meat, as it contains a lot of fat, which is also refractory.

However, if we compare lamb with pork, it can be noted that it is three times leaner. If you choose non-fat lamb meat, then it can be compared with beef in terms of nutritional value. From this it follows that such meat (not fatty) contains very little cholesterol.

The uniqueness of this meat is that it contains a sufficient amount of lecithin - a substance that favorably and in the best way affects the digestive process and other body systems: cholesterol metabolism, the cardiovascular system. In addition, lamb has a rich set of trace elements:

  • vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • folic acid - normalizes metabolic processes
  • iron - improves digestion, improves blood quality
  • manganese - responsible for metabolic processes
  • calcium - promotes healthy bones
  • zinc - good for women's and men's health
Benefits of lamb? How to cook lamb? Is lamb healthy?

Simple and original recipes for cooking lamb will help you cook fragrant dishes at home for the holiday and everyday table.

Lamb meat baked with spices and fresh herbs:

This recipe involves stuffing a piece of meat with a filling of herbs and spices, so the first thing you should do is stuffing. The premise is quite simple:

  • In a hot frying pan, heat the oil (you can use absolutely any) and fry in it finely chopped medium-sized onion. You can use both white and blue and the most common onion. When the bow becomes soft and becomes transparent, the fire becomes weaker.
  • To the fried onion, you need to add greens, finely chopped. Here you can use absolutely any greens, but a spicy and spicy flavor will add a mixture of: cilantro, parsley, dill and green basil. Use a bunch of each green. Fry the greens with onions for literally two to three minutes - this is enough to soften it
  • We shift the greens with onions poached over the fire into a separate bowl and give it the opportunity to cool a little. After that, pour one into it yolk and sprinkle with small chips of any aromatic cheese(The best option is parmesan). The filling becomes viscous and ready for filling
  • The meat is washed and dried. It's good if your piece is a little flat, so it will be very convenient to stuff it. chop finely garlic and carrots straws. With a thin knife, make several holes in the meat, into which pieces of fragrant vegetables are inserted. The meat is rubbed on all sides salt and pepper
  • Put a layer of food foil on a baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil. Spread the meat on the cutting board, evenly place the filling on top of the meat and fold it in half. You can fix the edges with a toothpick. Put the meat on a baking sheet. sprinkle it with lemon juice and send it to the oven
  • Meat is baked for about two hours at a temperature of 220 degrees. After cooking, it is wrapped in foil, which was on a baking sheet and in this state is in the oven for another half an hour. After that, a piece of meat is carefully cut into plates and served to the table.

How to bake lamb in the oven?

Lamb recipes in a slow cooker, how to cook lamb meat deliciously?

A slow cooker is a special kitchen appliance that can make life as easy as possible for any housewife. It performs a maximum of important functions: it bakes, fries, boils, steams, and therefore it is extremely easy to cook lamb in it. The meat that is obtained in multicookers has a special softness and juiciness, it absorbs all the added spices and releases excess fat.

It is safe to say that lamb cooked in a slow cooker is a hearty and quite dietary dish because it is not fried in oil, but stewed in its own juice.

How to cook delicious lamb meat in a slow cooker?

Simple and tasty cooking lamb in a slow cooker:

  • First of all, you need to wash a piece of meat and dry it. Since the bottom of the multicooker is quite small, a piece of one kilogram will be enough to get a juicy and tasty dish.
  • In a separate bowl, prepare a special marinade sauce for meat. It consists of the simplest ingredients: Approximately 20 grams vegetable oil(you can use absolutely anyone) is poured into a bowl, which should be heated in the microwave until warm for about 30 seconds. Add to warm vegetable oil spices: salt, pepper (black, red, white or a mixture), dried cilantro and dried basil, a pinch of suneli hops and nutmeg
  • This marinade should be well coated with a piece of meat and put it on the bottom of the multicooker, pour the rest of the sauce on top. It is necessary to fry the meat for an hour in the strongest mode: “Baking” or “Soup”. If your piece of meat is lean enough and you are afraid that it will burn without letting in fat, you can add a little water during the frying process
  • During frying, the meat must be turned over several times (about three to four times during the entire process). After cooking, the meat should be cut into pieces, garnished with herbs and vegetable slices

How to cook a tasty dish "lamb with vegetables"? Recipe

Lamb stew with vegetables is the best combination. So, not always lean and fatty meat can balance juicy vegetables and, as a result, give a delicious and tender dish. Vegetables absorb meat juices and become unusually tasty. You can use absolutely any vegetables that the season allows you to, and you can cook meat both in a saucepan and in a slow cooker.

How to cook a delicious dish of lamb and vegetables?


  • It is best to stew lamb meat in a cast iron pot - this is a dish made of heavy cast iron and having a thick, dense bottom. In such dishes, the set temperature is maintained for a very long time, the meat is carefully stewed and remains juicy.
  • piece of meat one kilogram in size is washed under water, dried and cut into pieces of about five centimeters. The meat should be fried a little in a regular frying pan in vegetable oil until a delicate golden color. After that, the pieces of butter are transferred to a cauldron (by the way, it is quite possible to use a slow cooker)
  • Pour the rest of the oil from the pan over the meat. The fire should be turned on at a medium value and gradually lay out the vegetables
  • On top of the meat, first put sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin rings onion, then put coarsely chopped into rings or half rings carrot, then sliced ​​into rings eggplant, then circles tomatoes and bell peppers on top of tomato
  • The meat will begin to release juice and with it the vegetables - water. The dishes will gradually begin to fill with liquid and when it becomes enough, the vegetables should be mixed with the meat. Only after you mix everything (or while you start to stir) can you add spices: salt, a mixture of peppers, suneli hops, mustard, nutmeg, coriander, dried basil
  • Stew meat with vegetables should be within two hours. Only this time is enough for the meat to become juicy, with a rich taste, soft and melting in the mouth. Vegetables become soft if you do not increase the fire throughout the entire stewing, then they will not burn.

How to cook the dish "stewed lamb", the rules of stewing meat

Lamb is quite fatty meat and therefore it needs to be stewed for a long time. Only in this way will it be able to release all the juices from itself, become incredibly soft and tasty. You can stew lamb in any dish. For this you will need:

  • Kazanka
  • cast iron
  • Heavy-bottomed pots (or regular ones)
  • Tall pans
  • duckling

No less successful is stew if you cook it in a slow cooker. So it will turn out whole, soft and will have a delicious gravy.

How to cook lamb? How to stew lamb correctly?

Before you start stewing meat, you need to work with it:

  • Wash under running water
  • Dry
  • Cut into desired size pieces
  • Coat with spices or marinate

The easiest and most delicious way to stew lamb:

  • Sprinkled meat cut into pieces salt and pepper
  • Preparing for meat special spicy marinade: vegetable oil, two to three tablespoons of lemon juice, a heaping tablespoon of grated ginger, a mixture of aromatic peppers, nutmeg and coriander
  • The meat is covered with marinade and left for an hour in the refrigerator
  • After marinating, the meat is folded into the dish in which it will be stewed along with the marinade and begins to stew over high heat
  • After it boils, you should hold it for five minutes in this state, stirring thoroughly and only then reduce the heat and add a handful of peeled garlic cloves to the meat (about 7-8 pieces, don't worry, the dish will not be spicy)
  • It takes about two hours to stew the meat, after which it is covered with a lid and costs another thirty to forty minutes.
  • Stewed lamb is served abundantly sprinkled with chopped herbs: parsley, dill, basil, cilantro

How to cook leg of lamb properly? How to cook lamb leg?

A leg of lamb is a fairly large meat that can fit in its whole form only in the oven. The oven will contribute to the perfect cooking of this part of the body, as exposure to high temperatures will allow the meat to release its juice. If you pour this juice on your leg, the crust will be ruddy, fried and golden.

Before sending the leg of lamb to the oven, it should be marinated. The marinade will give the dish many shades, rich taste and incredible juiciness.

How to cook lamb leg correctly and tasty? Rules for cooking lamb in the oven

A great taste of the dish will help to give the complete removal of all unwanted films and fat from the meat. It is fat that can give the meat an unpleasant specific smell. If you carefully remove all excess fatty pieces with a sharp knife, you guarantee the dish a rich, pleasant taste.

Cooking lamb leg:

  • With a sharp long knife, make numerous punctures in the meat, the more the better.
  • Insert chopped garlic and sprigs of rosemary (not large) into the holes obtained. These spices will give the dish an incredible aroma and flavor, as well as remove an unpleasant odor (if there is too much fat and veins on the meat)
  • Rub the leg with spices. To do this, use salt, pepper, a mixture of aromatic peppers, coriander, nutmeg
  • When baking the leg, it is best to use olive oil only because vegetable oil often burns when exposed to too high temperatures.
  • Preheat the oven to a temperature of 250 degrees (or more). For the first half hour, the leg must be baked at a high temperature so that the meat acquires a pleasant crust.
  • After half an hour, open the oven, put out the baking sheet, pour the meat with the resulting fat, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and return the meat for baking again
  • Bake the meat at a low temperature for another hour and a half, each time you need to get the meat and pour it with fat (about every twenty to thirty minutes)
  • Do not rush to immediately get and serve the meat after the time has elapsed. Leave it to rest for another twenty to thirty minutes. During this time, you can prepare a side dish and vegetables for serving.
  • Slightly cooled meat cut into pieces for serving or serve whole

How to cook real lamb pilaf? Recipe

Lamb pilaf is a traditional Uzbek national dish. Cooking it is a real art, which not everyone can afford. However, lamb and rice are the best combination because the grits are able to absorb all the juices that the meat releases. Vegetables add sweetness and freshness to the dish.

Such pilaf should be cooked only from round rice. Added spices are of great importance: barberry and garlic, as well as obligatory vegetables - carrots and onions.

How to cook a real Uzbek lamb pilaf?


  • First of all, prepare the meat for pilaf: cut it into pieces three to four centimeters in size. Use a lamb shoulder blade (one kilogram) for pilaf - this is quite a suitable part
  • The meat should be put in a cauldron or fried in a cast iron pan, pouring more than half a glass of vegetable oil into it. Meat should be fried at a high or medium temperature.
  • While the meat is roasting and oozing, start peeling and chopping the onion. It should be cut in half rings, after which the onion is poured into a cauldron with meat
  • Onions with meat should be thoroughly mixed and stewed in this state at a high temperature for ten minutes. During this time, carrots are chopped into cubes and also added to dishes with meat and onions.
  • Turn on the stove to medium heat and simmer the meat and vegetables for about half an hour. Put a washed, but not peeled head of garlic in a cauldron to add flavor to the dish.
  • During stewing, spices should be added to the cauldron: red pepper (very little), barberry and cumin
  • Soaked and washed rice should be poured into the cauldron after half an hour (about 350 grams of rice). The liquid level should be slightly higher than the level of rice (about one and a half centimeters)
  • Pilaf is stewed over moderate heat for another twenty to thirty minutes, after which you should turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and hold for twenty to thirty minutes to “steam”

How to cook delicious lamb soup recipe

Lamb soup will become a savory variety to your daily meals. The broth obtained from this meat is particularly fat, rich and flavorful. Such soups are usually in perfect harmony with vegetables, cereals, beans and herbs. Cooking lamb soup is not at all difficult, and most importantly, it does not take long.

How delicious and easy to cook lamb soup?


  • Clean the meat from excess films, veins and fats - this is necessary so that the broth has a pleasant aroma (it will take about half a kilogram of meat)
  • Lamb broth should be boiled for about ten minutes. After that, the meat is removed and the broth is filtered (although this is not at all necessary)
  • The meat can be cut into suitable miniature pieces or left in its original form (on the bone, for example)
  • Cook in a pan the usual frying of one finely chopped onion and carrot, try not to add too much vegetable oil
  • Boil about thirty grams of rice in a separate saucepan and let it stand, then drain the water, rinse the rice with cold water and add to the broth along with the frying (rice must be cooked in advance so that the soup does not become too thick and cloudy)
  • After you pour in the rice, the soup needs to be cooked for at least another five minutes.
  • After that, the soup is salted to taste, you can add spices and grated garlic
  • Cover the pot with a lid and let the soup brew for ten minutes.
  • Finely chop the herbs: parsley, dill and cilantro
  • Pour the soup into a serving dish and put the meat (if it is large, you should cut off a few pieces from it with a knife)
  • Sprinkle the soup generously with herbs and serve.

How to properly and tasty cook lamb kharcho recipe?

Kharcho soup is the most popular among all soups. This is a hearty and fatty dish that can energize, satisfy hunger for a long time and “make the world a little better” with its unsurpassed taste.

Kharcho soup is not prepared quickly and is likely to come in handy for about three hours, but it is eaten instantly, especially if cooked with lamb.

How to cook lamb kharcho soup deliciously?


  • To prepare kharcho, choose lamb on the bone. The bone will help thicken the broth. It will take about one kilogram of meat (this is including the bone)
  • The meat is first thoroughly washed, then poured into a saucepan with cold water and put on fire.
  • Wait until the broth boils over low heat, and then remove the foam. Continue to remove foam from the broth as it appears.
  • In order for the broth to “acquire new flavors”, vegetables should be added to it: one onion, one not large carrot and one small stalk of celery
  • It takes a long time to cook the broth, from one and a half to two hours.
  • We heat the oil in a high frying pan or saucepan, throw one finely chopped onion, finely grated carrots, a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste, black pepper and coriander into the oil to taste. It takes no more than seven minutes to pick and stew vegetables in a saucepan
  • At this time, pour rice with cold water in a separate bowl (long-grain or steamed rice is ideal for kharcho) - in an amount of no more than 150 grams
  • When the broth is ready, frying from a saucepan is added to it and rice is poured. Meat at this time is taken out to cool. This makes it easy to cut into small pieces.
  • The soup needs to be salted to taste, and the meat, as it cools, is disassembled into pieces and returned to the pan.
  • The soup comes to a boil and the fire turns off
  • Let the dish stand for another twenty minutes before serving.
  • Before serving, be sure to sprinkle with plenty of chopped herbs (parsley or cilantro)

What to prepare for serving sauce for lamb?

Since lamb is a residually satisfying, fatty and rich meat, the sauce for it should be a little fresh. Herbs and rich spicy spices are better than ever for the sauce. The sauce is prepared on the basis of olive oil in a blender.

Green Lamb Sauce:

  • Pour half a cup of olive oil into a blender
  • Add a bunch of stemless cilantro and stemless bunches of green basil to the bowl
  • Peel a few cloves of garlic and put them in a bowl
  • Add salt and pepper (a couple of pinches) and nutmeg
  • Add a tablespoon of lemon juice or lime juice
  • Turn on the active grinding mode for a couple of minutes. During this time, the greens and garlic are chopped and the sauce will become a homogeneous green mass.
  • Decorate the meat with sauce or serve it separately with a piece of meat

Red Lamb Sauce:

  • Pour a third of a glass of olive oil into a blender bowl.
  • Remove skin and seeds from one ripe tomato and place in a bowl.
  • Remove the skin and seeds from one ripe bell pepper and add to the bowl
  • Add a small amount of the white part of the leek to the bowl - about 100 grams
  • Another ingredient is a few garlic cloves.
  • Pour spices: coriander, suneli hops, basil, salt and a mixture of peppers
  • Beat sauce until smooth

How to make lamb sauce?

Minced lamb cutlets, how to cook lamb cutlets?

Lamb cutlets are a rather unusual dish that has its advantages:

  • Pleasant taste
  • satiety
  • Originality
  • Ease of preparation


  • You will need a little less than a kilogram of minced lamb - about 800 grams will be enough (minced meat can be twisted from meat in a meat grinder yourself)
  • One or two medium-sized onions, chopped in a blender or in a meat grinder, are added to the minced meat
  • To make the stuffing tender, a couple of pieces of a loaf soaked in a small amount of milk are added to it.
  • One egg will help to fasten the minced meat, if you notice that the minced meat is liquid, add a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour
  • Salt to taste and add spices: a mixture of aromatic peppers, nutmeg and coriander
  • Cutlets are fried like the most ordinary ones: balls are formed in the palms and dipped in flour. Cutlets fried in vegetable oil

How to cook lamb cutlets?

How delicious to marinate lamb skewers?

Lamb shish kebab always turns out delicious because the meat is very fatty and soft. This meat is best suited for grilling over charcoal. The pleasant taste and success of your barbecue depends only on how well you marinate it:

  • Cut the meat into large pieces about 6 centimeters
  • Place the meat in a plastic or glass container (iron can oxidize)
  • Salt the meat to taste (sea salt is much better than table salt)
  • Pour the vegetable oil heated to a warm state (about half a glass)
  • Sprinkle meat with spices: pepper, pepper mixtures, coriander, nutmeg, dried basil
  • Thoroughly mix all the meat with your hand so that the spices cover each piece.
  • Take apple cider vinegar and drizzle the meat a little (you can substitute lemon juice)
  • Add a liter of tomato juice to the marinade (less if there is less meat) and mix completely (otherwise, tomato juice can be replaced with highly carbonated mineral water)
  • The kebab is marinated for a minimum of 6 hours, but it is best if it stays in the refrigerator all night

How to properly and tasty cook lamb skewers?

How to cook lamb shurpa?

Shurpa is a famous first course made from lamb. It is not difficult to prepare it if you strictly follow the sequence and use the right set of ingredients:

  • The meat is thoroughly washed and put on the fire for the broth.
  • Soak the chickpeas overnight (these are chickpeas)
  • The meat is cooked after boiling for fifteen minutes, after which time you can reduce the heat and remove the foam
  • After that, chickpeas and one little red chili pepper are added to the broth.
  • This broth should be boiled for another hour
  • After an hour, the foam is removed from the broth, one onion, chopped in half rings, is added to it
  • The broth should be salted to taste.
  • Potatoes (four or five not large pieces) are cut into large cubes, and carrots (one large) are cut into rings half a centimeter wide
  • Vegetables are sent to the shurpa, and the meat is taken out in order to clean it from the bone (if there is no bone, then just disassemble it)
  • Two ripe tomatoes, one bell pepper and three cloves of garlic should be finely chopped and sent to the soup. After that, he cook for another twenty minutes.
  • The soup can be seasoned with your favorite spices and fresh herbs. Shurpa is served with chopped green onions.

Video: "Shurpa - a classic recipe"
