
Pork ham - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook pork tenderloin at home

Sauces can rightly be called a liquid seasoning. They are able to give the dish a completely new and unique taste, or they can spoil a completely tolerable dish. Many chefs keep the recipes for their most successful sauces in the strictest recipe. Even a small portion of the fragrant liquid miracle can whet the appetite or help improve the functioning of the stomach in a matter of seconds.

Sauces are cold and hot, spicy, sweet salty and sour. It is especially important to choose the right combination of ingredients for meat. After all, when there is a good piece of meat and a little right sauce on the plate, what else does a real gourmet need? But how to choose the sauce for pork and cook it correctly?

What sauces go best with pork

Sometimes even the most delicious piece of meat lacks some kind of zest. By seasoning a piece of meat with sauce, you will get a real firework of taste in your mouth, and the food will bring real pleasure.

Pork meat is quite fatty, has a pronounced taste and aroma, so the choice of sauce should be given special attention. It should be no less bright and pronounced taste.

Depending on how pork meat is cooked, there are several types of sauces:

  • based on broth;
  • with the use of dairy and sour-milk products;
  • based on juice or puree of sour berries and fruits;
  • using tomato, vinegar and mustard.

Sometimes these components are mixed together to obtain a richer taste.

For fried pork, cold and hot sauces based on tomato puree, sour berries or fruits are used. They can be spicy, sour, or sweet and sour. Such sauces can balance the fatty taste and help with the digestion of heavy foods. Avoid overly sweet and fatty sauces, which will only disrupt digestion and contribute to heaviness in the stomach.

For stews, rich, complex sauces are chosen. Their taste should be bright, rich and spicy, just like meat. They are prepared on the basis of broth, red wine and spices.

Boiled or baked pork is more delicate in taste, so you should not clog it with a bright and rich sauce. For such meat, a gravy based on cream, milk, sour cream and mustard is used, and to give the sauce some zest, salted capers or mushrooms are added to it.

Basic rules for preparing sauces for pork

As mentioned above, a specific pork meat recipe has its own sauce. The preparation of each consists of three stages:

  • preparation of ingredients;
  • sauce preparation;
  • infusion.

Each of these stages includes several more subparagraphs. Consider them specifically for each type of sauce.

Sauces in broth

To get a bright taste and aroma of the sauce, concentrated broth is first boiled. Usually chicken or beef bones are used. To enhance the flavor, put peeled onions and carrots in the broth. To make the color of the liquid darker, the bones are fried or baked in the oven before that.

To prepare a classic broth sauce, you will also need flour and butter. They give the right consistency to the gravy. Red wine, onion, mustard, herbs such as rosemary and marjoram are added to such a sauce.

For the preparation of more liquid, but rich sauces, flour and oil are not added, the liquid acquires a thicker state by long evaporation.

Cream sauces

The basis of creamy sauces is also broth, milk, cream or sour cream. For their preparation, the flour is initially fried, spreading it with milk, sour cream or cream. The density of the sauce is adjusted with a light broth.

In such a sauce, you can add a handful of fried porcini mushrooms and serve it with baked pork ham.

Berry and fruit sauces

This sauce is based on berry juice or fruit puree. They are also quite laborious to prepare, as they require several stages of preparation of the main ingredient. Depending on the recipe, the berries are washed, peeled, boiled, ground, and evaporated.

But such sauces can be prepared for the future, making a large amount at once and rolling them into sterile jars.

Subtleties of cooking sauces for pork

To avoid incidents in cooking, and the sauce turned out as it should, take note of a few tips from experienced chefs:

  1. Cook the sauce over low heat, stirring constantly. The process is certainly long, but in this way you will avoid unnecessary burning, especially when it comes to fruit sauces.
  2. If you want to thicken the gravy with flour, be sure to toast it with a little of any fat. Raw flour will give the sauce a taste and paste-like consistency.
  3. To avoid lumps in a sauce to which flour is added, dilute it with salty liquid, pouring it in a small stream.
  4. When choosing wine for the sauce, do not be stingy and take the one that you would like to drink with pleasure.
  5. Herbs and spices are placed at the very end of the preparation of the gravy. So they do not have time to lose their taste and aroma.

How to choose pork sauce in the store

There is no need to make sauces at home these days. Chains of large supermarkets and even small shops offer a huge selection of varieties of any sauces. For pork, you will find not only the usual ketchup or Krasnodar sauce, but also all kinds of adjika, tkemali, barbecue and others. In addition to known ingredients, there may be ingredients that you previously did not know. They are mostly found in Korean or Chinese sauces.

In order not to get into trouble with the choice of pork sauce, pay attention to the following:

  1. Package. No matter how attractive ketchup or sauce in a soft package and the price, bypass it. Quality sauce will always be in a glass jar or bottle. The lid on tomato sauces should be metal and should not make cotton when pressed. This indicates the tightness of the packaging.
  2. Label. Be sure to read the ingredients. A good sauce should be free of flavoring, coloring, modified starch, and other thickeners. Vinegar or citric acid is allowed.
  3. Appearance. Pay attention to color and texture. Tomato sauce should be moderately thick, if it is soy sauce - liquid.

Recipes for homemade pork sauces

But no purchased products can compare with the usefulness and taste of homemade sauces. Here are some recipes for simple but very appetizing pork sauces.

tomato barbecue


  • 300 gr. good quality tomato paste;
  • 1/3 cup cold boiled water;
  • 2 tablespoons dry oregano;
  • 2 tablespoons of dry basil;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper, sugar to taste.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. In a small bowl, mix the tomato paste with water until the consistency of liquid sour cream. Depending on the thickness of the paste, less or more water may be needed.
  2. Salt, pepper and add some sugar to soften the excess acid. Pour loose herbs and squeeze the garlic through a press.
  3. Stir, cover and refrigerate for a couple of hours to infuse.

Fresh herbs or slices of bell pepper can be added to the finished sauce. It is ideal with fried pork, pork sausages, barbecue and boiled pork.

Mustard-honey sauce for a quick hand

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of mustard;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar;
  • 5 tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil.

Mix all the ingredients together with a whisk. The sauce should acquire the consistency of liquid mayonnaise. It is prepared very quickly and will be appropriate for both fried and boiled pork.

Hot sour sauce


  • 500 gr. cherries or dogwood;
  • 1/4 hot pepper;
  • 50 gr. garlic;
  • 0.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 50 gr. Sahara;
  • dried herbs to taste.


  1. Wash the berries and remove the pits.
  2. Perebeyte all the ingredients with a blender or twist in a meat grinder.
  3. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 30 minutes after boiling. Stir occasionally.

By proportionally increasing the number of ingredients, you can prepare the sauce for the future by rolling it into hot sterilized jars.

Pork ham - general principles of cooking

Pork ham is a large piece of boneless meat, baked whole. Boiled pork is usually baked in the oven, you can also use the microwave. In general, pork is prepared very simply. For her, they make a special marinade of seasonings, in which the meat is kept for several hours. Then the pork is baked in the oven for an hour and a half. Of the seasonings, garlic, black pepper, coriander, paprika, rosemary, etc. are most often used.

Pork ham - preparation of food and utensils

To prepare pork tenderloin, you will need a sauce or marinade bowl, a cutting board, a pot or pan, and a baking dish. Prepare extra parchment paper, foil, baking sleeve and baking string. The meat must first be washed and dried. Separately prepare the spices, prepare the marinade according to the recipe.

Pork ham recipes:

Recipe 1: Pork ham

Classic pork tenderloin recipe. Nothing extra - just meat, salt, pepper and garlic. But how tasty it is! Such an appetizer is ideal for any holiday: for the New Year, for a birthday, February 23, etc.

Required Ingredients:

  • Pork;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Garlic;
  • Ground paprika.

Cooking method:

Take a pork ham, wash it, dry it with napkins. Grate all over with salt and pepper. Pass the garlic through a press or rub it on a fine grater. Coat the pork on all sides. Put the pork in a bowl, cover with cling film. Leave to marinate for several hours, or better all night. After the meat is marinated, rub it with paprika. Take kitchen string and wrap it around the meat. Wrap the ham in parchment paper. After that, wrap it with foil. We heat the oven well, we send a baking sheet with meat there. We bake the meat for one hour at 250 degrees, for another two hours at 200. This time is calculated for three kilograms of pork, if the weight of the ham is more or less, then it is necessary to adjust the baking time accordingly. After the meat is baked, it must be left in the oven for a while. As soon as the pork has cooled, the boiled pork should be placed in the refrigerator and left overnight.

Recipe 2: Pork ham in honey sauce

Incredibly delicious snack! A real holiday for any man. Honey gives the meat an unusual velvety taste - this is the secret of making such boiled pork.

Required Ingredients:

  • A kilogram of pork;
  • Eight cloves of garlic;
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • Spoon of honey;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

We take a pork ham, wash it, dry it with paper napkins. Rub with salt and pepper. Peel the garlic cloves, cut in half and stuff the pork with them. Pour the ham with soy sauce, then coat with honey. Put in a bowl, cover with cling film, leave to marinate for a couple of hours. We take a baking dish, coat with oil, put the meat there. Bake in the oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 220-230 degrees. Serve chilled ham.

Recipe 3: Microwave Pork Pork

Delicious ham can also be cooked in the microwave. Nothing special is needed for this - garlic, salt, pepper and parsley are suitable for spices. For spice and taste, you can add raisins.

Required Ingredients:

  • A kilogram of pork tenderloin;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Two spoons of raisins;
  • Half a glass of lavrushka;
  • Two teaspoons of salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Wash the pork tenderloin, dry it. Peel the garlic cloves, cut into slices. Light pitted raisins are washed, dried. We make cuts in the pork, lay the garlic and raisins there. Rub the pork with salt and pepper, leave for a couple of hours.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the meat on all sides until golden brown. Take a heat-resistant form that is suitable for cooking in the microwave. This form must have a lid. We line the bottom of the form with a bay leaf, put the meat on top. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into the mold. We set the normal microwave mode to full power, set 25 minutes. After the time has passed, turn the meat over and cook the same amount more. Since the power of microwaves is different for everyone, the cooking time, respectively, will also vary. If necessary, the baking time can be increased. The readiness of pork can be determined by the incision - the meat should be a uniform pinkish hue.

Recipe 4: Pork ham "Eurasia"

A wonderful recipe for pork tenderloin with bell peppers and sun-dried tomatoes. An appetizer is perfect for any festive feast.

Required Ingredients:

Half a glass of soy sauce;

  • A kilogram of pork;
  • Large bell pepper;
  • Three sun-dried tomatoes;
  • Chili pepper;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Spoon of coriander;
  • A spoonful of grain mustard.

Cooking method:

We wash the pork, dry it. Bulgarian pepper cut into strips, garlic cloves - slices. Cut the sun-dried tomatoes into small pieces, leave the chili pepper as is. We make cuts in the pork, insert garlic, tomatoes and peppers into them. We make one long puncture along the entire piece of meat and insert a chili pepper into it. We wrap the pork with a strong thread. Rub soy sauce on all sides of a piece of meat. Sprinkle pork with mustard seeds and coriander. Place the meat in the roasting sleeve. We tie with special fasteners. Let marinate for three hours. Bake for an hour in the oven, then cut the sleeve and continue to bake for another 15 minutes. Serve ham hot or cold.

Recipe 5: Pork ham with sour cream

Treat your family and friends to this amazing appetizer. Pork ham with sour cream is an old Polish recipe that also uses mustard, sugar, garlic and other spices. For piquancy, you can add soy sauce.

Required Ingredients:

  • A kilogram of pork;
  • head of garlic;
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • Two spoons of sour cream;
  • A spoonful of mustard;
  • Two tablespoons of salt;
  • Spoonful of sugar;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf.

Cooking method:

We wash the meat, dry it with paper towels. Peel the garlic cloves, cut into slices, squeeze with a knife. From 1.5 liters of water, sour cream, soy sauce, mustard, salt and sugar, we make a marinade. Mix everything thoroughly, add peas, garlic and parsley. We put the pot with the marinade on the fire, bring to a boil, immerse the meat there. Boil for 20 minutes (the larger the piece, the longer). Cool the pork in the same marinade. Together with the marinade, we remove the meat in the refrigerator for a day. After a day, put the meat in the marinade on the stove again, boil for 10 minutes after boiling. We leave to cool. Remove from marinade and pat dry with paper towels. Wrap tightly with parchment paper and refrigerate for two days.

Recipe 6: Pork ham with ginger

Incredibly delicious pork tenderloin with ginger and mustard. The recipe also uses an apple, which gives the dish a piquant sourness.

Required Ingredients:

  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Pork;
  • A sprig of rosemary;
  • fresh ginger;
  • A few tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Two teaspoons of mustard;
  • Large apple.

Cooking method:

Peel the garlic cloves, cut into slices. We take a sprig of rosemary, cut off the leaves. Too large leaves can be torn into two or three parts. We wash the pork, dry it, make cuts. Place rosemary and garlic in the incisions. We chop the ginger. Mix vegetable oil with soy sauce, add ginger and ground pepper. Whisk everything thoroughly. We put the meat in a plastic bag, pour the marinade there. We tie the package, shake it properly. We place in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. Shake the bag occasionally to distribute the entire mixture.

We clean a large apple, rub it on a fine grater. Mix apple with mustard. Next, pour in the rest of the marinade from the bag. Dip the meat with paper towels. We heat the pan with oil, over high heat, fry the pork on all sides until golden brown. We coat the pork with mustard-apple mass. We place the meat in a baking sleeve, cook in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. If the piece is large, increase the cooking time. Cut the sleeve and bake for another 20 minutes. Cool the cooked pork, serve in sliced ​​​​pieces.

Pork ham - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

For cooking boiled pork, a ham or a clean tenderloin is best suited. You can simply rub the pork with salt, garlic and spices, or you can make cuts and insert cloves of garlic, bell peppers, carrots, sun-dried tomatoes, herb leaves, etc. into the bottom. The cooking temperature of boiled pork is 200-220 degrees. Most of the time, the meat is baked in the sleeve, then it is cut and the pork continues to cook for another 20 minutes. This will make the meat ruddy and fried, with a pleasant golden crust.

Boiled pork, despite the fact that it is quite easy to cook, is considered a festive and gourmet dish, and someone even calls this dish a delicacy. Its real taste does not appear immediately, boiled pork needs some time to “ripen”, which is why it is better to cook it 2-3 days earlier than you plan to set the festive table.

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Our cooked pork tenderloin tastes great hot or cold. It is best to cut boiled pork into thin slices and eat with brown bread and spicy horseradish seasoning or mustard.

So, to cook pork tenderloin, you will need:

Large head of garlic;

A couple of dessert spoons of mustard;

A kilogram of lean pork (ham);

A pinch of thyme;

Half a dessert spoon of thyme;

Half a dessert spoon of rosemary;

Dessert spoon of salt;

Dessert spoon of black ground pepper.


1. Clean the meat from films and excess fat. Wash it and pat dry with paper towels.

2. Peel the head of garlic and cut each clove lengthwise into thin slices.

3. In a small bowl, mix salt, pepper and herbs. In addition to the spices listed in the required ingredients, you can add some of your own.

4. In a piece of meat, make many shallow cuts and insert a slice of garlic into each. Then wipe the future boiled pork on all sides with a mixture of spices and coat with mustard. Put the meat in a dish with a lid and place in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

5. Cut 2 pieces of baking foil a little larger than the piece of pork you took. Put the ham in the middle of the foil, cover with a second sheet, connect the edges and pinch them tightly. Make sure that not a single hole remains at the seams, because otherwise all the juice released during baking will flow out, and the meat will turn out to be very dry.

6. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 160 degrees and bake the meat in it for about 1.5 hours. After that, let the finished pork cool completely right in the oven. Take out, remove from the foil and transfer to a suitable sized dish. Pour the boiled pork with the released juice and refrigerate for 6-8 hours.

Before serving, be sure to cut the boiled pork into thin slices, preferably across the grain. Separately, serve fried black bread and spicy seasonings - mustard and grated horseradish.

Enjoy your meal!

Pork ham - general principles of cooking

Pork ham is a large piece of boneless meat, baked whole. Boiled pork is usually baked in the oven, you can also use the microwave. In general, pork is prepared very simply. For her, they make a special marinade of seasonings, in which the meat is kept for several hours. Then the pork is baked in the oven for an hour and a half. Of the seasonings, garlic, black pepper, coriander, paprika, rosemary, etc. are most often used.

Pork ham - preparation of food and utensils

To prepare pork tenderloin, you will need a sauce or marinade bowl, a cutting board, a pot or pan, and a baking dish. Prepare extra parchment paper, foil, baking sleeve and baking string. The meat must first be washed and dried. Separately prepare the spices, prepare the marinade according to the recipe.

Pork ham recipes:

Recipe 1: Pork ham

Classic pork tenderloin recipe. Nothing extra - just meat, salt, pepper and garlic. But how tasty it is! Such an appetizer is ideal for any holiday: for the New Year, for a birthday, February 23, etc.

Take a pork ham, wash it, dry it with napkins. Grate all over with salt and pepper. Pass the garlic through a press or rub it on a fine grater. Coat the pork on all sides. Put the pork in a bowl, cover with cling film. Leave to marinate for several hours, or better all night. After the meat is marinated, rub it with paprika. Take kitchen string and wrap it around the meat. Wrap the ham in parchment paper. After that, wrap it with foil. We heat the oven well, we send a baking sheet with meat there. We bake the meat for one hour at 250 degrees, for another two hours at 200. This time is calculated for three kilograms of pork, if the weight of the ham is more or less, then it is necessary to adjust the baking time accordingly. After the meat is baked, it must be left in the oven for a while. As soon as the pork has cooled, the boiled pork should be placed in the refrigerator and left overnight.

Recipe 2: Pork ham in honey sauce

Incredibly delicious snack! A real holiday for any man. Honey gives the meat an unusual velvety taste - this is the secret of making such boiled pork.

  • A kilogram of pork;
  • Eight cloves of garlic;
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • Spoon of honey;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

We take a pork ham, wash it, dry it with paper napkins. Rub with salt and pepper. Peel the garlic cloves, cut in half and stuff the pork with them. Pour the ham with soy sauce, then coat with honey. Put in a bowl, cover with cling film, leave to marinate for a couple of hours. We take a baking dish, coat with oil, put the meat there. Bake in the oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 220-230 degrees. Serve chilled ham.

Recipe 3: Microwave Pork Pork

Delicious ham can also be cooked in the microwave. Nothing special is needed for this - garlic, salt, pepper and parsley are suitable for spices. For spice and taste, you can add raisins.

  • A kilogram of pork tenderloin;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Two spoons of raisins;
  • Half a glass of lavrushka;
  • Two teaspoons of salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

Wash the pork tenderloin, dry it. Peel the garlic cloves, cut into slices. Light pitted raisins are washed, dried. We make cuts in the pork, lay the garlic and raisins there. Rub the pork with salt and pepper, leave for a couple of hours.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the meat on all sides until golden brown. Take a heat-resistant form that is suitable for cooking in the microwave. This form must have a lid. We line the bottom of the form with a bay leaf, put the meat on top. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into the mold. We set the normal microwave mode to full power, set 25 minutes. After the time has passed, turn the meat over and cook the same amount more. Since the power of microwaves is different for everyone, the cooking time, respectively, will also vary. If necessary, the baking time can be increased. The readiness of pork can be determined by the incision - the meat should be a uniform pinkish hue.

Recipe 4: Pork ham "Eurasia"

A wonderful recipe for pork tenderloin with bell peppers and sun-dried tomatoes. An appetizer is perfect for any festive feast.

Half a glass of soy sauce;

  • A kilogram of pork;
  • Large bell pepper;
  • Three sun-dried tomatoes;
  • Chili pepper;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Spoon of coriander;
  • A spoonful of grain mustard.

We wash the pork, dry it. Bulgarian pepper cut into strips, garlic cloves - slices. Cut the sun-dried tomatoes into small pieces, leave the chili pepper as is. We make cuts in the pork, insert garlic, tomatoes and peppers into them. We make one long puncture along the entire piece of meat and insert a chili pepper into it. We wrap the pork with a strong thread. Rub soy sauce on all sides of a piece of meat. Sprinkle pork with mustard seeds and coriander. Place the meat in the roasting sleeve. We tie with special fasteners. Let marinate for three hours. Bake for an hour in the oven, then cut the sleeve and continue to bake for another 15 minutes. Serve ham hot or cold.

Recipe 5: Pork ham with sour cream

Treat your family and friends to this amazing appetizer. Pork ham with sour cream is an old Polish recipe that also uses mustard, sugar, garlic and other spices. For piquancy, you can add soy sauce.

  • A kilogram of pork;
  • head of garlic;
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • Two spoons of sour cream;
  • A spoonful of mustard;
  • Two tablespoons of salt;
  • Spoonful of sugar;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf.

We wash the meat, dry it with paper towels. Peel the garlic cloves, cut into slices, squeeze with a knife. From 1.5 liters of water, sour cream, soy sauce, mustard, salt and sugar, we make a marinade. Mix everything thoroughly, add peas, garlic and parsley. We put the pot with the marinade on the fire, bring to a boil, immerse the meat there. Boil for 20 minutes (the larger the piece, the longer). Cool the pork in the same marinade. Together with the marinade, we remove the meat in the refrigerator for a day. After a day, put the meat in the marinade on the stove again, boil for 10 minutes after boiling. We leave to cool. Remove from marinade and pat dry with paper towels. Wrap tightly with parchment paper and refrigerate for two days.

Recipe 6: Pork ham with ginger

Incredibly delicious pork tenderloin with ginger and mustard. The recipe also uses an apple, which gives the dish a piquant sourness.

  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Pork;
  • A sprig of rosemary;
  • fresh ginger;
  • A few tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Two teaspoons of mustard;
  • Large apple.

Peel the garlic cloves, cut into slices. We take a sprig of rosemary, cut off the leaves. Too large leaves can be torn into two or three parts. We wash the pork, dry it, make cuts. Place rosemary and garlic in the incisions. We chop the ginger. Mix vegetable oil with soy sauce, add ginger and ground pepper. Whisk everything thoroughly. We put the meat in a plastic bag, pour the marinade there. We tie the package, shake it properly. We place in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. Shake the bag occasionally to distribute the entire mixture.

We clean a large apple, rub it on a fine grater. Mix apple with mustard. Next, pour in the rest of the marinade from the bag. Dip the meat with paper towels. We heat the pan with oil, over high heat, fry the pork on all sides until golden brown. We coat the pork with mustard-apple mass. We place the meat in a baking sleeve, cook in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. If the piece is large, increase the cooking time. Cut the sleeve and bake for another 20 minutes. Cool the cooked pork, serve in sliced ​​​​pieces.

Boiled pork has been and remains the best option for cooking pork. Any meat eater will agree with this opinion. The good news is that cooking is not only possible, but also quite simple. Spoiling meat in this way is almost impossible - except to forget it in the oven. However, I want not just meat, but delicious meat. And at the heart of success, in addition to a well-chosen piece of carcass, is a marinade for boiled pork. If you do not make a mistake with it, you will get lean pork, exceptionally tasty and usable cold. There are a lot of marinade recipes. Everyone can choose the one that suits him completely.

A separate item addresses the question of how long boiled pork should stay in the marinade. The recipe usually specifies the duration of the process. But in our fast-paced world, people tend to ignore such advice. I would like to say that there are also “quick” recipes; but if the instruction advises to keep the meat for two days, you should not reduce the time to a couple of hours - you will be disappointed. Find yourself something better.

Pickle for boiled pork

It is he who “prescribes” every second recipe at home. The brine is made easily and in some ways resembles those used for conservation. Two full tablespoons of salt, lavrushka with peppercorns and herbs suitable for pork are taken per liter of water. Undecided in your preferences with seasonings - take a set of Provence herbs. After boiling for two minutes, the brine cools completely, and a chunk of pork is lowered into it. According to the classic recipe, this pork marinade should affect the meat from two to five days. It is not worth reducing the time to less than a day.

Vinegar marinade

The word "pickling" in many people is primarily associated with vinegar. There is a marinade recipe based on it for boiled pork. A spoonful of salt is dissolved in a liter of water, seasonings are poured in and a spoonful of strong vinegar (70%) is poured. Pork is shifted with onion rings, poured with marinade and pressed down with oppression. In this form, she should stay for a day. Can be used after 15 hours, but not earlier.

wine marinade

Wine is the second most popular basis for all sorts of fillings. You can use it to cook a marinade for boiled pork. To make it tastier, in addition to two garlic cloves, a stalk of celery is also passed through the press. This mass is stirred in half a glass of dry wine (it doesn’t matter here whether it is red or white) with a spoonful of sweet mustard, vegetable oil (also a spoon) and seasonings - coriander, salt, thyme and pepper. A chunk of pork is smeared with marinade, the container with it is covered and placed overnight on the lower shelves of the refrigerator.

mustard marinade

All mustard fillings have high speed. So if you need a pork marinade urgently, choose one that contains mustard. Before using it, the pork is first stuffed - inserted into narrow but deep cuts of the garlic plate. Mustard is mixed in equal proportions with vegetable oil, seasoned with pepper, basil, salt and oregano; With this composition, the meat is coated on all sides, placed in a bag (if you are going to cook in a sleeve, you can put it right away) and hide for two hours in the refrigerator.

Sour cream with mustard

Marinade for baked pork in the oven, without using foil or a sleeve, will look a little different. A glass of sour cream is combined with a spoonful of strong mustard and a spoonful of prepared horseradish. Stuffed pork is coated with a mixture, wrapped tightly in polyethylene and left overnight. Thanks to the "collaboration" of horseradish and sour cream with mustard, the meat will give more juice for watering it. Hurry-ups can reduce the marinating time to three hours.

Mustard Ginger Marinade

Before making this recipe, the meat is first rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper. For the marinade, fresh ginger (a piece of root) is rubbed and combined with four crushed cloves of garlic and two tablespoons of mustard (this time grain). For flavor, you can pour a spoonful of dried rosemary into the mixture. In a closed container, the future boiled pork should stand all night. You can not clean the refrigerator, unless there is a suffocating heat.

Honey Soy Marinade

A very popular marinade for boiled pork based on soy sauce. It can be combined with a variety of components, including mustard. But the most delicious boiled pork will turn out if you add one natural honey for the marinade to two parts of the sauce. If it is too thick for you, the mixture can be heated until dissolved. But do not boil - honey will lose not only all its useful qualities, but also a significant part of the aroma. You can do it differently: pour over the sauce and grate with honey. After an hour, it will be ready to bake.

beer marinade

This recipe for homemade pork tenderloin involves marinating in two stages. First, dried and stuffed with garlic meat is smeared with a mixture of salt, thyme, pepper, coriander, crushed laurel and oregano - so that there are almost no gaps. Pork is placed in a container, closed tightly with a lid and left right on the table for four hours - to soak with magical aromas. Then the container is filled with dark good beer - a liter is enough for two and a half kilograms of meat. Now the container is placed already in the coolness, for the whole night. Do not save time - the result will delight you with juiciness and fragrant. And do not be afraid of "drunk" meat: while it is being cooked, all the alcohol will go away.

Olive oil for marinade

Oddly enough, vegetable oil successfully copes with the task of pickling. You can take sunflower, but with olive pork will become more noble in taste. Even if you just sprinkle oil on a stuffed piece of meat, it will already be good. But if you mix the oil with herbs and pepper, it will turn out fragrant. Just have to wait at least half a day until it stands in the refrigerator.

lemon marinade

Citruses are widely used to tenderize meat. To prepare a lemon marinade for boiled pork, juice is squeezed from one fruit and poured into half a glass of olive oil. Seasonings are poured there; the most harmonious will be ginger, nutmeg, sweet and spicy paprika. The composition is rubbed into the pork, which is closed in a container and exposed to the cold. We warn you right away: cooking boiled pork at home with this marinade is postponed for two days. It is permissible to reduce the aging period to 24 hours - but this is also undesirable: the result will be tastier for the patient.

Marinate in kvass

Naturally, the drink should be unsweetened - the so-called okroshchny. In some special way, this marinade for boiled pork is not prepared: a chunk of meat is wrapped with laurel, strips of hot pepper and onion rings, kvass is poured into the bowl (so that the pork is completely hidden by it) - and they forget about the preparation for two days. It is better to stuff boiled pork just before cooking. By the way, the marinade is very suitable for grilled meat and barbecue. And boiled pork soaked in it does not need to be wrapped in foil or using a baker's sleeve.

Mayonnaise for marinating

I must say, this is the most “lazy” marinade for boiled pork, but at the same time one of the fastest. Mayonnaise is simply mixed with spices; because of its pronounced taste, saffron and paprika are especially recommended as seasonings (of course, in addition to salt and pepper). A piece smeared with mayonnaise will be ready to be sent to the oven in one and a half to two hours.

Onion marinade

Those who do not mind crying a little (or have a blender in the household) can end up with deliciously juicy and extremely tender boiled pork. A pound of ordinary onions is cut as finely as possible - or a blender is turned on, which is preferable in terms of uniformity. Two tablespoons of sunflower oil are poured into onion porridge and seasonings are poured: crushed laurel, peppers (red and black), you can add suneli hops. The pork marinade is kneaded and poured over the stuffed pork. It will stand for about five hours (depending on how much your piece tightened). Since the marinade is quite thick, it is better to turn the meat occasionally.

tomato marinade

Even just poured with tomato juice (especially home-made, fresh) pork turns out surprisingly tender. But you can enrich its taste and soften the structure if you add something interesting to the tomatoes. For example, honey. Of course, it is better to make a tomato marinade for boiled pork from fresh vegetables - that is, grind vegetables in a juicer or blender to make a glass of juice with pulp. But in winter, you can replace them with tomato paste, but without unnecessary ingredients. The juice is combined with a full spoonful of honey; since it is pulpy, the honey will not dissolve well, so the mass may need to be slightly warmed up. The next component will be vegetable oil - four tablespoons are taken. Well, and of course, spices: six pieces of chopped garlic cloves, a teaspoon of pepper, your favorite salt. Prepared pork is smeared with marinade and left covered for half a day.

Delicious baked goods for you!
