
Bottle of jack daniels 0.5. How to distinguish original Jack Daniel's whiskey from a fake

In 2016, one of the most popular varieties of American whiskey, Jack Daniel's, celebrated its 150th anniversary. For a century and a half, the alcoholic drink has become one of the symbols of free America, and the unique taste qualities allow Tennessee whiskey to successfully compete with eminent Scottish and Irish brands. With over 11 million bottles sold annually, Jack Daniel's is rightfully the top selling American alcohol in the world.

History of Jack Daniel's Whiskey

The famous alcoholic drink got its name in honor of the founder of the company of the same name, Jack Daniel, who was born in 1850. From an early age, Jack was interested in the peculiarities of the production of strong drinks. Already at the age of eight, Daniel worked at the distillery for the Lutheran priest Dann Call, and by the age of 13 he had studied the technological process in detail. An enterprising young man in 1886 managed to organize a full-fledged production, as evidenced by the branded sticker on the bottle “Est. &Reg. in 1866".

According to surviving documents, Jack Daniel's was officially registered in 1875, and in 1884 Daniel acquired a plot of land, where the first plant of the famous company was located. By 1897, the image of Jack Daniels whiskey was finally formed - the product began to be bottled in square bottles. According to Daniel himself, this form was fully associated with a sense of justice and honesty, which became the credo of the company for many years. Another original move by the head of the company was the rejection of oak corks in favor of screw caps, which were much more convenient.

Interesting fact: the famous brand "Old No. 7" stands for the state registration number of Daniel's distillery. Over time, the number in the public registry was changed, but Daniel continued to use the original number, since Jack Daniel’s “Old No. 7" has already earned a certain reputation among American spirits connoisseurs.

In 1904, at an exhibition in St. Louis, Jack Daniels received a medal as the best American whiskey, which further stimulated sales growth. The relatively cheap drink is in demand among small businesses, workers and farmers. But the growing influence of the American Temperance Society had a negative impact on the company's operations, and Daniel was forced to move production from Tennessee to Missouri and Alabama.

And after the entry into force of the famous Prohibition, the production of whiskey was completely suspended, and the old stocks became one of the sources of income for the mafia - bottles of whiskey were illegally supplied to bars and clubs. The situation changed in 1933, and by 1938, production was completely restarted.

Whiskey from Tennessee

In 1941, a significant event for the Jack Daniels brand takes place - at the initiative of the Governor of Tennessee, alcoholic products fall under the classification by geographical origin. As a result, Jack Daniel's is no longer classified as a bourbon, and is now categorized as a Tennessee Whiskey. It is worth noting that another whiskey producer, George Dickel, works in Tennessee, but the production volumes of the latter do not allow them to compete with JD.

After the end of World War II, the production of Jack Daniel's whiskey constantly increased, and after the sale of the brand to the Brown-Forman Corporation in 1956, the drink began to strengthen its position in the international market. In 1964, corn whiskey was declared a national treasure in the United States.

Original recipe and production technology

Jack Daniels is distinguished by its original production technology, which allows alcohol classified as "bourbon" to be sold under the brand name "Tennessee Whiskey".

As with classic bourbons, Jack Daniel’s main ingredient is corn must (in Scotland and Ireland, whiskey is traditionally brewed from barley). The use of corn is due to the climatic features of the southeastern United States. This cereal is grown on a huge scale - more than 200 million tons per year. The original Jack Daniels recipe is 80% corn, 12% barley and 8% rye.

The distillation itself is carried out in copper stills, and then follows the proprietary purification procedure that distinguishes Tennessee Whiskey from bourbon - the distillation product is filtered through a 3-meter layer of charcoal. Charcoal is used exclusively from sugar maple (it is from this tree that the famous maple syrup is obtained).

Proprietary filtration reduces the characteristic taste of corn, and minimizes the content of fusel oils and other impurities. The filtration procedure is patented and known worldwide as The Lincoln County Process.

Also, in the production process, pure spring water is used, which gives the drink a characteristic taste.

Interesting fact: A monument to Jack Daniel was erected in Lynchburg, Tennessee. The famous master is depicted near the stream, where he collected water for making whiskey.

The aging period is regulated - at least 4 years, however, according to unofficial data, the company's masters usually focus on their own flair, allowing the distillate to be bottled after tasting.

Central distillery in Lynchburg

The main production of Jack Daniel's whiskey is concentrated in the city of Lynchburg. The territory of the distillery is located near a natural cave from which a stream flows. At the base of the cave are centuries-old limestone deposits that naturally filter the spring water. As a result, the iron content is minimized, which greatly improves the taste of whiskey.

An interesting fact: the states of Kentucky and Tennessee lie on a huge layer of limestone, which is why the production of high-quality alcohol is concentrated here. Kentucky is the birthplace of the most famous bourbonJimBeam.

On the territory of Lynchburg there are several dozen special vaults in which more than 1.9 million barrels of whiskey mature. Tennessee climate features have a direct impact on the taste of Jack Daniel's, so lovers of hard alcohol immediately distinguish the drink from the classic American bourbon.

At the end of the 20th century, the central plant turned into a popular tourist center. The distillery is visited annually by about 250,000 people, visitors can get acquainted with the production technology and purchase Jack Daniels collection varieties.

Jack Daniels range

Over the years of impeccable work, several brands under the Jack Daniel's brand have been presented to consumers, with diverse taste and aromatic qualities.

Popular varieties:

Interesting fact: the famous American singer Frank Sinatra once called Jack Daniel's whiskey "the nectar of the gods" (publication in the magazineTrue 1954), which led to a significant increase in demand. As a result, the company named one of the varieties in his honor (Sinatra Century 1998).

Despite the variety of varieties from Jack Daniels, Old No. is the most in demand in the world. 7. It is the "Black Label" that is considered the hallmark of the company, combining affordable cost with excellent taste.

Cocktails based on Jack Daniel's

The American culture of whiskey consumption was formed on the basis of the preferences of connoisseurs of hard alcohol. The most popular option is whiskey and soda, traditionally crushed ice is used to cool the drink. However, the elite varieties of Jack Daniel's are preferable to use in their pure form, this allows you to fully experience the taste and aroma of the drink after many years of aging.

In the post-Soviet space, the combination of Jack Daniels with freshly brewed coffee has become widespread. The traditional Irish recipe using Tennessee whiskey is an original combination of coffee aroma and strength of an American drink.

Jack Daniel's - alcohol, elevated to a cult

"Jack Daniels" is very popular among the inhabitants of the musical Olympus. In addition to the aforementioned Frank Sinatra, the quality of Tennessee whiskey was appreciated by members of the rock band the Rolling Stones, as well as the world famous Led Zeppelin and Amy Winehouse. It was considered real chic to go on stage with an open bottle of JD. Such popularity was appreciated by the company's marketers, changing advertising campaigns towards the elitism of a mass product.

Fans of Jack Daniel's whiskey are always confident in the quality of cult alcohol, and it is not for nothing that the company's slogan sounds like: « As long as we make whiskey, we will make it as good as we can.”

The most famous American brand is Jack Daniels. The brand owes its success to the use of only natural grains, spring water and unique maple charcoal filtration in the production process. Taking advantage of the popularity of a successful company, many unscrupulous manufacturers pass off crafts as the original. But today we will figure out in detail how you can bring scammers to clean water.


In the production of this fine whisky, everything matters - the label, the cork, the protective shell, and even the mass. However, the first sign that you should pay close attention to is the shape of the bottle. Be prepared that already at this stage of verification, your favorite whiskey may turn out to be a fake. An authentic bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey is shaped like a parallelepiped with pointed corners and ribs. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers use containers with rounded top and bottom edges.

Authentic bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey

It is also worth focusing on the design of the bottle itself, which is quite problematic to fake. On the original, you will always find a clearly engraved company logo on the upper faces, and an embossed inscription and information about the displacement on the lower faces. But on a fake, these inscriptions are quite blurry, which immediately raises doubts and inspires suspicion of falsification.

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Continuing our digression on the definition of a fake, let's take a closer look at the cork of the bottle. Unlike the counterfeit, the real one will have a cork made of black plastic with an even section, which, together with the neck of the bottle, is covered by three-quarters with a dark glossy film. As for the fake, here you can usually see a metal cork on which there is no protective film.

Real Jack Daniels Whiskey

Now let's move on to the bottom of the Jack Daniels bottle. As mentioned earlier, the original has sharp edges. Therefore, the bottom of a real Jack Daniels has the shape of a square with corners cut at 45 °, where relief, legible information for the consumer is applied on the glass. Unlike the genuine version, a fake is determined by rounded edges and blurry inscriptions. In addition, the circle from the pressing machine, which is noticeable below, completes the picture, which should not be present on the bottle of the brand of the same name.


If the manufacturers managed to carefully hide the fake, then there is another option for determining the authenticity of Jack Daniels. To do this, you should carefully look at the label, having studied its updated design on the official website of the company.

Redesigned Jack Daniels label

If the size of the inscriptions and fonts did not cause you any doubts, then take a closer look at the accuracy of attaching the label to the bottle. Unlike the original, where it is located symmetrically on all three faces and has a clear relief, the fake may show traces of glue along the edges of the attachment, and the label itself is fixed unevenly and with no relief.

We also draw your attention to the fact that on the label of a real Jack Daniels there are indications and designations only in English, and in the very corner of the sticker there is a unique EI code that indicates the number of the barrel and the date of packing.


If the visual inspection did not give you any results, then the last option for authentication is tasting and external examination. Authentic Jack Daniels should be a rich dark amber color with a slight hint of smoke. When drinking a drink, pay attention to its flavors. Remember, an authentic brand should be tart-sweet, reminiscent of the sweetness of caramel and vanilla. And a fake, unlike the original, immediately after uncorking will make itself felt, emitting a sharp alcohol smell.

American whiskey dark amber color

To be completely sure of the quality of Jack Daniels, buy it in specialized stores, where it is much easier to verify the authenticity of the product due to the presence of accompanying documents for the entire batch of alcohol. But we do not recommend trusting supermarkets.

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| Jack Daniels

Whiskey Jack Daniels

The history of the unique American whiskey Jack Daniels is very revealing. She proves that in life the embodiment of any desire is possible. How else to explain that a drink from America, which appeared several centuries later than numerous whiskeys from Scotland and Ireland, could become a real embodiment of a drink for several generations of young people!

Let it sound trite, but hard work and constant striving for excellence played an important role here, forcing Jack Daniels to work again and again to improve the taste of Jack Daniels whiskey. It is not for nothing that the motto of the company, which was chosen by the founder of the enterprise himself, was the slogan: "Every day, while we are doing it, we will do it as well as we can." Where did it all start?

The real Jack Daniels came about thanks to the church. Surprised? But that's just the way it is. In the middle of the 19th century, Lutheran minister Dann Call was known throughout the area not only for his heartfelt sermons, but also for the strong drink that was produced by his own small distillery. Despite the fact that the Reverend's drink was a great success with the parishioners, it is unlikely that the business would have developed so successfully further if a little bright boy named Jasper had not appeared at the distillery. Everyone called the boy "Jack" for his ingenuity and ease of communication with anyone. No one really remembered his last name at the time. And, as it turned out, in vain, because it is she who is known today to any connoisseur of good alcohol. But at that time, Jasper "Jack" Newton Daniel was just a handyman of small stature.

This state of affairs did not last long. By the age of 13, by no one knows what tricks, Jasper "Jack" Daniel was already the owner of a distillery. But, it should be noted that at that time many tried to create alcohol, but for some reason today most of them have sunk into the abyss of obscurity, while a 13-year-old boy was able to establish a multi-million dollar empire known throughout the world? Here he was helped by carelessness, not by him, but by other "moonshineers". The fact is that when the real Jack Daniels was produced, some process was used that was of great importance for the taste of the drink. The little boy adopted this secret from his teacher Dann Call. The secret was this: the alcohol was filtered through a three-meter layer of sugar maple coal. The procedure, despite its length in time, was mandatory for all batches of the drink. It was called the Lincoln County Process, after the county of Lincoln County where it was used. The process gave the taste of Jack Daniels whiskey a special softness. You will say: where is the carelessness here? The thing is that many competitors of the young businessman considered the labor-intensive and costly operation inappropriate. "Why soften a man's drink?" they grinned. Time put everything in its place.

Another component of success is improvement. In order for a bottle of Jack Daniels to be an attractive product, the drink in it must be unique, and here the water from which the drink was made was of no small importance. Just at the time when the young owner of the distillery was concerned about this issue, a spring with delicious water was opened near the place of his birth. Without thinking twice, the entrepreneur purchased a plot of land near the city of Lynchburg and transferred the production of his own drink there. So the "maple method" of filtration and the purest spring water became the first weighty arguments for the success of Daniel's enterprise. The Jack Daniels whiskey distillery still stands there today.

Not surprisingly, Jack Daniel's Distillery was the first registered distillery of its kind in the United States. And today it is the oldest whiskey distillery in the country.

All his life, Jack Daniel has been creating whiskey. It became his life's work. When 1907 rolled around, the owner of the first registered distillery in the United States began to feel vaguely uneasy. Jack first thought about who would get his brainchild, because he had no family, no wife, no children, who could leave an inheritance, and everyone knew perfectly well that for Daniel, the production of Jack Daniels whiskey is in the first place in his life. Then he decided to leave the plant to his nephew and devoted worker Lem Motlow. Daniel began to bring him up to speed on the main affairs and gave him much more authority.

But nothing happens by accident! In less than a few years, the great strategist and businessman suddenly died. The reason for this was an unfortunate set of circumstances. Having forgotten the code to the safe in his own office, Daniel angrily kicked the iron box with his foot. The result was a broken finger. It would seem nothing serious, but an infection penetrated the wound, and in a short time the businessman died from blood poisoning.

Lem Metlow stood at the helm of the company in the most difficult years for her. At the time of his reign, the adoption of the "dry law" when Jack Daniels whiskey was banned, and the Second World War fell out. Nevertheless, despite the difficult years for the enterprise, the company more than once teetered on the verge of bankruptcy, Lem justified the trust placed in him by his uncle and brought the ship out of the terrible storm to the shores of paradise. In 1947, the company finally fully recovered from the painful events of the past years and was registered under the trademark "Jack Daniel Distillery, Lem Motlow, Prop., Inc."

Much later, in 1988, the new head of the company, Jack Reir, decided to return to the roots again, use the formula that once helped to bring the company to the forefront. To do this, Reir decided to soften the alcohol for Jack Daniels whiskey not once, but twice. Now the drink was first filtered before pouring into oak barrels, and the second time - after four years of languishing the drink in barrels.

And again, this favorably affected the taste of the drink. He became more harmonious and soft. Its velvety aroma has become even more attractive to customers and fans of the brand, so the new drink recipe has taken root and has been put into production on an ongoing basis.

Whiskey Jack Daniels has a delicate amber color.

The aroma of the drink is harmonious and soft. It has a sweet main tone with pronounced notes of spices, oily hints of nuts and smoke.

The taste of Jack Daniels whiskey is original. Its bouquet is represented by tart woody tones and delicate caramel-vanilla notes. The subtle nuances of smoke contrast to the delicate creamy shades.

The drink is drunk in its pure form, only ice cubes are added. If the whiskey is too strong (for example, for a lady), then it can be slightly diluted with water or soda. Due to the exquisite taste of the drink, it is drunk not only in its pure form, but also added to cocktails, which, of course, is not approved by connoisseurs, but in principle it is permissible. Usually Jack Daniels whiskey, due to its strength, is used as a digestif.

The most common volume of the drink is Jack Daniels whiskey 1 liter, Jack Daniels whiskey 0.7 liters, Jack Daniels whiskey 0.5 liters. Many are interested in how much does Jack Daniels whiskey cost? And specifically - how much does a liter of Jack Daniels cost or how much does Jack Daniels cost 0.5? The cost of Jack Daniels whiskey varies depending on the size of the bottle, but in any case, a quality drink will not cost you too cheap, keep this in mind if you are going to buy Jack Daniels whiskey in stores or anywhere. By the way, about the places where the drink is sold: if you decide to buy Jack Daniels whiskey, then be careful, Jack Daniels bought in unverified stores may well be a fake.

Recently, counterfeit whiskey Jack Daniels is quite common due to the high cost of the drink and popularity among buyers. Naturally, the taste of a real Jack Daniels drink cannot be compared with the terrifying quality of fake Jack Daniels whiskey. It is not only the taste of the drink that suffers - fake alcohol can contain components hazardous to health, and there is nothing surprising in stories where young people are poisoned by fakes of elite alcohol. To this end, many are interested in how to distinguish the real Jack Daniels. The first wake-up call for you, as we have already said, should be the low cost of Jack Daniels whiskey. The next points that can tell about the authenticity of the drink lie in the appearance of the Jack Daniels bottle.

The original alcohol has a dispenser on the bottle, and the cap is made of plastic and covered with a black film. Jack Daniels whiskey containers are engraved on the upper and lower wide parts of the case. The font on the label is made using a special technology and is also made convex. The Jack Daniels bottle itself is square in shape. With the help of this information, you now know how to distinguish Jack Daniels whiskey from a cheap fake.

To save yourself from the risk of acquiring low-quality, and possibly even dangerous, alcohol, contact only trusted sources. Our site, which operates as an online store, represents only high-quality licensed products. Here you can not only find out the cost of Jack Daniels whiskey, but also purchase the drink itself. Among the presented assortment there is Jack Daniels whiskey 1 liter, Jack Daniels whiskey 0.7 liters, Jack Daniels whiskey 0.5 liters. Thus, you can find out how much a liter of Jack Daniels costs or how much Jack Daniels costs 0.5, and buy alcohol of excellent quality and great taste that suits you. We deliver pleasure to the farthest corners of Russia, and residents of Moscow can take advantage of our special delivery conditions. Have a good time and good health to you!

Whiskey Jack Daniels has long established itself in the world market as one of the most popular drinks. Jack Daniels has been produced since 1875 in Tennessee (USA). Special production technologies and unique filtration through American maple charcoal give the legendary drink a unique, refined taste. That is why most lovers of expensive whiskey opt for Jack Daniels.

The popularity of the Jack Daniels brand encourages unscrupulous entrepreneurs to counterfeit this drink. So let's figure out how not to stumble upon a fake.


A true Jack Daniels bottle has a slightly convex configuration and tapers slightly towards the cork. At the bottom of the neck of the bottle there are rectangular faces of equal width. A counterfeit bottle is not at all difficult to distinguish by a cylindrical neck with weakly defined rectangles, smoothly turning into a coat hanger.


The original Jack Daniels is a container that has the shape of a parallelepiped with sharp vertical and horizontal ribs and pronounced top and bottom edges. The original Jack Daniels whiskey has rounded bottom and top edges.

The original bottle has the Jack Daniels logo engraved on four sides, and the volume on the bottom. Fake Jack Daniels are easy to distinguish by blurry embossing.


The bottom should form the shape of a clearly defined square with corners cut at 45 degrees. Relief, legibly written information for the consumer is applied on the surface of the glass. The next sign of counterfeit products is a noticeable circle after the pressing machine.


The cork of the original whiskey consists of black plastic, has even sections and one corrugated belt. The lid and ¾ of the neck are covered with a black glossy protective film. If you see Jack Daniels with a metal cork and there is no protective film on it, this means that you see a fake.


When considering a bottle when buying, pay attention to how neatly the label is glued to the bottle, check that there are no traces of glue on the label. On the original bottle, the label is located absolutely symmetrically, while covering 3 sides of the bottle. A fake can be distinguished by a crookedly glued label and a lack of relief.

The original Jack Daniels label must not contain any inscriptions in Russian. At the very bottom of the label, the batch number should be indicated. The numbers indicate the number of the barrel and the date of packing. Also, the original whiskey must have a dispenser.

Appearance, smell and taste

The original drink should have a dark amber color and a smoky flavor. It tastes tart - sweet, with hints of vanilla and caramel. If, after opening the bottle, you smell a strong smell of alcohol, then you should not drink such a drink, as it is dangerous to health.

If you have already decided to arrange a holiday with the presence of strong overseas alcohol, then now is the time to figure out the cost, and since since the beginning of the 20th century American whiskey Jack Daniel’s has been considered the best high-grade drink, we will consider the price for it.

The average cost in Russia of the classic Jack Daniel's Old No.7 with a capacity of 1 liter in our country ranges from 2000 to 3000 rubles. It should be borne in mind that the price depends on the availability of gift packaging, glasses in the kit, etc. Each region has a different price. If you look at the cost of Jack Daniel's Old No.7, it will be an average 2300 rubles per 1 liter.
You can buy it most cheaply at Duty Free or at suppliers who deliver it from the same place. Here you can buy it for only two thousand rubles.

In St. Petersburg, whiskey can be purchased at almost the same price. In the provinces, the average cost is slightly higher, but you can always order Jack Daniel's from reputable online stores. And for a great price.

Other volumes of classic Jack Daniel’s in Russia have approximately the same price:

  • 0.5 liters you can buy from 1250 to 1600 rubles.
  • 0.75 liters will cost close from 1800 to 2200 rubles th.
  • 3 liters can be taken from 7200 to 7800 rubles.

In addition, we know other varieties of the famous American whiskey Jack Daniel's: SinglBarrel, Silver Select, Tennessy Honey, Gentelman Jack.

single barrel has a distinctively smooth taste due to double filtration: before bottling and before bottling. In Russia you can buy it for about 4500 rubles.

single barrel

It has a high alcohol content (50%) and an aftertaste with a touch of oak. Cost approx. 3500 rubles.

Obtained by mixing classic Jack Daniel's and honey liqueur, resulting in a mild and delicate taste. This would be ideal for women. You can buy it on average for 2200 rubles.

- one of the most popular varieties of Jack Daniel's. It is bottled in charred barrels, which are made of white American oak, thanks to which it has its own special color and taste. average price about 3500 rubles.

But first of all, when buying whiskey, you need to know how to distinguish an original product from a fake. Here are some rules:

  1. The Jack Daniel's bottle is shaped like a paralepiped, and the edges of a fake bottle are usually always rounded.
  2. You can easily recognize a fake by the absence of an engraving of the company logo on the bottle.
  3. The original Jack Daniel's always has a dispenser.
  4. If you have already tried this drink at least once, you will never confuse it with something else. The presence of a strong alcohol smell when opening the bottle most likely means that it is a fake.

We decided where it is better and for what money you should buy Jack Daniel's. But it’s not enough to buy, you still need to learn how to drink! It is best to drink whiskey separately from everything, but some people still like cocktails based on lemon or apple juice.

First of all, you need to use tulip-shaped or wide glasses. The optimum temperature for this whiskey is between 18-21°C. It is at this temperature that American bourbon reveals all its advantages as an alcoholic beverage.

The best snack can be all sorts of fruits. You can use apples cut into small pieces, apricots, peaches, citrus fruits, or large bunches of good grapes. Thinly sliced ​​lemon slices are perfect, which will only help to feel the incredible taste.

Learn to properly apply all your knowledge in this area and then the drink will bring you only pleasure. Best wishes!
