
Chicken broth calories. All about chicken broth: calories, nutritional properties and cooking recipe

Chicken broth is a very popular product, but many people cannot immediately give a definite answer as to how nutritious it is. On the one hand, almost only water is obtained here, albeit slightly greasy, on the other hand, people recover from serious illnesses precisely thanks to the nutritious rich broth. If you are interested in this question not only out of idle curiosity, but also from great attention to your own health and maintaining a slim figure, then it should definitely be considered more carefully.


The main component of the broth is ordinary water. It certainly contains a small amount of BJU components, vitamins, minerals and acids boiled out from chicken, however, their importance should not be overestimated - meat, even boiled for several hours, still remains more useful than its decoction.

When they talk about the benefits of broth for restoring the body, they mean that it (in its not very fatty form) does not have any significant restrictions on its use, and after surgical operations on the digestive organs, only such light food is allowed. It is also true that it is from such a soup that everything useful is absorbed as easily and quickly as possible, but still the question remains how many of these useful components are there.

In a word, the broth is a good product, but if you do not have any contraindications for the use of other products, do not limit yourself to them.

It should also be noted that for cooking the broth it is advised to use homemade chicken whenever possible, while broilers are much worse suited for these purposes. This is caused not only by the fact that broilers quickly boil soft, turning into porridge - it’s just that the chicken gives into the fat not only useful, but also harmful.

Industrially raised poultry must have reached large sizes in the shortest possible time thanks to biologically active additives - hormones and drugs, which, once in the human body from the broth, can cause serious damage to health. Domestic chicken is usually much more environmentally friendly, so eating any chicken products is associated with a lower risk.

Calorie content and nutritional value

You need to understand that there can be fundamentally different amounts of calories in chicken broth - 20 and 200 kcal can fall on 100 grams of the product. Most of all, two indicators influence this moment: what part of the carcass was used (each part has its own calorie content, which is further exacerbated by the difference due to the fatness of a particular chicken) and what are the proportions of water and meat.

In fact, there are much more factors: did you take meat with skin (it is always the most fatty and therefore high-calorie) or without it, whether the first water was drained, and whether the lid was opened during cooking, releasing steam and increasing the share of dry mass. Even the duration of cooking is important, because the chicken, giving off the main share of valuable substances in the first minutes of high temperature treatment, still continues to gradually increase their concentration in the broth for quite a long time.

If you are going to use the decoction along with the meat from which it was prepared, and no other ingredients were added in the process, then the calorie content will be equal to the calorie content of all the meat used, since the calories from the dish do not go anywhere, and water or salt by themselves contain 0 calories.

In order to determine the exact calorie content of the broth, excluding meat, you will have to use a more complex formula. First, find the energy value of raw meat from different parts of the carcass, and then the same part, but already boiled - this way you will find out the average number of calories given by this particular meat during cooking.

To simplify your task, we have already calculated these figures for 100 grams of meat of each type: for example, dietary thighs and legs give approximately 9-10 kcal each, sternum (fillet) - 18 kcal, wings - 50-55 kcal, necks - 120 kcal , and backs are considered the champion in richness - they give as much as 160 kcal! Knowing these numbers and the weight of the meat used, you can calculate how much it can give calories to water in general. After that, it remains only to divide the total calorie content of the entire broth by the number of 100-gram servings of the finished product - this is the desired indicator.

If you are making broth from a whole chicken, the task of counting calories can be more difficult, since you can only find a very average figure for its total calorie content on the Internet, which is often far from reality. If you are pedantic, the desired figure can be found by dividing the carcass into the parts described above and weighing each of them. The average calorie content of such a decoction is usually estimated at 20-40 kcal, that is, it occupies an intermediate position between dietary and rich broths, being closer to the first.

As for BJU, there is nothing special to calculate here - the content of all the main nutrients in such a product is relatively small. At least the average 15-calorie dietary broth contains only 2 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of fat, and 0.3 grams of carbohydrates in a 100-gram serving.

However, it should be borne in mind that the percentage of proteins and carbohydrates is unlikely to increase greatly, but the use of backs or necks, as well as adding meat with skin to the pan, can increase fat content many times over.

How to calculate the number of kilocalories in the broth with other ingredients?

If the broth is your favorite dish, but not in the form of a banal chicken broth, but in the format of a soup with the addition of some other popular ingredients, then the formula for calculating the exact number of calories can increase many times over. The thing is that one could simply multiply the calorie content of a 100-gram serving of an additional ingredient by its weight, thanks to which we get the total calorie content of this product in the broth, and then add the resulting figure to the calorie content of meat and, dividing everything by the total volume of the final product, get the desired .

The problem is that the same potatoes or vermicelli, like meat, are boiled and give part of their calorie content to the water, but they are never removed from the broth, unlike chicken, and the amount of grounds directly affects the calorie content of each individual serving. It remains only to rely on the fact that all portions will turn out to be approximately equal and proportional, however, all the same, the calculations will not be devoid of a certain convention.

If even a simple broth of water and meat involved a very complex calculation of calories, depending on a series of factors, then increasing the ingredients further exacerbates this situation. Just in case, we will tell you how many on average calories can be contained in all popular varieties of chicken broth, brought to the level of soup, but all these figures should be treated with some criticality, because deviations are possible in any small detail.

Please note that in all cases the chicken itself is not taken into account - its addition can increase the indicated figures several times.

So, the average chicken broth with homemade noodles has a significantly increased calorie content - there are already 76 kcal in a 100-gram serving. The new component added a lot of carbohydrates, their content increased to 12 grams, hence the new calories, while the content of proteins and fats only doubled - up to 4 and 1 gram, respectively.

Chicken broth with egg is also popular. In our case, it is assumed that for every liter of such a decoction, six medium chicken eggs are needed. With a uniform distribution of the new ingredient, the average calorie content of the dish is about 50-52 kcal per 100 grams. Such a modest indicator is due to the fact that the amount of carbohydrates remains practically unchanged, and fats grow 6-7 times, but still only 3-3.5 grams remain. The most important component of BJU in this case is proteins, which are already almost 5 grams in a 100-gram serving.

Chicken soup with rice and vegetables is another well-known broth-based dish, and by the number of ingredients it is by far the most complex of all the above. It all depends on the exact proportions. Our calculation is based on a recipe where 400 grams of chicken thighs, 150 grams of potatoes, 3 tablespoons of rice, as well as one medium onion and carrot are taken for 2 liters of water. Due to the fact that a significant part of the dish is low-calorie vegetables, the energy value is very small - about 37 kcal. All components of BJU slightly increase their share, but not so significantly: there are 2.8 grams of proteins here, 1.5 grams of fats, and a little more than 3 grams of carbohydrates.

Application in dietary nutrition

Although chicken broth is perceived by many as too fatty, and therefore poorly compatible with weight loss, in fact, nutritionists often advise including it in the diet for weight loss. The meaning of its use lies in the fact that although it does not contain a huge amount of useful components, they are absorbed almost instantly and in full, due to which the body does not feel weakened. An additional deception for the brain also lies in the fact that the stomach is full, therefore, it seems that you don’t feel like eating, however, most of the volume is ordinary water. Since such a product is still not just water and is able to give the body a lot of benefits, it is often included in various diets.

There are two things to be understood here. Firstly, you can still eat broth once, but you won’t be full of it all the time, and even if you don’t feel like eating anymore, the body simply cannot get everything it needs from this product alone. This means that the diet still needs to be diversified by adding at least fresh vegetables or fruits, or even meat from the same broth. Secondly, experts can recommend diet for weight loss on a relatively lean broth, while the broth, on the surface of which pieces of fat literally float, will not help to achieve the goal at all.

If you really like this simple dish, and you are ready to try to lose weight thanks to the regular use of its light versions, pay attention to a few not-so-obvious tips that will help reduce the final calorie content of the product:

  • it is necessary to remove the foam from the broth, since it is in it that everything harmful is collected, and after all, toxins and toxins usually contribute to weight gain, and not vice versa;
  • draining the first water after boiling is largely due to the same reasons as removing the foam, in addition, most of the fat usually remains in the same first broth;
  • for the ease of the finished broth, it is necessary that the meat be significantly less than water - usually the proportion should be at least 1: 2, but the advantage in favor of water can be much more significant;

Calorie broth: 15 kcal*
*average value per 100 grams, depends on the basis on which the broth is prepared

Broths are concentrated liquids containing extractives, aromatics, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates extracted from raw foods.

Calorie content of broths from different bases

The nutritional value of a dish depends mainly on the fat content of the products and their quantitative ratio with water. The less water and more meat or fish, the richer and more nutritious the extracts will be.

The basis for the preparation of homemade concoctions are:

  • meat of poultry, game, pork, lamb, beef;
  • lean fish, oily
  • mushrooms fresh, dried;
  • vegetables.

Pork, meat of domestic duck, goose are considered the fattest. Of the mushrooms, the white mushroom is the record holder for the amount of fat. Commercial fish include salmon, sturgeon, herring and others.

Examples of broths in ascending order of calories:

  • mushroom - 4.3;
  • vegetable - 14;
  • from lamb - 18;
  • fish - 26;
  • beef - 28;
  • pork - 40.

Different parts of the carcass of animals and birds have different energy value. For comparison, the calorie content of turkey breast (84) is 2 times higher than that of wings (168). Hence, different turkey broths will have different calorie content.

How many calories are in chicken broth

Chicken meat is considered a valuable dietary product. The average calorie content of chicken broth per 100 g is only 15 - 21 kcal. For the correct orientation of the calorie content of the finished dish, one must proceed from the energy value of different parts of the chicken. If there are only 90 kcal in the breast, then in chicken wings - 186 kcal, and in the skin - 212 kcal.

In terms of calories, chicken breast and fillet extract is the most beneficial.

You also need to know what nutrients, in what quantity, are part of raw meat. The amount of fat per 100 g of different parts of the chicken varies between 1.2 g (fillet) and 15.6 g (skin). There are no carbohydrates in any meat.

Broth calorie table per 100 ml

It is not necessary to spend time on an independent calculation of the energy value of ready meals. It is easier and faster to use the table below.

Diet soup broth

Navara is the basis for the preparation of many dietary soups: cereal, vegetable and meat puree soups. Strong meat extracts are necessary for debilitated patients to stimulate appetite, and mushroom extracts are used for reduced secretion of gastric juice.

Ear from marine fish is useful for lack of iodine in the body.

Vegetable decoctions include water-soluble vitamins, minerals, are indispensable for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and obesity. Any broths do not contain a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for the body. Therefore, they are not recommended for long-term use as independent dishes; soups are prepared on their basis. You can read about it in our publication.

Calorie content of chicken broth, the number 1 dish for people of all ages, is of more interest to us, the fair sex! Indeed, what could be tastier, healthier and lighter than a cup of chicken meat broth? However, is everything really “rosy” or can chicken broth not only help you lose weight, but also gain it? Is this dish effective for the treatment and prevention of colds? Let's figure it out together.

By the way, if you are interested in healthy, proper food, we recommend that you later look at our new article on the calorie content of boiled pasta!

The composition of the broth

This first dish of chicken meat contains so many useful substances that it becomes clear why it is included in the menu of those who have suffered a serious illness or surgery! Just look at this list:

  • selenium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • B-group vitamins.

And this is all your body can get without much time and physical costs!

Chicken broth calories

We note right away that answering the question “how many calories are in one hundred and 100 grams of chicken broth” is difficult. After all, this is of great importance:

  1. how many times you drained the water while cooking and poured a new one;
  2. with a closed or open lid, a decoction was prepared;
  3. how much water did you use for cooking;
  4. what part of the chicken did you make the soup from.

At the same time, the average The energy value of the broth is 15 calories.! Approximately this amount is contained in 100 grams of the finished dish. But, in some cases, you can get much more calories than the number mentioned above. That is why it is so important, before you start losing weight on a decoction, to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the product.

For example, broth made from fillets will have a minimum number of calories. This is not surprising, because this meat does not contain fat. It contains only protein. The breast, along with the bone and the skin that has not been removed, gives more fat, and therefore, the energy value of the finished dish will be higher. But from the wings and legs (or offal) you will get a very rich, but useless (literally) soup. Why? Yes, because in this case it will not contain the protein necessary for the human body at all.

How to reduce nutrition?

For those who decide to include chicken decoction in their menu, as they want to lose a couple of extra pounds, we recommend that you follow the advice of a nutritionist:

Chicken broth is known for its many health benefits. It is recommended to use it for some diseases, it is also considered less high-calorie than, for example, cooked from pork. On chicken broth, you can cook a lot of first courses, and with its use you can cook stewed main courses. Also, chicken broth is more often used in baby and diet food than any other.

This article will discuss in detail the issue of calorie content and nutritional value of chicken broth and dishes from it. The question of the benefits and harms of dishes on such a broth will also be considered, in addition, the question of how to influence the nutritional value of the finished dish will be consecrated.


Such a broth can really be very useful. In many cases, it is recommended to include it in the daily menu.

Chicken is known to be very rich in protein, and chicken fillet is one of the main ingredients of a protein diet. There is also a lot of protein in chicken broth - about 4.00 g. This means that 4% of the broth is protein (the rate is indicated based on 100 g). There are few carbohydrates and fats in chicken broth - 0.10 and 0.30 g, respectively.

A decoction of chicken meat is very rich in B vitamins, as well as elements such as copper, magnesium, iron, selenium and calcium. This product is highly digestible.

Calorie content of chicken broth

Chicken broth is a very low calorie food anyway, but the overall calorie content is very variable. Those who monitor the number of calories consumed or try to establish the nutritional value of the foods consumed often calculate the calorie content of various types of decoctions.

The number of calories in the broth can be different, even if it is cooked from the same type of meat. The table below shows the calorie content of some of their types.

The data in the table are given taking into account the fact that the amount of meat and water for preparing the broth was taken equal. The first column shows the body part of the chicken that was used in the preparation of the decoction, the second - the calorie content.

The calorie content of chicken broth can be increased if you cook it on necks or wings - bone broth is more nutritious than meat broth. In addition, broth without skin will be less caloric than cooked from meat with skin, but this difference is minimal, since it is only 2-3 units.

Dishes in chicken broth and their calorie content

As you can see, the number of calories in the broth is really minimal, so many dietary first courses can be cooked on it. However, their calorie content is also different and largely depends on the number and name of the products being laid. The thicker the first dish and the higher the calorie content of the products, the faster the nutritional value of the dish increases.

The table below describes the approximate calorie content of some first courses cooked in chicken broth. Calorie content is indicated based on 100 g of the finished dish. However, please note that the data in this table is approximate. The nutritional value of the soup will largely depend on the quantity, quality and nutritional value of the foods put into it, which means that it can easily change depending on the change in the ratio of the products in the soup or the change in their caloric content due to the method of cultivation and processing.

As can be seen from this table, it is necessary to calculate the calorie content of chicken broth soup taking into account the presence of meat and flour ingredients in the dish, since when using them, the nutritional value increases very quickly. However, such soups and borscht are also low-calorie, and this can be taken into account when compiling a menu or diet.

How is the nutritional value of soup calculated?

The data in the table on the calorie content of first courses are approximate, and, as noted above in the article, these data are only approximate. In some cases, there is a need or desire to know the nutritional value of the finished dish. How to calculate the number of calories in the finished soup yourself?

When boiled or otherwise prepared, foods lose weight. This does not apply to pasta and some cereals, which absorb moisture and thereby increase the mass of the finished product. However, with weight loss, the calorie content of the product remains the same (or changes slightly downward). What does it mean?

This means that when preparing even a complex first course, it is enough to know the calorie content and the amount of food to be laid (in grams), and after cooking, find out the mass of the finished dish. How to do it in practice?

  1. In order to calculate the nutritional value of the soup, it is necessary to have a scale and weigh the mass of each ingredient put into the pan. For the convenience of calculations, it is advisable to weigh the pot itself in which the soup will be cooked before starting cooking.
  2. Now you need to find the calorie content of each ingredient separately per 100 g and calculate the number of calories in the amount of product that was put into the soup (for example, vegetable oil per 100 g has 899 kcal, 25 g was used in the recipe. Calorie content of the oil put into the soup will be 25*899/100=224.75 units).
  3. Having found out how many kcal are contained in each ingredient in the amount in which it was used, you need to add the calorie content of all ingredients and thus get the total kcal figure for the entire dish.
  4. After preparing the dish, it, along with the pan, must be put on the scales. In this way, the weight of the soup and the pan together will be known.
  5. From this figure, you need to subtract the weight of the pan (it was weighed earlier), and thus get the mass of the finished soup.
  6. Knowing how many kcal are in the pan and what weight the soup takes, it is easy to find out the number of kcal per 100 g. This is done as follows: the number of kcal in the pan is multiplied by 100 and divided by the weight of the soup. For example, the weight of the finished soup with the saucepan was 3850 g. The saucepan weighs 850 g. 3850-850=3000 g of the soup itself. It contains 1500 kcal (total). The number of calories per 100 g will be: 1500*100/3000=50 units.
  7. Thus, the calorie content of this soup was 50 units per 100 g. Of course, in this example, the numbers are rounded, but following this algorithm, you can easily calculate the nutritional value of a chicken broth dish.

properties of chicken broth

Chicken broth has many beneficial properties that may be of particular interest to those who are recommended to use such a decoction due to their health condition. Among the properties of chicken broth are:

  • Improves bronchial patency, which should be noted as a useful property for colds and viral diseases;
  • When coughing - dilutes sputum, improves the process of coughing;
  • Lowers the acidity of gastric juice, which may be necessary for diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Contributes to the normalization of the work of the heart and vascular system;
  • Stimulates the recovery of the heart muscle due to the content of peptides.

The benefits of chicken broth and dishes cooked on it

As you know, chicken broth contains a large amount of extractives. When cooking meat, they mostly turn into a decoction. Having medicinal properties, they stimulate the production of gastric and bile juices, and also stimulate the pancreas.

Also, such a decoction normalizes the process of digestion of food and thus increases appetite. Due to its beneficial properties, it is allowed to use it quite early after operations performed on the organs of the abdominal cavity and digestive system.

The harm that the product can do to the body

In some diseases, the same extractive substances may not be beneficial, but, on the contrary, harmful. Such diseases can be:

If you have these or related diseases, you should consult your doctor about the use of chicken decoction and dishes from it. In some cases, its use is contraindicated, in others it is limited or not recommended. In any case, whether to establish a strict diet in this particular case should be decided by a specialist.

How to lower energy value and reduce calories: ways and methods

To reduce the calorie content and nutritional value of chicken broth, you can use some methods. They will also help get rid of harmful accumulations that could be in chicken meat. Here are just a few of them:

  1. After the water boils, it should be drained, and pour the chicken meat with clean cold water and continue the cooking process. The fact is that many harmful substances and most of the fat go into the first water. By draining this water, you can achieve a decrease in the nutritional value of the broth.
  2. When boiling water with chicken meat, a lot of foam is usually formed. This is a soluble protein, but many of the harmful substances that were contained in meat also dissolve in it. Therefore, the foam, especially after the first boil, must be removed. If after the first removal of the foam it again formed a lot, the procedure should be repeated. Also, this simple action will help keep the broth clear and prevent cloudiness (this rule should be especially followed when cooking jellied chicken).
  3. The calorie content of the broth is usually calculated taking into account the ratio of meat and water 1:1. However, if the amount of water is at least twice the amount of meat, the calorie content of the broth will noticeably decrease. Thus, to prepare a less calorie broth, you should take as much water as possible and as little meat as possible.
  4. Most of the fat in the broth comes from the transition from the skin and fat of the chicken. Therefore, when preparing broth with a reduced calorie content, all veins and skin (and even more so the fat itself) should be removed. Less high-calorie will be broth cooked on a clean fillet.
  5. If the broth is cooked not only on the fillet, but also on the bones, it should not be cooked for long. With prolonged cooking, the broth may become heavier and more suitable for cooking jelly, but this will negatively affect the preparation of dietary dishes.

You will find a simple recipe for classic chicken broth in the following video:

As you can see, chicken broth is a dish that has many properties, however, in some situations, they are quite contradictory. Its calorie content is low, as, in fact, dishes from it. Knowing how to calculate the nutritional value of chicken broth dishes, it is easy to create a menu based on calories. However, before including chicken broth in your daily diet, you should study the issue of contraindications and precautions.

In contact with

Chicken broth is not only an appetizing dish, but also a kind of cure for certain diseases. It quickly satisfies hunger, keeps the feeling of satiety for several hours and at the same time does not overload the stomach. And the relatively low calorie content of chicken broth allows you to include it in the diet of a person on a diet.

Chicken broth contains many useful elements and minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, copper. If you add fresh vegetables to it, the bouquet of valuable components will become more voluminous. Golden broth is advised to be used by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the postoperative period, with bone fractures and not only.

Chicken broth without additives (only meat and water) has a calorie content of 20 to 200 kcal per 100 grams. This fluctuation is primarily due to the use of different parts of the carcass. The most "heavy" in terms of energy indicators are the skin and fat. Therefore, it is better to use breast (white meat) for dietary broth.

The broth from the breast will be less caloric, approximately 20-30 kcal per hundred grams. But the same dish from the drumstick is several times larger than the previously given indicators. If you do not have the opportunity to replace this part of the chicken, we recommend cooking it without the skin. The skin is best cut just before cooking.

Not the last role is played by the ratio of meat and water. The more meat you use, the richer and, accordingly, the more nutritious the soup will be. If the use of this dish is not due to problems with the body, but to normal nutritional needs, add vegetables or cereals to it. Very often, housewives cook chicken soup with vermicelli. So, of course, tastier, but also much more high-calorie.

To find out the calorie content of chicken broth with different additives, you need to calculate the energy value of each component (for a specific mass that goes into the dish) and add up all the numbers.

The following information will help you with this:

  • carrots - 32 kcal / 100 grams;
  • onion - 41 kcal;
  • celery - 32 kcal;
  • white rice -344 kcal;
  • dry vermicelli - 337 kcal.

This is a list of products that are most often used to make soup. But you can after all replace them in order to reduce the energy value. For example, instead of white rice, take brown, its calorie content is slightly less. Or boil the broth with durum wheat vermicelli. And of course, if possible, prepare a decoction of the breast.

One note: initially you take into account the energy value of raw foods. But during heat treatment, some of the water evaporates, and the ingredients are boiled down. This affects the total calorie content of the dish, so the figures you get will not be accurate to units.

Cooking method

The calorie content of the decoction also depends on how it is prepared. Everyone knows the concept of "first broth". If you want to get a low-fat product, then the water in which the chicken boiled must be drained.

With it, extra calories and all the harmful substances contained in raw meat will go away. After that, the drumstick or breast must be washed again, poured with cold water and simmered for about an hour. But if you are using a bone-in chicken part, then you should not cook it for a long time.

It is also necessary to remove the foam when the broth begins to boil. If this is not done, the color and taste will deteriorate, and all harmful substances will remain in the finished product. If you are using a homemade chicken, you can skip this step, but with an incubator-raised chicken, there is something to be concerned about.

As we can see, you can eat a pure broth and get a lot of calories, or you can cook a full-fledged soup with rice, vermicelli or even an egg and not disturb the dietary balance.

Make a broth with vermicelli and vegetables, but remember to watch your calories, especially if you're on a diet. Properly cooked meat and the optimal amount of other products will allow you to get a completely dietary dish with a minimum energy value. A small portion (150-200 grams) of broth will not only not harm the figure, but will also raise vitality and mood.
