
Broth for pho soup. Soup Pho is a national Vietnamese dish.

Appearing in the 20s of the twentieth century in a colonial country, Pho soup changes its specifics by region. In the north, it is served with wider noodles, lots of green onions and a minimum of aromatic additives, southerners prefer it sweeter - with fresh herbs (basil, mint, cilantro) and bean sprouts.

In addition to the option on the broth with pieces of beef or chicken, Pho soup is boiled with fish, seafood, and rice flour noodles are also added. Let's take the risk of trying overseas food at home, especially since grocery chains contribute to this. Vietnamese Pho soup recipe with chicken is sure to be on the list of favorite and cozy homemade soups.

Cooking time: 90 minutes / Number of servings: 3-4


  • chicken (parts with bone) 600 g
  • rice noodles 300 g
  • ginger root 30 g
  • chili pepper 1 pc.
  • celery root 30 g
  • garlic 1/2 pc.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • lemon 1/2 pc.
  • cilantro, green onion to taste
  • star anise, cinnamon, salt, fish sauce to taste

How to make Pho Chicken Soup

In Asia, broth - beef or chicken - is boiled for a long time, about six hours or more. Together with the meat, all offal is thrown onto the bones. Pho tails with veins, offal are boiled for maximum concentration and rich aroma of soup. In my adapted chicken thigh and drumstick recipe. If you use only lean bird fillet, the desired richness will not work. Therefore, we lower a clean carcass, cut into large pieces or quarters, into boiling about 1.5 liters of water, then load the roots - carrots (whole or diced, like mine, filter anyway), a fragment of celery root, garlic cloves, spices ( star anise and cinnamon stick), ginger and onions, a few branches of fresh cilantro, you can bay leaf. I read that in some regions, cut ginger root and onion are pre-charred. It gilds the brew and additionally flavors. My onions and ginger spent 15 minutes under the grill in a hot oven before being boiled and then were thrown into the broth.

With a low boil, cook chicken broth for Pho soup for at least one and a half hours. Indeed, spices and charred additives impregnate not only with a strong smell, but also color. During this time, the chicken meat itself separates from the bones, and shiny puddles of fat float on the surface. Salt, pepper if necessary, drip fish sauce, try. We catch the chicken and disassemble the soft, sprawling meat, put it in a separate container or immediately distribute it into portioned bowls. Before pouring, be sure to pass the hot and tasty-smelling liquid through a fine sieve - filter and remove all debris.

15-20 minutes before the end of cooking chicken broth, we are simultaneously engaged in rice noodles. Read the instructions carefully, there may be discrepancies in the preparation technology or recommendations. In any case, the rice flour noodles are first dipped in cold water, I kept it for 10 minutes, as indicated on the package.

We drain the cold water and transfer the slightly swollen rice noodles into boiling water (not into the broth!, another saucepan). Boil the recommended 4 (for me) minutes. We discard in a colander, like other pasta, rinse, shake well - let's get rid of excess moisture.

All difficulties behind. It remains to fill the plates. It can be mixed, it can be laid out in segments - part is occupied by tender chicken meat, part is given to snow-white rice noodles. And then rich fragrant-spicy-spicy strained broth, pour it.

Then we act according to our own taste - squeeze as much lemon juice as we want and love, pour it directly into Pho soup, cut off a couple of circles of lemon for decoration, chop fresh cilantro, feathers of a juicy green onion, a little hot chili.

Serve homemade Pho soup to the table well warm or hot. Bon appetit!

Now everyone can afford to relax in Vietnam! Low prices for housing and food, a huge number of interesting places and attractions, warm sea and cozy resort towns - all this attracts tourists from all over the world. And of course one of the main attractions is Vietnamese cuisine.

Soup pho is a traditional Vietnamese dish.

Soup Pho has long won the hearts of not only the Vietnamese, but the whole world. Vietnamese cuisine became popular and widely known primarily thanks to him, since numerous emigrants from this country cooked it wherever they were, and shared the recipe and the secret of cooking with everyone. According to CNN, it is included in the list of the 50 most delicious dishes in the world.

The small homeland of this dish is Hanoi, namely its north - Nam Dinh. For the first time, such a Vietnamese soup became known at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 1920s, a restaurant opened in Hanoi that specialized in pho. Europeans discovered this dish for themselves by reading the cookbook "Recipes of the Peoples of the World" by Ms. Morphy in 1935.
Pho soup has three varieties: pho with beef (pho-bo), pho with chicken (fo-ga) and pho with fish balls or pieces of fried fish (fo-ka). Initially, pho soup began to be cooked with beef, and only with time did various variations of this dish appear. This captures the influence of French colonization. Until that time, cows in Vietnam were considered exclusively working animals. Their meat was not used in writing.
The “purely Vietnamese” ingredient in this soup is rice noodles. Without it, pho soup is impossible. It differs from other types of noodles in that it is almost transparent, it does not need to be boiled (it is enough to pour boiling water over it), and it does not include gluten.

How to make pho soup? Its preparation will not take you much time, and the process of its preparation is no more difficult than our usual soup with noodles or buckwheat.
So, to make pho soup, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Beef meat (the best is the leg, here the meat is the softest) - 500-800 gr.
2. Onions - 2-3 pieces.
3. Rice noodles - 300-400 gr.
4. Lemon - 1 piece.
5. Salt
6. Black pepper
7. Ginger (3-4 cm root)
8. Lemongrass (1 teaspoon)
9. Green onions
10. Cilantro

First you need to cook the broth. This is the most time-consuming and lengthy stage of preparation. Pour the meat with water, bring to a boil. After the broth boils, add salt, pepper, lemongrass and ginger. At the very end - onions.

When the meat is ready, take it out and cut into thin layers. Dip the noodles in boiling water and cook until medium done. Keep in mind that it cooks much faster than our usual wheat noodles.
After all the ingredients are ready, put the noodles in a bowl, put the chopped meat on top, pour everything with broth and decorate with herbs.

Pho soup is a classic of Vietnamese cuisine. This dish appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in the north of Vietnam and gradually became popular all over the world. Every Vietnamese family prepares pho bo in its own way. But there are also classic recipes that are widely used in restaurants, including abroad.

Soup pho bo

Pho bo is one of the most popular versions of pho soup and is in fact a synonym for it. It consists of a rich beef broth, foul noodles, onion, cilantro, bean sprouts, basil and a variety of spices. Chili pepper, star anise, anise, cinnamon, cloves - this is not a complete set of seasonings for aromatic soup. Always hot and spicy, it not only satiates, but also gives strength for the whole day.

There are such types of pho:

  • northern (pho bak);
  • southern (for us).

Southern has a sweeter and spicier taste, as well as the addition of hoisin sauce. The northern opposite is prepared with a small amount of exotic spicy ingredients.

At the beginning of the last century in Vietnam, pho soup was carried by street vendors on special yokes. On one side was a vessel of beef and noodles, and on the other was a charcoal brazier. Since then, little has changed. Pho bo is still mostly sold on the streets, where the Vietnamese themselves eat it starting at six in the morning.

Vietnamese breakfast can take days to cook, and this is not an exaggeration. They cook it in large pots, because the Vietnamese practically do not eat at home and buy food mainly in restaurants or street cafes. A plate of national soup costs only 1-3 dollars, which is available not only for tourists, but also for the inhabitants of the country of dragons and fairies themselves.

Varieties: pho bo, pho ga, pho ca

phở bò - beef noodle soup
phở gà - chicken soup

Pho soup with chicken

The famous pho has many varieties. The classic pho bo is always made with beef. Boiled or half-baked meat is poured into the broth, which is cut into thin slices. Soup with boiled water carpaccio is ordered less frequently than with ordinary boiled beef. There is also a combined version, which is considered the most delicious.

Another variation - pho ga - is prepared with chicken. Chicken broth cooks much faster than beef broth - in just an hour. At the same time, chicken fillet is cooked in the oven, which is then cut and added to the soup. The rest of the recipe is completely identical. The finished dish is seasoned with plenty of greens and hot sauce in the same way.

Another type of soup is pho ca. It is made on a traditional meat or fish broth, but seafood, in particular shrimp and octopus, is added at the end. Lemongrass stalks are very suitable for the fish version of pho, as well as traditional spices: star anise, ginger, cloves, peppercorns. If the soup is made on the basis of fish, then the broth is cooked for no more than an hour. Fish pho ca is considered the lowest calorie of all types of Vietnamese specialty. It is ordered with pleasure by tourists who are looking for exotic cuisine and have already tried the classic version - pho bo soup.

Specifics of preparation and use

The main thing in pho soup is, of course, the ingredients. The meat is chosen very carefully, as after cooking it should be soft and easy to cut. Beef is bought for cooking (for example, the thigh or muscles of the hind leg of a cow, as well as the marrow bones).

Soup main ingredients:

  • beef (350 g);
  • rice noodles (300 g);
  • one bulb;
  • ginger root;
  • a bunch of cilantro, green onions;
  • bean sprouts (30 g);
  • lime or lemongrass;
  • spices (cinnamon, saffron, cloves, 3 star anise, etc.);
  • fish, spicy and other types of sauces.

Real pho is brewed with black cardamom, star anise and, oddly enough, cinnamon, which add a special flavor note to meat broth. It is believed that pho soup should have at least five smells. The more unexpected combinations, the better. In addition to cinnamon, the Vietnamese boldly throw fennel, hot chili peppers (without seeds), and other oriental seasonings into the broth. They are specially lightly fried without oil, just like onions and ginger to add flavor and beautiful color.

Rice noodles are bought ready-made. It is called noodle-fo or ban-fo. If you can manage to buy fresh noodles instead of the dry noodles that are sold in supermarkets, then the taste of the dish can be much better.

Another unexpected ingredient is sugar. It is used for the southern version of pho and added directly to the broth, and in a fairly large volume - up to 50 g. The broth is considered ready when the meat is well behind the bone.

Serving Secrets

The dish is served in the north and south of Vietnam - the same way. First, boiled rice noodles are placed on a plate in a pile. On it, onion rings and chopped meat are laid out, and then chopped green onions and cilantro. Then everything is poured with boiling broth, after which sprouted beans, spices, garlic, fish and other types of sauces are added.

As mentioned above, the meat in the soup is served in two forms: well-cooked and half-cooked. In the second case, the meat is first placed in a saucepan and kept in a hot broth for literally a minute. After that, it is put into the finished soup.

In real pho soup, there is not much liquid - the basis of the dish is noodles, which take up most of the plate. The Vietnamese joke that for them it is both the first and the second dish at the same time. Such an unusual soup is eaten with traditional wooden sticks. Most of the liquid is absorbed into the noodles, and the rest is drunk from the bowl, as from a regular cup.

A ripe lime is always added to pho bo in southern Vietnam. It is cut into large slices and served separately with soup. Sometimes a couple of drops of red hot sauce are poured into the broth, so that it turns red. They eat soup in Vietnam very early - from 6-8 in the morning. The soup is served in large or small bowls, and you can always order toppings.

Vietnamese pho soup recipe

Real pho requires rice noodles.

Pho soup is not difficult to make, but you need to spend time looking for the ingredients and boiling the meat broth, which takes at least two to three hours to cook.

Having bought the products, let's start cooking:

Step 1. Cooking meat broth. Place beef bones in boiling water and cook over medium heat. The first broth is drained after boiling. Next, the water is changed, the bones are washed, soft beef is added, which will then be cut into a ready-made soup.

Step 2. Boil pho noodles according to the recipe on the package. Next, rinse it in plenty of running water. If you rinse poorly, the noodles will start to stick together and ruin the whole dish.

Step 3. Cut the onion into rings and fill with water. Finely chop also green onions and thin beef (if you plan to add scalded meat to the soup). Add cilantro, mint, basil, red chili (no seeds).

Step 4. Put the noodles in a bowl. Add onion and all chopped ingredients.

Step 5. Pour everything with boiling meat broth. Add bean sprouts, onion, herbs to taste, fish sauce. You can sprinkle the finished soup with lime.

The cooking time of the broth is different for each housewife, but the more the meat is simmered, the better. Secret ingredients at this stage: roasted ginger, licorice root, anise. You can also add a couple of tablespoons of fish sauce to the broth itself, which has a rather specific taste.

The Vietnamese have their own secrets for making soup.

Pho noodles, for example, are boiled in boiling water only until medium done. Then it is washed in hot and cold water so that it becomes elastic and shiny.

To make soup, onions are not fried in oil, as is customary in Russia. The onion is cut into two halves and kept on the grill for a minute, and then the charred one is lowered into the broth. Oil is not used at all - this is the rule for making Vietnamese soup.

To make the carpaccio perfect, it is actually turned into minced meat, smeared on a cutting board. Thanks to this, the meat instantly changes color as soon as it enters the boiling broth.

Each country has its own specifics for preparing pho. For example, in France it is made with meatballs, and in the USA - with chicken. In Russia, instead of rice noodles, ordinary ones are sometimes used, and in Thailand, shrimp are often added to the finished broth. To decide which option suits you best, you need to cook pho yourself at least once.

Soup pho bo Quite widely known and this wonderful first course is original and versatile, satisfying and healthy. Many professional chefs consider it an ideal option, allowing you to make the first acquaintance with the national cuisine of this country. The broth, cooked with spices, acquires a very unusual taste. By the way, you can prepare the broth in advance (as some Vietnamese do), and then the cooking itself will take no more than 15-20 minutes

Pho is the most famous Vietnamese dish. It was invented at the beginning of the 20th century in the northern part of Vietnam by Chinese street vendors. Gradually, Pho soup became popular throughout the country. Now it is part of the culture, national self-identification; Poems and philosophical treatises are written about pho. Every family, every restaurant has its own special recipe for pho. Thanks to the Vietnamese diasporas, pho is cooked all over the world. OMJ publishes instructions on how to make this soup at home.

Traditional Pho soup

There are many variations of Pho soup, but one of the most popular is Pho Bo, which has three main ingredients:

  • pho noodles,
  • meat,
  • bouillon.

Pho in professional kitchens is prepared by hand, at home you can use ready-made noodles bought in a store. For Pho Bo, a type of Pho with beef, that is, the most traditional version, only the muscles of the back leg of the cow are used, since this part has more tenderloin and the meat is softer.

Pho Bo soup is traditionally served with lemon, fresh pepper (or lychee sauce), bean sprouts and salad as an accompaniment.

Specifics of preparation and use

Like shchi for rgaspacho for a Spaniard, lagman for an Uzbek, and pho soup is the main first dish for any Vietnamese. A plate of soup gives energy and energizes for the whole working day (many Vietnamese prefer to eat this dish in the morning - but this is not important). It is served not only in restaurants, but also on the street - pouring portions from large pots.

According to statistics, the soup is one of the most bought in the world: the third place after miso and minestrone. And to cook it yourself, you need to buy ingredients available in any supermarket or market, which are inexpensive. Of the cooking features: they make the dish mainly based on beef, but some people cook pho soup with chicken. Beef, for example, can be both boiled and raw, cut into small thin slices, which reach readiness, filled with boiling broth (cooked with anise, ginger, and other spices). Rice noodles are used for the dish. By the way, some seafood can also be used as additives.

Pho bo soup is prepared according to a Vietnamese recipe.

There are 3 types of similar dishes:

  • Pho bo - with beef,
  • Pho ha - with chicken
  • Pho ka - with fish.

Today I bring to your attention the classic Vietnamese soup Pho, which is loved by all Europeans - with well-cooked beef. A classic northern Vietnamese recipe, Pho soup is made from rice noodles with plenty of green and onion, and served with herbs and lime.

Pho soup, along with Miso and Minestrone, is one of the three most popular first courses in world cuisine.

The mysterious taste of a rich and unusually fragrant dish won the hearts of many gourmets.

The history of the origin of soup goes back centuries and is shrouded in many mysteries and secrets. But, despite this, the dish can be easily prepared at home and surprise relatives with culinary knowledge.

Pho Soup - General Cooking Principles

The basis of the dish is a rich broth. The classic recipe uses beef for its preparation. There are also several options for cooking Pho with fish, poultry and seafood. In Vietnam, the dish is often served with raw, thinly sliced ​​pieces of meat. But we will not take risks, and we will subject all products to heat treatment.

What else is Pho soup made of:

rice noodles;

Fish sauce;

Hot peppers;

Soy sauce;


Particular attention in the Vietnamese dish is given to spices: different types of pepper, coriander, cinnamon, cloves. Ideally, a ready-made mixture is used, which is also called Pho. But you can replace it with individual ingredients, ready-made sauces.

Recipe 1: Classic Beef Pho Bo Soup

Recipe for classic beef pho soup. Ideally, in addition to meat, you will need an oxtail and a marrow bone for cooking. It is these ingredients that give richness to the broth - the basis of the soup.


800 grams of beef sternum;

500 grams of oxtail;

One brain bone;

2 onions;

20 grams of ginger;

One parsnip;

1 jalopeno pepper;

Spices pho (cinnamon, cloves, anise);

20 grams of Thai fish sauce;

Green cilantro, basil.


1. We thoroughly wash the bones and the oxtail, fill it with water and boil for 10 minutes. Then we drain all the liquid, wash the meat again. Add beef brisket. Fill with water and cook for an hour.

2. Peel the onion and ginger, cut into several pieces, add pho spices and heat in the oven or on the grill for 10 minutes. Then add to the broth in the pan and continue cooking.

3. After another hour, add parsnips and fish sauce. Stir, boil for half an hour. We take out the beef breast, catch the vegetables and leave the broth to cook for another 2 hours with the oxtail and marrow bone.

Wrap the cooled beef in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

5. Cut greens, lime, pepper, remaining onion.

6. Strain the broth, salt and pepper. We pick the meat from the tail and arrange on plates.

7. Cut the beef from the refrigerator into large but thin plates. Also put on a plate. Add pepper, herbs, lime slices. You can add some soy sauce if you like.

8. Pour hot broth over and serve.

Recipe 2: Pho Soup with Rice Noodles and Beef

This recipe calls for rice noodles to make pho soup. Do not try to replace it with regular pasta or spaghetti, it will turn out completely different.


1.5 kg of beef bones;

1.5 kg beef tenderloin;

700 grams of rice noodles;

½ hot pepper;

400 grams of soy sprouts;

5 cloves of garlic;

5 bulbs;

Parsley, lettuce, cilantro;

Soy sauce.


1. Cook strong beef broth from meat products and 3.5 liters of water. Add onion, chopped hot pepper. Then we filter the broth, cut the pulp into pieces, return to the broth. Throw away the bones.

2. Put the broth on the stove again, season with soy sauce, spices, add chopped garlic and soy sprouts.

3. Dip rice noodles in boiling water for 15 seconds, then rinse with cold water.

4. Cut the lettuce and the rest of the greens.

5. Put rice noodles, greens, lime slices in a plate and pour broth with beef slices.

Recipe 3: Pho Ga Soup with Chicken

A lighter version of Vietnamese pho soup that cooks much faster than the classic version. It is advisable to use poultry or farm poultry, which will give a good fat. In addition to chicken, you can similarly use a turkey or other poultry, but not very fatty. The essence of the dish is in a rich, boiled broth without fat.


Big chicken;


A piece of ginger, the size of half a finger;

a pinch of cinnamon;

Soy sauce;

2 stars of carnation;

2 onions;

chili pepper.


1. We wash the carcass well inside and out. Fill with cold water to just cover the bird. Add onions cut into 4 parts, carrots cut into large washers and cook for 30 minutes. When boiling, remove the foam, periodically get rid of the fat on the surface.

2. After half an hour, add chopped hot peppers, thin rings of ginger, cloves, cinnamon to the pan and cook until fully cooked for about another hour.

3. We take out the bird from the broth, cool it, free the meat from the bones and arrange it on plates.

4. We filter the broth through a sieve to get rid of boiled vegetables and spices. Then season to taste with salt, soy sauce, cinnamon.

5. Pour chicken dishes with fragrant broth, sprinkle generously with herbs and serve. For spiciness, you can add more pepper, capsicum or ground. For flavor, put a slice of lemon.

Recipe 4: Vietnamese Pho Ka Soup with Fish

More precisely, with fish balls. Absolutely any fish can be used to prepare the national pho soup. But preferably one that does not have a large number of bones, as you will need to cook minced meat.


2 kg of fish;

200 grams of rice noodles;

Soy sauce;

2 onions;


green onions;

A raw egg;

Any oil;


1. Cut the fish into fillets. We put the heads, fins, bones, ridge in a pan. Pour cold water, add chopped onion, pepper and boil for 50 minutes. Then we filter, season with soy sauce.

2. Grind the fillet with a meat grinder, add salt, egg. If the stuffing turned out to be liquid, then you can pour a little rice flour.

3. We form meatballs from minced meat, fry in oil in a pan.

4. Boil the noodles for 15 seconds, rinse.

5. Arrange fish balls, noodles on plates, add greens, a slice of lemon and pour boiling broth over the contents. Serve hot.

Recipe 5: Seafood Pho Soup

This soup conquers with its unusual aroma, and is popular in world cuisine. In Vietnam, it is prepared for breakfast and consumed early in the morning. It is believed that such a beginning of the day promises only good. From seafood you will need shrimp, mussels, squid, you can take an octopus.


400 grams of seafood;

150 grams of rice noodles;

A piece of ginger, the size of a little finger;

Hot peppers;

Green onions and cilantro;

5 peppercorns;

Carnation asterisk;


2 cloves of garlic;



1. We clean the onion, ginger, carrot and raw shrimp.

2. Cut onions, carrots, ginger and fry in a pan. Put in a saucepan, add shrimp shells and boil for 30 minutes. We filter.

3. Put all the seafood, peppercorns, chopped spicy pod, cloves into the broth and boil until tender.

4. Boil the noodles separately, arrange on plates.

5. We take out the seafood, send it to the noodles. We filter the broth, salt, pour the contents of the plates.

6. Sprinkle the soup with chopped green onions, cilantro. Garlic and put a slice of lemon. You can use lime in the same way.

Recipe 6: Pho Soup with Fried Fish

Another variation of pho soup with fish. For cooking, you will need two types of product - selected pieces of fish for frying and non-liquid parts for broth. The broth will turn out to be more saturated if you use heads, tails, fins.


2 kg of fish for broth;

500 grams of selected fish for frying;

150 grams of rice noodles;

A piece of ginger;

green onions;

spice mix;

Fish sauce;

Flour for breading;


1. We wash the fish pieces for the broth, pour cold water, boil for 2 minutes. Drain the broth. We wash the fish well again, fill it with clean water, add onion, ginger and cook for an hour.

2. Strain the broth, salt, season with pepper, aromatic spices and fish sauce. We pick the pulp from the bones, add to the soup.

3. Boil the rice noodles, rinse and arrange on plates.

4. Cut the selected pieces of fish into small pieces, about 3-4 cm each. Then salt, you can sprinkle with any spices, roll in flour and fry in oil in a pan. We also arrange on plates. For each serving 3-4 pieces.

5. Add chopped green onions, a slice of lemon or lime.

6. Fill with hot broth.

Recipe 7: Pho Soup with Rice and Sprouted Beans

To prepare Vietnamese pho soup, it is not necessary to use noodles, you can put rice. It is better if it is unpeeled and long. You will also need sprouted beans, which are often used in the national cuisine of Vietnam. To prepare, you just need to pour the washed beans with water, stand for two days until sprouts appear.


900 grams of beef;

100 grams of sprouted beans;

150 grams of rice;

2 onions;

20 grams of ginger;


Green onion;

Bay leaf;


Cinnamon, mint, lemon - to taste.


1. Fill the beef with water, add the whole onions, 5 peppercorns, ginger and cook for 2.5 hours. Then we put a bay leaf and turn it off. We filter the broth, cool the meat.

2. Separately, boil long rice, rinse well, drain the water. Divide into bowls.

3. Grind the chili pepper. You can simply cut or scroll with a blender, put in the broth, salt and mix.

4. Cut the chilled beef into slices, put in a bowl with rice.

5. Add sprouted beans.

6. Chop green onions. If desired, add a mint leaf, a circle of lemon, a little cinnamon. We send to other ingredients.

7. Fill with broth and you can serve.

Recipe 8: Pho Soup with Mushrooms

An exotic first course made from Vietnamese tree mushrooms. But with a shortage, you can take any other, pickled or fresh. It turns out great with champignons, oyster mushrooms.


1 kg of beef;

400 grams of mushrooms;


Soy sauce;

20 grams of ginger;


Spices, herbs.


1. Cut the onion into 4 parts, ginger and carrots in circles. Fry in a pan for a minute and throw into the pan. Add chopped beef, pour water and cook a rich broth. Then we filter, cool the meat and put it in the freezer.

2. Cut the mushrooms into slices, fry in a pan until almost cooked. If a pickled product is used, then this step can be skipped.

3. Add salt, fried mushrooms to the broth, boil for 10 minutes. At the end, add other spices: pepper, coriander, bay leaf.

4. Take out the frozen beef, cut into thin slices, put in plates. Drizzle with a teaspoon of soy sauce.

5. Put the chopped greens, pour the broth with mushrooms and serve. If desired, you can put a slice of lemon, basil, cilantro leaves and mint.

To prevent a rich broth from becoming cloudy, do not let the soup boil actively. You can also cook a dish on the second and even third broth. To do this, the main product is poured with water, boiled for 10 minutes. Then the liquid is drained, pure boiling water, spices are added and the broth is prepared according to the recipe.

Greens intended for soup dressing can be pre-mashed with hands or a pestle along with lemon juice and salt. Such a fragrant additive will make the dish even tastier.

Rice noodles can not be boiled, but simply poured with boiling water, let stand for 3-4 minutes, then rinse under cold running water and drain excess liquid.

Instead of salt, soy sauce can be added to pho soup. With it, the first dish will be tasty, rich, the broth will get a dark color.

Pho soup is an original greeting from distant Vietnam. One of the elements of high exotic cuisine, which is offered in almost all self-respecting restaurants. At the same time, gourmets combine Pho mainly with Hanoi, where the first Pho restaurant was opened at the beginning of the last century. The main recipe is a rice noodle soup that can be topped with pieces of chicken, beef, or fried fish.

Pho Bo is commonly referred to as a beef-based dish, Pho Ga is made with chicken, and with fish, the recipe is known as Pho Ka. Despite relatively similarities with European beef soups, this is a characteristic dish of Asian cuisine with one of the types of basil growing in Asia, mint, lime fruits and, of course, sprouted mung beans.

Specialists in gastronomic culture find it difficult to determine the origin of the recipe. It is authentically known that Pho was prepared in the northern part of Vietnam. Considering the colonial period heavily influenced the culture of Vietnam, Pho is believed to be derived from the French word for fire.

The researchers emphasize that a purely European technique is used in Vietnamese Pho - fried onions. The same is true for the French soup potofé. It is no longer found in any Asian soup. One cannot but agree that modern Vietnamese Pho has much in common with Chinese fen soup, it includes rice noodles, cinnamon and star anise.

Chef's tip! Pho soup can be prepared at home, and it will not yield to the classic Vietnamese dish. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the original approach in the preparation of ingredients, which are given below in the form of master classes in Russian and English.

How to cook pho soup - 15 varieties

Pho Bak Basic Recipe - A Classic Nordic Beef Soup Base

Pho Bo is not often mentioned on the menu of Vietnamese eateries, where the original version, beef broth soup is served simply as Pho. Given the origin, there are still two varieties of Pho soup. They are commonly referred to as North and South. Pho Bak refers to basic Pho with a delicate flavor, rice noodles, meat and fresh onions. Pho Nam is served in the south. In addition to the traditional ingredients mentioned, it uses Thai basil and cilantro, lime, sprouted beans, chili and hoisin sauces, and sugar.

There is also a variety of BUN BO HUE with beef stew in wine, Pho Kho, in which soup and beef are served separately, Pho Hai San - with fish and seafood, as well as vegetarian Pho Chai. As you can see, there are only 9 known and named varieties. Also, each province has its own cooking option.

Pho Bak Basic Soup Ingredients:

  • tails - ½ kg;
  • ribs - ½ kg;
  • beef pulp - ½ kg;
  • onion - 0.2 kg;
  • ginger root - 100 g;
  • chili - 10 g;
  • coriander - ½ g;
  • fennel - ½ g;
  • cloves - 0.2 g;
  • star anise - 1 g;
  • black pepper - 1 g;
  • cane sugar (brown) - 10 g;
  • fish sauce - 10 ml.


The “second” broth is boiled in a 5-liter saucepan, a piece of meat is boiled together, then half-cooked meat is processed according to the technology described in the master class. Rice noodles and spices are added to the finished broth. This is done according to certain rules. Mint, basil, onion arrows, sprouted beans, chili peppers, mushroom or fish sauce are put in a semi-prepared soup. You can add spices and flavor enhancers as desired.

The proposed recipe is used by Vietnamese housewives and can be borrowed to make a real Asian soup at home. You can pamper loved ones with this soup or serve it to the festive table. It will look non-standard, and the taste is simply amazing.


  • beef marrow bones - 800 g;
  • beef pulp - 500 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • ginger;
  • shallot;
  • liquorice root;
  • anise;
  • cinnamon;
  • black peppercorns;
  • coriander;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • fish sauce - 2 tsp;
  • rice vermicelli - 0.5 kg;
  • onions and greens.


Boil the “second” broth with spices fried over a fire and cleaned of ashes. Then rice noodles are cooked, meat is cut into thin slices and laid out on portioned plates. Served with greens. We offer you a video master class of original cooking in Russian.

There is also an adapted European Pho soup, which is served in many Vietnamese eateries in Europe and other countries. The recipes used include the range of products available. The dish includes the virtues of all varieties of the original Pho. We offer you not only a recipe, but also a video master class, which shows the details of cooking.


  • brain bones and large joints - about 1 kg;
  • beef shoulder blade pulp - 500-800 g;
  • ginger - 50 g;
  • onion - 50 g;
  • fish sauce - 80 g (to taste);
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 2-3 cinnamon sticks;
  • anise - 4 stars;
  • cloves - 3 sticks;
  • salt and black ground pepper;
  • rice noodles - 500 g;
  • marbled meat - 300 g;
  • purple onion - 1 pc;
  • sprouted beans.


The broth is boiled on the brain bones with pre-baked ginger and onions. Add fish sauce and sugar to taste. Boil for 2-3 hours, removing the foam first. It is filtered. Then cinnamon, anise and cloves are added, boiled for another 40 minutes. Noodles are boiled, boiled and marbled raw meat is cut. Raw meat is poured directly into the plate with very hot broth. You can first quickly blanch it for 1-3 seconds on fire in the broth.

Watch video instruction:

Vietnamese Pho - how it is prepared in Vietnam

Now we invite you to see how the people of Vietnam cook the same soup. You can check how the Russian version is similar to the original.


  • 1 kg of beef;
  • brain bones - 0.8 kg;
  • 5-6 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • spices for baking: cloves, ginger, anise, cinnamon, onions;
  • rice noodles - 500 g.


Place the bones in a large saucepan with water. Boil and boil for 5-10 minutes, then drain the first broth and rinse. Then pour clean water, add sugar, salt, add a piece of meat, onions. Cut ginger, onion into slices into halves, bake on a fire or electric stove. Remove the ashes and add to the broth. Boil 90 minutes.

Then set aside the cooked meat, cut it into thin slices. The broth is not filtered, only the onion is taken out. Then you need to chop fresh onions and green onions, basil, prepare sprouted beans. Boil the noodles, put in a plate with slices of meat, pour over the broth and add greens.

This is covered in the video:

Pho Bo - how they cook in elite restaurants

We offer you a recipe for Pho Bo from the chef of the Moscow Saigon restaurant, Wang Gui. The recipe is distinguished by a wider range of spices that give a special taste and aroma.


  • beef 300 g;
  • bones - 800 g;
  • bulb onions;
  • ginger;
  • lemongrass;
  • green onions;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • rice noodles;
  • serving: lychee sauce, mint, cilantro, sprouted beans, red pepper.


Boil the bone broth with the Vietnamese herb mixture, then add the meat, lemongrass and ginger. Boil until done. Serve with noodles, meat slices and fresh seasonings.

Pho Ga - with chicken

No less famous is Pho Ga soup, this is the same soup in question, but with game. The taste is very unusual and delicious. The soup is made from homemade chicken.


  • domestic chicken;
  • spices: dried lemon peel, ginger, cinnamon, coriander, licorice root;
  • rice pasta;
  • basil;
  • onion;
  • green onions;
  • sprouted mung beans.


Boiled chicken broth with baked spices. Green onions are crumbled, onions are cut into slices and soaked in hot water. Boiled pasta. A plate with noodles, chicken slices, vegetables and herbs is served.

We offer a video on this topic:

Pho Ga - how they cook at home in Vietnam

Any popular recipe has different interpretations, so to understand the details, it is better to look at the original preparation of the national Vietnamese chicken soup.


  • chicken;
  • onion;
  • ginger;
  • green onion;
  • chicken seasoning;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • for baking: coriander roots and seeds, anise, ginger, cinnamon, onions;
  • chicken noodles - 500 g;


Rinse the chicken thoroughly, pull out the giblets, put ginger and onions inside, put in a pan with onions and boil, adding sugar, salt and chicken seasoning. While boiling, carefully remove the foam. Bake the spices on the fire, add after boiling to the broth, cook until tender. Coriander roots can be grown at home.

Serve in a plate with noodles, chicken pieces and greens (basil, onion, red pepper and others). Served with fresh herbs.

Video recipe:

It is customary to serve a business lunch with Pho Ga soup in elite restaurants. Chefs experiment with spices, add mushroom, soy or fish sauce. Basically, the key ingredient half-cooked beef is not used.


  • for salad: carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, chicken slices, red onion, soy sauce, sugar, Nuok Mam sauce;
  • Pho Ga soup;
  • Nem Myk (pancakes with pork);
  • French fries.


Served on a large platter: potatoes, salad, bowl of soup, pancakes.

This is another interesting variation of Pho soup with beef stew. Another recipe is also known, when beef is stewed in wine.


  • bones;
  • beef;
  • lemongrass;
  • bulb onions;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • seasoning based on red pepper;
  • rice noodles;
  • herbs, red pepper, sprouted beans, onions.


Boil until the initial readiness of the broth. The first water is drained, the bones are washed, then lemongrass beaten off with a rolling pin, a whole peeled onion is added. Cook until done for 90 minutes.

Cut the beef into slices. Then prepare a frying pan. First, stew the grated lemongrass and onion, add seasoning based on red pepper and sugar, vegetable oil. Then 1 ladle of broth is poured into the pan. The mixture is heated for 5 minutes, slices of beef are added. Served in broth with noodles and herbs.

Chef's tip! This recipe is often served with quick-cooked beef liver. The taste of fried meat is well emphasized by lime or lemon.

We offer you a video recipe:

Soup Pho in Vietnam, of course, is prepared with seafood. It turns out a peculiar taste with an amazing aroma.


  • steep beef broth;
  • spices;
  • shrimps;
  • greenery;
  • rice noodles.


Shrimps can be served in soup along with fish and other seafood. They can be additionally fried and stewed in sauce or deep-fried.

We offer you a video recipe:

Pho Soup with Seafood - Pho Hai San

There are a lot of varieties of the famous Vietnamese soup, but there are three main ones: with beef, chicken and seafood. We offer you one of the recipes with a sea cocktail.


  • seafood to choose from - 300 g;
  • star anise, ginger, cloves, peppercorns, lemongrass stalks;
  • green onions and cilantro;
  • lime;
  • hot pepper for serving;
  • rice noodles;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • salt and sugar.


We bake spices in the oven, wash seafood under water. The broth is cooked from all fish, shrimps, octopuses with the addition of spices and whole onions, carrots for about 1 hour. Then served with rice noodles, lemon, pepper, herbs and onions.

Chef's advice! Shrimps can be fried with garlic, this will give a spicy touch to the first course. The use of red onions and capsicum will make the dish elegant and festive.

Vegetarian Pho soup is made with broccoli and other vegetables. Traditional spices give a familiar taste.


  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • bulb onions;
  • seasonings: ginger, anise, cinnamon, coriander roots, star anise;
  • greens: basil, cilantro, green onions, tarragon, onions, mung beans;
  • rice noodles;
  • lychee sauce, mushroom seasoning;
  • soy sauce;
  • salt and sugar.


The broth is cooked in a similar way with a bone base, but broccoli and carrots are used as a filler. Mushroom seasoning is added to the broth. At the last stage, the noodles are boiled and served in a deep plate with herbs, poured with broth.

Chef's tip! Mushrooms fried with onions can be added to the soup, this will give an interesting taste that will resemble stewed beef soup.

Rice soup is very popular in Asia, a similar recipe to the original Pho can be found in China. We offer you this recipe.


  • ginger root - 200 g;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • rice noodles - 200-300 g;


Fry the ginger in a saucepan with soy sauce, then add the chicken fillet to it. Add enough water and noodles. Can be served with greens like original Pho.

Video lesson:

Red soup with beef is already an interpretation on the theme of Vietnamese soup. It is cooked in a similar way, only tomato is added additionally.


  • strong beef broth;
  • boiled beef;
  • rice noodles;
  • greenery.


Take the ready-made broth, add onion and tomato fried, boil noodles in it, serve with slices of beef.

Cooked in mushroom broth. It turns out rich, despite the lack of bones.


  • shiitake mushrooms;
  • rice noodles;
  • ginger;
  • garlic paste;
  • carrot;
  • oyster sauce.


Soak the mushrooms, then sauté them with carrots, ginger and garlic paste. Add water and cooked noodles to the mixture. Let it brew, seasoning with the aromas of oyster sauce.
