
Homemade bun: recipe. Sweet fluffy buns

Butter buns are very often present on our table. And how can you do without them if friends have come and you want to treat them to tea?

They love yeast dough buns for their airy structure and great taste.

And what they will look like depends only on the hostess, who decided to show off her culinary talent.

Some nuances of making pastry buns that you need to remember

How to make delicious buns to impress your guests. In a good way, of course. There are several secrets that will come in handy and that should be remembered.

Firstly, airy buns are obtained if dough was used for their preparation. This is a mixture of warm milk, yeast, a small amount of sugar and three to four tablespoons of sifted flour.

The dough is infused in a warm place for 15 minutes (if you have dry yeast at your disposal) or half an hour (if the yeast was pressed) and only then the rest of the room temperature ingredients are added to it.

The dough is considered ready when you notice a foamy “cap” of air bubbles on its surface. When the dough is kneaded and well behind the walls of the dishes, it is covered with a towel and set to rise for two hours.

During this time, you need to visit the test twice and knead it with your hands. After the third rise, the mass is spread on the work surface and buns or other pastries are formed.

Yeast buns are flavored with vanilla, extracts, citrus zest.

You can get buns with a glossy sheen by lubricating the surface with sugar water, milk or whipped yolk. The process is carried out before the baking is left in the oven.

Formed yeast buns (they can be with or without filling) are laid out on a baking sheet and given time to distance. Depending on the size of the pastry, you need to wait 15-30 minutes, and only then send it to the oven.

Some recipes for delicious pastries you have to learn today. All of them are not difficult, and you will find products if in the kitchen, then certainly in the nearest store.

Recipe for buns stuffed with poppy seeds

In a delicious sweet dough for buns, put:

half a kilogram of flour; some salt; a glass of milk; a spoonful of vanilla sugar; 7 art. spoons of sugar; dry yeast - a small bag; 100 g of oil; 1 egg.
The filling consists of: 100 g poppy seeds; 70 g is small; 180 g of sugar and one egg.

Recipe for sweet buns:

  1. Punch down the steam. Heat the milk, then add dry yeast, 2 tablespoons of flour and a spoonful of granulated sugar. Whisk the mixture until it is smooth and allow time to rise.
  2. When foam appears on the surface, continue kneading the dough, and first melt the butter.
  3. While it is cooling, beat the egg with the sugar, vanilla and salt.
  4. Pour flour into a bowl, make a funnel and send the egg mixture, liquid butter and brew there.
  5. Knead a soft sweet dough. If you need more flour, you can add, but not much. The main thing is that the yeast dough does not stick to your hands.
  6. Form a ball from the yeast dough, put it in a large saucepan and cover.
  7. After an hour, the mass will come up and be ready for the formation of blanks.
  8. Start preparing the filling by steaming poppy seeds. Pour poppy seeds, sorted and washed, into a deep plate with boiling water. Soak for 10 minutes under the lid, then drain the liquid, and crush the poppy seeds in a mortar. If you decide to do everything with a blender, things will go faster. Add sugar and mix well.
  9. Remove the risen yeast dough from the pan and divide in half.
  10. Roll out a layer 5 mm thick and brush with soft butter.
  11. Spread the poppy seed filling over the surface, smooth with a spatula and roll up the roll.
  12. Divide the roll into 2 cm wide rolls and place cut-side down on a baking sheet.
  13. Let the buns stand under a napkin for a quarter of an hour, and when they “grow up”, brush with a beaten egg.
  14. For full readiness, it will take 20 minutes if the oven was 200 degrees.

You can find recipes for baking with poppy seed filling on other pages of my site.

Sweet cinnamon bun recipe

Yeast sweet buns stuffed with ground cinnamon and sugar won't take up much of your time. Yeast sweet dough can be easily prepared from simple products, fortunately, the era of scarcity is far behind.

Baking received a second name - buns, and it turns out with a sweet crispy crust. You only need to follow my recommendations, time and kitchen appliances can do the rest for you.

Ingredients for making buns:

Half a glass of vegetable oil; one glass of milk; a bag of dry yeast or 40 g pressed; 40 g of sugar; 1/3 teaspoon of salt; 40 g of sugar; 10 g of baking powder and half a kilogram of white flour. This is for a sweet test. Prepare the filling from: 1⁄4 pack of butter; take sugar and cinnamon to taste.

Knead yeast dough:

  1. Combine milk and butter in one bowl, heat.
  2. When the products are heated to 40 degrees, remove from the stove and add dry yeast, ground with granulated sugar.
  3. Sift flour, then mix with baking powder and salt.
  4. Gradually pour the mixture into the diluted yeast.
  5. Knead a soft and tender dough, which should never be too hard.

Then cover the dish with the dough with a towel and let it rise for 30-40 minutes.

If you want to cope with kneading yeast dough faster and without problems, then entrust this work to the bread machine - in an hour and a half you will have a tender mass ready to form buns.

We make delicious buns with yeast:

  1. Punch down the dough and divide into equal balls. The most convenient way to do this is as follows: roll 2-3 rolls of yeast dough and cut them into pieces 3 cm wide.
  2. Roll out cakes from balls, they need to be greased with oil and sprinkled with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Adjust the amount of filling to your liking.
  3. Roll up the rolls, tuck the edges inward.
  4. Make cuts on opposite sides (as in the photo) and turn them up and to the sides. The result was a bun resembling a butterfly with open wings. Very beautiful!
  5. According to the same scheme, do the work with all the blanks, and immediately lay out the buns on a baking sheet.

By the time you finish the formation of baking, the first buns will already be separated, they will need to be greased with yolk and baked.

Recipes for baking from yeast dough suggest the following action: before you get ready-made fluffy buns from the baking sheet, they are covered with a towel and allowed to rest for 15 minutes.

Recipe for orange buns from yeast dough

You can make a sweet dough from: 5 and a half glasses of flour; packs of oil; vanilla sugar; a large glass of whole milk; four eggs; 0.5 teaspoon of salt; 9 g of loose yeast; 2.5 spoons of sugar.

For the filling, you should have the following products: 0.6 kg of dark sugar; 70 g nuts; 130 g of honey; 0.350 kg of oil; 20 g orange peel and 60 ml orange juice; 2 sachets of vanilla sugar.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Knead the dough in the bowl of a food processor. To do this, add the sifted flour there, add soft butter, eggs, all bulk ingredients.
  2. Turn on the technique at a slow speed and gradually pour in warm milk, knead the dough.
  3. Do not stop the harvester and keep it on for another 10 minutes. As a result, you will get a smooth homogeneous mass, which should be given one hour to rise. To keep it from getting windy in the open air, cover it with a napkin.
  4. Put all the ingredients for the filling, except for the nuts, in a mixer bowl and beat until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Put it in a cold place, but for now take care of the nuts. Dry the nuts in the oven, cool and chop in a tight plastic bag using a rolling pin.
  5. Take the form and line it with baking paper, but so that it protrudes beyond the sides (as in the photo).
  6. Lay out 2/3 of the filling, level the surface.
  7. Separate a third of the chopped nuts and sprinkle on top.
  8. Form a rectangle from the yeast dough, lay out the filling that remains.
  9. Grind the surface with nuts and roll the roll, and, in turn, divide it into parts. There should be 12 of them.
  10. Put delicious tasty buns in a mold on the filling, press a little with your palm, as if melting.
  11. Cover the form with a napkin to protect it from the formation of a dry crust, and leave for one hour in a warm place.
  12. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put the form with buns and wait for readiness, determining it by the resulting ruddy surface.

Recipes for baking in the oven, which is cooked at the same time as pouring, see other pages of the site.

Recipe for honey buns from yeast dough

The aroma and taste of honey pastries remain in the memory for a long time. To bake this dish, you will need:

2.5 teaspoons of loose yeast; 1 egg and 1 yolk; a glass of milk; 100 ml vegetable oil; 2 large spoons of honey; one and a half teaspoons of salt; 3.5 cups white flour

Glaze make from: a tablespoon of honey; one third of a glass of white fine-grained sugar; two tablespoons of melted butter and one protein.

Knead the dough by following simple processes:

  1. Warm milk to 37-38 degrees, pour into a large bowl.
  2. Add dry yeast, honey, vegetable oil, an egg with yolk and salt there.
  3. Shake well to make the mixture homogeneous.
  4. Introduce flour in parts so that the mass does not “clog” and get a delicate consistency.
  5. Finish kneading by placing the dough on a floured board and rolling it into a ball.
  6. Cover it with a clean kitchen towel and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  7. Grease dry and clean baking sheets with vegetable oil and fill with round blanks, which should turn out to be 24 pieces.
  8. Cover baking sheets with napkins, put in a warm place for half an hour.
  9. When the rich delicious buns rise and double in volume, turn on the oven, it requires heating to 180 degrees.
  10. In the meantime, make the frosting. Mix all the ingredients that the recipe calls for in a small saucepan or saucepan. The mixture does not need heat treatment, so immediately apply it with a brush on raw buns.
  11. In the oven, the muffin will spend from 20 to 25 minutes, that is, until it acquires a golden shiny crust (see photo).

Lush sweet buns with cottage cheese from yeast dough

Required ingredients: 0.450 kg of fine flour; 0.150 l cream; 5 g fast acting yeast; three eggs; 60 g coconut flakes; half a glass of milk; 400 g of sour milk cheese; 6 art. spoons of white crystalline sugar; 70 g of peasant butter and 100 g of sour cream.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour dry yeast and sugar (2 tablespoons) into milk heated to a temperature of 37 degrees. Stir and soak the mixture for 30 minutes under a napkin.
  2. Sift the flour into a deep bowl, make a well in the center and beat in the eggs.
  3. Next, send softened butter and diluted dry yeast.
  4. Mix thoroughly, cover the resulting mass with a towel, transfer to a warm place and soak for 40 minutes.
  5. Without wasting time, make the curd filling. To do this, mix the cheese, eggs, coconut and sugar with a spatula. You should get a homogeneous smooth mass.
  6. Roll out the dough on the table, giving it a rectangular shape.
  7. Spread the filling over the surface and smooth it out.
  8. Roll up the roll, pressing down the layers tightly.
  9. Divide into parts 3 cm wide, put each of which in a round shape, greased with fat.
  10. Place the sweet rolls on the rack in the oven. At 180 degrees they will be ready in half an hour.
  11. Take out the form, but it's too early to serve the most delicious treat. Pour the cream over the pastries, sprinkle with granulated sugar and hold in the oven for another 10 minutes.
  • To make yeast buns very tender and airy, be sure to let the dough rise well.
  • Flour for sweet pastries should be of the highest grade.
  • You will add gloss and shine to pastries by lubricating the surface with milk or a beaten egg. Only after this procedure, send delicious buns to the oven.

My video recipe

I don't know about you, but I'm always on the hunt for a good pastry. I try new recipes all the time, trying to change something in cooking for the best result, rummaging through the Internet, asking all my grandmothers and friends I know, reading books by Molokhovets and Zelenko ... And it seems to me that this cycle and constant search will never end!

At the moment, the best rich yeast dough for pies and buns is the one whose recipe I will share today. I use it for both sweet and savory pies in the oven (I love when the dough is not bland, but a little sweet even in pies with hearty fillings). That is, such a dough is perfect if you want to cook pies with cherries, with or with.

So let's start cooking shall we?

The most delicious pastry for buns and pies

  • Warm milk - 250 ml.
  • Flour - 500 g (the amount of flour varies, may be a little more or less)
  • Dry yeast - 7 g (a little more than half of a small bag) If you do it fresh, then take 20 g
  • Chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Butter - 75 g
  • Vegetable oil - 25 g

From this amount of dough, 16-18 medium-sized pies are obtained, if you need more, increase the ingredients by 2 times.

How to cook delicious sweet dough with dry yeast

And now be careful and follow the cooking technology, this is very important. Warm milk (250 ml). It shouldn't be at room temperature, but it shouldn't be too hot either. If you own a pastry thermometer, check the temperature of the milk with it, it should be 40 ° C. If there is no thermometer, dip your finger, the milk should be in a pleasant comfortable state, a little hot, but not scalding. We will be combining milk with yeast, which is known to be living organisms. Our task is not to kill them with hot temperatures, but also not to slow them down with cold milk. Only at a comfortable and pleasant temperature, the yeast will actively multiply and raise the dough for buns.

You can see in a separate article (click on the active link to go).

In a separate bowl, prepare everything for the dough. Put salt (1 tsp),

sugar (1/2 cup), dry yeast (7 g), mix with a spoon and pour in the milk.

We also send the yolk of the egg here. Mix, tighten with cling film and put for 20-25 minutes in a warm place where there are no drafts. I put it in the oven (it is turned off). The closet has the perfect atmosphere for the test: calm, quiet, no wind =).

After some time, we take out the dough (I’ll immediately warn you: you won’t see any foamy cap, too much milk for the visual effect of yeast growth), but nevertheless, this time is necessary for the yeast to “play”, wake up. Now add flour. Sift the flour in advance - this will add airiness to our dough. All pies and buns that we will make from it will receive porosity and airiness. But, of course, just sifting flour is not enough. For airy pastry, you need to follow the cooking technology in everything else.

When adding flour, pay attention to the consistency of the dough. Add flour little by little, in parts, so as not to accidentally exceed the norm. After all, if you add too much of it, the dough will become dense, it will not rise well. You can knead the dough with your hands or with a planetary mixer with a special dough attachment. For a hand mixer, there are also special nozzles (they look like a hook). I love kneading with my hands (although, I will not hide, it is a little tiring, it takes effort to knead perfectly). But all my bright thoughts and energy that I put into the process will definitely interfere with the dough and the pies will be tastier. Even my grandmother always said: "the dough loves hands."
First you need to knead with a spoon or spatula.

Then dust the surface with flour and put the dough on the table, start kneading the dough further. After adding flour, the dough should be left directly on the table for 10-15 minutes, so that the flour is properly soaked in milk, the gluten swells. This is a very important point. All textbooks on the technology of making yeast dough write that oils should be added last.

While you are melting the butter (75 g) and measuring out the vegetable oil (25 g), the dough lies, rests, the flour swells. And in all other recipes, girls, where oil is indicated, do the same. First mix the flour with the liquid, and only then, when the flour is moistened, add the fats. In today's recipe, the liquid is milk, in some other recipes it is water or kefir, it doesn't matter. If we immediately pour fats into dry flour, the fat particles will begin to envelop the gluten molecules in the flour, and then it is very difficult to wet. The dough will end up being rough and fluffy. When I learned this subtlety, I began to put it into practice with all types of dough: pizza dough, dough for pies, and even when I cook, I also do this. I let the flour soak, its starches swell, and only then add the oil. The result has become much better.

Now that the dough has rested, start mixing in the butter. Do this on a tablespoon, in small portions. At first it will seem to you that the oil cannot be mixed in, that it “crawls” over the dough, that “the oil is separate - and the dough is separate.” Yes, it is, but only the first 1-2 minutes. The more you knead, the better the ingredients will combine and you will end up with a smooth, soft, elastic dough that is comfortable and easy to work with.

And now we will grease the bowl in which the dough will be proofed with vegetable oil and put the bun of dough in the bowl. We tighten with cling film and put in a place without drafts. If your apartment is cold, you can do this: heat the oven to 50 ° C and turn it off. Put the rich yeast dough into a slightly preheated oven and close it quickly. The remaining heat will help the dough rise.

Yeast dough should stand for 1 hour. There is no need to knead and re-stand it in this recipe! Well-suited dough immediately begins to cut into buns or pies. If for some reason the dough has not risen in an hour (too cold in the apartment, you are in a bad mood, low-quality yeast, etc.), give it more time. Be guided in recipes (not only mine, but in general, in all recipes), not for time, but for the state of the dough. If it took me an hour to proof, this does not mean at all that absolutely everyone who will cook according to this recipe will also spend an hour. This time may be longer, may be a little less. But in an ideal situation (if the yeast is of high quality, you did not overheat the milk and created a warm environment for raising the dough), it takes no more than an hour to proof.

To make the pies the same size, you can divide the dough like this: first cut it into two equal parts.

Then divide each of the two into two more parts, it turns out four. Each of the four - two more. Thus, you get as many pieces (future pies) as you need and they will be very similar in weight. For a more accurate weight, use a kitchen scale.

From this test norm, I get 16 pies (or buns). That is, the pieces that you see in the photo, I usually divide by two more each, and it turns out 16.

Today I will spend the pastry on potato pies and cherry pies. Despite the fact that the dough is sweet, I like how it sets off the taste of a hearty filling, so I use it for both sweet and hearty pies.

We form pies from yeast dough

When you form pies, make sure that they seem small to you. The pies increase greatly in size when they are parted, then "grow up" additionally in the oven. Therefore, if you now make them medium in size, you will end up with bast shoes. Sculpt small patties to get medium sized patties after the oven.

So, slightly roll out a piece of dough with a rolling pin. You can not roll it out with a rolling pin, but flatten it with your palm - whoever is used to it. We spread the filling (a little).

We connect the edges of the dough and press tightly to each other. It turns out a seam along the pie.

Now we connect the opposite ends to get a round pie.

It's the way you see it in the photo. You can crush the barrel a little more in the finished pie, giving it a perfect round shape. The surface of the pie should be smooth, beautiful, without a single crack.

Now put the pies on a baking sheet covered with good quality parchment or on a silicone mat. The pies should be seam side down. When the patties have formed, cover with a light towel and leave directly on the counter for 15-20 minutes so that they rise properly.

Do not skip this step, even if you are in a hurry. The lack of proofing of pies leads to tearing of the dough (it often cracks on the sides, at the base).

Before sending the pies to the oven, grease them with the yolk of one egg, mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Be careful while lubricating! The dough is very tender and airy: from rough touches, the shape of the pie may be blown away or broken.

So, the pies are ready to go into the oven!

Attention! Pies should be placed in a well-heated oven. If you will oven with convection - set 180 ° C, if without it - 190 ° C. I bake at 180°C for 17-20 minutes. The surface of the pie should be glossy brown. When I put the oven on preheat, I put an empty baking sheet on the lowest level, which I will use for steam.

I bake pies with steam. If your oven has such a built-in function, use it! If not, I'll tell you how I do it. With a special pulverizer (I bought one for flowers, but I use it only for the kitchen), I sprinkle lightly on the surface of the pies. Then, I set the baking sheet with pies to the middle level, and on the lower empty baking sheet, which will stand under the pies all the time baking, I pour a glass of water and quickly close the oven.

The steam and humidity created in the oven during this time prevents the baking surface from drying out. It remains as soft as a baby's skin.

We take out the baked pies from the baking sheet on the wire rack, cover with a towel to cool.

Pies and buns from this rich dough are tender, airy, and very tasty.

I will show you the bottom of the pies - it does not burn, beautiful and ruddy.

The inside of the dough is airy and very tender.

I am very interested in what kind of pies you have. Tell and show in the comments! (you can attach a photo to your comment).

I really hope that everything turned out well, and this rich yeast dough pleased you with its taste and lightness!
For those who prefer video recipes, I recorded a step-by-step master class and posted it on the You Tube channel, I wish you a pleasant viewing:

If you plan to post photos of pies or buns according to this recipe on Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the net and share your joy! Thank you!

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Butter buns are especially appreciated among lovers of lush and fragrant muffins. Among the many recipes for such baking, you can always choose the most suitable one, however, most buns are baked from yeast dough. Butter buns are ideally combined with various fillings: nut, chocolate, jam, berry, fruit, etc. Unsweetened buns can also be prepared, for example, for first or second courses. In the dough for such baking, it is usually not sugar that is added, but various seasonings and a little more salt.

Butter buns - preparing food and utensils

To make buns, all you need to prepare is a dough bowl, a rolling pin, a sieve, a measuring cup and a baking sheet. You can bake buns in a slow cooker or bread machine (if available).

Before you start cooking buns, you need to prepare a dough: for this, yeast, flour and a little sugar are stirred in warm milk. The main flour must be sifted, and the butter must be melted.

Recipes for sweet buns:

Recipe 1: Buns

This recipe makes delicious savory buns. The dough is prepared puff, yeast - from it the buns are the most lush and airy. You will have to devote a lot of time to cooking, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1200 g flour;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 135-150 g of sugar;
  • 55-60 g of yeast;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • 350 g butter;
  • 2 extra eggs for icing
  • Additionally - 150 g of butter;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Nuts.

Cooking method:

Warm milk (half) and dilute yeast with sugar and half flour in it. Mix everything well and leave in a warm place. When the dough begins to settle, pour in the remaining warm milk, salt mixed in a small amount of water, the remaining flour and eggs. Knead a smooth, non-sticky dough and put in a warm place to rise. After the first rise, punch down and leave to rise a second time. Cool the dough to 20 degrees and roll into a layer. Lubricate the layer with soft butter, leaving one third untouched.

Now fold the dough in thirds so that the ungreased part is in the middle. That is, first you need to bend the smeared one third to the middle, on it - not smeared, and on top - again smeared. Pinch the edges of the dough. Cut the dough in half and stack on top of each other. Roll out into a layer of one cm. Then fold the layer 4 times (in an envelope) and remove for 15 minutes in the cold. repeat the procedure 2-3 times, then roll out a layer one cm thick. Cut the resulting layer into pieces and make buns. Grease a baking sheet and spread the buns at a sufficient distance from each other (about 5 cm).

Cover the buns with a paper towel and let them rise for 15-20 minutes. Brush the buns with eggs and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake for about 15 minutes. Lubricate the finished buns with butter and cover with a napkin. Once cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 2: Butter buns for cabbage soup

Sweet buns don't have to be sweet. You can cook delicious fragrant buns for the first courses. Shchi will become even tastier with garlic buns made from yeast dough.

Required Ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of flour;
  • 1.25 cups of warm water;
  • Fresh yeast - 20 g (or 7 g dry);
  • Vegetable oil - 45 ml;
  • 10 ml of honey (you can also take sugar);
  • Salt;
  • Chopped dill;
  • Garlic;
  • Optional vegetable oil - for the sauce;
  • Black pepper.

Cooking method:

From flour, water, yeast, vegetable oil, salt and honey (or sugar), knead the dough. Lubricate the bowl with sunflower oil and lay out the dough. Cover the bowl with the dough and leave in a warm place for half an hour. In 100 ml of oil, stir chopped dill, crushed garlic and black pepper. Cut the dough into 16 portions. Roll each into a sausage and twist into a bun. Spread the buns on parchment paper and leave to rise until they double in size. Bake for about 15 minutes at 210 degrees. Spread hot golden buns with garlic sauce. Serve with first courses.

Recipe 3: Rye Buns

Butter buns can also be baked from rye flour, which makes them no less tasty. Together with rye flour, wheat flour is used in the recipe. In addition, you will need milk, eggs, butter and yeast.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1/5 kg of rye flour;
  • 400 g wheat flour;
  • One and a half glasses of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 6 tablespoons of butter;
  • Dry yeast - 10 g.

Cooking method:

Dissolve dry yeast in warm milk and add rye flour. Mix everything and put in a warm place. As soon as the dough rises, break the eggs and add wheat flour. Also add softened butter and salt. Knead the dough and put it in a warm place to approach. Divide the finished dough into pieces and fashion buns. Grease a baking sheet with oil and line with a baking sheet. Bake in the oven until browned.

- If the dough is prepared with yeast, it is important that it does not overstay, otherwise it may fall off during baking;

- If the buns burn during the baking process, they must be covered on top with confectionery parchment;

- Butter buns are more fluffy on sponge dough and less airy if yeast is added immediately to the dough.

Butter dough differs from the usual amount of additives. From this, the name “butter”, which means WITH ADDITIONS. Eggs, butter or margarine, sour cream, sugar, various flavorings - vanilla sugar, cinnamon, nuts, dried fruits are added to the pastry in large quantities. As a result, it is not difficult to guess that muffin is much tastier and more nutritious than a simple dough.

You can make buns, rolls, pies and pies, muffins, cookies from pastry. The usual dough is used for making bread, lean pastries, pizza and pies. This is not to say that lean dough is less tasty. It is lighter, fits better, makes an excellent tandem with fillings, and is also more useful. But muffin is definitely tastier.

Butter dough can be yeast and yeast-free. It rises harder, but products from it are fatter, richer, more fragrant. The method of preparing delicious dough with additives is also different. You will find answers to questions on how to make the most delicious pastry for buns, step-by-step recipes and useful tips in this post.

Photo of a simple sweet dough with dry yeast

A distinctive feature of this recipe is the speed of preparation. The dough is put quickly, approaches actively, it turns out really rich. For cooking, it is recommended to use French Saf Moment yeast. The dough with them rises well and does not have a strong smell of yeast, which is often the case with yeast from other manufacturers. Learn how to make a simple butter dough without the hassle.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • flour 500 g
  • milk 1 glass
  • dry yeast 7 g.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • butter (margarine) 150 g.
  • sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon

How to make dough for dry yeast buns:

  1. Boil the milk, add the butter (margarine) cut into pieces and sugar. If you like sweet dough, the amount of sugar should be increased. Stir until sugar dissolves. Let the mixture cool down. Beat the eggs into the cooled milk, stir with a whisk until smooth.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl - sifted flour, salt, yeast. Make a funnel in the center. Pour the milk-egg mixture into the flour. Knead the dough right in the bowl.
  3. When there is no flour left in the bowl, beat the dough. To do this, lift the dough and slap it back into the bowl. As a result, the dough should become soft and elastic. The dough for this recipe can be kneaded in a bread machine.
  4. Place the bowl of dough in heat for an hour. During this time, it should increase in volume by 2-3 times. Knead the dough and you can start forming buns. Before putting the buns in the oven, let them rise for 30-40 minutes on a baking sheet.

Photo of a quick kefir dough for buns

Butter dough on kefir is more elastic than dough on milk. Kefir promotes fermentation, the pulp of ready-made buns comes out a little denser, but just as tender. It is easy and pleasant to work with the dough prepared according to this recipe and form buns of bizarre shape - pigtails, snails, curls. Be sure to learn how to put the dough on kefir, and take the recipe into service.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for steam:

  • milk 1/2 cup
  • fresh yeast 15 g
  • sugar 1 teaspoon
  • flour 2-3 tbsp. spoons

for the test:

  • sugar 2/3 cup
  • kefir 1 glass
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • flour 3-4 cups
  • butter (margarine) 100 g
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon

How to make kefir pastry dough for buns:

  1. Remove butter (margarine), kefir and eggs from the refrigerator in advance. Food should be at room temperature.
  2. Grind the yeast with sugar into a gruel, add warm milk and a few tablespoons of flour. You should get a dough like pancakes. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place for 30 minutes. It should increase by 2-3 times and become covered with holes.
  3. Mix butter, eggs and sugar until smooth. Add kefir and brew. Stir again.
  4. Sift the flour and gradually add 3 cups to the dough first. If the dough is sticky and sticky, add a little more flour. Turn the dough out onto a floured board and knead until the dough is no longer sticky to your hands. If possible, do not add more flour. At the very end of the kneading, it is better to grease your hands with vegetable oil.
  5. Transfer the dough to a bowl and let rise in a warm place for an hour and a half. At this stage, the dough increases in volume by 3-4 times, it becomes simply airy. Do not knead the finished dough, but just punch down and proceed to the formation of buns. From the dough according to this recipe, you can bake Easter cakes for Easter, you should add raisins, candied fruits, cinnamon or cardamom to the dough.

Photo of delicious dough for buns on sour cream

Cooking pastry has a pattern - the fatter, the tastier, longer stored, but instantly eaten. If there is sour cream with an expiration date in the refrigerator, do not rush to throw it away. Try making delicious pastry.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for steam:

  • water (milk) 1/2 cup
  • granulated yeast 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar 1 teaspoon

for the test:

  • water (milk) 1/2 cup
  • sour cream 1 cup
  • granulated sugar 1 cup
  • butter 200 g
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • flour 3-4 cups
  • vanilla sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon

Cooking method:

  1. Mix yeast, sugar and water (milk) heated to 36 ° C. Leave the dough to rise for 15 minutes.
  2. Melt butter, add water (milk), eggs, sour cream and other ingredients except flour. Pour in the steam. Gradually add the sifted flour.
  3. The dough should be soft, not tough, elastic. Cover it with a towel and let it rise for an hour and a half. Knock down the finished dough and you can bake buns.

Yeast dough is considered by many to be capricious. In fact, it just requires attention and respect. If you know the features and secrets of how to make pastry dough for buns, it is perfect, it will reward you with a wonderful taste, aroma, delicate, airy, porous structure:

  • Yeasts are fungi, living things that thrive in a moist, warm environment, as long as they are alive and have not died before the dough is made. When buying yeast, pay attention to its expiration date. Check for doneness of yeast before mixing. To do this, grind a grain of yeast with a pinch of sugar, add water and leave to stand in a warm place. Live yeast will begin to "grow" in the form of a foamy cap.
  • All products for making dough should be warm 37-45°C, but not more than 50°C, as the yeast will die and the fermentation process will stop.
  • More yeast is added to pastry because fat, eggs, and sugar make the dough heavy and harder to rise. For 1 kilogram of flour, you need to put 50 grams of yeast, and if more than 3 eggs are added to the dough, then all 100 grams.
  • To make the dough more elastic and tender, you need to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • Flour must be sifted through a sieve. It is saturated with oxygen, the dough is airy and porous.
  • The dough does not like temperature changes, and therefore does not tolerate drafts. When airing, the temperature in the room drops, which can damage the fermentation process.

I have a wonderful recipe that I got from my mother. Sweet yeast dough buns It's a holiday, almost like Easter.

To make buns tasty, airy, you need to take time to cook them. And it’s better to do baking buns on the weekend.

sweet buns recipe

sweet dough for buns

  • milk 1 liter
  • eggs 4 pcs.
  • sugar 0.5 cup or 5 tbsp. l
  • butter 50 gr.
  • margarine 100 gr.
  • sunflower oil 2 tbsp.
  • dry yeast 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt 1/2 tsp
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar
  • sesame (optional)
  • flour about 2 kg.
  • water for dough 0.5 tbsp.

For filling

  • sugar
  • sunflower oil

for brushing the buns

  • eggs 2 pcs.

how to make sweet buns

It will not be difficult to prepare sweet buns according to the recipe with a photo. From this dough you can cook not only buns, but also rolls with poppy seeds or raisins, pies, buns. If this recipe has a lot of dough for you, take all the ingredients half as much.

1. Let's prepare the dough. We mix 3 tbsp. spoons of dry yeast, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. flour with 0.5 cups of warm water. Cover the container with a clean towel and leave for 30 minutes to rise the dough.

2. Beat the eggs with sugar with a whisk or fork.

3. Melt butter and margarine, add sunflower oil.

4. Pour eggs with sugar, melted butter, dough into warm milk, add salt, vanillin or vanilla sugar, mix.

5. Gradually add the sifted flour, knead the dough, it should be softer than dumplings and not stick to your hands. We put the dough in a warm place.

6. The dough will rise, punch it down and leave it until the next rise.

7. After the second rise, knead the dough again and lay it out on the table in parts.

8. Roll up a sausage from a piece of dough and cut it into equal parts.

9. We turn each piece with our hands into a cake, pour out a teaspoon of sugar and an incomplete teaspoon of sunflower oil.

10. Connect the edges of the cake, pinch.

11. Fold in half and make a shallow incision, expand.

Put the prepared buns on a greased baking sheet. Leave for 20 minutes to rise the dough. Grease the buns with egg and send to the oven. We bake in the oven at 180 C.

After 20 minutes, we take out of the oven such ruddy fragrant delicious ones.
