
Broccoli and cauliflower: recipe, cooking features and recommendations. Casserole with cheese sauce in the oven

Cauliflower and broccoli are deservedly used in the diet and these vegetables have very delicate fiber, which is completely absorbed by the body. The benefits of these two are to speed up metabolic processes in the body, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and fight cancer cells. It is recommended to include these vegetables in your diet every day. In our article we offer recipes for broccoli and cauliflower dishes. It will not be difficult to prepare them, and the body will receive a lot of benefits.

  1. With prolonged heat treatment, most of the vitamins are lost, so it is advisable to cook the cabbage for no more than two minutes, and then immediately lower it into ice water. So it will be possible to preserve not only vitamins, but also the bright color of vegetables.
  2. If you want only the benefits of cabbage, do not fry vegetables over high heat, as dangerous carcinogens are formed when vegetable oil is heated.
  3. A decoction of cabbage is not suitable for use as a vegetable broth for cooking other dishes, as it contains substances harmful to the body.

Recipes with broccoli and cauliflower will allow you to experience all the benefits of these vegetables. Recommends to cook each of them and choose the best option for yourself.

salad recipes

Traditionally, in salads, we are used to seeing a completely different cabbage. Most often, it is the white or red-headed variety that is used, but not broccoli and cauliflower. The recipes for the following salads prove the opposite:

  1. To prepare a salad with mayonnaise-based sauce, you must first boil the inflorescences of each type of cabbage in salted water and cool in cold water. Then finely chop the red onion and pour it into a deep bowl with the prepared cabbage inflorescences. In addition, raisins and sunflower seeds (¼ cup each), 200 g of grated cheese and 6 slices of bacon are added to the salad. The dish is seasoned with a sauce of mayonnaise (140 ml), sugar (25 g), apple and red wine vinegar (1 tablespoon each).
  2. Salad with garlic oil is prepared from broccoli and cauliflower boiled for a minute (0.5 kg each), previously sorted into inflorescences. To prepare the salad dressing, peel the head of garlic and fry it in hot olive oil until browned. Add dressing to vegetables, salt and pepper with red paprika.

Cauliflower and Broccoli Soup: Recipes

Not only salads and side dishes can be prepared from these types of cabbage. Cauliflower and broccoli soup will bring no less benefit to the body. We offer recipes for two delicious soups below:

  1. Delicate and tasty puree soup is sure to be served with crispy croutons and immediately after cooking. So, first, onion, garlic (4 cloves), 1 kg of broccoli and 0.5 kg of cauliflower, disassembled into inflorescences, are fried directly in a saucepan in vegetable oil (3 tablespoons). Marjoram, cayenne pepper to taste, a pinch of thyme and bay leaf are added. Vegetables are fried for 5 minutes, after which flour (25 g) and salt are added. Then the vegetables are poured with chicken broth (4 cups), brought to a boil and cooked until soft. At the very end, cream (100 ml) and milk (50 ml) are added. Let the soup boil again and turn it off. Now you need to beat it well with a blender, pour it into another pan, put it on the stove and add Dijon mustard (1 tablespoon) and grated Gruyère cheese (150 g). Warm up the puree well and serve.
  2. The next vegetable soup is much easier to cook. First, in vegetable oil, you need to fry the onions and carrots in cubes. Boil water in a small saucepan, add salt and onion with carrots from the pan, add broccoli and cauliflower (100 g each), peppercorns and cook for 20 minutes. Sprinkle soup with grated cheese already in bowls.

Spaghetti with two types of cabbage

Don't know what to cook for dinner? The best option is spaghetti, broccoli and cauliflower.

The step by step recipe is as follows:

  1. Saute onion and garlic (2 cloves) in olive oil for 2 minutes. Then add chopped tomatoes (¾ cup), parsley, Dijon mustard (2 tablespoons), a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, pepper and salt to the vegetables. Fry everything together for another 3 minutes.
  2. Dip spaghetti (250 g) into boiling water, cook for 5 minutes. Add two types of cabbage (200 g each) to the pan. Cook everything together for another 3 minutes.
  3. Combine spaghetti with cabbage and tomato mixture, mix, sprinkle with grated parmesan (100 g).

Broccoli and cauliflower for garnish

A delicious side dish for meat can be prepared not only from rice or potatoes, but also from other vegetables. For example, broccoli and cauliflower are great for this.

The recipes for the side dishes are as follows:

  1. Broccoli (400 g) is fried a little in a pan with vegetable oil, then 125 ml of water is added, after which the cabbage is stewed under the lid for 10 minutes. Similar actions are repeated with cauliflower. Two types of cabbage are transferred to one bowl. In another pan, onions are fried, salt, pepper (1 teaspoon), garlic (4 pcs.) And grated ginger (1 tablespoon) are added. Everything is fried together for no more than a minute, after which the cabbage is laid out in the pan and warmed up under the lid for no more than two minutes. The dish is sprinkled with cilantro.
  2. An equally delicious side dish can be cooked in the oven. First, broccoli and cauliflower must be cooked until half cooked, then put into a mold and pour a mixture of eggs, cream (100 ml) and grated cheese (100 g). Send the dish to the oven for 10 minutes.

Cauliflower and Broccoli Casserole Recipe

Juicy, and at the same time very healthy vegetable casserole with bechamel sauce, is prepared in just 20 minutes. This self-contained dish is a great option for a light dinner for the whole family.

The recipe for broccoli and cauliflower in the oven is as follows:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. Boil cabbage (300 g of each type) for two minutes.
  3. Leek (2 stalks) cut into half rings and sauté in butter.
  4. Prepare the sauce from butter, flour (50 g each) and milk (600 ml), boiling it to a thick consistency.
  5. Add salt, pepper, mustard (2 teaspoons) and 80 g of grated cheese to the hot sauce.
  6. Combine vegetables, put in a refractory form, pour sauce.
  7. Mix another 70 g of cheese with breadcrumbs (2 tablespoons) and sprinkle them over the casserole.
  8. Send the form to the oven for 10 minutes to form a crust, setting the "Grill" mode or using convection for this.

Chinese beef with cabbage

This is an original dish that can be served both for lunch and dinner. And most importantly, it turns out to be useful, since its main components are broccoli and cauliflower.

The recipe for the dish is as follows:

  1. First you need to dilute the starch in a glass of cold water (2 tablespoons). Then add sugar and sesame oil (1 teaspoon each), salt (½ teaspoon), soy sauce (2 tablespoons), a pinch of five Chinese spices and ground black pepper.
  2. Cut the beef into small strips. Add soy sauce (30 ml) to the meat and marinate it for 15 minutes.
  3. At this time, prepare broccoli (1 head) and cauliflower (400 g), boil vegetables for two minutes and cool.
  4. Fry the beef in vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), browning on each side, then transfer to a plate.
  5. Pour a little more oil into the pan, put a teaspoon of grated ginger and the same amount of garlic, and heat for 30 seconds.
  6. Then add the cabbage, and after a minute pour in the sauce.
  7. As soon as it starts to thicken, transfer the beef to the pan. Keep the dish on fire for another minute and you can taste it.

Broccoli and cauliflower in batter

Crispy crust, tender fiber and fiery sauce - this is how you can describe the next dish. The secret of its preparation is in batter, which, thanks to sparkling water, turns out to be special. Cabbage inflorescences, before lowering into it, it is better to pre-boil for a minute, and then dry on a paper towel.

The batter is prepared as follows:

  1. Combine sifted flour (2 cups) with baking powder (1 teaspoon).
  2. Add soda (½ teaspoon) to ice-cold sparkling water (2 cups) and mix well.
  3. Pour water into dry mixture and mix thoroughly until smooth. If the batter is too thick, add a little more water.

To prepare the dish itself, cabbage inflorescences are alternately lowered into batter and fried in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. Very tasty and crunchy broccoli and cauliflower are obtained.

The sauce recipe is as follows: boil 75 ml of water with chopped garlic (4 cloves) and ground red pepper (2 teaspoons) in a saucepan. Then pour 75 ml of white wine vinegar into the boiling solution, add sugar (3 tablespoons) and sweet paprika. Simmer the sauce for 15 minutes until the consistency of syrup.

How to cook broccoli and cauliflower in a slow cooker

A very quick, delicious side dish for dinner can be prepared in a slow cooker. Even frozen vegetables are suitable for this: broccoli, cauliflower, beans.

The cooking recipes are as follows:

  1. Select the multicooker mode "Baking" or "Frying". Pour a little oil into the bowl, heat it up and pour in the frozen vegetables (200 g of each type). Fry cabbage on both sides for 5 minutes. After that, add sour cream 20% fat (70 ml), salt and pepper, close the lid of the multicooker and fry them for another 10 minutes.
  2. In the same mode, fry in oil 300 g of each type of cabbage and half as much Add diced carrots and bell peppers. Fry the vegetables for 15 minutes, then switch the multicooker to the "Stew" mode, pour ½ cup of water, add salt and pepper, and cook the dish for another 10 minutes. Decorate with grated cheese and herbs.

Recipe for harvesting cabbage for the winter

You can enjoy the taste of your favorite vegetables even in winter, if you preserve them in fragrant brine. Not only cucumbers and tomatoes are tasty, but also broccoli and cauliflower. The recipe is to cut into large pieces of 2 kg of eggplant and cauliflower, 1 kg of broccoli, carrots (3 pieces) and zucchini. Eggplant is desirable to soak for 2 hours in salted water.

Arrange prepared vegetables in sterile jars, pour boiling water over and leave covered for 5 minutes. Then pour the water from the jars into a saucepan, add sugar (1 cup), salt (½ cup), vinegar (1 cup), a pinch of black peppercorns and cloves. Pour the marinade over the vegetables and seal the jars with a can opener.

Many articles have been written about the great benefits of broccoli. The people are inspired and with terrible force begin to stuff their children with this unusual cabbage. But for some reason, adult broccoli themselves are not very favored. And most of the children categorically refuse to use such a product. What's the matter? Why won't this delicious vitamin supplement win hearts and stomachs? The answer is simple. It's cooked wrong.

Let's figure out how to properly cook broccoli so that it pleases.

General rules

Most importantly, the more heads of broccoli, the longer it needs to be cooked. But you need to make sure that it does not turn into an unappetizing gruel. You can turn it into puree yourself when you need it. And if you miss and digest, then instead of a nutritious dish you will get a watery, foul-smelling slurry without useful substances.

Another detail: water for cooking broccoli must be added without fail. Not for the full taste, but quite a bit. But definitely! Because most of the minerals and vitamins are preserved in this way. They will move into fresh water much faster, there will be practically nothing left in the cabbage itself. And the salt also removes the characteristic bitterness from the heads of cabbage, which few people like.

Broccoli should only be placed in boiling water. It does not matter if you are going to cook fresh or frozen cabbage. In both cases - only in boiling water. This is done in order to preserve nutrients and nutrients, as mentioned above.

We do not specify the exact cooking time. It all depends on the amount of broccoli and the size of the heads. But, the shorter the heat treatment time, the more vitamins you get in the finished dish. It would seem that this statement contradicts the very first, but! There is one trick. To cook broccoli as quickly as possible, be sure to divide it into small sprouts. What will it give us?

  1. The surface of the cabbage in contact with boiling water will increase. So it will cook much faster than one big head of cabbage.
  2. Boiling time will decrease. This means that the maximum of minerals and vitamins will remain in the final dish. Not in water.
  3. The finished side dish looks much more aesthetic and beautiful when the cabbages are small. Agree, huge hats on a plate do not add appetite.

By the way, frozen broccoli is not thawed before cooking. From the freezer, it is immediately thrown into boiling water. Otherwise, there is a great risk of getting an ugly mess instead of the original side dish.

And one more important rule: fresh broccoli must be washed before cooking. And not even just rinse under running water, but soak in salted water for at least 30 minutes. The fact is that small insects can hide in the inflorescences. Soaking will allow them to float to the surface. Then an unpleasant surprise at dinner can be avoided.

In the case of frozen broccoli, such precautions would be redundant. All the required cleaning measures have already been carried out at the factory.

Well, now let's take a step-by-step look at how to cook broccoli properly.

fresh heads of cabbage

You will need:

  • 1 medium sized head of broccoli
  • pot
  • about 2 liters of clean water
  • 1 tsp regular salt (no slide)
  • table fork
  • colander or skimmer
  • second pot of ice water

The process is step by step. Put the first pan on the fire, pour water and add salt. Cabbage is pre-soaked, rinsed. Cut into small heads and remove the leaves. By the way, do not throw away the stalk. It is boiled together with the main mass, and then an amazing puree or a delicious sauce is prepared on its basis.

As soon as the water boils, immediately throw the broccoli into the pan. The whole thing, not one piece at a time. Wait until it boils again and turn the heat down to medium. Strong bubbling of broccoli is useless.

Some sources give the exact cooking time. It varies from 2 to 7 minutes. But we will do it easier. Remember the dinner fork on the list? This is what will be the indicator. Why a fork, and not the exact time? Because different hosts have different:

  • broccoli varieties
  • head sizes
  • product volume
  • hardness of water

Therefore, we simply take an ordinary table fork and try to pierce any head of cabbage. Does the pulp give in easily? So it's already done. Can't pierce broccoli with a fork? Let it simmer for a couple more minutes. But no more, otherwise it will be a mess.

Now you need to quickly stop the cooking process. For this, you need a second saucepan of ice water. Ready broccoli is thrown into a colander, then immersed in cold water for a minute. Or even simpler: throw boiled heads of cabbage with a slotted spoon.

That's it, you cooked broccoli correctly.

Advice. Broccoli is boiled in a small amount of water. It's not pasta. Cabbage needs enough liquid to just cover the sprouts.

Frozen heads

As a rule, in production, such cabbage has already passed all the preparatory stages of processing. This means that you do not have to wash, clean or cut it. You just have to cut the bag and throw the cabbage into boiling water. Further actions are completely identical to those described above. It boils, boils, check with a fork, cool.

The only difference is the cooking time. Frozen broccoli takes a few minutes longer to cook than freshly cut cabbage. She just needs more time to fully warm up and boil. By the way, they taste the same.

Advice. Immediately after cooling, brush the broccoli with melted butter and let it soak for literally 5 minutes. Such a side dish does not require other additions and is delicious on its own. Only by all means butter, and not margarine or a substitute, otherwise you will ruin everything. Then even hungry chickens will not eat it.

Some housewives cook broccoli in a double boiler. Well, the taste and color, as they say ... But with this method, the cabbage will not acquire the saltiness that is obtained when cooked in water. Yes, and an unpleasant bitterness in the taste remains. So choose for yourself what suits you.

Now you know how to cook broccoli properly so that the child does not pick at the plate. Yes, and get addicted yourself, we are sure, of course, subject to our recommendations.

Video: how to properly and quickly cook broccoli

Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family. Many people do not like her, but in vain. After all, the main thing is to cook it correctly. Broccoli is steamed, stewed, fried, baked in the oven, it can be added to salads, pies and pizza. This is not the whole list of ways to cook this wonderful vegetable.

This is a great product for those who fast, follow a vegetarian diet. After all, this cabbage is one of the few vegetables from which you can cook a lot of dishes.

The easiest way to serve broccoli is as an appetizer. For her you need:

  • 350 gr. broccoli florets
  • 40 gr. young onion
  • 1 bulb
  • 35 gr. green peas
  • 45 gr. butter
  • Seasoning thyme, dill, salt and pepper
  • Lemon juice

Cut the cabbage into small pieces, add finely chopped two types of onions to it. Mix all the vegetables and bring to readiness for a couple, then mix with seasonings and herbs, sprinkle with lemon juice. Pour in melted butter and serve.

As a snack, you can cook broccoli in batter. Such a dish is prepared simply quickly and for it you will need:

  • 1 head of broccoli
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt pepper

Cabbage must be washed and boiled for 5 minutes until tender. Next, it must be dried and allowed to cool. At this time, the batter is being prepared, eggs, flour, salt, sugar, pepper are mixed and beaten well. In a preheated pan, moisten in batter and fry the cabbage inflorescences until golden brown.

Broccoli is perfect as a side dish for meat or fish. The easiest way to serve cabbage this way is to cook it with other vegetables.

For a side dish of broccoli, you need to take carrots and beans. If you want the dish to be hearty, you can add potatoes. Broccoli, already divided into inflorescences, is boiled in a separate pan and salted water, and carrots, beans and potatoes need to be boiled in another. Already boiled vegetables must be doused with cold water so that they retain their bright color.

Chopped vegetables are laid out in a frying pan with hot oil and finely chopped garlic and fried for a couple of minutes. At the end, parsley and lemon juice are added.

Broccoli is great as an ingredient in salads. It is especially tasty with carrots in light vegetable salads in vegetable oil.

Unusual but delicious salad with broccoli and orange. To prepare a salad you need:

  • 500 gr. broccoli
  • 2 medium oranges
  • 100 gr. white grapes
  • Lemon juice
  • 200 gr. yogurt (homemade, natural without filling)
  • 1 st. l. mustard
  • Salt pepper

Broccoli must be washed, cut and boiled in salted water. It is very important to ensure that the cabbage remains firm. Peel the orange, cut into pieces and soak for a few minutes in hot water. Prepare salad dressing, mix lemon juice, mustard and yogurt. Put cabbage, grapes, orange on a plate and pour sauce over everything.

You can also add this cabbage to your favorite dish - pizza. There is already a huge scope for imagination. Pizza with broccoli can be both vegetarian and with meat, ham and do not forget about cheese.

Broccoli can not only be consumed whole, but also cooked pancakes or mashed potatoes. The method of preparing these dishes is not much different from cooking from traditional products for them.

To prepare fritters, cabbage should be boiled, grated and mixed with egg, flour. This is the traditional way, but to make the dough even more delicious, you can rub cheese and cream there.

Broccoli puree is a real salvation for young mothers. It is easy to prepare and indispensable in the diet of infants. It can be steamed or steamed. To make this puree more tasty and healthy, you can add a spoonful of linseed or olive oil.

A tasty and unusual dish for a simple layman is cream soup. To make soup you need:

  1. Vegetable broth - 1l.
  2. Broccoli - 500 gr.
  3. Fillet of trout or salmon - 800 gr.
  4. Carrot - 1 pc.
  5. Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  6. Cream 10% - 350 gr.
  7. Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  8. Sesame seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
  9. Cinnamon, nutmeg, paprika, marjoram, parsley, salt, pepper.

Rinse the fish, cut and sprinkle with cinnamon, marjoram, salt and pepper. Place on a baking sheet, wrap in foil and bake for 35 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the carrots and broccoli in salted water for a couple of minutes.

When the vegetables are cooked, drain some of the water, and pour some into the broth. Mash the vegetables until smooth, and sprinkle with seasonings, bringing to taste. Next, you need to prepare the sauce. Put butter, flour in a hot frying pan and fry, pour in cold cream and let it thicken.

Add the sauce, vegetables to the finished soup and mix everything. Place a piece of fish in each bowl of soup and sprinkle with sesame seeds. This soup may seem complicated both in preparation and in the selection of ingredients, but it's worth it.

The main rule when preparing broccoli dishes is that it must be boiled for a couple of minutes and not allowed to overcook.

There are many appetizers, salads, side dishes and broccoli soups. It all depends on the imagination of the chef.

Broccoli. Beneficial features.

First of all, cabbage is rich in fiber, which is good for digestion and helps fight gastrointestinal diseases.

Broccoli is rich in vitamin C and E, and these are the most powerful antioxidants that remove toxins from the body and are an effective prevention of cancer.

This representative of the cabbage family is rich in omega 3 and fatty acids. These substances are very useful in the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The beta-carotene contained in it in sufficient quantities performs the function of an antioxidant, helps to keep the immune system, skin and vision healthy.

This vegetable is rich in calcium, which is the leading building material of human bones and teeth. It should be in the diet of children, pregnant women and the elderly.

This type of cabbage is rich in B vitamins. They are reliable fighters for the health of the nervous system. For those who suffer from problematic skin, they can include it in their diet because B vitamins are very beneficial for the skin.

It contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamins K, PP, U provitamin A.

Chlorophyll, thanks to which cabbage has its beautiful, green color, is almost identical in composition to that of hemoglobin. This means that it improves the quality and composition of the blood.

This vegetable contains approximately 30 calories per 100 grams and will be indispensable in the diet of overweight people.

The list of health benefits of broccoli is endless. It is indeed a very useful product. It is worth including in the diet of all those who care about the health of their family.

How to choose the right broccoli

Fresh cabbage should be firm and have a fresh green or purple color. It should not have blotches and an unpleasant odor.

It is better to store it in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Broccoli is an assistant in the fight against cancer and prevents aging due to the huge amount of antioxidant substances: vitamin C, carotenoids, lutein, zeaxin, etc. Alpha-linoleic acid serves to prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Cabbage dietary fiber normalizes the digestive tract, protects against Helicobacter pylori. In addition, cabbage lowers cholesterol levels and maintains the lens of the eye in working order. However, unlike cauliflower, broccoli is an unusual member of the cabbage family for some, and many simply do not know how to cook broccoli tasty and healthy. So what are the most popular recipes?

Delicious creamy broccoli soup - step by step recipe.

Broccoli boiled

Broccoli must be washed, divided into small inflorescences, and then thrown into boiling salted water and boiled for literally 4-5 minutes. After that, leave it in a colander. Since broccoli stalks take a little longer to cook, some cooks advise separating them from the florets, boiling them separately for 2 minutes, and only then add the florets themselves for 3 minutes. Boiled cabbage can be served as a side dish for a meat dish, sprinkled with lemon juice, or you can make a delicious salad.

Broccoli with apples - salad

To 300 g of boiled inflorescences, add 100 g of peeled and seeded apples, which are pre-cut into small slices. Add 40 g of chopped dill and 1/2 lemon, which is cut into thin circles along with the peel. A little olive oil and salt are used as seasoning.

Broccoli with orange salad

For 300 g of boiled broccoli, you will need 1 orange, divided into slices and peeled of white films, 50 g of large grapes, which are cut in half and the seeds are removed. Fruits and vegetables are poured with dressing. To prepare it, carefully mix 100 g of natural yogurt, juice from 1/3 of a lemon and a teaspoon of sweet mustard.

Broccoli stewed in a pan in sour cream

You can stew cabbage both separately and with other vegetables. As a result of such heat treatment, most of the vitamins are preserved in it. Both fresh and frozen broccoli are good as a base for stewing. Try the classic recipe for broccoli stewed in sour cream.

  1. Rinse 350 g of cabbage in water and disassemble into small inflorescences.
  2. Put the broccoli in a preheated pan and add 4-5 tablespoons of water and salt.
  3. It is necessary to cook on low heat for about 15-17 minutes. After that, add 90–100 g of low-fat sour cream and any spices to taste.
  4. Simmer another 5 minutes.
  5. After that, the dish can be laid out on plates.

Incredibly delicious dish. To prepare it, you need a head of cabbage, which must be doused with water and divided into inflorescences. If you want, you can literally boil the inflorescences for a couple of minutes before breading. After that, a breading is prepared from two well-beaten eggs, 45-50 ml of cream, a tablespoon of flour and a pinch of salt. Each inflorescence is dipped into a well-mixed breading, which are then fried in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil. After frying, the dish can be sprinkled with finely chopped garlic, which will give a piquant spiciness.

Omelet with broccoli in the oven

Another simple way to cook a healthy vegetable is to cook it in the oven. For example, please your loved ones with a vitamin omelet with broccoli.

  1. To prepare it, a head of cabbage, disassembled into inflorescences, is boiled for about 5 minutes. After this, the inflorescences are placed in a mold, which is greased with butter.
  2. Four eggs are beaten well, 200 g of sour cream, 80–90 g of grated hard cheese and a little salt are added.
  3. Pour the egg mixture over the florets and sprinkle a few tablespoons of breadcrumbs on top of the dish. Such an omelet is prepared in 17-20 minutes.

The dish is no less tasty if you add champignons, ready-made mashed potatoes or pieces of boiled chicken. In the latter case, the dish can be a full lunch or dinner.

Steamed broccoli in a slow cooker or double boiler

Cabbage cooked in this way retains its vitamins as much as possible. You can use a steamer or cook the dish with a saucepan and a colander. Washed cabbage is disassembled into inflorescences and boiled in a slow cooker or steamer.

If there are no such helpers in the kitchen, then put the broccoli in a colander. Then set it over a pot of boiling water. Steam the salted inflorescences for about 12-15 minutes. Pepper and sprinkle with cheese.

After that, it remains to mix the dishes and take a spoon. Cabbage prepared in a similar way can be poured with garlic-lemon dressing, for the preparation of which you will need a lemon, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper.

Chop the garlic, mix with grated lemon zest and heat in a pan for 1 second. Add squeezed lemon juice and spices. Refueling is ready!

Now you know how tasty and healthy broccoli is prepared and next time you will not pass it by in the supermarket.

Many housewives simply do not know how to properly cook broccoli and a priori exclude it from the menu. And completely in vain, because it is the type of cabbage that contains the substance sulforaphane, which has a powerful anti-cancer effect. In addition, it contains vitamin C, and in the same amount as in lemon. Amazing, right? And finally, the full composition of B vitamins and many minerals. All together helps to keep our immune system in excellent condition.

So, broccoli is prepared as follows:

  • Eat raw in salads. On the one hand, this is a great way, all vitamins are preserved, on the other hand, broccoli is bitter, and not everyone will like it.
  • Steamed cabbage. A great option, vitamins will remain safe and sound. Steam broccoli for 5 minutes.
  • Another most common option is to boil. Here the most important thing is not to overdo it, because the vegetable is very tender and does not require long-term heat treatment. In addition, if you overcook, you run the risk of losing all the useful vitamins and getting “cabbage porridge” as a result.

Boil fresh cabbage for 2-3 minutes, and frozen for 7-10 minutes. I will tell you another interesting secret of cooking broccoli, which helps to keep the bright green color of the vegetable. After the water boils, add 1 teaspoon of soda to it in addition to salt. It is she who will help us preserve and even enhance the emerald color of broccoli. And after you cook, immediately throw the cabbage into a colander and rinse under cold water. This will also help stop the cooking process and keep the color.

  • Sometimes broccoli is made in batter or fried in breadcrumbs.
  • Also, broccoli can be stewed with vegetables, adding it at the very end of cooking. She gets along well in vegetable soups and salads, and you can even make a sandwich with her.
  • Or cook spicy rice with broccoli, the recipe of which I will introduce you to

broccoli recipe

Total cooking time - 40 minutes
Active cooking time - 15 minutes
Cost - 3 $
Calorie content per 100 gr - 180 kcal
Servings - 4 servings


Soda - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste
Broccoli - 1 head
Rice - 100 g
Water - 200 ml
Hot pepper - 1 pc.
Parsley - 3 sprigs
Turmeric - 1/4 tsp
Red pepper - to taste


Garlic - 1 clove
Vegetable oil- 3 tbsp.
Vinegar - 1 tbsp.(apple)
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.


Put baking soda into boiling salted water. Then add the cabbage disassembled into inflorescences and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Drain the cooked cabbage in a colander and rinse under ice water.
