
Borscht without beetroot - tasty, fragrant, bright. Borscht without meat: recipe, photo

Who thinks that borscht without meat is no good?

He just doesn't know how to cook!

There are many vegetarian recipes for a popular dish that have an incomparable taste.

Such borscht is great for fasting, dieting or just diversifying the dining table.

Borscht without meat - general principles of cooking

It is not necessary to cook borscht without meat on the water. You can always use mushroom or vegetable broth. With the first, everything is clear, but how to prepare the second? You just need to boil an onion in water, coarsely chopped carrots with bay leaves, peppercorns. And then strain.

The main components of borscht:

Tomatoes, tomato paste;

Fresh cabbage, sauerkraut;

Onions with carrots;


Most often, borscht is prepared with sautéing, that is, with a separate frying of root vegetables. It is made with added fat. Vegetable oils are used in fasting.

For a variety of tastes, mushrooms, legumes, and eggs are put in borscht without meat. As in other first courses, spices and herbs are used for dressing. Borscht is served with sour cream, garlic donuts or just bread and crackers.

Recipe 1: Meatless Borscht with Red Beans

Beans are a vegetable protein. And it is great for cooking vegetarian borscht without meat. We will use red beans, which it is advisable to soak overnight in cold water.


200 grams of beans;

200 grams of cabbage;

2 spoons of tomato paste;

1 bunch of greens;

200 grams of potatoes;

200 grams of beets;

40 ml of oil;

80 grams of carrots;

80 grams of onion;

1 bell pepper;


1. We wash the beans soaked in the evening, change the water and cook until soft. Then the broth must be drained.

2. Rub the carrot coarsely, cut the onion. Fry together for a minute. Pour out the oil all at once.

3. Add grated beets and fry together. Then put the pasta, diluted in half a glass of water, and simmer the vegetables for 10 minutes.

4. Pour water into the pan, you can immediately take boiling water. It will take about 2.5 liters.

5. Let it boil, salt and throw in the chopped potatoes.

6. After 5 minutes, put the beans, after the same amount, add vegetables from the pan.

7. The last is shredded cabbage with bell pepper. Cook borscht until the vegetables are completely soft. Since the tomato is added, they will not boil quickly.

8. At the end, put more salt to the desired taste, throw chopped greens, bay leaf and turn it off. Let's brew borscht.

Recipe 2: Meatless Borscht with Beets

An ordinary and simple recipe for delicious borscht without meat. It comes in handy when you need to cook something urgently. For cooking, you will need 2 pans, which will further reduce the time.


2 tomatoes;

300 grams of cabbage;

200 grams of beets;

2 liters of water;

2 onions;

1 medium carrot;

Salt and other spices;

Bay leaf and greens;

A little vinegar and oil;

3 potatoes.


1. Immediately put the water, let it boil, throw in the diced potatoes. Salt.

2. Pour 3 tablespoons of oil into one pan, put the peeled and grated beets and fry for a minute. Pour a little boiling water, you can from the pan. Add a drop of vinegar and simmer until soft.

3. In the second pan, fry the chopped onion, then send the carrots and grated tomatoes to it. We also simmer this roast until the vegetables are soft.

4. As soon as the potato slices reach half-cookedness, we send shredded cabbage to the pan. Cook until completely soft.

5. Put the contents of both pans into the borscht, simmer for two minutes over low heat.

Recipe 3: Meatless Borscht with Wild Mushrooms

Mushroom borsch without meat is a real fairy tale! For cooking, we will use dried mushrooms (white, chanterelles and any others). Soak them in cold water for at least three hours.


100 grams of dry mushrooms;

300 grams of cabbage;

1 large beet;

2 onions;

1.8 liters of water;

1 carrot;

3 spoons of pasta.

Potatoes optional.


1. We wash the pre-soaked mushrooms, fill with water and boil for 10 minutes. Then we change the water to 1.8 liters of pure boiling water and cook the soup already.

2. Fry onions with carrots, which we cut arbitrarily. Add shredded beets. We fry together.

3. Add tomato paste, you can replace with tomatoes. We simmer everything together.

4. 12 minutes after the mushrooms boil, add cabbage to them and cook until soft. Salt. If you cook mushroom borscht with potatoes, then you need to lay it for 7 minutes before cabbage.

5. Put the contents of the pan into the pan, boil for a couple of minutes.

6. Add the rest of the spices to your taste, herbs and turn off. Mushroom borscht needs to brew on the stove for half an hour so that it reveals all its flavors.

Recipe 4: Meatless Borscht with Green Peas

For the preparation of such borscht, canned peas are used. Which is very convenient and fast. At the same time, the product well dilutes the taste of borscht, visually makes the dish much prettier and more interesting.


3 potatoes;

250 grams of cabbage;

1 each: beets, carrots and onions;

0.5 cans of peas;

30 ml of oil;

A little parsley;

2 tomatoes.


1. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips, throw into the pan.

2. After 5 minutes, lay the shredded cabbage, salt, cook over a very low heat, do not let it boil actively.

3. Fry in a pan all the root vegetables, cut into strips. Alternately after a minute one after another: onions, then beets and the last carrot.

4. Add grated tomatoes without skins and simmer for 10 minutes.

5. We spread the roast to the already cooked cabbage and potatoes. Let's boil.

6. We throw green peas, let it boil again.

7. It remains to fill the dish with herbs, aromatic spices and that's it!

Recipe 5: Meatless Green Borscht with Sorrel

Sorrel borsch is a great dish not only for summer. Today, greens are sold at any time of the year and you can always indulge in a vitamin dish. The only thing to remember is that such borsch does not like reheating, so it is better to cook it at once.


1.5 liters of water;

3 tablespoons of oil;

2 potatoes;

1 carrot;

2 bowls of chopped sorrel;

1 onion;

Greens and laurel leaf;


1. We clean the vegetables. We cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the carrots and onions into smaller pieces. We chop greens. Sorrel needs to be sorted out, rinsed and simply cut on the board into pieces of 0.5 centimeters. Too small is not necessary.

2. Run the potato slices into a pot of boiling water.

3. After 3 minutes, put the carrot, then the onion and cook everything together until cooked. Don't forget to add salt in the middle.

4. Boil the eggs separately. We clean from the shell. We cut into cubes.

5. We put sorrel, greens into the pan, pour in a little oil to make the dish tastier.

6. We throw a leaf of laurel and you're done! Turn off.

7. Put a boiled and chopped egg in a plate, pour green borsch and serve with sour cream.

Recipe 6: Meatless Borscht with Sauerkraut

A feature of this borscht is a bright taste and pronounced aroma, which is given by sauerkraut. Many people love the dish with it and do not recognize other recipes.


2 potatoes;

2.5 liters of water, you can vegetable or mushroom broth;

1 carrot;

Beets 1 piece;

2 tablespoons of tomato;

350 grams of cabbage;

40 ml of oil;

Salt, lavrushka.


1. Throw chopped potatoes into boiling water, boil for 5 minutes.

2. Add sauerkraut. If it is too acidic, then you can rinse or simply squeeze out the brine. Cook until soft.

3. While the vegetables are being prepared in a saucepan, we are frying. To do this, pass the chopped onion in oil.

4. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, throw in the chopped carrots, fry for a couple of minutes.

5. At the end, put the grated beets and cook together until well browned.

6. Add a tomato diluted with a small amount and simmer the vegetables until completely soft.

7. Put the browning in a saucepan, boil the borscht for a few minutes, put the greens, throw in the bay leaf, bring it to taste with salt and that's it! Can be turned off.

Recipe 7: Meatless Borscht with Lentils

Lentils are cooked much faster than beans, they are also great for borscht, but for some reason they are rarely added. Probably, just no one is unfamiliar with this wonderful recipe. But it's easy to fix! A dish without potatoes, but you can add it.


0.5 cups of lentils;

1 large beetroot and 2 small ones;

1 onion;

3 spoons of tomato paste;

2 carrots;

300 grams of cabbage;

5 tablespoons of oil;

Greens, salt;

A little bit of vinegar.


1. We rub the peeled beets, put them in a small saucepan, pour in half a glass of water, a teaspoon of vinegar and simmer, covered with a lid, until completely soft.

2. We wash the lentils, throw them into a saucepan with boiling water (about two liters). Cook until half cooked.

3. Shred cabbage, send to lentils. Now you can add some salt.

4. Cut the onion, fry in a pan with oil.

5. As soon as the onion slices become transparent, add the grated carrots and fry together.

6. Add tomato paste and finely chopped peppercorns to the vegetables. We cook everything together until soft. If the mass begins to fry ahead of time, then you can pour in a little water and just put it out.

7. As soon as the lentils and cabbage reach readiness, add beets to them. Let's boil.

8. We shift the passerovka. Let it boil again.

9. Now we chop the greens, prepare the bay leaf, you can ground pepper, any seasonings. And all together we send to the pan. Turn off.

Borscht will be very bright and red if you add a little vinegar or a few crystals of citric acid when sautéing beets.

Unleavened borscht is not very tasty. And if the tomatoes do not give enough acid, you can add a little lemon juice to the pan or put a slice of citrus on the plate.

To give the dish a pleasant aroma of mushrooms, it is not necessary to boil the broth. You can grind a couple of dried mushrooms on a coffee grinder, fry together with sautéing and put in a saucepan. And the vegetarian borscht will have a completely different flavor.

Sorrel can be put not only in green borscht, but also in ordinary. The leaves will add the missing acid to the first dish and eliminate the need to put lemon juice, pour in vinegar.

The most delicious borscht is the one that has had time to infuse. It is recommended to prepare the dish 1.5 hours before lunch so that the tastes of all the ingredients are combined.

Dumplings with garlic are the best addition to borscht. But there is not always time to put the dough, wait until it rises and bake. There is an alternative! Cut pieces of stale bread into cubes, mix with grated garlic, drizzle with oil and dry fragrant croutons in the oven!

Yesterday I made borscht without meat. One of my very good friends is in the hospital and asked me to bring her red borscht. My friend really wanted a delicious, rich homemade borscht. And since the doctor advised her to limit certain foods due to high cholesterol levels (these are foods containing animal fats, refined oils, meat broths, including meat, fried and smoked), I had to cook borscht without meat and without frying.

Preparing such borscht is much easier and faster than meat broth. And the result is amazing: bright, fragrant, tasty borscht and even more rich and thick from the presence of lentils than classic borscht with meat. And here is the recipe.

Borscht without meat recipe

By the way, if you still prefer borsch with meat, then it will be cooked according to a similar technology, only, instead of lentils, you will need a good piece of meat or a good beef bone. And, if you want to have a richer borscht, then you should cook the bone for at least three hours.


  • 300gr.
  • beets 350 gr.
  • carrots 150 gr.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • prunes 100 gr.
  • cabbage 200 gr.
  • fresh tomatoes 3pcs or 250g. tomato puree
  • garlic 4 cloves
  • salt to taste
  • seasoning to taste

Technology for preparing lean borscht

We will cook borscht according to this recipe without meat and without frying.

  1. Clean the beets and cut into strips. Put in a saucepan (you can take a deep cast-iron skillet), pour water, so that the water slightly covers the beets. Close the lid and simmer over low heat until tender.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut into strips, cut the onion into half rings. Shred the cabbage finely. It is very convenient to use for thin shredding of cabbage.
  3. Rinse the lentils under cold running water. Pour water into the pot where the borscht will be cooked, put the lentils in it and put it to boil, when the water boils, reduce the heat and continue to cook the lentils over low heat.
  4. After 10 minutes of cooking lentils from the moment of boiling, add cabbage to the pan. When the cabbage softens slightly, add the prepared carrots, onions (without pre-frying) and prunes. We definitely add prunes, it will enrich the taste of borscht and add a smoked flavor to our dish.
  5. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop with a knife and add to the borscht. You can use tomato paste.
  6. We load the beets last, as the beets are already ready. To preserve the bright color of borscht, it is best to put beets after adding acid (in our case, these are tomatoes).
  7. Then cook on low heat for a few more minutes. At the end of cooking, you can straighten the borscht for salt, acidity and sweetness. If desired, crushed garlic can also be added to the borscht at the end of cooking.

So our delicious borscht without meat is ready! Let the finished borscht brew a little before serving. The next day it will be even tastier and richer.

In this recipe, I will tell you how to cook borscht without meat. In general, cooking borscht without meat is much easier and faster. And it turns out that it is at least lean and simple, but very tasty, red and not inferior to borscht with meat. It is also low in calories and rich in vegetable vitamins. Such a borscht is great for fasting, vegans and anyone who is on a low-calorie diet. By the way, instead of sour cream, you can add lemon juice to it.

Borscht without meat recipe with photo

Required Ingredients:

  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Medium-sized beets - 3 pcs.
  • Cabbage - half a cabbage
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar sand - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Parsley - 1 small bunch
  • Salt - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for borscht without meat:

  1. First of all, prepare all the necessary products. Wash and clean vegetables. After the beets with carrots, grate on a coarse grater. Shred the cabbage. Cut potatoes, onions and tomatoes into small cubes.
  2. Now take a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it. Then put the onion in it and fry it until soft, then add the carrot to the onion. Fry them together until the onion is golden brown.
  3. Then put the beets and tomatoes to the onions with carrots. Simmer it all for 10 minutes, and then remove from heat. The roast is ready.
  4. Take a three-liter saucepan, fill it halfway with water and put on fire. When the water boils in it, throw potatoes into it and cook it for about 5 minutes.
  5. Next, add the cabbage to the potatoes and cook them together for 2 minutes.
  6. After that, put the vegetable frying prepared above into the borscht. Then add finely chopped herbs, sugar, salt there and mix everything well.
  7. Cover the pan with a lid and continue to cook the borscht over low heat for another hour, stirring occasionally.
  8. Serve this wonderful first course with sour cream or lemon juice. Read more:.



  • potatoes - 400-500 grams
  • beets - 400-500 grams
  • cabbage - 400 grams
  • carrots - 100 grams
  • garlic - 6-10 grams
  • tomato juice - 250 ml
  • onion - 120 grams
  • vinegar (9%) - 2 teaspoons
  • salt, granulated sugar, bay leaf, peppercorns
  • parsley, dill, cilantro, green onion - to taste


  1. Finely chop the onion, grate the well-washed carrots.
  2. Put both ingredients in a multicooker container, pour in any vegetable oil, you can use corn oil. Fry, stirring constantly, until cooked in the “Fry” mode.
  3. Grate raw beets on a coarse grater, add half of the resulting volume to a mixture of carrots and onions, pour boiling water over the second part, pour in a teaspoon of vinegar (this will allow the beets to retain their original color), let the mass stand.
  4. Put out the roast along with the beets. Add a pinch of granulated sugar, the remaining vinegar, heat everything together for 5 minutes, stir constantly.
  5. Pour in the tomato juice, salt and pepper to taste. Warm up for another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Put peeled potatoes cut into pieces and finely chopped white cabbage.
  7. Pour in three liters of hot water, add more salt to taste, add bay leaf, continue cooking the dish in the "Stew" mode for an hour.
  8. At the end of cooking, add finely chopped garlic to the soup, pour in two tablespoons of beetroot juice with vinegar, taste, if necessary, add salt.
  9. Cook in the “Heating” mode for another 15-20 minutes, serve borsch on the table with sour cream and parsley, dill, cilantro, green onions.

This dish can be prepared in several versions, each borscht is tasty in its own way, due to additional ingredients it acquires new flavors.

Although you can eat such borscht just to cleanse the body during fasting days, or as a regular first course, because they are very tasty and healthy. In such a dish, there is less cholesterol harmful to the body, but more other substances that are useful for normal life, which are found in vegetables.

Potato tubers are rich in potassium, phosphorus and iron, carrots are rich in keratin, beets contain carbohydrates and organic acids. All vegetables are a storehouse of fiber, vitamins, and trace elements. All of these facts are more than enough to include lean borscht in your regular diet.



  • potatoes - 200-300 grams
  • cabbage - 400 grams
  • onion - 150 grams
  • celery stalk - 50 grams
  • celery or parsley root - 50 grams
  • beets - 400-500 grams
  • garlic - 20-30 grams
  • lemon - 20-30 grams
  • salt, ground and peas pepper, sugar, bay leaf, curry, suneli hops, Italian herbs


  1. Grate the carrot root, finely chop the onion, stalk and celery root.
  2. Put the chopped ingredients in a multicooker, pre-lubricated with oil, add seasonings there, fry the whole mass for 10-15 minutes in the “Baking” mode.
  3. Put shredded cabbage, potatoes, raw peeled whole beets, a whole onion-turnip, 2-3 lemon slices into the finished frying.
  4. Salt the vegetables, add granulated sugar, add water, set the “Stewing” program for 1 hour.
  5. Take out the beets, grate or chop with a blender, return to the slow cooker. The bulb can be thrown away.
  6. Bring the dish to a boil in the “Baking” mode.
  7. Crush the garlic under a press, add to the plates when serving along with the herbs. Read more:.



  • beets, carrots, onions - 100 grams each
  • potatoes - 200-300 grams
  • cabbage - 400 grams
  • tomato paste - 1-2 tablespoons
  • garlic - 18 grams
  • salt, peppercorns, bay leaf


  1. Peel and cut the onion.
  2. Pour sunflower oil into the bottom of the multicooker bowl, fry the onion.
  3. Peel and grate the beets and carrots, add to the onion mass.
  4. Simmer under the lid, after three minutes - mix.
  5. Add tomato paste and salt to taste. Simmer for a few more minutes.
  6. Peel and cut potatoes into pieces.
  7. Pour boiling water over the vegetable mass in the multicooker bowl, add potatoes. Boil.
  8. Cut the white cabbage, add to the soup.
  9. Add salt to taste, peppercorns, finely chopped garlic.
  10. Close the lid, bring to a boil, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for half an hour or an hour.
  11. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, put chopped herbs and garlic, bay leaf into the soup.



  • beets, carrots, onions - 100 grams each
  • dried mushrooms - 50 grams
  • white cabbage - 500 grams
  • potatoes - 200-300 grams
  • granulated sugar, salt, sweet pepper, tomato paste, herbs


  1. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode, pour vegetable oil into the container.
  2. Peel the beets, cut into thin strips, put in a bowl, add salt and granulated sugar, mix, fry.
  3. Chop the onion, grate the carrots, transfer to the beets. Add chopped peppers, tomato paste or pre-scalded, peeled and chopped tomatoes, sauté for 7 minutes.
  4. Chop the cabbage, cut the potatoes into small cubes, add to the vegetables.
  5. Rinse the mushrooms, add to the slow cooker. Fill the mass with water. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for an hour and a half.
  6. Half an hour before the end of cooking, season the soup with salt, chopped garlic and herbs.


  • in order to make the vegetarian soup without meat thicker and richer, you need to boil two peeled potato tubers in the broth. At the end of cooking, they must be mashed into a puree mass and added to the borscht.
  • vegetables for cooking this dish in a slow cooker can be laid raw, but it is better to fry, this will give the dish more flavor.
  • there are a great many recipes for lean borscht without meat: it can be cooked with sprat, beans, sorrel, mushrooms, bacon and sausages, donuts and garlic, horseradish and fish, beans and mushrooms, with apples and even without beets, serve hot and cold.
  • traditionally borscht is served with sour cream and herbs. Garlic is not required if there is an intolerance to this product. The soup can also be served with croutons made from "black" bread, another option: freshly baked or warmed up buns with garlic or soy sauce "Sen Soi".
  • the classic option is serving borscht with donuts. Prepare yeast dough buns from warm milk, salt, granulated sugar, vegetable oil and flour. The dough doesn't have to be tough. Leave the mass for an hour warm, it should increase in volume. Knead the dough, divide into buns, brush with egg and bake in a conventional oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • you can serve a dish with Indian Chapati cakes. They are very easy to prepare, you need to mix a glass of wheat flour, half a glass of water or whey, salt. Knead a thick dough, cut into small pieces, roll out thinly on a floured surface. Fry the cakes in a dry, without oil, frying pan, on both sides, grease the finished pastry with butter.

  • borscht that has lost its color can be restored by adding an infusion of fresh beets to it. To do this, grate the peeled root crop, pour a small amount of hot broth, pour in vinegar (3%), heat to a boil. Let the mixture stand for half an hour and strain. Pour into the main dish, warm up.
  • in an almost ready borscht, you can put washed and chopped prunes.
  • serve warm curd cheesecakes to the finished dish.

Borsch without meat, the recipe of which we offer you, is the perfect solution for a delicious first course on fasting days and beyond. Despite the absence of meat ingredients, this wonderful first course will fill you up perfectly and diversify your diet remarkably. We will prove to you that the absence of meat absolutely does not affect either the taste or the satiety of a hot dish. Many will give this borscht a higher culinary rating than the classic version.

Taste Info Borscht and cabbage soup


  • fresh beets - 1-2 pcs.;
  • white cabbage - 200 g;
  • greens - 3-4 branches;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • hot spice - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook delicious borscht without meat

Thoroughly wash all vegetables and herbs. We clean the onion from the husk. Extract the seeds from the sweet pepper. As greens, we have sprigs of young parsley, but basil or dill, for example, also perfectly emphasize the taste of this vegetable soup. This recipe used a mixture of spices "Georgian Spicy". But you can take any, to your liking.

Finely chop the onion. Grind peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Those who have some time and patience can finely chop carrots.

Chop the tomatoes into small cubes (we used two medium-sized ones). It is advisable to pre-peel the tomatoes. Make it simple. It is enough to dip the tomato for a few seconds in boiling water, and then in cold water. The top layer will literally fall off on its own. If there are no tomatoes, you can add two tablespoons of tomato paste. Roughly chop the bell pepper.

Put all the chopped vegetables in a deep frying pan, in which vegetable oil has already been heated over medium heat. Slightly reduce the fire and begin to pass until soft. Those who also count calories can pass vegetables in a small amount of water.

Let's clean the candle. Let's rub it coarsely. To do this, again use the large links of the grater. If other vegetables have been chopped before, then the beets should also be cut.

Ten minutes after the start of the heat treatment, put the beets in the pan. At this point, pour a tablespoon of vinegar (6%) to the vegetables. This will allow the finished borscht to retain a bright beetroot color. If your vinegar is more concentrated than ours, then a teaspoon will be enough. Let's continue to pass everything together for another ten minutes.

Peel the potato tubers. Cut into cubes. Pour one and a half liters of bottled water into a large saucepan. Put the potato cubes in there. Put on medium heat to cook.

Chop the cabbage into small strips. Instead of white cabbage, you can take Peking cabbage, but then it should be put when the potatoes are almost ready.

We will put it in the future borscht a couple of minutes after boiling.

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After twenty minutes, we will throw the vegetable contents of the pan there. We will cook for another 10 minutes.

Throw in spices and herbs, salt, turn off the fire in five minutes.

Delicious lean borscht without meat is ready. Pour hot into broth bowls. Look how bright and appetizing it is. In each add a little chopped greens. Classically, borscht is served with garlic donuts and sour cream. In fasting, of course, you will have to enjoy them without these two components. But even without it, it will be no less tasty.

We have proposed a simple and common option for making borscht without meat, you can also add to it:

  • Beans. You can use both canned and dry beans, which must first be filled with water. Such borsch begins to cook with beans, because. it cooks much longer than cabbage and potatoes.
  • Sprat in tomato. This, of course, is a completely different version of borscht and is not suitable for a lean version, but you can consider such a recipe. Borscht with sprat is very tasty.
  • Eggplant. It is unusual and unusual to see eggplant in the first courses, but borscht with eggplant is prepared, it is also called Hetman's.
  • Beetroot. You can add canned young beet tops or cook such borscht at the beginning of the warm season, at a time when young leaves of beet tops appear.
  • Sorrel. prepared in a completely different way, it does not look like a traditional dish. It can be cooked with meat, but many people respect green borsch even without meat.

Borscht without meat with beets- This is a delicious lean first course that is easy and quick to cook at home, not only on the stove, but also in a slow cooker. A step-by-step simple recipe with a photo, which is provided below, will clearly and in detail tell you how you can cook vegetable dietary borscht with your own hands not in meat broth, but in water. This hot or cold food is sure to please children, vegetarians, and those on a diet or fast.

In the classic Ukrainian version of the preparation of rich red borscht, it is imperative to use a piece of meat, tomato juice or pasta and many different vegetables (for frying). The presence of meat makes the dish very high in calories. In our dietary version of the preparation of lean summer borscht with vegetable frying, it contains only 37.8 kilocalories per 100 grams of the finished product.

The absence of meat does not make lean food tasteless and unnutritious. Fragrant food, rich in vegetables, and, accordingly, vitamins, can be cooked and eaten not only in the summer season, but also in winter. The excellent smell that boiled and fried vegetables (beets, potatoes, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, carrots), as well as garlic and fresh herbs give in the dish, will delight the household and will certainly seat them at the table to taste summer borscht.

It is not at all necessary to add a lot of spices to the food when cooking. The dish will already acquire an incredible taste and a very rich aroma. For people who are fasting or on a diet, sour cream can be replaced with lemon juice. Some hostesses, when cooking this liquid food, prefer to add canned or boiled beans to it. The latter must be soaked in water shortly before cooking. You can also come across ideas for cooking vegetable borscht based on sauerkraut, the presence of which adds piquant sourness to the treat. Having prepared for the first time a light vegetable borscht without meat according to the classic recipe, you will surely appreciate this dish and will want to make it again more than once.

KBJU and composition for the whole dish



    To prepare dietary borscht without meat at home, you must first rinse and peel the necessary vegetables. Beets with carrots should be coarsely grated. Fresh cabbage must be chopped. Potatoes, tomatoes and onions should be cut into small squares (see photo).

    Then you need to turn on the fire, put a frying pan on the stove and pour in sunflower oil for frying. First, put the onion in the pan and fry it until soft. The next ingredient is carrots. Next, you need to fry both vegetables until golden brown on the onion, stirring from time to time.

    Put beets and tomatoes in a stewpan with frying. All components must be simmered for approximately 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    In the meantime, put a container of water on the fire. After the liquid boils, it is necessary to pour potatoes into boiling water. The vegetable should be cooked for about 5 minutes over medium heat.

    After 5 minutes of cooking, add fresh chopped cabbage to the container. The ingredients should be cooked for about 2 minutes.

    After the specified time, put the frying in a pan with vegetables. All ingredients must be mixed gently.

    In the meantime, finely chop the parsley and pass the garlic through a press. Both spices will need to be added at the end of cooking. The dish should be salted and add your favorite seasonings (optional).

    The dish must be put on a slow fire, cover, and then continue to cook for about 1 hour. Borscht should not boil much, but only simmer a little. If you want the treat to be more rich, then cook it for 30-60 minutes more. In accordance with the classic recipe, before serving the dish, it is necessary to let it brew for some time by opening the lid on the pan.

    The finished dish can be laid out on portioned plates, and then served hot or cold. As a delicious addition, you can flavor your food with low-fat sour cream or lemon juice. Delicious borscht without meat cooked on the stove is ready. Bon appetit!
