
Dishes for the birthday of a child 3 years old. Different categories of dishes for a child's birthday (with recipe examples)

Do children need a lot to be happy? To spend a wonderful holiday, the most anticipated of all, with family and close friends, and even in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time. And caring parents will help in this - for this they need to prepare in advance and carefully plan everything. On the eve of a child's birthday, especially such a round date as 10 years old, every mother wonders, so what to cook on the table? And if you decide to celebrate this event at home, then the tips of the Zatusim resource will be useful to you.

It is, of course, easier to assemble a table for the birthday of a child of 10 years old than for younger children, for whom the list of food products is limited. But it is still important to choose fresh and high-quality ingredients for cooking.

When compiling the menu, try not to use extravagant products and recipes, especially if you are not sure that your child and guests will want to eat it.

It is best to choose food that is familiar to the baby, but prepared in a special way.

By nature, we tend to separate food, and in children this is especially pronounced. Therefore, the simpler the treats are, the more the guys will like them.

Choose less fatty foods and try not to use frying when cooking, because tasty food can be cooked correctly and be healthy.

If other children were invited to the birthday party, then it would not be superfluous to ask mothers about the presence of allergic reactions or other restrictions on products.

Another important aspect is safety. Keeping track of active children in the heat of the holiday is not easy, so make sure your food and table are as safe as possible.

Children are very fond of fresh fruits and vegetables - when serving them, make sure that the treats are well washed and, if possible, pitted.

Avoid fish with bones, complex sandwiches, spicy foods, and foods that are highly allergenic.

Fish dishes should be abandoned, because even after a thorough check, small bones may remain, and if someone chokes, the holiday can be completely ruined. And not all children like to eat fish.

Children's birthday menu options

Chicken dishes are an excellent option for hot dishes - most children treat it positively.

Baked legs in batter will definitely appeal to 10-year-olds - they are delicious and convenient to eat with your hands. This treat is easy to prepare and can be fun to decorate with paper tassels.

Give preference to simple salads that can be laid out in bowls. Arrange the filling in shortbread baskets or tartlets.

Children are much more interested in helping themselves to such snacks than sitting in front of a plate overflowing with heavy salads.

Prepare small sandwiches with homemade boiled pork, cheese or pate. But it is better to avoid smoked meats and sausages.

An excellent solution for a festive table is various canapés decorated on skewers - such a treat will definitely be eaten.

Avoid the abundance of purchased sweets and candies, many delicious desserts can be prepared at home.

The birthday menu for a 10-year-old girl can be varied with all kinds of fruit and berry jellies, mousses. Milkshakes and chocolate puddings also make great table decorations.

It is better to replace carbonated drinks with natural juices and fruit drinks. The time of bottled cola and forfeit on the tables is over, and every mother who cares about the health of her children is able to prepare delicious and healthy drinks.

Cooking meals that kids love

Almost any healthy dish can be transformed into a children's menu for 10-year-old guests. But there are treats that children especially like. We will include them in our menu.

Snacks, sandwiches and canapes

Small snack sandwiches and canapes make a great menu base for a 10 year old's birthday. Make small sandwiches. The ideal size is 5x5 cm, so they are much more convenient to eat.

Products can be cut into various shapes (stars, circles, fish) using molds and put on skewers. It is desirable that the skewers are not very sharp, which will exclude injuries.

You can string anything on skewers: fruits, vegetables, cheese, cold cuts, bread. Alternate colors - so the appetizer will look much more interesting.

If the holiday takes place outdoors or in the woods by the fire, prepare to delight the children.

Homemade birthday pizza

For the anniversary of 10 years, a girl or a boy can cook pizza. Children simply adore it, and will prefer it to many other dishes.

Such an Italian open pie can be both the main treat on the table and a small snack. It all depends on the filling you choose and how you serve it.

You can bake one large pizza or make small portioned treats.

The golden rule of baby food is the simpler the better. Therefore, chicken, cheese, pickled cucumbers, tomato sauce are perfect as ingredients for pizza.

Do not overload it with olives or onions - children often do not eat these foods.

In the summer, you can not do without cooling drinks. This is where homemade lemonade comes in handy.

To make lemonade you will need:

  • water;
  • lemon;
  • sugar.

The proportions of the ingredients are arbitrary. Usually, juice and zest of 1 lemon is enough for 1 liter of water. But everything will depend on the size and freshness, acidity of the fruit. Add sugar to taste as well. For 3 liters of drink, 1 glass of granulated sugar is consumed.

Wash the lemon thoroughly and scald with boiling water. Remove the zest from the citrus on a grater.

Squeeze out all the juice, then strain to remove the seeds.

Boil water and add zest and sugar to it. Continue to boil the drink for another 10 minutes.

Cool the syrup and pour in the squeezed lemon juice.

Lemonade is ready! Store in the refrigerator in a sealed container.

It will take 1 kilogram of ripe strawberries. You can use wild strawberries or wild strawberries, or other berries that are in season.

To prepare a delicious smoothie in a tall container, mix 2 cups of juice (fruit drink), berries, pieces of melon, banana.

Beat the resulting mixture well with a blender until a homogeneous consistency.
Pour into tall glasses and garnish with fruit. This drink will be a great addition to any appetizer or dessert.

Interesting recipes using berries in the material.

10th birthday cakes

What birthday is complete without a cake - its appearance almost always becomes the culmination of the holiday.

Of course, mothers always have a choice - to order a birthday cake for a 10-year-old boy in a pastry shop or bake it at home on their own.

If you have free time, the second option is preferable, since you will know exactly what ingredients the cake for children is made from.

The safety rules for components and preparation remain relevant for the first anniversary.

In addition, there are recipes for amazingly delicious and easy-to-prepare treats, starting with and ending with desserts, cupcakes, muffins.

Jelly cake without baking

Even if there is no experience in preparing complex pastries, making jelly is not difficult. In addition, there is a place for creative experiments and the embodiment of the most incredible ideas.

For cooking you will need:

  • butter;
  • shortbread cookies;
  • cinnamon;
  • fruits;
  • gelatin;
  • chocolate;
  • heavy cream;
  • curd;
  • powdered sugar.

For the base, we prepare butter, cookies and cinnamon. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and tamp in a detachable cake mold. We send it to the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

For the next jelly layer, you can choose any filler - fruits, berries, chocolate. The most beautiful cake will turn out if you combine several layers.

We prepare the gelatin mixture according to the instructions on the package, add melted chocolate and heavy cream - 200 ml. Stir and send to simmer over low heat, not bringing to a boil.

In a blender, mix 200 g of the curd mass with the prepared chocolate mixture and add 50 g of powdered sugar. Put it on the base of the cake and send it to harden in the cold.

At this time, prepare the next layer.

Add berry juice, chopped fruits and berries to the new gelatin mixture. Let it brew a little and fill it with the first layer after it has hardened.

The number of layers and their content can be combined as you wish. Decorate the cake to your taste - fresh berries or almond flakes, chocolate chips or marzipan figurines.

A birthday cake for a 10 year old girl can be not only a delicious treat, but also a great activity for your child.

Involve the young birthday girl in the cooking process, giving her freedom for creativity.

Such joint chores on the eve of the holiday will definitely appeal to girls and even some boys.

Festive table setting

It is important to remember that children are not adults who are ready to sit at the table for hours at a holiday.

Most likely, the holiday will not do without competitions and games, where only at intervals the kids will run up to the table and have something to eat and chew on the go. Try to create comfortable conditions for them.

Plastic unbreakable dishes will help out, small portions of food that are convenient to take from the table.

Drinking glasses can be written with the names of guests, use resealable bottles for cocktails and smoothies with straws.

Treats can be decorated in the form of animal figurines or cartoon characters. Fruits and vegetables are fun to cut with the help of special kitchen utensils.

Summing up, we highlight the main points that must be considered when compiling the children's birthday menu:

  1. Think over in advance the dishes for the birthday of a child of 10 years.
  2. Avoid complicated recipes and extravagant ingredients.
  3. It is better to serve familiar products, but prepared in an original way.
  4. Homemade pizza will be a great treat for a 10 year old children's birthday.
  5. Use fewer purchased sweets - delicious desserts can and should be prepared at home.
  6. Carbonated drinks are easy to replace with fruit drinks, compotes or juices.
  7. Try making a delicious cake that doesn't need to be baked.

Beautifully set the table and dishes, then your child and guests will definitely be satisfied.

Video: children's holiday menu

What and how to cook for a children's holiday is shown in detail in the video:

When compiling a menu for children for a birthday, you should be guided by two main criteria: the age of the birthday person and his guests and the available budget. It is also necessary to first find out if any of the invitees have food allergies. The children's birthday menu should be varied, and special attention should be paid to the way the dishes are served and the table setting.


Many parents, thinking about what will be on the table, invent a lot of delicacies. This is not entirely appropriate for a children's holiday. Children are more likely to prefer a deliciously prepared simple dish that will be served in an interesting way. This must be taken into account when considering the menu for a children's birthday. The highlight of the holiday for the child is, of course, fun and entertainment. And since children are very active, it is necessary to take care of drinks that can quench their thirst. In addition to juices, compotes and lemonade, drinking water must be on the table.

What should not be cooked for the holiday?

When compiling a menu for a children's birthday, you should avoid fried, fatty, spicy and pickled foods. Also, do not serve fish, with the exception of stuffed or in the form of cutlets. Avoid salads containing mayonnaise. Bulk meals are best divided into portions.

Burgers and sandwiches

The menu for a children's birthday should include a variety of burgers and sandwiches. For their preparation, it is better to use simple and familiar ingredients. Whole wheat toast bread is suitable, instead of sauce it can be sprinkled with olive oil. Lay a lettuce leaf on the bread, and then use the products of your choice: baked meat, steam cutlets, hard or soft cheese. Vegetable slices are also suitable: fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and the like. From the ingredients that will be at the very top, you can cut out funny animal figures or lay them out in the form of the sun, moon, stars and other things. Such a serving will interest the guys, and the appetizer will be much tastier.


Children's birthday menus often include canapés. It can be made from vegetables, alternating colors. Cheese, olives or olives and, of course, fruits are also suitable. Several types of canapes can be laid out on one dish. For their preparation, you must first buy decorative skewers. Vegetables, cheese and other ingredients must be cut into cubes. Fresh cucumbers are more convenient to cut into rings.

First, you need to put an olive or an olive on a skewer, then a cube of cheese, and then a cucumber ring. Also tasty are the combinations of cherry tomatoes, which are planted first, cheese or mozzarella, a small sprig of greens and bell pepper.

Dessert canapes are the easiest to assemble. Fruit can be used fresh or canned. They just need to be cut into slices or cubes and strung on a skewer. For originality, you can serve sweet confiture from melted chocolate, jam or jam.

Canapes can be substituted for the sandwiches. In this case, you should cut the baguette, grease each slice with melted cheese, then cover with a lettuce leaf. Put a thin slice of baked meat, ham or boiled sausage folded four times on top. Next, string a cherry tomato or olive on a skewer and stick it into the cooked sandwich. Such an original presentation will increase the appetite of guests.

Canape from toast

It is not at all difficult to come up with and prepare a variety of snacks that will complement the children's birthday menu. Recipes, for example, canapes, there are different. Instead of a baguette, you can use regular toast bread. Only it should be cut into two or four parts. Next, grease each piece with butter, cover with a lettuce leaf, lay a slice of boiled pork and fresh cucumber. Thread half a cherry tomato or olive onto a skewer.


You can also include tartlets in the children's birthday menu. Ready-made dough molds can be purchased at the store or baked yourself. Even choosing the second method, you will not spend a lot of time and effort. The recipe is this. You will need one glass of sifted flour, one hundred grams of margarine, one yolk, one tablespoon of water, sugar and salt to taste.

Tartlets can be designed for dessert, meat filling or salads. Therefore, for each type, the appropriate dough should be made - sweet or salty. Flour and salt are mixed, and the yolk should be ground with sugar. Margarine needs to be crushed. Then you need to mix everything and gradually pour water into the mass. After that, the prepared dough must be wrapped in a plastic bag and sent for half an hour in the refrigerator. After the set time, remove the mass and roll out the layer no more than three millimeters in thickness.

Metal molds for tartlets should be placed close to the table, covered with dough and pressed down on top with a rolling pin. Excess pieces are removed. The dough should be evenly distributed inside each mold and put back in the refrigerator. The oven must be heated to a temperature of 200 degrees. Before you put the tartlets in it, you should pierce the dough in several places with a fork or a toothpick. Next, the molds are sent to the oven for a quarter of an hour. In the meantime, you can prepare a variety of fillings.


Tartlets are a great appetizer option when organizing a children's birthday at home. The menu can be diversified not due to the number of dishes, but due to different ways of serving the same dishes. For example, tartlets can be filled with salad.

To do this, grate or cut into strips two fresh cucumbers. Do the same with 200 grams of boiled pork. Instead of mayonnaise, mash 100 grams of feta with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Fill the salad. Divide contents among tarts. Garnish with cherry tomato slices, olives or herbs.

Another filling option is salted cottage cheese with dill. To do this, 200 grams of cheese should be mashed with a few tablespoons of sour cream and salt to taste. Then finely chop a couple of sprigs of dill and mix with the bulk. Fill the tartlets and garnish with a rosette made from a fresh cucumber slice.

Do not forget about age when making a menu for a children's birthday. 5 years is a time when babies are still not recommended to eat a lot. Prohibited foods include canned food, with the exception of fruits, smoked meats, salted fish, and mushrooms in large quantities. To avoid unpleasant incidents, this should be taken into account.

Pizza for children

However, even without these products, you can create an interesting and varied menu for a children's birthday. 5 year olds already have some food preferences. As a rule, most children love pizza at this age. It will be a great alternative to classic hot meat dishes with a side dish. You can easily make your own pizza dough. Classical proportions should be followed. Take flour with water in a ratio of 2: 1, add a tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil, one teaspoon of dry yeast, salt to taste.

Next, you need to roll out a round layer with a thickness of 5-6 millimeters and pierce it with a toothpick evenly over the entire canvas. Top it with a mixture of tomato sauce and vegetable oil. Then sprinkle the dough with Italian herbs. If there is no ready-made seasoning at hand, you can replace it with a mixture of dried basil and oregano (or oregano).

Next, it's time to lay out the filling. Any ingredients will do. You can cut chicken fillet, boiled pork, sausage stewed on fire. Then you need to lay a few slices of ordinary tomatoes. Salt everything. Next, you can immediately fill the filling with cheese. It is better to combine several types, for example, Dutch or Russian and mozzarella. Parmesan is added in the traditional recipe, but it belongs to expensive cheeses. It can be replaced by any other kind. The filling can also be made from meat, bell peppers and feta with herbs. There are a lot of pizza options. Next, the cake is sent to the oven, baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

Celebrate in nature: what dishes to choose?

When it is a warm spring or the height of summer outside, it is advisable to organize a children's birthday party in nature. The menu in this case should include portioned dishes that will be easy for children to take. It is better to set the table in the form of a buffet table. In this format, canapes, tartlets, toast and everything that does not need to be poured from a common dish are best suited. It is better to order pizza for a birthday held in nature just before the start of the celebration, or you can completely replace it with another dish. After all, in the fresh air it is good to cook vegetables and meat on the grill. Although not all age groups will suit this menu for a children's birthday. 7 years old is the age when children can already eat dishes prepared in this way.

You can bake mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes. Having placed the vegetables over the coals, it is necessary to periodically sprinkle them with oil, sprinkle with finely chopped dill, garlic and salt, then they will acquire a very pleasant aroma. You can not do without, of course, the classic barbecue. For children, you can make it from chicken fillet. It is not as heavy on the stomach as pork.


The menu for a children's birthday should include only those dishes that the children will like. Do not prepare a magnificent feast. The main thing that all children are waiting for is a cake with candles. You can cook it yourself or order it in a pastry shop.

A festive table can be called an obligatory and invariable attribute of a birthday. However, the choice of menu will depend on a variety of parameters and conditions. In the case of a children's banquet, you need to take into account such important features as the age of the children, taste preferences, as well as the requirements for healthy and safe food.

At the age of two years, the child still has a lot of culinary restrictions. First of all, the restrictions apply to preservatives, synthetic additives, food allergens, hot spices, concentrates, bitter, sour and salty foods, high sugar content, difficult to digest, fatty foods, foods high in nitrates and other dangerous chemical elements. Be sure to check the expiration date and quality of products, since the digestive system of a child at this age is very vulnerable.

Taste and dietary features of baby food

By the age of two, a child should already have a certain number of milk teeth, but in most cases he still cannot fully chew, since the main molars are formed after 24 months. This means that the holiday menu should not contain hard and tough food.

It is also necessary to monitor the ratio and norms of protein products, fats and carbohydrates. For example, the daily norm of meat should not exceed 90 grams, fish - 30 grams, bread and pastries - 100 grams, vegetables - 250-300 grams, dairy products - 500-600 grams.

Based on these requirements and calculations, a menu for the festive table should be compiled. Another feature worth paying attention to is the colorful design of the dishes: the more attractive they look, the more willingly children will eat them.

Liver- a very useful product for the child's body. The advantages of pate are that it is not only tasty, but also quite soft and tender.

Grocery list:

  • chicken liver - 500 gr.
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • wheat bread
  • butter - 100 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 10 gr.

Cooking technique:

1) Hard boil the eggs.

2) Lightly fry the liver in vegetable oil.

3) Peel the onions and carrots, simmer over low heat with the liver until cooked, then mince.

4) Melt the butter, add to the pate and mix thoroughly.

5) Cut the bread into slices, spread with pate.

3) Boil 1 carrot, cut into circles, cut the cucumber in the same way and decorate sandwiches with them.

canape These are mini-sandwiches fastened with skewers. They are quick and easy to prepare and eat just as quickly.

Grocery list:

  • wheat bread
  • salmon or trout, salmon (or other red fish)
  • lettuce
  • sour cream

Cooking technique:

1) Cut the bread into small triangles, brush with sour cream.

2) Cut the cheese into triangles, put on bread, cover with salad.

3) Place the fish on top of the canape and secure the layers with skewers.

Tartlets- a convenient and popular snack for the festive table. There are a huge variety of fillings for tartlets, but not all of them are suitable for children. This recipe is made especially for children.

Grocery list:

  • ready-made tartlets (you can buy in a store or bake yourself)
  • cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • banana - 2 pcs.
  • orange - 2 pcs.
  • chocolate - 50 gr.
  • sour cream - 200 gr.
  • raisins - 60 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 20 gr.

Cooking technique:

1) Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, add powdered sugar, banana, mix thoroughly with a mixer.

2) Add raisins, stir the resulting mass, fill the tartlets with the mass.

3) Cut the peeled orange into slices, put on tartlets.

4) Grate chocolate, sprinkle tartlets.


Very tasty and healthy drink, quite simple to prepare, with a lot of different options. Given that the composition includes ice cream, you need to make sure that the drink is not too cold. It is recommended to drink a milkshake through a straw.

1) Milky banana.

Grocery list:

  • milk - 500 ml
  • ice cream - 200-250 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.

2) Milky fruit.

Grocery list:

  • milk - 500 ml
  • ice cream - 200-250 gr.
  • natural juice from berries or the berries themselves (cherries, raspberries, currants)

3) Strawberry coffee.

Grocery list:

  • milk - 500 ml
  • ice cream - 200-250 gr.
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • strawberries (fresh or thawed) - half a glass
  • 1-2 tsp honey

Cooking technique:

The principle of making milkshakes is simple: the ingredients are crushed and whipped with a mixer. It is not recommended to add pineapple, orange, kiwi, lemon to milkshakes - the juice of these fruits destroys milk enzymes and can adversely affect children's digestion.

There comes a day when your child becomes a year older. Birthday!

If with the parents who will probably also celebrate this celebration (they are no less involved in this), relatively everything is clear, then with the organization of a children's event it is somewhat more difficult.

The question arises of what to cook for children on their birthday.

Not every dish can be put on the table, and the age of the guests must be taken into account. How to decorate dishes so that they are interesting and appeal to little guests.

Therefore, you have to sit down at the table and make a menu for a children's birthday.

The menu should consist of small dishes that are readily and quickly absorbed.

Of course, you need to take into account the age of the guests, not everything that can be put on the table for 7-10 year olds can be suitable for 3-5 year old kids.

Children's birthday menu

Let's start with the most simple, beautiful and readily eaten canapes, these are small sandwiches fastened with a skewer and consisting of fruits, vegetables, meat or fish products.

fruit canape

Prepare 6 - 7 types of fruits and berries, keep in mind that for young children, some fruits may be allergens

Rinse them well, cut into small pieces and put them on skewers (you can choose and purchase a variety of skewers for canapes in stores), in different ways, lay them out or arrange them on a plate

Fish and meat canapes

Such canapes are made with small pieces of bread, sausage cut into thin plastics, fish or seafood.

Add pieces of vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, olives

What makes such sandwiches convenient is that they are easy and quick to prepare and there is a large scope of various options.

Another type of sandwiches on cookies or biscuits

Take biscuits or cookies, preferably not sweet, spread pate (liver, chicken) on top, cover with a small lettuce leaf

Cut the cherry tomato into four parts, put two on the salad in the form of a butterfly, cut out the head from the olives, put dots on the mayonnaise wings

Very original and tasty sandwiches "ships running on the waves"

Made from halves of egg whites stuffed with grated yolks with cheese and sour cream, and use potato chips as sails.

What else can you offer on the menu for a children's birthday?

Salad "Watermelon slice"

This salad contains:

  • chicken fillet - 300 g
  • cheese - 100 g
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • champignons - 300 g
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs
  • fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs
  • mayonnaise - 200-250 g
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • pepper, salt

How to prepare such a beautiful and tasty salad?

Boil the chicken fillet in salted water and cool it in the broth

Cut the washed champignons, fry them in oil, salt and pepper

This salad is laid in layers, the first layer will be finely chopped chicken fillet, laying out a layer, give the shape of a sliced ​​​​piece of watermelon and brush a little with mayonnaise

The next layer consists of fried mushrooms smeared with a small layer of mayonnaise

The next two layers are grated egg yolks and grated egg whites, also smeared with mayonnaise.

Grate a fresh cucumber on a coarse grater, wring it out slightly, lay it around the edge in the form of a watermelon peel, lay out the imitation of the white part with grated cheese

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, let the juice drain, lay out the last layer, cut into small pieces of olives as grains

Salad "Tiger"

This salad uses the following products:

  • boiled sausage - 200 g
  • potatoes - 400 g
  • fresh cucumbers - 200 g
  • onion - 100 g
  • carrots - 400 g
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs
  • mayonnaise, pepper, salt

This salad is also laid out in layers, with each layer smeared with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

The first layer consists of grated boiled potatoes, lay it out in the shape of a tiger cub's head.

The next layers consist of finely chopped boiled sausage, grated cucumber on a coarse grater, chopped green onion, grated egg.

Make the top layer of grated boiled carrots.

From the grated protein, make cheeks, eyes of a tiger cub, lay out the nose, eyelashes, ears, stripes with chopped olives.

Make a protruding tongue with a small plastic sausage.

I think it turned out very cute and delicious.

Fruit and berry salad

You can decorate a salad of fruits and berries in a very original way.

The composition can be absolutely anything.

Cut the pulp in the watermelon, rinse the berries, peel the fruit, finely chop, mix with pieces of watermelon, put everything in the cooked watermelon. Prepare hot or melted chocolate for salad.

Chicken rolls with pineapple

Very tasty recipe

Take 1 kg of chicken fillet, cut into layers, beat off, salt, pepper

For each layer lay out 2 tbsp. l. grated cheese, pineapple and mushrooms, cut into small cubes, roll up and tie with threads or stab with wooden skewers

Brush them with oil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Biscuit on skewers

Grind three ready-made biscuit cakes into crumbs.

Mix each one separately with condensed milk, jam, chocolate-nut butter.

Blind the balls, string them on long skewers and dip in hot chocolate, decorate with confectionery sprinkles and refrigerate.

Children will love this dessert.

Strawberry ice cream

Ice cream dessert will bring great pleasure to children.

You can come up with a lot of options from ordering an ice cream cake to making this dish yourself.

I can offer the following recipe, a frequently used dessert hit.

Freeze a kilogram of strawberries, chop them in a blender, mix with half a kilogram of ice cream (you can vanilla, ice cream, cream), add 200 g of strawberry jam or jam, 50 g of honey.

Beat the mass, put it into molds and freeze.

Sprinkle with crushed nuts or chocolate chips before serving.

If you want to make ice cream yourself, you can read the previous article

berry jelly

Fruit jelly is very popular with children.

It can be prepared from various berries.

I will offer here such a recipe for fruit jelly, consisting of one glass of berries (cranberries, raspberries, currants, etc.), 3 glasses of water, half a glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, 1 g citric acid.

Soak gelatin in a glass of water for 1.5 hours. Rinse the berries and squeeze out the juice. Pour the pulp with hot water and boil for 5-6 minutes, strain, add sugar, citric acid, bring to a boil.

Stir in the swollen gelatin to dissolve. Bring to a boil again and add the juice, stir, pour into molds and refrigerate. Before serving, dip the mold with jelly for 1 - 2 seconds in hot water and put the jelly on a dish.

Cookies crispy sticks

Make the dough, for which mix 2/3 wheat flour, 2/3 sugar, 100 g butter, 1 tbsp. l. lemon peel and salt to taste, until smooth and leave to cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Form flagella from the dough about 1 cm thick and 5 cm long, spread on a greased baking sheet and place in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees, bake until golden brown.

When serving, sprinkle the sticks with powdered sugar, crushed nuts or seeds.

As drinks, you can offer various teas, juices, fruit drinks, lemonades, how to make various lemonades.

You can brew delicious tea according to the recipes that you read.

Of course, do not forget to include in the menu for a children's birthday, in which there will be candles according to the age of the birthday man.

Unusual cake for children's birthday

Birthday is associated with balloons, sweets, clowns, games, and most importantly - with fun. It is important that the design of the children's table fits into the overall concept of the holiday.

When decorating a children's birthday, it is important to adhere to a single idea and select everything in the same style. Recently, themed birthdays have become popular. For boys, it can be a pirate holiday, for girls - in the style of princesses.

Start serving

Making a children's holiday table, like an adult, begins with a tablecloth. Pretentious and expensive materials should remain where they were - in the closet. Firstly, children can flood them or get dirty with something. And secondly, kids will like bright, unusual tablecloths more.

It is better to use a fabric tablecloth with a pattern or a bright oilcloth. It can be polka dot, animal print or even cartoon characters. You can beat two plain tablecloths of different colors by connecting them and decorating them with bows.

An example of serving is shown in the photo.

No less important at the children's party will be napkins. They can be placed under a plate or rolled into a fancy figure and placed on a plate. You can use both paper multi-colored napkins and fabric ones with embroidery elements. The latter are not so practical, but they will emphasize the significance of the event and will not leave anyone indifferent.

A great solution for a birthday is disposable plastic tableware. Kids will not be able to break it and get hurt. This is not about banal white plates. The variety of colors of disposable tableware is amazing. And children will definitely appreciate the dishes with their favorite characters. Try to match the entire set of dishes in the same color scheme or theme.

An example of a photo with colored disposable tableware.

Additional elements in the design will not be superfluous. For example, M&Ms sprinkled right on the tablecloth. An interesting decoration will not be a boring flower bouquet, but lollipops. Little sweet tooth will definitely appreciate this move.

To make each guest feel their importance, you can tie balloons with small presents inside on the backs of chairs. When the guests disperse, invite them to pop the balloons. They will be pleasantly surprised and will remember it for a long time. You can use cards with the names of guests. Place them on a chair or directly on a plate. There are a lot of options for designing such cards. (photo)

Children's holiday table menu

On the video: cooking recipe: pancake cake, fruit salad and lemonade!

Many mothers have already seen from their own experience that kids do not really like culinary experiments, especially on holidays.

The key to success is simplicity. Save complicated meals for another day. Prepare something familiar: sandwiches, vegetable and fruit salads, chicken cutlets, mashed potatoes.

At first glance, it may seem that the menu is completely non-festive, but here the design of the dishes plays a decisive role. A little patience and this banality will turn into a real feast.
Children do not like "boring" food, they tend to start playing faster. The task of parents is to keep children eating. But you can’t glue them to a chair and you can’t hold them by force, so you have to restrain them with the originality of the dishes.

An excellent solution would be sandwiches, snacks on skewers (for older ones) and tartlets (for small ones). Therefore, the menu for schoolchildren and kids will be different.

It is necessary to take into account the age of the guests and select only allowed and familiar products for them.

Salads and appetizers

Canape on skewers is a win-win option that does not require much effort - just carefully cut the ingredients into circles or cubes.

Ordinary sandwiches can be decorated in such a way that they will remain in the memories of children for a long time. Ladybugs from tomatoes (as in the photo), funny animal faces from cheese and sausage, mice from eggs - these are far from all possible options.

Peacock tail will be a tasty and healthy dish. It is prepared from baked eggplant, processed cheese, boiled eggs, cucumbers and olives. An example of the design of the dish is shown in the photo.

An original serving idea will give any salad a festive look. The main thing is that the idea is understandable to the child. Choose only those ingredients that children will definitely like.

Salads can be decorated with edible animals, flowers, mushrooms and create a whole composition on a plate.

Joy in small eyes will make you forget about the time spent in the kitchen and the efforts spent.
A simple but original idea will be mice. Blind them from a mixture of grated hard cheese, crab shelves, garlic and mayonnaise. Make the ears carrot, and the eyes with allspice black peppercorns. Decorate the plate with pieces of cheese and herbs and serve on the children's table. The success of this dish is guaranteed.

A good solution would be Mimosa with mice. Put the lettuce in the form of a head of cheese on a flat plate and garnish with boiled egg mice. The design of the salad is shown in the photo.

Taking chicken and quail eggs, you can create a mouse family.

Main holiday dishes

No need to focus on hot dishes. For a children's table, it is enough to cook one thing, for example, cutlets in the shape of stars or flowers.

Hedgehog cutlets with crispy thorns look interesting. They are prepared in an elementary way. Prepare the minced meat, form balls, stick the spaghetti (pre-break them into small pieces) and put in the oven until cooked.

Multi-colored mashed potatoes will impress the most demanding little gourmets. Prepare a regular puree and add the juice of boiled beets, carrots or spinach. In puree, you can add not only juice, but also the vegetables themselves, slaughtered in a blender. Put on a plate with a pastry syringe.

Desserts and drinks: serving secrets

All those children are still sweet. They wouldn't mind skipping all the snacks and going straight for the sweet.

Plan your menu carefully. If you're serving high-calorie appetizers and salads, it's best to opt for a fruit platter for dessert rather than a cream cake.

Serving fruit salad can also be beaten. Forget about a boring plate, serve it in a big piece of fruit. It could be melon or watermelon. Everything looks bright and juicy in the photo, you can be sure that the little guests will really like this treat.

The fruit canape can be put on the table from the very beginning with appetizers or at the end with desserts. But you need to prepare such snacks just before serving.

Do not be too lazy to prepare fruit jelly (the design is shown in the photo). But show your imagination and pour it not into cups, but into half an orange peel. Multi-colored slices will surely interest the kids and will be the highlight of the children's banquet.

Even in drinks, babies prefer sweets. But don't serve boring Tetra Pak juice bags or a plastic bottle of lemonade. At least they can be poured into beautiful jugs and put on the table. But then you will have to pour drinks for everyone on your own, because they may not be able to keep the jug from pouring over themselves and everything around.

You can use glass glasses and decorate the rim with sprinkles. It looks beautiful, and, in addition, it is also delicious. Also think about decorative umbrellas in glasses.

What to give up

Organizing a holiday for a child is not at all difficult. The main thing is to approach this with love, care and creativity. In order to avoid trouble on such a special day, you should mention what not to do:

  • decorate a room or table with lit candles. It's beautiful, of course, but also dangerous. The candles blown out on the cake will be enough;
  • if you decide to put fresh flowers, make sure that they do not have a strong smell;
  • save expensive services for another occasion;
  • nothing sharp. All dishes should be convenient to eat without knives;
  • do not use small items if the holiday is for kids, they can swallow tiny items;
  • do not use synthetic dyes;
  • find out if someone is allergic to certain foods;
  • in a small room, it is better to arrange a small buffet and leave more space for games.
