
Dishes from eel recipes. Fried sea eel recipe

The eel is a real marine predator. It is a delicacy that many people enjoy. Most of us have tried this fish dried or smoked. Therefore, few people know that very tasty dishes can be prepared from eel at home. In addition to excellent taste, this fish is also very useful: it contains many vitamins and nutrients. However, the eel must be cooked properly, as its blood contains poisonous toxins that can cause poisoning. But do not be afraid, with proper heat treatment, all toxins are destroyed. Another thing you need to know: if you have to butcher an eel yourself, be very careful. If his blood gets on damaged skin, then inflammation may appear. But even this does not stop true gourmets. Next, we will share with you the recipes for the most delicious eel dishes.

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Japanese food

We all know that the Japanese are considered long-lived. This is supported by various products, including fish. These people are really very well versed in fish and can cook real culinary masterpieces from it. At the same time, they try to expose seafood to minimal heat treatment. Eel is one of the most popular foods in Japan. Most often it is used to make rolls. Therefore, we will tell you how to cook such delicious rolls at home. All products can be easily found in the supermarket.

Unagi (sugrem rolls)

To prepare these rolls, you will need the following products: 150 grice for sushi, 3 sheets of nori, smoked eel, a tablespoon of sesame seeds, a tablespoon of soy sauce, green onions, wasabi and pickled ginger.

With wet hands, place the rice on the noria sheets. It should take up approximately 2/3 of the space. In the middle of the sheet, lay out strips of green onions and eel. Roll the rolls using a special zinc coating and cut them into 6-8 pieces. Drizzle each roll with soy sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving. Serve with ginger and wasabi.

European cuisine

In European cuisine, the recipe for eel pie is very popular. We will tell you how to cook it.

Take a couple of medium sized eels and skin them, don't forget to remove the fins. Then cut the fish into pieces and put them in a pan with melted butter (30 g). Add shallots, mushrooms, spices, parsley, a glass of sherry, nutmeg and a little water to the fish. Put on the fire and let it boil. After boiling, take out the fish and transfer it to the previously prepared baking dish on the puff pastry. In the liquid that you have left in the pan, add another 30 grams of butter and the same amount of flour. This will make the sauce. The sauce must be boiled until it thickens over low heat and at the end add a little lemon juice there. Pour the prepared sauce over the fish, grate the yolks of boiled eggs on top and cover the pie with puff pastry. For a browned crust, brush the top of the pie with egg yolk. Bake the cake at 180 degrees for an hour. The dish can be served both cold and hot.

Smoked eel salad

To prepare this dish you will need: 300 g of smoked eel, 2 fresh cucumbers, one Bulgarian red pepper, lettuce, sesame, soclimon, olive oil, spices to taste.

The salad is prepared very quickly and simply. Cut the eel, bell peppers and cucumbers into strips. Carelessly tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, add salt, pepper and lemon juice to the salad. Before serving, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bon appetit!

Eel in white wine

To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients: a kilogram of eel, a kilogram of onions, olive oil, 2 glasses of white wine, garlic (3 cloves), ghee, flour and spices to taste.

Clean the eel from the skin, entrails and bones, cut it into pieces. Fry whole onion heads in a pan and then add fish there. Salt, pepper and pour white wine over everything. As soon as the wine begins to boil, throw garlic (grated or finely chopped) into the fish. Boil everything for half an hour. Five minutes before cooking, add a spoonful of flour to the fish. Eel in white wine is ready. Before serving, the fish can be decorated with chopped egg slices.

Russian kitchen

Eel is not only a favorite delicacy abroad. We, in Russia, love him too. This means that some dishes have learned to cook from it well. The most famous dish is ear. That is why we will prepare it.

Take an eel weighing one and a half kilograms and peel it from the skin. Some do not remove the skin from the fish, but first clean it well (with salt). After that, gut it well from the inside and wipe it thoroughly with a clean cloth. Next, pour water into a saucepan and add 2 celery roots and parsley, allspice, 2 cups fresh green peas, 2 medium-sized onions. When the broth boils, throw in the fish and cook it for at least 45 minutes. Undercooked eel is very harmful. Before removing from heat, throw parsley and bay leaf in your ear. The ear is ready. Bon appetit.

fried eel

It must be borne in mind that eel is an oily fish. Therefore, you can’t eat it a lot at a time and you must definitely serve a side dish to it. Therefore, prepare mashed potatoes or porridge for fried eel in advance.

You will need an eel weighing 1 kg. Cut it lengthwise into two parts, gut all the insides well and remove the bones. Then prepare the sauce for the fish. To prepare it, you will need soy sauce, soy paste, ginger and garlic. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and put on fire. Bring the sauce to a boil. When it is ready, grease the imuger and start frying the fish. The fish must be fried over high heat until it turns a dark brown color. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

Eel with horseradish

To prepare this dish, you will need: half a kilogram of eel, 100 ghren, one tablespoon of flour, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, vinegar and salt.

Lubricate the saucepan with oil and put the pre-grated horseradish there. Clean the fish from the insides, skin and bones, cut into medium pieces and put on top of the horseradish. You can lay out the fish in rows, but each row must be sprinkled with horseradish. Add salt, vinegar and water to the eel and simmer until half cooked. Then drain some of the broth from the fish and add oil and flour to it. Boil the sauce. 15 minutes before cooking the eel, add the sauce to it. Garnish with parsley or lettuce sprigs when serving. Bon appetit!

The list of various eel dishes can be continued for a long time. It can be used in recipes in place of any fish. It is hearty and tasty. But remember that eel is very oily. Therefore, it is better to eat it with a side dish. If you prepare a salad with it, then such a salad can replace the main dish. Another important point to consider when preparing dishes from this fish is that eel blood is poisonous. Therefore, avoid getting it on your hands. To make this product absolutely safe, eel should be boiled, fried or stewed for at least 45 minutes. Don't forget about it! We wish that all eel dishes turn out delicious and beautiful.

In all ages, people have been kind to fish. In each country, culinary masters have developed their own unique dishes from this healthy product. A special attitude in many regions of the world to eel delicacies. This is a rather rare guest in our rivers, so its cost is sometimes prohibitive. But in terms of taste and healing properties, it can compete with many marine life. The serpentine eel fish belongs to predatory breeds and constantly migrates from freshwater rivers to the seas.


Uninformed people often confuse it with a snake, since outwardly it is very similar to it. The body of the eel is elongated, the head is small, and the skin is slippery. Seeing a predator, you might think that his body is completely naked, but this is an illusion. After cleaning it from abundant mucus, you can notice the smallest scales.

The color scheme varies from dark green to bluish black. The abdomen is either light white or bluish. Eel fish can grow up to two meters in length. For throwing eggs, it swims to the depths of the sea; after spawning, the individual immediately dies. The female can lay up to 500 thousand eggs.

Predatory eel fish: where is it found, its variety?

The first mention of this species appeared more than a hundred million years ago. At first, the habitat was fixed off the coast of Indonesia. Adults often move. Why this happens is not yet clear. But it is known for sure that eels like the clay bottom, in which they find their food (crustaceans, worms, snails).

Young fish first live in a fresh dirt river densely populated with vegetation. Burrowing into the mud, they protect themselves from various predators. Adult eels can be seen in the reeds, under large stones and sedge thickets. These inhabitants prefer to get food for themselves at night, while for their own safety they change color.

It is customary to divide fish into river and sea, although such a classification is not entirely appropriate, since individuals are constantly moving from freshwater to salt water.

The brownish-green tint has river eel. Fish with a small amount of scales lives in the Azov, Black, White, Barents and Baltic seas. These predators are quite tenacious and are able to exist even without water and overcome considerable distances on wet grass. Do not be surprised if you meet "creeping" individuals in any reservoir. Such a fish will be distinguished by fat content and high nutritional value.

A conger eel was awarded with a solid black body. The fish is also practically without scales. Due to its inconspicuous color, it is easy to disguise itself as dirt. The habitat is the basins of the North Atlantic. Both predators feed on small fish, crayfish and larvae. Until now, experts cannot fully study the life of these subspecies due to their secrecy. They rarely appear on the surface of the water and are increasingly found at great depths. This complicates observation and study.


Fish is especially popular in Japan. In this country, they believe that the meat of these creatures perfectly tones and improves performance. Useful fish oil eel prevents heart disease. The pulp contains many proteins, fatty polyunsaturated and saturated acids, which help rejuvenate cells and get rid of nervous diseases.

In dietary nutrition, sea eel is more valued. Fish, the beneficial properties of meat which can not be overestimated, is very nutritious. It contains potassium and iodine. And, as you know, these minerals help strengthen the heart muscle and protect our thyroid gland. Sea eel meat has a low calorie content, which is very important for dietary nutrition.

It contains a wide range of valuable vitamins (A, B, E, D) and protein. Regular use of this delicacy in any variation strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Dishes from it are shown for gout, rheumatism, malaise, depression, CNS disease, atherosclerosis. Looking at the Japanese, who periodically eat fish and are distinguished by good health and high efficiency, you can be convinced of the healing properties of the meat of this predator.

Application in cooking

Eel fish is an expensive delicacy served in the best restaurants in the world. And this is not surprising, because the meat of this subspecies is very tender, soft and extremely healthy. And the pulp of the river dweller is characterized by high fat content. They subject the carcass to stewing, smoking, frying, baking and boiling - in any interpretation it turns out incomparably.

Spicy and unforgettable taste qualities are revealed during the preparation of first courses. Those who have tried fish soup or eel soup say that the dish overshadows the taste of any other. Each country has its own original recipes. For example, in Lithuania, smoked eel is usually served with beer. Italy is famous for grilled fish with green salad.

No matter how colorful the information is presented, the taste and aroma of eel cannot be described. Try to cook the delicacy yourself, only be extremely careful when cutting. The blood of an eel is toxic, and if it gets on the wound, an inflammatory process can begin.

How to cook eel fish: recipes

Cold appetizer in the form of a salad. To prepare it, you will need smoked eel fish (three hundred grams), potatoes (3 pcs.), Bulgarian pepper, three eggs, parsley, green onions, balsamic vinegar (dessert spoon), the same amount of olive oil and spices to taste.

cooking process

Boil eggs and potatoes, chop into small cubes or cut into thin circles. Pepper - straw. Fish fillet - pieces. Put green leaves on the bottom of a flat plate, on top - potatoes, eggs, peppers, eel, chopped parsley - sprinkle with vinegar and oil.

exotic soup

Ingredients: eel carcass (600 grams), one carrot, frozen peas (half a cup), leek and celery. You will also need two liters of pre-boiled chicken broth, one hundred grams of any dried fruit and a fresh pear. You can not do without a spoonful of wine vinegar, black pepper, garlic salt and granulated sugar (five grams).

Cooking method

Pour boiled water over dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes). In the hot broth we put grated carrots, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcelery and leeks. Give a little boil and put the swollen fruit. Let the liquid boil for 7 minutes, and then add the eel cut into portions along with sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper.

Make a low fire and boil for 15 minutes. While the soup is being prepared, let's take care of the pear - cut it into thin plates and sauté in butter. Put the remaining ingredients in the broth: peas, chopped parsley. Pour into portions and garnish with a piece of fried pear.

Belonging to the eel family and living in the northern Atlantic. They grow up to 3 meters in length, often reaching a mass of 110 kg.

In cooking, sea eels are very often used to prepare various dishes. In this article, we will present you with several recipes where these serpentine fish are the main ingredient.

Frying eels in a pan

Sea eel (recipes with this product will be presented later) is a very nutritious fish. It contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. Such fish is especially popular in Asian countries. Sushi and other dishes are made from it. We decided to tell you about how to properly fry conger eels. For this we need:

  • sea ​​eel - 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • light flour - about 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - at least 1/3 cup;
  • pitted olives - 10 pcs.

Fish processing

Before you cook a conger eel, it must be deprived of all available mucus. To do this, they wash the fish thoroughly, and then rub the cooked fish into it. After keeping the product in this form for about ¼ hour, it is rinsed again in cold water, but at the same time the belly is torn open and all the insides are taken out. Also, the head and tail are cut off from the eel. In the future, it is chopped into medium pieces no more than 5 centimeters thick and dried with paper towels.

frying process

Sea eels are fried in a pan longer than ordinary fish. To do this, pour vegetable oil into a saucepan and heat it up strongly. In the meantime, flour is poured into a not very deep plate, and then pieces of fish are rolled in turn.

After the oil begins to boil, put eels in it and fry on both sides until a brownish crust appears.

Serve for family dinner

Now you know how sea eel is fried. Recipes for cooking dishes using this fish are very simple.

After the product is browned on both sides, it is laid out on a plate. Then the pieces of eels are sprinkled with lemon juice and served at the table along with olives and a slice of bread.

on the stove

If you want to get not fried, but a stew, then we recommend using this recipe. Using it, you will make a real fish goulash that can be served at the table with any side dish.

So, for the stew we need:

  • eel - about 600 g;
  • white onion - large head;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 4 large spoons;
  • tomato paste - a large spoon;
  • dry white wine - a full glass;
  • sprigs of parsley and dill - 50 g each;
  • ground and table salt - to taste.

We process products

Stewed sea eel, the photo of which is presented in this article, is a tasty and satisfying dish. Before preparing it, it is necessary to process all products.

White and bell peppers are washed well, the peel and stalks are removed, and then cut into small cubes. As for garlic, it is grated or crushed. Dill and parsley sprigs are also rinsed separately, and then finely chopped with a knife.

Pre-frying vegetables

To get the most fragrant dish, vegetables are pre-fried in a pan. To do this, pour sunflower oil into a deep saucepan and heat it over high heat. Then bell pepper and onion are laid out to it. Stirring regularly, the ingredients are fried until completely transparent.

Extinguishing process

After the vegetables are well fried, pre-processed and chopped eels are laid out to them (how to process, see above). Then dry white wine is poured into them, a little water (about ½ cup), tomato paste, pepper, salt and chopped herbs are added. All ingredients are covered with a lid and stew under it for about half an hour.

After this time, the volume of water in the pan should noticeably decrease, and the eels should become as soft and fragrant as possible.

Present for dinner

Having prepared a kind of fish goulash, it is immediately flavored with grated cloves of garlic and presented to the table. To do this, put your favorite side dish on a plate, and then generously pour over it with tomato broth with vegetables and place a few pieces of conger eels.

Such a hearty and nutritious dish is served for dinner along with a slice of bread and some kind of salad.

How to cook sea eel in the oven?

There are many ways to cook sea eel. We talked about how to stew and fry it above. However, some cooks prefer to bake this type of fish in the oven.

So, to prepare a delicious lunch, we need:

  • sea ​​eel - 3 pcs.;
  • table salt rock - apply to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs - about 250 g;
  • butter - approximately 140 g.

Fish preparation

To prepare baked eel, it is washed well, and then rock salt is rubbed. This is necessary in order to remove all existing mucus from the fish.

After keeping the salty product for ¼ hour, it is again lowered into cold water, but at the same time the belly is torn open and all the internal parts are taken out. Also, the head and tail are cut off from the eel.

We form a dish

Having processed sea fish, it is plentifully smeared with soft butter. Then, in a separate bowl, mix the breadcrumbs and ground pepper. Roll the eels in the resulting mass and spread them on a dry baking sheet.

Heat treatment process

After all the breaded fish is on the sheet, it is immediately sent to the preheated oven. Sea eels are cooked at a temperature of 190 degrees for 38 minutes. During this time, the product should become as soft and rosy as possible.

In the event that you have only one eel, it is better to bake it in foil. In addition to it, you can lay out any vegetables and herbs.

Bringing food to the dinner table

After cooking sea eels in the oven, they are carefully removed. Beautifully arranging the fish on a plate, it is decorated with a mayonnaise mesh, as well as fresh lemon slices and green sprigs. In this form, a tasty and nutritious lunch is presented to the table. In addition to it, you can make a salad of fresh vegetables or cook some side dish (optional).

Summing up

As you can see, cooking sea eels at home is not difficult. It should be noted that, using this product, some chefs do not only but also the first.

The principle of making soup is very similar to the process of stewing eels. Only instead of a saucepan, you should use a saucepan, and instead of wine - ordinary drinking water. Ear from such fish turns out to be very rich and satisfying.

Appetizing conger eel… Traditionally, it is consumed in a smoked form, but sometimes it’s good to break the stereotypes, isn’t it? Try to fry this unusual fish, after soaking it in the marinade. Sea eel is known to be an incredibly fatty product. The marinade will rid the fish of excess fat and emphasize the amazingly delicate taste, spices will add piquancy, and golden roasting will give the dish an elegant and attractive look. Grilled eel will be a real highlight of the program and will make any holiday table stand out.

How to fry eel recipe

You will need:

  • sea ​​eel - 0.5 kg
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • black pepper (peas) - 7 pcs.
  • cloves - 4 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • flour - 3 tbsp.
  • turmeric - 0.5 tsp
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • anise, thyme, salt - to taste

Fried sea eel: Cooking technology

1. Cut open the belly of the conger eel and carefully pull out the insides. Get rid of the head and tail. Rinse the fish thoroughly in a strong stream of cold water, trying to remove the remaining mucus on the skin. Previously, it is better to rub the skin of the eel with coarse sea salt, which will act as a scrub. Dry the fish and cut it into pieces, 7-9 cm long.

2. Marinade. Pour spices into boiling water (0.7 l): cloves, anise, pepper, thyme and salt. Boil for 5-7 minutes, and then cool. Add onion, thinly sliced ​​into rings, chopped garlic and pour vinegar into the cold marinade.

3. Immerse the fish pieces in the marinade and leave alone for 6 hours.

4. After the specified period, remove the fish from the marinade and dry it on a towel.

5. Mix flour and turmeric in a deep bowl and roll pieces of conger eel in this mixture. Quickly fry the fish in a pan until a delicious golden crust appears.

6. Sea eel is best served on lettuce leaves, in the company of potatoes and fresh vegetables. Appetizing croutons will be a great addition to fish. And fried eel makes a very good combination with beer.

Smoked eel is a delicacy with high taste and nutritional qualities.

The tender, sweetish meat of this fish has a lot of useful properties and is highly valued in world cuisine.

Smoked Eel - General Cooking Principles

Eel is sea and river. Both species have a pleasant taste and are actively eaten. Salads, appetizers and other dishes are prepared from smoked fish. Also in stores you can find fresh, frozen and chilled eel. For home smoking, it is better not to use a product that has been frozen.

Before smoking, it is important to remove all mucus from the surface of the eel. It spoils not only the taste, but also the appearance, and in the process of cooking it can give the product a gray color and an unsightly appearance. Mucus can be removed with a knife, newspaper, coarse sand or salt.

Like any other product, you need to marinate the eel before cooking. To do this, use spices, salt. It is advisable to salt the fish well so that there is no ichor left inside.

You can smoke eel both cold and hot. At home, you can use both conventional and electrical units. The fish is hung on hooks or laid out on grates. The cooking time depends on the temperature and the size of the fish. You can cook whole carcasses, but at home it is better in small pieces.

Recipe 1: Smoked eel at home

Eel has fairly soft meat, which passes smoke well and absorbs odors. The main difficulty that can be encountered is the ichor along the ridge. Therefore, it is not recommended to smoke large fish whole.

Required Ingredients

Bay leaf;


You will also need a smokehouse, chips or sawdust from fruit wood, alder or oak.

Cooking method

1. We prepare a brine from water, salt, spices. For 1 liter of liquid is 100 gr. salt. Bring to a boil, cool.

2. Prepare the eel. We clean the mucus from the surface with a knife, then sprinkle thickly with salt. After a few minutes, we remove the remnants of mucus with it, carefully clean the gills. We open the belly and remove the insides. If necessary, cut the carcass into several parts.

3. Soak the eel in brine, hold for at least 5 hours. It is better to leave the fish for two days so that it marinates well. In this case, even if it is not smoked, it will still be ready.

4. We wash the fish with running water. We hang the whole carcass on a hook, lay the pieces on a wire rack. Let the eel dry well.

5. We fill the smokehouse, lay out the chips. If they are too dry, then in order to avoid ignition, they need to be slightly moistened.

6. We put the fish in the smokehouse, bring it to readiness. It is determined by the appearance of the carcass. Cross folds should appear on the skin. If the fish is whole, then the belly will open.

Recipe 2: Smoked eel in a barrel

An option for cooking smoked eel for those who do not have a special smokehouse. You will need a large barrel, a small electric stove, and a frying pan in which you will need to put sawdust.

Required Ingredients

Small eels;


For smoking, you will need sawdust, juniper berries, a piece of sugar. For hanging eels pieces of wire.

Cooking method

1. We clean the eel from mucus, thickly fall asleep with salt mixed with pepper and tarragon. We put a bay leaf in the cleaned abdomen. We leave the fish to salt for at least 10 hours.

2. We put a tile in the barrel, turn it on to medium temperature. On it a frying pan with sawdust, hop cones, put a piece of sugar on top.

3. We wash the blackheads with running water.

4. We make hooks from wire, put on fish, hang it in the air and dry it.

5. We hang eels in a barrel, closer to the walls. We cover with a lid. We leave to cook for 4-5 hours, then open it, take out one eel and take a sample. If necessary, the process can be extended.

Recipe 3: Smoked Eel with Rice

One of the simplest smoked eel dishes that you can cook at home. You can use regular white rice, but if you want to add unusualness and benefits to the dish, then the unpeeled brown version will do.

Required Ingredients

0.4 kg eel;

0.3 kg of rice;

3 art. spoons of soy sauce;

Black pepper, spices, herbs.

Cooking method

1. We wash the rice in several waters, boil until tender in a large amount of water. Then we throw the rice in a colander, let the water drain.

2. Mix soy sauce with any spices to taste, add black pepper. Mix well.

3. Add the sauce to the rice, mix. We lay out a slide on a large and flat dish.

4. Cut the eel into thin slices, lay it on top of the rice. Sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Recipe 4: Smoked Eel with Egg and Bell Peppers

Appetizer salad with smoked eel, which has a divine aroma and taste. It does not take much time and looks elegant. Perfect for a holiday table.

Required Ingredients

0.1 kg eel;

1 PC. bell pepper;

Lettuce leaves;

20 ml of soy sauce and olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool and cut into cubes.

2. Put the lettuce leaves on a plate, after washing and drying.

3. Put chopped eggs on the salad, peeled from the insides and finely chopped pepper on top.

4. Mix soy sauce with vegetable oil, pour eggs with pepper in a thin stream.

5. Cut the eel into strips, put on top of the pepper.

Recipe 5: Smoked Eel with Sauce

To prepare this smoked eel dish, you will need demi-glace fish sauce. It is better to buy it in the store, since it is quite difficult to cook it yourself.

Required Ingredients

0.4 kg eel;

Demi-glass 0.1 kg;

3 art. spoons of cream;

0.5 tsp turmeric;

Lemon and herbs for garnish.

Cooking method

1. In a small saucepan, heat the demi-glace sauce, add cream and turmeric to it. It is important not to bring the mixture to a boil.

2. Cut the smoked eel into beautiful, long strips, dip into hot sauce and hold until completely cooled.

3. Put the appetizer on a plate, decorate with green sprigs and lemon slices.

Recipe 6: Smoked eel in tartlets

A spectacular appetizer that will replace the classic tartlets with red and black caviar, making them more spectacular and tasty. It is not recommended to start containers in advance, it is better just before serving.

Required Ingredients

0.15 kg eel;

0.1 kg of cream cheese;

dill greens;

50 gr. any caviar;

1 spoon of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

1. We clean the smoked eel from the skin, then cut it into small cubes.

2. Dill is washed, dried, finely chopped and mixed with fish.

3. Add cream cheese and mayonnaise to the mass. We mix everything well.

4. We stuff the tartlets with a mass of smoked eel and cheese. From above we decorate with a small amount of red or black caviar, you can put a sprig of greens.

Recipe 7: Smoked eel in rolls

Perhaps the most popular use of smoked eel are rolls. This dish has long ceased to be something unusual and many housewives are happy to cook it at home. The recipe shows the amount of ingredients for 1 sheet of nori.

Required Ingredients

Nori sheet 1 pc.;

Cooked rice 150 gr.;

Smoked eel 150 gr.;

Sesame seeds;

1 fresh cucumber.

If desired, in these rolls, you can replace the cucumber with avocado.

Cooking method

1. Put a nori sheet on a bamboo mat. The rough side should be on top.

2. We lay out a thin layer of boiled rice over the entire surface, stepping back from the far edge of 1.5 cm. It is more convenient to do this with your hands dipped in cold water.

3. Top the rice with a thin layer of wasabi. The amount depends on taste, if you do not like spicy, then you can skip this step or apply a thin strip on one side.

4. Cut the eel and cucumber into cubes. We spread it in a strip, sprinkle with sesame seeds, roll up the roll. A strip of noria left without a filling should be greased with water so that it sticks to the roll and the roll keeps its shape.

Recipe 8: Salad with Smoked Eel and Dried Tomatoes

An interesting salad that can be prepared both in a large dish and in portions. Seasoned with soy sauce with honey and aromatic spices.

Required Ingredients

0.2 kg eel;

0.2 kg of sun-dried tomatoes;

0.1 kg of bell pepper;

1 red onion;

0.1 kg of canned green peas.

For sauce:

1 tsp honey;

4 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce;

0.5 tsp ready mustard;

Juice of ½ lemon;

Mix of spices for fish.


1. Cut the smoked eel and tomatoes into strips, put them in a salad bowl.

2. Peel the onion from the husk, cut into thin, transparent half rings. Pour some water, add vinegar and marinate.

3. Peel the bell pepper, cut into strips and send to the tomatoes and fish. Squeeze the onion from the marinade and also put it in a salad bowl, add green peas.

4. Mix soy sauce with honey, lemon juice and mustard. Add spices for fish and mix thoroughly.

5. Fill the salad products with sauce, mix gently, if desired, you can add a little more salt or lemon juice.

Recipe 9: Smoked Eel and Avocado Salad

Nutritious and satisfying salad of smoked eel with avocado. It is important that the exotic fruit is ripe enough, in which case the dish will acquire an oily taste, without heavy and harmful dressings.

Required Ingredients

1 avocado;

2 chicken eggs or 5 quail;

0.2 kg of smoked eel;

Green lettuce leaves;

1 cucumber;

1 tomato;

Vegetable oil, salt.


1. Boil eggs, cool, peel. Cut in half, then each half into 4 neat slices, set aside.

2. Tear the lettuce leaves into pieces, put them in a salad bowl, add the eel cut into strips, slices of fresh cucumber and tomato.

3. We remove the stone from the avocado, cut it into small pieces and send it to the salad, add salt and a little vegetable oil, mix everything well for a minute.

4. Put the salad on a flat dish, put slices of boiled egg around.

Recipe 10: Smoked Eel in the Ear

The first dish with smoked eel, according to connoisseurs, overshadows all other recipes. The ear has an incredible flavor, but it cooks very quickly. In this recipe, all vegetables are laid raw, but if you wish, you can make fried onions with carrots.

Required Ingredients

0.3 kg eel;

2 potatoes;

1 carrot;

1 onion;

Greens, salt, bay leaf;

A handful of wheat.

Cooking method

1. Put a pot with 1.5 liters of water on the stove, bring to a boil.

2. We clean the vegetables, cut the potatoes into strips, three carrots on a grater, onions into cubes.

3. Salt the water in a saucepan, put onions and carrots, bring to a boil.

4. Add washed millet.

5. We run potatoes into the boiling ear. Bring to a boil again, reduce the heat to a minimum, boil for 5 minutes.

6. We cut the eel into pieces, run it into the soup, cook over low heat. We bring to readiness, at the end we add bay leaf and herbs, if necessary, add more salt.

The skin of smoked eel contains the bulk of the fat, so people who watch their weight should preferably remove it when cooking.

If there are difficulties with cleaning the fish from mucus or there is simply no time, then you need to fill it with salt and rub it after a while. It is better to do this with gloves. The mucus will lag behind the carcass well, all that remains is to rinse it with running water.

Useful substances are found in both sea and river fish. They are rich in small and large carcasses. The taste qualities of adult and young eel also do not differ much. Therefore, do not go to the tricks of sellers, buy the fish that you liked.

Salads with smoked eel are not very fond of fatty and mayonnaise sauces, it is better to give preference to lighter dressings. But on the other hand, such dishes are loved by spices, in any quantity, including spicy and Korean ones.
