
Dishes from morels for the winter. How to cook morels - the best spring mushroom recipes

Good afternoon friends!

The snow has finally melted, the earth has not yet had time to warm up, when by the end of April the first spring mushrooms appear in coniferous and mixed forests - morels and lines. They love warmth and moisture. This year, spring has been delayed by about two weeks, and the timing of the appearance and growth of mushrooms has also shifted, because they are highly dependent on the weather.

Saprophytes grow everywhere: on the edges of the forest, along the roads, as if they are saying: "Here we are, do not pass by." It is best to collect them in the morning, at this time they are denser. And it is desirable to put them in a basket, where they will not wrinkle and better retain freshness.

These mushrooms are mainly consumed fresh after preliminary boiling, but can also be used for drying. In this article I want to offer you simple recipes for cooking these marsupial beauties on hollow legs at home.

Conditionally edible mushrooms - morels and lines

To please your home with delicious and satisfying mushroom dishes, you need to know the features of their preparation.

Rinse freshly picked morels well under running water. In a morel hat, thanks to its uneven surface, resembling a honeycomb, sand, slugs, and twigs are collected. Cut the caps and legs in half and rinse thoroughly.

Do not forget that morels and lines contain gelvellic acid. To get rid of it, boil cut caps and legs for 8-10 minutes.

Then pour the broth, wash the mushrooms and only after that we prepare various dishes.

Important! Care must be taken when eating strings. Even a small amountgyromitrin, which remains in them after boiling, can be oncogenic and cause poisoning in children and people with hypersensitivity.

For more information about these spring inhabitants of the forest, see the video:

How to cook morels in sour cream with cheese

I offer you a recipe for a dish that is called the royal mixture. This is not a festive dish, but very satisfying and replaces meat. Even Ivan the Terrible ate it and praised it. Let's try it too.


  • freshly picked morels
  • bulb -1 pc.
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sour cream - 150-200 g.
  • cheese -
  • green onion
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Fresh mushrooms sorted and washed. Large caps and legs are cut into the desired size, small ones are left whole.

2. We put it in a saucepan, fill it with cold water and put it on fire. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.

3. Rinse in cold water and recline in a colander.

4. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in a pan in 1 tablespoon of butter until golden brown.

5. Add mushrooms to the onion and fry for another 7-10 minutes.

4. Sprinkle with flour, fry for 3 minutes. Then add sour cream, mix and bring to a boil.

5. Salt and pepper to taste.

6. If desired, the resulting mass can be laid out in cocotte bowls, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 10 - 12 minutes until golden brown.

7. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs before serving. I do not know a single person who would refuse such a dish. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for fried mushrooms with potatoes

This dish has gained great popularity for its speed and ease of preparation. The delicacy is tasty and satisfying. It is better to eat it hot.


  • boiled morels
  • new potatoes
  • small onion heads
  • garlic
  • olives
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • greenery


The number of products is arbitrary, depending on the desire. You can put more mushrooms or vice versa potatoes, as you like.

1. Cut the boiled morels into pieces at your discretion.

2. Cut small young potatoes in half along with a tender peel. Boil it in boiling salted water until tender.

3. Fry the onion in vegetable oil. To enhance the taste and aroma, put a crushed clove of garlic.

4. Add the prepared mushrooms, fry everything together for 8-10 minutes.

5. After cooking, put the mushroom fry with onions in a separate bowl.

In the same pan, in the remaining oil, fry our potatoes until golden brown.

7. Put on a plate, decorate with chopped herbs before serving. You can add tomato slices, cucumber slices or olives. I assure you, such a dish will not last long on the table.

If lovers of "silent hunting" have found an interesting recipe for themselves, I will be glad. Share your interesting recipes in the comments, I will be happy to share them on the pages of my blog.

See you soon, there are many more mushrooms ahead of us. After all, the whole summer is ahead!

The spring mushroom morel has a peculiar appearance. It does not look like many varieties of summer edible mushrooms. For a long time, there was a wary attitude towards morels, it was believed that it was dangerous to eat them. This opinion arose because of their similarity with the lines, which often cause poisoning. It is easy to confuse these 2 types of mushrooms. If you know the differences between them, then with proper processing, you can safely eat morel.

Photos and descriptions of this type of spring mushrooms will be given below.

Morel appearance

Morels - spring mushrooms. They begin to appear already at the end of April and grow in groups. In the month of May there are more of them, and in June they already depart, meeting only occasionally.

In central Russia, there are 3 types of morels: common, conical and morel cap.

All these species are edible, but require mandatory pre-boiling.

Mushroom picker is important distinguish morels from lines. They are similar, and only by looking closely, you can distinguish them. Stitches often cause poisoning due to the high content of toxins.

The stitches are darker in color and have an irregularly shaped hat with numerous irregular folds. Outwardly, their sinuous hat resembles a walnut shell or a human brain. The lines have a short leg, which sometimes is not even visible from under the hat. Inside the stem and cap are not hollow, they are filled with pulp.

Edible morels must also be distinguished from their false counterparts, which can be harmful to health. To do this, cut them in half. In false morels, the leg is not hollow, but with pulp inside.

Product benefits

Due to the presence of a substance from the group of polysaccharides (FD 4) morel is good for eyesight. Its use helps to strengthen the eye muscles and prevents clouding of the lens. On the basis of the product, a drug was created that passed clinical trials in an ophthalmological clinic. According to research results, the use of this remedy helped to improve vision by more than 2 times in about ¼ of the patients. The risk of cataracts was reduced by 80%, and in some patients clouding of the lens decreased. However, such a medicine requires a long course of treatment, about 6 months.

As a folk remedy, the product is used in the treatment of diseases of the immune and circulatory systems, as it has the ability to purify the lymph and blood.

The product contains vitamins A, D, C, PP and group B, as well as phosphorus. This is due to the beneficial properties of morels. The calorie content of mushrooms is low - about 30 kilocalories per 100 g of the product.

This is a rather expensive product. The price of 1 kg of fresh morels is about 400 rubles, and dried - about 5000 rubles. They are almost impossible to find in ordinary supermarkets, they are sold in special eco-shops.

Is the product hazardous to health?

When fresh, they contain toxic substances - gyrometrin, methylhydrazine and gelvellic acid, which are destroyed when boiled. If the mushrooms are cooked according to all the rules, then there will be no poisoning. For this reason, they are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms.

All cases of poisoning are associated with improper processing of mushrooms. In some cases, they are confused with lines that are much more toxic. Line poisoning is observed much more often, because the content of toxic substances in them is much higher.

If the morels were poorly boiled, then the following symptoms of poisoning are possible:

  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ache;
  • convulsions;
  • liver damage (in severe cases).

If such signs appear, it is necessary to wash the stomach, take activated charcoal and call an ambulance.

To avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is necessary follow the processing rules. Before cooking morels, rinse thoroughly in a colander under running water. Then the mushrooms are transferred to a saucepan, poured with water and soaked for 1 hour. After that, they are washed again in a colander. Then they are boiled in a saucepan for 1 hour. After cooking, the mushrooms are laid out in a colander. The broth must be poured out, it can not be used for cooking. During heat treatment, toxins remain in the broth. Only after that you can start cooking dishes from morels.

It must be remembered that it is better for children not to give morels to eat. The child's body may be sensitive to these fungi. And adults should use this product in moderation.

How to store mushrooms?

You can store morels dried or frozen. Drying mushrooms takes quite a long time, and they can be consumed only after 90 days. Such prolonged drying destroys toxins in the same way as boiling.

Freezing is another way to store morels..

  1. Before freezing, mushrooms must be boiled according to all the rules in order to remove toxins.
  2. After boiling, the mushrooms are dried so that they are not covered with ice when frozen.
  3. Then the morels are laid out on a tray and put in the freezer for several hours.
  4. After that, the mushrooms are transferred to a container and stored in the freezer.

Frozen mushrooms can be stored for about 1 year. As for fresh morels, they can be keep boiled. To do this, they are placed in a salt solution and put in the refrigerator. But the shelf life of such mushrooms is very short.

From morels, you can cook fried dishes, sauces, fillings for pies. It is undesirable to use them for first courses, since in a liquid medium they lose their taste and smell. And also from these mushrooms you can prepare traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine recipes based on morels

These mushrooms are used to improve vision and digestion, to purify the blood and lymph, as well as for joint pain.


It can be concluded about the benefits of morels for the human body. You just need to remember about rules for processing mushrooms and give due attention to it. And then the use of the product will be completely safe.

Any mushroom dish, even the most unpretentious, turns out to be almost a delicacy. Therefore, do not waste time, and with the onset of the morel season, cook and treat your relatives and friends with your culinary creations.

The season for picking morels is very short, so make sure that these delicious mushrooms are on your table in advance. Pre-order now on our website 👉 Borovichok.rf and as soon as the first mushrooms appear in the forest, we will definitely inform you and bring them in the best possible way!

How to cook morels - preparatory period

These unusual-looking mushrooms are rich in protein, vitamins, trace elements, sugars, and fiber. Morels are considered conditionally edible, but when properly prepared, they are tasty boiled, fried, baked.

  • Sort the collected morels, clean from the ground, rotted leaves, stuck in the hats of insects.
  • Place the mushrooms in a bowl of cold water for an hour, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Transfer clean morels to a pot of water. Boil 30 minutes. Throw the mushrooms in a colander, rinse.

Attention: pour the broth!

Mushroom preparation is ready, you can start cooking.

Warning: All of the recipes below use boiled mushrooms.

So, the TOP 5 available morel recipes

1. How to cook morels in the dough

Make such mushroom crunches from hats. The most important thing in the recipe is the right batter.

  • Mix in a bowl one egg, 100 ml of milk, enough flour to make the dough look like thick sour cream. Add a little salt, pepper, turmeric, grated ginger.
  • Dip the battered mushrooms into a saucepan with hot deep fat. Fry until golden brown. Place the mushroom balls on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Put the fried lumps in a pile on a dessert plate, garnish with dill or strung on skewers and serve with mustard sauce. The appetizer is good both hot and cold, and for home gatherings in front of the TV it is an indispensable thing.

2. How to cook fried morels with sour cream

The easiest way to cook morel food is to fry them in a white sauce. All you need is a kilogram of mushrooms, a glass of sour cream, an onion, spices as desired.

  • Mushrooms and onions cut into pieces.
  • Fry the onion in vegetable oil until yellow, add the mushrooms, simmer for about three minutes. Salt.
  • Put sour cream into the resulting mixture, mix, cover the pan with a lid. Simmer for five minutes.

The resulting yummy will go both as a main course and as a side dish for rice, barley, pasta.

3. How to cook morel soup

For soup, prepare: 300 gr. mushrooms, five potatoes, one onion, 1/3 cup millet, a bunch of parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

  • Pour one and a half liters of water into the pan, bring to a boil and throw in the chopped mushrooms.
  • Cook for 5 minutes, add chopped onion. Leave on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  • Dip millet, chopped potatoes into the brew, cook for another 15 minutes. Try it, if the millet is boiled soft - salt, pepper and the soup is ready.

Let the dish brew for 10 minutes. Serve with sour cream and finely chopped herbs.

4. How to cook morel julienne

Prepare: 300 gr. mushrooms, one and a half cups of cream, onion, 3 cloves of garlic, cheese - 100 gr. Take two tablespoons of butter and flour, various herbs - to taste.

  • Saute mushrooms in oil for 5 minutes. Put the chopped onion and a spoonful of butter. Warm up for three minutes.
  • Pour flour into the cream, stir, add the juice from the pan. Salt. Pour the mixture over the roast. Simmer another 5 minutes.
  • Rub the cocotte nibs with crushed garlic, put the mushroom filling in them, sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 200º for 20 minutes.

5. How to cook baked morels with potatoes

An excellent casserole is made from the simplest ingredients.

  • Peel seven large potatoes, cut into thin circles, and 1 kg of morels into slices.
  • Arrange potatoes and mushrooms in layers on a greased baking sheet.
  • Grate 150 gr. cheese, mix with sour cream and mayonnaise - three tablespoons each. Add a pinch of white pepper. Spread the resulting mass of morels.
  • Bake in the oven at 180º for half an hour.

The finished dish goes well with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Bon appetit!

The season for collecting morels and lines is very short, so make sure that these delicious mushrooms are on your table in advance.

Pre-order now on our website 👉 Borovichok.rf and as soon as the first mushrooms appear in the forest, we will definitely inform you and bring them!

Morels. Description

Morels are mushrooms of the Morshell family with a wrinkled hat resembling a walnut kernel and a hollow stem. These are the first to appear in deciduous forests immediately after the snow has melted. They reach a height of 15 cm, the diameter of the cap is 10 cm. The mushroom cap, hollow inside, brown, yellow-brown or yellow, resembles an egg in shape, and its surface consists of uneven cells. The color of the hollow stem of the mushroom is light yellow or milky white.

Chemical composition

Today we will find out what “usefulness” morels (mushrooms) carry in themselves, how to cook dishes from these gifts of the forest and what they are especially tasty with. However, first we note the troubles that may lie in wait when using the product. Morels, the photos of which you see above, are conditionally edible and require heat treatment before eating. Fresh mushrooms contain poisons that are harmful to the human body, such as methylhydrazine and gyrometrine. Considering that the larger the mushroom, the more poisons it has accumulated, when collecting them, preference should be given to not very large specimens. The beneficial properties of morels should also be noted. These mushrooms contain a huge amount of trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, potassium), vitamins (C, D, PP, A and B vitamins), polysaccharides (FD4), which have a positive effect on vision. In folk medicine, a decoction of morels is used in the treatment of rheumatism, blood diseases, and age-related changes in vision.

How to cook

As mentioned above, these mushrooms contain poisons. These poisons evaporate when dried after three months, and when boiled, they pass into the water in which they were boiled. Therefore, we cook mushrooms, after boiling them for 15-17 minutes, and only then we use them when stewing, frying or adding to soups. If the mushrooms were dried, then after a three-month period they can be used as an aromatic additive to various dishes. And yet, despite the fact that the mushrooms are very tasty, and the dishes from them are fragrant, children under 12 years of age and pregnant women should eat them with great care.

Especially delicious are morels (mushrooms) stewed in sour cream. Our grandmothers also knew how to cook this dish: for a pound of mushrooms you need to take a glass of sour cream, a teaspoon of flour and a little cheese. Pre-prepared chopped mushrooms are fried in a pan, then sprinkled with flour and fried again. Then add sour cream and bring the mixture to a boil. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and bake in the oven. The finished dish can be garnished with chopped parsley before serving.

Another recipe is the French favorite puree soup, which uses morels (mushrooms). How to cook it? Mushrooms lightly fried in butter with finely chopped onion are poured with meat broth and boiled for half an hour. Then, after straining the broth, let it cool down a little, and at this time they grind the mushrooms with butter, yolk and cream. Having again combined both compositions - the broth and the resulting mushroom mixture - they are served on the table, seasoned with lemon juice and sprinkled with grated nutmeg.

Bon appetit!

For avid mushroom pickers, the quiet hunting season usually begins with morels. Indeed, these mushrooms begin to appear as early as April. It is quite easy to identify them due to the structure of the cap. Morels are considered relatively safe - all of their species can be eaten.

Morels have a fairly characteristic and recognizable appearance of the hat. It is porous in mushrooms, similar to honeycombs, from yellowish to black. The shape of the hat may be similar to an egg or an elongated oval. Sometimes these mushrooms are confused with lines. In fact, there is a difference between them. The hat of the lines is covered with many convolutions. Morels can grow up to 15 cm.

Morel mushrooms: cooking

In our country, morels are considered conditionally edible. In some other countries they are recognized as poisonous. There is nothing surprising. In fact, the explanation is trite - mushrooms must be subjected to thorough heat treatment. The danger lies in the fact that morels are often confused with lines, which need to be cooked and pre-soaked for a long time.

For cooking, first of all, you need to wash the morels, remove the damaged areas. Then they are soaked for 1-2 hours. After that, boil in salted water at the rate of 1 to 3 for 25-30 minutes. The broth is drained, the mushrooms are washed and used for frying, stewing and soups. They are also used as a filling for pies. Morels can be dried. Usually this is a long process, procurement takes at least 3 months. Dried mushrooms are added to soups and seasonings are made from them. To do this, they are simply ground into powder.

Morel mushrooms: recipes

Morel recipes surprise with their variety. Most often, mushrooms are fried with onions and stewed with sour cream. In this case, they can be served as a separate dish. By the way, in Europe it is considered a delicacy.

Morels in sour cream


  • Morels - 500 gr.
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tsp
  • Cheese - 25 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp
  • Salt, parsley - to taste


  1. Prepare mushrooms for frying: soak for 1 hour, boil for 30 minutes in salt water, drain it, and rinse the morels.
  2. Mushrooms cut into slices and fry in oil. At the very end, sprinkle with flour and pour sour cream. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.
  3. Then put in a mold, sprinkle with cheese on top and send to an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until golden brown. When serving, you can sprinkle the mushrooms with parsley.

Morel soup


  • Broth - 1 l.
  • Morels - 250 gr.
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - to taste
  • Salt and spices - to taste


  1. Prepare for cooking morels. Soak in water for 1-2 hours, boil for 30 minutes, rinse, cut.
  2. Dip the diced potatoes into the heated broth. It should cook for 20 minutes.
  3. During this time, prepare the roast. Grate the carrots, chop the onion. Fry them in oil.
  4. Add morels to the broth with potatoes. 5-7 minutes before readiness, put the roast and bay leaf. Salt to taste.

Dried morels


  • Morels collected in dry sunny weather are suitable for drying. Mushrooms found during rain will rot. First of all, you need to clean the product from dirt. With morels, this is difficult to do.
  • For drying, you need to choose strong mushrooms without damage (without rot and worms). Morels should be cut into slices, laid out in a dry room for 2-3 days, then dried in the oven. First 2-3 hours at 40-59 degrees, then at 70 degrees 1-1.5 hours. The oven door must be open. Then the mushrooms are transferred to a paper bag or jar, which is tightly closed. Otherwise, they will absorb moisture.
  • You can use dried morels only after 3 months. During this time, the toxic substances contained in them are completely destroyed. Dried mushrooms are usually soaked before cooking.

Morel mushrooms: when to collect?

The first morels begin to appear in early spring. They can be seen in the forests even when the snow has melted. Mushroom growth increases with the onset of heat. There are especially many of them in April and May. Morel conical - one of the varieties of this plant. He can meet in the forest in June. True, this does not always happen, but only in the case of a cold spring.

Morel mushrooms: where do they grow?

  1. Morels prefer sunny meadows. Especially a lot of them in open places. The forest type doesn't matter. They grow in both deciduous and coniferous forests. It happens that mushrooms can be found in city parks.
  2. In the south, they grow in front gardens, vegetable gardens and lawns. When searching for morels, it is worth looking into forest ditches and furrows. It is believed that they most often grow under an ash tree. In order to collect a lot of morels, you need to understand their varieties. There is nothing complicated in this, because. only two species are known - the common morel and the conical morel.
  3. You will find the first under deciduous trees, the second - in the grass, in coniferous and mixed plantings.

Both species grow on burnt places, where a forest fire has passed. Mushrooms have another feature. They don't always grow in the same place. The mushroom picker somehow moves from one forest area to another.

Morels were eaten in Rome. In those days, they were considered a real delicacy. And even now, few people refuse appetizingly cooked morels. They have great taste! Remember one main rule, these mushrooms need careful heat treatment.
