
Pancake cake recipe with whipped cream. Pancake cake with raspberries and whipped cream

Peel the pineapple, remove the core and cut into small pieces, add granulated sugar, mix.

Transfer to skillet and caramelize, stirring, over medium heat for 7 minutes.

Let's make pancakes for the cake. Dilute pancake flour with boiled water at room temperature, stir so that there are no lumps. Add water in small portions and knead the dough. Instead of water, you can use milk, if you prefer. The dough should be quite liquid so that the pancakes are thin.

Add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Chocolate dough for making pancakes is ready. Bake pancakes as standard on both sides. They must be thin enough.

Turn the pancake cake with cream onto a flat dish (it will be convenient to do this thanks to cling film), grease the top with cream as well, decorate with grated chocolate or chocolate candy. Leave to soak for 1 hour at room temperature, then refrigerate.

Happy tea drinking! Eat with pleasure!

First, soak the gelatin in a small amount of milk to swell. Next, heat over a fire, but do not bring to a boil. Let's cool down.

At this time, we are preparing ordinary pancakes. Add all pancake ingredients and stir.

In order to whip the cream, pre-cool the milk, dishes, whisks.

While the pancakes are cooling, we start preparing the cream. Pour the dry cream into a bowl, pour 150 ml of milk and whisk. You need to whip the cream at a low speed, after increasing the mass, increase the speed and beat for 3-4 minutes.

Readiness to check next on the surface after the whisk. The cream should resemble melted ice cream.

Pour the cooled gelatin in a trickle and mix with whipped cream. Put the cream in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Check the readiness of the cream, it should thicken a little. We smear pancakes with ready-made cream. Lubricate the top pancake with the remaining cream and cover with your favorite jam.

Pancake cake with cottage cheese cream is an original very tasty holiday dessert. Cooking it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough just to bake thin pancakes and coat them with cream. A pancake cake with curd cream and condensed milk is also suitable for a festive table. This is the perfect pancake cake for Shrovetide that will appeal to both children and adults.

According to the classic recipe for a pancake cake with cottage cheese, you will need the following ingredients for cooking:

For pancakes:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 350 ml of milk;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • orange peel;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 250 ml of water.

For cream:

  • almost a full glass of boiled condensed milk;
  • the same amount of cottage cheese;
  • 15 g of powdered sugar;
  • orange peel.

Cooking process:

Chocolate with curd cream

Chocolate pancake cake with curd cream turns out to be unusually tasty. You can add different ingredients to cottage cheese, thereby changing the taste - candied fruit, nuts. Even those who do not have an oven can cook dessert. Pancakes are baked according to any proven recipe. For the simplest you will need:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 270 g flour;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 2 large spoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt, sugar to taste;
  • large spoonful of cocoa

Cooking rules:

  1. Eggs are beaten together with flour and gradually mixed with cocoa, milk. At the end, add sugar and salt to taste, add a little vegetable oil.
  2. The consistency of the dough is liquid and homogeneous, without lumps.
  3. It is recommended to bake in a dry hot frying pan.

The cream needs the following ingredients:

  • 320 g of cottage cheese;
  • 120 g whipping cream with a fat content of 30% or more;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • vanillin.

Cooking process:

  1. Cottage cheese is ground through a sieve or in a blender.
  2. Cream is whipped with powdered sugar.
  3. Vanillin, cottage cheese and cream are gently mixed until smooth. Curd cream for pancake cake is ready.
  4. Each pancake is smeared with cream filling.
  5. You can sprinkle cocoa on top of the dessert, then put it in the refrigerator for several hours, cut into portions and serve.

With curd cheese

This recipe is not a sweet dish. Pancake cake with cottage cheese cheese will be a delicious snack on the table. You can even eat this cake for dinner, it is very nutritious and will appeal to both children and men.

It is better to cook pancakes with a neutral taste, porous structure, so that they absorb the filling well. They are baked in advance according to any chosen recipe. The stuffing is done like this:

diet recipe

Diet pancake cake with curd cream and banana is a delicious dessert that even those who constantly follow their figure and do not eat sweets can enjoy. To prepare a dessert according to the recipe, you need:

  • 200 g of oatmeal;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1-2 bananas;
  • bitter chocolate.

Cooking process:

Video recipes

Pancakes are a purely Russian dish that millions of people love! What could be better than them - hot, ruddy, fragrant and incredibly tasty?! With melted butter, fresh sour cream, viscous and fragrant honey, with your favorite jam, but just without everything!

Shrovetide coming soon! And that means spring is just around the corner, it's time to prepare, and meet her as expected. And it is supposed to sing, dance, have fun, and bake them every day! And we are already ready, and we know many delicious recipes, and, and, and, yes, with different fillings.

But what we have not cooked yet is a pancake cake. And what is a holiday without such a treat? It should definitely show off on the festive table. What’s more, it won’t be difficult to cook it. If you know how to bake pancakes, then come up with a filling, prepare a cream and decorate it - this will not be so difficult to do.

Spinach pancake cake

Such cakes can be different, but basically they are divided into two categories - sweet and savory. It is clear that sweet ones are prepared with the addition of some kind of cream or condensed milk, fruits and berries, and unsweetened ones - with the addition of meat, chicken, mushrooms ... and you can’t list everything.

Let's think today what kind of cake we would like to bake for the festive table. I want to offer you several recipes to choose from. I hope you like them and you can choose the option for yourself.

And the first recipe will be a truly festive version both in content and design.

Chocolate pancake desserts are not only attractive in appearance, but also delicious on their own. They are especially not indifferent to those with a sweet tooth who love notes of cocoa in desserts.

It is this recipe that we will consider today in our review.

We need for pancakes:

  • milk at least 3.5% - 650 ml
  • flour - 240 gr
  • powdered sugar - 90 gr
  • cocoa powder - 4 teaspoons
  • egg - 4 pcs (large)
  • butter - 50 gr
  • vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon
  • or vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • salt - a pinch

For cream and filling:

  • cream 33 -35% - 600 ml
  • powdered sugar - 100 gr
  • chocolate biscuits - 200 gr


We will cook in two stages, first we will knead the dough and bake pancakes, and then we will prepare the cream and decorate the cake. Let's start with them. Although we have already baked quite a lot, and all sorts of different ones. But these have not yet been baked, so let's dwell on the recipe in more detail.

1. Sift flour into a large bowl suitable for kneading dough. Sift in the cocoa and add a pinch of salt. Although this is a sweet pastry, a little salt for taste does not hurt her.

2. Add powdered sugar. Why not sugar? Yes, everything is very simple, the powder will dissolve faster in the dough. Mix all dry ingredients into a total mass.

3. Beat in eggs one at a time. It is best to get them in advance so that they lie down for a while at room temperature and are not unnecessarily cold. Mix all the eggs into the dry mixture.

4. Slowly add milk in a thin stream. It is also best to have it slightly warm, or at room temperature. In order for the dough to spread better, and the pancakes to turn out light and tender, this is exactly what needs to be done. Add vanilla extract or vanilla sugar for flavor and aroma.

5. Melt the butter in the microwave or better in a water bath and add it to the dough. Mix.

In order not to get confused about when to add, the scheme is very simple. First, mix all dry ingredients. And then we stir in the liquid. Thus, the dry ingredients mix better, and there will be no lumps in the dough. And it is important that they do not remain at all.

If in doubt, you can strain the dough through a fine sieve. Then there won't be any left. If there are lumps, then they will all remain on the surface of the sieve.

6. The dough should be allowed to stand and swell. Therefore, cover it with cling film, on which do not forget to make several punctures with a knife so that it breathes. And leave it like this on the table for 30 minutes.

7. After 30 minutes, bake pancakes on both sides in a greased frying pan. Choose the size of the pan according to the size of the cake you want to get.

I use a large frying pan with a diameter of 28 cm, but you can use a smaller frying pan. In this case, the cake will turn out higher.

8. Fold the finished pancakes in a pile, they turned out beautiful, slightly glossy, smelling delicious. But they turned out not quite smooth and slightly dried edges.

Therefore, we take a flat plate of a smaller diameter, put it on top of each pancake, and cut off the uneven edges. In this case, we will get all the cakes of the same even size and the cake will look like a real one.

9. We will also need chocolate chips, which we will get from cookies. Place the cookies in a blender and beat them into a fine powder mixture.

10.Now you can make whipped cream. In order to beat them well, they must first be thoroughly cooled. In general, in one of my articles I already spoke in detail,. Therefore, I will not repeat myself here so as not to take up your time. And if you have never whipped cream, you can go to this article and read.

Here I will only say that be sure to cool the cream in the refrigerator along with the dishes in which you will churn, otherwise you will not be able to churn them.

11. Add powdered sugar to the cream and mix at high speed with a mixer until light stable peaks. But do not try to "interrupt" them, otherwise they will lose all their airiness and tenderness.

In this case, any cream can be used - custard, sour cream, or with condensed milk.

12. Now it remains only to assemble it. Prepare a large flat plate and put the first pancake cake on it. Brush it with a layer of whipped cream. We have them well huddled together, and are spread with a knife, like butter on bread.

13. We smeared the layer, now it must be sprinkled with cookie crumbs. Then lay out the second pancake, again the cream, and again the crumb. Repeat layers until all components are finished.

14. Be sure to coat the side walls and top of the product.

Then decorate as you wish. In summer, I decorate it with fresh berries - strawberries, raspberries, blackberries or blueberries. And in winter, you can decorate with chocolate chips, or the same cookie crumbs, or just halves of chocolate cookies.

15. Put the cake in the refrigerator to cool for 1 hour. Then it can be brought to the table.

Cut it carefully and carefully with a very sharp knife. It turned out to be very tender, so it is important not to crush it. In general, look at the cut, how beautiful it turned out. And not only beautiful, but also very tasty. Just lick your fingers!

Sometimes they can’t even guess that it’s made of pancakes. It is so good both externally and internally, and its content is also on top!

So be sure to cook such a delicacy on holidays, and everyone will be very pleased with such a treat!

And the next recipe will be prepared from ordinary pancakes. Although chocolate, it also turns out very tasty.

Homemade pancake cake with curd cream

Cottage cheese cream is also a great layer between thin pancakes. For many, the combination of pancakes + cottage cheese is inseparable.

Therefore, even today we cannot ignore such preparation.

We need for pancakes:

  • milk - 200 ml
  • water - 200 ml
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • flour - 250 gr
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil - for frying

For curd cream:

  • cottage cheese - 200 gr
  • cream 33% fat - 250 ml
  • sugar - 100 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon


1. Knead the dough for pancakes by mixing all the ingredients. How to do this can be found in the recipes given in the links above. According to them, you can take any suitable recipe.

2. Let the dough stand and swell for 20-30 minutes. Then bake them on a greased frying pan on both sides. The diameter of the pan is approximately 20 cm.

3. While the pancakes are cooling, prepare the curd cream. To do this, grind the cottage cheese so that there are no grains left in it. This can be done with a blender, carefully punching the curd until the graininess disappears, or rub it through a sieve.

You can grind with a tablespoon. It turns out it is not very fast, but the result is quite achievable.

4. Add sugar and beat everything together with a blender until a homogeneous creamy consistency.

5. Whip the cream. For good churning, you will need cream 33 - 35% fat, always fresh. Before knocking down, they need to be cooled for two hours in the refrigerator, preferably together with the dishes in which you will work with them.

Whip cream until soft peaks form. As soon as you have achieved the desired state, immediately stop churning, otherwise you can overdo it and the whipped cream will lose its airiness and become just like a white lump.

6. Combine both masses, carefully shifting the whipped cream into the curd mixture and mix with a spatula, simply shifting the layers from the bottom up.

For a fresher aroma and taste, you can add the juice of one lemon to the cream.

7. Cooled pancakes can be pre-cut by placing a slightly smaller plate on them. So they will become even and neat, and more like cakes.

8. Lay out the first pancake and cover it with a thin layer of curd cream. Then put another pancake on top, which is also greased. And so on until they are all gone.

Be sure to coat the side walls. To do this, use a knife with a large blade.

9. Put the cream on top and decorate to your liking. You can sprinkle with chopped chocolate, cookie crumbs, cocoa powder. In the summer, decorate with fresh berries or fruits.

Such a cake turns out to be very tender and airy, and incredibly tasty. He is loved by both adults and children.

In this recipe, we have prepared cottage cheese cream with cream. And you can cook it with sour cream or even yogurt. It is also prepared with condensed milk, with butter. Make it jelly-like with gelatin. And all this variety gives a magnificent delicate taste and a worthy look!

However, if you want to prepare a simpler recipe, then you can cook not a cream, but simply a curd filling. For the filling you can use:

  • cottage cheese - 400 gr
  • thick jam, or jam - 400 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

Preparing this stuffing is easy. Punch the curd with a blender along with sugar and vanilla sugar until a creamy mass is obtained. Add any thick jam, for example, I usually add it, as I prepare it for the winter.

Mix everything thoroughly and lay out in layers, alternating pancakes with filling. Put the last layer of filling and decorate as you like.

This is such an everyday option, but although it is for every day, it is no less tasty for that!

These are some interesting and delicious recipes!

Video on how to make a delicious spinach pancake cake with sour cream

In the past, when I made cakes, I usually always made them pretty simple. Bake pancakes, prepare a sweet or savory filling, spread it all over the pancakes and that's it - a delicious treat is ready!

But then suddenly I wanted to do a little "work". And then such an idea came up to make a ready-made dessert truly corresponding to its name. I wanted to make something very beautiful, and then I came to bake spinach pancakes. And here's what happened in the end. Friends, please take a look!

I prepared it for the arrival of guests and I managed to impress them.

Well, what do you say? It strikes the imagination, isn't it? I want to try it right away. But despite such magnificence, it is quite easy to prepare. And the composition of the products is so simple and accessible that it will not be difficult for anyone to purchase them.

Just imagine that you will cook it for Maslenitsa. This will make a splash among guests or your family. You will please everyone, so please, and even surprise everyone. I will definitely be making this cake this holiday week. And you?

What sweet pancake cakes can you still make

Using these recipes as an example, it can be seen that sweet pancake cakes can be prepared both with creams alone and using some kind of sweet filling. It can be fruit, berry, cottage cheese. The cream can be made from ordinary or boiled condensed milk, whipped cream, as we prepared, it can be custard and sour cream.

And if there is an opportunity to cook it on the basis of mascarpone cheese, then it will be generally incomparable!

That is, absolutely the entire arsenal that we use to make ordinary cakes can be used. And as we saw in the video example, great culinary masterpieces can be obtained from all this diversity.

I think that there is absolutely no point in giving more recipes that repeat those already presented. Since, if you turn on your imagination and apply the knowledge you already have, you can prepare no less interesting options, and it’s no less interesting to decorate them.

Here are just a few design ideas presented in the photos.

This cake is made from thick chocolate pancakes of small size, they are called. As a cream, sour cream or cream with whipped cream is used. Decorated with chocolate icing and strawberries.

And this one is also cooked with whipped cream, and even with berries.

The next option is made according to the principle and cherry is used as a filling. From above, it can be covered with any cream, for example, custard, and decorated with chocolate icing.

This is only a small part of what can be cooked with pancakes as cakes. Now that we have so many ideas, we can easily prepare any option.

Therefore, now I propose to move on to unsweetened cakes. They can also be called pies, which also will not contradict the essence of this dish. The difference is that they can be eaten as a cold appetizer, hence the name "snack cake", while the cake is baked in the oven and tastes better when eaten hot.

And just one of them I propose to cook first. It's painfully delicious.

How to cook a snack cake with mushrooms and fish with a sour cream layer

This is an incredibly delicious unsweetened cake - a pie. It combines two completely different, at first glance, completely incompatible fillings. And it reminds me of ours, which is also made from pancakes and three different toppings.

Although this performance is more like a real cake.

We will need:

  • pancakes - 12 pieces
  • fish fillet - 500 gr
  • fresh mushrooms - 300 gr
  • rice 100 -150 gr
  • cheese 150 - 200 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 200 gr
  • butter - 20 -30 gr
  • vegetable oil - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • spices - turmeric, oregano, coriander, sesame

We will also need a detachable form in which we will collect and bake the cake.


1. Bake pancakes in advance according to one of your favorite recipes from past articles, links to them are at the very beginning of today's article. For the cake, we will need 12-13 pieces.

2. Then we will prepare two fillings. For one of them, we will need boiled rice. Therefore, we put it to boil in lightly salted water.

Rice is best used long-grain parboiled. It will not boil and will not turn into porridge.

3. In the meantime, the rice is cooking, prepare the mushroom filling. To do this, cut the onion into small cubes and mushrooms into large plates.

Today we will use mushrooms. But in general, any mushrooms that you have will do.

4. Fry the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown.

5. Add mushrooms to it, salt to taste and cover. Mushrooms will start up juice and will be stewed together with onions for 10 - 15 minutes, until the mushrooms are almost completely cooked.

When the filling is ready, drain the mushroom juice, it will still be useful to us. Refrigerate both juice and filling.

6. Now let's take a fish fillet. Any boneless fillet will do, or you can use fish with a few bones.

Fillet or fish pieces with salt, pepper, sprinkle with a mixture of spices, do not use only turmeric, we will need it for rice.

7. Put the fish in the microwave and cook in it for 5 - 6 minutes. You can also use boiled or steamed fish. When it is baked in the microwave, all the spices “bloom” and give just a great flavor. The fish manages to soak in it, and subsequently transfer it to the whole cake as a whole.

8. When ready, clean the pieces of fish from bones and skin, and if they were cooked from fillets, then you don’t need to clean anything. In both cases, cut the fish into small pieces.

9. When the rice is cooked, it should be cooled down a bit, add pieces of fish, leftover mushroom sauce and turmeric to it. Add just enough to turn the rice a nice orange color. Turmeric itself has no taste, it only gives color, so do not be afraid to shift it. Mix stuffing.

10. Rub the cheese on a medium or coarse grater. Now that everything is ready, we will collect the cake.

11. For this we need a detachable form. When you bake pancakes, then pay attention to their size. They must match the size of the form. If the form is non-stick, then it is not necessary to lubricate it with oil. If not, then it should be generously lubricated with butter or vegetable oil.

If you do not have such a form, then you can bake in the form that is. It’s just that it will be more convenient to remove the cake from the detachable form.

12. And so, the form is ready, and you need to put pancakes into it, but in a special way, so that the part is at the bottom, the middle is on the walls, and that the upper edge remains large enough. That is, we form such peculiar walls from them.

To do this, we need 5 finished products that we overlap.

In the middle of the bottom there is free space and therefore we cover it with a separate pancake. He is our sixth. This is the form we got.

13. Now lay out the filling. Put the rice filling first, lay it out in an even layer a centimeter - one and a half thick. Lubricate with sour cream. For each layer, about two tablespoons of sour cream will go, which in turn can be replaced with mayonnaise. It will be very tasty, but also very high in calories. Therefore, choose the option yourself.

14. Sprinkle cheese on top of sour cream. Then lay out the next pancake. Put a mushroom layer on it, then again sour cream and cheese.

Then a new pancake, and repeat the layers in the same sequence as we started. Until we get to the top of the form.

Grease the top layer with sour cream and sprinkle with cheese.

15. Then cover the pancakes with the edges, lifting them up and laying them on top of the filling.

But since they do not completely cover it all, cover it from above with the last product.

16. Grate the chilled butter and sprinkle over the pancake. Then lay out the sour cream and grease the entire surface with it and oil.

17. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes. Until the cake is browned.

18. Let the finished treat cool down a bit, then remove the side walls of the mold, and carefully transfer the cake itself to the dish.

If cooked in the usual one-piece form, then cover it with a large plate, after which the form is turned over.

19. Serve and eat hot. Here we have such a hot cake in every sense!

It is well cut with a sharp knife, all layers perfectly retain their structure. Looks beautiful and very tasty! Plus, it's quite filling.

Instead of fish, you can also use chicken fillet. It will be a completely different no less delicious story!

Unsweetened pancake cake with cream cheese cream and salmon and red caviar filling

This is a truly festive recipe, both in filling and in appearance, and in taste. Who would refuse a piece of treat with red fish and caviar? I don't think there are many of those.

This can be served immediately in a chopped state as an appetizer.

We will need:

  • pancakes - 10 - 12 pieces
  • slightly salted salmon - 300 gr
  • caviar - small jar
  • processed cheese - 400 gr
  • hard cheese - 100 gr
  • fresh herbs - a bunch
  • cream - 0.5 cups


1. Bake pancakes in advance according to one of the recipes that are both in today's selection and in the selection of past issues. We need fairly dense, not very thin products. Therefore, in recipes where recipes for thin pancakes are given, just do not dilute a very batter.

In this case, pancakes will turn out denser and thicker. Again, any recipe works!

2. For the filling, cut the red fish into pieces. As indicated in the recipe, we use lightly salted salmon. Chop greens. You can take parsley and dill, it will be more fragrant, more beautiful and tastier.

3. Put any melted cheese into a bowl and add a little cream, mix so that it is convenient to lubricate the layers with this mass.

4. Put the pancake in a large flat dish. Spread it with cheese. Arrange some red fish on top.

5. Then put some caviar and sprinkle with herbs.

6. Put another pancake on top. And repeat the entire filling sequence again. Repeat until all products are finished. In this case, part of the filling should remain to decorate the top layer.

7. We also grease the top layer with melted cheese, decorate with caviar, pieces of red fish, herbs and sprinkle with grated hard cheese on top.

8. Put the cake in the refrigerator for an hour so that all layers have time to soak during this time.

9. Serve to the table. And we eat with pleasure!

Agree that such a snack cake will decorate any table for any holiday. And most importantly, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pancake cake with mousse cream of chicken fillet and champignons

Here is another great video recipe. It deserves your attention, as it is prepared in a slightly different way than the two previous options. In it, the filling is laid out not in whole large pieces, but is prepared in the form of a cream - mousse.

The idea is great, because in this way you can make mousse from anything. And for any holiday, you can cook different delicious snack cakes.

In addition, this cake looks generally like a real one. Well, in order not to languish for a long time, see everything for yourself.

Well, what do you think? The truth is great! I just love this cake. I think you liked it too.

In fact, there are a lot of ideas for such snack cakes. And now I will share with you some topping ideas for them. It is clear that pancakes will be the basis in all cases.

Topping options for savory snack cake

  • 0.5 kg of fried minced meat, 2 carrots grated and stewed with onions, 3 boiled potatoes, 100 g of mayonnaise. Put half of minced meat on the first pancake, carrots and onions smeared with maynez on the second pancake, grated potatoes on the third pancake smeared with mayonnaise. Repeat layers. Decorate to your liking.
  • slices of oven-baked pumpkin (400 gr) with sour cream with garlic and herbs
  • with chicken and mushrooms
  • tomatoes with garlic
  • mushrooms in various combinations - with chicken, fish, cheese, rice, herbs, etc.
  • shrimp, squid with rice and egg
  • ham, bacon, sausage, sausages and other meat products combined with various vegetables, cheese and mushrooms
  • offal - liver, hearts, also in various combinations.

Coat the layers with any sauces that correspond to one or another filling. Or just use sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup.

These cakes are good to serve as an appetizer on the festive table. If it is beautifully decorated, then it always looks dignified and presentable!

As we have seen today, you can make great sweet and savory cakes from pancakes. They always look beautiful, even if they are quite simple to decorate, and most importantly, they are loved and always eaten with great pleasure. So I want you to choose a recipe to your taste today and prepare a delicious treat for the joy of all your relatives and friends!

Happy Maslenitsa, friends! Prosperity and prosperity to your families! And for those who prepared this pancake treat today, Bon appetit!

If you liked the recipes, share them with your friends and put likes on social articles. And I confess to you honestly, today I am especially pleased with this article, as it turned out to be very beautiful. And I would love it for sure!

Recipe with photo.

Insanely delicious pancake cake, try it yourself!

First, let's make pancakes. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and mix it with 250 ml of warm milk.

Beat the remaining milk in a deep bowl with 1 cup of sifted flour, cocoa, and powdered sugar.

Whip the eggs and add to the bowl.

Melt the butter and add to the resulting dough along with melted chocolate. Let's mix everything well. Leave the resulting dough for 2-3 hours. It will thicken a little.

We heat the pan, grease it with vegetable oil. Pour the batter into the pan so that the batter spreads all over the pan. Cooking 1 minute.

Then flip the pancake and cook for about 30 seconds more.

We bake these beautiful chocolate pancakes until the dough runs out.

Cover the pancakes with a lid and leave to cool completely. Approximately 2-3 hours.

Now let's prepare the buttercream for the pancake cake. Whip cream until stiff peaks, gradually adding vanilla sugar. Now we introduce melted white chocolate into the cream, and continue to beat at the lowest speed.

Finishing up the pancake. We spread one pancake on a plate and apply a layer of cream on top.

Cover with a second pancake and a layer of cream on top, and repeat this with all the pancakes. Brush the top of the cake with the remaining cream.
