
Bergamot: useful properties and main contraindications. Why you need to use bergamot, benefits and medicinal properties

A pear-shaped citrus hybrid obtained by crossing a lemon with a bitter orange is bergamot. What kind of plant, probably everyone knows. It is widely used in perfumery, cooking and folk medicine. But under this name, another medicinal plant is known, the monarda, a wonderful honey plant, the flowers of which contain a huge amount of microelements useful for the body.

What kind of plant is bergamot - general characteristics

Bergamot grass, monarda or American lemon balm - a herbaceous plant from the Rut family is characterized by excellent aesthetic properties, due to which it is used in landscape design to decorate flower beds. Ground parts are used as raw materials in official pharmacology. The flowers of the plant evaporate a delicate citrus aroma, which has a complete resemblance to the famous fruit. It is thanks to this characteristic that the monarda acquired the name bergamot.

What does bergamot look like?

Monarda is an annual or perennial plant, the stems of which can reach 1.5 m in height. Light green, lanceolate leaves are arranged oppositely. The flowering period falls on June-September. Funnel-shaped tubules bloom on peduncles, collected in large inflorescences. The most common herb is bergamot, the flowers of which are painted in a purple hue.

Benefits of Bergamot Herb

The medicinal plant is characterized by a rich chemical composition, which includes a large number of micronutrients. One of the main components is thymol - a powerful natural analgesic and antiseptic. Monarda contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinoids, antioxidants, etc.

The main beneficial properties of bergamot herb:

  • normalizes the emotional and mental background (helps to cope with stress, depression, including postpartum);
  • improves the work of the cardiovascular system, helps to reduce the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood and lower blood pressure;
  • has antiseptic properties, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, due to which it is actively used in violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • helps to reduce body temperature by accelerating metabolic processes and increasing sweating;
  • effectively fights headache and muscle pain due to the analgesics linalyl acetate and linalool included in the composition;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, prevents constipation, has a mild urine and choleretic effect.

Tea is deservedly considered the most popular drink, as it is loved by children and adults. Good tea diversifies the daily menu and makes a festive feast especially memorable.

At the same time, tea drinking is a special ceremony, the participants of which not only enjoy a pleasant drink, but also appreciate its taste. After all, the composition of teas can be very diverse: they add pieces of fruit, flavors, dried berries and flowers, mix different herbs. There are many options for compositional compositions, but the most popular additive among all known components is bergamot. Adding this ingredient to tea gives the drink an incomparable tart and slightly spicy taste.

What is special about bergamot

Bergamot appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders who decided to cross two different crops: citron and orange. As a result of this experience, a new type of fruit tree appeared, called the “princely pear”. In appearance, this plant, covered with thorns, resembles a little lemon and a little bit of its genetic relative - lime. The tree grows in Italy and other countries of the Mediterranean region, as well as in America.

This fruit-bearing species of trees can reach a height of up to 10 meters. During flowering, the plant is covered with white or reddish flowers, exuding an unusually pleasant aroma. When the time comes for ripening, spherical fruits appear on it. The pulp of these gifts of nature is not suitable for cooking, as it has a specific bitter-sour taste. But the dense peel of ripened fruits, as well as flowers with leaves, have found the widest application. From the so-called orange "nuts" an essential oil is produced, which is very highly valued. Especially in demand is the product obtained by manual pressing. Bergamot oil extract is in demand in medicine, food and cosmetic industries. Dry components of the plant are added to saturate the taste in teas.

Good to know! Princely pear or bergamot is an unpretentious plant. Therefore, if desired, it can be safely grown at home.

Types of teas

There is a version that Lord Charles Gray, who served as British Prime Minister in the 30s of the nineteenth century, contributed to the popularization of tea with bergamot. This prominent English politician, as a token of gratitude for his assistance in some matters, received samples of amazing tea from one important Chinese person. The inhabitants of foggy Albion liked the drink so much that it soon became indispensable in every English family.

And today the popularity of bergamot remains at the same high level as in the old days. Tea with the aroma of exotic fruits is enjoyed in different parts of the world.

There are two types of bergamot drink: green and black. True connoisseurs of tea prefer dark varieties because they are much healthier. Black tea instantly relieves fatigue, gives strength, charges with vital energy. Green tea is known to contain a high percentage of caffeine.

The range of tea products with the inclusion of bergamot is very diverse: it is produced in bags and in bulk; composition compositions with other valuable plants can be found on sale. Although many well-known manufacturers are engaged in the production of tea with the addition of bergamot, it is Earl Gray tea that is most popular. This variety differs from the rest in its unique composition - it combines a blend of black tea and bergamot oil base. For these purposes, the best varieties of Indian, Ceylon or Chinese tea are taken.

This is interesting! In the UK, this type of tea is so popular that it is often added to the dough when baking traditional cupcakes.

What are the beneficial properties

All the beneficial qualities of a tea drink with bergamot are due to the content of the essential oil of the plant in it. This natural component was widely used by people in ancient times for the treatment of many diseases. After all, the oil contains substances that successfully cope with the function of antibiotics: these are limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate. Thanks to these elements, inflammatory processes, skin diseases and other infections were successfully treated in Germany earlier.

Modern scientists through scientific research have proven that tea with bergamot is an excellent antiviral agent and helps to strengthen the body's defenses. In addition, it has a pronounced sedative effect and can be used as a disinfectant. Also, tea with bergamot is classified as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Positive properties

The advantages of a tea drink with bergamot include the following features:

  • improves appetite;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • lowers the temperature
  • promotes the restoration of sexual functions;
  • eliminates the effects of stress;
  • lowers cholesterol and sugar;
  • positively affects brain activity, which, in general, improves memory.

People with cardiovascular problems are concerned about the effect of bergamot tea on vascular tone. As shown by clinical trials, this drink has absolutely no effect on blood pressure.

Good to know! It is possible to judge the usefulness of tea or its harm only when the composition contains natural essential oil, and not its chemical substitute. When using a flavoring, it makes no sense at all to talk about the usefulness of the drink.

The princely pear, like any other crop of plant origin, has a number of contraindications. These restrictions include:

  • allergic manifestations on citrus fruits;
  • hormonal dysfunctions;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathology of blood vessels and heart;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Given the specific effect of the drink on the body, it is not recommended to give it to small children to drink. Only after reaching the age of 12 this restriction is removed. It is also undesirable to use tea with bergamot during the period of bearing a child by a woman.

When breastfeeding, mom can occasionally afford to drink a cup of aromatic tea if the child does not have allergic manifestations. But this relief is possible no more than twice a week.

Important! Since bergamot has a tonic effect, it is not recommended to drink tea with it at night.

How to brew tea

To get a really healthy drink, you need to follow certain rules when preparing it. All actions should be performed in stages, without missing any of the following points:
  1. First, the teapot is poured with boiling water.
  2. Then the dry component for brewing is poured into the container at the rate of: 1 l. hours per glass.
  3. It is impossible to pour boiling water over tea; for this purpose, it is recommended to use boiled, but slightly cooled water.
  4. Tea should be infused for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise it will turn out to be too strong a drink with a tart aftertaste.

The process is greatly simplified if ready-made bags with tea mixture are taken as raw materials. The principle of preparation remains the same, only the time of infusion of aromatic tea is reduced to two minutes.

There is another option for brewing excellent tea. This method is followed by supporters of the correct observance of the tea ceremony. Usually connoisseurs of traditions prepare the mixture for brewing themselves. For this you need to take:

  • 200 g of any quality small leaf tea;
  • pour the product into the brewing container;
  • add a few drops of bergamot oil ester;
  • close the container with the mixture hermetically with a lid;
  • the mixture should be infused for five days, while it must be periodically stirred.

Then, from the workpiece obtained in this way, you can take the desired portion and brew it using the method given above.

Tea with bergamot will decorate any meal. The drink goes well with bee products, which emphasize its unusual taste. You can even drink it with milk and lemon. This tea goes well with sweets and light snacks.

Video: tea with bergamot

Bergamot is a fruit with a very interesting and rich taste and unique aroma. Scientists have long established that this fruit is incredibly useful for the human body. Therefore, it is not surprising that bergamot is so popular today, but not in its natural form. As a rule, the fruit is added to tea, giving it an interesting and bright taste.

For many people, this citrus fruit is a simple addition to tea. This fruit belongs to the category of citrus fruits, which were bred as a result of crossing a lemon with a bitter orange. In most cases, it is found in the form of an essential oil or as an additive in green tea. For the production of essential oil, not only fruits, but also leaves with flowers of the plant are passed through the press. But it is the peel of the fruit that brings the greatest benefit.

In its pure form, the fruits are practically not found on sale, while the most popular is the essential oil, which is found in tea, confectionery, etc. Bergamot has truly unique qualities - it is a powerful and completely natural antiseptic that has been used as an alternative to antibiotics during the treatment of pathologies that have an inflammatory or infectious nature.

This fruit is also widely used during the course of treatment for various diseases of a cold or viral nature. It is an effective and natural antipyretic and diaphoretic agent, which also has an expectorant effect. The fruit helps to strengthen the weakened immune system, restores the protective functions of the body.

  • Under the condition of the systematic intake of tea with bergamot, the skin is cleansed of the problem of pigmentation and freckles, the elasticity of the epidermis increases. This type of tea is useful for owners of oily skin, especially when there is a problem of enlarged pores - it is bergamot that helps to narrow the pores and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • The fruit also benefits the state of the nervous system - a light citrus smell perfectly invigorates, helps relieve feelings of extreme fatigue, anxiety and anxiety, and minimizes negative consequences after stress. The aroma of the fruit improves mood and well-being, helps to quickly get rid of a severe depressive state.
  • The valuable properties of this fruit also affect the psycho-emotional state. For example, the fruit enhances brain activity, gives a feeling of inspiration, helps to quickly tune in to work and focus on important issues.
  • Bergamot is one of the effective and safe fruits that help during the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The fruit contributes to the normalization of the state of the entire nervous system, and has a positive effect on the health of blood vessels.
  • This fruit has pronounced aphrodisiac qualities, thanks to which it helps to wake up faster and activates the strength and energy of the body. Unobtrusive and invigorating smell enhances the potency of the stronger sex, increases sexual desire.
  • Another valuable quality of this fruit is its unique property to accelerate the healing process of scratches. That is why it is useful to use it during the treatment of various skin diseases - for example, allergic irritation, herpes, psoriasis, etc. It is recommended to apply bergamot oil after an insect vinegar or burn. This product is widely used in the field of cosmetology.

  • Bergamot is recommended for use in the problem of increased sweating and oily hair. In this case, while washing the strands, a small amount of oil is added to the water, and the mixture is gently rubbed into the scalp with gentle movements. If you regularly carry out such a simple cosmetic procedure, the hair follicles are strengthened, and the problem of dandruff is eliminated. To improve and accelerate hair growth, you can use other means of folk cosmetology.
  • Bergamot has a calming effect, relieves even severe spasms. If you make a simple massage of the abdomen using this oil, the process of digestion and the functioning of the intestines are getting better.
  • Experts advise women during lactation to inhale the invigorating smell of bergamot, which allows you to increase the volume of breast milk and improve its quality. However, this remedy can only be used if the mother and child are not allergic to this fetus.
  • One of the most famous properties of bergamot tea is that this delicious and fragrant drink has a positive effect on the process of losing weight. Despite the fact that the substances that make up this fruit have practically no effect on the breakdown of fats, a gradual process of losing weight occurs. A similar effect is achieved only due to the fact that after drinking a hot drink, the stomach is filled with liquid and the feeling of hunger is dulled.

In order to lose weight, this tea is best consumed without the addition of sugar or honey. This drink has a lot of useful qualities, thanks to which it helps to improve the body's resistance to stress. It is enough to drink just one cup of hot tea, which will help not only strengthen the weakened nervous system, but also get rid of the feeling of fatigue. Since this drink brings great benefits to the body, it is recommended to start the morning with it.

Harm and contraindications

Do not drink this citrus tea before bed if you have a problem with insomnia. If there is an allergic reaction to any citrus fruits, it is recommended to avoid the use of bergamot as well.

Bergamot has long been used in perfumery, but later its beneficial properties were discovered and it took its place in medical practice. This plant is a perennial, evergreen tree from the Rut family. It reaches a height of ten meters, the leaves are dark green (slightly lighter below), oblong elliptical in shape, located on petioles. The flowers are white or purple in color, solitary or collected in inflorescences, have a bright aroma. The fruits are rounded, green in color, about seven centimeters in diameter, covered with a three-layer shell. Inside, it resembles a lemon, but bright green in color, sour-bitter in taste. The ripening period falls at the end of autumn - the beginning of December. Prefers countries with a warm climate, grown artificially. Bergamot is the result of crossing an orange-orange and a lemon, originally from Italy. Basically, they use essential oil, which can be squeezed out at home.

Useful properties of bergamot

Unfortunately, many people know bergamot only as a flavoring addition to tea and are unaware of the benefits this plant can bring.

Bergamot exhibits the following properties:

  • Antiviral, bactericidal, disinfectant properties that are effective in the treatment of diseases associated with infections and inflammations;
  • Shows tonic and antipyretic properties that will be needed in the treatment of influenza;
  • It has a positive effect on brain activity, is a natural antidepressant, and has an invigorating effect. Normalizes sleep;
  • Bergamot is an aphrodisiac, therefore it increases sexual desire and improves the condition of the reproductive system;
  • Increases the production of breast milk;
  • It normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as blood pressure;
  • Improves the work of the digestive system, improves the secretion of glands, increases appetite, helps with flatulence, indigestion, colic;
  • It has a wound healing and regenerating effect;
  • Antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties are used to cleanse the skin, relieve inflammation from the sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • Strengthens and nourishes hair.

You can understand where bergamot has such properties if you carefully study its composition:

  1. Fatty saturated and unsaturated acids.
  2. Vitamins: vitamin B group, as well as nicotinic and ascorbic acids, beta-carotene, vitamin E.
  3. Salts: magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, and also: selenium, calcium, phosphorus and manganese.
  4. The essential oil contains very useful substances: bergapten, linalson, limonene, geraniol, camphene, nerol, linalyl acetate and others.

At the same time, bergamot is a dietary product, since it contains only 36 kcal per hundred grams of fruit.

The use of bergamot

  1. Essential oils of bergamot are widely used in cosmetology, because they: help with skin inflammation, fight acne, ulcers, reduce sweating. They also contribute to the disappearance of age spots.
  2. Bergamot is actively used for problems with digestive processes, poor appetite, urolithiasis and kidney diseases.
  3. Essential oils of bergamot are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, used for infections, and also used for disinfection.
  4. Bergamot is used to remove worms.
  5. With the help of this plant, nervous tension, depression are treated, and immunity is improved.
  6. It is used to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as to improve cerebral circulation.
  7. Used as a means to normalize pressure.
  8. Used for rinsing the mouth with sore throats, stomatitis, scurvy, as well as to get rid of bad breath.
  9. Often used as an expectorant for respiratory ailments, flu.
  10. Bergamot oil is widely used in perfumery, it is used to make both men's and women's perfumes, it is part of shampoos, face masks, etc.
  11. Contraindications

    Contraindications to the use of bergamot are:

  • Sleep disorders, bergamot will only aggravate insomnia, as it excites the body.
  • Individual allergic reactions to citrus plants.
  • Pregnancy, the use of bergamot can provoke a miscarriage.
  • Bergamot essential oils should not be used by children under 12 years of age.
  • It is not recommended to apply bergamot oil to sensitive skin.
  • It is not recommended to use bergamot before going to the solarium, and also if you have to stay under the sun for a long time, in order to avoid burns and abundant skin pigmentation.
  • It is impossible to use the oil undiluted, since the concentration of substances is very high and can cause pressure problems, a feeling of suffocation, weakness, dizziness.
  • Before you start using bergamot, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  • Recipes using bergamot

    It must be remembered that in order to use bergamot oil in cooking, it must be mixed with a sugar or fat base. To do this, use melted chocolate, eggs, sugar or honey. Bergamot is used as an additive in confectionery, mainly in sweets, because it gives them a pleasant aroma and exquisite taste. Tea with bergamot will increase attention, improve blood circulation, and positively affect the immune system.

    For the treatment of respiratory diseases, inhalations are done when a few drops of bergamot oil are added to hot water. To treat inflammatory processes, colds, relax the nervous system and awaken the internal potential of the body, take baths with bergamot. They also use aromatic lamps that will help disinfect the premises, get rid of unpleasant odors and invigorate the body.

    For joint pain and for the treatment of inflammatory processes, as well as skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis, it is necessary to dilute bergamot oil in a ratio of 1 to 10 with vegetable or other oil and lubricate the sore spot.

Many have learned about bergamot (not a pear variety, but a plant from tropical countries) thanks to its unique refreshing aroma.

The hybrid obtained by crossing citron (a close relative, but with low-juicy fruits of a fairly large size) and orange (in turn, a hybrid of pomelo and tangerine, small with a sour-bitter taste), was named bergamot by the name of the city, near which it was supposedly started mass cultivate - Italian Bergamo.

A distinctive feature of bergamot is the abundance of essential oil contained in all parts of the plant, and giving gourmets that very recognizable aroma.

The mentioned variety of pears "bergamot" has nothing to do with bergamot citrus, except for the pear-shaped form inherent in both types of plant fruits.

Like any other citrus, bergamot has a number of unique features beneficial to the body, which will be discussed later.

What is eaten with

This is not to say that bergamot is a favorite delicacy for many. The sour-bitter taste of its pulp, hidden under a thick layer of juicy peel, which, by the way, is very easily separated, is very specific.

Bergamot in its pure form is most often used to make jams or preserves, candied fruits, marmalade and other desserts that involve the use of a large amount of sugar that can compensate for the natural acid of the fruit.

They are prepared directly in the places of growth of this evergreen shrub. For export, fresh fruits of bergamot do not go for lack of demand for them, which cannot be said about the derivative of this amazing plant - essential oil.

It is to obtain this most valuable raw material that bergamot is mainly grown.

All parts of the bush are literally saturated with a rich aroma: flowers, bark, leaves. But the richest source of the odorous extract is the peel of the fruit.

From it, traditionally by hand, precious oil is pressed, which is an excellent raw material for the cosmetic, food, perfume, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The scope of extracts from bergamot is incredibly wide.

Perfumes, essences, medicines, cosmetics, food, etc.

The biochemical composition of both citrus itself and its essential oil is highly active and can help solve a large number of different health problems, so the presence of bergamot ether in any product guarantees a healing effect.

After studying the medicinal properties, bergamot became popular all over the world and the British played a significant role in this with their famous Earl gray and Lady Gray teas, which, as you know, include dried bergamot peel slices.

A bit of history

The homeland of the hybrid plant is considered to be Asian territories, presumably China.

A tall shrub does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and feels good only where it is constantly warm and in abundance of moisture - these are ideal subtropics.

With success, the plant is cultivated in the Caucasus, India, Mediterranean countries. Italy is considered to be the recognized world leader in the cultivation of bergamot and the production of healing essential oil.

Until the 17th century, bergamot did not have the recognition it has today. The situation was corrected by perfumers, who, on the basis of pressed citrus oil, began to produce perfume water, called "Royal".

So bergamot became the ancestor of the world's first colognes, and remains the same ingredient in many modern perfumes.

The healing properties of plant parts were also given great attention. Scientists and amateurs for a long time carefully studied the effect of bergamot oils on the body and came to the conclusion that it is not only an excellent raw material for perfumes, but also an amazing medicine.

In this regard, bergamot became even more in demand and popular: it began to be widely used first in folk and then in traditional medicine.

Written evidence (old medical reference books) and ancient formulations of medicines from bergamot have survived to this day.

Chemical composition

Bergamot with a very low calorie content (only 35 kilocalories per 100 grams of pulp) has a rich and rich vitamin and mineral composition. Its nutritional value is close to that of an orange: very little fat (0.2 g), a lot of water, fiber and carbohydrates.

However, despite the apparent diet, the use of bergamot in its natural form is almost impossible due to the low taste of the fruit.

In the human body, the entire bouquet of beneficial substances of bergamot comes mainly from the mentioned essential oil, as well as from fresh or dried citrus peel.

Among the most valuable chemical compounds in bergamot are:

  • almost all B vitamins, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene;
  • a large number of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • in abundance of manganese, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, salts of copper, iron, zinc, potassium.

Bergamot oil is rich in methyl anthranilate, terpineol, limonene, caprylic acid, camphene, bergapten, citral, etc.

What is bergamot useful for, and where is it best to use it? It should be said right away that not only the fresh bergamot fruit has a therapeutic effect, but also, of course, its peel and essential oil.

1. One of the main and valuable properties of bergamot is its antiseptic effect. The oil perfectly heals and disinfects wounds of various degrees of complexity, and is used to treat absolutely all skin rashes and diseases.

2. Bergamot is famous for its hair-strengthening effect - oil, peel or pulp can be simply rubbed into the scalp. This will help prevent and stop hair loss, as well as relieve oily seborrhea.

3. For colds and viral diseases, inhalations with bergamot oil, gargling and washing the sinuses are indicated.

4. Copes well with cough, dilutes sputum, promotes its withdrawal from the bronchi and lungs.

5. The plant has a pronounced antipyretic effect, is used for hyperthermia.

6. Bergamot is the best therapeutic and prophylactic agent for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. It disinfects, heals, aromatizes.

7. The plant is an aphrodisiac, equally intensely affects men and women, enhances libido, improves the quality of intimate relationships.

8. Increases lactation.

9.The aroma of bergamot acts as a tonic for the nervous system.- relieves depression and fears, nervousness, improves mood, improves perception of the world, memory and concentration, relieves the feeling of overwork. Recommended after intensive mental work.

10. Eliminates spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, improves peristalsis, promotes more proper and complete digestion.

11. It helps very well with vegetative-vascular dystonia, improves the condition of blood vessels, reduces the number of attacks, and ensures good health.

12. Relieves itching and redness from insect bites, burns.

13. Helps with herpes, eczema, psoriasis, skin ulcers, acne.

14. Cosmetologists actively use bergamot oil to combat excessive oily skin, enlarged pores, and sweating.

15. It has a pronounced antiviral effect, strengthens the body.

16. The oil is used for anti-cellulite massage, weight and figure correction procedures.

17. It is considered a proven antifungal agent for thrush and other diseases caused by various fungi.

18. Has an anthelmintic effect.

19. With regular use, it maintains cholesterol at an acceptable level and does not allow it to rise.
Bergamot is also known to relieve muscle pain and fatigue.

Bergamot - harm

In nature, plants that are practically harmless to the body are quite rare, and bergamot is one of them.

It has only a small part of the general contraindications - children under 6 years old, people with individual intolerance, allergies.

Overeating bergamot does not threaten anyone for the already mentioned reasons for the specific taste.

Therefore, pamper yourself more often with a wonderful gift of nature and human hands - bergamot essential oil - and be healthy.
