
Bananas. The benefits and harms of the once exotic fruit

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits on the planet, they are grown in 150 countries, and the world production volume exceeds 105 million tons. Such popularity is determined by the beneficial properties of bananas (more precisely, the composition), the ability to ripen during transportation and ease of use. Knowing how to store bananas, you can buy delicious fruits for future use and not worry - a quick snack is always at hand.

What are the benefits of bananas for the human body

Recently, more and more often food is called a medicine that can protect and even cure all diseases. Bananas occupy a certain niche in this "treatment". First of all, they usually talk about their nutritional value and calorie content (up to 100 kcal per 100 g). The beneficial properties of bananas are such that they can satisfy hunger in any situation, even on an empty stomach, because they contain various enzymes, including malic acid, which make them easily digestible. And fiber, pectins and a soft fibrous structure properly adjust the work of the stomach, intestines and pancreas, without irritating or loading them.
The beneficial properties of bananas are determined by a rich and balanced chemical composition, which has a good effect on all human organs and systems. The amount of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids depends on the type and degree of maturity of the fetus. Bananas contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, slows down aging, as a powerful antioxidant, and has a preventive effect against oncology. Vitamin A protects vision, slows down the development and alleviates the course of cardiovascular diseases. The B group of vitamins not only improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair, they are involved in a positive adjustment of the emotional and psychological state.
Potassium and magnesium are needed for heart disease. In addition, they are involved in strengthening the bone and muscle skeleton. This is important for athletes and people performing hard physical labor. Bananas also help them by increasing endurance and adapting to heavy loads. Trace elements that contain bananas maintain an optimal water and electrolyte balance and remove excess fluid from the body, relieve swelling.

Sweet banana pulp, which gives pleasure, due to the high content of potassium, helps to overcome dependence on tobacco. Doctors advise during the fight against smoking instead of a cigarette to eat a quarter of a banana.

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Useful properties of amino acids in bananas

The beneficial properties of bananas, in addition to carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements, are determined by amino acids. The composition of these fruits includes three essential amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize, and this is undoubtedly what bananas are useful for the normal functioning of the body.
Tryptophan normalizes metabolism, participates in synthesis processes, as a result of which the state of tension and anxiety decreases, sensitivity to pain decreases, and natural sleep normalizes. Tryptophan, turning into serotonin, improves mood and helps to overcome anger or aggression.
Lysine promotes the absorption of collagen and calcium by the body, which preserves and improves the appearance of a person, and also reduces the response of cartilage and bone tissue to stress. Thanks to this, bananas are useful for speedy recovery from injuries.
Methionine is a strong antioxidant, participates in the synthesis of adrenaline, ensures the normal functioning of the liver, enhances the effect of hormones and vitamins on the body, protects the arteries from fatty deposits, improves the condition of the skin and hair - the undeniable beneficial properties of bananas.
Bananas also contain the essential amino acid tyrosine, which is involved in the synthesis of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which improves mood and overall body tone. This acid contributes to the production of melanin and the appearance of brown skin under the influence of sunlight. In addition, tyrosine suppresses the feeling of hunger and restores the body after any stress, mental and physical, helps the brain work, improves the ability to concentrate, increases mindfulness.
The presence of amino acids in bananas, along with a sufficient amount of vitamins C and group B, allows nutritionists to include it in the antidepressant "menu of happiness."

Benefits of bananas for women

The main help to the female body is manifested during PMS and in fact on critical days. Bananas reduce pain, reduce bleeding, replenish B vitamins and help increase hemoglobin if it falls during this period.
During pregnancy, the beneficial properties of bananas help to survive bouts of nausea, because. they usually do not cause a gag reflex. Bananas easily satisfy hunger, relieve heartburn and heaviness in the stomach, keep muscles and internal organs in good shape, helping to carry the fetus. Constipation, a problem for many women during pregnancy, can be overcome or at least relieved by eating one banana on an empty stomach every day.
Bananas are also useful during breastfeeding - the baby's mother can eat bananas in the same mode as during pregnancy, because their proteins enter the amniotic fluid, and the baby has time to get used to them. However, it is still worth limiting yourself to 2 - 3 pieces per week, carefully observing the baby - if there is a rash or seething in the baby's tummy, which can cause intestinal colic.
Doctors do not mind and even advise including bananas in the menu of pregnant and lactating women, because. they are hypoallergenic, remove many problems, make life easier and increase comfort. However, they must be very ripe. Green bananas can cause diarrhea, and overripe ones can cause constipation. By knowing how to store bananas, these problems can be avoided.

Benefits of bananas for men

All the beneficial properties of bananas are also relevant for men, but the main thing in men's life is magnesium in bananas, which is necessary to increase potency. Eating at least one banana every few days increases the duration of erection, as well as improves sperm quality. Magnesium in bananas contributes to the appearance of especially mobile "nimble" spermatozoa. In addition, bananas are included in the diet after surgery for prostate diseases.

Useful properties of bananas in dietary nutrition

Easy-to-digest banana pulp, which does not require heat treatment before use, is often included by doctors in dietary and medical nutrition. Most often, various sources describe a banana-milk diet. It is prescribed after a large weight loss. It helps with the gradual transition from strict restrictions to a normal diet. The beneficial properties of bananas and the sparing nature of the diet allow you to practice it every month for 2 days, when you need to drink 2 glasses of milk and eat 2 bananas.

Useful properties of bananas in cosmetology - masks for skin and hair from bananas

Useful properties of bananas fully manifest themselves in cosmetology. Ripe bananas in their consistency and composition are an excellent basis for cosmetic masks. All vitamins - A, C, E, group B and microelements magnesium, potassium, etc., which are contained in these fruits, easily overcome the skin barrier and nourish the skin and hair not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Such beneficial properties of bananas make it possible to use them for all skin types, supplementing masks with traditional ingredients that will enhance their effect.
The pulp of bananas for masks is best chopped with a mixer or blender. It turns out a soft, homogeneous mass, which is convenient to apply, and then remove from the skin or hair. In addition, the effectiveness of carefully crushed and mixed masks is much higher than fruit masks that are simply mashed with a fork.
Mask for quick recovery of the skin of the face and décolleté. Grind the pulp of 1 small banana with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream (can be replaced with heavy cream). Immediately apply to the face for 20-30 minutes, then rinse, preferably with warm mineral water without gas. The skin is tightened, acquires freshness and even tone. For increased effectiveness, add beaten egg yolk to the mask for dry skin, and protein for oily skin. In addition, it is useful to drop a little pharmacy oil solution of vitamin A into the mask.
Mask to restore and maintain collagen in the skin. Grind the egg yolk with 1 tsp. natural yogurt, mix with the pulp of half a banana.
Treatment mask for acne spots. 1 st. l. crushed oatmeal mixed with a pinch of ground nutmeg, pour 1 tbsp. l. warm milk. After a couple of minutes, grind the mixture with banana pulp. Apply regularly to acne and pimple marks, leave to dry completely, rinse with warm or cool water. To enhance the effect, the mask can be washed off with a cotton swab moistened with calendula decoction.
Banana mass for a soothing and revitalizing bath. 1 kg banana puree, beaten with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix the resulting mixture with warm water and dissolve in bath water. After the end of the water procedure, wash off the traces of the mask with a warm, and then a cool shower.
Heel skin restoration. Lubricate dry rough heels and cracks on them with banana puree, hold for 10 minutes, rinse and make a contrast bath for the feet, preferably in chamomile decoction.
Mask for dry and brittle hair. A mixture of mashed 2 very ripe bananas and 2 tbsp. l. apply honey to the hair with a massaging movement, lightly rub into the scalp and distribute over the entire length of the hair. Close the hair with a special cap or plastic bag, wrap the head with a warm scarf on top. After half an hour, rinse with water and wash your hair with a suitable shampoo.
Mask for improving hair structure, reducing cross-section and hair loss. Mix the pulp of one banana with 100 g of natural yogurt or curdled milk, rub it into the scalp - the milk components will enhance the beneficial properties of bananas. After an hour, wash your hair as usual.

Useful properties of bananas - the use of the peel

Banana peel brings health and appearance benefits. You can wipe your teeth with the inside of the peel, it will give them calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements, which will strengthen bone tissue and enamel, and daily rubbing will make your teeth whiter.
In addition, processing the inside of the peel helps to solve a lot of skin problems:
reduces swelling and itching from insect bites, they are rubbed with a peel, then a fresh piece is attached with a plaster to the bite site for a while;
reduces pain and accelerates the healing of abrasions, scratches, sunburn, due to exposure to essential oils and enzymes that are in the peel;
helps to remove warts, for this the peel is fixed on the wart for the night, repeated until it disappears;
reduces inflammation of skin affected by psoriasis or acne;
enzymes that are in the peel, pull deep splinters to the surface.
Another use of the peel does not apply directly to humans, but makes bananas useful in everyday life. Dry or simply ground, it is an excellent fertilizer for garden and indoor plants.

Who should not abuse bananas

Bananas have practically no contraindications. However, for some health problems, it is necessary to observe moderation and caution in consuming bananas. They can increase blood viscosity, which will have a negative effect on varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and cardiovascular diseases. Due to the high amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and the high glycemic index of bananas, people with diabetes and overweight should include them in their diet very carefully, only with the permission of a doctor.
Eating bananas before the main meals with a lot of protein in some people increases gas formation. Also, gas formation increases with the use of green, unripe bananas due to the large amount of insoluble starch that has not had time to turn into sugar - an occasion to learn how to store greenish bananas so that they do not cause inconvenience and ripen quickly.

Bananas are a reliable source of strength and good mood

And yet, the most important useful property of bananas is the positive that these sweet, yellow fruits filled with the warmth of the south bring into our lives. They are hassle-free and easy to use, they can and should be eaten raw. They are indispensable on the road, in line, at school, when you just need to “kill the worm” and there is no way to wash your hands. Moreover, a banana is a real chest with energy that nature has given us. After all, it contains all three types of natural sugars - glucose, sucrose and fructose. To get a long-term effect of recuperation, you must first eat a very ripe banana, its pulp will be absorbed quickly and instantly charge the body with fresh energy, and after it - less ripe, it will digest much longer, gradually releasing its calories. This will provide each person with strength and good mood, at least for a few hours.

Tip: How to store bananas

Bananas are one of the few fruits that often end up on store shelves unripe. That is why it is so important to know how to store bananas. For quick ripening, green bananas are placed in a warm (but not hot) place, wrapped in a cotton cloth or paper bag. To stimulate the ripening process, along with bananas, you need to put some kind of ripe fruit that releases a phytohormone (ethylene). It can be an apple, pear, tomato, pomegranate. It is better not to use citrus fruits, the essential oils contained in them can interrupt the aroma of bananas.
In order for green bananas to slow down the natural ripening process, do not leave them next to other fruits. They also need to be wrapped in cloth or paper and left in a cool place at a temperature of at least 15 degrees. Ripe bananas are also stored.

Tip: How not to store bananas

Bananas can not be stored in the refrigerator, they deteriorate faster and lose their taste and useful properties. If bananas are placed in plastic bags, they will release condensation, and this contributes to the development of fruit rot.

The useful properties of this product can be judged in two ways. On the one hand, they have a lot of sugar, which in itself is not very good, we have already described, and on the other hand, they have no less important nutrients. The health benefits and harms of bananas are a fairly relevant topic, as with other foods that a person eats. So where is the truth?

Are bananas healthy? This is the question I get asked most often, so let me talk about the pros and cons of this popular health product for both men and women.

Bananas are a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, fiber, and more. Vitamins also amaze with their abundance: A, C, E, K, B6 and that's not all. It is an ideal food for athletes and all those who train regularly because of their carbohydrate content, which is quickly digested and provides an instant energy boost.

It is a quick source of pre-workout energy, as well as post-workout macro- and micronutrients necessary for muscle recovery and fluid balance in the body. In addition, bananas contain fiber, which makes you feel full longer.

Sounds good, and it's all contained in one fruit, which has only 100 calories. However, bananas are not for everyone.

They quickly raise blood sugar levels, contain a lot of carbohydrates, little protein or healthy fats. This is a whole problem for people with insulin resistance, including those with diabetes and prediabetes. Therefore, bananas are good for most people, but not for everyone.

For all those who lead a healthy and active lifestyle, they must be present in the diet.

So who shouldn't eat bananas? If you have insulin sensitivity, blood sugar problems, and are overweight, then it's best not to eat them at all.

nutritional value

Now, after we have briefly considered the benefits and harms of bananas for the body, let's focus specifically on the positive side of this fruit.

So, why do we need bananas in the human diet? The nutritional value of the product per 100 grams and in one piece will tell us about this.

The biochemical composition of this product is extremely diverse. One medium banana contains approximately (recommended daily allowance):

  • 110 calories;
  • 0.5 grams of fat;
  • 27 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 14 grams of sugar;
  • 3 grams of fiber;
  • 1 gram of protein;
  • 25% vitamin B6;
  • 16% manganese;
  • 14% vitamin C;
  • 12% potassium;
  • 12% fiber;
  • 10% copper;
  • 10% biotin;
  • 8% magnesium.

As we can see from this picture, the chemical composition of bananas is quite extensive, they are rich in micro and macro elements that are important for the health of the body.

Human Health Benefits

Useful properties can be listed for a long time, but we will focus on the 6 most significant benefits of bananas for the human body.

1. Give a boost of energy

Bananas are a great snack because they provide the body with carbohydrates in the form of quickly digestible sugars that the body can use for energy. After a workout, your body will use these carbohydrates to replenish energy stores and restore muscle fibers.

After a workout, sugar molecules from bananas are able to quickly reach muscle tissue, and exactly at the moment when it is needed. This helps to quickly restore glucose stores, which are needed to generate the energy needed to build muscle and develop strength. The benefits of a banana for people engaged in any physical activity are undeniable. They can and should be eaten both before training and after it in order to supply the male body with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and nutrients.

Instead of eating candy bars and drinking sports drinks, eat bananas - only 100 calories, contain no processed or artificial ingredients, do not take up much space in your backpack or bag, are whole foods, great for pre- and post-workout snacks.

2. Contain a lot of potassium

Bananas are one of the richest sources of potassium in the world. About 500 mg. Potassium is found in one banana. Potassium is necessary not only for athletes, but for all people in general. It is an electrolyte that ensures proper blood circulation, maintains an optimal level of fluids in the body and helps oxygen reach the cells.

Potassium prevents high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke because it controls circulation, sodium and water levels in the body. To supply your body with the necessary amount of sodium, you need to eat plenty of whole foods, especially vegetables and fruits, including bananas.

The benefits of bananas for both men and women are obvious, as the potassium in them prevents muscle cramps after workouts and helps to restore and build muscle mass. This makes it an essential nutrient for active people and those recovering from injury.

3. Improves the functioning of the digestive system

Bananas contribute to fast and trouble-free digestion. One banana contains about 3 grams of fiber, which is about 10% of the daily value. Fiber prevents constipation, bloating and other unwanted gastrointestinal symptoms. It restores the intestines and supports its functioning, helps to remove waste and toxins from the body.

Fiber fibers are digested slowly, so a person stays full longer. That is why bananas are a great snack to eat on the go and convenient to carry around. Studies have proven that a diet high in fiber is a natural defense against heart disease, cardiac arrest and stroke.

It reduces inflammation in the body, as it removes all the waste from it and prevents the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. Bananas are easy to digest and can prevent diarrhea. This is due to fiber fibers, which attract waste in the gastrointestinal tract, while potassium retains fluid in the intestines, preventing dehydration.

4. Cheer up

It would seem, how can a banana be useful for our mood ?! And here's what: they contain the amino acid tryptophan, which helps regulate serotonin, one of the main "happiness hormones" of a person. Normal serotonin levels keep you in a good mood and prevent various mood swings such as irritability and depression. Bananas contain antioxidants that aid in the release of dopamine in the brain, another mood-boosting hormone. Therefore, you need to eat bananas every day to be in a good mood, prevent fatigue and increase energy reserves.

5. Contain manganese, useful for the brain, skin, bones

Bananas are good for the brain, skin and bones only because they contain manganese (16% of the recommended daily value) and vitamin C (14% of the daily value), which is needed for collagen production to look fresh and young.

Manganese is involved in various functions of the male and female body: it supports skin health, skeletal strength, brain function and reduces damage from free radicals.

Research data show that manganese helps prevent epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. Animal studies have shown that dietary manganese deficiency reduces bone strength, which can lead to osteoporosis.

Manganese is good for skin health. It helps to produce collagen, a very important structural component that maintains youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. Manganese has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that slow down aging, reduce damage to human health caused by free radicals and oxidative stress.

6. Convenient and low-calorie snack at an affordable price

One medium banana contains 100-110 calories. Unlike other processed and high-calorie snacks, these are a great snack option because they are high in fiber and nutrients. It will also be useful for those who count their calories and are trying to lose weight.

Because bananas are high in fiber and high in water, they keep you feeling full for longer, helping to manage hunger between meals. Lovers of sweet food and those who want to lose weight will like this fruit.

Bananas, unlike berries, for example, do not need to be frozen, washed, or cooked. You can carry them with you all day long.

Take them to work, to the gym, and have a few bananas in the car in case you get hungry and to reduce the chance of overeating when you do get to eat. It is a cheap product, and even organically grown varieties can be afforded by everyone.

If your priority is to lose weight, then I recommend eating bananas in moderation. The sugar content of bananas affects blood glucose levels, potentially leading to a craving for food.

If you decide to snack on bananas, then add a source of healthy fat or protein to them to slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream. It can be almond butter, coconut or protein powder, which will make the snack more satisfying and will not allow glucose levels to rise sharply.


Although bananas have many health benefits, they are not for everyone.

Anyone who is watching their weight or blood sugar should not eat a lot of bananas.

Compared to berries, citrus fruits, and kiwis, bananas are high in sugar and low in fiber. And fiber is needed in order to slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. The ideal would be to eat something that has a lot of sugar and carbohydrates and not less fiber, because there will be no sharp spikes and drops in blood sugar in the blood.

Berries are the perfect example of this combination of fiber and sugar; they have less sugar than fruits, but are high in healthy antioxidants and fiber. For this reason, I recommend that diabetics, people with metabolic syndrome, or those looking to lose weight eat berries and fruits that are low in sugar and high in fiber, such as green apples, kiwis, and citrus fruits. They have a lower glycemic index than bananas, so they have a beneficial effect on blood glucose levels.

Studies show that unripe fruits have a lower glycemic index and sugar is absorbed more slowly. So if you want to keep your blood sugar at a stable level, then choose green bananas. They contain more resistant starches, which the body digests more slowly.

If the choice is between packaged, processed, and full of artificial ingredients and bananas, choose the latter, even if you're trying to lose weight or have blood sugar issues.

Ripe bananas are lower in carbs than most grains such as oatmeal, rice, and cereals. Compared to grains, choosing bananas will still consume fewer carbs, sugars, and calories, and more nutrients.

Origin story

Based on some sources, bananas were originally grown in parts of Southeast Asia and Papua New Guinea in 5000 BC. After that, they were grown in some regions of Africa and Madagascar. In the 9th-10th c. bananas reached the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, including the regions of Egypt and Palestine. They were even mentioned in ancient Islamic texts.

When travelers from the Middle East and Europe visited Central and South America, they brought bananas with them, introducing the fruit to another part of the world's population. Portuguese travelers were the first to bring bananas to these regions, where they are still eaten in large quantities to this day.

Bananas took root in the tropics of South and Central America, where they began to be grown in large quantities, and their popularity reached North America. Today, these fruits are grown in large quantities in Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia. However, India, Uganda and China are the largest banana exporting countries worldwide. The wild varieties originally had large seeds inside. The bananas we eat now are parthenocarpic fruits, which means they ripen and grow without the need for seed pollination. Today's bananas have smaller flesh with small seeds inside.

What bananas to buy and how to cook them?

Cavendish is the most common and best-selling type of banana on the market. Most people, when buying them, do not pay attention to the difference between the species. Bananas are a staple food among millions of people living in the developing countries of Latin America, Africa, India and the South Pacific.

They are an important crop because they grow all year round and are inexpensive. They can be prepared in various ways, depending on the characteristics of the national cuisine; they are usually fried, boiled, baked, mashed, sliced, and then dried. Dried bananas are an effective storage method. Chips made from them are a great addition to granola, which will energize you after a workout or during a lunchtime snack.

Of course, it is best to make your own dried bananas, because most banana chips in stores are dried by frying in various oils. Which means you won't get the full benefit of the fruit from these chips. Therefore, check the labels on the packages and be sure to pay attention to the method of drying banana chips.

Bananas are considered to contain the least amount of pesticides than any other fruit. This is because their peel is very thick, and practically impervious to chemicals and toxins, which are treated with all crops.

Plus, bananas grow high enough in trees where they are not accessible to rodents, animals, and beetles, so they are less likely to be sprayed with herbicides and pesticides.

banana recipes

Bananas are pretty versatile in recipes. They are often used in place of sugar in recipes to make food healthier. Banana is the main ingredient in most smoothies and shakes. It can be eaten fresh, or with nut butter, added to muffins, pancakes and buns. They are useful in every way. Try eating more bananas by including the following simple and healthy meals in your meal plan.

Banana Bread Gluten Free

This gluten and grain free banana bread recipe is a great snack. It is full of healthy fats, fiber and smells delicious. Be sure to try this classic and share your opinion!

Cooking time: 55 minutes

Servings: 6-8


  • 4 eggs;
  • 3 medium bananas, mashed;
  • 1/4 cup honey;
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract;
  • 2 tsp soda;
  • 2 1/4 cups almond flour;
  • 1/2 tsp sea ​​salt;
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon.


  1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees.
  2. In a bowl, mix eggs, bananas, honey, coconut milk and vanilla.
  3. In another bowl, mix other ingredients.

Combine ingredients from two bowls together and stir well. Grease a baking dish and pour in the mixture. Bake 35-50 minutes.

Chocolate banana smoothie with almond butter

This smoothie is delicious and healthy! It's great for breakfast and the kids will love it. Try it today!

Cooking time: 2 minutes.

Servings: 1.


  • 1 glass of coconut milk;
  • 1/3 cup almond oil;
  • 1 banana, peeled;
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder;
  • 2 glasses of ice cubes;
  • stevia for flavor.

PREPARATION: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until desired consistency. Serve immediately.

Banana coconut pancakes

Coconut is one of the healthiest foods you can ever eat. It contains a medium chain fatty acid that is easily digested and converted into energy rather than being stored as fat. That is why coconuts help to lose weight, stimulate metabolism and have an excellent antibacterial effect. Combined with a banana, you get great flavor and tons of nutrients in one dish. Try these delicious pancakes and experience all its benefits today!

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Servings: 2.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour;
  • 1/2 banana;
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk;
  • 1/4 cup of water.


  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth;
  2. Heat a frying pan, add butter or coconut oil;
  3. Fry the pancakes for 2-5 minutes on each side over medium heat until golden brown.

Since ancient times, the fruit has been valued for its nutritional and medicinal properties. Banana is useful in that it gives a boost of energy, relieves inflammation in the stomach and intestines, has a mild laxative effect, creates a good mood with regular use, it is used in cosmetology. In some cases, it can be harmful.

How bananas grow

About 70 varieties of herbaceous plants are known. Fruits with fragrant powdery pulp ripen in bundles, their weight reaches 30-50 kg.

Modern artificially bred varieties are divided into dessert and so-called plane trees - unsweetened and hard, with green or red peel, they are used to feed livestock.

Artificial varieties are unable to reproduce on their own and fight fungal diseases. The most common are Cavendish, Robusta, Valerie, Indian Mysore, Rajapuri. As a result, the once popular natural varieties (Gros Michel) have ceased to be cultivated.

To make bananas more useful, they are harvested unripe. In overripe, the peel cracks, the aroma and taste are lost, the flesh is affected by diseases.

For safety during transportation, they are treated with chemicals against the fungus (fungicides). They are toxic and can cause poisoning if ingested. Therefore, fruits must be thoroughly washed before consumption.

Ripe bananas retain their beneficial properties at a temperature of +10..+12C, but not in the refrigerator, where they quickly darken. Unripe (green) fruits are stored at a higher temperature. It is better to hang a bunch, and not keep it in a bag.


For weight loss, it is important to know the number of kilocalories in one banana without a peel.

Calorie content of 100g of the product - 120kcal. The weight of one fruit with the peel is 160-180g, the weight of the pulp is 100-130g.

Thus, the calorie content of one banana without peel is

120 kcal * 130 g / 100 g = 150 kcal

This calorie content corresponds to 130g chicken breast fillet.


A ripe banana is firm, with fleshy flesh, covered with a strong peel with brown spots without a trace of greenery.

The pulp contains pectin substances that improve digestion. (7-20%), when the fruit ripens, it turns into sugar. Proteins - up to 1.3%, - up to 25% (mainly sucrose).

Bananas are useful for their high content of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, and choline, which improves memory.

B vitamins are represented by thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3, nicotinic acid), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9).

The content of vitamins B3, B5, B6 is the highest.

Vitamin B3 is essential for tissue respiration, fat and protein metabolism. It helps to reduce the level of "bad" (LDL) and increase the level of "good" cholesterol (HDL), improves microcirculation in the vessels of the brain.

Vitamin B5 is important for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, is involved in the production of histamine, cholesterol.

Vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, adrenaline, histamine, hemoglobin, and fats. Sufficient intake of pyridoxine is important for the health of teeth, gums, and skin. Its deficiency increases fatigue, hair becomes sparse, cracks form in the corners of the mouth. It is necessary when taking contraceptives, frequent stress. One fruit contains up to 30% of the recommended daily requirement for vitamin B5.

Bananas are useful high in potassium, phosphorus. Sodium, copper, selenium are present in smaller quantities.

Potassium is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels. The element helps to normalize the heart rate, blood pressure indicators, reduces the risk of stroke. Together with sodium, it participates in the regulation of water-salt balance.

The mineral helps to fight against and violation, so bananas are useful for weight loss.

It is believed that adults need up to 2 g of potassium per day, three bananas contain it.

Potassium normalizes the heart rhythm, reduces the accumulation of water in the vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure, helps to reduce swelling in diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Potassium deficiency leads to an increase in cholesterol levels, kidney disease, promotes the formation. Hair and skin become dry, sudden palpitations occur, a headache, insomnia, chills, and breathing are disturbed. Children can be diagnosed with dystrophy.

In case of excessive intake of potassium, nausea, loose stools appear. Blood pressure suddenly drops, arrhythmia occurs.

Magnesium is needed for the absorption of potassium and calcium, maintaining an optimal heart rate, reducing blood clotting, as well as vascular and smooth muscle tone.

Adults need 350-400 micrograms of magnesium daily. One banana contains up to 50 mcg of a useful element. It is also found in buckwheat, oats, brown rice, green leafy vegetables.

Magnesium deficiency can be indicated by irritability, fatigue, absence, muscle spasms or cramps.

The alkaline compounds included in the composition neutralize acids, prevent the deposition of salts and the development of such diseases as gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism.

Benefits of bananas for the body

Eating 1-2 fruits a day improves mood, promotes concentration, reduces fatigue, helps to normalize heart rate, increase the strength of contractions, and lower blood pressure.

Bananas weaken, stimulate the motor function of the intestine, prevent the formation of constipation. They have a choleretic, diuretic effect. Help with swelling, inflammation, promote wound healing.

Serotonin, which is part of the composition, calms the brain and nervous system, so bananas are useful for insomnia.

When breastfeeding, bananas stimulate lactation.

Starch has a sliding, enveloping, emollient effect, which is useful for scarring ulcers and erosions of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The pulp stimulates the renewal of the epithelium and the secretion of mucus, which protects the inner wall of the stomach from damage.

Therefore, bananas are useful for chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastrointestinal disorders, hemorrhage in the stomach and duodenum.

The crushed pulp of a ripe banana is useful in case of hemorrhoids, inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis), colon mucosa (ulcerative colitis).


  • Washed ripe fruit cut with peel, brew 1l. boiling water, insist three hours.

Take a glass before meals for ascaris and hookworm. In China, the ashes of the plant along with the roots are considered an antihelminthic.

Bananas increase sexual desire in men and women.

The fruit is useful for dry cough, diseases of the throat and larynx, helps to eliminate spasm of the broncho-pulmonary muscles.

  • Grind with a fork or rub the pulp through a sieve, pour a glass of sweetened warm water, heat.

Drink 1 s.l. in two hours.

Benefits of banana peel

Fresh helps to get rid of, it is used for burns, rashes, bruises, abscesses. A compress is placed on the affected area, the peel is applied with the inside.

In case of visual fatigue, fatigue, it is applied to the eyelids.

To cope with a migraine headache, the peel is placed on the forehead or back of the head.

Dried banana peel powder added to toothpaste helps with oral diseases.

A decoction of fresh green peel is indicated for hypertension.

Fruits can cause, so they should be included in the children's diet gradually.

Bananas, especially unripe ones, are harmful with increased acidity of gastric juice.

Due to the high content of potassium, it can harm asthma sufferers. To avoid an attack, it is worth salting the fruit.

Some experts are convinced that green, unripe fruits are nutritious and harmful.

Modified: 02/10/2019

Over the past decades, bananas have become part of our diet. Now it is very difficult to deny yourself your favorite delicacy. It's nice to know that they are also very useful! Here are 22 reasons to eat bananas!

Eat right, exercise and!


1. Bananas help fight depression. They contain a lot of tryptophan - a substance from which serotonin is produced - the hormone of happiness. Therefore, eating a banana is easy to improve mood.

2. Bananas are the only fruit that does not give an allergic reaction even in babies.

3. Strengthening bones. Bananas retain calcium in the body, it is not excreted in the urine, but remains in the body and is used to strengthen bones. This is especially important for coffee lovers, which, on the contrary, leaches calcium from the body.

4. Improvement of microflora. Thanks to the enzymes that are part of bananas, substances that enter the body with the main food are absorbed by the body faster.

5. Constipation. Bananas are very beneficial for those who suffer from constipation. Regular consumption of bananas will get rid of this problem.

6. Bananas help get rid of such problems as heartburn.

7. . When consumed, bananas envelop the walls of the stomach and thereby protect it from aggressive substances and acids in food, this contributes to the healing and scarring of ulcers in the stomach.

8. With diarrhea. Those suffering from diarrhea are advised to consume bananas. This is a very good restorative product.

9. The high content of potassium in banana pulp saves those who exercise a lot from cramps in the calf muscles.

10. Edema. Eating bananas significantly reduces swelling in those who suffer from it.

11. Energy source. If you eat bananas before training, you will be able to work out more efficiently - the sugar level will not rise very quickly and there will be enough energy until the end of the workout.

12. Improvement of digestion. Pectins and chelates, which are part of bananas, also remove other harmful substances well, thereby improving digestion.

13. For women. Serotonin and other beneficial substances that are in bananas perfectly relieve the symptoms of PMS. If you eat a banana during your period, you can get rid of bad mood and unpleasant symptoms.

14. Anemia. The high content of iron in banana pulp makes it an essential food for anemia.

15. Diseases of the heart. Potassium, which is abundant in bananas, helps to improve the condition, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, and treats hypertension.

16. Immunity. Bananas contain antioxidants and amino acids, and they are known to protect the body and improve immunity well.

17. Kidneys. Bananas are able to positively influence work, useful substances, trace elements and improve their condition, remove sand and stones.

18. Nausea. Bananas are a great remedy for getting rid of nausea on the road or with toxicosis in pregnant women.

19. Itching from insect bites. Banana skins are a very good remedy for insect bites - just put the inside of a banana skin on the bite for a few minutes.

20. From the heat. Bananas have the ability to lower body temperature. This will help you with a fever or extreme heat.

21. Stop smoking. When weaning from nicotine addiction, it is recommended to eat bananas - a large amount of vitamins, potassium, help to remove nicotine residues from the body and adapt to life without cigarettes.

22. Increasing mental abilities. The high content of potassium in bananas makes a person receptive to new information, this is necessary when preparing for exams.

Almost everyone knows that eating fruits has a beneficial effect on the body. One of the most affordable exotic fruits is bananas, they are sold all year round, do not cause allergies, and many people like them. It is worth talking in more detail about how this product affects health.

What is in bananas

It's hard to believe, but this plant is not a fruit, but a berry. Are bananas good for health? Yes, because they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Bananas contain:

  • cellulose;
  • amino acids;
  • Apple acid;
  • pectin;
  • sucrose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • vitamin C (protects against infections);
  • fructose;
  • manganese;
  • serotonin;
  • copper;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1 promotes the digestibility of carbohydrates);
  • sodium;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamin PP (good effect on the brain, central nervous system);
  • carotene (positive effect on vision, skin, hair, nails);
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin B2 (helps wounds heal faster, has a good effect on the digestive system);
  • zinc;
  • magnesium (useful for the brain, nervous system, blood vessels);
  • iron;
  • choline;
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6 promotes the production of gastric juice, strengthens the nerves, stimulates the production of serotonin);
  • potassium (has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, removes excess fluid from it);
  • folic acid (useful for female genital organs).

Bananas - benefits and harms to the body

First of all, it is worth noting that it is recommended to use only fresh fruits. It is dangerous to eat overripe ones, and unripe ones are full of starch. What are the benefits and harms of bananas for the body? The list of positive properties that they possess:

  • beneficial effect on the digestive organs;
  • help with weight loss (in combination with sour cream, cottage cheese);
  • remove excess fluid;
  • together with milk and herbs help to cure bronchitis;
  • enhance the growth of muscle tissue;
  • make blood vessels stronger and more elastic;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • useful for the intestines, liver;
  • give energy;
  • help eliminate constipation;
  • normalize the intestinal-alkaline balance;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • remove harmful substances.

It cannot be argued that bananas are harmful, but they have a number of contraindications. It is better to refuse them for those people who have diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, ischemia, increased blood coagulation, dysentery. It is advisable not to eat them for babies under one year old, and for mothers who are breastfeeding babies. The specific list of positive and negative properties of the fruit depends on its variety and processing method.

Green bananas - benefits and harms

The fruits of this variety are large. They have a slightly astringent taste, so they are more suitable for making stews, mashed potatoes, chips. They have a very positive effect on the digestive system. The benefits and harms of green bananas are due to the presence of indigestible starch in their composition. Thanks to him, a person feels full longer. Regular consumption of green bananas significantly reduces the risk of developing stomach ulcers and alleviates the course of this disease in those people who already suffer from it. In addition, the fruit has a very good effect on the cardiovascular system.

Dried bananas - the benefits and harms

Dried fruits have more calories than fresh ones. The benefits and harms of dried bananas should be carefully weighed before eating them. It is better to refuse such fruits for people prone to obesity, patients with diabetes, those who have recently experienced a stroke or heart attack. They are prohibited with dispersion and increased flatulence. Their benefits are as follows:

  • have a positive effect on the digestive system;
  • help in the fight against constipation;
  • prevent anemia;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle.

Boiled bananas - the benefits and harms

During heat treatment, the fruits become sweeter, but lose some of the nutrients. In general, boiled bananas have the same properties as fresh or dried ones. However, only a very small amount and extremely rarely allowed to be used by people with diabetes. Some of the sugar leaves them, although this affects the taste in a positive way.

Benefits of Bananas for Women

The fair sex should definitely include this fruit in their diet. Useful properties of banana for women:

  1. When used, toxins are removed from the body, it is cleansed at the cellular level.
  2. Women who eat one banana every day have very beautiful skin. She looks young and fit.
  3. Bananas help with depression, relieve PMS, reduce abdominal pain during menstruation.
  4. It is useful to eat these fruits for the prevention of cancer due to the carotene and vitamin B they contain.
  5. Fruits are useful for the prevention of migraines. They reduce the intensity of the headache.
  6. When fruits are eaten, the body produces more oxytocin.
  7. If a woman eats this fruit during pregnancy, she will stop feeling sick. It is not necessary to abuse them, it causes bloating.

Benefits of Bananas for Men

Not only the female body has a beneficial effect on the use of this fruit. Benefits of banana for men:

  1. Fruits have a positive effect on the potency and health of the genital organs in general due to the tryptophan they contain. They increase sperm motility, which is very useful for couples who have problems conceiving.
  2. Fruits give energy. This is especially important for those men who play sports or engage in physical labor.
  3. The fruits contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue.
  4. Fruits lower blood pressure. This is very important for men because they are more prone to hypertension. They reduce the risk of blood clots.

The benefits of bananas for children

Many parents argue over whether or not to introduce these fruits into the diet of their babies. You can give it from 6 months, but it is better to wait a year. A child is unlikely to refuse such a treat. If the baby begins to swell or he develops a rash, then exclude this product from his diet for a while, and then introduce it again gradually, in small portions. Benefits of bananas for children:

  1. Eating fruits increases concentration, relieves fatigue.
  2. Fruits have a restorative effect, improve sleep.
  3. Helps to form bone tissue, muscles.
  4. Stimulate the work of the brain.

How many bananas can you eat per day

This question is very relevant for all sweet fruit lovers. You can eat bananas every day, but no more than two or three pieces. From this amount, the daily norm of vitamins and nutrients enters the body. As for children, depending on their age, they can be given from a quarter to two fruits a day. For girls who are on a strict diet or who are prone to fullness, it is better to refuse bananas. With a strong desire, you can eat a small piece, but very rarely and only on an empty stomach for breakfast.

Banana peel - useful properties

Not only the pulp of the fruit is used. The benefits of banana peel are as follows:

  1. The peel is rich in minerals, antioxidants, wax, macronutrients, oils.
  2. Included in the composition of masks for the skin of the face, body. Removes irritation.
  3. The skin is used in medicine to combat psoriasis, warts, acne.
  4. Used to whiten teeth.

Video: the benefits and harms of bananas
