
Banana caramel. How to make caramelized bananas

A delicious and healthy dessert for a children's party or for a tea party can be made from bananas if you cover them with caramel. Preparing such a dish at home is quite simple, and it does not take much time.

Banana-caramel dessert is sure to please both children and adults. It is quite high-calorie and satisfying, but bananas improve mood and are a source of many useful substances, which can serve as an excuse for those who are used to counting calories and watching their weight.

Homemade recipe for fresh bananas in caramel

This recipe uses fresh bananas, which are not cooked, so they retain more of the nutrients. But in this case, it is better to prepare a dessert immediately before use.

If it lies down for more than an hour, then the bananas will begin to darken and lose their taste. For cooking, you will need sticks (wooden or any other) to put slices of bananas on them, and foil or a plastic bag.

How to cook bananas in caramel at home? It’s best to do the caramel first so that the fruit doesn’t darken. Sugar, water and oil should be heated in a saucepan or frying pan (over low heat).

This process continues until the sugar melts and becomes a light brown color. At this point, you need to pour in the syrup, mix and set the dishes off the stove. Bananas are peeled and cut as you like - into circles or oblong pieces.

Having planted the fruit on a stick, they are dipped in caramel, turned so that they are completely covered with it, and set aside on the foil.

When the caramel hardens, the dessert can be served.

Chinese Dessert Fruit Cooking

This dish is traditional for Chinese, or rather, Sichuan cuisine. There, in addition to bananas, they can cook apples, pumpkins, and eggplants in the same way.


  • 3 pcs. bananas (not the most ripe);
  • 4-5 art. l. starch (preferably corn);
  • 1 tsp sesame oil;
  • 75 ml of water (it is better to prepare drinking - mineral or filtered);
  • 200 ml of any rast. oils;
  • 225 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame;
  • ice - a few cubes, freeze in advance.

Time spent: 30-40 min.

Calorie content for 100 g of dessert: 237 kcal.

The skin is removed from the fruit, the fruits are cut into pieces. They need to be rolled in containers with starch so that the fruit is completely covered with it. In a frying pan (turn on the stove to 180 degrees, add oil in advance to warm it up), fry banana slices very quickly - no more than 2 minutes. Then they are put on a plate.

Next, prepare the caramel. To do this, heat sugar with 75 ml of water in a saucepan. When the water boils and the sugar dissolves, they are stirred until a light brown mass is formed. Then the caramel is removed from the stove.

Pieces of bananas are dipped into it with chopsticks so that they are covered with syrup. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Now it remains to find out what ice is for. The fact is that the dish is served immediately, and it can be very hot.

Next to him on the table put a container with the rest of the water and ice. Before eating a piece, it is dipped in cold water for a couple of seconds to cool and harden the caramel. For this, it is better to use sticks.

cooking ideas

To prepare a dessert, it is not necessary to use starch, sesame seeds, as in a Chinese recipe. Pieces of fruit can be fried simply in oil. To prepare caramel with different flavors, various additives are used, which must be mixed into the syrup at the time of removal from the stove. It can be:

  • lemon, lime, orange juice (about 1 tsp);
  • syrups with different flavors (available in stores);
  • condensed milk;
  • liqueurs.

You can serve ice cream, nuts, sprinkle it with chocolate, cinnamon.

Fried bananas with honey

Very fast, tasty and healthy dish.


  • 3 pcs. bananas (too soft it is better not to take);
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 50 g plums. butter (pre-melt);
  • 2 tsp any honey that you like best (but it is more convenient to take liquid);
  • some lemon juice.

Cooking time: 20 min.

Calories per 100 g: 206 kcal.

How to fry bananas in caramel with honey? Release the fruits from the skin, chop, sprinkle a little lemon juice on them.

Prepare caramel in the usual way (boil and stir sugar and butter in a pan or saucepan until light brown). Pour honey into hot caramel, stir.

Dip the banana slices into the syrup and set aside. When the syrup hardens, the dessert will be ready. Fried bananas in caramel are ready to eat!

little secrets

The main thing in this dessert is to choose good bananas - not too soft, but not green either. With ripe fruits, the dish will turn out tender and very tasty.

In order not to burn yourself, it is better to prepare sticks with which you can lower bananas into caramel. Before this, the syrup must be removed from the stove, otherwise it may splash.

The syrup must be constantly stirred during cooking so that it turns out to be homogeneous and does not burn.

The lemon juice will help prevent the bananas from browning for a while. They are sprinkled with, if necessary, still fresh pieces of fruit.

If there is excess caramel left, it can be poured in small portions onto foil or into shallow molds covered with foil or parchment. After hardening, caramel candies can be folded separately and used as an independent dessert, or sprinkled on pastries, cakes, after crumbling.

I propose to try a very tasty dessert - bananas fried in caramel. The cooking process will not take much time, and many will be satisfied with the result, especially those with a sweet tooth. Fried bananas are delicious, with a spicy caramel note. They are best served warm, but they also taste good chilled. Such bananas can be served as an independent dessert or supplemented with ice cream, pancakes, cereals.


To make bananas fried in caramel, you will need:

banana - 1 large or 2 small;

sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;

butter - 40 g.

Cooking steps

Peel bananas and cut into small pieces.

Cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. The sugar mass should melt and turn into syrup.

When the syrup begins to thicken and foam, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the caramel for another 2-3 minutes (until the characteristic caramel color), stirring.

Put the banana slices into the finished caramel and fry for 1 minute on each side over low heat.

Bananas fried in caramel should become soft (but not lose their shape at the same time) and soak in caramel flavor.
Gently place the caramel-fried bananas on a plate, let them cool slightly and serve warm, although they remain very tasty when chilled. Bananas are sweet, with a spicy caramel note. Vanilla ice cream is perfect for this dessert.

Hi all. Today I want to tell you how to make a super tasty filling for biscuit cakes or rolls. Bananas, who doesn't love them? However, many are afraid that they will darken in the filling. So, if you are also afraid of this or just looking for an unusual toper recipe, this article is for you.

In general, I confess, I really like bananas in cakes, they give incredible tenderness to the biscuit. There is already one recipe on the blog, there are just bananas in the layer, this cake is incredibly easy to prepare and just as incredibly tasty. It had fresh bananas.

According to my idea, this time I wanted to caramelize the bananas, thus soaking the biscuit itself with this caramel syrup. It turned out really juicy and tasty.

So, how to cook caramelized bananas for a cake at home, a recipe with a photo step by step.


  1. 3-4 bananas
  2. 100 gr. Sahara
  3. 50 gr. butter
  4. 50 gr. water


To begin with, we will prepare the bananas themselves, peel and cut into pieces, do not grind much, otherwise the mass will turn into mashed potatoes, leave pieces of a centimeter and a half or two.

We choose the thickest-walled dishes. We melt our butter in this saucepan.

Add sugar to melted butter.

And, stirring occasionally, we are waiting for the sugar to dissolve, by this time it should acquire an amber color. Look, do not overdo it, otherwise the sugar will burn and the mass will be bitter. The mass can go lumpy, do not be afraid then it will all disperse.

As soon as the sugar has melted, add hot water there! water, stir. Be careful, the mass will boil.

Add bananas and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring.

I added another 50 grams of water, I wanted to get more liquid to soak my biscuit.

Remove from stove and cool to room temperature.

I swapped the filling and cream in the cake, first placing bananas with caramel syrup, and then the cream. I soaked the biscuit a little with cream, and after 6-8 hours, when the cake absorbed the syrup from the filling, it became simply the most delicate in taste.

Here's how delicious my cake looked in the section.

The cake turned out very tasty - in a layer, on top.

By the way, if bananas are caramelized in this way only in larger pieces, and maybe even as a whole, then this can be served as an independent dessert, supplementing it with a scoop of ice cream.

Try it too. The kids will definitely love this flavor!

Bon appetit.

Many people love bananas, they are affordable and incredibly tasty. Any hostess, one way or another, used them at least once in her culinary practice - as a layer in a cake, a decoration in a dessert, an ingredient in dishes. But, I want to note that banana caramel is still very tasty, it is her cooking recipe with a photo that I offer you. Caramel will turn out very tasty, it is sweet, has a rich banana taste, distant notes of vanilla and cinnamon, the consistency is thick and creamy. Banana caramel is ideal for filling shortbread tartlets or an open pie, layering biscuits, and simply serving with cookies with a glass of milk - you are guaranteed pleasure.

- bananas - 2 pcs.,
- citric acid - a pinch,
- water - 150 ml,
- sugar - 5-6 tablespoons,
- ground cinnamon - a pinch,
- vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Pour water into a saucepan or small saucepan and immediately add granulated sugar. Remove the container from the fire, cook the syrup for about 5-7 minutes over medium heat, stirring the syrup occasionally.

Bananas are better to choose a little overripe, remove the peel and cut the bananas into arbitrary pieces. If you like the taste of citrus, you can add lemon zest to caramel.

Transfer the banana slices to a bowl of hot syrup.

Boil bananas in syrup until soft, until bananas start to spread a little. This process will take you up to 5-7 minutes.

Using an immersion blender, grind the bananas into a smooth smooth mass. At this stage, throw in the caramel cinnamon, vanilla sugar and a pinch of citric acid. Boil the caramel for two minutes.

Pour the banana caramel into a bowl and cool, then serve or use for cooking

The benefits of the dish

As always, according to the HozOboz tradition, before proceeding directly to the recipe, we will find out how useful the ingredients of the proposed dish are, because We care not only about the taste, but also about the benefits of food. I would like to note right away that, compared with salads or cereals, the dessert is clearly less useful, and if you also remember that it has undergone heat treatment, then it’s not fun at all. However, be that as it may, a lot of good things still remained in it, and all thanks to bananas, which, as you understand from the name, are the main ingredient of our dessert.

What are the benefits of bananas, vitamins in bananas

First of all, they are rich in such useful and necessary vitamins for everyone, including:

  • Vitamin C, which by its nature is a powerful antioxidant and preserves beauty and youth. Moreover, according to experts, without vitamin C, the normal functioning of the body is simply impossible. This is because ascorbic acid (the second name for vitamin C) must enter the human body daily, because it is not synthesized in it. At the same time, the benefits of this vitamin are truly enormous: it normalizes the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also promotes the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. In addition, thanks to vitamin C, the strength and integrity of bone tissue and cartilage increases. Vitamin C is also responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin and regulates the metabolism of cholesterol, as well as many amino acids.
  • Vitamin B- also an integral part of the composition of bananas. We remind you that this vitamin is especially important and necessary for women, because most of it is lost during "critical days". However, in organismism, this vitamin is simply irreplaceable because it gives us peace and balance, excellent sleep, as well as healthy skin and hair.
  • Vitamin E- this is the so-called vitamin of youth. It is he who gives the skin smoothness and freshness and provides a long life to the cells.


Carotenes are substances that scientists have counted at least 300 today. Some of them are provitamins that are converted into vitamin A in the body, there are about 60 of them, others do not have such an ability. The main function of carotenes is protective. Moreover, the task of carotenes is simply to prevent free radicals from destroying the structure of a healthy cell of the human body. In the case of carotenes, there is one rule - they must be eaten regularly, because it is impossible to stock them for use. And as you understand from the above, with a lack of keratin, the body becomes simply defenseless. The result is illness and disease.

trace elements

Trace elements should not be discounted either, because there are plenty of them in bananas. Among these, it should be noted: potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, etc. Each microelement has its own sphere of responsibility and its purpose, but they are all equally important and necessary for our body. And the fact that they are present in bananas only adds extra points to them.

There is a belief that thanks to our facts about bananas, you are now sure that dessert can be healthy even despite the addition of sugar. Of course, you should not abuse simple sugars, because they are a sure way to excess weight, but as an infrequent treat, and even in combination with healthy products such as a banana, it is quite permissible.

Caramel banana ingredients

  • Bananas - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Butter - about 35 gr
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Cinnamon and other spices - to taste.

Fried bananas - cooking

  1. First of all, you need to take a frying pan and put it on the fire to warm up.
  2. Put the butter in the pan and let it melt completely.
  3. As soon as the butter melts, you need to add sugar to it. Experiment with the amount of sugar. Someone likes it sweeter, and someone wants to minimize sugar. Choose yourself.

  4. Now you need to let the sugar melt while the butter mixture should thicken a little.
  5. As soon as this happens, hot water should be added.

  6. The sauce should turn into a smooth, fairly viscous syrup.
  7. Now we take bananas and peel them.
  8. Next, bananas should be cut into circles.

  9. After it's time to put the bananas in a frying pan in caramel.

  10. When the bananas are already fried, wait until they are browned on one side and turn over to the other.
  11. Now that the bananas are turned over, they should be sprinkled with cinnamon and other spices you like.
  12. After that, you need to reduce the heat and let the bananas stew in the sauce for about 3 minutes.

At the end, you can pour them with cognac and set fire to so that all the fruits are caramelized with a crispy crust. In this case, you will get a flambe. We didn’t do this because we prepared bananas as a sauce for pancakes and the crust was useless. However, if we are talking about ice cream or self-serve, then this option would be quite appropriate. Otherwise, it's all a matter of your taste and preferences. Thus, for example, you can try to cook apples or pears, or you can mix apples with bananas. By the way, if you combine several fruits of different density, such as bananas and apples, then you should put the hard ones first, and put soft ones like bananas almost at the end.

We wish you sweet meals, good mood and new culinary achievements. We hope that the recipe will become a good lifesaver for you both for secular feasts and for quiet home dinners. We always try to choose for you only the best and most delicious. HozOboz is always happy to help and advise - write - we will answer. Your faithful friend and adviser HozOboz.
