
Eggplant circles with adjika for the winter. Little blue circles in spicy Georgian adjika

There are many recipes for cooking eggplant for the winter. Tomatoes, carrots, peppers can be used as additional ingredients. Eggplants are often additionally fried. The most popular recipes are "Teschin language", eggplant in Korean and in adjika.

Canned eggplants are a very common snack for any table. There are many different recipes, and each of them has its own distinctive features. Consider some options for winter eggplant harvesting.

This cooking method is quite simple. But, despite this, in the winter cold it will delight you with excellent taste.

Step by step preparation:

Mother-in-law's tongue from eggplant: a recipe for cooking for the winter

This appetizer is very spicy and tasty. Cooking will take a considerable amount of time and effort, but the result justifies itself.

Before you start harvesting, you should first prepare all the necessary ingredients:

Direct preparation of snacks:

Eggplants for the winter like mushrooms without sterilization

Due to the absence of the need for sterilization, time and effort are saved. Therefore, this recipe is very popular.

You will need the following list of ingredients:

Direct preparation of eggplant:

Spicy eggplant salad for the winter

Before starting work, you will need to prepare the following components:

Salad step by step:

Fried eggplant for the winter: a recipe

To prepare in advance prepare:

Preparation process:

Eggplants in adjika for the winter

For cooking you will need:

Step-by-step preparation of eggplant:

Recipe for eggplant with tomatoes for the winter

Preliminary preparation of the following components is required:

Direct preparation of preservation:

Eggplant for the winter in Korean

In the cooking process, you will need some components:

Direct preparation:

Eggplants must be salted after cleaning and left for a while. So all the bitterness goes out of them.

If garlic is present in the recipe, then you should not add it immediately. With prolonged cooking, it can give an unpleasant odor and taste. It is usually added just before the end of cooking.

Canned eggplant is a very common preparation for the winter. They can be consumed daily at a family meal, or can be served at the festive table.

In addition - another eggplant recipe.

Eggplant goes great with tomatoes, peppers and garlic. Therefore, harvesting eggplant in adjika for the winter is very popular. The recipe has several variations, but the spicy taste of eggplant in a hot tomato sauce, which has already become traditional, remains low. The amount of chili pepper can be adjusted to your liking, but you still shouldn’t make it too fresh, otherwise the appetizer will lose its character.

If you adhere to the above proportions, adjika will turn out to be moderately spicy, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste, and eggplants in adjika for the winter will turn out awesome! These eggplants can be served as a cold appetizer or as a vegetable side dish with porridge, pasta or mashed potatoes. You can also heat the workpiece, add fried sausages and a little boiling water, boil and serve with pasta as a sauce.


  • eggplant 500 g
  • tomatoes 500 g
  • sweet bell pepper 250 g
  • bitter capsicum 0.5 pcs.
  • garlic 5 teeth
  • 9% vinegar 1 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • non-iodized salt 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l. topless
  • bay leaf 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns 5 pcs.

How to cook eggplant in adjika for the winter

  1. Wash the tomatoes in cold water, cut into quarters. For adjika, tomatoes must be juicy. If you have "cream" or another fleshy variety, the number of tomatoes will need to be increased to 600-700 g.

  2. We clean the Bulgarian pepper from the seed boxes and cut into large pieces so that they enter the meat grinder socket. We also remove the seeds from bitter pepper, otherwise the adjika will turn out to be very, very spicy. Peel the garlic and cut into quarters.

  3. Wash the eggplant and cut off the stems. Without peeling, we cut them into thick circles - a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. We will not soak in water, so for harvesting we will need sweet varieties that are not bitter.

  4. We pass tomatoes, peppers and garlic through a meat grinder.

  5. Add non-iodized salt, sugar and refined vegetable oil to the resulting sauce. We also send bay leaves and peppercorns there. We put on the stove and bring to a boil, removing the foam. Boil for 10 minutes, remembering to stir.

  6. Pour 9% vinegar into adjika and immediately send the chopped eggplants to the pan.

  7. Bring to a boil, and then cook over medium heat until the eggplant is soft. From time to time, gently stir with a spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom. After 15-20 minutes, the eggplant will be ready.

  8. The little blue ones should not be raw, but not too soft so as not to turn into porridge.
  9. We remove the bay leaf and lay out the adjika in hot sterilized jars (fill to the very top, since the adjika will fill all the voids when it cools). Roll up and turn them upside down. Be sure to wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it in this form until it cools completely, after which we send it to storage in the cellar.

Summer is coming to an end, but this fact upsets only schoolchildren and those who did not have time to go on vacation. But thrifty housewives rejoice: seasonal vegetables - eggplants, sweet peppers, tomatoes - are not only abundant in food markets, but their prices no longer “bite”. It's time to do the wraps.

Self-sufficient appetizer - eggplant in adjika, which can not be called otherwise than awesome. “Cheap and cheerful” - that's what can be said about these canned goods. And it’s also easy and fast, because eggplants in adjika can be cooked both with sterilization and without it, and at the same time use different methods of processing raw materials.

Eggplants in adjika for the winter are awesome

Prepare jars - it will be delicious! Blue ones in spicy spicy adjika are what you need when you need to urgently serve an appetizer for a winter meal. So run to the market for groceries - and into battle!

Advice: it is best to use unjuiced tomatoes varieties. For example, "Empire", " Kaspar", "Semko ”,“ Cream ”, etc. Otherwise, adjika will turn out watery and will not have the desired density.


Servings: - +

  • eggplant 500 g
  • sweet red pepper250 g
  • tomatoes 600 g
  • chilli 20 g
  • garlic 5 cloves
  • sunflower oil40 ml
  • sugar 25 g
  • peppercorns 5 pieces
  • vinegar 9% 20 ml
  • Bay leaf 1 PC
  • salt 15 y.

per serving

Calories: 55 kcal

Proteins: 0.8 g

Fats: 2.7 g

Carbohydrates: 6.8 g

40 min. Video recipe Print

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Posh! Gotta fix it

Important: do not use iodized salt for preservation, as it can provoke fermentation processes, as a result of which your rolls will not “live” even a month.

Adjika, in which you will prepare blue ones, is a very variable product, since each housewife can adjust the amount of spicy ingredients in it to her taste. If you like it spicy, add more hot pepper and garlic, and vice versa. You can put in adjika and your favorite spices.

Advice: if you want the blanks to turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, use only red-colored vegetables for adjika.

Awesome fried eggplants in adjika for the winter without sterilization

Many housewives do not really like to sterilize home preservation: they are afraid that they will not be able to maintain the desired temperature and the jars will burst. It doesn’t matter, because you can do without this stage if the raw materials for seaming undergo additional heat treatment. For example, eggplant can be fried.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 80

Energy value

  • proteins - 0.7 g;
  • fats - 3.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.4 g;
  • calorie content - 59 kcal.


  • eggplant - 5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • hot pepper - 25 g;
  • garlic - 80 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 200 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 300 ml.

Cooking process

  1. Wash the eggplant thoroughly, wipe it with paper towels, remove the tails and cut into circles about one and a half centimeters thick.
  2. Pour water into a large bowl, dilute salt in it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter and soak chopped eggplant in this water for about an hour.
  3. At this time, prepare the jars. Wash them thoroughly with dishwashing detergent or baking soda, then rinse thoroughly so that there is no smell left. Preheat the oven to 150-160 degrees and place clean jars in it for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Wash the tomatoes, pass through a meat grinder or chop into blender.
  5. Do the same with hot peppers and garlic. Send them to grated tomatoes.
  6. Peel the carrots and grate on a fine grater. Mix with tomato paste.
  7. Transfer the resulting mixture to a cauldron, put on fire and bring to a boil. Do not let the adjika seethe too much. Remove foam.
  8. Salt, add sugar, add butter and cook for about 15 minutes. Then pour in the vinegar and immediately remove from heat.
  9. Take the eggplant out of the water and place it on a paper towel to remove all the moisture. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan and fry the blue ones on both sides until golden brown.
  10. Start packing the snack in the prepared jars. First, pour a little liquid sauce on the bottom (about a centimeter), then put a little eggplant and pour adjika again. So alternate layers until the jars are filled to the top.
  11. Roll up, wrap in a warm blanket and let them cool completely. Then store the rolls in a cool, dark place.

Advice: eggplant in this recipe does not have to be fried in a pan. You can bake them in the oven. So cooking will take much less sunflower oil and the snack will turn out to be more healthy. Just generously grease the baking sheet, spread the chopped eggplants on it, sprinkle them with sunflower oil a little on top and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

And let's cook something of the blue ones today, and call this preparation, awesome eggplants in adjika for the winter! I think everyone loves eggplant, well, almost everyone ... Personally, in our family they are given a worthy place, because adjika with eggplant and tomatoes turns out to be very, very tasty.

The only, but not burdensome, drawback of eggplant is that they are bitter. But this bitterness is easily removed, you should sprinkle the chopped eggplants with salt and leave it for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water and the eggplants are ready to cook adjika for the winter.

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We figured it out, I think you will not forget to do such a procedure to make a salad with eggplant in adjika. And now let's see what we need to prepare blue ones in adjika.

Eggplants in adjika for the winter without sterilization

Recipe for eggplant in adjika for the winter:

  • eggplant - 3 kg.,
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg.,
  • tomatoes - 3 kg.,
  • garlic - 2 heads,
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.,
  • salt - 100 gr.,
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml.,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.,
  • hot pepper - 2 pods.

How to cook eggplant in adjika:

1. Wash the vegetables, bell pepper, hot pepper, remove seeds and partitions, peel the garlic too. Cut the eggplant into slices 1.5 - 2 cm thick (salt to release bitterness). Tomatoes cut in half, large into 4 parts.

2. Tomatoes, peppers (sweet, bitter), garlic, scroll in a meat grinder (you can also use a blender). From this amount of products, cooked eggplant salad is obtained 5, 5 - 6 liters.

3. Pour the tomato-pepper mixture into the container in which you will cook eggplant in hot adjika for the winter. Pour salt, sugar, pour in vinegar, vegetable oil, boil everything. Add prepared eggplants, mix, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

4. During this time, while tomato and eggplant adjika is being cooked for the winter, it is necessary to prepare jars and lids. First, rinse well in soda solution, rinse and tip over. Then the jars need to be sterilized, either over steam or in the microwave for 5 minutes, and boil the lids for 2-3 minutes on the stove in a soda or lightly salted solution. And leave them in this water until the cans are closed.

5. Next, eggplant adjika for the winter, passed through a meat grinder, is laid out in jars, rolled up, turned over on lids, wrapped, cooled in this position. It is recommended to store in a cool place, but in home pantries, eggplant salad in adjika for the winter is stored remarkably.

Well, dear hostesses, here is such a simple recipe for making adjika with eggplant, you can cook today (if you wish)! I hope that you and your family will like the recipe for little blue ones in adjika. Cook with pleasure, eat and bon appetit!

My tips about fried eggplant in adjika for the winter:

In this preparation, eggplants in adjika can be overcooked. According to the recipe, it is clear that I did not fry the eggplant here. But, if you want a recipe for fried eggplants in adjika, then just after they have lain in salt, lightly fry the eggplants.

Take the oil for frying from a glass that is intended for adjika with eggplant. How much you use for frying, pour the rest into adjika, or you can not pour this rest of the oil, then do it according to your taste.

And according to this recipe, you can cook zucchini in adjika (instead of eggplant, cut young zucchini), and pepper in adjika. With pepper, you get a recipe for a delicious lecho for the winter. The number of peppers and zucchini is the same as eggplant. Experiment, try and you will succeed!

Piquant, slightly sweet, spicy and goes well with both boiled potatoes and pasta, both with fried pork and dietary white meat chicken. Eggplant in adjika for the winter is one of the favorite preparations in our country. Hearty and original, this dish will perfectly complement the daily family diet in the cold season. And during the New Year holidays it will turn into one of the 12 dishes of the Christmas table.

Easy to cook

Awesome eggplants in adjika for the winter - this is how domestic housewives are used to characterizing this type of conservation. Well-fed little blue ones, ripening for a long time in a summer cottage, are better than other vegetables combined with garlic and other spicy, and sometimes even hot spices. There are many interpretations of this dish. Someone fries the main ingredient, someone stews. Some make a blank with vinegar, others - exclusively without it. But one thing remains unchanged in it: the original taste and breathtaking aroma, rushing out from under the tin lid and provoking instant salivation.

What are useful "fat men" and what to fear

Eggplants belong to the nightshade family. So, they are cousins ​​of ruddy tomatoes and potatoes ripening in the ground. Modern "fat men" are the cultivated descendants of an ancient plant that, long before the advent of breeders, grew in the boundless expanses of India and China. Blue belongs to that small category of vegetables that are not eaten raw. However, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are ready to argue with this opinion: in China, eggplants are marinated in a special sauce and eaten without even allowing the meaty rounds to soak in the marinade. However, without the sauce, they really do not taste good. Another thing is fried eggplants in adjika, prepared for the winter. Everything is amazing in them: both taste and aroma.

Eggplant is a low-calorie inhabitant of the garden. There are only 28 kcal in 100 g of the product. Therefore, nutritionists often include it in diet tables. The "fat men" with glossy sides contain a lot of iron, sodium, potassium and other vital substances for the human body. Other benefits and usefulness of the vegetable are listed in the table.

Table - Eggplant composition

Vitamins and mineralsWhat are useful
- Ascorbic acid;
- phosphorus;
- vitamins of the PP group;
- carotene
- Necessary for people suffering from atherosclerosis;
- have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system
- Potassium;
- flavonoids;
- cellulose;
- vitamin B6
Indicated for people with high blood pressure
Vitamin C- Strengthens the body's defense system;
- contributes to the resistance to viral diseases
B vitamins- Are natural antidepressants;
- strengthen the nervous system
Phenolic compoundsPrevent the formation of cancer cells

Blue ones contain oxalates, which are contraindicated in people suffering from kidney diseases. Also for those with gallbladder problems. Do not lean on the product and have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Recent studies have shown that eggplant oxalates partly interfere with the absorption of calcium in the body. But if all these ailments are not about you, you can safely eat a vegetable and get one continuous benefit from its consumption.

Eggplant can lower the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Eggplants in adjika for the winter: 4 recipes

Each eggplant recipe in tomato adjika has its own “zest”. Below are the methods of preservation with and without sterilization of glass containers. As well as the famous Armenian recipe for harvesting. The longer you fry a vegetable, the more nutrients it will lose. Therefore, if you want it to turn out very tasty, do not spare vegetable oil, and if you need a dietary option, give up frying altogether.

without vinegar

Peculiarity. Blue ones in adjika without vinegar - must eat for those who prefer light "winter" dishes. This recipe calls for sterilization of jars, but does not oblige you to fry the eggplant. Consequently, the little blue ones will not absorb vegetable oil, and it, in turn, will not subsequently turn into a burden that is unbearable for the stomach. Also, there is no vinegar in the recipe. Therefore, both diabetics and kidney patients will be able to enjoy the dish. It will not harm the health of households suffering from high acidity and gastritis. True, for the last category, you will have to reduce the amount of garlic so that the little blue ones are not so sharp.

Product set:

  • eggplant - 5 kg;
  • red paprika - 3 kg;
  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • sunflower oil - a glass;
  • garlic - 0.5 kg;
  • chili pepper - two pieces;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - half a glass.

What do we do

  1. Thoroughly wash all vegetables, especially if they came straight from the summer cottage.
  2. We cut the blue ones into circles half a centimeter thick, salt well and set aside for half an hour so that the salt “pulls out” all the bitterness from the vegetable.
  3. Pass the garlic through a meat grinder and remove it to the side.
  4. We do the same with herbs, tomatoes and paprika, but in one container: these products can be mixed immediately.
  5. We put the cauldron on the stove, pour the indicated amount of oil and the vegetable mixture into it, constantly stir and wait for it to boil.
  6. After boiling adjika, pour eggplant rounds and garlic into it. Boil over low heat for about half an hour.
  7. In parallel, we proceed to the sterilization of glass containers: each jar needs to be processed.
  8. Without turning off the gas under the cauldron with adjika, pour the fragrant contents into jars, let the future preservation cool a little for 20 minutes, and then securely close it with a special key and a tin lid.
  9. We turn the jars upside down, put them on an old blanket and “cover” them on top.

If you suddenly find that one of the lids does not sit securely enough on the jar, do not be discouraged. Just put the bowl of eggplant in the refrigerator and enjoy the taste of the delicacy in the next two to three weeks. Consider it a test drive.

Without sterilization

Peculiarity. Eggplants in adjika for the winter without sterilization require preliminary frying of the main ingredient. As a result, the workpiece turns out to be fatter than in the previous version, but also more satisfying. It is also worth considering that vinegar is present in this recipe. It is better not to give such preservation to children. It is also worth refraining from its use for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract. The advantage of the recipe is in the relative speed of preparation, achieved due to the absence of the need to sterilize jars and the calorie content of the dish. Warming up a portion of such adjika in winter, it can be safely served as a side dish.

Product set:

  • little blue ones - 2 kg;
  • red tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - a glass;
  • garlic - eight large heads;
  • bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • vinegar - half a glass;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • chili pepper - two pods;
  • salt - two tablespoons.

What do we do

  1. We cut the blue ones into circles and gradually fry in a dry frying pan on both sides.
  2. The remaining vegetables are cleaned and cut as follows: parsley as small as possible, tomatoes - into four to six slices, depending on size, pepper into quarters.
  3. We twist the garlic in a meat grinder, then chop the pepper and tomatoes.
  4. We send all the chopped vegetables to a common cauldron and bring to a boil.
  5. After that, pour the fried pieces of eggplant into boiling adjika and cook until the little blue ones become soft.
  6. Pour vinegar into the dish and add the indicated amount of granulated sugar. Boil for another five minutes.
  7. We pour the contents into jars and leave for half an hour so that the adjika is absorbed into the eggplant rounds, and the workpiece “sags” a little.
  8. We roll up the banks, turn them over and leave them in this position until the morning of the next day.

If you want the dish to be spicy, take 9% vinegar. If you want to enjoy softer adjika, use 6% acid.


Peculiarity. Salad "Eggplant in adjika in Armenian" is distinguished primarily by its aroma. Hostesses call such dishes “with smoke”. The characteristic smell is achieved by pre-cooking vegetables on a fire or grill. But if you do not have such an opportunity, use the oven. It will be no less delicious. The consistency of the dish is quite liquid. In this case, little blue pieces do not float in adjika. Due to the roasting of vegetables, the dish looks like caviar - tender and spicy at the same time.

Product set:

  • eggplant - 2 kg;
  • basil, cilantro, parsley - in a bunch;
  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • non-green bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • carrots - two large;
  • garlic - two large heads;
  • chili pepper - two pods;
  • refined sunflower oil - half a glass;
  • salt - two tablespoons.

What do we do

  1. All vegetables, except garlic and onions, are baked in the oven or on the grill until softened, and then peeled.
  2. We chop the onion and lightly sauté in vegetable oil.
  3. Pass the garlic through a meat grinder or chop in a blender.
  4. We turn the peeled baked vegetables into puree in one of the same ways.
  5. We mix all the prepared products in one saucepan, put on fire and boil for 45 minutes.
  6. Next, lay the chopped basil, parsley and cilantro.
  7. After 15 minutes, we send garlic there.
  8. Boil for another 20 minutes, pour adjika into jars and roll them up after 15 minutes.

In a slow cooker

Peculiarity. You can also cook eggplants in adjika in a slow cooker, replacing a gas or electric stove with this electronic assistant. The recipe below contains a minimum of garlic. In it, spicy teeth are used exclusively to give the dish a light flavor. The taste of adjika is sweet and sour due to tomato sauce. This is a "light" cooking option that will appeal to both adults and children.

Product set:

  • little blue ones - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 300 g;
  • chili - pod;
  • garlic - head;
  • granulated sugar - one and a half tablespoons;
  • salt - a tablespoon;
  • refined oil - a quarter of a glass;
  • vinegar - 30 ml;
  • ground black and red pepper - to taste.

What do we do

  1. Grind the eggplants into medium-sized cubes, sprinkle them with salt and leave for two hours - until the bitterness comes out. The liquid released from the blue ones is drained after the specified time.
  2. We clean the garlic and pepper. Cut out stems from tomatoes. Cut into portions and send to a blender to transform into a vegetable puree. If you need to add a "point", at this stage season the puree with ground pepper.
  3. We shift the mashed potatoes and eggplants into the multicooker bowl, select the “Extinguishing” mode on the device, close the lid.
  4. After 45 minutes, having heard a characteristic sound signal, open the lid of the multicooker, add salt and sugar and set it again for "Extinguishing" for another 15-20 minutes.
  5. Along the way, we carry out the sterilization of containers: this can be done in the microwave, oven or in the old fashioned way, over steam.
  6. We pour the finished snack into glass vessels, roll it under tin lids, turn it upside down and put it on a blanket until it cools completely.

Calorie food set

Blue ones in adjika - a poly-ingredient dish. Depending on the products included in its composition, the calorie content of a serving can vary both up and down. The nutritional value is also affected by the method of processing the main ingredient you choose. The table will tell you how many calories are contained in a particular product of the workpiece. Using the data, if necessary, you can easily calculate the nutritional value of the dish in your version.

Table - Calorie content of the ingredients of the salad "Eggplant in adjika"

ProductCalorie content in 100 g, kcal
little blue25
Granulated sugar398
3% vinegar9
9% vinegar11
Sunflower oil870

Experimental hostesses can try to fry the blue ones not in circles, but in plates. In addition, the plates can not be fried, but baked. After uncorking the jar, long pieces of blue ones can be laid out on a plate, generously flavoring them with spicy tomato-pepper puree.

Any eggplant recipe in adjika for the winter can be prepared even with vinegar, even without it. In fact, this auxiliary ingredient plays the role of a preservative. And, therefore, it helps to ensure that the workpiece is stored for as long as possible. If desired, you can replace acetic acid with ordinary lemon. Or you can even put nothing in return. Especially if you are sure that your favorite savory delicacy will be eaten almost instantly and definitely will not last until the next summer season.

Reviews: "I do without vegetable oil - it spoils first"

Very tasty, I recommend it to everyone. I used to make similar blue kool recipes. 1964 books. But there the blue ones were rolled in flour and fried first. I simplified the recipe - I fried it without flour, then I found this recipe without frying and I am immensely happy. Banks are doing well. They need to be well washed and sterilized. I love when there are a lot of carrots. Adjika thanks to her is sweeter and softer. Sometimes I make canned food without vegetable oil - if they stand for more than a year, then the oil goes bad first.

vekteh, http://www. povarenok. en/recipes/show/30159/

Fried eggplant is really much tastier than boiled! I just don’t put the fried mugs into adjika, and then into a jar, but immediately put it in layers: adjika on the bottom-eggplant-adjika and so on to the top, the last layer of adjika. Saves time, looks beautiful, does not affect the taste. Tomatoes are not put at all. And so that when frying eggplants take less oil and keep their shape, we keep them in salted water for a short time, about 10 minutes. For 1 kg of eggplant: garlic 60 g, bell pepper 300 g, hot pepper 40 g, salt-sugar to taste. And one more thing: when they gave me the recipe, the hostess said that you can not put vinegar, because this adjika protects against spoilage by itself, this is what attracted me to the recipe, but for some reason I found vinegar in the recipe notes - already the fifth part of a glass per kg of eggplant. Yes, and a half-liter jar is sterilized for 20 minutes.

Irina, http://foto-recepti. ru/konservirovanie/konservirovanie-ovowej/436-baklazhany-v-adzhike-recept. html

I don't understand why there is so much garlic everywhere? Indeed, after heat treatment, garlic completely loses its piquant taste and benefits (vitamins). From it, only a strongly modified smell of boiled garlic remains in the dish. But for the smell, as for me, 2-3 cloves are enough.

Manana, http://8spoon. ru/retseptyi/zagotovki-na-zimu/baklazhany-v-adzhike-na-zimu/

