
Eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic. Salted eggplants stuffed with carrots, garlic and herbs

Step 1: Prepare the eggplant.

Eggplants first of all need to be washed thoroughly, it is best to use a special soft brush for this. Then cut clean vegetables into thin slices - circles. Eggplant does not need to be peeled or soaked in salt water.

Step 2: Prepare the garlic.

Remove the husk from the garlic, cut off the ends. For this dish, you need to grind this ingredient by passing it through a special press. As a result, you will get a fragrant garlic gruel.

Step 3: Fry the eggplant.

Heat a few tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan, it may take a lot of it to fry eggplant. Lay out the circles of vegetables so that they do not overlap each other. Sprinkle them with salt on top and fry under a closed lid over medium heat for 5 minutes. Then open the pan, turn the circles of vegetables over, sprinkle with salt again, and then close again and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Most likely, you will not have enough one pan to fry all the pieces of vegetables you have at once, so either use two pans at once for frying, which will be faster, or just cook the eggplant in batches.
Put the fried vegetables for a while on disposable paper towels and blot them from excess oil. Then brush the eggplants with garlic paste and put them in a deep bowl so that they are slightly soaked.

Step 4: Prepare the carrots.

We peel the carrots and thoroughly wash them under running water, brushing off the adhering dirt and grains of sand with our hands. We grind the root crop with a knife, cutting it into small cubes or straws, or using a coarse grater. Depending on your preference.

Step 5: Prepare the bow.

Peel the bulbs from the husk and cut off the ends on both sides. Then cut the ingredient into small cubes, the smaller the pieces, the tastier. However, if you like the onion to stand out against the general background in large pieces, then, of course, you can cut it into half rings.

Step 6: Fry the onions and carrots.

Reheat the pan, and in it a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour finely chopped carrots and onions into it, fry them over medium heat until golden brown. Then add the indicated amount of water to the vegetables, a little salt and simmer everything covered with a lid for another 10 minutes. Remember to stir the contents of the pan occasionally to prevent burning. When the vegetables are cooked, remove them from the heat and move on to the next step.

Step 7: We form an eggplant appetizer with carrots and garlic.

Divide the fried eggplant circles soaked in garlic into two equal parts. Place one half on a flat dish of sufficient size. Put the fried onions and carrots on top of the vegetable slices. Top with the remaining eggplant slices. Throw in the rest of the roast, if any. As a result, you should get a kind of vegetable sandwiches. And you can immediately start serving them on the table.

Step 8: Serve eggplant with garlic and carrots.

Eggplant with garlic and carrots serve as a light vegetable snack. Nothing more needs to be added to them, except to offer them cheese or garlic sauce. Or mix fried onions and carrots with a little fresh herbs. Enjoy the taste and benefits of the finished dish.
Bon appetit!

Eggplant with garlic and carrots become even tastier after they stand in the refrigerator for several hours. After that, they do not need to be reheated at all.

You can just as beautifully lay out the resulting snack, imitating, for example, fish scales or a peacock tail.

A similar dish can be prepared, for example, by replacing part of the eggplant with zucchini or potatoes, as well as pre-frying slices of vegetables in oil in a pan.

Eggplants stuffed with carrots are the perfect appetizer for the festive table. It does not take long to prepare, but it turns out incredibly fragrant, satisfying and tasty. To verify this, we suggest doing it yourself.

Eggplant stuffed with carrots: a step-by-step recipe

To make such a spicy snack for the family table, you do not need to purchase a lot of outlandish and overseas products. After all, it is prepared from simple ingredients that can be found at any time in the store.

So, in order to independently make eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic, you need to take care of the following components in advance:

  • medium-sized fresh eggplants - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper large - 2 pcs. (you can take any color);
  • fresh juicy carrots - 2 medium pieces;
  • fresh garlic cloves - 3 medium pieces;
  • parsley and dill (greens) - a small bunch;
  • medium-sized table salt - 3.5 large spoons;
  • fine granulated sugar - 3.5 large spoons;
  • vinegar 3% table - 3 full large spoons;
  • vegetable - 3 full large spoons.

Processing the ingredients before forming the appetizer

To make delicious eggplant stuffed with carrots, you should carefully process all the products. To do this, the main vegetable must be thoroughly washed under hot tap water, and then cut off the stalks and navels. Next, you need to peel a fresh carrot and grate it on a Korean grater. As for it, it needs to be freed from internal seeds and chopped into thin straws.

Heat treatment of eggplant and preparation of fragrant brine

Before making eggplant stuffed with carrots, they should be boiled a little. To do this, pour a large spoonful of sugar, salt and pour the same amount of vinegar into the pan. Next, you need to put the eggplants in the dishes and pour them with water so that it slightly covers them. In this state, vegetables should be boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. In this case, it is required to ensure that the eggplants become soft, but do not fall apart.

After the described actions, the vegetables must be removed and left under pressure for 60 minutes.

We make a vegetable filling from carrots and sweet peppers

After mixing the marinade, it must be poured into jars already filled with eggplant. In this composition, the ingredient should be hermetically rolled up and turned over. Covering the containers with a thick blanket, you must wait until they have completely cooled at room temperature. This procedure can take you about a day. After this time, a tasty and fragrant winter snack should be removed to any cool room where it can be stored for about 5-8 months.

How to use?

Eat winter Korean food only after 3-6 weeks. This time should be enough for the workpiece to absorb the flavors of the brine, to become even tastier and juicier.

Serve stuffed eggplants to the table, preferably chilled, along with a slice of rye or wheat bread, as well as any hot first or second course. Enjoy your meal!

There are many fans of this delicious dish. Not only are pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables healthy and satisfying, they are also very tasty with a pleasant sourness that appears during the sourdough process and without the addition of vinegar at all.

For the filling, carrots and tomatoes are best suited, garlic for spicy lovers, as well as a variety of delicious roots, such as parsley, parsnip or celery. Which vegetables to prefer is a matter of taste, try different options or create your own unique pickled eggplant recipe based on ours.

This dish is perfect for any table and goes well with both potatoes and meat. It is also possible to harvest such eggplants in jars for long-term storage. However, the preparation of this dish is culinary excellence. The fact is that eggplant jars can simply “explode” due to the fermentation process. True, there are other options for harvesting pickled eggplants for the winter, but about them later. First, let's prepare pickled eggplant.

Do not cook this dish in large portions. Overfermented eggplants lose their piquancy and become unpleasantly sour.

Required Ingredients

For cooking, we need the following products (the amount is calculated for 1 kg of eggplant):

  • eggplant itself (by the way, they are also called "blue ones");
  • 2 - 3 pcs. carrots;
  • about 100 g of spicy roots, which we talked about above;
  • if it is decided to add tomatoes, then a couple of medium-sized pieces are enough;
  • 1 head of garlic (for an amateur), it is generally recommended to cook pickled eggplants with garlic for the winter, because this vegetable helps to strengthen immunity in the snow season;
  • it's up to spices, you need 1 tsp. ground black pepper or 1 pod of bitter pepper, 1 tbsp. l. ground paprika and a little parsley;
  • you need salt, for boiling eggplant you need 2 tbsp. l. for 2 liters of water, and for brine - 3 tbsp. l. per 1 liter;
  • several stalks of parsley will come in handy for tying already stuffed eggplants, as well as dill inflorescences and bay leaves for pickling.

Step by step cooking process

The ingredients are ready, we will directly prepare the pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables:

In the brine should stand for a day at room temperature and another 12 hours in the refrigerator. Ready! You can tuck. Bon appetit!

Pickled eggplants remaining from the meal should be removed from the brine and stored in the refrigerator, adding a little vegetable oil.

Video recipe for pickled eggplant with carrots and peppers

Options for harvesting pickled eggplant for the winter

A lot of vegetables, including eggplants, grew up, we didn’t have time to eat everything in the fall, we save them for a long winter to enjoy our favorite dish, for example, at the festive New Year’s table.

Let's start with the simplest way, deep freezing a semi-finished product. Eggplants should be frozen after the third step of the cooking process described above. In winter, taking vegetables out of the freezer, it is very easy to do the rest of the cooking steps, since there are no problems with carrots and garlic.

And now let's cook pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables for the winter. The recipe is slightly different from the one above.

So, the ingredients are the same, but in this case we will prepare the marinade instead of the brine. To do this, boil 3 liters of water with the addition of only 2 tbsp. l. salt, bay leaf (5 pcs.) and peppercorns (10 pcs.). In addition, we will not stew the filling, we use it raw.

Already stuffed eggplants are tightly packed in a saucepan, poured with chilled marinade and placed under oppression for 2 weeks at room temperature. After the appointed time, we try, if they are not acidic enough, you can extend the process for another week. Ready eggplants must be stored in the cellar, and in the absence of the latter - in the refrigerator.

For lovers of the traditional way of storing winter preparations, it is recommended to roll up pickled eggplants for the winter in jars. To do this, you need to sterilize the jars in the usual way, then put the stuffed eggplants in them, pour over the marinade and roll up the lids.

Probably, no one would refuse to enjoy delicious salted eggplants cooked with their own hands.

To prepare you need to have only:

  • 3 kg fresh eggplant,
  • 2 kg carrots.
  • 200 g garlic
  • parsley,
  • vegetable oil.

Read also

The creation of this dish begins with the preparation of eggplant. They need to be washed, and punctured with a fork over the entire surface (3-4 per 1 eggplant). On eggplant, remove the stem. They must be placed in a pot of boiling water.

There they need to spend 5 minutes. Then put it on a flat surface under the load. As a load, you can take a cutting board with a pot of water. Under such oppression, they will release excess moisture and water.

While the eggplants are under pressure, you need to start preparing the carrot-garlic filling. Carrots need to be cut into thin slices, and squeeze the garlic. Mix everything and salt to taste. You can also add a little red hot pepper and coarsely chopped parsley to this mixture.

Pressed eggplants need to be filled. 2-3 tablespoons with a slide of cooked stuffing in each. Put eggplant in a three-liter jar in a dense layer.

While the stuffed vegetables are in jars, you need to start preparing the marinade. For it you will need (per 1 liter): 1.5 tablespoons of coarse sea salt, allspice, coriander. Eggplants are poured with this marinade, and they are allowed to brew for 3 days. To try them out faster. Eggplant can be put in a warm place. If they are in the refrigerator, then you will have to wait at least two weeks. Cover the jar with a regular plastic lid.

Also, the jar can be sent to the cellar. Eggplants perfectly retain their properties for another 2-3 months.

Advice. It is necessary to monitor the amount of brine. If it becomes less, then you need to cook more and add to the jar.

Who doesn't like to eat pickled eggplants with garlic and carrots with vegetable oil? It is a pity that such pickles are not stored until the winter. But how not to put such an appetizer on the New Year's table? It turns out that eggplant fermented with carrots and garlic can be very easily stored for the winter in liter jars. And the best part is that they do not change the taste at all.

So according to today's recipe, you can easily roll eggplants for the winter. And they will not change their taste. Therefore, you will have to be guided by a must-try vegetable snack. With what taste you roll it up, with such it will stand all winter.

Ingredients for a 9 liter saucepan:

  • Eggplant - 5 kg;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l. (with a slide);
  • Garlic - 3 heads;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 cups;
  • Carrots - 1.7 kg.
  • Parsley greens - optional.

Pickled eggplant with garlic and carrots: a recipe for the winter

1. Before you start stuffing and sourdough - eggplants need to be boiled and rotted. Naturally, for such a large number of fruits you will need a very large pan. For this procedure, an aluminum pan of 12 liters was chosen. But don't be alarmed if it turns out to be small. The fact is that eggplants float well on the surface of the water. And to lower them, you can use the fixing cover, or the load. So in this case, an ordinary lid with steam holes, which was pressed down with a two-liter jar of water, perfectly suited.

Boil eggplant from the moment of boiling you need at least 5 minutes. But the softness of the fruit also depends on your taste. Boil already without ponytails.

2. Ready eggplant will change color slightly. Now they will be light brown. Check for softness and pierce one fruit with a match.

3. Usually for sauerkraut with garlic, eggplants are oppressed to remove excess liquid. In this case, they take a wooden board, put boiled berries on it, press it with the same board and put a load on top.

You may not bother too much. Just make cuts on the eggplant along the entire fruit (we will put the stuffing in the same cut). Then put the grate on the bottom of the bowl and put all the fruits on top of it with spouts down. Let the eggplant cool down.

4. Peel the whole carrot. You can use a special knife, as in the recipe.

5. Then rub the roots on a coarse grater and fry in a pan. Determine the readiness of carrots to your liking. Some like it to be crunchy, and many like it to be well-done. But in any case, you can not spare vegetable oil. Almost 3 cups should go for all the carrots.

6. Peel the garlic and pass through the press. Then combine with salt. At your request, garlic for pickled eggplant and salt can take more.

Now, at your request, the carrots can be combined with this garlic, and then the cooled eggplants can be stuffed. But this is optional.

7. Stuff the eggplant with carrots.

8. Place the first layer in the pan and brush generously with the garlic-salt mixture on top. So we continue to lay layers until the fruits run out.

9. And already at the very end we put an inverted flat plate and put a bottle of water on top as a load.

Already on the second or third day, eggplants will let out fragrant juice as in the photo.

10. Eggplants with carrots ferment from three to six days. After three days, they can be taken out and tried. You can basically eat.

Such an appetizer can already be moved to the refrigerator without seaming, but you need to eat, be in time for 2 weeks.

Note: in order to preserve such eggplants for the winter, you must clearly know what taste they should be. If, by your standards, three days is enough for fermentation, and the taste suits you, then you can start canning. I waited 6 days.

Now take jars perfectly cleaned with soda (only liter ones) and lower them again with their spouts down and tightly tamp the stuffed fruits there. I have 4-5 pieces per jar. Pour the brine from the saucepan on top.

Important: the brine should not reach the top of the jar by at least 4 centimeters. Since during sterilization it rises strongly and can flow out.

11. Place a towel or a round board in a large saucepan. Put jars of pickled garlic eggplants on top (the jars are not rolled up yet, but simply covered with lids). Pour cold water into the same pan, then turn on the stove and wait for it to boil.

From the moment of boiling, note 20 minutes. In this case, the water level should remain at the level of the juice in the jars. And in no case should the water in the pan boil too much.

12. Now, one by one, take out the jars with special tongs.
If you can see clearly, then pay attention to how much the level of the yushka in the jar of eggplants has risen.

14. Without removing the lid, roll up eggplants for the winter on a turnkey basis.

Turning canned, pickled eggplants for the winter with garlic and carrots is not necessary, but it is worth warming. When the jars have cooled, you can put them in the pantry. I keep it right in my kitchen cabinet.
