
Ayurveda: healing spices and spices. The harm and benefits of spices

Spices in cooking are called a variety of substances that give food the desired taste, aroma and texture during cooking. Some of them are non-vegetable in origin: salt, soda, vinegar, sugar, starch, etc. We use many of them daily, and it is already impossible to imagine what the dishes would be like without these food “improvers”. There are also vegetable spices. The list includes many herbs, fruits, seeds (e.g. dill, coriander, pepper, mustard), leaves, branches (bay leaves, basil, rosemary, parsley, thyme), roots and bulbs (garlic, ginger) of particular aromatic plants. Let us briefly describe their benefits, harms and practical applications.

The benefits of aromatic spices

When cooking, various herbal spices are often used. The name of some is well known to everyone, while others are used much less frequently. We list some useful properties of the most common:

The bactericidal and strengthening action is characteristic of pepper, nutmeg, cloves and saffron;

Reduce the risk of developing cancers wormwood, cumin, sage, anise and cilantro;

What can be harmful to some herbal spices

First of all, it is worth thinking about individual intolerance. After all, many people suffer from various types of allergies, without knowing it. Therefore, when using vegetable spices for the first time, be careful and start with a very small amount. Also consider the features of some seasonings:

Garlic and turmeric may decrease the effectiveness of some medications;

Mint, when used regularly, can significantly lower blood pressure and cause headaches by reducing vascular tone;

Cloves should not be used by children suffering from diseases of the digestive system, and hypertensive patients;

Overdose causes dizziness, headache and nausea.

How vegetable spices are measured

It is worth noting that all recipes usually indicate the dosage of fresh spices. So keep this in mind when preparing. So, for example, cloves also lose weight significantly after long-term storage, so you should slightly reduce the required weight in order to avoid deteriorating the taste of dishes. Also, over time, dry spices may change flavor, in addition, you need to check their suitability.

Approximately one gram contains the following amount of spices:

Carnation - 15 buds;

Black pepper - 28-30 peas;

Bay leaf - 8-10 medium leaves;

Nutmeg - half;

Coriander - 125 grains.

One heaping teaspoon contains two to three grams of vegetable spices.

Always follow the necessary proportions and recommendations regarding how to use herbal spices. And also listen to your body and remember that there should be a measure in everything.

Doctors have proven that spices can be cured. Spices are effective medicines in the fight against cardiovascular and even oncological diseases.

The main advantage of spices is their high content of antioxidants, - says Igor Sokolsky, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, specialist in phytochemistry. - These substances can reduce the destructive effect of free radicals that cause oxidative stress in the body, which is responsible for many of our troubles - from the appearance of wrinkles on the skin to the occurrence of serious diseases - cancer, diabetes and heart disease. A pinch of spices contains more antioxidants than a glass of berries.

Useful properties of spices

Reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Moreover, the effect of the use of spices is comparable to taking drugs - the level of cholesterol in the blood drops by 10-15%. The anticholesterol effect is especially pronounced in turmeric and cinnamon.

Struggling with a cold

Ginger, cloves, cinnamon have a powerful stimulating and tonic effect, mobilize internal forces, and activate blood circulation. As a result, the person recovers faster.

Help to lose weight

“Firstly, spices add flavor to any food,” explains Tatyana Pilat, MD, professor, member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. - Secondly, they stimulate digestion and activate metabolic processes - as a result, the body is saturated with a small amount of food. Recent studies by scientists have proven that even spicy snacks served before dinner do not whet the appetite, but, on the contrary, contribute to rapid satiety: the capsaicin contained in them quickly causes a feeling of satiety - as a result, a person eats less. In addition, capsaicin increases energy expenditure by 23% and inhibits the development of fat cells.”

Enhance desire

There are many aphrodisiacs among spices. It is not for nothing that nutmeg is called female, and basil is male spices - the essential oils contained in them stimulate the work of the endocrine glands. Volatile enzymes contained in vanilla affect the central nervous system.

Saved from cancer

Spice antioxidants actively fight carcinogens. A substance was isolated from turmeric that blocks the biochemical processes that lead to the development of tumors of the neck and head. And from horseradish - a molecule capable of destroying cancer cells. “Work on the study of the anticarcinogenic properties of biologically active substances of horseradish was also carried out in Russia,” says Igor Sokolsky. - Indeed, it has been proven that in vitro (“in vitro”, that is, by direct action on cancer cells) horseradish extract inhibits their development and inhibits reproduction. However, in a living organism this action turned out to be very weak. So horseradish is used as a prophylaxis.”

The most useful spices

Bay leaf

Laurel leaves - an evergreen shrub.

What heals:
Improves digestive processes, heart function, increases appetite, is used for exacerbation of arthritis, skin diseases. It has a diuretic and disinfectant effect. Inhalations with laurel essential oil are recommended for respiratory tract infections. Laurel oil is a recognized remedy for sinusitis.

Universal spice, used in soups, marinades, meat and fish dishes.

And another curious detail: moths and cockroaches cannot stand the smell of bay leaves.


Roots of a perennial cruciferous plant.

What heals: A powerful remedy for enhancing the secretion of the digestive glands. It has a pronounced diuretic effect - it is used to treat inflammation of the urinary canals, with kidney stones, cystitis, gout and rheumatism. Poultices of fresh horseradish are used for frostbite, facial neuralgia and rheumatism of the joints.

Cooking: Table horseradish is used as an independent seasoning and as a basis for making sauces.

Peculiarities: Horseradish is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. It has a whitening effect - with freckles and age spots, it is recommended to wipe the face with an aqueous infusion of horseradish.


Ginger root.

What heals: Helps with nausea of ​​any origin. Relieves migraine and arthritis attacks, stimulates the immune system. A recognized remedy for colds and coughs. Restores the body's defenses.

Cooking: An obligatory seasoning for raw fish dishes - the Japanese believe that ginger has an antihelminthic effect. An obligatory component of curry seasoning, present in all ketchups. Widely used in cooking - gingerbread and gingerbread, lemonade.

If you add ginger at the beginning of cooking, the taste and aroma will be much stronger.


Stamens of a flower of the crocus family.

What heals: It promotes the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy, therefore it has a psychotropic effect, relieving pain and depression. It improves digestion, cleanses the lymph, kidneys and liver, relieves convulsions, removes blood stasis in the vessels, improves complexion and increases potency.

Many national dishes are flavored with saffron - Indian pilaf, Spanish paella and Italian rice, French seafood soup (bouillabaisse).

Peculiarities: The most expensive spice - 1 kg costs about 1000 dollars.

Highly tonic - an excessive dose can lead to hyperarousal and tension. A few grams of fresh saffron can even kill.


The bark of cinnamon shoots is a shrub from the laurel family.

What heals:
Daily use of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon reduces blood sugar and "bad" cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure. It has antimicrobial properties, helps keep food at home longer.

Preparation of desserts (goes well with apples), in canning, in marinades.

Peculiarities: Loses flavor quickly. The taste of cinnamon sticks is more stable - but they are difficult to grind.


This spice has nothing to do with the flower of revolution. These are dry flowers of the clove tree.

What heals:
Clove oil is a powerful antiseptic. During the period of SARS epidemics, it is recommended to use it for aromatherapy. Clove has an anesthetic effect in case of toothache, facilitates breathing in case of respiratory diseases.

Cooking: Gives a piquant taste to marinades - mushroom, meat or vegetable, provides a longer storage of seasonings and sauces.

Does not tolerate prolonged heat treatment. Boiling takes away the flavor of the cloves and adds a bitter taste to the dish.

Seasonings, spices and spices are commonly used interchangeably for various food additives. But the concepts differ in meaning! Seasonings change the taste of food without changing the flavor. Spices give the dish flavor and fragrant.

Differences in seasonings, spices and spices

Seasonings include vinegar, mustard, tomato paste, horseradish, mayonnaise. Spices are pepper, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf. Spices is the common name for spices and seasonings.

Spices are not eaten on their own, their amount in dishes is strictly calculated, because an excess will spoil the taste, and a deficiency will not have the desired effect.

Seasonings are of vegetable origin and chemical. Seasonings, unlike spices, are not always available to a person in finished form, some of them are prepared according to a recipe using other seasonings and the addition of spices. Seasonings may also include spices. On a large scale, this is done by a chef who specializes in sauces and seasonings.

Fans of seasonings and spices take into account only their taste, not knowing which spices are useful, whether all seasonings have useful properties.

Seasonings and spices for the human body

The spicy aroma and flavored taste of food is not the only merit of spices in front of a person. The beneficial properties of spices were noticed by ancient healers: with moderate and proper use, they help to better digest foods, stimulate the absorption and processing of food, suppress bacteria and prevent decay processes.

Spices accelerate the activity of enzymes, absorb impurities in cells and activate the removal of toxins. Spices differ in composition, and in some nature has concentrated vitamins. Therefore, a pinch of seasoning has a positive effect on the body systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine.

Useful spices are ubiquitous, but among them there are those that are rare and exotic. Among the classic and common, the most useful seasonings and the most useful spices stand out.

Black pepper

The king of spices - black pepper is in every home. It stimulates the digestive processes, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases blood circulation, removes toxins, prevents the formation of blood clots and corrects metabolic processes. Black peppercorns are used in the preparation of broths, meat, pickles, in ground form it will add aroma and spiciness to soups, sauces and meat products.


The substances and elements that make up cinnamon, in combination, reduce bad cholesterol and glucose in the blood, improve blood circulation, help in the production of cartilage lubrication, disinfect and kill fungi.


Paprika thins the blood, improves its outflow to organs and tissues, and prevents the formation of blood clots. This spice is useful for men, as it enhances potency. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract: eliminates gas formation, flatulence, discomfort and cramps in the stomach.

There are many types of paprika, depending on the fragrant and spicy. But any of them is best combined with meat, fish, cheese and seafood. Cinnamon has found application in the national dishes of Hungary, Portugal, Mexico, Spain and India.


Nature has given man a cure for many diseases in one ginger root. Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic and antispasmodic agent. It tones, soothes, relieves anxiety, stress and fatigue. For a woman, the spice is especially useful, as it prevents infertility, increases libido, relieves the tone of the uterus, and during pregnancy with toxicosis, relieves nausea and weakness.

Pickled ginger will give piquancy and novelty to meat and seafood, and tea with ginger root will appeal to sophisticated gourmets.


Garlic can be fresh or dried, but in any form it does not lose its beneficial qualities. Garlic is considered a strong enemy of bacteria and viruses, lowers blood sugar levels, fights tumor cells, and reduces blood clotting. It is difficult to imagine borscht, aspic, meat dishes and assorted vegetables without a pungent smell and burning taste of garlic.

Bay leaf

It is hard to imagine your favorite soup, stew, vegetable stew without bay leaf. Spice put in hot dishes. In addition to a pleasant aroma, the laurel contains a bouquet of useful substances. Even in ancient times, it was used in medicine for the treatment of dysentery, rheumatism, diabetes and viral diseases, with disorders of the nervous system. The spice anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, prevents decay, fermentation and decomposition.


The pit of the nutmeg seed, called nutmeg, heals ailments. It helps men cope with impotence, uncontrolled ejaculation, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. When applied externally, nutmeg paste relieves pain, inflammation, acts as a remedy for rheumatism, osteochondrosis and arthritis.


The dried buds of the tropical clove tree Syzygium with a peculiar aroma and pungent taste are known as cloves. Since ancient times, it has found application in cooking.

The main advantage of spices is their high content of antioxidants, - says Igor Sokolsky, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, specialist in phytochemistry. - These substances can reduce the destructive effect of free radicals that cause oxidative stress in the body, which is responsible for many of our troubles - from the appearance of wrinkles on the skin to the occurrence of serious diseases - cancer, diabetes and heart disease. contains more antioxidants than a glass of berries.


Reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Moreover, it is comparable to taking medications - the level of cholesterol in the blood drops by 10-15%. The anticholesterol effect is especially pronounced in turmeric and cinnamon.

Struggling with a cold

Ginger, cloves, cinnamon have a powerful stimulating and tonic effect, mobilize internal forces, and activate blood circulation. As a result, the person recovers faster.

Help to lose weight

“Firstly, spices add flavor to any food,” explains Tatyana Pilat, MD, professor, member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. - Secondly, they stimulate digestion and activate metabolic processes - as a result, the body is saturated with a small amount of food. Recent studies by scientists have proven that they do not even whet the appetite, but, on the contrary, contribute to rapid saturation: the capsaicin contained in them quickly causes a feeling of satiety - as a result, a person eats less. In addition, capsaicin increases energy expenditure by 23% and inhibits the development of fat cells.”

Normalize hormonal levels, increase desire

“Saffron has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, in particular, it normalizes hormonal levels,” says Tatyana Pilat. “There are cases when taking 2-3 pistils of saffron with premature menopause contributed to the restoration of the cycle.” It is not for nothing that nutmeg is called female, and basil is male spices - the essential oils contained in them stimulate the work of the endocrine glands. Volatile enzymes contained in vanilla affect the central nervous system.

Saved from cancer

Spice antioxidants actively fight carcinogens. A substance was isolated from turmeric that blocks the biochemical processes that lead to the development of tumors of the neck and head. And from horseradish - a molecule capable of destroying cancer cells. “Work on the study of the anticarcinogenic properties of biologically active substances of horseradish was also carried out in Russia,” says Igor Sokolsky. - Indeed, it has been proven that in vitro (“in vitro”, that is, by direct action on cancer cells) horseradish extract inhibits their development and inhibits reproduction. However, in a living organism, this effect turned out to be very weak. So horseradish is used as a prophylaxis.”


Bay leaf

Laurel leaves - an evergreen shrub.

What heals: Improves digestive processes, heart function, increases appetite, is used for exacerbation of arthritis, skin diseases. It has a diuretic and disinfectant effect. Inhalations with laurel essential oil are recommended for respiratory tract infections. Laurel oil is a recognized remedy for sinusitis.

Cooking: Universal spice, used in soups, marinades, meat and fish dishes.

Peculiarities: It is recommended to take it out before serving the dish on the table so that the bay leaf does not give bitterness. Prohibited during pregnancy. With prolonged storage, it loses its aroma and acquires bitterness.

And another curious detail: moths and cockroaches cannot stand the smell of bay leaves.


Roots of a perennial cruciferous plant.

What heals: A powerful remedy for enhancing the secretion of the digestive glands. It has a pronounced diuretic effect - it is used to treat inflammation of the urinary canals, with kidney stones, cystitis, gout and rheumatism. Poultices of fresh horseradish are used for frostbite, facial neuralgia and rheumatism of the joints.

Cooking: Table horseradish is used as an independent seasoning and as a basis for making sauces.

Peculiarities: Horseradish is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. It has a whitening effect - with freckles and age spots, it is recommended to wipe the face with an aqueous infusion of horseradish.


Ginger root.

What heals: Helps with nausea of ​​any origin. Relieves migraine and arthritis attacks, stimulates the immune system. A recognized remedy for colds and coughs. Restores the body's defenses.

Cooking: An obligatory seasoning for raw fish dishes - the Japanese believe that ginger has an antihelminthic effect. An obligatory component of curry seasoning, present in all ketchups. Widely used in cooking - gingerbread and gingerbread, lemonade.

Peculiarities: If you add ginger at the beginning of cooking, the taste and aroma will be much stronger.


Stamens of a flower of the crocus family.

What heals: It promotes the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy, therefore it has a psychotropic effect, relieving pain and depression. It improves digestion, cleanses the lymph, kidneys and liver, relieves convulsions, removes blood stasis in the vessels, improves complexion and increases potency.

Cooking: Many national dishes are flavored with saffron - Indian pilaf, Spanish paella and Italian rice, French seafood soup (bouillabaisse).

Peculiarities: The most expensive spice - 1 kg costs about 1000 dollars. Highly tonic - an excessive dose can lead to hyperarousal and tension. A few grams of fresh saffron can even kill.


The bark of cinnamon shoots is a shrub from the laurel family.

What heals: Daily use of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon reduces blood sugar and "bad" cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure. It has antimicrobial properties, helps keep food at home longer.

Cooking: Preparation of desserts (goes well with apples), in canning, in marinades.

Peculiarities: Loses flavor quickly. The taste of cinnamon sticks is more stable - but they are difficult to grind.


This spice has nothing to do with the flower of revolution. These are dry flowers of the clove tree.

What heals: Clove oil is a powerful antiseptic. During the period of SARS epidemics, it is recommended to use it for aromatherapy. Clove has an anesthetic effect in case of toothache, facilitates breathing in case of respiratory diseases.

Cooking: Gives a piquant taste to marinades - mushroom, meat or vegetable, provides a longer storage of seasonings and sauces.

Peculiarities: Does not tolerate prolonged heat treatment. Boiling takes away the flavor of the cloves and adds a bitter taste to the dish.

The benefits of spices and spices have been proven for a long time. Many spices contain much more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables. And some of them can even replace medications.

A pinch of salt gives any dish a taste, and a small amount of spices can sometimes give a unique flavor to even the most familiar product. Useful spices are a real find, which you just need to know how to use correctly.

Thyme (thyme)

Thyme is often used for asthma, bronchitis and tonsillitis. It helps well with a strong cough and frees the pulmonary tract. In addition, it is recommended to prevent gastritis, improve memory and calm the nervous system.

Oregano (oregano)

A seasoning such as oregano is used to treat fungal and viral infections. It can also help relieve inflammation and neutralize an allergic reaction.


Ginger is able to strengthen our immunity and prevent colds and viral diseases. It also helps replace pills for nausea or motion sickness. You can brew a small amount of ginger root and drink instead of tea. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount, otherwise the taste will be too spicy and spicy.


For people suffering from cancer, an excellent spice is rosemary, which, among other things, helps improve memory, prevent depression, and strengthen the immune system. Rosemary is often added to muscle building supplements.


Turmeric, like rosemary, helps fight cancer. It is even included in drugs that fight this disease. Also, due to the ability of rosemary to reduce inflammation in the brain, it is recommended for patients after strokes.


But for diabetics, cumin is a useful spice, which stabilizes blood sugar levels and controls glucose levels. It will be useful for losing weight. After all, the properties of cumin help control weight and fat deposition.


Such a spice as cloves has not only an amazing taste, but also many useful properties. For example, it can be used to treat bruises and scratches, and this is not to mention stomach problems and bloating, in which cloves are the first helper. By the way, dentists often resort to her help to relieve toothache in patients.


If you are a thrill seeker, then you will definitely like chili peppers. Interestingly, despite its pungency, it is believed to protect the stomach from ulcers and lower cholesterol levels.


For people who lack calcium, magnesium and vitamin C, basil is an indispensable remedy. It also contains a lot of iron and potassium. In addition, basil contributes to the destruction of free radicals, which cause heart attacks and cancer.


Among the many spices, cinnamon is the most popular and is considered one of the healthiest spices. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that relieves muscle and joint pain, as well as fighting diabetes.

A variety of healthy spices in your kitchen will help to give a unique taste to any dish, as well as increase immunity and support the body in preventing and fighting various diseases.

What spices are suitable for what (video)
