
Avocado: how to choose a ripe one and how to eat it. So, placebo is an interesting effect that is funny in itself.

What date is the Thai New Year 2017 - April 13-15. “Isn’t it too much rest?” No, wait, that's not the question you're asking. In principle, if we judge a couple with common sense, then in Europe the New Year also lasts more than one day. There is already a question in another - in who, when starts and when he finishes having fun.

Okay, this is all interesting, of course, but we are interested in Thais. Their preferences: traditions, customs, rituals, etc. In general, everything related to the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. So let's not delay, but get down to business immediately.

What date does the Thai New Year in 2017 mark the beginning of the rainy season, as follows from Hindu astrology - Jyotish?

Thai New Year in 2017, like many years before, will be celebrated from 13 to 15 April. These dates are set according to the Indian astrological calendar (to be more precise, the ancient Indian - Vedic). They are relevant for most of Thailand, including its capital, Bangkok. In some other places in the Kingdom, the New Year's Eve festival starts even earlier and may end a few days later than the indicated date.

Therefore, let's focus specifically on the period of April 13-15. You can now book tickets for a plane that will take you to the territory of this glorious state. Below we will reveal the essence of Songkran in detail, and you will decide with 100% certainty whether to take vacations at work or stay at home these days.

Songkran, or Pour water over another and you won't get anything for it

By the way, yes, one of the oldest festivals in Thailand is called Songkran. Actually, the Thai New Year, if in other - understandable to us - words. For the locals, it is a family celebration, and its roots go back to Buddhism. The very word "songkran" means "transition" in Sanskrit, that is, the change of seasons. From this we conclude that the roots of the origin of the festival could be observed even during the existence of Ancient India.

It is believed that the Thai New Year is celebrated exactly before the start of the rainy season, which can be seen already in the second decade of April according to the Gregorian calendar. Actually, this is where the “transition” “emerges” - the change of seasons. Well, as you can see, the Thais have it like this, the change of seasons. In general, they have three seasons: in addition to the rainy season, there is also a cold and hot season following it. And just the same, along with the meeting of the New Year, they spend the Old: that is, they say goodbye to the hot season and take rainy weather into their arms.

Let's say that events on the occasion of the meeting of Songkran are held outside of Thailand. In general, they are similar to Thai ones, but if you want to experience the real pleasure of this event, then only in Bangkok and other cities of the Kingdom will you be given such a chance without fail.

Meaning of Thai New Year

So, Songkran involves: cooking gourmet dishes according to Buddhist recipes, washing with clean water, smearing with clay and sprinkling the body with talcum powder. From the participants of the festival, which takes place on the streets of the cities of Thailand, it is required: readiness to meet with unusual, but entertaining traditions of the natives, positive mood, observance of established customs. In any other case, either you should stay at home (in the sense of indoors), or not come at all.

The meaning of pouring water on each other - especially young people love this thing - is that the Thais believe that this cleanses not only the body, but also the human soul. It is also a welcome coolness, because the hot season is still in the yard. Smearing with clay is believed by the people of Thailand to help repel dirt. For this procedure, white clay is taken. Talc is a personal care product used by the Thai ancestors many years ago. Actually, both clay and talc also mean purification. Having passed such a rite of purification, there is no doubt that the new year will bring you good luck.

It is worth noting that the festival is held right on the streets. Even employees of any official institutions can be cleansed. This is how the scope of the event spread.

Cleansing and saturation just on the streets of Thailand

It is customary to pour water on each other from a small bowl. It is also used to clean the sculpture of the Buddha. Then you can throw on it (with love in your heart, of course) rose and jasmine petals. Indescribable beauty. It seems that even while reading these lines, you can clearly imagine in your head what kind of, excuse me, rooftops it is.

But cooked food is offered to Buddhist priests. This is such an indicative sign of respect for them on their part. It also contains the sacred meaning of the worship of the philosophy of Buddhism.

And here's another thing: at the moment of pouring water, you will hear something like this more than once: "SAWAT-DI-PI-MAI: VAN SONGKRA:N" or "SUK-SAN-UVAN-SONGKRAN". These are not curses and not mockery (yes, we agree, it's a button accordion joke, but still a joke, ha-ha-ha). These are congratulations on the New Year and wishes of happiness. That's it.

Avocado is the fruit of the American Persea, an evergreen plant in the Laurel family. It is an exotic fruit and it is important to know how to choose the right avocado, how it is eaten and what foods it pairs with. Despite the fact that its second name is "alligator pear", it has nothing to do with traditional fruits, except for the external resemblance. Dishes with avocados are cold appetizers, salads, sandwiches for every day or for a festive table.

How to choose the right avocado

The taste of the fruit depends on the degree of maturity of the fruit. For those wishing to cook an unusual dish based on an alligator pear, it is important not only to know how to eat an avocado correctly, but also to be able to choose it in a store.

High-quality ripe fruit can be distinguished by several features:

  1. Color - dark green. Too light a shade prepares for the immaturity of the avocado. Black fruits are unfit for consumption, they are overripe or spoiled. The exception is the California avocado (Haas), which has a black skin.
  2. The consistency is soft, when pressed on the fruit, a dent appears, which is quickly smoothed out.
  3. The stone is easily separated into pulp. Before buying, you can shake the avocado: if the fruit is ripe, a knock will be heard.

If you choose between insufficiently ripe and overripe fruits, it is better to stop at the first option. Avocados should be stored at room temperature, and after a few days, its peel will darken and the consistency will become soft.

If you are going to cook avocados not immediately after purchase, but after a few days, it is better to choose a light, unripe fruit. These fruits ripen quickly at home, but also quickly deteriorate.

It is worth trying in advance what taste avocado has in order to understand what products it is better to combine it with. Different varieties may have different flavors. Ripe fruits resemble butter with a spicy herbal and nutty flavor. The fruit is insipid in taste, so few people use it in its pure form without seasonings and sauces.

It's impossible to pinpoint exactly what an avocado tastes like. Its consistency allows the use of the pulp as a variety of pastes, cuts, a component of main dishes. As part of different dishes, these fruits can have a different flavor, which depends on the taste of the main ingredient. In combination with spicy cheeses, bacon or salted fish, avocado does not stand out, but gives the finished dish a soft, pleasant texture and originality.

What do you need to know before cooking?

Before cooking, it is necessary to properly prepare the fruit. It is important to know in order to keep its shape and not damage the pulp. From a ripe fruit, the peel is separated without effort, it is enough to pry it with a knife and peel the fruit by hand. If it is holding tight, then the avocado is not ripe and needs to be put aside for a while. After cleaning, it is necessary to get rid of the stone, it should also be easily separated from the pulp.

This cleaning method is suitable for slicing or for preparing salads. Those who like to eat avocados raw or use them as a spread for sandwiches do not need to peel off the skin. The fruit is cut in half, the pit is taken out, and the pulp is collected with a knife or spoon.

Avocado Recipes

To prepare an unusual main course, you need to know what avocados go with, and which foods are best served separately. This fruit is used in the daily diet, added to the festive menu in both cold and hot dishes.

The easiest way to serve is for those who know how to eat avocados raw, without or with seasonings and additives. There are several recipes for raw fruits that are suitable for a homemade breakfast or dinner party, look original and have a pleasant taste:

  1. Unpeeled fruit is divided into two equal halves, seasoned with salt, lemon juice or sauce to taste. The pulp is separated from the peel with a spoon and eaten.
  2. The fruits are peeled, the stone is taken out, cut into slices.

Avocado sandwiches are perfect for a light breakfast or as a cold appetizer on the festive table. The pulp is spread on toast with a knife. It is better to add foods that have a pronounced flavor, while avocado will neutralize and soften the taste. Most often, the fruit is combined with bacon, red fish (salmon or salmon), scrambled eggs, various types of cheese and fresh vegetables. As a base, you can use fresh or toasted bread or make pita bread rolls.

There are many tips on how to properly prepare an avocado and how to eat it. Ripe fruits can be used as a side dish for various types of meat or poultry: beef, veal, chicken or duck. It should be remembered that it is a high-calorie and satisfying fruit, so portions should not be voluminous:

  1. Meat dishes with avocado can be seasoned with spicy or fruit sauces, add pomegranate seeds.
  2. Avocado pulp goes well with red fish (salmon or salmon). It is recommended to bake the fish in the oven, divide into portions and season with sauce. Avocados are served separately in the form of slices.

There are a huge number of hearty salads based on avocado pulp. The main ingredients are fresh herbs, various types of meat and red fish, spicy cheeses (feta, brynza) or scrambled eggs. Products can be safely combined, seasonings, sauces, herbs can be added to salads to taste.

Those who want to understand what an avocado is and how it is eaten should buy one fruit and try it. The taste of ripe fruits is quite specific, albeit unobtrusive, and few people remain indifferent to it. Avocado is an unusual fruit, and its presence can turn an everyday dish into an exotic delicacy. The only caveat is that you need to choose a fairly ripe, but not overripe fruit.

How many avocados can you eat per day?

Fans of ripe exotic fruits are wondering how many avocados you can eat per day. The calorie content of 100 g of this product is 245 kcal, which is equivalent to an equal amount of lean meat. Those who are prone to rapid weight gain should refrain from excessive consumption of avocados. It is better to limit yourself to one medium fruit per day, combining it with whole grain bread or adding it to salads with fresh herbs. The fruit quickly satisfies hunger, but after a few fruits eaten, a feeling of heaviness appears.

Avocado is the leader among fruits in terms of fat content, but fats are easily digested and saturate the body with essential vitamins and amino acids. It is allowed for diabetics because it contains sugar in very small quantities.

How to eat an avocado (video)

Daikon is a root vegetable that was once bred in China and resembles a radish or large carrot in its appearance. For these reasons, it is also called "Chinese radish". This vegetable has found many fans in different countries of the world and the inhabitants of Russia are no exception.

But it is valued not only for its high taste. A large number of important substances for the human body that make up this root vegetable is incredibly useful. From this article, you will learn what the beneficial properties and contraindications of daikon are, and you can also choose for yourself several recipes for preparing this amazing vegetable.

How to recognize a daikon?

Daikon root looks like a large radish or carrot. Its average length reaches 30 cm, and its diameter is about 8 cm. Under favorable conditions, this vegetable can grow up to 60 cm in length and have a weight of 500 grams.

As you can see in the photo above, the daikon is painted white. In terms of taste, it is similar to the same radish, but due to the absence of mustard oils in its composition, it has a more pleasant aroma and mild taste.

This vegetable is one of the main ingredients in Japanese cuisine. It is served as a side dish, added to salads. The taste of daikon radish goes well with meat and fish dishes, it is often put in miso soup and complemented with sashimi.

Beneficial features

Now we should talk about the benefits and harms of the daikon. And first, let's find out its properties.

  1. It contains vitamin C, which helps the body overcome colds and strengthens the immune system.

    Advice! If you are still looking for a product that will contain a daily dose of vitamin C in a small portion, then you have already found it. This is a daikon, and to fulfill the above condition, you should eat only 300 g of this vegetable per day.

  2. Due to the presence of vitamin B, this root crop has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system - it contributes to the normalization of mental balance and restores concentration.
  3. The potassium present in this vegetable is indispensable for the health and strength of teeth, hair and bone tissue.
  4. This root crop helps to restore the liver and dissolves the sand and stones in the kidneys.
  5. The presence of isorhodanic acid makes it possible to use daikon as a prophylactic agent for oncological diseases.
  6. Fiber makes it an indispensable product in the diet - a small portion gives a feeling of satiety, which is enough until the next meal.
  7. Enzymes promote the breakdown of starch, an excess of which can lead to weight gain.
  8. Phytoncides exhibit a bactericidal effect and protect the body from infections.
  9. The calorie content of daikon is insignificant - only 21 kcal per 100 g of product.
  10. If you eat this vegetable raw, you can cleanse the body of cholesterol, radioactive and toxic substances.

In the course of studies conducted by scientists, it turned out that the use of this root crop has a positive effect on the health of patients suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. As an external agent, it is recommended to use it in the form of compresses for healing wounds, strengthening hair and getting rid of freckles.


Daikon radish brings great benefits to the human body, but so that it does not cause harm, you should be aware of the contraindications:

  • disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

    Important! A large amount of fiber, which is digested for a long time in the body, can cause undesirable consequences.

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gout;
  • severe damage to the kidneys and liver.

Now you know how daikon is useful, and in what cases its use is unacceptable. But in any case, before including this vegetable in your daily diet, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist.

What to cook?

It is quite difficult to determine what daikon is more like in terms of taste - radish or radish, but unlike them, this root crop is completely devoid of bitter aftertaste. This fact allows you to use it raw and include it in vitamin salads. And most importantly, in this case, it will completely retain all its unique properties.

But not all recipes involve the use of raw daikon. This vegetable can be stewed, fried and pickled. And if you still have not tried the "white radish", then we suggest you correct this misunderstanding.

Pickled daikon oriental

  1. Pour 50 ml of water into a container, add 50 g of sugar, 30 ml of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of turmeric.
  2. Put on fire, bring the contents to a boil and after the sugar has completely dissolved, remove from the stove.
  3. Peel 100 g of daikon, cut into thin slices and salt.
  4. Transfer the prepared vegetable to a colander and leave for one hour. Important! This is necessary in order to get rid of excess fluid.
  5. After the specified time, rinse the daikon with water and dry the slices with a paper towel.
  6. Fold the root crop in a plastic or glass container, pour in the marinade.
  7. Close tightly and shake the container several times.
  8. Leave to marinate overnight.

Trout rolls with daikon

  1. 4 trout fillets free from bones and skin, put on a board.
  2. Finely chop 3 cloves of garlic, 1 small piece of fresh ginger and 2 shallots with a knife.
  3. Fold in a container, add the juice and zest of one lime, 60 ml of soy sauce, 20 ml of liquid honey, 130 ml of olive oil, mix.
  4. Divide the marinade into two parts, season one of them with salt and white ground pepper.
  5. Pour over the fillet seasoned with marinade, roll each layer into a roll, wrap with two strips of raw smoked bacon and refrigerate for 25 minutes.
  6. Peel one medium daikon and cut into thin slices with a special knife.
  7. Cut 2 stalks of green onions into feathers, add it to the daikon, pour in the second part of the marinade, salt and pepper.
  8. Take out the marinated fillets and wrap a small amount of daikon salad in each.
  9. Bake in the oven at 170° for 20 minutes.

Advice! These rolls can be prepared in any way that suits you: boil in a double boiler, fry on the grill or wrap in foil and boil in a saucepan.

Japanese salad

  1. 1 small daikon root and 1 fresh cucumber cut into thin circles, salt.
  2. Transfer the vegetables to a colander and leave for 15 minutes to drain excess liquid.
  3. In a separate container, combine 2.5 tablespoons of sake, 5 tablespoons of rice vinegar and a small amount of water.
  4. Put the vegetables in a dish, pour over the prepared dressing, salt, add a tablespoon of sugar, mix.

Add daikon to various dishes, create your own recipes and be healthy.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Matsoni is a unique fermented milk product that belongs to the Caucasian cuisine. It is also distributed in the Middle East and Asia Minor. This name is used exclusively in Georgia. The Armenian people call it matsun.

The composition of matsoni and its value

This delicious drink is often compared to other fermented milk products, but there are differences in taste. It differs significantly from kefir, curdled milk and yogurt in a sharper spicy taste. It also has a slight gas formation.

Matsoni is one of the sources of longevity of Caucasian elders. It is deservedly called the elixir of youth, as it contains vital natural fungi and bacteria that prevent aging and fight the pathogenic microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The drink contains a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids, proteins, minerals. In addition, it is an ideal product for athletes, as it helps in building muscle mass.

In addition, matsoni is rightfully an excellent cosmetic product that promotes the production of collagen, which improves skin structure. Matsoni-based hair masks have a healing effect, moisturizing and nourishing curls, stimulating their growth.

The use of this healing drink brings unconditional benefits to the body:

  • improves the functioning of the internal organs of digestion;
  • positively affects blood circulation;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • maintains healthy joints;
  • eliminates excess cholesterol;
  • improves immunity;
  • restores hormonal levels;
  • activates brain activity;
  • promotes the restoration of the nervous system;
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • heals wounds from burns;
  • perfectly satisfies thirst and hunger.


Despite the numerous advantages, matsoni has minor contraindications for use. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from using it for people with certain diseases. Namely:

  • allergy to lactose;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis.

Making yogurt at home

This healing elixir is obtained from fermented goat, sheep, cow or camel milk. Sourdough contains fungal and yeast cultures that have a beneficial effect on the human body and bring it invaluable benefits. For example, the prebiotic Hilak forte is an ideal solution for sourdough. The medicinal solution is sold in a pharmacy.

The recipe for this amazing drink, which has been owned by people since ancient times, has long been kept in the strictest confidence. Today, anyone can cook yogurt, it does not require special knowledge, skills and abilities. You just have to follow all the recommendations. And in order for the product to turn out tasty and nutritious, it is very important that the milk is fat and fresh.


  • the drug "Hilak forte" - 5 drops;
  • milk - 2.5 cups;
  • high-fat sour cream - a tablespoon.

We make sourdough. Add drops to sour cream. Mix everything well. Boil milk. Cool it naturally to 50 degrees Celsius. Definitely closed. Pour boiled milk into a clean glass container. Add sourdough, mixing thoroughly with a whisk. Then close the container with a lid, leaving no air void in it, wrap it in cellophane and a towel. Put the workpiece in a dark warm place for ripening. After 4 - 6 hours, when the mixture becomes dense, carefully transfer the container to the refrigerator without shaking it.

After two hours, the product will be ready. Properly cooked yogurt will keep in the refrigerator for up to two months. Next time, for starter, you can take 2 teaspoons of ready-made yoghurt per 1 liter of milk.

Attention! ONLY high-fat high-fat high-quality daily milk is suitable for making yogurt.

What is eaten with

Matsoni is quite self-sufficient. However, it can be eaten with oatmeal, bread, pastries, fruits, vegetables, jams, and nuts. From it you can cook a wide variety of culinary masterpieces. It is added to okroshka, soups, dough. It stews meat and fish. The extraordinary taste of this fermented milk delicacy allows you to use it as an additive to various salads. It has a dense paste-like consistency, therefore it perfectly replaces butter and sour cream, and is also an integral part of nutritious garlic paste. It is used to make pasta sauce. A refreshing drink called tang is made from it.

So, we see that the versatility of matsoni is limitless. Enjoy the pleasant taste of this miraculous fermented milk elixir. Be healthy and cheerful!

What is an avocado and how to eat it

Almost everything on our table comes from overseas countries, and at first was accepted by the people with great reluctance, if not more. The same potatoes, our second bread, Peter I literally slaughtered in Russia with his knee.

Avocados, too, at first no one indulged in attention - neither in Russia, nor in enlightened Europe. For a long time, people could not decide at all what it was, and, in the most literal sense, what it was eaten with.

In appearance and color - like our rutabagas, turnips, beets. Vegetables, in a nutshell. In the study, it turned out that the chemical composition is closer to vegetables.
But at the same time, avocado is the most natural fruit with a large bone inside. It grows on trees up to 20 m tall, where bright, shiny-skinned (yellowish, dark green and even purple) fruits sway in a lush spreading crown, like Christmas toys.

Avocado, otherwise "American Perseus", is also called the "alligator pear" for the green "crocodile" color of the fruit. This fruit tree belongs to the laurel family (Lauraceae), while being the closest relative of the laurel, a noble, sacred plant of ancient Greece, sung by poets.

Practical Israelis were the first to look at avocados, not from a good life, but out of great need. They also had hard times, when food on coupons and on cards, and there was a catastrophic lack of fat. And here is avocado with the taste of butter, if you add a little walnut.

Having studied its composition, they gasped ... The fruit turned out to be the champion in the amount of fat among fruits (up to 30%), second only to olives, and fats are easily digested, suitable for children, adults, patients, and athletes. And then vitamins were also found there in sufficient quantities (A, C, E, PP and group B), minerals (potassium, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and proteins.

Avocado comes from South America, more precisely from Mexico. The Aztecs, people, apparently, sensible, successfully used it. In modern Mexico, avocados are also highly valued. There they eat it in salads, sauces, cocktails, and tequila - as they say, both in the tail and in the mane. Even on a birthday, a beautifully packaged fruit, tied with a bow, is presented, as we are, for example, a white gold pendant studded with small diamonds.

With the light hand of Israel, which for the first time in the world grew avocados as an agricultural crop, plantations of this fruit can now be found in the USA, South America, the Caribbean, South Africa, Kenya and Spain. The main supplier of avocados to Russia is Israel.

Only ripe fruits are eaten, since the pulp of an unripe fruit is hard and tasteless, and an overripe one is oily and mushy. The ripe fruit is firm to the touch, but when pressed with a finger, a dent remains on the peel. It is better to buy slightly unripe avocados, and for ripening put in a paper bag along with a ripe apple or banana. And then store in the refrigerator at a temperature not lower than + 6ºС.

What is it eaten with?

Sauces, sandwiches, pâtés, cocktails and even ice cream are prepared from avocados. Due to its neutral taste, it goes well with many foods: ham, shrimp, crabs, boiled eggs, vegetables, fish.

Lemon or lime juice can be added to avocado-based dishes so that the flesh does not darken and the appearance of the dish does not deteriorate.

Avocado is a real lifesaver for the hostess, whose dinner is not yet ready, and the family is already banging spoons on the table.

Quickly knead the avocado pulp with a spoon, mix with everything that is currently at hand - finely chopped onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic on top, and sprinkle everything with lemon juice. Corn chips - instead of spoons, throw a can of cold beer to your husband, and you calmly finish your business in the kitchen.

It's worth a try!

If you have not yet fallen in love with avocados, try to overcome your dislike. Arrange half sliced ​​avocados on crispy toasted white bread, alternating with rows of salted shrimp, drizzle sour cream on top and garnish with fresh dill. Add a little bit of black caviar on top (everyone has plenty of this stuff), you won't regret it.

Avocado is a very satisfying and high-calorie fruit. It is almost twice as high in calories as lean meat. Quickly restores strength in athletes. But people who are prone to fullness should use it in limited quantities.

What does he treat?

Easily digestible vegetable fats make avocados suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

The presence of antioxidants (vitamins C and E) makes it an indispensable product for cardiovascular patients. Due to the low sodium content, it is especially recommended for hypertensive patients.

The special substances that make up this fruit protect the liver from the damaging effects of poisons.
