
Aroma of smoked sausage. Classification of sausages

Sausages are a type of food products made from salted minced meat with spices and subjected to a certain heat treatment. Today there is a huge number of various types and varieties: boiled sausages, raw-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages. They differ not only in the method of processing, but also in the type and composition of raw materials, in the pattern of minced meat on the cut and type of shell, in nutritional value and quality, which, in turn, is determined by the color, taste and smell of the product.

A bit of history

The first mention of sausage was found in the annals of ancient Greece, where it was about boiled or fried minced meat packed in pig stomachs. Gradually, the recipe for preparing this dish spread throughout the world, since merchants and sailors would certainly take such sausage with them on distant wanderings. It was then that people noticed that a well-prepared dish can be stored for more than a year without losing its taste.

The ancient Slavs also fell in love with sausage. They learned how to cook it no worse than other peoples. To prepare this dish, they used pork and beef giblets, which were densely stuffed with minced meat, lard, eggs, cereals and animal blood. Then the blanks were boiled and smoked over a fire.

In 1709, the first sausage factory appeared in Russia. By decree of Peter the Great, German meat specialists began to produce delicious sausages. Varieties, by the way, even then there were a lot. From that moment on, a fashion for sausage appeared in Russia, and today it is difficult to imagine life without this product. Modern butcher shops and departments of supermarkets are filled with a huge assortment of sausages, among which it is easy to find smoked, boiled, and dried varieties.


Depending on the composition and method of preparation, but regardless of the variety, sausages are divided into:

  • smoked (semi-smoked, raw-smoked, boiled-smoked);
  • boiled;
  • stuffed;
  • liver;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • sujuk;
  • meat loaves;
  • blood.

smoked sausages

These varieties of sausages contain the least amount of moisture. They have a pleasant taste and aroma and are stored longer. Semi-smoked products are nutritious because they contain a large amount of fat (about 40%). According to GOST, the sausage recipe includes the addition of predominantly trimmed beef meat of the 1st grade, lean pork and pork fat or brisket. For the manufacture of sausages of lower grades, it is allowed to use meat trimmings, pork and beef heads, protein stabilizer, starch or wheat flour.

Of course, the best grade of sausage (smoked or any other) is the highest. But others are in demand among the population. Consider a few items from each category:

  • the highest grade - "Krakow", "Tallinn", "Ukrainian fried" and others;
  • 1 grade - "Odessa", "Ukrainian" and others;
  • Grade 2 - "Lamb", "Polish" and others;
  • Grade 3 - "Special" (made from head meat and offal).

All varieties of raw smoked sausages have a peculiar aroma and spicy-salty taste. In the preparation of products of the highest grades, the best quality beef, lean pork, bacon or brisket are used. From spices, black and allspice, nutmeg or cardamom are usually added here. Cognac is added to some types of such sausages, Madeira is added to others.

The most common meat products of this type are:

  • the highest grade - "Grainy", "Pork", "Moscow", various servelets and salami, etc .;
  • Grade 1 - "Amateur".

Boiled-smoked and semi-smoked varieties of sausages have a mild and less spicy taste. Of the spices, garlic, pepper and nutmeg are usually used here. Among this type, the most common are:

  • the highest grade - "Delicacy", "Rostovskaya", "Servelat" and "Moskovskaya";
  • Grade 1 - "Amateur", "Lamb".

Boiled sausages

Probably the most popular sausages all over the world are boiled. They are made from salted minced meat and boiled at a temperature of +80˚С, therefore, regardless of the variety, boiled sausages are not stored for a long time, since they contain a large amount of liquid.

According to GOST standards and the rules for conducting the technological process for the preparation of products of this type, the following ingredients should be used: pork and beef meat salted for two days, bacon, tongues, milk and spices. At the same time, the meat is crushed and thoroughly mixed with the rest of the ingredients, the resulting mass is filled with a natural or artificial casing, boiled and then cooled.

Depending on the quality of the ingredients used, the prepared products are divided into:

  1. Boiled sausage of the highest grade. For cooking, premium beef, lean pork, bacon and spices (nutmeg, pepper, cardamom, garlic) are used.
  2. Boiled sausage 1 grade. According to the recipe, for the manufacture of such products, beef of the 1st grade, pork, bacon, vegetable protein, spices, salt, and garlic are used.
  3. Sausages 2 grades. They include 2 grade beef, trimmings, pork, bacon, vegetable protein, flour, spices, garlic.

The range of products of the highest grade - low-fat sausages. The most popular here are Doctor's, Dairy, Russian, Veal and many others.

Boiled sausages of the first grade are such products as "Ordinary", "Canteen", "Ham", etc.

In the assortment of the 2nd grade, the most popular products are known as "Tea", "Youth", etc.


Elite boiled sausages of the highest grade are stuffed. Such products have a delicate and refined taste. In addition, they are attractive due to the complexity of the special pattern that can be achieved through the use of a variety of ingredients: selected veal meat with the addition of lean pork, loose or crumbled bacon, blood mass, tongue, milk, butter, eggs and pistachios.

In appearance, these are very massive products with filling. Varieties of boiled sausages of this type also include tongue products. According to GOST, in the recipe for their preparation, top-grade beef meat and boiled tongues, hard and semi-hard bacon, lean pork, salt, sugar and spices are used.

Stuffed sausages can only be of the highest quality, as they contain the best quality ingredients. The manufacture of such sausages is entrusted only to experienced and skilled craftsmen. This is one of the most expensive types of sausages in the world.

Meat loaves

This type of sausages is prepared according to the recipes of the corresponding names of boiled sausages and baked in molds. In appearance, they resemble panned bread. Unlike the usual varieties of boiled sausages, the resulting products have a denser consistency. There are three types of meat loaves:

  • the highest (from minced meat for products of the highest grade) - "Custom" and "Amateur";
  • 1 grade (from minced meat for sausage 1 grade) - “Ham”, “Beef”, etc.;
  • Grade 2 (from sausage minced meat 2 grades) - "Tea".

Sausages, sausages, sausages

Another variety of boiled sausages. A distinctive feature of sausages and wieners is the absence of bacon, small shape and size of the bars. They are made from fresh, chilled, cooled or frozen meat. For premium products, fatty varieties of pork and beef are used, while pork sausages and sausages must contain exclusively pork.

If chopped bacon and spices are added to minced meat, then this is called spicachki. This dish came to Russia from Poland relatively recently, however, certain requirements are put forward for its production, reflected in the TU (technical conditions).

All meat products of this group are represented by two grades: the highest and the first. Gradation, as well as for other types of meat products, depends on the quality of the incoming ingredients.

Liver sausages

Liver sausage is made from beef and pork liver, kidneys, lungs and other offal. Most often, a natural casing is used, which is tightly stuffed with tender pasty minced meat. There are the following varieties of such sausages:

  1. The highest is "Egg". Beef meat, beef liver, fatty pork, chicken eggs, wheat flour and spices are added to the composition of such a sausage.
  2. Grade 1 - "Boiled Liver", "Ordinary", "Smoked Liver", etc. Pork liver or beef and pork cheeks are used for cooking. According to GOST, it can be cooked or additionally smoked.
  3. Grade 2 - "Liver with bacon". The composition of such a sausage may include meat, offal, chopped bacon and wheat flour.
  4. Grade 3 - "Liver vegetable" and "Liver boiled". Here, offal of a low category is used for cooking, and a lung is added instead of the liver. Such sausage can contain up to 20% of boiled cereals or legumes.


Made from pre-prepared, boiled and chopped offal. Cooked minced meat is stuffed into pork stomachs and boiled at a temperature of 80 ° C, cooled and pressed.

This type of sausage is made from bacon, pork and beef meat, offal and spices with the addition of defibrinated blood. They are distinguished by a darker color, the aroma of spices and the taste of blood.

There are four varieties of black pudding, differing in the content of meat, the presence of offal and flour:

  • the highest - "Bloody smoked", "Home";
  • Grade 1 - "Boiled", "Smoked", "Peasant";
  • Grade 2 - "Smoked";
  • 3rd grade - "Smoked vegetable", "Darnitskaya".


A variety of or beef with beef or lamb fat. This product is not subjected to heat treatment like other sausages, but dried. Usually, sujuk contains many spices and spices.

How to choose

To date, the range of sausages presented in grocery stores is huge. And not always the marks "Extra", "Premium" or "Lux" indicate the good quality of the product. Often this turns out to be a marketing ploy of the manufacturer.

The fact that you have a boiled product of good quality in front of you can be indicated by the inscription GOST R 52196-2003. It is equally important when buying boiled sausages, frankfurters, sausages and other sausages to pay attention to the presentation and shelf life of the goods.

For boiled sausages packed in a natural casing, the shelf life does not exceed 5 days. Sausage packed in an artificial casing can be stored for up to 45 days under optimal conditions. If the shelf life does not match, it means that the manufacturer used synthetic additives in the manufacture of this product, which is a violation of the requirements of GOST.

It is worth noting that the surface of a quality product is always dry and clean, and the shell fits snugly against the meat loaf. Gray spots on the cut are a sign of a violation of the sausage preparation process.

It is necessary to pay attention to the storage conditions of meat loaves. The optimum storage temperature for sausages and sausage products should not exceed +8 ˚С at a relative humidity of 75%.

If during the consumption of the product there is a taste of paper, then this is a clear sign of the presence of a large amount of starch in it, which is a clear violation of state quality standards.

GOST for sausages: changes in recipes

According to unofficial statistics, only about 15% of meat and sausage products manufactured in accordance with the generally accepted requirements of GOST are present on the modern market. The rest of the products are manufactured according to specifications. Undoubtedly, this phenomenon is reflected in the quality of the products offered.

In fact, the composition of sausages does not always correspond to the ingredients specified in GOST. Often they contain fillers in the form of chicken fillet, potato starch, soy protein, flour or concentrated connective tissue proteins. The composition of some products does not meet the prescribed standards at all.

The quality of such products is determined by organoleptic and laboratory methods. Products should be allowed for sale, for which the indicators of laboratory tests, depending on the type of sausage, correspond to the permissible values:

  • the mass fraction of edible salt varies between 1.5-3.5%;
  • mass fraction of potato starch: in boiled sausages - from 1 to 3%, and in liver sausages - up to 5%;
  • the mass fraction of nitrites in boiled sausages is up to 0.005%, in other sausages there should be no nitrites at all.

Sausages- these are ready-to-eat products made from minced meat, offal, fat, spices, subjected to heat treatment until they are ready for use.

During mechanical processing, inedible, low-nutrient parts (bones, cartilage, tendons) are removed from meat, crushed and formed into large-sized products. Physical and chemical processing of meat is salting, ripening, roasting, boiling, smoking.

The nutritional value of sausages is higher than the value of the raw materials, since during the production of sausages, inedible and low-nutrient parts (bones, cartilage, tendons) are removed from meat and highly nutritious products (pork fat, powdered milk, eggs, etc.) are added.

The chemical composition of sausages is given in the table. Depending on the technology and raw materials, sausages are divided into boiled, stuffed, semi-smoked, smoked, liver, blood, meat loaves, pates, brawns and jellies.

Name of products

Mass fraction, %

Energy value


Sausages boiled

Semi-smoked sausages

Raw smoked sausages

Cooked-smoked sausages

Hams boiled

Large-sized raw smoked products

According to the nature of the mechanical processing, sausages are divided into minced products (minced sausages) and large-sized products (they are called smoked meats). Depending on the method of physical and chemical processing, minced sausages are divided into boiled, baked and smoked. Boiled sausages include boiled, stuffed, liver, blood, sausages and sausages, brawns; to baked - meat loaves and pastes; to smoked - semi-smoked, boiled-smoked and raw-smoked sausages. Large-sized sausage products, depending on the nature and characteristics of technological processing, are divided into boiled, smoked-boiled, smoked-baked and smoked.

2. Characteristics of raw materials and production of sausages

Main raw material for the manufacture of sausages are beef, pork, lamb, offal, pork fat or brisket, tail fat, poultry meat, rabbits.

Auxiliary raw materials are eggs, milk, butter, cheeses, starch, wheat flour, cereals, sausage casings. Salt, sugar, black and allspice pepper, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, pistachios, and garlic are added to the minced meat to give the sausages a sharpness, a peculiar taste and smell. Wine (Madera or Cahors), cognac is added to the minced meat of some sausages. Sodium nitrite is used to preserve a pink-red color in products that does not collapse during heat treatment.

To obtain sausages, cooled, chilled and thawed meat is used. Boiled sausages of the best quality are obtained from cooled and chilled meat of young animals, and meat of adult animals is used for semi-smoked and smoked ones.

The main material of minced meat is beef. Beef used in the production of sausages, after being freed from bones (deboning of carcasses), adipose tissue and tendons, large blood and lymphatic vessels (trimming) is divided into the following grades: the highest - pure muscle tissue without visible inclusions of connective and fatty tissues; 1st contains up to 6% connective tissue; 2nd to 20% connective tissue.

Pork is used to improve the taste and nutritional properties of products. According to the fat content, pork is classified into lean - muscle tissue with a fat content of not more than 10%; bold with a fat content of 30-50%; fatty 50-85% fat.

Minced meat contains various types of fats. Basically, this is intermuscular pork fat, bacon, raw beef and mutton fat, fat tail fat, and internal fats. Depending on the location on the carcass, pork fat is divided into spinal, lateral and soft.

Spinal bacon - solid, it is removed from the spinal part of the pork carcass. It has a dense texture and is used to produce sausages of the highest grades. Side fat is semi-solid, it is obtained from the side parts of the carcass and from the brisket, has layers of meat, is used for making stuffed sausages and boiled sausages of the 1st and 2nd grades. The soft fat is cut off from the flank and used in a finely ground form as fatty pork for the production of sausages, sausages, and other sausages. For the manufacture of lamb, horse and other sausages, fat tail fat is mainly used.

Mutton is used to produce only some sausages, since the specific taste and smell of lamb are preserved in finished products.

Offal is used to produce stuffed sausages, for some boiled, liver, etc.

For boiled sausages, sausages and sausages, fresh meat is the best, as it has good moisture capacity, but after salting it is not kept. Meat for boiled sausages after salting is cut to destroy its fibrous structure, increase the viscosity and plasticity of minced meat, and evenly mix muscle tissue with fat. To prevent overheating during cutting, flake ice and chilled pasteurized skimmed milk are added to minced meat for boiled sausages, and frozen meat is added to minced meat for smoked sausages. In addition, dry or wet milk protein, sodium caseinate, protein fortifier, light blood serum (plasma) and other proteins of animal or vegetable origin are added to minced meat for boiled sausages and meat loaves of the 1st and 2nd grades, and as binders substances - starch or flour.

Reception of raw materials at meat processing plants, it is accompanied by mandatory sanitary and veterinary control (a sanitary doctor and a veterinarian examine the incoming raw materials and issue a conclusion on suitability for processing). After acceptance, a dry toilet is carried out, the stamps are cut off, then the raw material goes to the refrigerator, where it is stored at a temperature of - 12 0 C. The meat is defrosted at a temperature of +20-+22 0 C for 1 day. After defrosting, the meat goes to the raw material shop. In the raw material shop, meat is cut, deboned and trimmed. The temperature in it is 12 0 C, humidity 70%. Deboning (separation from the bone) and trimming (separation of fat, tendons, fascia, large blood vessels, etc.) are carried out in the raw material shop on special tables.

meat ambassador carried out to give softness, plasticity, proper organoleptic and storage stability. The following operations are carried out in the curing shop: preliminary grinding, mixing with the curing mixture, holding. Preliminary grinding is carried out on a top - large meat grinders - (meat with a temperature of +8 0 C). Then the resulting mass is mixed with curing mixture in mixers for 3-4 minutes. When salting, sodium nitrite is added to the brine to give a pink color to the products. It is stored in a separate room in a container with the appropriate label. The dosage should be such that the residual amount of sodium nitrite in the finished product does not exceed 3-5 mg. It is kept for ripening at a temperature of 2-4°C, at which the viscosity, plasticity and moisture capacity of sausage meat increase. The duration depends on the type of salting and the degree of preliminary grinding (boiled sausage when salted in concentrated brine 6-24 hours, when salted with dry salt 12-24 hours, when salted in pieces 48 hours; semi-smoked sausage 18-28 hours at different degrees of grinding 72 hours when salted in pieces; boiled-smoked 1-4 days). Exposure improves the taste and tenderness of sausages. Sausages made from uncured meat have crumbly minced meat and low taste, while semi-smoked sausages made from such meat produce poor minced meat with edema of fat and broth.

After aging, the meat is minced meat. First of all, secondary grinding is carried out to the degree provided by the standard; it is made immediately before the preparation of minced meat. Grinding is carried out using a cutter. Cuttering lasts 3-10 minutes, at the end of its minced meat temperature should be 18 0 C. When grinding, drinking-quality water or food ice (15-40% of the meat mass) is added to the meat. Then the components of minced meat are mixed: mixers are used to obtain heterogeneous minced meat (lard is cut on lard cutters at a temperature of - 1 0 C). For homogeneous minced meat, cuttering is used for 6 minutes.

Ready stuffing enters injection shop, where shells are filled with it. Sausage casings give sausages a certain shape, protect them from contamination, exposure to microorganisms and moisture loss. Both natural and artificial shells are used. Natural casings include beef, lamb and pork intestines, bladders and esophagus, processed in a special way. There are several types of artificial casings: viscose, proteinaceous (protein), cellophane, parchment and polyethylene materials.

For smoked sausages, the minced meat is kept for uniform coloring during the day, and the minced meat for other types of sausages is immediately filled with prepared casings with syringes under pressure; minced meat loaves and pates are placed in molds.

Minced smoked sausages are injected tightly, boiled - less tightly, but so that voids - "lanterns" do not form. Due to the poor thermal conductivity of the air, minced meat in these places does not warm up enough, therefore, favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms can be created. Gray spots on the cut of such sausages appear as a result of the action of denitrifying bacteria that reduce nitrite to nitrogen. Excessively dense stuffing of boiled sausages can lead to a rupture of the casing as a result of an increase in the volume of minced meat during cooking.

Then the sausage loaves are tied with twine in order to compact the minced meat and make it easier to hang the loaves during heat treatment and storage. Ready ones are hung on frames so that the loaves do not touch each other. Each frame is accompanied by a passport, which indicates the grade, date of manufacture, shift. After that, the loaves are left on the sediment at a temperature of +4-8 0 C and a humidity of 80-85% for 2-4 hours for boiled sausages, 4-6 hours for semi-smoked sausages.

Draft, i.e. compaction of minced meat and drying of the casing, for half-smoked sausages lasts 2-4 hours (without sediment, the sausages are very wrinkled), for boiled-smoked 1-2 days, and for raw-smoked 5-7 days (at 2-4 ° C); during the sedimentation of raw smoked sausages, enzymatic maturation of minced meat and its compaction occurs.

After upsetting, the loaves are sent to the workshop heat treatment. First, roasting is carried out, until the surface of the loaves turns red for drying, browning and compaction due to the denaturation of the proteins of the intestinal membrane. The stuffing of long loaves during frying turns bright red as a result of the reaction of nitric oxide with myoglobin and the formation of nitrosomyoglobin, sausages acquire a specific smell and taste. Insufficiently fried sausages are pale, when moistened loaves are roasted, the shell has dark stripes, the contact of loaves during frying causes the appearance of slips - grayish spots that become mucilaginous during storage of products. Boiled sausages are fried at a temperature of 90-110 0 C until the surface of the loaves turns red; semi-smoked at a temperature of 80-100 0 C for 60-90 minutes.

After frying the sausage brew in steam chambers at a temperature of 75-85°C from 0.5 to 3 hours, depending on the diameter of the loaves: for boiled sausage at a temperature of 75-85 0 C until reaching 70-73 0 C inside the loaves, for semi-smoked sausage at a temperature of 70- 73 0 C until 68 0 C is reached inside the loaf. As a result of cooking, proteins coagulate, collagen turns into glutin, enzymes are destroyed, nitrosomyoglobin turns into nitrosohemochrogen, most of the vegetative forms of microorganisms die. In uncooked minced meat, souring is possible, in overcooked - shell breaks, sagging, dryness and insufficient density of loaves.

After cooking goes cooling: first under a shower with water at a temperature of 10 0 C for 10-30 minutes. Then the process continues in cooling chambers with a temperature of +4 0 C and a humidity of 95% for 4-8 hours. Boiled-smoked sausages can cool at room temperature for 5-7 hours.

Smoking is carried out in order to give the product organoleptic properties and increase shelf life. Semi-smoked sausages are smoked at a temperature of 35-50 0 С for 12-24 hours, boiled-smoked at 70-80 0 С for 1-2 hours (primary) and at 40-45 0 С for 24 hours (secondary). To reduce humidity and improve organoleptic properties, smoked sausages are dried at a temperature of +12 0 C until the desired consistency is reached.

For finished products, the terms of storage and sale are established: boiled sausage of the highest grade 72 hours, grades 1 and 2 48 hours (at 8 0 C); semi-smoked, boiled-smoked sausage 10 days (at 12 0 C); boiled pork, bacon 72 hours.

The production of each type of sausage products has its own characteristics.

3. Production of smoked sausages

Smoked sausages, unlike other sausages, have a dense elastic texture, a sharp salty taste and a pleasant aroma. They are highly nutritious, as they contain a lot of fat (25-60%), proteins (21-22%). Smoked sausages contain little moisture (25-38%) and therefore are well preserved for a long time.

According to the method of production, smoked sausages are divided into two types: raw smoked (hard-smoked, or winter) and smoked-boiled (summer).

1) Raw smoked sausages- the product of the longest (from sausages) cooking. As a result of successive processes of salting meat, cooking minced meat, aging "raw sausage", smoking and drying, the product acquires a specific aroma and taste, the consistency thickens, the so-called "granularity" is formed (pieces of bacon are clearly visible in minced sausage separately from lean meat).

Raw smoked sausage owes its exquisite taste to smoke. In addition to a pleasant taste, some smoke fractions, penetrating into the product, contribute to the stability of the product during storage. In other words, smoking is one of the methods of preservation. Smoked sausages with a high fat content have a significantly longer shelf life.

Raw smoked sausages are made from salted beef of the highest and 1st grade, pork, pork belly or hard bacon, salt, sugar, nitrites, black and allspice pepper, nutmeg, Madeira wine or cognac are added.

Raw-smoked sausages differ from boiled-smoked sausages in a denser texture, darker minced meat and lower moisture content.

A feature of the production of raw smoked sausages is that the prepared raw materials are kept for maturation at a temperature of 0-2 ° C for 3-7 days, then minced meat is prepared. Minced meat is stuffed into the shells tightly enough so that there are no voids, and the loaves are subjected to a longer draft for 7-10 days. Long loaves are not fried or boiled, but are cold smoked with smoke from beech, oak, alder sawdust at a smoke temperature of 18-22°C for 5 to 7 days. After smoking, the loaves are dried at a temperature of 12°C for 25-30 days to a solid consistency and a moisture content of not more than 30%.

Smoking and drying are carried out gradually, avoiding sharp fluctuations in temperature and strong air currents. Intensive dehydration of minced smoked sausage causes warping of loaves and the formation of a compacted layer (hardening) near the casing.

The components of the smoke, which are impregnated with smoked products, have a bactericidal effect. During smoking, sausages acquire specific taste, aroma and color as a result of the complex effect of smoke, heat and other factors.

In raw smoked sausages, the shell is dark brown with a white coating of exposed salt; minced meat from pink to dark red; dense consistency; the taste is pleasant, with the aroma of spices and smoked meats. The moisture content of these sausages is not more than 30%.

Phenols, volatile organic acids and aldehydes are involved in the formation of the specific taste and aroma of smoked sausages, which are able to react with proteins and form compounds that affect the aroma and taste of the product. The properties of smoked products are most affected by phenols, which slow down the oxidation of fat, and together with acids and other substances, cause the death or suppression of the development of microorganisms.

According to the composition of minced meat, raw smoked sausages are divided into sausages containing brisket and sausages containing bacon. Depending on the quality of raw materials, raw smoked sausages are divided into the highest and the 1st grade.

Beef sausage is prepared from beef and beef fat, Pork - from lean pork and brisket, Servelat - from beef, lean and fatty pork, Maykop - from lean and bold pork.

Currently, some meat processing enterprises are using additives, the so-called raw smoked sausage maturation accelerators. These additives significantly reduce the ripening period to 15 days or even less, while without them, the sausage "reaches" in 30-40 days. Many experts believe that a decrease in the ripening period of raw smoked sausage leads to a decrease in its quality.

How ripe the sausage is can be determined by touch: the loaf must be firm. A darker cut of a loaf means that beef predominates in the composition of the product, a lighter cut indicates a greater percentage of pork. The shell should fit snugly against the loaf.

Raw smoked sausages are both fine-grained (like "Servelat") and coarse-grained (like "Pork"). It is important that the bacon pieces are white, even and whole.

It is better not to store sausage at home in polyethylene. The best storage temperature is from 0 to +6 ° C. Sausage is most delicious within 4 months, becoming more and more dried and valuable over time. Before serving, it is better to hold raw smoked sausage at room temperature for a while, hanging it like an onion.

2) Boiled-smoked sausages have the same recipe as raw smoked sausages of the same names. The production of cooked smoked sausages is similar to the production of raw smoked sausages, but they are double smoked. The difference is that the sediment lasts 1-2 days, followed by primary smoking for about 2 days at a smoke temperature of 40-43 ° C and then boiling and cooling. The cooled loaves are again smoked at a temperature of 24-32°C for 12-24 hours and dried for up to 15 days. The moisture content in cooked smoked sausages is higher than in raw smoked sausages by about 10% and their consistency is less dense. The shell of boiled-smoked sausages is dark brown in color, the consistency is elastic.

In modern meat processing industries, the following technology for the preparation of boiled-smoked sausages is provided.

In the production of boiled-smoked sausages, the selection of raw materials is the most important. It is not recommended to use young meat, DFD and PSE meat. DFD meat has less flavor, resulting in less flavor in the finished product. Its ability to bind water is too great, and this complicates the drying process. It is also undesirable to use PSE-meat in the production of boiled-smoked sausages, as it is pale and soft, drying is too fast, and color formation deteriorates.

To achieve the necessary organoleptic characteristics of the finished product and protect it from microbiological spoilage, salting of the meat is carried out. The ambassador is a complex set of processes that are different in nature. During salting, the following processes occur: accumulation of curing substances in the meat in the required quantities and their uniform distribution over the volume of the product; change in moisture and moisture-binding capacity of meat; change in the microstructure of the product due to the specific development of enzymatic processes in the presence of curing substances and due to mechanical influences; taste and aroma formation as a result of the development of enzymatic and microbiological processes and the use of flavoring substances and flavors in the composition of curing mixtures; product color stabilization.

Trimmed meat for boiled-smoked sausages is recommended to be salted in pieces or in the form of meal. Salted raw materials in pieces are kept at 3 ± 1 °C for 2-4 days, raw materials in the form of meal - 1-2 days. It is possible to introduce nitrite during salting.

In the production of boiled-smoked sausages, the meat must be subjected to such a degree of grinding at which the cell structure is basically preserved, which contributes to a more intensive moisture exchange during the subsequent drying of the sausages. At the same time, the degree of grinding should be so high that the minced meat turns out to be a homogeneous and monolithic consistency.

Not every fatty raw material is suitable for the production of boiled-smoked sausages. It is recommended to use dense bacon with a high content of fatty components with a high melting point. Soft adipose tissues have low melting points, which leads to smearing of fat in the product and rapid rancidity.

Glucono-delta-lactone (GDL) is one of the substances that improve the color of boiled-smoked sausages. Being a lactone of gluconic acid, in an aqueous solution it is relatively slowly converted into gluconic acid, which is accompanied by a decrease in pH. In addition to improving the color, GDL helps to reduce the microbial contamination of the product. GDL can be used in conjunction with bacterial preparations.

The use of starter cultures in the production of boiled-smoked sausages helps to suppress the growth of putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria in raw meat before heat treatment; the formation of a uniform stable color of the finished product due to the enzyme nitrate reductase; the formation of excellent aroma due to specific metabolites. The use of dyes when using starter cultures is optional.

Boiled-smoked sausages are made in two ways.

The first way: from pre-salted raw materials on a mixer or cutter in mixing mode.

The second way: from frozen raw materials on cutters designed for grinding frozen meat. It is recommended to add salt at the very end of chopping to obtain a clear pattern when preparing minced meat of cooked-smoked sausages with a servelat pattern, since the introduction of salt makes the minced meat viscosity and stickiness.

It is allowed to use a mixture containing at least 50% frozen meat and not more than 50% salted meat for the preparation of minced meat of boiled-smoked sausages. When preparing minced meat, first, pre-crushed frozen raw materials are loaded, and then raw materials aged in salting.

It is recommended to fill the shells with minced meat with hydraulic and rotary syringes to obtain a clear pattern. It is necessary to monitor the filling density of the shells. The air that got into the minced meat during injection into collagen or natural casings is removed by stripping (piercing).

Draft of boiled-smoked sausages is an obligatory operation of heat treatment of sausages. The precipitation takes place in special chambers, where a certain temperature and humidity regime is maintained. Boiled-smoked sausages are subjected to sediment for at least 24 hours. Sausages that have passed the draft are roasted much better, since less moisture is released, which slows down the roasting process and often leads to the precipitation of resin and soot. During sedimentation, some compaction of minced meat occurs, drying of the shell, and the development of reactions associated with color stabilization continues.

Before heat treatment, it is necessary to warm the sausage loaves to a temperature in the center of the loaf of 12-14 °C.

Roasting increases the mechanical strength of the shell and the surface layer of the product; the surface of the product turns brownish-red and a pleasant specific smell and taste of smoke substances appear. During roasting, when the temperature in the thickness of the product rises to 25-35 ° C, there comes a moment favorable for the development of microflora and an increase in enzyme activity. This promotes color development. Methmyoglobin is reduced with the formation of nitrosomyoglobin with the participation of tissue reducing substances and the enzyme nitrite reductase, which stimulates the conversion of nitrite into nitric oxide.

In case of insufficient temperature, the duration of roasting increases, which accelerates the decomposition of nitrite to molecular nitrogen. At the same time, the coloring disappears, the minced meat becomes "spongy". The surface of the product is capable of maximum adsorption of smoke substances only if it is freed from excess moisture. However, drying should not be excessive as this will constrict the capillaries in the surface layer of the product. For normal roasting, it is necessary that the surface of the product has a certain moisture content.

Boiled-smoked sausages are smoked after cooking. The denaturation of proteins and the almost complete destruction of the vegetative microflora in minced meat make it possible to use higher smoking temperatures, and hence reduce the duration of the process. These sausages are smoked at 35-50°C for 24 and 12 hours. Simultaneously with the actual smoking, the product is dehydrated. For the first time, boiled-smoked sausages are smoked before cooking at 50-60 ° C for 60-120 minutes. In this mode, smoking is not much different from roasting.

After cooking, the sausages are cooled at 10-15 °C for 3-5 hours, and then smoked for 24 hours at 40-50 °C or 48 hours at 30-35 °C. In the process of smoking sausages lose up to 10% of the moisture of the initial mass.

4. Assortment of smoked sausages

4.1 Raw smoked sausages

Raw smoked sausages - one of the elite expensive products. Currently, a lot of types of raw smoked sausages are produced, we will give only the most famous and popular ones.

Moscow sausage, top grade - this classic raw-smoked product has a special aroma and taste due to the use of old Russian production technology with a unique smoking method. The composition of the product includes premium beef with the addition of diced bacon (contains 75% premium beef and 25% spinal bacon), natural spices with nutmeg flavor. The products have a fairly long shelf life, and the packaging of the product in bags under vacuum preserves its quality indicators. Nutritional value of 100 g of the product: protein - not less than 25 g, fat - not more than 42 g.

Pork Ostankino sausage, the highest grade is the most popular raw-smoked sausage in Russia. Delicate minced meat from various varieties of pork with the addition of pork fat is emphasized by the aroma of garlic, pepper and cognac (contains 40% lean pork and 60% pork belly, cut into rectangular bars 10-22 mm long and 4-5 mm wide). Produced in loaves, in the form of serving slices, packed under vacuum, and in loaves in decorative spice sprinkling.

Cervelat, premium - produced from premium beef (25%), lean pork (25%), fatty (50%), add cardamom or nutmeg and pepper. Mince - pink, with "marbling". Contains pieces of fatty pork no larger than 4 mm. Loaves of straight or slightly curved shape, 15-50 cm long. Raw-smoked Servelat gives a special piquancy to the taste of the pork belly included in its composition. "Servelat" is produced in loaves and in the form of serving cuts packed under vacuum.

capital sausage, top grade - made from high-quality pork and beef with the addition of pork bacon (contains 35% beef of the highest grade, 35% lean pork and 30% back fat, cut into small cubes of 3 mm), has a beautiful pattern on the cut and a uniform dense structure with inclusions of finely ground fat. The spicy composition of black and allspice, cardamom and nutmeg is emphasized by the delicate aroma of cognac. It is produced in loaves and in the form of serving cuts packed under vacuum. Loaves - straight, with three dressings at an equal distance. The use of various casings and serving cutting of the product add variety, give an attractive appearance and increase the consumer properties of the product. Nutritional value of 100 g of the product: protein - not less than 24 g, fat - not more than 43 g.

Braunschweig Ostankino sausage, the highest grade is one of the most popular varieties of raw smoked sausage. The taste qualities of the sausage are formed due to the content of low-fat pork, which acquires a special ham taste and aroma in the process of maturation, enhanced by smoking products. Spicy-spicy flavor and nutmeg aroma are acquired by the product through the use of a mixture of natural spices. The products are distinguished by a long technological process of production, which results in a product of the highest quality. Produced in loaves, in the form of serving slices, packed under vacuum, and in loaves in a decorative sprinkling of aromatic spices.

New sausage - relatively inexpensive raw smoked sausage made of beef and pork fat with the aroma of cardamom, red and black pepper. It is produced in loaves and in the form of serving cuts packed under vacuum.

Salami- composition: beef, bacon, pork skin, food salt, food additive, cognac, cinnamon, ground black pepper, ground allspice, ground nutmeg, color-preserving substances: sodium nitrite. Excellent taste, naturalness, aroma and long shelf life: at a temperature of 12°С to 15°С and a relative humidity of 75-78% it is good for 4 months, from minus 2 to minus 4°C it is good for 6 months, from minus 7 to minus 9°C for no more than 9 months, in serving cuts at a temperature of 0 to 6°C it is good for no more than 8 days.

Salami Italian- made from beef with a large amount of fine-grained pork fat. Unusual piquant taste is achieved through spices and spices, which are specially brought from Italy. It is produced in loaves and in the form of serving cuts packed under vacuum.

Jewish Delicacy, the highest grade - in accordance with the traditional national specifics, the sausage is made only from the highest grade beef with the addition of a small amount of specially selected beef fat, which creates a fine-grained pattern of minced meat. Piquant sharpness is created by black and allspice, garlic, cardamom and nutmeg. In order to emphasize the delicate aroma of spices, cognac is used in the "Jewish Delicatessen". Produced in loaves, in the form of serving slices, packed under vacuum, and in loaves in decorative spice sprinkling.

Sheremetyevskaya, the highest grade - an elite sausage made according to the original recipe from beef and pork with the addition of pork fat. Sausage with a delicate aroma of allspice and cardamom can be made in a decorative sprinkle of spices and fragrant spices.

Old Slavonic sausage- a relatively inexpensive raw smoked beef and pork sausage with the aroma of red pepper, garlic and cardamom. Produced in loaves, in the form of serving slices, packed under vacuum, and in loaves in decorative spice sprinkling.

Neva premium - e cast raw smoked sausage with the highest quality indicators. It has an appetizing appearance and harmonious taste completeness due to the production of the highest grades of meat according to the old traditional technology using a multi-component mixture of spices. A significant content of low-fat pork, which acquires a pleasant taste and smell of ham during long-term maturation, forms the taste of the product, shaded by the persistent aroma of various spices, smoking and cognac. Nutritional value of 100 g of the product: protein - not less than 30 g, fat - not more than 50 g. Calorie content: 534 kcal.

Sausages "Hussar" - are made from pork and pork fat with a small addition of beef. Garlic and spices give a bright taste to sausages, and a natural shell - lamb casing - provides an elegant shape.

Russian first class - high-quality beef and pork are used in the production of this sausage. The characteristic aroma and pleasant sharpness of the product is given by the use of nutmeg and red ground pepper in combination with fresh garlic. Nutritional value of 100 g of the product: protein - not less than 25 g, fat - not more than 45 g.

Raw-smoked "Sausages for beer"- sharp, but balanced taste of these original-looking products allows you to use them with the famous drink - beer. It is a unique product with fine grain structure, beautiful appearance and easy to use shape. Available only in natural casing. Nutritional value of 100 g of the product: protein - not less than 23.8 g, fat - not more than 44.5 g.

4.2 Cooked-smoked sausages

Cooked-smoked sausages Depending on the quality of raw materials, they are divided into the highest and the 1st grade.

sausage whip- composition: pork, beef, bacon, drinking water, pork skin, table salt, complex spices, color-preserving substances: sodium nitrite. Natural casing in vacuum packing. Storage conditions: at temperatures up to 0 to 6 ° C in a vacuum package, it is good for no more than 12 days.

Carpathian (with cheese) - cheese, which is part of this product, gives it a unique piquant taste. Ingredients: beef, bacon, pork, hard cheese, pork skin, drinking water, table salt, complex spices, color-preserving substances: sodium nitrite.

Vienna sausage- composition: beef, bacon, pork, drinking water, table salt, complex spices, color-preserving substances: sodium nitrite.

special sausage- composition: beef, pork, salt, cognac, granulated sugar, ground black pepper, ground allspice, ground nutmeg, color-preserving substances: sodium nitrite. Storage conditions: at a temperature of 12°C to 15°C and a relative humidity of 75-78% good for 4 months, from minus 2 to minus 4°C good for 6 months, from minus 7 to minus 9°C not more than 9 months, in serving slices at a temperature of 0 to 6 ° C, it is good for no more than 8 days.

Kremlin sausage - the product is made from selected raw materials of special salting, which gives it excellent taste characteristics and persistent aroma. Special flavoring and aromatic additives give individuality to the product. Shelf life and storage conditions: 15 days at t from 12 to 15 °C; 1 month at t from 0 to 4 °C. Nutritional value of 100 g of the product: protein - not less than 18 g, fat - not more than 36 g. Calorie content: 398 kcal.

Servelat traditional- composition: beef, bacon, drinking water, vegetable protein, food salt, complex food additives, food coloring: fermented rice, color-preserving substances: sodium nitrite. Nutritional value (per 100 g of product): protein - 13 g, fat - 40 g, calorie content - 345 kcal. Storage conditions: at a temperature of 0° to 6° and a relative humidity of 75-78% it is good for 15 days, at a temperature of minus 7° to minus 9° it is good for 3 months.

Servelat Russian- composition: beef, bacon, pork, drinking water, genetically modified soy protein, edible table salt, dry milk, a complex mixture of spices, garlic, color-preserving substances: sodium nitrite. Storage conditions: at a temperature of 0 to 4°C and a relative humidity of 75-78%, it is good for no more than 30 days, at a temperature of minus 7 to minus 9°C, it is good for no more than 4 months.

Servelat Muscat- thanks to the addition of ground nutmeg and cardamom, it has a unique, refined taste. Ingredients: beef, bacon, drinking water, genetically modified soy protein, edible table salt, granulated sugar, ground black pepper, ground nutmeg, ground cardamom, ground red pepper, water-retaining agents: food phosphate, color-preserving substances: nitrite sodium. Storage conditions: at a temperature of 0 to 6°C and a relative humidity of 75-78% is good for 30 days, at a temperature of minus 7 to minus 9°C is good for 4 months.

Moscow traditional- composition: beef, bacon, drinking water, vegetable protein, table salt, granulated sugar, complex food additives, food coloring: fermented rice, color-preserving substances: sodium nitrite. Nutritional value (per 100 g of product): protein - 12 g, fat - 36 g, calorie content - 322 kcal.

Moscow Premium- the production of sausage according to the traditional technology from aged and cured beef of the highest grade with the addition of crumbled bacon gives it exquisite taste characteristics and aroma, which are enhanced by the use of nutmeg. The method of heat treatment and the reduced moisture content make it possible to extend the shelf life of the product while maintaining its quality. Shelf life and storage conditions: 15 days at t from 12 to 15 °C; 1 month at t from 0 to 4 °C. Nutritional value of 100 g of the product: protein - not less than 20 g, fat - not more than 37 g. Calorie content: 406 kcal.

Festive sausage- composition: beef, bacon, drinking water, genetically modified soy protein, table salt, complex spices, ground black pepper, ground cinnamon, color-preserving substances: sodium nitrite.

Storage conditions for these sausages: at a temperature of 0 to 6°C and a relative humidity of 75-78% is good for 15 days, at a temperature of minus 7 to minus 9°C is good for 3 months.

Cooked-smoked sausages made according to the classical technology can serve both as a decoration for a festive table and as an appetizing component of a sandwich. Smoking with sawdust of the best species of deciduous trees gives the products a pleasant aroma.

5. Quality indicators of smoked sausages

Smoked sausages must have a clean, dry surface, without stains, slips, damage to the casing, or minced meat. The consistency of smoked sausages is dense. Minced meat on the cut is evenly mixed, without gray spots and voids, contains pieces of bacon, pork belly, bold pork. The taste is pleasant, slightly spicy, salty, with a pronounced aroma of smoking and spices.

The quality of sausages is determined organoleptically: by appearance, type of minced meat on a loaf section, minced meat consistency, smell and taste; and chemically determine: the mass fraction of moisture, salt, starch and nitrite.

The casing of fresh sausages must be dry, strong, elastic, without mold deposits, tightly adhering to the minced meat (except for cellophane). A feature of raw smoked sausages is a dry coating of mold on the surface that has not penetrated under the casing. In smoked-boiled sausages, the shell is dry, without mold and dark brown mucus. The moisture content in raw smoked sausages is not more than 30%, in smoked-boiled sausages - up to 43%. The salt content in uncooked smoked sausages is 3-6%, boiled-smoked sausages - no more than 5%.

The color of minced meat in the cut, both near the shell and in the central part, is uniform, without gray spots. The bacon is white or with a pinkish tinge. Minced meat without air voids, gray. The consistency of liver and blood sausages is spreadable, boiled and semi-smoked - elastic, dense, not loose, smoked - dense. The smell and taste characteristic of this type of product, with the aroma of spices, without signs of mustiness, sourness, foreign tastes and odors.

Sausages with dirt, mold and mucus on the casing, with loose spreading minced meat, with gray spots on it, undercooked, pale gray, with influx of minced meat over the casing, large voids, with slips, yellow bacon, swelling of the broth are not subject to acceptance , hardened more than 3 mm.

The taste of smoked sausages is salty, spicy, due to smoke substances, with the aroma of smoking.

Suspicious freshness sausages are sent for bacteriological analysis.

In the refrigerators of enterprises at a temperature of 12-15 ° C and a relative humidity of 75-78%, raw smoked sausages can be stored for up to 30 days, boiled-smoked sausages for up to 15 days; at a temperature from - 7 to - 9 ° C, respectively, 6 and 3 months.

If the conditions and terms of storage of sausages are violated, defects occur: mucus, mold, rancidity, gray-green color of minced meat or rotting.

Semi-smoked, boiled-finished and raw-smoked sausages are most susceptible to molding.

Packing, marking, storage of smoked sausages.

Smoked sausages are packed in clean dry plank boxes weighing 40-50 kg. Sausages of the same name are packed in each box. Smoked sausages are produced packed in cardboard boxes with a net weight of not more than 2 kg.

Each packaging unit is clearly marked with a stencil or printed label. Smoked sausages are stored in clean rooms at a temperature not exceeding 8°C and a relative humidity of 75-78%; smoked-boiled up to 10 days, and raw smoked up to 30 days.

Sausage products received in closed containers are accepted according to the number of places and gross weight. The net weight is checked after the tare is released. Goods received in open containers are accepted by net weight, determined by subtracting the actual tare weight from the actual gross weight. When checking the net weight during the preparation of sausages for sale, it is necessary to determine the weight of the removed twine and its compliance with the discount provided.

Sausage products are checked for the correct knitting of loaves, their appearance, the type of loaves on the cut (minced meat pattern, minced meat and fat color), texture, taste and smell.

The surface of all varieties of sausages must be clean, dry, without mold, slips and sagging of minced meat; the shell is whole, undamaged; the taste is pleasant, without foreign taste and smell.

Sausage products are not subject to acceptance: with a contaminated, moldy and slimy shell; with bursting and broken loaves; with loose, bursting minced meat; with influxes of minced meat over the shell and slips in excess of permissible norms; with yellow bacon in minced sausages of the highest grade, as well as with the presence of it in excess of the permissible norms in sausages of the 1st and 2nd grades; with gray spots in minced meat; pale gray; undercooked; with bouillon and fatty edema in excess of permissible norms.

Sausages accepted by the store are immediately stored in refrigerators, cabinets and glaciers. If they are not available, then - in dry, clean, cool, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C. The windows and doors of these rooms should be fenced with a mesh to protect against flies.

Smoked sausages are stored hanging on tinned hooks. Between the rows there should be gaps for free access of air.

It is forbidden to store sausages with raw meat products together with.

Smoked sausages can be stored in the store for the following periods:

6. Preparation for sale and sale

Before entering the sale, sausages are carefully checked for quality, sorted and prepared.

The binding twine is removed from the sausages, wiped with a towel, the ends of the casing are cut off, the windward sections are cleaned.

Sausages and smoked meats are laid out in refrigerated cabinets and counters on baking sheets.

Sausages and smoked meats are sold whole and sliced. At the request of the buyer, the seller is obliged to cut sausages and smoked meats into thin slices and lay them on wrapping paper with a knife or fork.

Sausages are cut depending on the thickness and shape of the loaf.

Smoked sausages in the form of a thin straight loaf are cut at an acute angle of 35-40 ° (oblique cutting), due to which sausage slices are elongated and beautifully shaped. Such cutting facilitates and speeds up the work of the seller, since there are fewer chunks per loaf of sausage.

The thickness of the slices for semi-smoked sausages is 2.5-3 mm, for hard-smoked sausages 1.5-2 mm. The sausage, which has the shape of a ring, is cut in this way: the sausage ring is placed on the board at an angle of 40-45 ° to its edge. One of the ends of the loaf is held with the fingers of the left hand. The thumb is inside the sausage at the beginning of the cutting point. As the cutting progresses, the ring is lowered with the fingers of the left hand, without changing its position in relation to the edge of the board.

List of used literature

1. Kirakozova N.Sh. Directory of the seller of food products / N.Sh. Kirakozova, G.F. Katkova. - M.: Higher school, 1991. - 352 p.

2. Parfent'eva T.R. Meat and fish products, vegetables and fruits (Commodity science): Proc. for prof.-tech. uch-shch / T.R. Parfentiev, Z.A. Starodubtsev. - M.: Economics, 1989. - 271 p.

3. Prokhorova N.G. Food products (commodity science): Textbook for secondary prof.-tech. uch-sch / N.G. Prokhorova, N.S. Nikiforova, A.M. Novikov. - M.: Economics, 1985. - 272 p.

4. Merchandising of food products: Proc. for stud., obuch. according to special 1011 "Technology and organization of public catering" / O.G. Brovko, A.S. Gordienko, A.B. Dmitrieva and others - M.: Economics, 1989. - 424 p.

In Soviet times, raw smoked sausage was considered a delicacy, but modern nutritionists argue about its harm and benefits. It is believed that those who adhere to proper nutrition should not eat sausage. Separate discussion is subject to the technology of production of sausages. Among the main advantages of raw smoked sausage are a long shelf life and a bright taste.

Raw smoked sausage: good or bad

Only those varieties of raw smoked sausage that are made from selected meat, natural additives and contain a minimum amount of flavor enhancers and flavorings have absolute benefits for the body. Sausage production is a complex and costly process, so cheap sausage should immediately arouse suspicion.

The benefits of raw smoked sausage is a controversial issue. Most of the useful properties of meat are retained after smoking, so it is difficult to call sausage harmful. The danger lies in the excessive consumption of sausages, especially in the presence of diseases of the digestive system.

Harm of raw smoked sausage:

  • high fat content negatively affects the gastric mucosa;
  • for pregnant women, it is better to exclude this product from the diet or replace it with bacon;
  • spices contained in raw smoked sausage products exacerbate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • salt in combination with seasonings is considered one of the reasons for the increase in bad cholesterol.

Production technology

The sausage must be firm. Loose composition or mold indicate violations made during production. The shell should be dry, and the minced meat should be as dense as possible. In the aroma of sausage, the presence of spices, garlic or cognac notes is allowed.

Production stages:

  1. Meat ambassador. The blanks are aged in salt for 5 days. The temperature in this case should not exceed 4°C. Salt is added in a proportion of 3 kg per 100 kg of meat.
  2. Minced meat mixing. The meat is slightly frozen, ground into minced meat using special equipment and mixed with additional ingredients. Then the blanks are stored in cold chambers throughout the day.
  3. Sausage making. Special shells are filled with minced meat using a syringe. The slightest ingress of air must be excluded. Bubbles in the shell, if necessary, are pierced with needles.
  4. Draft. Finished sausage preparations are suspended and stored at a temperature of 4°C for three days.
  5. Smoking. This process is carried out in special chambers at a temperature not exceeding 22°C for 2 days. For smoking, the smoke of hardwood trees is used.
  6. Drying. The drying process lasts up to 1 month. The chamber temperature should not exceed 12°C. The shelf life of the final product does not exceed 6 months.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

Raw-smoked meat occupies a special place among the range of sausage products. It is considered the most nutritious. The calorie content of sausages differs depending on their composition. The amount of fat per 100 g of the product reaches 56%, protein - from 13 to 30 percent. Raw smoked sausage does not contain carbohydrates or is present in an amount of not more than 0.3%. The maximum calorie content does not exceed 580 kcal.

What is included in sausages

Each manufacturer of sausage products has its own secrets of the technologies used. Some prefer to adhere to national traditions, others make bold experiments, applying the experience of foreign countries.Each manufacturer also selects additional ingredients in accordance with its own recipe.


The composition of the Moscow raw-smoked products includes ground nutmeg. The product is made from beef, other types of meat are not added to it. Lard in some varieties of sausage is replaced by special sausage or pork fat. Some varieties of sausages are made with the addition of white pepper, others - using black.

  • beef;
  • salo;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • ground black (white) pepper;
  • spices;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • sodium nitrite E250;
  • pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria;
  • monosodium glutamate;
  • lemon acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sucrose.


Braunschweig sausage is made from two types of meat - beef and pork. A distinctive feature of the sausage of this variety is considered to be a rich dark color. This effect is achieved due to the strict observance of the proportions of the ingredients. According to GOST, a sausage product must consist of 70% meat, 45 of which is beef, and 25 is pork.

  • beef;
  • pork;
  • salo;
  • white ground pepper;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • ground cardamom;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • sodium nitrite;
  • color fixer E250;
  • starter cultures of microorganisms;
  • glucose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • bacterial preparations.


Raw smoked Mikoyanovskaya sausage is produced using several technologies. Some varieties of sausages contain Italian spices. The hardness differs depending on the composition of the components. The main ingredient can be either beef or pork. An integral element is bacon, cut into small pieces.

  • beef (or pork);
  • beef fat;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • garlic;
  • cognac;
  • color fixer E250;
  • sodium ascorbate;
  • animal protein;
  • sodium gluconate.


Dymov raw-smoked products are distinguished by unusual combinations of spices and a special production technology. In most varieties, nutmeg and cognac are traditional additives. The bacon is cut both in large pieces and in small ones.

  • beef;
  • pork;
  • fat;
  • cognac;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • ground black pepper;
  • Green pepper;
  • paprika;
  • food coloring;
  • sodium nitrite;
  • monosodium glutamate;
  • starting culture;
  • acidity regulator.

In this article:

Every year, the range of products is also expanding. Therefore, novice manufacturers, in order to conquer their niche in the market, must study in detail the quality requirements and such provisions as assortment, classification and examination. In this material, we will consider what types of sausages exist?

Depending on the raw materials used and production technology, the following types of sausages are distinguished:

  • boiled;
  • boiled-smoked;
  • semi-smoked;
  • raw smoked;
  • dry-cured;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • pate and brawn;
  • meat delicacies.

Consider the features of each type.

1. Boiled sausage

Boiled sausages - products made from minced meat that has been fried and boiled, or exclusively boiled. Boiled sausage can consist of a large amount of soybeans, and there are also such technologies when meat is completely replaced with this component. This type of sausage is not recommended for long-term storage, as it contains a high water content. Boiled sausages are classified into structural and non-structural.

Structural sausages- products with pieces of bacon or meat on the cut (Stolichnaya, Veal, Mortadella).

Structureless sausages- products with homogeneous minced meat on the cut (Doctorskaya, Molochnaya, Ostankinskaya).

2. Boiled-smoked

Cooked-smoked sausage differs from other species in that it contains a large number of seasonings and spices.

The main stages of heat treatment of these products:

  • drying;
  • smoking - carried out in special chambers at a temperature of + 40- + 65 ° С;
  • cooking - at a temperature of about + 80 ° С;
  • cooling takes place in a special room at a temperature of 0- + 12 ° C;
  • re-smoking;
  • drying.

The shelf life of cooked smoked sausage depends on the type of packaging material and the type of casing of each item.

3. Semi-smoked sausage

Semi-smoked sausage is divided into three grades: the first second and third. To cook it, you must first carry out frying, then smoking, and only at the end it is boiled. With this technology and heat treatment, the smallest weight loss is observed. The composition of semi-smoked sausage includes protein in a percentage of 14-17% and fats - 25-40%.

4. Raw smoked

This type of sausage has the longest shelf life, so it is made from selected raw materials, carefully observing the technology. To prepare this type of sausage, meat is chosen from the back of the shoulder blade of the carcass. The composition includes a large number of spices. In order for the sausage to be of high quality, the process of its manufacture must last at least 30 days.

The technological process of manufacturing raw smoked sausage includes the following steps:

  • preparation of meat fat, raw materials;
  • freezing bacon or meat;
  • meat dehydration;
  • minced meat preparation;
  • injection;
  • ripening in special climatic installations;
  • package.

Raw smoked sausage should be stored at a temperature of 0-+5 ° C and air humidity - 75-78%. The maximum storage period is 6 months.

5. Dried

Dry-cured products are prepared from the best varieties of meat as a result of multi-stage drying. Before you start cooking this sausage, you need to marinate the meat. After that, the meat goes through the process of cold smoking for 3-4 days, then it is dried.

6. Sausages and wieners

Sausages and sausages - products made from minced minced meat. They are usually consumed hot.

The standard technological scheme for the production of sausages and sausages is as follows:

  • grinding meat on special equipment;
  • salting and maturation of meat;
  • creation of minced meat on cutters as a result of fine grinding of ingredients and spices;
  • additional grinding on emulsifiers;
  • stuffing minced meat into shells;
  • heat treatment;
  • cooling of products. The shelf life depends on the characteristics of the packaging and the type of casing used.

7. Pates and brawns

Pates and brawns include products that are made from offal. They are not subject to long-term storage.

Zeltsy are prepared using the following technology:

Products (meat of pork heads) are boiled in water for 5-6 hours. After that, bones and cartilage are removed from the meat and it is crushed through a grate, the diameter of the holes of which does not exceed 2 mm. Then the broth is evaporated for another two hours. At the end, the minced meat is knocked out into a special shell, boiled and cooled. Brawn can not be stored for more than 7 days.

Pastes are prepared according to the following scheme:

Offal is soaked, washed and boiled. Then the boiled raw material is crushed on a cutter, spices are added. After thorough grinding, the minced meat is knocked out into a shell, heat treated at a temperature of 80 ° C and cooled. The maximum shelf life of pastes is 20 days.

8. Deli meats

Meat delicacies - products that are made from whole-muscle raw materials that have undergone salting and heat treatment. Usually these products are prepared from beef or pork meat.

Types of sausages:

  • by type of meat: from a pig, a rabbit, a horse, a ram and special mixtures;
  • according to the minced meat pattern: sausages with a homogeneous structure and pieces of bacon and tongue tissue;
  • according to the processing method: smoked, fried, boiled, semi-smoked and so on
  • according to the composition of raw materials: by-products and blood;
  • according to the quality of raw materials: first grade, second grade, third grade, as well as without varietal;
  • by destination: products for wide use, baby food and diet food;
  • by type of casing: with artificial and natural casing, some products are produced without casing at all.

In conclusion, it should be noted that almost all types of sausages go through the following stages: cutting half-carcasses, deboning and trimming, sorting, primary grinding of meat, curing, re-grinding, stuffing and heat treatment.

Such a beloved product as sausage has been known to mankind since time immemorial. Initially, the dish was invented as one of the ways to preserve meat for a longer time. It is mentioned both in ancient China and in Babylon. And the ancient Greeks and Romans also used it during the feasts of the nobility. In Slavic sources, it has been mentioned since the 12th century - in the Novgorod charter, written on birch bark. And in Russia, workshops where smoked sausage was produced appear only from the 17th century. This was due, according to culinary historians, with the spread of mini-smokers in the estates.

Types of sausage

Previously, sausage was made by hand, stuffing lamb intestines with a variety of minced meat, sometimes using additives and all kinds of spices. Today, of course, the process is automated, and quite a few types of product are distinguished by the method of production, among which smoked sausage is not the last. It, in turn, is divided into several subspecies, which we will discuss in more detail.

Cooked-smoked sausage

It is initially prepared as boiled, and then subjected to the smoking process. As a rule, this kind of product contains a little more spices than ordinary boiled. Cooked-smoked sausage can also consist of small pieces, and not just minced meat, which is a homogeneous mass. In addition, additives such as flour and starch, bacon and milk are actively used (this is in the best cases if soy and seitan are not mixed). Interestingly, this kind of smoked sausage can be stored in the refrigerator for only 15 days. And it usually contains up to 15-20% proteins, up to 40% fats, calorie content is up to 400 kcal per 100 grams, depending on the variety.

A striking representative of this species is the smoked sausage "Moskovskaya". It has a unique taste, which provides nutmeg and black pepper. The main part of its composition is beef with the addition of pork bacon (the size of the inclusions is not more than 5-6 millimeters). By the way, they also produce a variation of smoked "Moskovskaya".


Semi-smoked sausages have a slightly longer shelf life. The semi-finished product is first fried, then boiled and then smoked. The taste of such a product is practically indistinguishable from the previous version. The difference is in a slightly higher price and cooking method. However, with such heat treatment, less useful weight is lost, and the smack of smoking becomes less pronounced.


Smoked sausage made in a similar way was previously called hard-smoked. It, according to the manufacturing technology, is not subjected to thermal effects at high temperatures. Smoking takes place in a cold way, at 20 or a maximum of 25 degrees plus. And meat or minced meat is subjected to enzymatic treatment and dehydrated. In order for such a sausage to fully and properly ripen, it takes from a month to one and a half. During all these days, excess water leaves, and the meat is saturated with a characteristic aroma and acquires an amazing aftertaste (although, using new, more modern technologies, raw-smoked meat is also produced in a shorter period - 20 days). Here, the food additive E575 is used, which changes the pH of the product, spices in sufficient quantities, sometimes a little cognac. It is also characteristic to use the effects of yeast cultures, which can feed on sugars that are included in the ingredients. This is how the fermentation process characteristic of this technology is obtained. Smoked sausage of this type has the highest energy value of all varieties - up to 600 kcal per 100 grams (for some varieties). It has less protein (up to 25%), but more fat (up to 60% sometimes).

Types of smoking

Everyone knows that in order to smoke a product, it is necessary to expose it to smoke. But not everyone knows that smoking is cold and hot, depending on the temperature at which the process itself occurs. These two methods also differ in the duration of production. So, cold smoking is a rather long process and proceeds at fairly low temperatures (20-25 degrees usually). And hot smoking is a faster process, and it takes place at rather high temperatures, such that the smoked product itself can sometimes ignite (this must be constantly monitored, taking appropriate measures).

GOST R5545 from 2013

According to the rather new requirements of GOST, smoked sausage can contain pork, beef, horse meat, lamb - optionally or a mix. It may also include by-products such as tongue, liver; lard, lard lateral and spinal. The presence of milk powder, salt, sugar, glucose is also allowed. From spices - garlic and spices. From food additives - antioxidants, regulators of taste, aroma and acidity. So, as they say, if you really love sausage, then you better not be interested in what it is made of!

Homemade smoked sausage

And, of course, it is best to cook sausage with your own hands, at home, on your own. So, at least, you will definitely be sure that it will fall into it. And yes, it can be much tastier. If there is no specially equipped smokehouse - it does not matter. You can use an ordinary chimney or a couple of barrels that do not have a bottom, separated by a grate for hanging sausages. In general, there are a lot of existing options. For successful smoking, several conditions must be observed.

  1. Regardless of the method of smoking, meat and other ingredients for sausages must be well prepared and salted.
  2. Smoke should be the weakest smoke, gradually increasing smoke. Make sure that when hot, for example, smoking, the fire does not flare up too actively.
  3. For the process, it is best to use sawdust from deciduous trees, not raw. Resinous (tree, pine) can give smoking a bitter taste.
  4. The best result is obtained with slow smoldering of sawdust.
  5. You can use mint and juniper for flavoring.
  6. Hot smoking is carried out for no more than an hour or two, otherwise the taste and aroma of the product is lost.
