
Salting watermelons in a jar is delicious. Sauerkraut in ceramic barrels

    Wash the fruits, cut into triangles and send to jars. Then fill the container with blanks with boiling water for 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we drain the water back into the container, put it on the fire and wait until it boils. And again we fill the container with watermelons for another 5 minutes.

    Now we need to prepare the brine. In the water that was drained from the jars, we dissolve salt and sugar (in a ratio of 50 g of salt and 30 g of sugar per 1 liter of water), as well as, if desired, spices (nutmeg, coriander, ginger). We boil everything again and pour watermelons with hot brine. For each liter, add 1 tsp. 70% acetic acid and roll up. We wrap the banks for 2 days and send them to the basement.

    How to salt watermelons in a barrel?

    In autumn, as a rule, there are many small, thin-skinned watermelons. They can be safely salted whole. To do this, we will need any large container, for example, a barrel.

    It is better to take watermelons of approximately the same size (no more than 2 kg), always whole, without cracks or other damage.

    We scald the barrel with boiling water and put the washed berries, after making 10-15 punctures with a knitting needle or a wooden stick (for better salting). Fill with brine. It is prepared as follows: dissolve 600-1000 g of salt in 10 liters of water (depending on the size of the watermelons). We cover the contents of the barrel with a clean cloth, put a wooden circle and press down with oppression. Leave the salt warm. After 2 days, if necessary, add brine, and transfer to a cool place. After 15-20 days, the product can be served at the table.

    How to salt sweet and sour watermelons?

    If you want watermelons with a sweetish flavor, use the following recipe.

    In the process of laying, watermelons are poured with clean sand (to preserve their shape). We prepare the brine: for 10 liters of water we take 800 g of salt and 400 g of sugar. Pour into the barrel so that all the fruits are covered. We put oppression and leave to wander in warmth for 2-3 days. Then we send it to a room where the temperature does not exceed 3 degrees. After 2 months, watermelons are ready to eat.

    How to salt watermelons in your own juice?

    Instead of regular brine, you can also use watermelon pulp. This preparation is much tastier. But the disadvantage of this method is that it will take a lot of fruit.

    We prepare the ingredients: in proportion to 10 kg of watermelons, we take 5 kg of pulp crushed with a blender and salted (50 g of salt).

    We spread a layer of watermelons in the prepared container and fill it with salty mass. So we repeat to the top, but so that the last layer is the pulp, cover with a lid. We wait 5-6 days and then we send it to the basement. During this time, you need to make sure that mold does not appear on the surface of the salt (if necessary, it must be removed).

    How to salt watermelons quickly?

    If you really want to enjoy your favorite pickle, but do not like to wait a long time, use the following recipe.

    Watermelon should be washed, peeled and cut into small slices or triangles. We spread it in an enamel bowl and pour it with boiled, warm brine (for 1 liter of water we need 1 tablespoon of salt and sugar). Let stand warm for 1-2 days. Next, you need to store in the refrigerator.

Salted watermelons will be a nice addition to your usual menu, so do not miss the period when they are plenty and salted!

This recipe is good because salting watermelons in this way is quick, without vinegar or aspirin. It only takes three ingredients to make it: water, watermelon and salt. If whole watermelons are salted in barrels only by winter and the New Year, then you can taste this preparation in a couple of days, because the fruits themselves are cut into pieces and peeled. The cooking process is simple, watermelons can be salted in glass jars, an enamel pan and even in a bucket. On the second or third day, you can eat lightly salted watermelons!

quick recipe

Africa is considered the birthplace of a large sweet berry or pumpkin (scientists are still determining what watermelons belong to). Their image was found even in the Egyptian pyramids. Breeders tirelessly improve everything that comes to hand, thanks to them, seedless watermelons and even square-shaped gourds appeared, which are grown in special boxes.

I will present to your attention the recipe of my mother, she salted watermelons from her own personal plot. In central Russia, they are not as large as Astrakhan or Volgograd. The seeds in them do not always ripen to the end, but they are quite suitable for salting.


  • watermelons,
  • salt,
  • water.

Cooking process:

Wash the watermelons, cut them into thick slices, cut off the skin from each of them (it can be used to make candied fruit or jam).

Peeled watermelon slices without peel cut across into triangular pieces.

Prepare a brine by dissolving 2 cups of salt in 10 liters of water. For 5 liters of brine, 1 glass of salt will be required, etc. Use cold water passed through a filter. Stir the salt well to dissolve the crystals.

Put the watermelon pulp in a container for salting. To do this, you can use plastic or enameled buckets, suitable pots or jars. It all depends on your appetites and storage conditions. Pour the brine over the watermelons and leave at room temperature for a day. After that, move to the cold. If you put it in a cold place immediately, it will take more time to ripen.

Salted watermelon in small pieces will be ready on the second day. A more salty snack will take a little longer. But still, this method is much faster than pickling whole watermelons.


It is very important to choose high-quality melons for salting. Watermelon should be ripe, while not loose inside. When buying, pay attention to the peel so that it is firm and without damage.

Salted watermelons are very tasty on their own, but you can also make an unusual salad with feta cheese from them.

watermelon salad

You will need:

  • 3 art. l. wine vinegar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • a little ground hot pepper;
  • olive oil;
  • cucumber;
  • half an onion;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • a couple of slices of salted watermelon;
  • Bell pepper,
  • feta cheese 100 g

To prepare the dressing, mix vinegar with pepper and salt, add oil, whisk. Peel the cucumber, cut into cubes, onion into half rings. Remove the center from the sweet pepper and chop it. Dice tomatoes, watermelon and cheese. Place all chopped ingredients in a salad bowl, pour dressing, mix and serve immediately.

Juicy striped fruits are saturated with the energy of the sun and hit the table at the end of summer. Their season ends quickly, but no one will stop you from extending it. Just hide the watermelons in jars. Of course, the taste of salted watermelons differs from fresh ones, but they do not become less tasty. On the table, bright juicy slices look very nice.

You might like this winter melon recipe:

Sincerely, Anyuta.

Traditional home preservation is simple and straightforward. Fruits and berries are boiled with sugar, vegetables and mushrooms are salted. And only one berry defiantly violates this rule. Why defiantly? Yes, because with such outstanding dimensions it will not work otherwise! Nevertheless, it is already difficult to surprise anyone with salted watermelon. Not everyone loves it, but many at least tried it. Indeed, by and large, the originality and complexity of such preservation lies precisely in the size of the berries, while the salting technology itself is familiar to all housewives. You just have to break the psychological pattern that stubbornly sends any berry to jam.

The traditional salting recipe involves the use of wooden barrels, but we will manage with three-liter jars. Just because of the low probability that in your apartment there are a couple of unnecessary barrels suitable for salting watermelons. Therefore, we will not rely on chance, even a happy one, and pickle a watermelon in a jar. How to salt watermelons in jars? Well, not entirely of course. Take medium-sized (about 2 kg) and not too ripe watermelons. Ideally, if their flesh is bright pink, but not yet red. Carefully inspect each from all sides: we do not need cracks, deep scratches and impact marks. Do not try to save on watermelons for conservation: even if the defect is not visible to the eye, it will certainly affect the taste of the dish. But now you can not be afraid to buy unsweetened watermelon, it does not matter for salting.

You can choose one of two ways to preserve watermelon: with or without the skin. This almost does not affect the taste, but it reassures many housewives, in whose opinion, they accumulate in the green crust. While you're thinking, prepare your jars. Clean, whole, without cracks and chips - sterilize. Do the same for the lids.

So, wash the watermelons under running water. Cut each in half and then into wedges (or chunks). Remove the dark rinds, and put the pulp with white subcrustal parts in jars. Up to this point you have been following the universal technology, but now it is time to get creative.

Recipes for salting watermelons in a jar

  1. Classics of the genre. The basic recipe for salting watermelons in jars is very simple and differs little from other similar preservation (tomatoes, zucchini, etc.). Expect that for 2 kg of watermelon pulp you will need 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt and 50 ml of table vinegar. Here we note that not all housewives welcome vinegar in brine. If desired, you can also replace it with citric acid or aspirin.

    Then everything is simple: fill the pieces of watermelon in jars with boiling brine and cover with lids. Sterilize the jars in a pot of boiling water and roll up. Remove from kitchen to a quiet place and let cool to room temperature. Usually it takes 2-3 days, but it is better not to disturb the banks once again.

  2. Spicy watermelon with herbs. To prepare a fragrant snack, take the brine from the basic recipe and a bunch of dill. Place dill on the bottom of a sterile jar (the more - the tastier the watermelon pulp will be), and on it - pieces of watermelon. Pour in boiling brine. Throw an aspirin into each jar (on average, at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of volume). Roll up the jars with sterile lids, wrap in a blanket and leave to cool at room temperature. You should not use tender parsley in this recipe, but you can try to supplement it with a sprig of celery (on top of the watermelon).
  3. Watermelon with garlic and pepper. And this recipe is for spicy lovers. In addition to the brine components, prepare black peppercorns (8 pieces for each three-liter jar), garlic (4 cloves per jar), bay leaf (4 leaves per jar). At the very bottom of sterile jars, put spices: pepper, garlic, bay leaf. Arrange the watermelon in jars on top of the spices and pour everything together with boiling brine. Now you can twist the jars with lids, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool.
Whichever recipe you choose, be prepared for the fact that the taste of salty watermelon in a jar will seem unusual to you compared to your usual perception. Most often, such preservation is used as a snack, and in combination with alcoholic beverages, it turns out to be very successful. Due to its peculiar sweetish-salty taste, pickled watermelons perfectly cope with the role of a side dish for both meat and fish.

Salted watermelon in a jar can be a good alternative to soaked apples and sauerkraut. In such preparations, all watermelon vitamins are preserved, and the beneficial effect of the activity of lactic acid bacteria is added to them. If you haven’t cooked anything like this before, you should try to pickle at least a couple of cans of watermelons for the New Year’s table. And even if for some reason this dish does not become your signature dish, you will gain a new culinary experience and surprise your guests.

Almost everyone loves watermelons, because they are tasty and healthy.

But what about in winter or spring, when they are not on sale?

In this case, the berries are salted and pickled. How to close and choose a watermelon, as well as its benefits and harms, you will learn by reading this article.

How to choose the right watermelon

Naturally, the most important thing in buying such a berry is the exact choice. In order not to purchase a green and unripe watermelon, you should be guided by some simple rules:

The benefits and harms of salted and pickled watermelons

Watermelon, like many other berries, is full of vitamins and minerals. The content of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron and even phosphorus makes it useful and necessary for maintaining the human body during beriberi. Yes, and it is worth considering that the watermelon is completely non-caloric, which will please many girls and women.

Despite the fact that the berry contains a large amount of sugar, it can be eaten by people suffering from diabetes. This is due to the fact that the sugar contained in the product is rather difficult to digest, so most of it passes into the intestines.

During salting or pickling, watermelon loses a certain amount of nutrients due to hot water or a large amount of salt. But, despite this, most vitamins remain unchanged in its composition.

Interesting to know: pickled and salted watermelon is excellent for diarrhea, bloating and diarrhea, as it restores the intestinal microflora.

It is worth considering that many doctors recommend the use of salted and pickled watermelons, especially for gastritis, arthritis, liver diseases and constipation. Do not forget about hypertension, high cholesterol and even anemia. In all these cases, watermelon fibers help relieve symptoms and pain.

It should be noted the benefits of canned watermelon for kidney stones and sand. The berry with its juice helps to remove sand and split the formed stones. But the pulp can rid the intestines of all kinds of toxic substances or simply clean it.

Watermelon is also consumed at a temperature, with the flu, with SARS or other colds. Also, the juice of the berry acts as a sedative.

It should be noted that watermelon practically does not cause harm to the human body. The only thing that can affect your health is improper cultivation, the addition of nitrates and chemicals for growth, and storage that is not safe. That is why when buying a berry, you need to carefully consider its choice.

The classic way of salting watermelons

Salting watermelon for the winter is a fairly easy and understandable process. For salting in a hurry you will need:

  • ripe watermelon;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • a teaspoon of salt (with a small slide);
  • black pepper (peas).

Keep in mind: with proper salting, cooked watermelon can be eaten in a month.

First you need to divide the watermelon into several uniform parts. All pieces should pass through the neck of the jar (or other salting container). Bones can be removed if desired.

First you need to put a bay leaf in a jar and gently tamp the watermelon slices. After that, you need to fall asleep pepper (putting a lot is not recommended). Then you should pour salt and pour boiling water over it all. Next, just twist the jar and wait for the right moment to try this culinary miracle.

We invite you to watch a video recipe for salting watermelon in a jar:

Unusual Recipes

Watermelon with mustard

For this dish you will need:

  • ripe watermelon;
  • two teaspoons of dry mustard;
  • black pepper (peas);
  • a tablespoon of sugar.

First you need to divide the watermelon into equal parts. After that, put the slices in a jar (3 liters) and sprinkle with sugar. Next, you need to add black pepper and evenly distribute dry ground mustard. At the end you need to sprinkle with salt and pour boiling water. After 5-7 minutes, we twist the jar (time is needed for the mustard vapor to evaporate).

Watermelon with onion

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • watermelon;
  • two teaspoons of salt (preferably iodized);
  • green onions - 100 gr;
  • dill.

It is important to consider: During salting, it is necessary to ensure that the watermelon does not stack, otherwise it will not be juicy in the end result.

Initially, you need to wash the watermelon clean and cut it into equal pieces. After that, put the first layer of green onions in a jar and place the cut parts of the watermelon, periodically placing dill in the jar. Next, you need to salt and pour boiling water. The recipe is very simple and the result is amazing!

Enjoy your meal!

Below, we suggest you watch a video recipe for pickling watermelons for the winter:

The beginning of autumn is the time when watermelons ripen. One of the ways to harvest them for autumn and winter is salting, which is usually done in wooden barrels or glass jars.

For salting watermelons in a wooden barrel, fruits of late varieties of small and medium sizes with a thin crust without damage, dense and juicy pulp, having the correct shape weighing up to two kilograms, are suitable. You should not take unripe, frostbitten and overripe watermelons. For the purpose of long-term storage, it is better to salt them at the end of October.

When in jars, I use recipes according to taste preferences.

A universal way of salting watermelons

Watermelons according to this recipe can be harvested for the winter or eaten after four days. For one liter of water take:

  • one tablespoon of salt and sugar;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • several leaves of currant and cherry.

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At the bottom of the jar put honey, sliced ​​​​watermelon, sprinkle with garlic, dill, cherry and currant leaves. Separately, an aqueous solution is prepared with sugar and salt, which is brought to a boil and poured into jars.

Watermelons are fermented for three to four days, while the lids are not put on the jars.

After that, the berry is ready to eat. If the watermelon is preserved for the winter, then the brine is drained, boiled again, poured into jars, closed with lids and rolled up.

Recipes for salting watermelons in barrels

Watermelons are sorted, cut off the stalks and washed thoroughly. To improve lactic acid fermentation, it is recommended to pierce the skin of watermelons in several places with a wooden needle and place the fruits in pre-prepared barrels.

Recipe 1

Having previously estimated the free volume of the container, you need to prepare a brine (60-70 g of salt per liter of water). The barrel is carefully sealed and the prepared brine is carefully poured through a special hole. For several days they are kept at a temperature of about 20 ° C, then they are opened and carefully examined. In the presence of mold, it must be removed, topped up with brine and installed in the room in a closed state, but with a cooler temperature - from -1 to +1 ° C. Fermentation of watermelons lasts for 15-20 days. After that they are ready for use.

Read also:

summer salads

Recipe 2

There is no need to prick the fruit in this recipe.

The bottom of the steamed and cleaned barrel is covered with clean river sand with a layer of about seven centimeters. One row of watermelons is laid on it and covered with a second layer of sand. Such actions alternate until the container is full. Then brine is poured into it and the steps are repeated, as in recipe No. 1.

The barrel is not covered with a lid, as the top row of berries will be hidden by sand. For a couple of days, watermelons need to wander in a warm place, then the containers are taken out to a dark, cool room. Such home salting allows you to keep their shape and excellent taste.
