
Apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail. Oxygen cocktail: description

Every modern person living in a large city feels the lack of clean air. This leads to the development of various pathological conditions. To remedy the situation, experts recommend using oxygen foam (oxygen cocktail). The apparatus for preparing this miraculous drink can usually be found in fitness centers, beauty salons, and sanatoriums. Many manufacturers offer small-sized cocktails that allow you to prepare oxygen foam at home.

What is an oxygen cocktail?

Since childhood, many people have known the unusual taste of an oxygen cocktail. This drink brings great benefits to the entire body, saturating the cells with oxygen and preventing the development of such a pathological phenomenon as hypoxia.

For the first time, people started talking about a healing cocktail in the 60s of the last century. Only wealthy patients of rest houses and sanatoriums could afford it. At present, the apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail is an obligatory attribute of large sports clubs, dispensaries, and recreation centers. In many metropolitan areas you can find specialized oxygen bars.


What is an oxygen drink made of? From the very beginning, the “airy” cocktail was prepared from egg whites, so the taste of such a drink left much to be desired. Currently, the use of licorice root, which acts as a foaming agent, is practiced. Juices are usually the basis of a healthy drink. In dispensaries and sanatoriums, the use of such medicinal components as herbal infusions and syrups is practiced. In oxygen bars, you can try an oxygen cocktail based on red wine.

A special technology was invented for the production of an oxygen drink. That is why, in order to prepare a really healthy foam, you should use equipment for oxygen cocktails. The concentration of medical O 2 is extremely high and is approximately 90%. Without devices that are able to saturate any liquid with oxygen, it will be very difficult to do this.

What equipment will be required?

To prepare an oxygen cocktail, you will need certain equipment, consisting of the following components:

  • oxygen concentrator;
  • oxygen cocktail;
  • oxygen mixer.

At home, to prepare an “airy” drink, you can use oxygen cartridges (regular and designed for breathing) or an oxygen pillow. The latter option is often practiced by bartenders in specialized bars.

Another less popular option for home-made oxygen drink is the use of hydrogen peroxide. To get pure O 2, you need to take five vials of peroxide, pour their contents into a glass container, and put a rubber ball on the neck. Next, heat the bottom of the container evenly. Under the influence of temperature, the peroxide will begin to release oxygen.

It is worth noting that oxygen itself is explosive, especially if prepared using hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to safety rules or choose a professional apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail.

Required Component

Without a Spoom mix, you simply cannot make an oxygenated drink. The natural ingredients that make up its composition form a stable and thick foam.

You can buy this mixture in the form of portion bags or in a package for a large number of servings. The latter option is preferable for kindergartens, sanatoriums, clinics.

What is the source of oxygen for?

The oxygen concentrator is the most important part, which is the source of the purest oxygen. The principle of its work is molecular air filtration, purification from pollutants. When turned on, the apparatus for preparing oxygen cocktails begins to suck in air, which is passed through a dust and bacterial filter. The first detains various mechanical pollutants and allergens, and the second - microbes. After that, in the molecular filter, oxygen is released from various gases, which are bound by the zeolite. The output is soft humidified oxygen.

Nidek Nuvo Lite, Bitmos OXY 6000 6L, Armed 7F-3L and Weinmann OXYMAT 3 are the most reliable hub models on the market.


The oxygen cocktail is a resealable container. The case can be made of high-quality plastic or glass. A tube is inserted into the lid of such an apparatus, connecting it to a source of oxygen. Also on the lid there is a spout through which, in the process of preparing a drink, it is necessary to take the foam into pre-prepared glasses.

Among the popular models, the Family cocktail should be noted. It is small and made of plastic. Capacity - 350 ml. It can be connected to a concentrator or other sources of oxygen. The cost of such a device is 750-900 rubles.

A more expensive version of the oxygen cocktail is offered by the Armed trademark. It is a container made of transparent plastic with a volume of 1 liter. It is fixed with an iron frame. A special lever is built into the lid, which allows you to shut off the oxygen supply if necessary. For an hour, such a device is capable of producing about 150 portions of an “airy” drink. The device will cost 4300-4400 rubles.


Another popular device is the oxygen mixer. It allows you to prepare a healthy oxygen drink by churning liquid with oxygen. Such a device is also connected to a source of pure O 2 . The result is a stable dense foam.

Oxygen cocktail equipment in the form of mixers is ideal for specialized bars and fitness clubs, because it allows you to prepare one serving of a cocktail in 7-10 seconds. One of the most inexpensive and popular models is the Armed mixer. It has a stylish design and is made of quality materials. A dual-mode apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail will cost the buyer 4000-4150 rubles. On sale you can find more expensive devices that have additional functions.

Cylinders and pillows with oxygen

The most affordable source of pure O 2 in the price policy can be purchased at a medical supply store. This device is an oxygen tank. It contains a high quality oxygen mixture that can be used to create an "airy" crema. The cost of the device will depend on the volume and ranges from 200-450 rubles. The only drawback is the impossibility of refilling.

To make a cocktail at home, many have gotten used to using oxygen pillows. They are made of durable materials and equipped with a tube through which you can refill.

This natural cocktail did not come to us from distant countries, as most consumers think. In the 60s, it was invented by the Russian academician N.N. Sirotkin and called it "oxygen film". For the purpose of recovery, the "film" was prescribed in medical institutions, sanatoriums, offered in kindergartens.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail are explained by its composition and unique production technology. The basis of the drink can be juices, natural fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, milk, fruit syrups. To improve the taste and enrich the cocktail with useful substances, vitamins or honey can be added to the drink. However, its main feature is the presence of oxygen in the form of soft foam. To create it, you need a foaming agent, which most often acts as egg white or licorice root.

This drink is prepared using special devices - a cocktail or an oxygen mixer, to which a special concentrator flask is connected. The preparation technology is simple: a foaming agent is added to the base drink and placed in a container, where oxygen flows from the device. The result is a delicious foamy drink that is useful for absolutely everyone. The most interesting thing is that an oxygen cocktail will not work from carbonated drinks or juices with pulp, since they foam very poorly.


Harm of an oxygen cocktail

Despite the fact that this "miracle drink" consists of natural ingredients, it can be harmful to the body. Before you enjoy a cocktail or offer it to a child, you need to know exactly its composition.

The harm of an oxygen cocktail can be if manufacturers added raw egg whites to the cocktail. Such an ingredient is not safe, since it is impossible to be sure that it is not infected with salmonellosis!

It should also be borne in mind that the oxygen cocktail has contraindications and is not suitable for everyone. It is worth refusing to use it for people who have been diagnosed with such diseases:

  • stomach ulcer
  • Hypertension
  • Adhesive disease of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Diabetes
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Stones in the bladder or kidneys
  • Allergy to any component of the cocktail

The harm of an oxygen cocktail can be caused to the body if used improperly! It should be eaten only with a teaspoon, in small portions and not in a hurry. It is strongly not recommended to drink a drink through a straw - this can result in a burn of the esophagus or mucous membranes!


Useful properties of an oxygen cocktail

In the course of research, scientists have found that the gastrointestinal tract perfectly absorbs oxygen. Entering the body with a cocktail, it is quickly absorbed into the blood, and this process occurs an order of magnitude faster than during breathing. Oxygen is carried throughout all tissues, enriches them with useful substances and instantly eliminates the symptoms of hypoxia.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail are not exaggerated at all. Especially in need of it:

  • Athletes, especially during training and increased physical exertion
  • Heavy smokers
  • Residents of polluted megacities and regions with a deficit of pure oxygen
  • Pregnant women
  • Aged people

The invaluable benefit of an oxygen cocktail lies in the ability to save a person from hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Just one session of taking this drink is equivalent to a three-hour walk through the forest. The lungs are saturated with oxygen, the heart rate and blood pressure normalize.

After drinking this oxygen drink, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work at full strength, digestion improves, the kidneys and pancreas are actively functioning. Due to such beneficial properties, oxygen cocktails are used during the treatment of various digestive pathologies as an adjuvant therapy.

Oxygen cocktails are recommended for coronary disease, liver diseases, to increase immunity in children and adults. Do not neglect the drink during emotional overload, stress, mental stress. An oxygen-enriched cocktail will help get rid of insomnia, increase efficiency and eliminate chronic fatigue.

Oxygen cocktail during pregnancy

In order to avoid complications and survive the nine months of pregnancy without any problems, the expectant mother is recommended to have a full sleep, daily walks and calmness. However, not all women can afford to put aside all their affairs and enjoy a wonderful period of pregnancy.

Yes, and ecology today allows "to wish for the best" - constant emissions from factories, exhaust gases, polluted air. Therefore, the expectant mother should make every effort not to hear a dangerous diagnosis at the next appointment - fetal hypoxia.

For the purpose of prevention, oxygen therapy courses are recommended for pregnant women, and tasty oxygen cocktails should be regularly present in their diet. Using this healthy drink, the expectant mother not only protects her child from a dangerous lack of oxygen, but also improves her well-being, strengthens her immune system and gets rid of the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis.

Oxygen cocktail for children

In kindergartens and schools, parents are often offered to improve their child's health with the help of oxygen cocktails, because the child's body is subjected to mental stress, the harmful effects of the environment, which negatively affects his general well-being. Oxygen drinks energize the child, give excellent health and strengthen the immune system.

During the use of a pleasant-tasting vitamin foam, the child's body instantly receives an impressive dose of healthy oxygen. Such a charge has a beneficial effect on all of its vital systems. The work of the stomach and intestines, respiratory organs is normalized, heart diseases are prevented.

An oxygen cocktail is especially useful for schoolchildren. It has been noticed that this drink relieves increased irritability and nervousness in children, improves concentration, and increases their physical activity. An oxygen cocktail is also recommended during the recovery period after past illnesses. The body quickly builds up the lost strength, the activity of the child increases, and there is no trace of the disease.

However, you should know that an oxygen cocktail is contraindicated in children with allergies, in the presence of pathologies of the respiratory system and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Oxygen cocktail at home

The drink can be easily prepared at home. In order to regularly enjoy delicious cocktails enriched with oxygen, you need to purchase:

  1. Oxygen mixer or cocktail
  2. oxygen bottle
  3. Natural juice (syrup, herbal decoction, fruit juice)
  4. Frother (egg white or licorice root)

In a separate container, it is necessary to combine the base - juice and one or two tablespoons of foaming agent, mix well. At the next stage of preparing a cocktail, it is necessary to attach a foaming tube to the cylinder and lower it into a container with juice. Next, press the oxygen supply valve and hold until the foam fills the entire space of the container. A foamy drink enriched with oxygen is ready!

Note to fans of oxygen cocktails:

  • For the base of the cocktail, you must use juice at room temperature.
  • The oxygen cylinder valve does not need to be pressed all the way. A good thick foam is formed at a slow release rate of oxygen.
  • If you use syrup, dilute it with still water in a ratio of 3:1.
  • In order for an oxygen cocktail to benefit, and not harm, do not forget that it must be taken in small portions with a teaspoon.
  • Thick juices with pulp and sweet carbonated drinks should not be used for the base of the cocktail.

The rise in popularity of oxygen cocktails cannot be called spontaneous or unexpected. Since the 60s of the last century, they have been used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in clinics and sanatoriums. The drink production technology has become so popular that it is offered to gym customers and just fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Oxygen cocktail - what is it?

Knowing what an oxygen cocktail is for, the first thing to do is to find out what it is and how it is useful. It is a foamy liquid with a light structure, useful additives and flavors. The base itself has no taste characteristics, so the sensations from eating it depend entirely on all other ingredients. The flavor base can be juice, fruit syrup, herbal infusion, or even fruit drink. What is useful for an oxygen cocktail is the ability to become a kind of sweetener for medicines.

Why an oxygen cocktail is useful - expert opinion

To find out if an oxygen cocktail is useful, the opinion of doctors and scientists is taken into account. They believe that the oxygen in the mixture is absolutely different from the one that enters the body during breathing. It is enriched with ions that activate chemical reactions between different components of the composition. During whipping in a mixer or aerator, an easily digestible foam is formed, which becomes a conductor for vitamins and medicinal extracts.

Oxygen cocktail - myth or reality?

Not for the first year there has been a theory that the beneficial properties of oxygen are a myth invented for the sake of making money on visitors to sanatoriums, fitness bars, spa resorts. It is based on knowledge at the level of a school biology course, which tells about the absorption of oxygen into the lungs, but not into the stomach. Since the stomach is not involved in the physiological process of respiration, the benefit of enriched foam from a cup is questionable.

Before deciding whether or not, you need to understand the mechanism of its influence. The liquid turned into bubbles is absorbed by the body several times faster, and with it the strongest antioxidant enters the bloodstream. Drinks counteract the formation of free radicals, slowing down the aging of the body - internal and external.

Oxygen cocktail - composition

This healthy drink distinguishes between main and additional components. The base ones are oxygen and a foaming agent, which contributes to its transformation into bubbles. Only oxygen is used that meets the requirements of GOST and international standards. Juices, tinctures, milk are suitable as topping additives. An oxygen cocktail, whose chemical composition is safe, can be harmful if egg white is added to it. Protein reduces the shelf life from two days to several hours and creates a risk of salmonellosis.

How to drink an oxygen cocktail?

The average calorie content of the product is about 300 Kcal per 100 g. There are also diet recipes that include syrups and decoctions of herbs without sugar, then the energy value of the "bubbles" is reduced to 35-50 Kcal per 100 g. For example, licorice root, gelatin fillers and chamomile decoction does not harm the figure. In general, it is recommended that flavorings be added to an oxygen cocktail only for adults and children over 5 years of age to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

You can get the maximum benefit from the product only by knowing how to take an oxygen cocktail. It is prescribed for children from two years old, but it is forbidden to drink it more than once or twice a day. In order not to disturb the gastric mucosa, the drink is drunk in small sips and a couple of hours after eating. The course can last 10-14 days. You can repeat the reception after a few months.

Oxygen cocktail - pros and cons

The beneficial properties of an oxygen cocktail are invaluable: the reason for this is its unique composition. Among its advantages - increased stamina, vigor, and overall well-being. The list of diseases for which it is useful is not by chance so wide: the mixture of ingredients affects many processes in the human body. Drinking "canned air" bubbles is the easiest way to prevent brain starvation.

No matter how useful an oxygen cocktail is, its main disadvantage is the impossibility of being used as the main medicine. It supports the internal organs during treatment with more serious drugs, but does not itself have sufficient strength to intensively treat even one known disease. It is included in the register of medicinal preparations, but in action it is similar to a dietary supplement.

Oxygen Slimming Cocktail

Every losing weight girl would like to know what an oxygen cocktail is rich in, what it gives in combination with diets. A rigid low-calorie diet causes weakness, decreased concentration and drowsiness. Here, a mixture enriched with oxygen bubbles will come to the rescue: it relieves swelling, speeds up metabolism and gives energy. For these purposes, the composition should include: echinacea, chamomile, rose hips or cinnamon.

Oxygen cocktail and sport

The oxygen drink has gained popularity among athletes due to its restorative effect after intense physical exertion of any nature. It has nothing to do with doping, which is prohibited for use after training and before competitions. In agreement with the trainer, it is allowed to add multivitamins and minerals to it. It is prescribed at the first signs of fatigue and brain hypoxia. Already after the first applications, the quality of training and its duration increase noticeably.

Oxygen cocktail contraindications

In the absence of contraindications, the therapeutic effect of the drink is incredibly high. There are few reasons to stop using it - especially in comparison with other medications. An oxygen cocktail cannot cause harm only if its use does not occur against the background of the following diseases:

  • Exacerbation of an attack of bronchial asthma of any etiology. Whatever caused Asthma, its acute course precludes even inhalation and oxygen enrichment.
  • Allergy to the components of the composition. It sometimes includes herbal teas, gelatin, flavored syrup, or other fragrance. They provoke individual intolerance.
  • Decreased lung volume. In addition to asthma, there are diseases that reduce the amount of air entering the tissues - for example, obstructive syndrome or "smoker's lungs".
  • Ulcer. An irritated stomach will nullify everything that an oxygen cocktail is useful for. It will react aggressively to dyes or mixtures with sour berries and protein.

A drink with magical "bubbles" is inexpensive, so even given the absence of potent ingredients, it should be included in the diet periodically. General support for the body, an increase in the body's defenses, a surge of strength - this is a small part of the useful properties of the product. With a minimum list of side effects, it gives maximum benefit in almost any disease.

The oxygen cocktail is great way to normalize metabolic processes organism and boost immunity, by saturating tissue cells with additional oxygen.

It will allow you to get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The three main components of an oxygen cocktail and its calorie content

The oxygen cocktail includes three main components - oxygen, food foaming agent and tasty fragrant healthy base.

Oxygen can be found in the following forms:

Medical oxygen in cylinders- it is convenient to use if there is enough space for stationary placement of the cylinder;

Oxygen mixture in canisters- in this form, oxygen can even be carried with you in a bag or pocket;

Oxygen concentrators- occupy a small space when stationary.

For the preparation of oxygen cocktails with useful properties, it uses medical oxygen labeled GOST 5583-78 or food oxygen E948. The oxygen content in them is not less than 99%. In addition, harmful impurities are completely excluded here.

As a foaming agent are:

Fresh egg white - dangerous, given the likelihood of infection with salmonellosis;

Dry egg white is safer than fresh, but is contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance to it;

Licorice root syrup - includes alcohols;

Special foaming compositions are designed taking into account all the features, and therefore are safe and diverse.

The basis of an oxygen cocktail that is beneficial to health can be:

Juice of apple, grape, cherry, pear, raspberry, sea buckthorn,

Infusions of herbs with individually necessary healing properties.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the base should not have:

Oils - since oil ignites instantly upon contact with oxygen;

Gases - this makes it difficult to get the desired consistency of the cocktail;

Pulp in juices - this will prevent you from getting a lush, homogeneous foam.

The calorie content of an oxygen cocktail useful for the body is about 360 kcal per 100 gr. Calories may vary depending on the basis of the product - milk, juice or water and herbal decoctions.

Two ways to prepare a healthy oxygen cocktail

In order to prepare an oxygen cocktail useful for the body at home, it is enough to have all the necessary components on hand and follow a few simple steps:

1. Take a glass or plastic goblet;

2. Fill the glass with a delicious liquid base, to which add a foaming component;

3. Stir;

4. Immerse a tube with an aerator connected to an oxygen bottle into the prepared mixture;

5. Start the oxygen supply and continue it until the glass is completely filled with air foam.

This way is enough simple and gives you the opportunity to experiment with flavors changing the base of the cocktail.

For the mass preparation of oxygen cocktails with health benefits, the cooking method is suitable using an oxygen cocktail. A liquid base, a foaming mixture are placed in it and oxygen is supplied. Then the cocktail is filled with glasses one by one, the foam formed in it. This method is ideal for schools, sanatoriums and other institutions with systemic mass nutrition.

Precautions for the safe preparation of an oxygen cocktail benefit for the body, which is irreplaceable

Keep in mind the safety precautions when preparing oxygen cocktails:

The minimum presence of oils will certainly lead to a fire on contact with oxygen. This happens instantly and stops in a matter of seconds;

Before starting the supply of oxygen to the container, only the one who is engaged in cooking and is responsible for this should be within a radius of one meter.

How to Take an Oxygen Cocktail for Better Health Benefits

It is best to take an oxygen cocktail with benefit two hours before meals. It nourishes the body, its tissues and cells, and stimulates the appetite well. Enough two receptions per day for 200-400 gr.

The duration of the course is on average 15 days.

At will and in the absence of contraindications, oxygen cocktails can be taken longer, having developed an acceptable regularity for yourself.

Feeling even an increased need for the use of oxygen foam, should take a break for several weeks every month of admission.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail

Oxygen cocktails are good for the body. They were designed specifically to enrich it with oxygen precisely by ingestion. Absorbing through the walls of the stomach, oxygen with blood penetrates deeper into the tissues, to their very cells. Each organ is enriched and nourished, restoring and improving its structure, and as a result, its functionality. A person living in a big city, at least periodically, needs a minimum course of taking such oxygen doses. This will save him from the potential danger of oxygen starvation, improve sleep, give strength and energy for sports, increase mental activity, and also strengthen the nervous system.

Having a low calorie content, an oxygen cocktail also enhances the body's metabolic processes. This allows you to fight overweight.

Studies have shown that 85% of patients are cured of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract while taking oxygen cocktails that are beneficial for the body. In addition, the nervous system is restored, the work of the respiratory system is normalized and the cardiovascular system is getting stronger.

Can an oxygen cocktail harm the body?

An oxygen cocktail can harm the body in only a few cases:

individual intolerance to certain components included in the composition - most often it is egg white. If such a problem occurs, then it is easy to eliminate it by simply replacing the ingredient causing the unwanted reaction with an acceptable one;

flatulence with prolonged use - the constant use of a cocktail with oxygen can provoke increased gas formation in the intestines. As a result, this can even lead to disorders of the digestive system;

acute episodes of asthma;

urolithiasis disease;


Acute gastric and duodenal ulcer.

If you have doubts or undesirable manifestations after the start of the reception, you should consult with a dietitian. After all, unfortunately, even an oxygen cocktail can harm the body under certain conditions.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail for the body of a pregnant woman and a nursing mother

Pregnancy is a beautiful and incredibly complex process of the emergence of a new life. In the body of a pregnant woman, significant changes occur at all levels, from physical to hormonal.

An oxygen cocktail is good for health and can give strength to a future mother. It normalizes pressure, relaxes, stabilizes the emotional background. In addition, according to experts, babies are born with stronger immunity. Taking an oxygen cocktail useful during pregnancy:

Prevents placental insufficiency;

Prevents hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus;

Maintains the level of hemoglobin in the blood of the expectant mother and her baby at a favorable level;

Minimizes the risk of infection of a pregnant woman with viral diseases;

Improves the quality of sleep;

Stabilizes metabolic processes, which helps with rapid weight gain;

Suitable for those who, for certain reasons, stay in the open air a little.

To avoid harm from taking an oxygen cocktail, you should remember about contraindications:

Acute periods of asthma;

Allergy to components;

Diseases of the stomach and intestines;

Cholelithiasis and urolithiasis or suspicion of them.

In the process of breastfeeding her baby, the mother shares immunity and health with him. To maintain her own health in the norm, she needs to eat right. An oxygen cocktail has a calorie content and vitamin composition, which are indispensable during this period. It will help you stay alert, despite lack of sleep, give you energy. Carrying incomparable benefits for the body, an oxygen cocktail also support lactation period at the optimum level.

Useful properties of an oxygen cocktail for a child's body

Children use a lot of energy in a day. And even in a dream, their brain continues to process the information received during the day. Therefore, the child's body needs support. Oxygen cocktails with their beneficial properties and the necessary daily calorie content will perfectly restore all strength and replenish the resources of a growing organism.

Absorbed through the stomach and intestines, oxygen has a healing effect on their walls, accelerating the processes of tissue regeneration. It is very useful for children who have digestive and gastrointestinal disorders. But you should not drink cocktails during the acute course of the disease. In addition, it is the absorption of oxygen by the intestines that has an anthelmintic effect on it. But who, no matter how children, love to explore this world, not remembering hygiene.

Oxygen cocktail very helpful for kids because he:

Increases the body's ability to resist viruses;

Improves appetite;

Normalizes sleep;

Tones and energizes;

Activates mental activity.

How did the oxygen cocktail with its beneficial properties for health

An oxygen cocktail is healthy and very tasty. In the 60s N.N. Sirotinin conducted research in the field of oxygen therapy, during which he invented oxygen foam for oral use.

This method has the same therapeutic properties as a probe placed in the patient's stomach and filling it with oxygen. Only now the use of an oxygen cocktail is a much more pleasant process.

A few years ago, oxygen cocktails were very popular all over the world. The producers of the drink promised to get rid of oxygen starvation, anemia and even placental insufficiency with it! Today, the “boom” around oxygenated drinks has subsided somewhat, but most of us still do not know what the benefits and harms of oxygen cocktails are.

What is an oxygen cocktail

In fact, an oxygen cocktail is not at all a new and foreign invention. Its author is the domestic academician Sirotkin, who in the 60s of the 20th century invented the “oxygen film”, which then became known as a cocktail. Such a film in the USSR was offered to children in kindergartens, sanatoriums, rest homes and medical institutions. Only a few decades later, the oxygen cocktail began to be promoted as an "eco-cocktail", a "miracle cure" for all diseases and sold on every corner.

The basis of such a cocktail is natural juice without pulp, herbal tea, mineral solution, which, using a special apparatus, is saturated with oxygen and brought to the state of a delicate and airy foam with a peculiar pleasant taste.

The benefits and harms of an oxygen cocktail

The attitude towards the beneficial properties of an oxygen cocktail among representatives of official medicine is far from unambiguous. Someone considers it really useful, someone considers it another “food supplement”, and other doctors generally advise to stop drinking this drink, since it can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

The “defenders” of the oxygen cocktail argue that with the constantly deteriorating environmental situation in big cities and large settlements, up to 80% of all residents of our country experience oxygen starvation and regular course use of oxygen cocktails can restore the desired level of oxygen in the blood.

Opponents of the oxygen "film" are sure - yes, we all lack oxygen, but it is also hardly possible to get the missing amount from the stomach and intestines, where the cocktail enters. Moreover, each organism individually reacts to this method of oxygen saturation, and for some, an oxygen cocktail can cause problems with the digestive tract.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail

Despite the assurances of the manufacturers and sellers of this invigorating drink, there is no scientifically proven evidence that an oxygen cocktail can help with placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive tract, or ascariasis in children. Such statements are just a publicity stunt of the drink manufacturers, who are trying to give consumers the impression that the oxygen cocktail is a panacea for all diseases. Of course, there are considerable benefits from its use, but no more than from the use of vitamins or herbal tea.

The main benefit of an oxygen cocktail for the body is simultaneous saturation of it with oxygen, vitamins and phytoelements contained in the base of the drink. With course use (at least 10 days - 1 cocktail per day), it has a pronounced therapeutic effect on the entire body. An oxygen cocktail is effective for chronic fatigue, decreased performance, insomnia, frequent colds and chronic diseases.

When using an oxygen cocktail, metabolic processes are activated, blood circulation improves, the immune system and nervous system are strengthened. So, the intake of oxygen cocktails is recommended for children, especially during periods of rapid growth, residents of large industrial centers, people suffering from nervous tension, chronic fatigue and insomnia.

Harm of an oxygen cocktail

An oxygen cocktail is only useful when it is properly prepared. Before you drink such a drink, and even more so, treat your children to it, you need to find out exactly what is included in its composition. So, raw egg whites, which many manufacturers used to add to a cocktail, are always a risk of contracting some kind of intestinal infection, such as salmonellosis.

Another feature of oxygen cocktails is the way they are consumed. In no case should you drink a drink through a straw, as you can get a burn of the mucous membrane of the pharynx or esophagus. The most “correct” way to drink a cocktail is to eat it with a small spoon! This will not only protect against burns, but also prevent increased gas formation in the stomach and intestines.

Oxygen cocktail - a drink that is not suitable for everyone, it should not be used with:

  • bronchial asthma in the acute stage;
  • allergies to cocktail components;
  • respiratory failure;
  • diseases of the digestive system - stomach and intestinal ulcers, adhesive disease;
  • stones in the gallbladder or bladder.
