
Altai honey: types and composition. Varieties and useful properties of Altai honey

The Altai Territory is famous for its clean air and magnificent green meadows. Many honey plants grow here, and beekeeping has centuries-old traditions. That is why Altai honey is famous for its quality and environmental friendliness. It tastes great and can be used to make healing folk remedies.

Altai honey is a common name for a variety collected from a large number of plants growing in the Altai Mountains. It may contain different amounts of impurities from many mountain and field herbs and flowers, but it is always of high quality and environmentally friendly. Among the honey plants of Altai there are a large number of endemic plants, so the product obtained in these parts has unique qualities.


As you might guess from the name, honey of this variety is mined exclusively in the Altai Territory. Its springs usually grow in the meadows at the foot of the mountains. It is worth noting that in this area there are no large industrial centers or highways, so local bee products are distinguished by excellent purity and the absence of harmful impurities. Honey of this variety very rarely causes allergies.


Depending on the ratio of herbs in the composition, Altai mountain honey can acquire different shades. Colors range from light green to amber.

Taste qualities

This variety has a very mild taste. The aftertaste does not leave cloying or bitterness in the mouth.


The smell of this product is reminiscent of green Altai meadows. It has a light and very pleasant aroma of fresh grass, which may vary slightly, depending on the ratio of herbs and flowers in the composition.


The hardening of the Altai variety is rather slow. Sometimes this process can take more than 3 months. As a result, Altai honey becomes hard and white.

Useful and medicinal properties

Altai honey has a lot of healing properties, which were noticed in antiquity. Even the usual and non-systematic use of this product has a positive effect on human immunity. And with regular use, it can improve the condition of the circulatory system and improve metabolism.

Like most other types, Altai honey copes well with colds and helps to quickly get rid of a cough. Its use allows you to quickly heal burns and cuts, because it has a very good antiseptic and wound healing effect. The absence of harmful impurities in the composition allows the use of honey extracted in Altai, even for the treatment of children.

Video "History and features of Altai beekeeping"

This informational video tells about how bee nectar is extracted in Altai and how important beekeeping is in this region.

Varieties of honey

By botanical origin natural honey can be floral, padev And mixed.

flower honey- a product of processing by bees of the nectar collected from flowers of plants. It can be monofloral (from one plant) and polyfloral - collected from many plants.

honeydew honey It is formed during the processing by bees of honeydew and honeydew, which they collect from the stems and leaves of plants, from the secretions of some insects.

mixed honey Consists of a natural mixture of flower and honeydew honeys.

Among floral monofloral honeys most common in Altai:

Acacia honey. It is obtained mainly from yellow acacia (tree-like caragana) and from shrub caragana. In many taiga and mountainous regions of Altai, the yellow locust forms continuous thickets, and in some years, during its flowering period, you can get a lot of marketable products. It is widely distributed in the tape forest, field-protective forest plantations, in parks around settlements and as a hedge.

Yellow acacia honey is light or light amber. Almost transparent in liquid form. Crystallizes slowly. When crystallized, it becomes white, fine-grained, resembling lard. Differs in gentle taste and thin weak aroma. For its wonderful taste and color, people call acacia honey "May", attributing to it extraordinary healing properties. However, for all its superiority over other honeys in terms of medicinal properties, acacia honey is inferior to the prefabricated (polyfloral) honey of early summer and summer honey collections.

Nectar productivity of thickets of acacia yellow reaches. 300-350 kg! ha. Strong bee colonies collect 8-10 on some days, sometimes up to 14-15 kg nectar per day.

Buckwheat honey. It is characterized by a pleasant specific taste and aroma. In liquid form, honey is dark yellow with a reddish tinge or dark brown. Crystallized, acquires a dark yellow or brown color. Crystals from fine-grained to coarse-grained form. Honey contains a lot of protein and minerals, especially iron.

Angelica honey bees are collected from Siberian angelica, which is widespread in taiga and mountainous regions. Fresh honey is very beautiful. Its color is dark brown to reddish amber. It has a specific aroma and taste. When used, it slightly "tickles" in the throat. Honey is very viscous and crystallizes slowly. Angelica is considered a first-class honey plant in the taiga.

Angelica honey bees are made from angelica, known in Altai as rusyanka. Honey is light, with an amber hue, of excellent quality and amazing taste with a delicate forest aroma. Crystallizes slowly. Refers to the best honeys.

sweet clover honey light, transparent, sometimes light amber, with a delicate pleasant aroma reminiscent of vanilla. Differs in high palatability. Crystallizes slowly. The honey cage is white, creamy.

willow honey golden-yellow or light-yellow in color, upon crystallization it becomes fine-grained, cream-colored. Crystallizes slowly. Like early spring honey, it has high taste qualities and, apparently, medicinal properties. The sources of willow honey are willow trees and shrubs, which are found in a large number in Altai.

Fireweed honey light, transparent, with a greenish tint, has a delicate aroma and taste. It crystallizes slowly, forming a small or coarse-grained cage of white color, resembling cream or lard. Bees make it from the flowers of Ivan-tea (fireweed).

clover honey light or light yellow, has high taste qualities. It belongs to the best light grades of honey. It crystallizes slowly, turning into a white solid mass.

Raspberry honey light, exceptionally fragrant, wonderful unique taste. Especially amazing is honeycomb raspberry honey, which seems to melt in your mouth. Bees produce honey from forest and garden raspberries.

Honey from Tatar honeysuckle very light, sometimes with an amber tint. The aroma is weak, it crystallizes slowly, forming a light fine-grained cage. Honeysuckle, as a rule, forms thickets together with yellow acacia, and in the case of the prevalence of the latter, it is poorly visited by bees. Therefore, monofloral honey from honeysuckle is extremely rare. In taste, it is similar to honey from yellow acacia.

Dandelion honey golden-yellow color, very thick, quickly crystallizing, with a strong smell and a peculiar pungent taste. In the spring, it is eaten mainly by bees, and also serves as feed additives for feeding adult bee brood.

thistle honey light, slightly greenish, fragrant, tasty. Crystallizing, it forms a fine-grained cage of white or cream color. Bees collect nectar from weeds - thistle field and pink.

sunflower honey golden in color, sometimes with a greenish tinge, has a slight aroma and a pleasant tart taste. It crystallizes quickly, falling into coarse crystals of a light amber color, resembling melted butter. During long-term storage, it often separates into two fractions: glucose crystals precipitate to the bottom, and fructose forms the liquid part of honey from above. Liquid fructose can turn sour.

Bees make honey from nectar collected from golden-yellow tubular sunflower flowers, the main honey plant of late summer honey collection in some steppe and forest-steppe regions of the region.

Rapeseed honey whitish, sometimes yellowish, pleasant aroma, sugary taste, very thick, quickly crystallizes, poorly soluble in water. During storage, it sometimes settles and quickly turns sour. Completely unsuitable as a winter food supply for bees. Bees prepare honey from the nectar of yellow flowers of a beautiful essential oil plant - rapeseed.

Bruising honey refers to first-class honeys. It has a light or light amber color, pleasant taste and delicate aroma, thick in texture. It crystallizes slowly, forming a fine-grained cage of white or slightly cream color. Bees collect nectar and prepare honey from the pink and bright blue flowers of the common bruise or blush.

Saussure honey light amber or amber color. It has a specific aroma and a pleasant, unique thick pungent aftertaste. Beekeepers consider it to be a first-class honey. It crystallizes very slowly, forming a fine-grained cage of white color with a characteristic greenish tinge. The source of Saussurean honey is a perennial plant of the mountain-taiga and high-mountain zones - broad-leaved Saussurea. Among local beekeepers, this beautiful honey plant is known as "squirrel".

Serpukhovy honey light with a slight greenish tint. It has a delicate delicate aroma and a characteristic sharp aftertaste. It crystallizes slowly, forming a fine-grained cage of white or slightly cream color.

Bees collect nectar and make honey using violet-purple flowers of a perennial plant of the mountain-forest zone - crowned sickle, which is a valuable late summer honey plant in the taiga.

Phacelia honey freshly pumped is colorless, but becomes white or light green with time. It has a delicate aroma and a pleasant delicate taste. It crystallizes slowly, turning into a pasty white mass. Refers to high-grade honey. Especially appreciated as an excellent winter food for bees. The source of honey is tansy phacelia. It is sown on collective farms and state farms of the Altai Territory in crop rotation fields.

Esparcet honey light or light amber in color, has a slight aroma and a pleasant delicate taste. It crystallizes quickly, becoming white with a creamy, sometimes slightly greenish tint. Bees get it from the nectar of pale pink or pink sainfoin flowers of the Siberian early summer honey plant, which provides the first productive honey flow.

Polyfloral, or mixed (prefabricated) floral, honey bees collect from various plants. As a rule, such honey is called according to the place of its collection: meadow, steppe, forest, mountain, alpine. Often in such honey there is nectar collected and processed from many plants, which give the honey a specific aroma and taste. Its color can be from light yellow to dark; aroma and taste - from gentle weak to sharp; crystallization - from fat-like to coarse-grained. Mixed (polyfloral) honey sometimes contains an admixture of honeydew.

honeydew honey is a product prepared by bees not from flower nectar, but from honeydew of animal origin and honeydew. Consists of fructose (37%), glucose (31%), sucrose (1-16%), dextrins (11%), proteins (3%), acids; minerals it contains about 0.7% (especially a lot of potassium and sodium). The total acidity is 2.5.

The color of honeydew honey is very diverse: from light amber and amber (up to 50-60% of cases) to dark (30-32% of cases). Viscosity is much higher than that of flower honey. The taste is specific, sometimes sharp, unpleasant, with a metallic taste. Aroma is very weak or non-existent.

Most often, honeydew honey occurs as a small admixture to natural honey, and then it is difficult to distinguish it from pure flower honey. Honey mixed with honeydew is quite suitable for human nutrition and does not have any negative effects on the human body. For bees, honeydew honey is especially harmful in winter, causing them to have intestinal overload and diarrhea. Honey with a high honeydew content is widely used in the confectionery industry.

Honeydew honey, like flower honey, is sealed in cells by bees, after pumping it slowly crystallizes. Crystals of various shapes - from fat-like to coarse-grained.

According to the method of extraction, honey can be honeycomb, sectional, pressed and centrifugal.

comb honey- one of the most beautiful products, deservedly enjoying great popularity among the population. This is a surprisingly pleasant and healing food.

Rebuilt, light, fragile-looking hexagonal wax cells filled with pure, fragrant, sparkling honey are an amazing natural phenomenon, an invaluable gift to man.

Honey is sold in freshly built combs of both nesting frames and semi-frames. The combs in which the brood was hatched are not recommended for the production of comb honey, since the honey in them loses its presentation. Especially popular is comb honey enclosed in special sectional frames-sections, the walls of which are made of thin boards, plywood or food-grade plastic. As a rule, the section holds 400-500, sometimes 700 G honey.

In some countries (USA), the method of preparing lump comb honey is widely used. For this purpose, cut pieces of comb honey are placed in glass jars of a suitable size and filled with liquid centrifugal honey, which is preheated in a water bath to 60-65 ° and cooled to 45 ° by the time the jars are filled. Liquid honey should flow into the vessel along the inner walls to prevent air bubbles from entering it. As the jars are filled, they are hermetically sealed and laid on their side so that the honeycomb does not collapse, floating in warm honey. After cooling, jars of honey are packed in boxes for transportation and sale. Lump honey should not be stored for a long time, as its marketable appearance may depreciate the crystallization of liquid honey-filler.

Every beekeeper can be engaged in the production of comb honey in the region, however, it should be remembered that the most beautiful and attractive honey in combs of light shades (white, light amber, amber), collected and prepared from the nectar of yellow acacia, sweet clover, sainfoin, clovers, phacelia, bruise, sow thistle, raspberry, angelica forest (Rusyanka), willow-herb, meadow forbs, melliferous plants of alpine and subalpine meadows.

Pressed honey obtained in the case when it is not possible to pump it out on a honey extractor. Pressing (squeezing) honey in the region is practiced extremely rarely, since in this case the beekeeper is forced to spoil the rebuilt good-quality combs.

centrifugal honey- this is the well-known honey, pumped out of the combs on the honey extractor. The components of honey, its taste and smell do not change.

Altai Krai is an ecologically clean corner of our country. The mild climate creates favorable conditions for the growth of various medicinal herbs. From the collected nectar, bees produce a unique product - Altai honey.

Characteristics of honey

Altai honey regularly receives rave reviews from lovers of bee products. It combines all the healing properties, aroma and taste qualities that are inherent in honey plants.

Color can be different: from light yellow to amber. Sweet taste is characterized by piquant astringency and bitterness. The smell and aroma directly depend on the herbs and flowers, the nectar of which the bees feasted on. The crystallization process is influenced by the color and biologically active substances of the product.

From one apiary, beekeepers collect several varieties of honey delicacy. Depending on the collection area, four main types can be distinguished:

  • Field - the most common product that is made from the pollen of steppe plants, such as hogweed, sunflower, fireweed, etc.
  • Lugovoi is harvested from wild honey plants.
  • Taiga - rare and multicomponent. Some types of plants, such as angelica, grow only on the mountain plains of Altai.
  • Mountain - the most valuable, collected from the rarest plants - squirrels, primroses.


Altai honey consists of:

  • sucrose and fructose;
  • Glucose and maltose;
  • Amino acids;
  • Water and ash;
  • Natural antibiotics and polysaccharides;
  • Organic acids - tartaric, lactic, citric, oxalic, malic;
  • Enzymes - diastase, amylase, phosphatase, catalase;
  • Vitamins - K, E, C, H (biotin), PP (nicotinic acid), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid);
  • Minerals - iron, iodine, molybdenum, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, chlorine, sulfur, cobalt, etc.;
  • flower pollen.

Taiga honey

The taiga variety of Altai honey has more than 300 elements. The basis is formed by the nectar of raspberry, mint, meadowsweet, sage, Ivan-tea, sweet clover, elderberry, geranium, bear's pipe, angelica. Depending on the predominance of the honey plant, the color of the product varies from light yellow to dark coffee. It has a pronounced specific taste and herbal aroma, viscous viscous consistency.

Due to the rich mineral composition, the use of one teaspoon of taiga dessert in the morning will replace the intake of vitamin preparations.

Regular use of the product helps to strengthen the immune system, the structure of hair, teeth and nails. Possessing a diuretic and choleretic effect, it contributes to the good functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Relieves headaches, normalizes sleep and calms the nervous system. Favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It has a healing effect on ulcers of the digestive system and skin. It has a bactericidal effect, so it is not replaceable for inflammatory and colds. Enhances intestinal peristalsis and promotes the elimination of toxins.

Gorngy honey is thick with a rich amber hue. The darker the honey, the more angelica nectar is included in its composition. After crystallization, which takes place very slowly, it becomes white. Mountain Altai honey is filled with aromas of fragrant herbs, the advantage is hawthorn. The taste is sweet with a gentle astringency, leaves a slight aftertaste.

It has a wound healing, antitumor and tonic effect. Improves the composition of blood, skin, eliminates dysbacteriosis, restores intestinal microflora.

It is recommended to use to increase tone, reduce thyroid function and prevent atherosclerosis. A water-honey solution is used to treat cataracts and improve vision. Effective for colds.


Altai herb honey consists of nectar and pollen from several field or meadow plants. Of particular note is May honey. The basis of this bouquet is not only medicinal plants, but also weeds. A pronounced sweet floral taste is adorned with fruity notes. After crystallization, it acquires a fine-grained structure.

Natural dessert is slowly and evenly wound on a spoon and does not exfoliate in a jar. Not subject to souring.

Altai herbs are recommended for the treatment of colds, improving the functioning of the liver and the entire digestive system. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. Due to its bactericidal properties, it is used as part of cosmetic masks. It has a regenerating and strengthening effect after mental and physical exertion.

Monofloral honey of Altai

The honey plants of monofloral Altai honey are steppe, meadow, and forest plants of Altai - sweet clover, sea buckthorn, clover, blush, fireweed, willow, sow thistle, raspberry, sunflower, angelica, honeysuckle, angelica and many others.


Altai honey has a delicate floral aroma. Differs in dark yellow color with red outflow. After sugaring, it becomes a rich dark color. It contains a large amount of iron and protein, so buckwheat honey is used to increase hemoglobin and normalize blood pressure.


Honey plants are thickets of yellow acacia. Nectar has a delicate unforgettable aroma and taste. The crystallization process is slow. The use of acacia dessert reduces blood sugar levels, improves kidney and liver function.


An elite variety of sweets is harvested from pink sainfoin flowers. Freshly extracted honey has a light green tint and a creamy structure, after crystallization it becomes white. It becomes hard and resembles fat. It has a delicate spicy aroma of tea rose. It is used to treat gynecological diseases and increase potency.


The honey plant for a rare type of Altai honey is kandyk (erythronium), which grows in the highlands. The unusual taste of the dessert leaves a spicy aftertaste. A fresh dark product acquires the color of baked milk over time. In the process of crystallization, grains are formed, so it is beaten repeatedly, betraying a creamy texture to the dessert. Used to treat the digestive system and heart.


White thick rapeseed dessert is the most affordable for consumers. Virtually odorless, has a slight aftertaste of mustard. The higher the honey plant grows in the mountains, the more liquid and dark the produced nectar is. Strengthens blood vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, promotes the regeneration of skin cells.

Altai honey with additives

Honey with cedar resin

Honey with cedar resin consists of two components:

  • Resin (turpentine) - resin of coniferous cedar trees, which is released at the places of wood fracture;
  • Honey - any variety will do, but linden is better.

The finished product has an amber color, the shade of which varies from brown-red to green. Pronounced coniferous aroma and taste. The speed of sugaring depends on the type of nectar used. Clover dessert crystallizes within two months and becomes white, acacia - within a year.

For cooking, it is necessary to heat a jar of resin in a water bath. The resin should become plastic and fluid. In a ratio of 1:20, mix with honey until a homogeneous consistency.

Used to treat the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems. Increases immunity, cleanses the blood, calms the nerves.

Honey with royal jelly

White honey with royal jelly is also gaining popularity.

Royal jelly is a valuable product of beekeeping, but in order to avoid an overdose, it cannot be taken in its pure form.

To produce such a delicacy, the two ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 1:100. Light honey of any variety should be from last year. Fresh neutralizes the healing properties of milk. This mixture is recommended to use for the treatment of bronchial asthma, colds, prevention of atherosclerosis, improve blood composition, strengthen the immune system and heart muscle.

Honey with propolis

For the treatment of seasonal colds, infections of the oral cavity, oncological formations, beekeepers make a dessert with 5% propolis content.

Propolis - resinous substances collected from flowering plants, processed by enzymes of bee glands.

The dessert has a rich spicy composition, the aroma of incense, lemon balm, pine needles, poplar buds and laurel is felt. Burning sweet taste with bitterness resembles a thick cough balm. Differs in viscous plastic texture. The color of the finished product depends on the color of the propolis. May vary from lemon yellow to reddish brown.

Chinese fake

Honey is not just a sweet treat, but also a natural eco-product used in medicine and cosmetology. Increasingly, you can meet manufacturers who have flooded our honey product market, and who are ready to “cash in” on a low-quality fake. China has been particularly successful in this. This product has several distinctive features:

How to check the quality of honey Altai Honey Wholesale

Altai honey is diverse


The Russian region of Altai Krai is located in the southern part of Western Siberia. Altai is famous for its clean, fresh air, picturesque green meadows, numerous, including relic, plants. Many honey plants grow here, and beekeeping has been practiced for centuries. Bees collect pollen from wild rare herbs and flowers in ecologically clean areas.

The mountain variety of the sweet product is especially appreciated. To collect pollen from wild plants located high in the mountains, small worker bees travel great distances. Many of the plants they fly around have medicinal properties. Therefore, the healing, healing properties of mountain honey are used in the treatment of many ailments.

Why is natural Altai mountain honey so valued, what are the medicinal properties and contraindications of the product? Let's talk about it:

About what kind of mountain Altai honey it is (description)

Fresh mountain Altai honey is always transparent, thick, rich amber color. May vary in shades: sometimes light, sometimes darker, or may be slightly greenish. Its feature is slow crystallization. After thickening, it turns white, but does not lose its beneficial properties and nutritional qualities.

It's also incredibly flavorful. Its smell is filled with aromas of fresh herbs. The taste is delicate, tart, very sweet, has no foreign flavors. It is distinguished from other varieties by a light aftertaste that persists for a long time after consumption.

Honey from different apiaries may vary slightly in flavor and taste. It depends on the composition of mountain, steppe or meadow plants of a particular region. But in any case, the natural product is famous for its high quality, healing properties, and environmental friendliness.

It should be noted that many wild-growing endemic plants have been preserved in Altai. Also for this reason, Altai honey has unique qualities.

What is rich in Altai honey, what is its composition?

This type of sweet product has a rich composition: There are a lot of minerals: phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. There are sodium, sulfur, copper, zinc, chromium and other valuable substances. In general, according to experts, this variety contains almost the entire periodic table. It contains relatively few vitamins, although it also contains quite a lot of carotene. There are also a large number of enzymes.

In terms of the content of useful substances, mountain honey from Altai is characterized by nutritionists as an exceptionally healthy product.

Why is Altai mountain honey so good, what are its useful properties?

As an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, Altai mountain honey is included in therapeutic measures for bronchitis. Its antiseptic, wound-healing properties are used externally in the treatment of skin lesions: burns, cuts, sores, etc.

To improve immunity, prevent diseases, improve, experts recommend consuming 60-100 g (for an adult) daily, dividing this amount into several doses.

You should eat the next portion between meals with warm water. You can use tea or milk.

To improve digestion, improve the body, you can drink a glass of warm water daily with a spoonful of honey dissolved there. After a month of regular use of this composition, you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

If you want to use honey for medicinal purposes, folk recipes will help you. In them, in addition to, in fact, honey, medicinal plants are often used, the action of which is aimed at treating a specific disease. We have compiled a selection of the most popular, effective traditional medicine recipes:

Healing recipes

* Honey and grass cudweed for stomach and intestinal ulcers. Prepare an infusion of a quarter cup of dried cudweed grass and half a liter of boiling water. Strained medicine take a third of a glass with 1 tsp. honey. Treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day. The tool helps to eliminate the inflammatory process of the affected mucosa, accelerate its healing.

* Egg, honey, sea buckthorn oil. Prepare a mixture of 1 tsp. Sea buckthorn (olive oatmeal, linseed) oil, one very fresh raw egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. Altai honey. Mix everything thoroughly, dilute with 3/4 cup of warm, filtered water. Take a small sip every 2 hours. Accelerate the treatment of constipation with honey, oil and egg. Take a sip every hour.

Also, for constipation and colitis, dissolve 100 g of honey per liter of freshly squeezed. Take three times a day, before meals (half an hour to an hour), a couple of sips.

Honey candles for hemorrhoids. Chilled candles made from candied, crystallized honey will help alleviate the painful symptoms of this disease and speed up recovery. They should be inserted into the anus several times a day, and always before bedtime.

Honey for gynecological diseases

In the treatment, sitz baths with a medicinal composition are used. It is prepared as follows: Mix a glass of honey with 10 ml of alcohol tincture of propolis in a ceramic dish. Add a quarter cup of pollen. Mix everything.

For 5 liters of warm water (40 ° C), add 3 tbsp. l. mixture, wait until dissolved. Carry out the procedures 1-2 times a day, in the evening - be sure.

Instead of plain water, you can use succession or St. John's wort: 5 liters. add 1 glass of infusion, and then dissolve the prepared healing mixture.

Treatment of cranberry hypertension. A popular recipe for the treatment of high blood pressure involves the use of fresh or frozen cranberries - you need one glass. So, carefully crush the cranberries with a wooden pusher in an enameled or ceramic bowl. Add the same amount of honey, mix thoroughly until smooth.

Take 1 tbsp. l. healing mixture half an hour before meals, drinking a small amount of warm water. It is very good to use slightly heated melt water. 1-2 months is usually enough to normalize the pressure. regular intake.

To improve cardiac performance

Honey, rosehip is good for the heart. To maintain normal heart function, it is useful to drink with the addition of honey. To prepare this remedy, crush 1 tbsp as finely as possible. l. dried fruits, pour into an enamel saucepan, add 400 ml of boiling water. Reduce the temperature to a minimum, simmer for another 10 minutes. Let the finished broth cool, strain, stir 2 tbsp. l. honey. Drink half a glass several times a day.

Milk with honey for the heart. It is also very good for heart health to take small portions (1-2 tbsp each) of mountain honey with milk (1 tsp per cup), and also eat it with cottage cheese, nuts, fruits or berries.

Nuts, lemon, aloe and honey for angina. Therapy of this pathology is always carried out in a complex manner. This recipe will help enhance its effectiveness: Mix in a large bowl 100 g of perennial aloe leaves ground in a meat grinder, add a pound of finely crushed walnut kernels, pour in the juice of 2 lemons. At the end, add half a kilo of Altai honey and mix well. Keep the mixture in the cold, covered. Eat 1 tbsp. l., one hour before meals.

Onion juice with honey from atherosclerosis. Prepare a remedy with a very simple recipe: Using a juicer, squeeze the juice from 3-4 medium-sized fresh onions (blue). Mix with an equal volume of honey. Mixture take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day. Treatment - a month.

Honey, pomegranate juice for anemia, weakness, loss of physical strength. Take a mixture of equal amounts of mountain Altai honey and natural pomegranate juice. You need to drink half a glass of sweet and sour mixture after breakfast or lunch (in half an hour).

Honey, blackcurrant and liver. Prepare a remedy according to this recipe: Grind 1 kg of fresh blackcurrant with a meat grinder. Put in a jar, add the same amount of honey. Be sure to mix well. Keep the jar cold. Take twice a day for 1 tbsp. l., one hour before meals. For greater effect, it is recommended to drink apple juice.

Honey and garlic for varicose veins. Grind 200 g of fresh, elastic garlic with the help of a garlic maker. Put the gruel in a jar, add 350 g of slightly warmed honey, mix well, leave for a week, putting the jar in heat. Take 1 tbsp. l. before meals. Treatment - 2 months.

Honey for varicose veins externally. For external use, evenly distribute a little liquid honey on a piece of thick cotton fabric. Wrap the affected area with dilated veins. Cover with polyethylene, bandage with a wide bandage.

On the first day of treatment, keep the compress for 2 hours. Then 2 days - four hours each. The remaining days of the month, do a compress before going to bed, leave until the morning.


Honey and garlic during a cold. Combine crushed garlic with liquid honey (1x1). Eat 1 tsp. every 2 hours.

Sweet clover with a cold. In the evening, prepare an infusion of sweet clover grass (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water). Mix warm, filtered product with 1 tbsp. l. honey, drink at night.

Raspberries, honey and lime blossom for colds. Mix 1 tbsp. l. lime blossom and crushed dried raspberries. Pour in a glass of boiling water. Warm up, wait for cooling. To the filtered, moderately warm remedy, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, stir well until dissolved. Drink before bed as an antipyretic, antimicrobial agent.

Onions with honey for colds. Mix in a suitable jar an equal amount of grated horseradish, gruel from ground onions, natural honey. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day with moderately hot milk. Before bed is a must.

Treatment of bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis

Treatment of bronchitis with propolis tincture and honey. In order to increase the effectiveness of therapy for the underlying disease, take a mixture of 150 g of Altai honey and 30 ml. propolis tincture (20%). Long-term treatment: 1 tsp, twice a day, for 2 months. Honey and with pulmonary tuberculosis is taken according to the same recipe.

Is Altai mountain honey dangerous, does it have any contraindications?

Natural Altai mountain honey is a natural, biologically active product that has a powerful healing effect on the body, providing it with the necessary nutrients. However, some precautions must be taken when using it.

Since it contains numerous, varied elements from various plants, its consumption can cause an allergic reaction in people who are prone to allergies and young children. For the same reason, you should not give it to children suffering from exudative diathesis or scrofula.

Unfortunately, mountain honey, the beneficial properties of which we have described here, is quite difficult to find, as the market is filled with all sorts of fakes and counterfeit products. Therefore, now there are two possibilities to get mountain natural Altai honey - from an apiary from a beekeeper or use the services of trusted suppliers. The purchase of honey in the Altai Territory must be supported by documents.

If there is such an opportunity, be sure to use it to improve your well-being and heal. Just do not forget about the existing contraindications. Be healthy!

Svetlana, www.site

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Honey lovers especially appreciate bee nectar, which is collected in ecologically clean regions. The boundless meadows and mountainous areas of Altai, abounding in the rarest and unique honey plants, fit these requirements. It is here that Altai honey is obtained, which is understood as a whole complex of various beekeeping products - both monofloral and polyfloral. But the main thing that unites them is their amazing healing and taste qualities.

Altai honey, which bees extract from several honey plants at once, is traditionally called. However, such polyfloral nectar differs significantly in composition and organoleptic properties, depending on the place of collection of the raw material.

It is no secret that Altai is geographically heterogeneous. Meadows and fields are replaced by mountainous areas. And, of course, different honey plants grow in different regions. So, angelica grows in the foothills, buckwheat and sunflower are found in abundance on the plains.

Polyfloral Altai honey can be divided into 4 main categories:

  • field;
  • meadow;
  • taiga;
  • mountain.

Altai mountain honey is considered especially valuable, because it contains nectars of the most rare plants. Most often it is watery, but the shade can be from amber to dark yellow and even brown. The darker the color, the more angelica pollen in the honey. Acacia nectar, on the contrary, brightens the finished product.

The onboard mountain honey stands apart. As the name implies, wild bees extract it, and specially trained people extract it by beekeeping. Often there is such Altai honey with propolis, since it is quite difficult to get a pure product.

Taiga honey is also distinguished by its multicomponent composition, and some honey plants grow only in the forests of Altai. A huge selection of herbs and shrubs (strawberries, hawthorn, angelica, etc.) gives the nectar a bright taste and aroma. The shade depends on the prevailing honey plant and varies from white to dark brown.

Read also: Euphorbia honey: useful properties and contraindications

Field honey is a product from the pollen of steppe plants: fireweed, cow parsnip, sunflower. This variety of Altai honey is considered the most common. But meadow honey is more valued, since wild honey plants serve as raw materials for it.

Types of monofloral Altai honey

The number of honey plants in the steppes and mountains is simply amazing. It is not surprising that the monofloral honey of Altai is represented by a huge number of varieties, each of which, of course, has a composition and useful properties that are different from the others.

Below we will take a closer look at some types of honey, but for now we will only name the most popular varieties of Altai monofloral honey:

  • rapeseed;
  • lime;
  • acacia;
  • buckwheat;
  • angelica;
  • angelica;
  • sweet clover;
  • willow;
  • fireweed;
  • honeysuckle;
  • clover;
  • sunflower;
  • crimson;
  • kandychny;
  • thistle, etc.

Thus, linden honey is considered one of the most valuable types of bee nectar because of its excellent taste and healing properties. This product, originally from Altai, is distinguished by a cloudy yellow tint and a liquid consistency. Linden honey has a bright aroma, and when tasting, a slight bitterness is noted.

A rather rare variety is Altai honey from kandyk (erythronium). This plant grows in mountainous places and is considered a valuable honey plant. Kandyk honey “gives out” a specific one: with an unusual aroma, spicy taste with a mysterious aftertaste. The product just obtained is dark in color, after crystallization it resembles baked milk in color.

Rapeseed Altai honey is considered the most affordable of all varieties of monofloral beekeeping product. If it is mined on the plain, it is distinguished by its density and whiteness. As you move to the mountain peaks, it becomes more liquid and darker. Mountain rapeseed nectar is already amber in color.

The elite varieties of Altai honey, along with angelica, include buckwheat nectar. It can be recognized by its thick consistency, dark yellow color with a practical red tint. Such a product is valued by traditional healers for a pronounced hematopoietic effect.
