
Alcoholic cocktails for men. Getting ready for the men's day! Homemade cocktails for male potency


Intimate relationships are the culmination of love, when people open up to each other, trust the most intimate. Sex- the most important component of a love relationship. Do not believe those who say that sex in a relationship is not the main thing.

Without sex, relationships become insipid. Bright sex accompanies the beginning of a relationship, with time the passion subsides. This is normal, because the brighter and hotter the fire, the faster it burns out. In addition, in life we ​​are surrounded by many difficulties that also leave their mark on our sexual life.

Daily stress at work, poor environmental conditions, unhealthy food, medications - there are many reasons for a decrease in sexual desire. Especially such situations negatively affect men. But it is in your hands to keep the passion of your relationship alive and experience every day like the first.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some folk remedies for the return of strength and energy to men, as well as some cocktails to maintain male potency.

Cheeseburger Cocktail

This relatively young cocktail was invented in Canada by Trevor Burris. This drink is very easy to prepare. You will need tomatoes pre-soaked in beef broth, vegetable pickles, and cheddar cheese. All ingredients must be crushed with a blender and drink! The creator of the drink promises unforgettable sex!

Cocktail "Youth"

This cocktail, created in Bulgaria, contains quail eggs, which are known to be superior to Viagra for their miraculous properties. You need to take 120 grams of cola, 20 grams of brandy (you can rum), 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little lemon juice. We mix these ingredients and add 2-3 separately beaten quail eggs to them. A little sparkling water - the cocktail is ready!

Russian folk recipes for male impotence

Cocktail "Beetroot"

For this cocktail that helps with male impotence, take beetroot juice (about 50 grams), two tablespoons of Cahors and half a glass of crushed pine nuts, add a glass of boiled, already cooled milk. Drink in one gulp!

Cocktail "Herbal"

The preparation time for this healing cocktail is 3 days. Take one tablespoon of white and yellow acacia, as well as red mulberry, pour everything with two liters of grape wine, let it brew for three days in a warm place. Before taking the resulting infusion, warm up (but do not boil!), Take 50 grams at night after meals.

Cocktail "Birch sap"

Cocktail "Celery"

This cocktail, like the Herbal one, is not prepared immediately, but for several days. You will need one hundred grams of chopped celery root and a liter of red wine. Combine the ingredients and heat to a boil over low heat for fifteen minutes (but do not boil!). Insist in a warm place for seven days, take three times a day half an hour before meals, 50 grams.

Old exotic recipes

Cocktail "Frogs" This Peruvian cocktail is very ancient, the exact time of its invention is not known, but it has truly great power, prolongs sexual intercourse, and also has a beneficial effect on the bronchi and lungs. For this cocktail, you will need the meat of frogs that live in Peru. Raw meat is ground to a liquid state and given to drink to a man.

Cocktail "Mouse"

This ancient Korean healing drink for men has a not very pleasant taste and smell, but at the same time its effect comes instantly. For cooking, they take newborn mice and put them alive in a jug of rice wine, insist this hellish mixture for several years.

Erectile dysfunction in men is a problem that requires immediate intervention, because any minor failures can indicate serious health problems. In some cases, potency can be increased with the help of various cocktails prepared at home. Also, these drinks are recommended to be drunk by men who want to maintain male power until old age.

Recipes for drinks to enhance erection

Beetroot cocktail. To prepare it, beetroot juice (50 g), chopped walnuts (1/2 cup), good red wine (1-2 tablespoons) and boiled milk (1 cup) are mixed with a blender. The indicated proportions are calculated for one serving of the cocktail.

A positive effect is guaranteed by a drink made from the roots and leaves of celery and one large grapefruit. Despite the rather unpleasant taste, the result lives up to expectations.

The well-known stimulating Molodost cocktail is based on quail eggs (3 pcs.), Which are mixed with cognac (20 g), Coca-Cola (120 g), and a little sugar and lemon juice are added.

From quail eggs, you can prepare a lot of other cocktails that have a positive effect on erections in men. For example, mix 500 ml of hot milk, a few quail eggs and 10-20 g of fresh tomato juice, add spices to taste. Such a cocktail allows you to maintain the body in good shape after physical exertion.

The benefit of the above cocktails is that quail eggs have a rich vitamin composition, they contain phosphorus, iron, vitamins A and B, which improve overall well-being and normalize the functioning of the whole organism, including the reproductive system.

GOOD TO KNOW: In some countries, for example in Germany, it is customary for men to drink 2-3 quail eggs in the morning. But the maximum effect will be if you add 1 tablespoon of alcohol tincture from walnuts to the eggs - another source of male power.

A fairly easy-to-prepare cocktail of birch sap, which is mixed with carrot juice in a 2: 1 ratio. Add 1 egg yolk to the resulting mixture. Drinking such a "love elixir" is recommended 3-4 times a day.

Herbal drinks require a long preparation, however, the result will be more persistent. One of these cocktails is made from red mulberries, acacia flowers and grape wine (2 l). The mixture is insisted for about 3 days, and then warmed up and drunk before going to bed no more than 50 g at a time. If you prefer plant-based cocktails, you can also experiment with the following drinks:

1. Mix 10 g of dried calendula, 20 g of immortelle, 30 g of St. John's wort and 25 g of valerian roots. Herbs pour 200 g of boiling water and drink 1 table. spoon per day.

2. Prepare a tincture of 20 g of nettle seeds and half a liter of red wine, set aside for 7 days. Use 3 times a day, 1 spoon.

3. Take yarrow herbs (100 g), calamus root (50 g) and fenugreek seed (50 g). Add a glass of boiling water to 1 tablespoon of crushed herbs. Drink chilled liquid 3 times a day.

Since ancient times, in Rus', healers advised for erectile dysfunction to prepare drinks from periwinkle, lungwort, plantain, thyme. Infusions of these herbs have proven useful in modern folk medicine, but there is no clear evidence of their beneficial effect on potency.

The aronia berry is known for its exciting properties, which is also part of many cocktails that increase potency. However, its use is contraindicated in people suffering from varicose veins or prone to blood clots in the vessels, since chokeberry can thicken the blood.

GOOD TO KNOW: In ancient Rome, a fragrant drink made from roses and thyme was used to increase potency, which, due to their smell, caused strong sexual arousal and a burst of energy. And the Greeks, in order to increase the population, came up with their own unique drink recipe for potency, which was based on sage.

Jasmine oil is often used to make aphrodisiac perfumes, because this plant has a strong attracting aroma, and sometimes it is added to food and drinks as an erotic stimulant.

INTERESTING FACT: The loving French monarch Henry IV invented his love drink. Every morning he was served a cocktail of horseradish and egg yolks.

  • Try adding aphrodisiac spices to your favorite drinks, like honey, ginger or cinnamon sticks, cardamom, and nutmeg.
  • Prepare smoothies from your favorite vegetables and fruits, which in themselves are beneficial for the body of any person. Beets, carrots, radishes, pumpkins, celery, as well as citruses and pomegranates have the most favorable effect on potency.
  • Don't stop at one potency remedy, try mixing different ingredients, but be careful and be aware of the possible side effects when it comes to herbs.

An alcoholic cocktail in the hands of a man can tell a lot about him, as a person and about his temperament. If you think that girls in a nightclub pay attention only to your appearance and the watch on your wrist, then you should add to this list the moment what exactly you drink. A Mojito or Margarita cocktail, vodka with juice will not give you many chances to conquer a weak soul mate, in whose eyes you may seem weak, and it doesn’t matter if you have a headache or before that you drank a couple of glasses of cognac with a friend. If you want to be the center of female attention in a nightclub, take care of your attractive alcohol menu for women.

Real strong men should drink only the best of the best cocktails. Among them:

■ Manhattan, Frank Sinatra's favorite drink: whiskey and dry vermouth with ice;

■ Sidecar: cognac, orange liqueur and lemon juice;
■ Rusty Nail: Drambuie, whiskey and ice;
■ Typhoon: gin, lemon juice, Anisette liqueur and champagne. Very refreshing and very strong cocktail;

■ "Bloody bull": tequila, tomato juice and a little beef broth;
■ "Beer explosive": beer, vodka and hot sauce. The taste of this cocktail depends entirely on the type of beer you choose;

■ "Old-fashioned cocktail", which can safely be called the main drink of any bar and nightclub. It is enough to mix sugar with bitters, add ice, whiskey and enjoy the pleasure of taste for the whole evening;

■ "T-55": shoots on the spot, in the bull's-eye, and just have time to charge. Ingredients: cold vodka and coffee liqueur in equal proportions;

■ "Joker's Breakfast": cognac, coffee liqueur and one chicken egg;
■ Apricot: dark rum, lime, apricot jam;
■ "Midday death", which was often drunk by the famous writer Ernest Hemingway. Only two components - absinthe and champagne, and what an effect: just a deadly number !;

■ "Green Vesper": smells good, goes well and works instantly. Main ingredients: absinthe, gin, vodka, lime and ice.

In real men's cocktails, you will not see any exotic ingredients, fruits or juice: only strong and elite alcohol. The main thing is to have time to calculate your strength before drinking this or that cocktail. Sometimes one glass is enough to cheer yourself up and wake up in yourself a real conqueror of women's hearts, a musketeer.

The dream of many men is to have a small bar at home to prepare cocktails from time to time and surprise guests with their art of mixing alcohol. To understand what exactly you need to have from drinks, let's try to deal with the most popular truly "male" cocktails.

1. Green Vesper

One of the most brutal cocktails: spicy, fragrant, consisting of three types of strong drinks. The notes of wormwood and juniper set off the taste of vodka and together make the taste complete, and the aftertaste fresh and bright. The effect is felt instantly.


  • 15 ml absinthe,
  • 45 ml gin
  • 30 ml of vodka,
  • lime,


Pour alcohol into a shaker in any order, shake, strain and pour into tall glasses. Add ice, decorate the glass with lime.

2. Midday death

Despite the creepy name, the cocktail is great. No wonder Ernest Hemingway loved him so much. The cocktail was invented in France - and this is not surprising: it includes champagne.


  • 45 ml absinthe
  • 120 ml champagne


Pour absinthe into a chilled glass, then cold champagne. We do not shake.

3. White Russian

The cocktail gained popularity after the release of The Big Lebowski, but before that it appeared in several other films. It has many variations, but there is only one classic cooking option.


  • 50 grams of vodka
  • 25 grams coffee liqueur
  • 25 grams of cream


Pour liquor into an old fashioned glass, then vodka and top with cream. As a result of the density difference, 2 clearly distinguishable layers should be obtained.

4. Manhattan

Some argue that the drink appeared in the club of the same name in New York, others that the cocktail was invented by the mother of Winston Churchill, nevertheless, its popularity grew, and, as a result, the whole world learned about it.


  • 60 ml Canadian whiskey
  • 30 ml sweet red vermouth
  • 2 drops Venezuelan Angostura bitters
  • Cherries or lemon zest for garnish.


We mix all the ingredients in a shaker with ice, but serve without ice in a cocktail glass, decorate with cherries or lemon zest.

5. Sidecar

The famous Ritz hotel insists that this cocktail was invented there at the end of the First World War and named after the motorized carriage in which the inventor, the young captain, liked to ride.


  • 50 ml cognac
  • 20 ml orange liqueur
  • 40 gr lemon
  • 5 g sugar


We make a sugar border around the edges of the cocktail glass, mix cognac, liquor, juice from a quarter of a lemon and 200 grams of ice in a shaker, pour through a strainer (sieve) into a glass.

6. Trinity

One of the most popular gin cocktails.


  • 30 ml gin
  • 20 ml dry vermouth
  • 20 ml sweet vermouth


Mix everything in a shaker with ice, pour through a strainer into a cocktail glass.

7. Long Island Ice Tea

Cocktail, famous all over the world. It can be tasted in any bar in any part of the world, it is often drunk in films and books, and there is probably no such person who has not heard about this drink.


  • 15 ml vodka
  • 15 ml gin
  • 15 ml white rum
  • 15 ml silver tequila
  • 15 ml orange liqueur
  • 15 ml sugar syrup
  • 50 ml cola
  • a quarter of a lemon


Here, for mixing, we need not a shaker, but a highball - a tall glass of even cylindrical shape. Pour out all the alcoholic components, squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix, add cola, mix again. Served in a cocktail glass garnished with a slice of lemon and a straw.

8. B-52

A cocktail named after the Boeing ultra-long-range bomber, one of the most famous aircraft of the Cold War. The effect produces exactly the same, so be careful with its use!


  • 20 ml coffee liqueur (eg Captain Black)
  • 20 ml Irish Cream Liqueur (such as Baileys)
  • 20 ml orange liqueur (such as Quantreau)


Pour the coffee liqueur into the shot, then pour in the cream liqueur with a spoon and, similarly, the orange liqueur. Make sure the layers don't mix. Then comes the most interesting - we set fire to the top layer. This may not happen right away. As soon as it works, we quickly lower the tube to the very bottom and drink it just as quickly - at first you will feel the cold liquor, and then the hot one will come. This is what makes this cocktail so unique and incomparable.

Have a good rest and observe moderation.

Used photos from the site: img-foto.yandex.ru

To maintain potency as in youth, men often go to extreme measures. Taking pills, injections, mechanical devices is a difficult path to a good erection. A simple way is a potency cocktail, which you can prepare yourself from ingredients that are more preferred.

Types of drinks

A cocktail is a drink consisting of several components. All mixes are conditionally divided into two large groups:

  • non-alcoholic.

Alcohol-free drinks are more suitable for every day. On special occasions, there is a wide selection of alcoholic cocktails for every taste.

The advantages of drinks over other methods of stimulating an erection:

  • there is a choice of ingredients to your taste and budget;
  • allowed to use every day;
  • drinks cause an increase not only in potency, but also in immunity, body resistance;
  • the most popular cocktails contain strong aphrodisiacs that will suit both men and women.

Recipes for non-alcoholic mixes

Non-alcoholic cocktails usually contain vegetable products, juice, eggs. They are very easy to prepare yourself because no serious equipment is required. Quail egg drinks are popular among men all over the world.

with eggs

You need to prepare the components:

  • half a liter of medium-fat milk, preheated, but not boiled;
  • a couple of quail eggs, if they are not there, then one chicken will do;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Mix the components thoroughly with a blender, mixer. In extreme cases, use a whisk. Drink this mix at any time of the day, several times a day.

Nutritionists say: quail eggs contain more nutrients than chicken eggs. But you should remember about salmonellosis, which there is a risk of contracting by eating raw eggs. To prevent this, purchase the product from qualified sellers.

The remedy is originally Russian, it has been used for many years by men as an erection stimulation.

We take 100 ml of birch sap and pour 50 ml of carrot (or beetroot) into it.

Mix and add raw.

Mix well and drink in one gulp.

To see the effect, you should drink the mix several times a day.

Such a cocktail is well suited to athletes who are not indifferent to their potency.

  1. Take 100 ml of natural yogurt or 1% kefir.
  2. Introduce one chicken or several quail eggs, a canteen, a few pieces of dried apricots and raisins into the liquid.
  3. Blend the mass with a blender and drink.

The mixture has a healing effect on potency.

Drinks based on herbal products have an amazing ability to stimulate potency. Such mixes are allowed to drink in the morning and in the evening every day for a long time.

Celery mix is ​​one of the most effective for potency. The plant contains androsterone, an analogue of testosterone. Drinking on the basis of celery works no worse than Viagra.

  • You will need freshly squeezed juice of one root and two leaves of the plant and the juice of one grapefruit.
  • Mix the ingredients, add food ice and take several times a day.

Add honey to improve the taste.

The Cheeseburger cocktail is an unusual drink for a Russian person, but very effective. Inventor - Canadian chef T. Burris.

The product first saw the light of day at the hamburger festival and was introduced as .

You will need fat-free beef broth, tomatoes, cheddar cheese chips, pickles.

All ingredients are ground in a blender. Served with crackers or with a meat dish.

No. 3 Morning cocktail

Potency increase vitamin cocktail is prepared as follows.

  1. First, squeeze the juice from three carrots and two oranges.
  2. mix liquids,
  3. Add food ice and a spoon.

If you drink a drink in the morning instead of coffee, then cheerfulness and energy will be provided.

Fruit nutritious mix is ​​prepared using 100 ml of low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt, two bananas, several strawberries, 5 walnut kernels, 1 circle of ginger.

All components are placed in a blender and brought to a homogeneous consistency. A nutritious mix can not only increase potency, but also serve as an excellent breakfast or dinner.

Ginger is widely used in Eastern medicine as a treatment for erectile dysfunction, so it can be added to any nutritional formula.

Alcoholic cocktails

Many recipes contain alcohol. Such drinks are designed to relax after a working day in a pleasant company.

In this case, alcohol has a positive effect on potency, relaxes, allows you to get rid of complexes and liberate yourself.

Prepare 100-200 grams, 1000 ml of dry red wine.

  1. Mix ingredients.
  2. Warm well over low heat, do not bring to a boil.
  3. Leave the mixture for a week in a dark place.

Take the remedy 50-100 ml several times a day before meals.

An excellent drink for potency and general strengthening of the body.

  • We take freshly squeezed juice of one large beet, 2 tablespoons of pine nuts, 200 ml of warm milk and two tablespoons of Cahors.
  • Mix in a blender and drink in one gulp.

A drink from the Bulgarian culture "Second Youth". A cocktail with quail eggs and cognac is being prepared.

  1. Pour half a glass of Pepsi (Coca-Cola) into the container.
  2. Pour in the same two tablespoons of cognac, dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  3. Separately, beat two or three eggs and mix with the main mass.

Garnish the glass with a slice of lemon.

More cocktail recipes

The Golden Key cocktail came to us from Germany.

To cook it:

  1. Mix a glass of vodka, two tablespoons of orange liqueur or, if you want to make it weaker, only juice, four quail egg yolks, sugar.
  2. Bring to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour into a glass over ice and garnish with a lemon wedge.

The well-known cocktail "Margarita" also refers to products that stimulate an erection.
