
How to make good jellied meat. How to cook jellied beef leg: step-by-step recipe

Basic rules for preparing good jellied meat

In order to prepare clear jellied meat, you must remember
a few simple rules that you can follow without difficulty
create this culinary masterpiece.

Rule 1. Select the main ingredient - meat.

You can make jellied meat from any meat (chicken, pork,
beef, pork feet, etc.), the most important thing is to choose the right one
main product.

It is best to buy such an important component in jellied meat as meat at
market, because there it is guaranteed not to be frozen.
Pork legs, which are the key to the solidification of the dish, must
clean the bristles well, and, if necessary, burn them on fire, then
Rinse. You can add any meat you like. Will it be
chicken, beef or the same pork jellied meat - the hostess decides, but
pork legs (to be more specific - the part that ends
hooves) are absolutely necessary, then no gelatin will be needed.
If the meat has skin on it, this will also play a good role in
hardening of the jelly. The size of the pieces of meat for jellied meat does not matter much
roles. The brisket and drumstick can be cut into several parts, and large and
Leave the central bone entirely. In order to avoid small
bones, pork legs need to be cut in half lengthwise, and then again
in half along the joint.

But, oddly enough, you can’t overdo it with meat. Necessary
maintain certain proportions, otherwise there is a risk that
the dish still won’t harden: several pig’s feet weigh
approximately 700 grams can be taken no more than one and a half kilos
other meat components.

Rule 2. Meat must be soaked before cooking.

This procedure is needed for
in order to remove any remaining coagulated blood from the meat. Besides
The skin will be much softer and more tender after soaking.
Taking a pan and placing the meat ingredients in it, you need to completely
soak them in cold water and leave for several hours (or better yet,
all night long). In the morning, you can rinse the meat again and scrape it thoroughly.
pork legs to remove sooty areas. Also clean the skin
other meat components. A small paring knife is suitable for this
challenges like nothing else. Then you can place the meat in the cauldron and
start cooking.

Rule 3. The first water must be drained!

The conviction of some housewives that
that removing scale with a slotted spoon will completely solve all problems - not quite
It is better to drain the first water after cooking meat, because along with it
All excess fat and other unwanted components will be removed.
Moreover, the appearance of such jellied meat will be much more attractive, noticeably
its calorie content will decrease, and the smell will become much more pleasant. IN
Ideally, you can drain the second water, then the jelly will be clean and transparent,
like a baby's tear.
After draining the broth, you need to rinse the contents of the cauldron under running water,
which will remove the little stuck-on bits of coagulated protein. After that
You can put the meat back for final cooking. Amount of water
should be about 2 centimeters above the meat level. If quantity
If there is more water, it will not boil away as expected. Hence,
the jelly may not freeze. If there is less water, then during the cooking process
it will be necessary to add it from the kettle, which is also not very favorable
will affect the final result.

It is also necessary to take into account that in order for the jellied meat to turn out transparent,
Do not allow the contents of the cauldron to boil. Cook the jelly
need to be on low heat, about 6 hours, and then the result will exceed
all expectations.

Rule 4. Spices and seasonings also have their turn

After 5 hours have passed since the start of cooking, you can add
whole onion and carrot. If you do this earlier, then all the “delights” will come from
adding these ingredients will evaporate along with the boiled water.

Salt should also be added to the jellied meat after 4-5 hours, because in the process
boiling water, the broth becomes more concentrated, and there is
there is a possibility of simply over-salting the dish.

It is better to add allspice, bay leaf and other spices to taste minutes
thirty before the end of cooking, then the bouquet of aromas will win the hearts of even
the most scrupulous critics.

Rule 5. How long to cook jellied meat.

Jellied pork (pork legs, knuckles) 5-6 hours;
- chicken jellied meat 3-4 hours;
- beef jellied meat 7-8 hours.

But it’s best to cook jellied meat from assorted meats, then it will turn out
more tasty and rich.

Rule 6. Bones are removed by hand, not with a meat grinder.

After the jelly has finished cooking, it is necessary to remove the meat from
pots. The easiest way to do this is with a slotted spoon. The broth needs to be strained
through a colander, or better yet through a clean cloth, removing the onion, carrot,
peppercorns and bay leaf.

The slightly cooled meat must be carefully sorted with your hands, separating it
from the bones (you can help yourself with a small knife).
It is better to cut meat by hand rather than using a meat grinder, as this will
guarantee that even the smallest bones, which are very easy to
break teeth, will not end up on the plate of any of the guests.
It is better not to throw away the skins and cartilage, because they will give the jellied meat strength.
You can put greens on the bottom of the plate in which the jellied meat will freeze.
or cut out various figures from carrots - it will be wonderful
decoration for such an interesting dish. After this, spreading the meat mass into
prepared container, you can fill it with broth.

Rule 7. The right temperature is the key to success.

The best place for freezing jellied meat is not a window sill or even a cold balcony.
The most “correct” temperature for jelly is on the middle shelf
After all, if the jellied meat is not cold enough, it will not harden, but if,
on the contrary, if it freezes, it will lose all its wonderful taste
quality. This culinary masterpiece will harden within 5-6 hours.

Rule 8. If the jelly is not frozen (Jellied meat with gelatin)

If the jellied meat has not frozen, there is no need to worry. The dish can be easily saved
pouring it back into a clean pan and boiling for a few minutes. Further
It is necessary to dilute gelatin in a separate container according to the instructions on
packaging (dosage should be seen there). Pour the gelatin into the jellied meat and
mix well and pour into plates. After this procedure the jelly
It will harden for sure, there is no doubt about it.

Jellied meat recipe

To prepare delicious jellied meat you will need the following products:
pork knuckle weighing about a kilogram;
0.5 kg pork;
one onion;
2-3 bay leaves;
5-6 peas of allspice;
2-4 cloves of garlic;
2.5 liters of water;

Preparation of jellied meat:

1. Prepare the meat: rinse and add water, soak for a couple of hours.
After this, clean the shank well and cut it into two parts.
2. Pour cold water into the pan and place all the meat in it.
3. After boiling, drain the first broth and add 2.5 liters to the meat
cold water.
4. Bring to a boil and reduce heat as much as possible (so that the broth is barely
was boiling). Cook the jellied meat for 5 hours.
5. Next, add onion, pepper, salt and bay to the broth
sheet. Let simmer for another hour.
6. Remove the meat from the pan, and put the meat crushed with a knife blade into the broth.
7. Divide the meat into small pieces. Strain the broth through a fine sieve
or a clean cloth.
8. Place meat in jellied meat molds and fill with broth. Let it harden
(preferably in the refrigerator on the middle shelf).
9. Serve the jelly, first garnished with herbs, with mustard or

Quick tips for preparing jellied meat

Based on the foregoing, we can formulate several main
tips that will help you cook correctly, and most importantly deliciously
1. The meat must be fresh.
2. To make the jellied meat freeze better, it is better to use pork knuckle or
animal legs.
3. In order for the jelly to taste good, the meat must first be
soak in cold water.
4. It is better to drain the first broth.
5. Spices and seasonings should be added shortly before the end of cooking.
jellied meat to preserve their flavor.
6. Meat bones must be carefully selected by hand.
7. Jellied meat should freeze at the right temperature - medium
refrigerator shelf.
8. If the jellied meat has not frozen, you can simply add gelatin, first
boiling the jelly.
9. Do not add too much water, as the jellied meat may not
freeze. Too little water is also not a good option.
10. You need to salt the jellied meat at the end of cooking so as not to oversalt the dish.

That's all, the jelly is ready, and there is nothing super complicated. All you need is
carefully select the meat, and pay careful attention to its cooking, and then
jellied meat is doomed to success!

Jellied meat or jelly is one of the most popular meat snack dishes in our cuisine. Rich and aromatic, with the taste of meat broth, jellied meat is a frequent guest of both festive and everyday meals during the cold season.

There are a lot of recipes and secrets for making jellied meat, because everyone has different taste preferences - some people like thick jellied meat with pieces of meat, some prefer jelly as clear as a tear, and for others, serve jellied meat with bright pieces of vegetables and herbs. But for all types of jellied meat there are general rules and secrets that guarantee the ideal taste and appearance of the dish and which we will share with you in this article.

Let's figure out this subtle science together - how to cook jellied meat correctly, find out how long to cook jellied meat, what meat and bones to use, what to put in the jelly and when to add salt to it so that the jellied meat does not cease to be sticky.

Secrets of the perfect jellied meat

1. Jellied meat can be cooked from one type of meat (it can be pork, beef or poultry), or from assorted meats. The second option always turns out tastier, more aromatic, the broth will be richer and more satisfying.

2. For stickiness and quick hardening, you must put pork or beef legs (hooves), there are also a lot of gelling substances in the ears, lips, tails and shanks.

Birds contain quite a lot of gelling (sticky) substances in their legs and wings. If you want to cook jellied meat and poultry bones, be sure to add chicken legs to the bones so that there is enough meat. Meat with veins and skin also helps the broth harden quickly.

How many bones should be put in the jellied meat so that it hardens quickly: for 700 grams of legs (wings, paws), take no more than 1.5 kilograms of meat. If there is too much meat, the broth may not harden.

3. The most delicious jellied meat is made from fresh meat that has not been frozen.

4. Clotted blood in meat is bad for jellied meat. Because of it, the broth becomes less transparent - you have to often skim off the foam to fix it. Therefore, before cooking jellied meat, always soak and rinse the meat thoroughly.

You need to soak the meat like this: pour the meat in a saucepan with cold water so that it is completely covered, soak for at least 3 hours, optimally overnight, then process it and put it in a saucepan for cooking jellied meat

5. Choose the most spacious pan - bones and meat should be completely covered with water during cooking. There should be about two centimeters of water above the meat and bones.

When cooking jellied meat, some housewives drain the first water after boiling - it is believed that this makes the jellied meat more transparent and removes excess greasy taste.

One way or another, you need to periodically descale the broth during cooking.

Cook the jellied meat for at least 5 hours. First, bring the water to a boil over high heat, then switch to the slowest heat and simmer the bones and meat on it the rest of the time, periodically skimming off the foam and fat. Fat must be removed from the broth - otherwise, after you pour the jellied meat into a container and it hardens, a layer of fat consisting of greasy white flakes will form on top - few people like it.

6.Salt and spices should be added to jellied meat only at the very end of cooking! If you add salt at the beginning or middle of cooking, the broth may not be sticky.

Therefore, we put salt in the jellied meat an hour before it is ready and add salt to the jellied broth that is stronger than regular broth - otherwise the jellied meat will come out bland.

7. What else can you put in jelly/jellied meat when cooking? Bay leaf, celery and parsley root, whole peeled carrots and onions. Subsequently, the vegetables can either be thrown away or used to decorate the jellied meat.

8. What spices to put in the jellied meat: peppercorns and dry dill umbrellas will give the jellied meat a special aroma, but don’t get carried away with the seasonings, add them 30 minutes before they are ready, and then they must be drained.

9. As soon as the meat begins to separate freely from the bones, the jellied meat is ready. Remove the pan with the broth from the stove, take out the bones, set them separately to cool. If you used spices and the broth is cloudy, you can strain it through a colander with gauze folded in several layers.

Meat for jellied meat can be taken apart into pieces by hand, chopped with a knife or passed through a meat grinder.

We don’t throw away the skin and cartilage - we grind them with good meat and put them in jellied meat - this way it will “set” faster.

10. When to put garlic in jellied meat? A h esnok put in this dish at the very end - crushed with a knife and mixed with meat or poured in portions into the bottom of the form in which the jellied meat will be.

11. The chopped meat is laid out along the bottom of the mold and immediately filled with broth. Now the future jellied meat can be carefully mixed, and if you prefer the meat in the finished jellied meat to be a layer on the bottom, then do not stir. Place the molds with the broth in the refrigerator until the jellied meat has completely hardened.

12. It is important not to overfreeze the jellied meat - the middle shelf of the refrigerator is the most optimal place for it. After 4-5 hours you can check the dish for readiness.

How to cook jellied meat correctly: recipes

We already had an article about how to cook delicious homemade jellied meat from pork knuckle and beef hooves - you can read more about the cooking process.

This option is typical, one might say rustic. where there is a lot of meat and there is not much transparency.

For those who want to cook jellied meat, transparent as a tear, we offer a slightly different recipe.

How to cook clear chicken jellied meat

Add gelatin, diluted in hot water, to the prepared chicken broth. This nuance allows us not to cook the chicken for several hours, but only until the meat peels off the bones. Let's look at the classic recipe for chicken jellied meat, and take poultry.

Homemade chicken jellied meat


  • Poultry - 2 kg+
  • Onion - 1 onion in peel +
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.+
  • Garlic - to taste+
  • Celery root - 100 g+
  • Allspice - 2-3 pcs +
  • Black peppercorns - 10 peas+
  • Laurel leaf - 3 pcs.+
  • Salt - about 1.5 tbsp. or to taste+
  • Gelatin - 1 sachet 25 g+
  • Parsley (leaves) - for decoration


  • We start preparing chicken jellied meat by preparing the carcass for boiling. Poultry is generally fatty and has tougher meat fibers. Before cooking poultry, singe it over an open fire and cut it into 4 pieces.

* Advice
Wondering how to prepare chicken jellied meat according to a dietary recipe?
When cutting up a chicken, remove the skin (a very high-calorie part of the carcass), remove all the fat and cut off the tail (the wedge-shaped tail part). Firstly, by doing this we significantly reduce the calorie content of the dish, and secondly, we increase the aesthetics of the treat by depriving it of fat frozen on the surface.

* Advice
If you need to cook jellied meat for a large company, for example, for a family holiday, then you can add a couple of legs or a chicken breast (or 2-3 chicken fillets) to the poultry.

Three secrets of delicious chicken jellied meat

Secret I

To prepare a guaranteed transparent jellied meat, the first broth must be drained. Those. Let the chicken cook until it boils vigorously, let the whites curl into foam, and then pour off this “first” broth with flakes of foam and fat.

We wash the pots, we also carefully rinse the chicken under running water and cook a clear broth.

Secret II

Chicken broth will easily harden without gelatin if you boil 1 kg of chicken legs together with a chicken carcass.

Chicken feet contain cartilage tissue rich in broth-gelling substances. Also, the decoction of the paws improves the taste of this great chicken dish.

Secret III

Do not let the broth boil violently. The fire under the pan should be kept to a minimum, and the lid should be slightly open with a small opening.

Today jellied meat is a mandatory attribute of any festive feast. But not everyone knows that the history of this dish goes back several centuries. They started cooking it in the 16th century. In the northern regions of our vast country it is called jelly. Southerners apply the name “jellied meat” to a dish made from pork legs with the addition of beef on the bone, pork, chicken or turkey. It is important that the recipe contains a sufficient amount of ingredients containing gelling agents. Those who rarely cook this dish have natural questions: “How long should you cook jellied meat if you use different types of meat?” and “Can jellied meat be cooked in a pressure cooker or slow cooker?”

Secrets of a delicious dish

Not every housewife manages to cook tasty and appetizing jellied meat. The dish, where pieces of meat are visible through the frozen golden-transparent broth, is the aerobatics of a real craftswoman. To make it a success, you need to know a few important secrets of its preparation.

1. A prerequisite for any jellied meat recipe is the presence of pig legs in it. They contain a lot of gelling substance, which guarantees that the dish will harden well. Each housewife has her own signature recipe for jellied meat and adds other types of meat to her taste. Beef legs and head have excellent gelling properties. But some people prefer to use beef on the bone. Others give their preference to chicken or turkey, trying to reduce the calorie content of this hearty dish.

Legs, pieces of beef, shanks, turkey, chicken must be fresh and of good quality. Otherwise, you won’t be able to cook delicious jellied meat.

Advice! For jellied meat, it is better to take homemade or farm meat. Those who have tried to cook this dish from imported products know that the broth from them is whitish in color. When it freezes, it looks completely unappetizing.

2. To get rid of the remaining dried blood and soften the skin of the knuckle and legs, meat products need to be soaked in cold water for several hours. This is usually done at night. Chicken and turkey meat do not need to be soaked. In the morning, the skin is cleaned of dark spots remaining after the tarring procedure, and all the meat is washed well. Now you can put it on to cook.

3. Experienced housewives prefer to drain the first water after boiling. Of course, you can simply remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. But then there will be no guarantee that the broth will turn out clear. In addition, this procedure will remove the specific greasy odor and significantly reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.

4. Spices and salt should be added after about five hours of cooking. As the jellied meat cooks, the water evaporates. If you salt the broth early, it may become overly salty by the end of cooking. And the smell of spices and vegetables will disappear.

On a note! Onions should not be peeled. You just need to rinse it with running water and put it in the dish you are preparing. The broth will take on a beautiful golden hue.

5. Separate the meat into jellied meat after it has cooled. In order not to miss small bones (especially for turkey necks), it is better to cut it with a knife. Cartilage and pieces of skins are also cut into small pieces. Garlic should be crushed using a garlic press and mixed with meat. The prepared cold cuts are placed in molds and filled with strained, slightly cooled broth.

6. After the jellied meat has cooled to room temperature, place it on the middle shelf in the refrigerator. After five to six hours the dish will harden.

Traditionally, jellied meat is cooked in a large saucepan. But you can cook it in other ways: in a pressure cooker or multicooker. It also has its own secrets. And this will take much less time.

Traditional cooking method

You can cook a small amount of jellied meat in a pressure cooker or slow cooker. But many housewives prepare thoroughly for the holidays, so they use a large saucepan for this purpose.

The standard proportions are approximately as follows: for a couple of pork legs, with a total weight of approximately 700 - 800 grams, one and a half kilograms of other types of meat products are required. Pork knuckles, turkey necks, chicken legs, and pieces of beef on the bone are suitable for this purpose.

For your information! Pieces of chicken or turkey can not be placed in the pan immediately, but after three to four hours. More tender poultry meat cooks faster and also begins to fall off the bone faster.

The jellied meat should be cooked over low heat for five hours. The resulting foam must be removed with a slotted spoon. After this time, you can add vegetables, spices, and salt. Now the jellied meat remains to be cooked for another one and a half to two hours. During this time, the meat should begin to separate well from the bone.

The cold cuts should be removed from the broth and cooled. Throw away the vegetables. Now you need to carefully remove all the bones, cut the meat into pieces and arrange in molds. The strained, cooled broth is carefully poured over the meat. Once the jellied meat reaches room temperature, it is placed in the refrigerator to harden.

For those who prefer to cook jellied meat in the traditional way, it takes several hours to prepare it. But, unlike jellied meat cooked in a slow cooker or pressure cooker, it is easy to control the taste and color of the broth.

Cooking in a pressure cooker

A tasty and rich jellied meat is obtained in a pressure cooker if it is cooked from pork knuckle with the addition of beef. Pre-soaking meat products for 10 - 12 hours and cleaning the shanks are required.

Pieces of shank and cold cuts are placed in a special bowl. All this is filled with water in an amount of 1.5 liters. Salt and spices are added immediately. The pressure cooker has a valve that must be closed. Next, the “Jellied” mode is turned on. Cooking time is about one and a half hours.

If you cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker from the shank with the addition of turkey or chicken, you can set the “Stew” mode, and the cooking time will be reduced to 45 minutes.

Broth in a pressure cooker does not always turn out perfectly transparent. To correct the situation, pour the liquid into a small container and let it cool. You need to pour a little vinegar and beaten egg white into it. Bring the remaining liquid to a boil and pour the resulting mixture into it. Now everything should be strained well. The meats and broth are ready to complete the dish.

Cooking in a slow cooker

You can cook jellied meat in a slow cooker in the same way as in a pressure cooker. Place pieces of shank, beef, turkey, and chicken in a special bowl. Spices, vegetables and salt should be added immediately. In the multicooker, turn on the “Stew” mode. The time required from start to finish of cooking is at least 6 hours.

Cooking jellied meat in a slow cooker is preferred by those who are used to cooking in small portions. Of course it's convenient. However, this method also has several disadvantages. In a slow cooker, the pieces of shank, beef, turkey or chicken should be very small. It's quite difficult to fit the legs in there. If you cook jellied meat in a slow cooker, the quality of the broth is difficult to control.

Don't be afraid to try new jellied meat recipes and enjoy your meal!

Jellied meat is a second course made from a jelly-like meat broth with pieces of meat. Sometimes pieces of vegetables, boiled eggs, canned peas and other ingredients that decorate the jellied meat are added to the jellied meat. As a rule, when cooking homemade jellied meat, we add pork legs, ears and other parts containing a gelling base to prepare jellied meat. And if you ask any housewife what she cooks for the holiday table? I think it will be aspic. For the coming New Year, it seems to me that jellied meat will also be the first dish that many people want to see and eat. Jellied meat can be made from poultry (which is not recommended for New Year's Eve, since the coming year will be the year of the Red Rooster!), pork, beef, lamb and other meat.

Today we will have delicious homemade jellied beef and pork. In my opinion, if you compare pure pork jellied meat, it turns out to be fattier. And with the addition of beef, it even tastes completely different, somehow incredibly tasty, unique, well, very tasty. And in ancient times, jellied meat was consumed exclusively by servants serving the king. Jellied meat is also called jelly, because properly prepared jellied meat should freeze perfectly even without adding gelling substances to it. It is better to choose meat for jellied meat that has cartilage, and also use legs and knuckles with veins and joints, bones for its preparation, sometimes tails are used. If you cook jellied meat exclusively from the pulp alone, it will not harden at all and you will have to add gelatin to the broth. Jellied meat should be served with spicy mustard (you can make it at home) and sometimes it is served with grated horseradish. They give an even brighter taste to jellied meat. Today we are cooking homemade pork and beef jellied meat without adding gelling agents.


  • Pork on the bone (trimmings), shank, hoof, a little pulp - about 2-2.5 kg.
  • Beef on the bone (trimmings), neck part and some pulp - about 2 kg.
  • Salt - 2-3 tbsp. (taste)
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Dried horseradish - 1 tbsp.
  • Black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.
  • Onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc. - optional
  • Water - up to the top of the pan (we have a 10 liter pan)
  • Garlic - 10-15 cloves - for adding when sorting the jellied meat into bowls
  • Gauze and sieve - for straining the broth

How to make homemade jellied pork and beef:

Sometimes we buy part of a pork and beef carcass and there we find all those trimmings, cartilage, moths, bones with meat remains, from which it is excellent to cook jellied meat. Today is just such a day for me. Having trimmed everything necessary (meat, ribs and lard), I was left with excellent meaty pieces with bones, which we use for homemade jellied meat. Place everything on the bottom of a large saucepan, after rinsing it under running water.

Add salt, bay leaves, peppercorns to taste and I wanted to add a little dried horseradish for taste.

Cover the meat and bones with water. It should be in a ratio of approximately 1:1 to the meat part. That is, there should be at least as much water as meat. Maybe a little more. And the jellied meat should be cooked so that the broth does not boil too much; on the contrary, you can put the boiling pan on low heat, cover with a lid and let it simmer for 5-6 hours. I always cook pork and beef jellied meat for 6 hours.

As soon as the broth boils, immediately carefully remove the foam so that the broth is as transparent as possible. As soon as the meat has stopped releasing scale, add a peeled whole onion and, if desired, peeled carrots to the broth. We will simply remove the vegetables after cooking. But carrots can be used to decorate and serve the finished jellied meat on the table. When cooking the broth, you should definitely taste the salt so that it is not under-salted or vice versa...

When 5-6 hours have passed after cooking the jellied meat, turn off the heat and let the broth cool slightly. Usually I take the pan with “liquid” jellied meat to the balcony, where it’s cool and let it cool a little.

Then, using a slotted spoon, I remove the meat along with the bones onto a large, deep plate.

I am preparing dishes for storing jellied meat. I like to use metal bowls with lids or plastic containers, which are also very convenient for laying out meat and storing it in the refrigerator. Separate the meat from the bones and lightly chop with a sharp knife. Some housewives like to pass meat for jellied meat through a meat grinder. I don’t do this, I love it when the meat is whole, with fibers, but slightly chopped. Place the meat in bowls.

Add grated or pressed garlic to the top of the filled bowls. It adds piquancy and aroma to jellied meat.

All that remains is to fill the bowls with meat with broth, which we first filter through a sieve with gauze.

Place the filled bowls with jellied meat in the refrigerator to harden. Pork and beef jellied meat freezes perfectly without any gelling additives.

Serve the jellied meat in portions or on a common platter, after cutting it into pieces. Be sure to offer spicy mustard and grated horseradish with the jellied meat.

Svetlana and my home kulinarochka2013.ru wish you all a bon appetit!

  1. To ensure that the appetizer freezes well, for the broth it is better to take parts of the carcass that contain the most collagen: pork or beef legs, tails, pig ears, marrow bones or a whole fatty chicken. For the meat part, any meat without fat is suitable.
  2. To make the jelly transparent, you need to not only wash the meat, but also soak it in cold water for several hours, not only remove the foam with a slotted spoon, but also drain the first water after boiling. The finished broth will have to be filtered several times. This applies to all types of meat - pork, beef, chicken, except fish. If you are too lazy to bother, follow the simplified scheme from the recipes.
  3. The onions for the broth do not need to be peeled. If you leave the husks, the broth will turn out more golden. Carrots are usually peeled: the skin will not affect the color or taste.
  4. You should add a little more salt than usual: during the hardening process, the taste will even out.
  5. If you decide to clarify the broth, use an egg white: one per 2 liters of liquid. Separate the white from the yolk, beat lightly in a bowl and pour into the boiling broth after removing all the ingredients. Cook for a few minutes until the whites have curdled. Remove from heat and strain well.
  6. If you want, you can make the dish a little brighter and decorate it. Circles or figures of boiled carrots, halves or slices of eggs, parsley leaves, green peas and corn will look good. Place the selected ingredients in the mold, spread the meat on top, and then pour in the broth. You can add lemon slices to the fish jellied fish.
  7. If you do not follow the proportions, or use low-quality or inappropriate ingredients, the jelly will either not be very strong or will not set at all. On average, jellied meat freezes in 2–4 hours. If this does not happen, add gelatin (however, instead of jellied meat you will get aspic). Strain the broth, pour it into a saucepan and heat it up. Dilute the required amount of gelatin in warm water, following the instructions on the package. Combine gelatin and broth until the first is completely dissolved. Collect the jellied meat and place it in the refrigerator.
  8. Store the finished dish in the refrigerator for no more than two days.


  • 1 kg pork knuckle;
  • 500 g pork without bones and fat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2–3 bay leaves;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 5–6 peas of allspice;
  • 2–4 cloves of garlic.


Using a knife under running water, scrape off all excess from the skin of the shank: it should become smooth. Rinse the meat well. Pour 2.5 liters of water into a saucepan and place the shank and fillet in it. Bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam and simmer over low heat for 5 hours.

Add the onion, bay leaf, salt and pepper to the broth and cook for another hour.

Remove the meat from the broth and place in a colander to allow the broth to drain into the pan. Remove the bones and skin from the pork, shred and set aside on a plate. Pass the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater and combine with the meat.

Strain the liquid through cheesecloth. Place the meat in one large form or several small ones and fill it with broth. Cool and refrigerate until jelly forms.



  • 2 beef shins;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 parsley or parsnip root or celery stalk;
  • 3–4 sprigs of celery;
  • 3–4 sprigs of parsley;
  • a few peas of black and allspice;
  • 1 kg beef fillet;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 1 head of garlic.


Under running water, scrape off all excess from the beef drumsticks and rinse. Place in a large saucepan and fill with water (about 5 liters will be required). Bring to a boil over moderate heat, remove the foam and reduce the temperature to low.

Coarsely chop all the vegetables and herbs (take only the stems from the parsley, set aside the leaves) and add to the broth. Throw peppercorns into the pan. Simmer uncovered for 3-4 hours, allowing it to simmer very gently.

Wash and cut the beef fillet into large pieces, pour boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Remove the meat from the water and place it in the pan with the remaining ingredients. Cook for another 3-4 hours, skimming off the foam if necessary. The water should evaporate by about half.

Add salt half an hour before removing from heat. Strain the finished broth through cheesecloth and let it cool.

Separate the meat from the drumsticks from the skin and bones and, together with the rest, tear into fibers or cut into pieces. Combine them with finely chopped parsley leaves. Season generously with salt and pepper. Place the meat in the pan.

Line a colander with gauze or a cloth napkin, chop and place on the cloth. Return to the broth: skim off excess fat from the surface, reheat and add salt. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth with garlic and pour over the meat. Cool and refrigerate until ready.



  • 1 fatty chicken (about 2 kg);
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 4 bay leaves.


Remove the skin and rinse the carcass thoroughly. Place it in a saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers the meat by about 5 centimeters. Bring the water to a boil over high heat and skim off the foam. Cook over low heat for 4 hours. If necessary, remove scale and grease.

When the broth has evaporated by half and the meat begins to easily fall off the bones, add the onions, carrots and garlic and simmer for another 30 minutes. Throw salt, pepper and bay leaf into the pan and leave for another half hour.

Remove the meat and vegetables, strain the broth and cool. Separate the meat from the bones, tear or cut into small pieces, which are then placed in a mold on top of the carrots (optional) and pour over the cooled broth. Put it in the refrigerator.



  • 500 g pork legs;
  • 550 g pork without bones and fat;
  • 350 g;
  • 300 g chicken drumsticks;
  • 500 g chicken thighs;
  • 1–2 carrots;
  • 2–3 onions;
  • ½ head of garlic;
  • ½ bunch of greens;
  • 3–5 bay leaves;
  • black peppercorns - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


Rinse all the meat thoroughly under cold water, scrape off any excess from the legs and place in the pan. Pour in 4 liters of water, bring to a boil and skim off the foam.

Add carrots, onions, garlic and all the greens (you can leave a few leaves for garnish) and continue to cook over low heat for 2-3 hours. Throw in the bay leaves, pepper and salt and simmer over low heat for a few more hours until the meat begins to fall off the bones.

Remove all ingredients from the broth and strain it well several times. Separate chicken and pork from bones and skin and tear or cut into small pieces.

Place the meat in a mold, garnish with parsley leaves if desired and pour in the broth. Cool and place in the refrigerator to allow the jellied meat to harden.



  • 2 pork legs;
  • 1¹⁄₂ kg beef on the bone;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.


Rinse the meat under cold water, clean the legs from dirt. Onion and cut into large pieces.

Place the meat and other ingredients in the multicooker bowl, add salt and pepper and fill with water almost to the brim. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode and set the timer for 6 hours. Cover with a lid.

When the multicooker signals that it is ready, remove the meat from the broth, separate it from the skin and bones, and cut or tear it into small pieces.

Chop the garlic and add to the meat. Place in a mold, fill with broth strained through cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator.



  • 1.8 kg of fish (salmon, sturgeon, carp, sawfish, pike perch, trout, cod, chum salmon are suitable);
  • 1 fish head;
  • 1 fish tail;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 10 g fish spice mixture;
  • 8 black peppercorns;
  • 1 bay leaf.


Rinse the fish well, remove the entrails and gills, but do not remove the scales. Cut into large pieces. Transfer both the extra head and tail to the pan, add the onions and carrots and add water to completely cover the contents. Bring the water to a boil, skim off the foam and add salt. Cook for another 20 minutes.

Remove the pieces of meat from the broth, clean them and set aside. Return the skin and ridges to the pan. Add fish spices, peppercorns and bay leaf. Continue cooking on the lowest heat.

After 40 minutes, remove all ingredients from the broth and strain it well. Place the fish fillet in the pan, decorate as desired and pour in the broth. Place in the refrigerator until ready.
