
Buckwheat porridge with cabbage main courses. Buckwheat with stewed cabbage

I offer you a very simple recipe for buckwheat with stewed cabbage - an original and appetizing dish for your table. After all, buckwheat is not only tasty, but also beneficial for our body. This buckwheat with vegetables is prepared very simply - in a frying pan. Stewed cabbage adds piquancy and attractiveness to the tender buckwheat porridge. Let's cook incredibly delicious buckwheat with stewed cabbage and vegetables along with “Very Tasty”.


  • water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • a pinch of hot pepper;
  • buckwheat - 250-300 grams;
  • two tablespoons of dried tomatoes;
  • one tablespoon of dried bell pepper;
  • one carrot (weighing 50 grams);
  • cabbage - 500 grams;
  • two teaspoons of dried dill.

Buckwheat with stewed cabbage and vegetables. Step by step recipe

  1. Take carrots weighing about 50 grams and wash well. (To prepare this dish, I chop the carrots on a grater).
  2. Fry the root vegetable in a frying pan in sunflower oil for about 3 minutes.
  3. Finely chop a small head of cabbage into strips.
  4. Then add the cabbage to the onions and carrots, add dried tomatoes and dill, bell peppers, lightly add salt, add 100 milliliters of water, close the lid tightly and simmer the vegetables over medium heat for five minutes.
  5. Move the cabbage with stewed vegetables in a frying pan to the side to create a recess in the center of the frying pan, and place well-washed and sorted buckwheat into it. (And here is a very important point: you need to take buckwheat core, which after cooking does not boil down and does not turn into mush.) Add salt, add hot pepper to taste and pour in hot water so that it covers all the vegetables.
  6. Simmer the buckwheat with all the vegetables under a closed lid for 15 minutes over medium heat.
  7. Remove from heat and let the buckwheat steep for another 10 minutes with the lid closed.
  8. Sprinkle buckwheat with stewed cabbage with fresh chopped herbs (I use parsley) and serve hot.

To prepare this dish, you can also use fresh rather than dried vegetables (it will be more flavorful). It’s also very tasty when dill is mixed with parsley. A delicious vegetable dish that appeals to both children and adults. It can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat. This simple recipe for cooking lean buckwheat has collected a lot of positive reviews on the Internet. I share the recipe for divinely delicious buckwheat with cabbage on the “Very Tasty” portal. In more detail, you can watch the video of the YouTube channel on how to make buckwheat with vegetables in a frying pan. And for buckwheat lovers, we offer two more options for preparing this cereal: buckwheat baked in a pot with mushrooms and cheese sauce, and buckwheat with stewed cabbage. And for buckwheat lovers, we offer two more options for preparing this cereal.

Everything ingenious is simple. These words are the best fit for the proposed recipe. During my distant student days, when we lived in the Gnesinka dormitory, a classmate’s mother taught me how to cook this porridge, for which I am grateful to her to this day. Tasty, fast, satisfying, budget-friendly! What else does an eternally hungry student need? :) Years have passed, but my favorite recipe remains a frequent guest in the kitchen, and not only on fasting days. I personally can eat this porridge every day, 365 days a year, and I don’t get tired of it! Try it and see for yourself - it’s incredibly delicious!

Ingredients for “Buckwheat porridge with cabbage “Student style””:

Recipe for “Buckwheat porridge with cabbage “Student style””:

A lot has been written about the benefits of buckwheat and its taste; there is nothing to add. This is a truly unique product, lean (which is very important now), dietary (always relevant! :-)) and, moreover, very, very tasty and satisfying, with practically no contraindications. People who often have buckwheat on their table can boast of normal blood sugar levels, normal blood pressure, normal weight and much, much more. It’s not for nothing that buckwheat is so popular in Russia. Those who are on a diet will definitely appreciate this porridge. There are several little secrets in it, which I will reveal to you now.

So, we sort out the buckwheat, clean it of unnecessary debris and husks. We thoroughly heat the dry buckwheat in a preheated frying pan, stirring constantly, not allowing it to burn. The buckwheat will become darker and crumbly, and may begin to pop like popcorn. This is a sign that it's time to take it off. Calcination will have a better effect on the final result. Buckwheat will become much tastier and more aromatic, the porridge will turn out crumbly!

Rinse thoroughly in cold water. We help with our hands. Let the excess water drain.

Place the buckwheat in a saucepan and add cold water at the rate of 1 part buckwheat to 2 parts water. You can add another quarter cup of water if the bottom of the pan is thin and there is a risk of burning. If this problem does not exist, the proportion can be maintained exactly, then the porridge will be more crumbly. So, fill the buckwheat with water, cover with a lid and put on fire.

At this time, chop the cabbage. I cut it quite coarsely, for some reason it seems to me that the vitamins will be better preserved this way :) Well, you can chop it smaller, if you wish.

As soon as the water boils, add salt to taste (it is advisable not to miss this moment, do not let the water boil for too long).

We place our cabbage on top of the buckwheat, with a cap. Do not mix under any circumstances!

Cover with a lid, reduce heat to low and leave for 15 - 20 minutes.

After calcination, buckwheat can boil very quickly, literally in 15, maximum 20 minutes, depending on your pan and the quality of the buckwheat. As for cabbage, you need to look here. Do not touch or lift the lid for the next 15-20 minutes. The whole point is for the porridge to steam. After the specified time, you can carefully push it away with a spoon and see if all the water has evaporated and how ready the cabbage is.

If the cabbage has arrived and all the water has evaporated, then our buckwheat porridge is ready. Now you can mix everything properly.

The degree of softness of the cabbage can be adjusted. For example, if you like it crispy, add the cabbage later, letting the buckwheat cook for 5-7 minutes first. After this, reduce the heat and do not open the lid. It is generally better not to open the lid from the very moment of boiling until the porridge is completely ready. This is the main secret.

To taste, add vegetable oil to the prepared porridge (if you are not a dry eater), or a little soy sauce. Our buckwheat turned out crumbly, and in combination with cabbage and butter - it’s just bliss! :)

You can also add chopped herbs and garlic. Well, on ordinary, non-fast days, of course, it is best to flavor our porridge with butter. The porridge will also taste good with your favorite sauce. This way you can diversify the dish, and the base will always be wonderful and healthy buckwheat with equally healthy cabbage.

Porridge is good both on its own and as a side dish for a meat or fish dish. It's incredibly tasty, try it! Bon appetit.

Notes for housewives:

1. The same porridge can be prepared with raw carrots. The cooking method is absolutely the same (but personally I like it better with cabbage).

2. There is another option - simply boil the buckwheat and mix it with finely chopped onions and fried in oil, or onions with mushrooms. It's also very tasty.

3. Another “student” option is porridge “under the pillow”. The same mother of a classmate taught her to cook it in the evening, before going to bed. Pour cleaned, washed, calcined buckwheat with cold water, bring to a boil, and add salt. Cook covered until half cooked, no more than 5-7 minutes, so that there is still water in the pan. Remove from the stove, wrap tightly in a towel, or even better, wrap in a blanket. Cover with a pillow and generally everything warm that is in the house, and leave it overnight. In the morning we wake up and enjoy hot, crumbly, aromatic buckwheat porridge!

4. It is always better to heat buckwheat before cooking. This way it will taste better and the porridge will turn out more crumbly.

P.S. To save time in the first steps, you can keep pre-cleaned, calcined and washed buckwheat in a container. Then you just have to fill it with water and bring it to a boil. In this case (of course) the buckwheat must first be washed, and then dried and calcined.

Since ancient times in Rus', nutritious buckwheat dishes have been desired on the Lenten table: Lenten buckwheat with stewed cabbage is a recipe from time immemorial. You can also prepare fried buckwheat porridge with onions or buckwheat pancakes with onions during Lent. Yes, wash it all down - again, without breaking tradition - with kvass. Believe me, it's not just delicious - it's extraordinary, incredibly tasty and very nutritious. This dish can be eaten not only for lunch: in monasteries (this is where it was invented, for your information), buckwheat with stewed cabbage is served for breakfast.


  • 1.5 cups buckwheat;
  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh cabbage;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of any vegetable oil;
  • Bay leaf;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

The quantity of products is approximate, you can adjust it to your taste and family composition.

Delicious lean buckwheat with cabbage. Step by step recipe

We will prepare all products in advance.

  1. Peel and wash the onion, finely chop it (however, in my family everyone loves it when onions are cut into half rings for a dish - this way it retains its aroma and juiciness).
  2. Wash, peel and chop large carrots (you can cut them into strips or grate them on a coarse grater - it’s not for everyone).
  3. Finely chop the cabbage.

Let's proceed directly to preparing the second dish - buckwheat with vegetables.

  1. In a saucepan or thick-bottomed saucepan, heat the vegetable oil and simmer the onions and carrots over medium heat until half cooked, stirring constantly.
  2. Add cabbage to the pan with the vegetables and simmer until done.
  3. Place sorted buckwheat on the stewed vegetables, salt and pepper to taste, add a couple of bay leaves. Fill everything with warm water so that it covers the cereal by 2 centimeters. No need to stir!!!
  4. Simmer until the buckwheat is ready, over low heat, covered.
  5. Before serving, sprinkle with (optional) fresh herbs: parsley is best for this dish (but you can use any other one you like).

A delicious Lenten dish - buckwheat with stewed cabbage and vegetables - will appeal not only to those who observe Lent. Buckwheat is a staple in many weight loss diets. Buckwheat with cabbage will help you not just lose weight, but lose weight deliciously. If you want to learn more about how to prepare delicious Lenten dishes, then welcome to the “I Love to Cook” website. We have many more interesting, tasty and original recipes for you. Here are some of them.

I came across this recipe on the Internet. It interested me because it turned out to be very useful for me personally - this is one, two - it was at least some version of a buckwheat side dish that could be made to eat by the family, and three - the cooking method: you will see everything yourself during the cooking process .

By the way, this is an excellent dinner option for vegetarians and fasting people.

The dish tastes very interesting! Due to the interesting cooking method, the foods are infused with each other's flavors, and the fried onions complete the flavor notes.

I prepared this dish as a side dish for meat. I decided that I could add more mushrooms - for example, fry them with onions - it would be very tasty. But since this time I had the meat with vegetables and mushrooms, I didn’t add mushrooms, but try it with them, I think you won’t regret it.

To prepare buckwheat porridge with cabbage, prepare the products according to the list.

Wash the buckwheat, put it in a saucepan, add water and salt.

Shred the cabbage and place it in the pan. We don't mix anything.

Place the pan on low heat, cover with a lid and cook until the buckwheat is ready. This will take about fifteen minutes.

While the buckwheat and cabbage are cooking, cut the onion into quarter rings and fry in sunflower oil.

As soon as the buckwheat is ready, remove the pan from the heat and place the fried onion in it. Add pepper.
