
There are a lot of tomatoes to make for the winter. How to prepare tomatoes for the winter, we study methods

Tomatoes in any form are always a holiday on the table. Nature has endowed them with a pleasant shape, bright, cheerful color, excellent texture, freshness and, of course, excellent taste. Tomatoes are good both on their own and as part of complex dishes, such as salads and stews. And during a winter meal, tomatoes always remind you of summer. Everyone loves them - both family and guests. And therefore, it is rare that a housewife denies herself the pleasure, during the season, when there are a lot of vegetables, to cook something from tomatoes for future use.

At home, it is not difficult to make salted or pickled tomatoes, make an excellent paste or juice from them. And experienced housewives probably know many of these. We offer unusual step-by-step recipes for original ways of canning tomatoes. This is a great opportunity to expand your culinary experience and delight your family and friends during a winter feast.

It is always very interesting to diversify traditional recipes with new approaches and solutions. For honey pickling that tastes original, we will need ripe tomatoes, parsley, fresh garlic and marinade. For him for 1 liter. water add 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

The tomatoes are washed and their stems are cut out. Finely chop the garlic and parsley and use this mixture to start the hole in the tomatoes that was formed after removing the stems. All parts necessary for the marinade are combined and brought to a boil. The finished tomatoes are placed in sterilized jars and the boiled marinade is poured over them. Then you should wait 10 minutes, carefully drain the marinade, boil it again and fill the jars again. After this, the tomato preparations can be covered with lids.

Fans of spicy snacks will really like the taste of tomatoes stuffed with garlic and herbs. And the delicate taste and aroma of honey will make this preparation a favorite at home for dinner.

Salted tomatoes with apples

Tomatoes are very convenient for canning with other vegetables, fruits and berries. They go well with cucumbers, carrots, beets, gooseberries, plums and grapes. Well, and, of course, tomatoes and apples complement each other perfectly. Only for such pickling it is better to choose apples that are harder and more sour in taste. You will also need several cloves of garlic, fresh or dry sprigs of dill, bay leaf, allspice, cloves and marinade. For him take 1 tbsp. a heaping spoonful of salt and sugar for every 1.25 liters of water. Apples for canning can be cut into pieces and cored, or left whole - at the discretion of the housewife.

First, all the spices are placed at the bottom of the jars, and then tomatoes and apples are laid in layers to the very top. Pour boiled water over the contents for 5-10 minutes. Then it is drained and the jars are filled to the neck so that the contents overflow with boiling marinade. And immediately seal them with lids. After this, the jars are turned over, wrapped in a blanket or towel and allowed to cool.

Green tomato salad with vegetables

It often happens that in the summer the housewife ends up with many different vegetables in her hands at the same time. From them and green tomatoes you can prepare a beautiful and tasty assorted salad for the winter. For this you should use sweet peppers, onions and carrots. You can also add sour apples. In addition, you will need garlic, coriander, bay leaf, allspice and peppercorns.

Vegetables for salad are cut coarsely. Carrots - in circles, onions - in half rings, pepper - in strips. Then the tomatoes and chopped apples (so as not to darken) are mixed, add some salt and let stand for 40 minutes. At this time, garlic, spices and herbs are placed at the bottom of the jars. After this, add the remaining chopped vegetables to the green tomatoes and apples, mix everything and fill the jars with the vegetable mixture. At the same time, they need to be slightly shaken so that the vegetables in the jars are compacted a little. You should not specifically squeeze the vegetable mixture with a spoon or your hands, otherwise the vegetables will lose their shape and there will be no room left for the marinade.

Add salt and sugar to the boiling water (at the rate of 1.5 heaped tablespoons per 1 liter) and 100 g of apple or regular vinegar. Hot marinade is poured into jars with tomato salad to the very top and closed with lids.

Jelly tomatoes

By preparing for the winter, you can get canned vegetables and delicious jelly at the same time. For this, in addition to ripe tomatoes, use gelatin (1.5 tablespoons), as well as 100 g of vinegar, salt and sugar (1.5 tablespoons each) and 1 liter of water.

Gelatin is diluted in a small amount of cold water and allowed to swell. Tomatoes are cut into halves. Place parsley, bay leaves, peeled garlic cloves, coriander, allspice and peppercorns at the bottom of the jars. If desired, you can also put currant, cherry, horseradish leaves and dill sprigs with umbrellas here. It all depends on the flavor you want to give to canned foods. Place tomatoes in a jar on top of the greens, placing them cut side down.

The swollen gelatin is added to hot water and allowed to boil. Add salt, sugar and vinegar, stir and bring to a boil again. The resulting marinade with gelatin is poured into jars of tomatoes to the very top and sealed with lids. In winter, before serving, a jar of gelled tomatoes must be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Inna will talk about another option for home-cooking tomatoes in jelly in her video.

Tomatoes in wine

Tomatoes acquire a completely unusual taste and color when poured with wine. Not very large tomatoes of the “Slivka” and “Black Prince” varieties are well suited for this type of canning.

To prepare a fragrant preparation, first place herbs and spices on the bottom of the jar.

Wine filling for tomatoes is prepared from a mixture of regular canning marinade and dry red wine in a one-to-one ratio. The composition of the marinade is traditional: for 1 liter of water, 1.5 heaped tablespoons of salt, 1.5 (or 2) tablespoons of sugar and 100 g of vinegar. The wine is poured into the boiled marinade and does not boil.

Pour a mixture of wine and marinade into a jar with tomatoes, herbs and spices, keep the jars with lids on for 10-15 minutes in a pan of water at a temperature of +90°C (not boiling), and then seal the lids. In winter, when the tomatoes are eaten, the remaining wine sauce can be used to stew meat or prepare a fragrant, spicy sauce.

Tomato sauce

This recipe will surely appeal to everyone who likes the taste of tomatoes after heat treatment. To prepare the gravy you will need 3 kg of ripe tomatoes, 1 kg of onions, 0.2 liters of refined vegetable oil, 100 g of sugar, 4 tbsp. tablespoons salt and 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper.

The onions are peeled and cut into strips, and the tomatoes into slices. Pour vegetable oil into a pan and simmer the onion in it for about half an hour. Then tomatoes, sugar, salt and red pepper are added to the onions. Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil. If desired, you can beat it with a blender. Cook the gravy over low heat for another 15 minutes, remembering to stir from time to time so that it cooks evenly and does not burn.

For canning, jars and lids are washed and sterilized in advance. The hot gravy is poured into jars to the very top. Roll up the lids, turn the jars over, cover them with a blanket and let them cool.

Tomato sauce is universal. This sour additive will complement the taste of meat and poultry. In addition, it is great for fish dishes, cereals, pasta and potatoes.

Secrets of canning tomatoes

  • For homemade preparations for the winter, it is best to use unripe tomatoes with dense flesh. The skin of such fruits will not burst during canning.
  • Before pouring the marinade, whole fruits must be pierced from the stem side with a toothpick or a pointed wooden stick. This will also prevent the skin from bursting.
  • If we decide to preserve several jars, then we always need to know how much marinade will have to be prepared. How to determine how much marinade is needed per jar? To do this, pour water to the top into a jar with spices and tomatoes already in it, then drain it and measure the resulting volume. We multiply it by the number of cans and get the required volume of marinade. A liter jar filled with fruits requires 0.25-0.3 liters of liquid.
  • Tomatoes are delicate vegetables. To preserve their shape, elastic texture and, if possible, beneficial vitamins, you do not need to sterilize the jars for a long time in water. For canned tomatoes, it is better to wash the jars in advance and sterilize them under steam or dry - in a preheated oven. Then the contents will need to be poured with boiling water for 5-10 minutes, and then, after draining it, boiled marinade. Or pour the boiled marinade over the vegetables in the jar twice. This will be quite enough for sterilization before closing the jars with lids.
  • It’s good to add a lot of greens to tomatoes - parsley, dill, mint, celery, horseradish leaves, cherries or apples. Each seasoning gives homemade preparations a specific aroma. Oak leaves, for example, darken the color of the canned product and impart a piquant flavor to the tomatoes. There is an opinion that a lot of greens in canned food is bad, as this can cause the jars to “explode”. In fact, the spoilage of canned food occurs not from the amount of greens, but from the fact that they were not sterilized well enough, and bacteria remained inside. And these bacteria can be found on greens, on tomatoes themselves, and on peppers or bay leaves that were added inside.
  • If you put whole cloves of garlic in a jar of tomatoes, the brine inside remains clear. If you add chopped garlic, the brine becomes cloudy and there is a high chance that the canned food will spoil and “explode”.
  • Rock salt is great for making marinades. But when the brine boils, it is better to strain it through cheesecloth. And then the quality of the marinade will be excellent.

It won't be long before the tomato season ends, and with it the summer. But homemade preparations made for future use on a frosty winter day will become a wonderful reminder of the dacha, vacation and summer warmth. You just need to try a little!

Tomato preparation is an essential component of the winter meal, which almost no family can do without. is a unique product whose taste can be enjoyed all year round. They are used to prepare many appetizers, sauces and even desserts. Tomatoes in their own juice, pickled tomatoes, pickled, salted, tomato juice, dried tomatoes, tomato jam - this is what can be quite easily made from tomatoes for the winter, following the recipes that we will consider below.

How to dry tomatoes for the winter

Dried tomatoes are a traditional ingredient in Italian cuisine, indispensable for making pizza, various types of bruschetta, pies, soups, sauces and dressings. This type of blank is not very common in our country and is just beginning to gain popularity. Dried tomatoes retain their naturally vibrant flavor, especially if you add spices. When properly prepared, dried tomatoes can be stored for up to a year.

To make a preparation of dried tomatoes for the winter, you need to choose small, well-ripened, juicy fruits, without spots or rot.
The most suitable for drying are not, but. For drying, it is better to take red plum tomatoes, as they retain the largest amount of pulp. Before drying, wash the tomatoes, remove the stems and cut them in half, removing the seeds with a spoon. Do not cut off the peel - it contains all the useful substances that give the characteristic tomato taste.
Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt and a mixture of herbs and place on baking parchment.
You can dry it in the open sun or in the oven. The first option is mainly used by Italians; it is more convenient for those who live in private houses.
This is the best way of drying, so the tomatoes retain their natural rich taste and aroma. Can be dried in the oven - 3-3.5 hours, at 120-150 degrees. After drying, place the preparations in sterile jars and fill them with your favorite vegetable oil - olive, sunflower, etc.

You can add chopped dried tomatoes for taste and piquant aroma.

All about freezing tomatoes for the winter , Freezing is one of the most convenient ways to prepare tomatoes for the winter.
After all, at any moment there are vegetables at hand that have retained their entire range of nutrients and integral form. In addition, you don’t have to spend money and buy winter greenhouse tomatoes, which do not have such a bright, juicy taste as those grown in the summer under the open sun. Frozen tomatoes retain their fresh taste and in a salad you can’t tell them apart from summer tomatoes.
There are two options for freezing tomatoes: whole fruits and tablets. The advantages of the first method are that whole frozen tomatoes last longer and can be added to salads or served sliced. For freezing, you need to choose firm and ripe fruits, without damage, of medium size.

Each one needs to be thoroughly washed, dried, laid out in one layer on a board and placed in the freezer. After a few hours, when the tomatoes are well frozen, transfer them to a frozen food storage bag and put them back in the freezer. These tomatoes can be stored for a year.
Wash the tomatoes, cut into cubes, add greens and red and grind in a meat grinder or blender. No need to add salt. Pour the tomato puree into freezer molds (ice molds, muffins, etc. are suitable) and place in the freezer.
Once the tomato mixture is well frozen, remove it from the ramekins and place it in frozen storage bags. They can also be stored for a year.

– a traditional appetizer for any winter table, everyday or festive. Rolling up tomatoes for the winter is not difficult; almost every family has its own special marinade recipe, which is passed down through the female line.

There are many methods of pickling using additives and various: allspice, leaves of fruit trees, etc. Let's look at the simplest way to pickle tomatoes. For 2 kg of vegetables you will need a liter of water, 2 large spoons of sugar, 1 spoon each of vinegar and salt, black peppercorns, a couple of cloves of garlic, several stalks, leaves, etc.

Prepared tomatoes, thoroughly washed, need to be pricked at the stem with a toothpick so that they do not crack after pouring boiling water. Sterilize the jars (pour boiling water over them), place prepared and washed leaves on the bottom, and place tomatoes on top. Pour boiling water, cover with lids and leave for half an hour. Then pour the water from the cans into the pan, add sugar and boil again. Pour 1 spoon into jars. vinegar, then boiling marinade and tighten the lids with a seaming wrench. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket and let cool.

Did you know? For beauty, you can add thinly chopped green bell peppers, onions or carrot rings to the jar.

How to pickle tomatoes

You can make tomato pickles for the winter. This does not require special skills, nor does it require a large storage space, because you can pickle tomatoes not only in jars, but also in large buckets or tubs. To prepare these tomatoes, place in the selected container more herbs, pre-washed: with umbrellas, leaves,.
Then place the washed tomatoes (2 kg) and pierce them several times at the stem with a toothpick.
It is better to take ground tomatoes, hard ones like “cream”. Place peeled and chopped garlic, about half a large head, cover with horseradish leaves. Prepare the brine: add 6-7 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar to hot water (2 liters) and boil.
Pour hot (not boiling) brine over the tomatoes and leave for 3 days, covered, at room temperature. When the brine becomes cloudy and bubbles, transfer to a cool place. After 7-8 days you can try.

Important! The secret to great salted tomatoes is a very salty and bitter brine. It must taste absolutely disgusting. Don't worry, this won't spoil the tomatoes, they will take as much salt as they need.

Preparations made from chopped green tomatoes for the winter are very tasty. . Green or pink tomatoes of any variety are used, “cream” is best. You need to take 3 kg of tomatoes, wash them, cut them into pieces.
For the dressing, chop 2 large cloves of garlic, hot pepper into rings (to taste), large bunches of dill and parsley. Place the tomatoes with the dressing in a large container - a pan or bucket, and pour in 150-200 grams. vegetable oil. Cover with a lid that will cover the tomatoes themselves, and not the container with them, and place the press on top. You can eat these tomatoes within three days.

Preparing tomatoes in paste or ketchup

Ketchup is everyone's favorite sauce that goes with all dishes. It can be hot, spicy, aromatic, or just tomato-y. It’s easy to prepare such a sauce at home, and it turns out much tastier and healthier than store-bought. You can cook it with the addition of pieces of other vegetables or make it hot, spicy, fragrant, simply by adding your favorite seasonings.

Consider a recipe for classic ketchup without additives. To prepare it, take 3 kg of tomatoes, ripe, without damage, half a glass of sugar, 1 tbsp salt, black pepper, herbs - dill, parsley, etc.
Wash the tomatoes, chop finely, place in a saucepan and cook for 15 - 20 minutes over medium heat.
Then rub the tomatoes through a sieve and continue to cook the resulting tomato puree for an hour over medium heat until it thickens.
Make a bag out of gauze, put all the spices and put them in the tomato mass. Add salt and sugar, then simmer for another 10-15 minutes over low heat. Ketchup can be stored for the winter, poured into sterilized jars, or eaten immediately after cooling.

Tomato for the winter is a bright and aromatic highlight for your dishes; even the most faded ingredients for gravy or borscht will sparkle with a new color. The recipe differs from all preparations for the winter in its simplicity, but the taste does not suffer. Making tomatoes without vinegar and sterilization will become your specialty, the main thing is to prepare and try it for the first time.

simple homemade recipe

Such a universal product as a tomato must be in every refrigerator or cellar, because... You can’t do without tomato juice or paste when preparing many dishes. If you decide to prepare several jars for the winter, then you will not go wrong, because such a dressing will be all natural, without any additives, of which there are many in store-bought analogues. To prepare this preparation from soil, you will need a minimum of ingredients and effort. It has been proven that even after heat treatment, tomatoes retain most of their nutrients. Thanks to its composition, without dyes and additional preservatives, homemade dressing will be much more beneficial than fresh tomatoes or tomato paste of unknown quality.


  • Tomatoes (ripe and red);
  • Salt and aromatic spices to taste.

Cooking process:

Select only the ripest tomatoes; the color of the finished product directly depends on this. If you have a choice, give preference to meaty and non-acidic varieties, then the juice with pulp will be thick and more concentrated.

Wash the tomatoes, remove damaged areas and stems. Then cut the tomatoes into several pieces so that they can fit into the meat grinder compartment.

Next, pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder with a fine grid. To make a tomato at home more uniform in composition, we recommend additionally rubbing the tomato mass through a fine sieve. But then keep in mind that most of the beneficial fiber will go to waste.

You can also grind tomatoes using a blender.

For cooking you will need a large saucepan. Pour the ground tomato mass into the container of your choice. Place on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Then, reducing the heat to low, simmer the tomato mixture for 20 minutes. This is the required minimum time; in this case, the tomato will turn out in the form of a drink. The pasta should be boiled much longer, or additionally drained through a fine sieve. Stir the sauce occasionally and skim off any foam that forms. You can add spices and peppercorns for flavor. Salt or sugar can also be used at this stage. But I don't do this at all.

Pour homemade tomatoes into sterilized jars or bottles and seal tightly with a key or screw caps. The lids should be thoroughly boiled. Store homemade tomato preparations in a cool place.

You probably noticed that we only included tomatoes. But this is a matter of taste, you can use salt, various seasonings, and you will diversify the tomato, which will already become a sauce for gravy.

Stock up on vitamins for future use and eat delicious food!

Best regards, Anyuta.

I thank my mother for the recipe and photo.

The best tomato recipes for the winter, pamper yourself and your loved ones with amazing winter preparations!

- 2 kg of tomato, cut into large pieces (in half)
- 4 things. bell peppers
- 2 heads of garlic
- greenery
- 100 g vinegar
- 100 g grows. oils
- 100 g sugar
- 2 tbsp. salt.

1. Grind pepper and garlic (I added 2 pieces of hot pepper) in a meat grinder. Mix.
2. Chop the greens.
3. Place in layers in a 3-liter jar: tomatoes, then a mixture of vegetables, herbs.
4. Close the jar with a lid and place it in the refrigerator upside down on the neck.
This is so that after 8 hours it will be ready to eat on top. I made it in the evening and it’s ready in the morning! And then you can hold it in your normal position. It tastes even better the next day!

- 2 kg of fresh tomatoes (ripe and firm)
- 1 red hot pepper
- 2 - 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 bell pepper
- allspice peas
- carnation
- sugar
- salt
- vinegar 9%

1. Place spices in clean jars: 3-5 allspice peas, 3-5 cloves, 1 clove of garlic cut into slices, 1/4 bell pepper, cut into pieces and a small piece of hot pepper.
2. Wash and dry the tomatoes. Place tomatoes in jars.
3. Pour boiling water and let stand for 20-30 minutes. Drain the water and add 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of marinade.
4. Boil and pour into jars. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar per liter jar. Roll up the jars and turn them over.
5. Let cool at room temperature.

- green, unripe tomatoes, preferably large and fleshy.
- celery sprigs
- garlic
- red hot pepper
- for 1 liter of cold water (from the tap)
- 70 g salt (coarse)

1. Cut the tomatoes in half lengthwise, but not all the way.
2. If the garlic is large, then cut each clove into several slices. Pepper mode for rings (I do this with scissors, it’s very convenient). Celery sprigs.
2. In each tomato we put several slices of garlic, 2-3 rings of pepper (depending on how much you like it spicy or whether there are children in the house). We also stuff a sprig of celery there, mercilessly folded several times, and secure all this beauty with ordinary spool threads, wrapping the tomato several times in different directions (if you’re careful, you can do it without threads). The market esthetes stuff the red pepper in such a way that it sticks out of the tomato with a red tongue (teasingly) - like on a smiley face.
3. Place a layer of celery sprigs on the bottom of a pan, or a jar (or maybe a barrel), a layer of tomatoes on top, another pepper on the sides (for those who like it), then celery again, etc. Top layer of celery.
Dilute salt in water and pour over tomatoes.
4. We put it under pressure. A 3 liter jar requires approximately 1.5 liters of brine.
When the tomatoes finish playing, stop bubbling, the brine becomes transparent - that’s it, the pickle is ready. If you use it right away, then you don’t need to do anything else. And if you want to save it, then drain the brine, boil it and immediately pour in the tomatoes. You can close it like you would with a plastic lid , and roll it up with an iron one. This must be done immediately after pouring boiling brine over it. It can be stored for a very long time, even 2 years.

- 1 large zucchini
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- 5 small tomatoes
- half a bunch of dill and parsley
- oil for frying
- mayonnaise
- flour

1. Take a large zucchini and cut into slices 0.5 cm thick.
2. Salt all the circles and mix, leave in a bowl for 5 minutes.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry each circle after dipping it in flour on both sides.
4. Place the fried zucchini on a dish and let cool.
5. When the zucchini has cooled, grease it with a mixture of mayonnaise and garlic.
6. Cut the tomatoes into circles and place them on top of each zucchini.
7. Lightly grease the top of the tomatoes with mayonnaise and garlic.
8. Sprinkle with herbs on top and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


3 kg tomato
- 3 heads of garlic - 1 tbsp. sugar - 0.5 tbsp. oil - 0.25 tbsp 9% vinegar - 1 tbsp salt

1. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder and cook for an hour until thickened. add salt, butter and sugar, garlic.
2. Cook for another 20 minutes.
3. Pour in vinegar, cook for 5 minutes, roll up.

- tomatoes
- peppercorns
- Bay leaf
- onion
- dill greens
- garlic
- vegetable oil

- 3 l. water
- 3 tbsp. l. salt
- 7 tbsp. l. Sahara
- 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar

1. First, choose tight red tomatoes.
2. Cut them in half.
3. At the bottom of the jar (I used liter ones), place chopped dill, 4 - 5 peppercorns, one small onion rings, 2 chopped garlic cloves and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
4. Now place the tomato halves cut side down. As soon as the jar is full, fill the tomatoes with warm brine.
5. Then we place our jars on a stand in a pan of water and sterilize for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling.
6. Then tightly seal the lids and turn them upside down, wrap them up until the morning.

- 1.5 kg sweet pepper
- 1.5 kg of ripe tomatoes
- 1/2 tbsp. spoons of salt
- 100 ml apple, grape or berry vinegar
- 100 g honey, 10 black peppercorns

1. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into pieces.
2. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
3. Mix the vegetables, adding salt, honey and vinegar, and leave until the juice releases.
4. After this, put the dishes with vegetables on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
5. Then pour the boiling salad into sterilized jars, roll them up, turn them upside down and wrap them.

For a 2 liter jar:
- 2 kg of tomatoes,
- 1 large bunch of cilantro
- 1 head of garlic
- 1-1.5 tbsp. l salt
- 1/2 tsp. red pepper

1. Grind the tomatoes in a blender along with the skin.
2. Boil until medium thick, stirring constantly.
3. Grind all the seasonings separately, then combine everything, carefully move and roll into jars.

- beans – one kilogram
- onions - two onions
- tomatoes – one kilogram
- coarse salt - three teaspoons
- ground black pepper - one teaspoon
- allspice, ground - half a teaspoon
- bay leaf - five pieces
- vinegar 70% - one teaspoon

1. To begin, we will boil the beans until fully cooked in lightly salted water, after soaking them for a day.
2. Peel the onions, chop them as finely as possible and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
3. Place ripe, whole tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds, then immediately cool them in cold water and carefully remove the skin.
4. Next, cut the peeled tomatoes into small pieces, place them in a deep enamel bowl, add salt and cook until they turn into puree.
5. Then add beans, fried onions, spices, chopped bay leaf to the boiled tomatoes and mix everything well. Let the mixture boil and pour vinegar into it.
6. Remove the cooked beans from the heat and immediately pour into previously prepared, pasteurized glass jars. We seal it.

- young zucchini – 5 kg.,
- tomato juice – 2 liters,
- sugar – 2 cups,
- salt – 1 tbsp. spoon,
- vegetable oil – 200 ml.,
- vinegar 9% – 150 ml.,
- ground red pepper – 1 heaped teaspoon,
- parsley – 1 bunch,
- garlic – 2 heads.

1. Wash the zucchini, cut off the tails and cut into slices no more than 1 cm thick.
2. Place a couple of parsley sprigs on the bottom of each jar. Place zucchini on top of the parsley.
3. Next, prepare the sauce for the zucchini: pour tomato juice into the pan. If you don’t have tomato juice, you can take tomato paste (0.5 kg) diluted with water (1.5 liters). Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil, vinegar, garlic and pepper. This year I didn’t have any pepper on hand, but only one jar of adjika left from last year’s harvest. Added 1 glass of adjika to the resulting mass, put it on medium heat and boiled for 10 minutes.
4. Pour hot tomato sauce into jars with zucchini. Cover with a lid and sterilize for 25 minutes, from the moment the water boils in the pan.
5. Then roll up the hot jars with zucchini in tomato sauce, turn them over and wrap them in a towel. Leave the jars until completely cool.

- Tomatoes – 1 kg.
- Apples – 3 pcs.
- Carrots – 2 pcs.
- Salt – 1 teaspoon.
- Sugar – 1 tbsp.
- Vinegar – 2 tablespoons.
- Pepper, garlic - to taste.

1. Grind tomatoes, carrots, peeled apples in a meat grinder, add salt, sugar, vinegar, and cook on fire.
2. 20 minutes after boiling, add crushed garlic and pepper, stir.
3. Place everything in jars and sterilize them in a saucepan with water, after placing a towel on the bottom.
4. Screw the lids on the jars and leave them upside down for 12 hours.
5. The finished sauce can be stored in a dark, cool place.

- 3 kg tomato
- 250 g horseradish
- Garlic 200 g
- Salt 3 tbsp or to taste
- Sugar 1 tbsp or to taste

1. Peel horseradish and soak for 30 minutes in clean water.
2. Cut and scroll either in a meat grinder or in a blender (with a knife attachment) or in a processor.
3. Wash the tomatoes, chop and mince together with the garlic.
4. Mix all ingredients, add salt, sugar to taste, mix.
5. Place the seasoning in sterile jars, close the lids and store in the refrigerator.
Recipe by Marina Sazonova.

- tomatoes
For filling:
- water - 1 l
- sugar - 70 grams
- salt - 40 grams
- vinegar - one teaspoon
- gelatin - 30 grams
- peppercorns to taste
- bay leaves to taste

1. Soak gelatin in cold boiled water until it swells.
2. Next, heat in a water bath or in a microwave until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
3. Strain.
4. Cut the tomatoes and place them in prepared jars.
5. Put sugar and salt into the water, bring to a boil, add vinegar, prepared gelatin, chopped carrots, spices and boil for 3 minutes.
6. Pour hot brine into jars with tomatoes and sterilize.
7. Next, roll up the jars and cool.

- cucumbers - 1.5 kilograms
- tomato juice - 1.5 l
- garlic - 5-6 cloves
- tarragon - 10 grams
- dill (umbrellas) - 50 grams
- salt - three tablespoons

1. Boil tomato juice and cool.
2. Dissolve salt in it, add garlic, herbs and pour in the cucumbers placed in jars.
3. Close with lids and store in a cool place.

- 3 kg tomato;
- 2 kg eggplant;
- 200 g vegetable oil;
- 200 g sugar;
- 100-150 g of vinegar 9%;
- 2 pods of hot pepper;
- 2 heads of garlic;
- 2 tbsp salt;

1. Grind tomatoes and peppers, add salt and cook for 15 minutes.
2. Cut the eggplants into medium cubes. Not in slices as in Ogonyok, not in straws, but in bars.
3. If you like, you can peel the eggplant, I like to leave it like that.
4. Add the chopped eggplants to the tomatoes and peppers, and also add sunflower oil, sugar and vinegar.
5. Cook for 40 minutes; at the end of cooking, add squeezed garlic to the eggplants.
6. Pour the mixture into sterilized jars and seal.
7. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket for 1-2 days.

Bon appetit!

The words “tomato” and “harvest” are inseparable concepts for our compatriots.

Even a quick glance at the supplies stored in the basement or on the balcony is enough to notice what an important place among them is given to tomatoes in the form of juice, adjika and other dressings.

Any housewife knows many recipes. Let's focus on those that allow you to preserve the taste of these amazing fruits longer.

The easiest way to prepare: how to freeze tomatoes

This is the simplest method that allows you to store tomatoes for a long time. The “props” you will need are a knife, a cutting board, a colander, a plate and bags in which supplies will be stored.

The work itself looks like this:

  • The tomatoes, washed and already without stems, are cut into pieces approximately 1.5x2 cm in size. It happens that the vegetables have cracked - in such cases you will have to cut off the damaged area.
  • Then the resulting pieces are placed in a colander placed on a plate. Wait for the slurry to clear from the workpiece. If you use tomatoes from “brain” lines, you will need to remove the achenes, which retain liquid.
  • When planning to make sauce in the future, keep in mind that it is advisable to peel the vegetable before freezing. But it does not interfere with preparations for soups or pizza.
  • After making sure that the liquid has drained, all that remains is to pack the pieces into bags (600-700 g each, 500 g is for a bulk freezer). You should not take more than 1 kg in a package. The presence of air is allowed. The packaged, tightly tied workpiece is gently shaken and placed in the freezer.
  • Important! Even before slicing, tomatoes collected for freezing are wiped dry.

    This ingredient can be added directly to dishes, without prior defrosting.

    Probably, it is unlikely that there will be a housewife who has not pickled tomatoes at least once. This popularity is largely due to its ease of preparation.

    Required Ingredients

    In addition to tomatoes, for a 3-liter jar we will need:

    • peppercorns;
    • greenery;
    • Bay leaf;
    • round white mustard (1/2 tsp);
    • 2-3 large cloves of garlic;
    • sugar (6 tbsp);
    • salt (2 tbsp);
    • apple cider vinegar 6% (20 ml).
    You can take other spices to taste (cloves and other spices).

    First of all, the container and lid are treated with boiling water and dried. Further actions will be as follows:

    Did you know? In the homeland of the tomato, South America, you can still see tracts of wild tomatoes, often annoying local farmers.

    Finally, roll up the lid and wrap the jar tightly in a blanket, where it will remain until it cools completely.

    Everything is simple, but in such a simple technology there is one point that causes frequent discussions. Speech drenched in brine. Usually this manipulation is skipped, and even with large volumes of tomatoes it takes a lot of time. Moreover, due to the presence of vinegar, there is no special need for it. Those who still decide to master this technique need to act in this order:

    If you have not yet encountered this method, it is recommended to try it on 1-2 containers. By comparing the taste of tomatoes treated in this way with the qualities of a regular twist, it is determined whether the procedure is necessary in the future.

    Important! To give pickled tomatoes a more subtle taste during preparation, add a few washed grape or currant leaves to the jar. In this regard, cherry leaf is also good.

    In general, this part of the work is, as they say, “not for everyone,” although many people find the taste of tomatoes that have undergone such processing more piquant.

    In the cold of winter, we usually remember summer with its warmth, vacations and, of course, the gifts of nature in the form of harvest. This preparation is exactly such a gastronomic “hello” from the sultry season.

    Required Ingredients

    • Tomatoes - 1 kg;
    • bell pepper, carrots and onions - 300 g each;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • dill and parsley - 1 bunch each;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l. with a slide;
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l., but without a slide;
    • vegetable oil - 70 ml;
    • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • red pepper - ¼ tsp.

    Step-by-step process with photos

    It all starts with cutting the tomatoes into medium slices. The hard stalk must be removed.
    Then proceed to other procedures:

    • Sweet peppers are cut into strips, and onions into half rings.
    • The garlic is chopped on a fine grater, and the carrots on a coarse grater.
    • Then the greens are cut, and the entire vegetable preparation is placed in a pan.
    • It is covered with salt, sugar and red pepper, not forgetting about vegetable oil.
    • After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, place the container aside for 1 hour - this is enough for the vegetables to marinate.
    • Then the salad needs to be brought to a boil by adding vinegar. In this brine, the workpiece will be stewed for 2-3 minutes.
    • After removing the container from the heat, put the hot salad into sterile jars, which are immediately sealed. While cooling, they are turned over, placed on the lid, and wrapped in a blanket.

    Did you know? Tomatoes contain serotonin (also known as the happiness hormone).

    As you can see, there are no tricks, and the taste of such a salad will certainly please many.

    Well, where would we be without the adjika, beloved by almost everyone? Those who have not encountered its preparation often think that this is a rather complicated process. In fact, everything is much simpler.

    Grocery list

    • Tomatoes – 5 kg.
    • Sweet peppers (red and yellow) - 1.8 kg.
    • Onions, garlic and hot peppers - 150 g each.
    • Vegetable oil - 0.5 l.
    • Salt to taste.

    Cooking process

    Even before processing, washed tomatoes should be cut into small pieces, and peppers should be cut lengthwise into two halves. Let's get started:

    Important! Red pepper in adjika recipes is increasingly being replaced by jalapeno (this is one of the varieties of chili). But due to its very pungent taste, it is added in slightly smaller quantities.

    The “roll” obtained in this way will be an excellent dressing for first courses and a good side dish. You can make it simpler by spreading adjika on a piece of bread. The taste is incomparable - a real summer treat in the middle of winter.

    Another traditional recipe for tomato preparations is canning wedges. Even such a simple product can delight you with its piquant taste. Let's find out how to achieve this effect.

    Grocery list

    For a liter jar you need to take:

    • medium-sized cream tomatoes;
    • 0.5 l of water;
    • 50 g sugar;
    • 4 peppercorns;
    • 2 bay leaves;
    • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
    • ½ tbsp. l. salt and 9% vinegar;
    • just a little mustard (literally on the tip of a knife).

    Step by step process


    Did you know? The first tomatoes were brought to Europe by Columbus himself (this happened in 1498). But these fruits were recognized as edible only two centuries later - the earliest written recipe with their participation dates back to 1698.

    It’s easy to work with sliced ​​​​slices, but they have a clear advantage - such preparations retain their taste longer.

    Tomato juice for the winter

    This is perhaps one of the most vivid memories of the summer and a great way to profitably process an impressive harvest of tomatoes. The recipe below will help make this procedure easier.

    Required Ingredients

    In this particular case, only tomatoes are needed. There are no additives in the form of salt, vinegar or sugar.

    Step-by-step cooking process

    In general terms, the algorithm is familiar to everyone. Let's look at it again, paying attention to the nuances.
