
Marshmallow mastic without starch. How to make mastic from marshmallows

Marshmallow mastic for cake - my experience was positive and I decided to post the recipe. I had previously tried making mastic from condensed milk. Comparing these two methods, my choice fell on marshmallow mastic.

My mastic turned out to be pliable, soft, flexible and fit well. Also, using marshmallow fondant, I easily molded various figures for my husband’s birthday cake.

Powdered sugar plays an important role in making mastic. It is important to sift the powdered sugar well through a sieve so that in the future the mastic does not tear due to grains of sugar that may get caught in the powdered sugar.

Well, in the future the process of preparing mastic is quite simple.

So, we will need:

  • Marshmallow - 100 gr.;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp;
  • Food coloring.
  • Starch for dusting.

Place lemon juice, butter and marshmallows in a glass bowl and heat in a water bath, stirring.

As soon as the marshmallow has completely dissolved, you can immediately add dye to color the mastic in the desired color. I did so. But this is not necessary; you can paint the finished mastic.

Liquid dyes are needed. If the dyes are only in powder, then it is better to dilute them with water.

Remove the marshmallows from the water bath and, gradually adding powdered sugar, knead.

When the mastic becomes difficult to knead in a bowl, put it on the table. The table must first be powdered with powdered sugar and starch.

Knead the mastic with your hands on the table like dough. Our “flour” is powdered sugar + starch.

The mastic is ready when it stops sticking to your hands. Contrary to any recipe for keeping the mastic in the refrigerator before working with it, I immediately began making the covering for the cake. After refrigeration, the mastic would have to be warmed up again. And so the finished mastic was already warm and perfectly amenable to work.

To cover the cake, roll out a 0.5 mm layer of mastic using a rolling pin. We try to determine by eye what size layer will be needed for your cake. Next, we roll the mastic onto a rolling pin, generously sprinkling it with powdered sugar and flour so that it does not stick together when unwinding over the cake.

I note that the marshmallow mastic lay well on the buttercream with which I covered my entire cake.

Carefully unroll the mastic onto the cake. Using a rolling pin and scraper, press the mastic tightly onto the cake. We cut off the excess mastic along the edge of the cake with a knife.

The mastic on the product turns out to be all powdered and therefore not bright. To do this, use a cotton swab and cotton swabs with alcohol or, in extreme cases, vodka to wipe the mastic. Thus, it becomes bright, beautiful, and the figures are clear.

And here is my cake for my husband's anniversary. I gave the cake the shape of a cheese with mice sitting on it)))

My husband loves cheese in real life (and according to the horoscope, it’s also the year of the rat) and that’s why the cake turned out with a hint)))

The most important thing is that my husband and guests highly appreciated my masterpiece!

Today, most housewives use marshmallow mastic to cover and decorate their cakes, mixing it with powdered sugar or starch. The result is a plastic mass from which you can fashion a flower, a bow and many edible figures. Various dyes are added to it, giving the desired shade. Such decorations not only look appetizing, but are also quite edible. Experiment with pasta and create your own sweet works of art.

What is marshmallow

These are sweet chewy marshmallows (candies), white or colored in various pastel shades. It can be braided or cut into small pieces. It is made from corn syrup, sugar, glucose and softened gelatin, whipped until fluffy. Previously, it was added to cocoa, coffee, cakes, desserts, ice cream, and now marshmallow mastic has become popular.

How to make mastic from marshmallows

It is not difficult to prepare mastic for decorating marshmallow confectionery products. The main thing is to take into account the recommendations of specialists, experienced confectioners and study the most common mistakes of novice cooks. This knowledge will help you correctly make a plastic mass that will be easy to mold and will not melt before serving the delicacy. As a result, you will be able to realize all your fantasies of creating culinary masterpieces.

To successfully create marshmallow mastic, professional confectioners advise you to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before covering the cake with marshmallow plastic, spread it with buttercream. A base that is too wet will cause the mastic to melt.
  2. When exposed to air, mastic figures dry quickly. Take this into account and cover the cake if you want them to remain soft.
  3. To tint during the creation process, add gel or natural dyes: vegetable juices, cocoa powder, etc.
  4. If the mass does not roll out well, warm it up a little in the microwave.
  5. When gluing several parts of mastic figures, lubricate the joints with water.
  6. A brush with water will help give a pastry covered with mastic a beautiful shine. Brush the liquid over the treat before serving.

Typical beginner mistakes

Those who start kneading mastic from chewing candies often make mistakes, due to which the mass does not obtain the desired consistency. To ensure everything works out for you, avoid the following:

  1. Don't use colored marshmallows if you'll be coloring them later, otherwise the color won't be what you want.
  2. Sometimes marshmallow pastes become hard. Don't despair, just warm it up. If the mixture begins to crumble, you need to add lemon juice or water.
  3. Be sure to use finely ground powdered sugar, or even better, sift it through a fine sieve.
  4. If the layer still breaks after covering the cake, use a brush dipped in water. You need to iron the surface with it until the irregularities and tears disappear.
  5. If air bubbles form, pierce these places with a needle.
  6. Do not make wet creams; use soaked cakes with caution - high humidity will cause the mastic to dissolve.
  7. Store unused mastic in plastic bags in the refrigerator.

Cooking methods

You can knead the marshmallow mastic mass for culinary masterpieces in different ways: melt the marshmallows in the microwave or in a water bath. Each of them is good in its own way and does not take much time. Try both and decide which one you like better. Experiment, surprise your family and friends with beautiful mastic cakes on the festive table.

How to melt marshmallows in the microwave

Place chewing candies - marshmallows for mastic in a container (you can add a piece of butter) and place in the microwave (in a hot oven), turn on medium or high power. Remove when the marshmallows have increased in size and begin to melt. Stir the sticky mixture with a spatula, start adding coloring and powdered sugar to the melted marshmallows. Stir the mixture until smooth, first in a bowl and then on the table.

Mastic made from chewing marshmallows in a water bath

To melt fluffy marshmallows in a water bath, use enamel dishes. Pour some water into a larger saucepan, boil it, and place a smaller saucepan with marshmallows on top. Do everything on low heat. During the heating process, the mass should almost double in size and swell. Next, you need to transfer it to a bowl, add dyes, powdered sugar and knead.

Homemade marshmallow mastic recipe

Plastic mastic for marshmallow cake can be prepared according to several recipes with different composition of ingredients. You can even combine dry milk with condensed milk, but this sugary mass will not have a pure white color. As a result, the shades of the dyes will also be distorted. Marshmallow mastic according to the classic recipe is universal, it can be colored in any way you like.

Classic recipe

  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Quantity: for a cake 15*7.5 cm.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 356 kcal per 100 g (in all recipes).
  • Purpose: cake decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

This recipe is the simplest, classic marshmallow mastic is suitable for coloring in any color and creating the most incredible confectionery masterpieces. Butter is added to the mass so that it is more plastic and does not crumble during the process. The product can be stored for 2 months in the refrigerator, but be sure to wrap it in cling film to prevent it from weathering or drying out.


  • marshmallow – 100 g;
  • powdered sugar – 200 g;
  • starch – 100 g;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • food dyes.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the powder and starch through a fine sieve.
  2. Combine butter and marshmallows, heat them until the latter begin to melt.
  3. Next, they must be mixed with a mixture of starch and powder (100 g).
  4. Add dye (dry dissolve).
  5. Add more powder, stir until thick.
  6. Place on a table sprinkled with a powder-starch mixture and knead until firm and elastic.

Chocolate mastic for cake

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Quantity: for a cake 15*10 cm.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 416 kcal.
  • Purpose: cake decoration.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

This marshmallow mastic will appeal to chocolate gourmets. Even small children will appreciate its delightful shade and aroma. The undoubted advantage of such decoration is that it does not dry out in the air, remaining just as plastic and soft. From chocolate mass you can make many interesting, tasty decorations not only for cakes, but also for pastries.


  • marshmallow – 180 g;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • dark chocolate – 200 g;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cream – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • liqueur (cognac) – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Make a water bath and melt the chocolate in it.
  2. Add marshmallows to it, stir until it dissolves.
  3. Then put the butter, pour in the cream, liqueur, and continue stirring.
  4. When everything is dissolved and the paste becomes homogeneous, remove from the water bath and add ½ part of the powder.
  5. Stir, place on a table sprinkled with powder and continue kneading until smooth.

How to paint mastic

Sweet marshmallow mastic can be colored either during the preparation process or in finished form. For this, different types of dyes are used, which are liquid (gel) and dry. Recent experts recommend diluting with water or vodka. Alcohol should not scare you, since alcohols will subsequently evaporate and will not be felt.

During the preparation stage

It is best to color the mastic mass at the marshmallow melting stage. To do this, add gel dyes and mix the mixture well. Thanks to this method, the paint is evenly distributed throughout the composition, and the color turns out very beautiful and rich. Dry food colors are also suitable for coloring the composition at the preparation stage, but they must first be diluted with water or vodka.

Ready mastic

Don't be alarmed if you mixed a pure white paste and then decided to make a colored decoration. The already mixed mass can also be colored using the same dyes. Pour them in the middle, fold the edges and start kneading. The advantage of this method is that in the middle of the process you get beautiful stains, a marble effect, which can be left and used as decoration. There is another option to cover the cake with white paste and decorate the top with liquid dyes.

Marshmallow cake decoration

Cake decorating is a very interesting activity. Here you can let your imagination run wild. For everything to work out, it is important to roll out the mastic mass correctly:

  • The table on which you will do this must be sprinkled with powdered sugar or starch. This will prevent the paste from sticking.
  • The thickness of the layer should be at least 2-3 mm and it is better to roll out the mass between two sheets of thick film. The advantage of this method is that the top film can be removed and the bottom film can be used to transfer the coating to the cake.
  • In order for the mastic paste to lie evenly on the entire cake, you need to knead it generously and roll it all out at once. After you place it on the treat, it will stretch under its own weight and evenly cover the entire cake. Do not completely cut off the excess edges, leave about 0.5 cm in reserve, counting on the fact that the coating may dry out and shrink a little and rise.

A wide variety of decorations can be made from mastic plastic - from beautiful flowers to all kinds of figures. To cut out the elements needed for decoration, use cookie cutters or homemade templates. Lubricate your palms with vegetable oil to prevent the parts from drying out, cover the rest with film. If you are starting to create mastic decorations for the first time, start with simple daisies:

  1. Roll out a white layer, 2 mm thick, attach a chamomile stencil, circle with a toothpick.
  2. Cut along the contour with a knife. If you don’t have a small knife and it’s inconvenient to make a big one, you can cut it with scissors.
  3. Using a toothpick, press the dots in the middle (not all the way through) and the grooves on the petals, adding texture.
  4. Roll the yellow mass into balls, flatten them, and glue them with water to the center of the future flower.
  5. Crumple a piece of foil into a ball and place the daisies on it, giving the petals the necessary bend. Leave them to dry.
  6. You can cut out leaves from the remaining mastic, after painting the composition green. Give them texture and dry them in the same way as flowers.
  7. Glue them onto the covered cake using water, or better yet, use neutral colored jam.

For which cake is it better to use mastic?

You only need to apply mastic covering to strong sponge cakes that have a layer of buttercream. The soufflé layer is very soft; the coating can ruin the shape of the dessert. In this case, the edges of the cake must be strengthened and covered with suitable cream. Handle the soaked cakes carefully; the paste is afraid of any contact with moisture. Don't overdo it by soaking them yourself, and let the cake dry a little so that the coating doesn't tear.

How and where to store cake mastic

Mastic paste tends to dry out, so after preparation, if you are not going to use it immediately, wrap it in several layers of cling film or place it in a plastic bag. Store in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 months or in the freezer for up to 6 months. Before use, the paste must be taken out 30-60 minutes in advance and allowed to warm up and become plastic.

Cakes with mastic at home - photo


Mastic is a very tasty edible “plasticine”, a sweet, pliable mass from which you can very easily make decorations for today’s popular cakes, pastries, desserts, even cookies. With the help of food coloring, mastic can be painted in any color and any of your fantasies regarding edible decor can be realized. Decorations made from mastic look very impressive and appetizing. To make mastic, they use condensed milk, powdered sugar, butter, corn starch... But the most popular recipe among beginners is marshmallow mastic; at home it can be prepared quickly and without much effort. Marmallow is a famous chewy marshmallow. It is sold in stores and supermarkets, and you can even find it in stalls in markets. The marshmallow mastic tastes like creamy ice cream.

To prepare mastic you will need:

  • 100 g chewing marshmallows (white or colored, optional)
  • 130-150 g powdered sugar
  • 20 g quality butter

How to make marshmallow mastic

Marshmallows should be fresh, not weathered and not dried out. Place the marshmallows in a deep bowl and add the indicated amount of softened butter.

Place the bowl in the microwave and begin heating on medium to high power. Keep a close eye on the marshmallows! Don't go anywhere. As soon as the marshmallows begin to increase in size and swell slightly, remove them immediately.

Stir soft marshmallows and butter using a tablespoon. If necessary, you can add a small amount of food coloring to the bowl with marshmallows.

Now start adding sifted powdered sugar in small portions. Keep in mind that the better the powder is sifted, the better the quality of the mastic will be, take the finest sieve! Stir the mastic with a spoon, the mass will gradually begin to thicken and become dense.

You can start kneading the mastic with your hands when it becomes quite dense, otherwise you can get stuck in the sweet mass and all the mastic will simply be smeared across your palms. When kneading, you may need a little more or a little less powdered sugar.

When the mastic becomes a soft and well-forming mass, carefully wrap it in cling film. Place the mastic in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes and then you can begin to form sweet decorations.

Marshmallow mastic is easy to cut, it is not difficult to roll it into a thin layer for covering cakes and for cutting out flat decorative parts. When rolling, be sure to dust the table or board with cornstarch or powdered sugar.

Store leftover mastic in the refrigerator. She can safely spend several days there, just carefully wrap her in cling film so that the mastic does not dry out.

Cakes decorated with fondant often look like works of art. Once upon a time it seemed that only a professional pastry chef could prepare them. But the secret of this decoration has been revealed: flexible, easy-to-use mastic is prepared from a simple set of ingredients. And to get an elegantly decorated cake, you only need patience, skill and inspiration. You can make whatever your heart desires from mastic, from roses to sculptures. There would be desire and imagination. With this mastic in your hands, you will prepare a unique cake that will become the most unexpected and joyful gift.

Ingredients for mastic

The main ingredient for mastic is marshmallow. You may not be familiar with this word, but you have probably seen light marshmallows (soufflé) on sale in bright packaging. It looks different: it can be white or multi-colored, cut into pieces or braided. It doesn't look like the usual marshmallow. This foreign delicacy is elastic and has a not very bright, but pleasant sweetish taste. Marshmallows are often colored in light pastel colors (yellow, blue, pink). When making mastic, the colors are naturally preserved. Therefore, we do not recommend buying a product where each piece is painted in two or more colors; most likely, you will end up with a lot of vague and unpleasant shades. To make mastic with your own hands, it is better to find snow-white marshmallows: then the product will turn out perfectly white. Any food coloring is added to this mastic, and the result is the desired pure color.

Photo gallery of marshmallow types

Marshmallow, Belgium Marshmallow, Russia Marshmallow, USA Marshmallow, Russia

We will need:

  1. Marshmallow - 100 gr.
  2. Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  3. Starch - 100 gr.
  4. Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Food colorings.

Butter is necessary so that the mastic retains its plasticity and does not crumble during operation. Perhaps a little less powdered sugar will go into the mastic.

Step-by-step recipes at home

The process of preparing white/colored mastic

  • Mix powdered sugar with starch, sift through a sieve to avoid lumps.
  • In order for the marshmallows to turn into mastic, you will need to heat them. Both a microwave oven and a water bath are suitable for this. A glass bowl is used for a microwave oven, and a metal bowl is used for a water bath.
  • Place marshmallows in a bowl, add softened butter and microwave for 15 seconds. Depending on the power of the oven, the process may take longer or less time. The marshmallows should increase in size and begin to melt.
  • Pour about 100 grams of starch-sugar mixture into the melted mass and mix with a spoon. It should be a thick paste.
  • If you need to add coloring, do so at this stage. Liquid dye is added in drops, dry dye must first be dissolved.
  • Add powder while continuing to knead the mastic. When the mass becomes thick enough, remove it from the cup onto a table sprinkled with powder.
  • Now start kneading the mastic with your hands, having previously greased them with butter. Do not overdo it with powder, try to make the mass firm and elastic.
  • Smooth, dense mastic is ready for use. If you are going to start decorating later, you can put the mastic in the refrigerator. To do this, wrap it in several layers of cling film or place it in a bag, tying it tightly. The mastic dries quickly and loses its elasticity, so do not allow prolonged contact with air.

Mastic step by step (photo gallery)

Place marshmallows in a bowl and heat through Swollen and slightly melted marshmallows are ready to go Add powder in small portions, mixing thoroughly At this stage, add dye if necessary. Add powder and knead the mass until the required thickness and density Cover the finished mastic with cling film to prevent drying out.

Important: the finished mastic can be stored in the refrigerator for 1.5 months. To use chilled mastic, take it out an hour before you start sculpting and let it warm up. There is no need to open the package.

How to make chocolate mastic with your own hands

To prepare shiny, elastic chocolate mastic you will need:

  1. Marshmallow - 180 gr.
  2. Powdered sugar -150 gr.
  3. Dark chocolate - 200 gr.
  4. Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  6. Liqueur - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Melt the chocolate in a water bath.
  • Soften the marshmallows in the microwave or in a water bath.
  • Mix marshmallows, chocolate, butter, cream and liqueur. Use a mixer to achieve homogeneity.
  • Add powdered sugar in portions and knead the chocolate mass until the consistency of a thick dough. Use mastic or place in the refrigerator for storage.

Photo gallery of making chocolate mastic

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler Warm up the marshmallows Mix all ingredients except powdered sugar Achieve uniformity Add powder and mix with a mixer You should get a dense, homogeneous mass Mastic is ready for use

Common mistakes

  • Using coarse powdered sugar. If the mastic breaks when rolling and sugar crystals are visible in it, it means that the powder chosen was too coarse. To avoid such a mistake, do not forget to sift the powder through a fine sieve. You can additionally grind the powder in a coffee grinder for a few seconds. Remember: proper grinding of powdered sugar is an indispensable condition for preparing mastic.
  • Marshmallow overheating when melting. Keep them on the fire or in the microwave only until they swell and begin to melt. Overexposed mastic often crumbles.
  • Excess powdered sugar. Try to add powder in small portions to regulate the density of the mass. Otherwise, the mastic will turn out to be too dense, dry and brittle. To return the mass to plasticity, heat it for a few seconds in the microwave. If the mixture is too dense, you can add a drop of water and continue kneading.

Cakes decorated with fondant (photo gallery)

Cake in the shape of a teapot Elegant wedding cake decoration Roses made from mastic Three tier elegant cake Daisies made from mastic Children's cake A simple and cute option for decorating with mastic

  • Creating jewelry from mastic is a painstaking and time-consuming task, requiring attention to small details. Therefore, separate only a small part of the mastic for the current work, and keep the remaining mass tightly covered to avoid drying out and forming a crust.
  • When working with mastic, lubricate your hands with butter.
  • Decorate the cake with fondant shortly before serving. Under no circumstances should a product covered with mastic be stored in the refrigerator - it will become covered with condensation and begin to spread.
  • The best base for mastic is considered to be hardened butter cream. Soaked cakes or sour cream will dissolve the mastic and ruin all your hard work.
  • It is convenient to roll out the mastic between two sheets of plastic film, greased with vegetable oil: the mastic turns out even, smooth and becomes an ideal coating for the cake.

Video recipe for marshmallow mastic

Homemade cakes decorated with fondant become the highlight of the festive table. In order for you to be able to realize your bold creative plans, you just need to be patient and strictly follow the instructions and advice given in the recipe. And even if the decorations don’t turn out perfect on the first try, over time you will learn to surprise with confectionery miracles.

Marshmallow mastic. COOKING METHOD. ADVIСE

Marshmallows are an English-American sweet. They have nothing in common with our marshmallows, although the name “marshmallow” is often translated into Russian as “marshmallow”.

Marshmallow - marshmallow candies (soufflé).

These most beautiful works are made from marshmallow mastic

Marshmallow fondant is very pleasant to work with.

It easily takes the desired shape and does not stick to your hands, rolls out well and is painted evenly.

Marshmallows are ideal as mastic!

When purchasing candy, the name does not have to be "Marshmallows". It is enough that the name contains the combination "..mallows.." or "..mallow..". For example, "Chamallows", "Frutmallows", "Mallow-Mix", "Mini Mallows", "Banana Mallows", etc. In Russia, marshmallows are produced by the Nestlé company - “Bon Pari, Tutti-frutti soufflé” and “Bon Pari soufflé”.

Method for making marshmallow mastic


  • marshmallows - 90-100g (one pack of marshmallow candies)
  • lemon juice or water - ~1 tbsp. spoon
  • powdered sugar - ~1-1.5 cups


Marshmallows are most often sold in more than one color.

It is best to buy white marshmallows. Divide the marshmallows by color - place the white halves in one bowl and the pink halves in another. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice or water to marshmallows of the same color and heat in the microwave (10-20 seconds) or in a water bath until they increase in volume.

1. Powdered sugar for mastic should be very finely ground. If there are sugar crystals in it, the layer will tear when rolling. Depending on the type of candy, you may need much more powdered sugar than indicated in the recipe, so you need to stock up in large quantities in advance. If the mastic remains sticky for a long time during mixing, then you need to mix in the powder until you get the desired consistency.

2. Mastic coating should NEVER be applied to a wet base - to soaked cakes, to sour cream, etc. The mastic dissolves quickly from moisture. Therefore, there must be a “buffer layer” between the fondant and the cake. This could be marzipan or a thin layer of buttercream. If you are using buttercream, then before applying the mastic, you need to let the cake sit in the refrigerator until the cream hardens.

3. To glue different parts of mastic figures or to glue decorations onto a mastic coating, the gluing area should be slightly moistened with water.

4. When exposed to air for a long time, the mastic dries out. Some figures, for example, flowers, cups, spoons, plates, tables and chairs, are best made in advance and allowed to dry well.

5. Three-dimensional figures, such as flowers, must be attached to the cake shortly before serving, otherwise, if they are attached and the cake is put in the refrigerator, they begin to absorb moisture from the environment and fall off.

6. Attention! If there is high humidity in the room, the cake covered with mastic may become covered with condensed moisture after being removed from the refrigerator. In this case, it is advisable to serve it immediately from the refrigerator to the table. If you still need time before serving, you can carefully blot the moisture from the mastic with a napkin. Or place the cake under a fan.

7. Marshmallow figures can be decorated with food coloring on top.

8. If the mastic has cooled down and began to roll out poorly, you can warm it up a little in the microwave or in a hot oven. She will become plastic again.

9. You can store unused mastic in the refrigerator (1~2 weeks) or in the freezer (1~2 months), after wrapping it in plastic film.

10. Finished dried mastic figures should be stored in a tightly closed box in a dry place. These figurines can be stored for several months.

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