
Tieguanyin black dragon how to brew it. Tie Guan Yin tea from Anxi County, Fujian Province

Tie Guan Yin lovers use poetic metaphors to describe their tea drinking experiences. Many of them say that each brew, like a journey, gives new unforgettable sensations. This is not surprising; this tea is grown and produced in compliance with ancient traditions. Therefore, its use requires special treatment.

Tie Guan Yin tea has a thousand-year history. It began to be produced between 618 and 907, at the end of the Tang dynasty. His homeland is Fujian Province, Anxi County. There are all conditions for growing tea all year round. There is no severe cold in winter, and no heat in summer. The drink gained popularity in the 18th century during the reign of Emperor Qian Long. He was so captivated by the amazing taste and aroma of Tie Guan Yin that he awarded it the title of “Imperial Tea”.

INTERESTING FACT: Tie Guan Yin translates to “Iron Goddess of Mercy Guan Yin.” Moreover, the word “iron” refers to the characteristics of the tea leaf. It is heavy and dense. And after opening it becomes large, with jagged edges.

Today, due to increased demand, Tie Guan Yin is also grown in Taiwan, Thailand and even Japan and Vietnam. However, in terms of taste, they are inferior to the standard Southern Fujian tea.

It is produced in private enterprises in China. Raw materials are collected 4 times a year. Use leaves from young bushes - no older than 5 years. The tea harvested in the autumn is most valued, but there are many fans of the spring harvest. Summer and winter Tie Guan Yin do not have such a rich taste.

Features of Tie Guan Yin tea

Taste and aroma

Chinese tea has incomparable taste and aroma qualities that are difficult to accurately describe. Taste with a predominance of floral and honey notes. It clearly contains shades of lilac, incense, and acacia; it has a multifaceted aroma and a sweetish aftertaste.

Despite this, few people will like the tea the first time. It needs to be felt. But if you fall in love with this drink, then it will become your constant companion and friend.

The tea can withstand up to 7 steepings using the pour over method. And every time its taste and aroma are revealed in a new way.

Health effects

  • increases immunity;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • promotes the removal of waste and toxins;
  • helps in the fight against excess weight.

Tie Guan Yin oolong tea can also be used as a cosmetic product. The cooled tea leaves are used as a lotion, and cosmetic ice is made from it. Tea has a rejuvenating effect and improves complexion.

Psycho-emotional impact

Tie Guan Yin gives an incredible feeling of inner peace and harmony, relaxes, helps to gain clarity of thought and get rid of anxiety. This tea is good to drink for nervous tension and depressive disorders. It is good for a quiet relaxation alone or in company, it instills mutual understanding and love, and immerses you in a state of mild euphoria.

How to drink Tie Guan Yin?

Since Tie Guan Yin is relaxing, you can drink it in the evening. The best time is when all the important things have already been completed, but sleep is still far away.

Drink a little at night. It can cause excitement, cheerfulness and talkativeness. This state is called “tea intoxication”; within a few hours it gives way to drowsy relaxation. It is impossible to name the amount of drink to achieve this state, since it is individual for each person.

It is better not to drink Tie Guan Yin during working hours, especially in the following cases:

  • non-creative specialty;
  • there are strict deadlines;
  • constant concentration is required.

Brewing methods

Traditionally, Chinese tea is brewed following a ritual. It involves a large number of dishes, certain actions are performed that take a lot of time. In Western countries, few people regularly perform the tea ceremony at home. It is mastered as a hobby to surprise friends or please a loved one. But this is a separate topic.

How to brew tea in a quick and easy way? There are two main methods. But they are united by common rules:

  1. The water should not be hot, about 80-90 degrees.
  2. Ideally, filtered or spring water should be used.
  3. The container must be warmed up before brewing tea in it.
  4. The use of plastic and aluminum utensils is prohibited. Ideally glass or porcelain.
  5. It is unacceptable to use a French press - crumpling tea leaves ruins the taste and aroma. It is best to use special transparent teapots, which also allow you to enjoy the contemplation of the tea opening.
  6. The water should not “boil over”. It must be removed from the heat as soon as large bubbles begin to appear on the surface.

The easiest way to brew Tie Guan Yin

For 150 ml of water you will need a pinch of tea. The exact quantity is determined with experience based on your own preferences. Dry tea leaves should be poured with hot water (80-90°C) and immediately drained. This is necessary to rinse and “wake up” the tea. Then immediately pour hot water again and leave under the lid for about 5 minutes. After this, the tea must be poured into a cup, and you can enjoy the taste and aroma.

Straight tea brewing method

Take approximately 10 g of tea per 100 ml of water. Rinse the tea leaves. Brew several times, starting with 20 seconds and gradually increasing the time, but not more than 2 minutes.

To enjoy the unique taste and aroma, you need very little. The main thing is to choose quality tea.

Tie Guan Yin (some write: Tieguanyin, Tie Guanyin) is a very popular, legendary oolong grown in Fujian Province (in Anxi County). It was harvested here back in the 17th century, during the reign of the Tang Dynasty.
The title translates as " Iron Bodhisattva of Mercy».
Tieguanyin is a semi-fermented loose leaf tea classified as oolong.
To produce this tea, mature leaves rich in caffeine and tannins are used.
Tie Guan Yin is valued for its rich aroma, reminiscent of something fruity and spicy.
It is not surprising, but Tie Guan Yin has several varieties, such as internal varieties. They differ in the time of collection of raw materials and the grade of the tea leaf itself. The price of Tieguan Yin depends on these factors.

  • The most common Tieguan Yin is spring. It takes up half of the tea offered. It costs less.
  • The autumn harvest is more valuable, refined, and, as a result, expensive.

Let's look at the types of this oolong in a little more detail.

Types of Tie Guan Yin

There is a division according to the place where this tea grows:

  • Anxi Tieguanyin. Grown in Anxi (Fuzhan Province). Oolong is bright, rich in color and very aromatic. Collection time: autumn and spring.
  • Xiping Tieguanyin. Grown in Chengxiang (Anxi County). The production of this oolong has its own distinctive features: the tea is smoked and lightly roasted over charcoal.
  • Xiping Tieguanyin. It is grown in the village of Xiping, which belongs to Anxi County. The production technology is very ancient, and it is also classified. This Tieguanyin is dark in color and has a “stringy” taste.

In general, Anxi County is divided into 13 villages and 11 volosts, and everywhere they make tea in their own way, using their own unique technologies, with their own tricks.
Therefore, if you want to try all the varieties of tegauan yin, you have to make an interesting, long and exciting “journey” into the world of oolongs.
Tieguanyin is also divided according to the time of collection.

  • Spring collection (April 20 – May 18)
  • First summer gathering (June 15 – July 10)
  • Second summer camp (July 20 – August 15)
  • Autumn collection (September 20 – October 25)
  • Winter harvest (October 25 – November 25)

I have only tried Tuganyin from spring and summer harvests. This concludes my acquaintance with this tea. For now. I just have my own, unusual preferences and tastes.

Tie Guan Yin is also classified according to its taste characteristics:

  • Tieguanyin Wang. It is considered tea of ​​the highest category.
  • Mao Cha Tie Guan Yin. It is tea, not fully processed, with cuttings. It is believed that more essential oils are preserved this way, and the raw materials themselves last longer. Usually these cuttings are separated before sale.

  • Lao Tie Guan Yin. This tea is also produced in Taiwan (yes, I didn’t mention that at the beginning.). It is a little more fermented, and is also aged in the manner of shu pu-erh in special rooms.
  • Nong Xiang Tie Guanyin. Rich aroma, oily infusion (rich in essential oils). This oolong is usually harvested in the fall.
  • Qing Xiang Tie Guanyin. A softer aroma, reminiscent of some flowers. This tea is harvested in spring and early summer.

Tie Guan Yin - the legend of origin

A long time ago, there once lived in China a tea grower (a person who grows tea). And his name was Wei Ying. And he lived in Shanyao, a town in Anxi County.
Every morning and evening for 10 years, he brought tea to the Bodhisattva Guanyin (This is the name of the early Buddhist deity. Usually represented in the form of a certain girl.).
One night, after regular trips and offerings, this tea grower had a dream in which the goddess herself came to him and took him to a mountain on which grew a beautiful tree with a fantastically pleasant smell.
Waking up, Wei Yin ran to that place, climbed the mountain and saw the same tree. It turned out that it was a beautiful tea bush with an alluring aroma.
Delighted, Wei Yin named this tea in honor of the bodhisattva: “Iron Guanin.”
Well, as if this story has some kind of alternative with a continuation.
Briefly it sounds like this.
Emperor Qianlong traveled throughout China, and so he visited the south of Fujian province.
Local tea growers (who were famous throughout the Celestial Empire for their variety of oolongs) presented him with tea.
The imperial kettle was filled with boiling water. Qianlong threw a small handful of tea leaves into the water.
The tea, instead of floating on the surface of the boiling water, went down like a stone.
The emperor was very surprised, since he was sure that only one tea had such behavior - Dong Ting beat on chun, glorified by his grandfather.
The aroma of tea filled the entire room...
The Emperor inquired about the name of this wonderful tea, to which the peasants replied that this tea had no name, and indeed they had been making it for almost a hundred years using the technology of one ancestor, who received this tea as a gift from the goddess Guanyin herself.
Then the emperor decided to call this tea “iron” because it was heavy, in shape and color reminiscent of dragonfly heads or bolts on the riveting of an imperial ship.
Here's the story.

Tie Guan Yin: effects, properties

Tieguanyin has calming and relaxing effects.
Of course, if you drink a lot of this oolong, your overall activity will increase. Cheerfulness and talkativeness will appear, the brain begins to work much faster, and all this is accompanied by a good mood, contentment with oneself and this world. All this thanks to caffeine and theanine. Of course, there are many other substances, but their overall contribution to these effects is small.
Someone drinks Tieguanyin to “get drunk”, “to get stuck”, to get some kind of hallucinations, in general, people are looking for some kind of narcotic effects, and not for pleasure from the taste and aroma of tea.
I’ll say right away, there is nothing like that. No, of course, we are all individual, and for some, drinking a cup of coffee or strong tea will act like a line of cocaine, but I think there are few such people.
All these intoxicating effects of Tieguanyin Oolong are specially maintained to ensure that it sells well. This is how a whole segment of consumers appears: experimental seekers.
As mentioned above, Tie Guan Yin can have stimulating, tonic effects, but all this is “within the framework of tea.”
Like any oolong, Tie Guan Yin is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. All of them have a complex effect on health, and only have a positive effect.
Immunity increases, the condition of blood vessels improves, the skin becomes elastic, the youth and beauty of the body are prolonged.
The person becomes calmer and more confident. And if you live without stress, you will live longer and better.

How to brew Tieguanyin

Purified soft water is best suited for brewing. Useful utensils: porcelain or Yixing clay.
The recipe for properly brewing Tieguanyin is as follows:

  • Heat the water to 85-90 degrees.
  • Wash the dishes, rinse with boiling water to warm them up.
  • For 200 ml. take 8-13 g of water and tea.
  • The first infusion (2-3 seconds) needs to be drained.
  • Fill with water again, but this time insist for about 10 seconds. Drain and drink.
  • Infuse each subsequent brew for 5 seconds longer.
  • After the sixth brew, the infusion time will be more than a minute.
  • After 4-5-6 brews, you can already use water at a higher temperature.

A good Tieguanyin can withstand 7-9 brewings.
And here is a visual, understandable and at the same time spectacular process of brewing Tie Guan Yin.

Chinese teas of exotic varieties such as Tie Guan Yin are becoming increasingly popular. Although they are exotic only for Europeans, residents of Asian countries include them in their diet every day. Regular consumption of this tea has a beneficial effect on the body, it improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and causes oriental longevity.

In the East, tea drinking traditions are observed; each preparation of tea turns into a beautiful, unique ritual. Compliance with special actions allows you to feel the importance of what is happening. To take part in such a ceremony it is not necessary to go to the Celestial Empire. If you purchase the necessary attributes, quality tea and master all the stages of preparing the drink, you can hold the ceremony yourself.

Tie Guan Yin - elite oolong

Tie Guan Yin (Tieguanyin) is a weakly fermented tea, considered the most common among oolongs. It occupies an intermediate place between light green teas and dark red teas. It is only partially fermented.

How to brew Tie Guan Yin correctly? If you brew tea correctly, you will get an infusion with an intense taste, slightly perceptible notes of spices and fruits. This depends on the essential oils contained in the tea leaves. In the process of preparing Tie Guan Yin, you can reveal five facets of the unique taste of this oolong: bitterness, sweetness, pungency, sourness. And only real tea masters are able to describe the fifth facet.

Types of Tie Guan Yin tea

There are several types of tea, they are distributed according to the place of growth and the time of collection.

By place of growth:

  • Chengxiang Tie Guan Yin is grown in Chengxiang Township. The main difference between this variety is that the tea leaves are smoked and then roasted over coals.
  • Anxi Tie Guan Yin is grown in Fujian Province, Anxi County. It is collected in spring and autumn. The drink is very aromatic and rich in color.
  • Xiping Tie Guan Yin is grown in Xiping Township. The production uses ancient technology, which is kept secret. The infusion is dark in color, has an unusual and viscous taste.

Anxi County is made up of 11 volosts and 13 villages; tea is produced in each locality, everywhere it is made using unique technology, its taste is different. Those who want to try all varieties of this delicious tea will have to go on a real journey through the world of oolongs.

According to the harvest time, Tieguanyin tea is divided into spring, first and second summer, autumn and winter harvests.

Utensils for preparing Tie Guan Yin

To conduct a tea ceremony you will need certain utensils.

Gaiwan. You can use a ceramic teapot, but the feeling of the mystery of the tea ceremony disappears.

Cup of Justice. A vessel into which brewed tea is poured. You can replace it with a bowl.

Bowls. These should be small cups according to the number of people participating in the ceremony.

You also need to prepare clean water, heated to 95°C, tea at the rate of 7-10 g per 120 ml of water.

Rules for preparing Tie Guan Yin tea

How to brew Tie Guan Yin? Pour the required amount of tea leaves into a heated gaiwan and inhale their aroma. Pass it around to all the guests so that everyone can enjoy the amazing aroma.

  • Pour water heated to a certain temperature into the tea.
  • After 40 seconds, the water pours out of the gaiwan. Zero brew is not tea. It is not suitable for drinking, but is intended to awaken the tea leaves and cleanse them of any stray contaminants.
  • At this moment, it is good to open the lid of the gaiwan and smell the aroma again, remember it, since it will change at each stage.
  • Pour hot water over the leaves and brew the tea for two minutes. Then you need to pour the resulting infusion into the cup of justice.
  • Pour tea from the cup of justice equally into the bowls of the guests present.
  • Tea can be brewed up to ten times. Each subsequent serving of tea will have a new taste and aroma.

The tea ceremony is considered over when the tea leaves have fully unfurled and released their aroma. Tea loses its taste, which means it’s time to stop drinking tea.

How to drink Tie Guan Yin tea

There are no strict rules for consuming Chinese oolongs. The purpose of the tea ceremony is to enjoy the amazing aroma and taste of tea in pleasant company and a calm atmosphere. With every sip you can feel how strength is restored, the spirit is strengthened, the body relaxes, the body rests. You need to drink tea without haste, savoring and enjoying the drink.

For the olfactory and taste buds, expensive oolong is considered a true pleasure. You cannot combine it with a meal, otherwise more than half of the taste is lost. It is better to drink this tea as an aperitif or between meals. It leaves a long aftertaste. Tea freshens your breath.

You should not drink Tie Guan Yin tea before bed, it contains a lot of caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system, “inserts.” To get a boost of energy and lift your spirits, you can drink a cup of tea at any time of the day. It doesn’t matter what time tea is drunk, the main thing is that drinking tea brings true pleasure.

Tie Guan Yin tea is a blue-green variety. The drink has a strong aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a spring forest. Tea is not only aromatic and tasty, but also healthy.

The effect of consuming Tie Guan Yin

The drink combines the beneficial properties of green and black tea. This is why he is so valued in China. With each new brew, the taste of the tea is revealed and the benefits of the tea are enhanced.

For Tie Guan Yin, tea leaves are harvested at a more mature level than for green tea, so it is healthier.

The drink contains alkaloids that tone, invigorate, improve mood and performance. But you shouldn't abuse it. If you drink Tie Guan Yin too often, “tea intoxication” occurs, which manifests itself as mild euphoria.

In addition to alkaloids, tea contains vitamins, iron, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iodine and other beneficial substances.

The effect of drinking the drink is as follows:

  • relaxes, relieves nervous tension;
  • lifts the mood;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • strengthens blood vessels, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

The drink is even taken to prevent tumor diseases.

How to brew Tie Guan Yin

The result obtained depends 50% on correct brewing. If you skip even one step or do something wrong, you will not be able to taste the taste and will not get the desired effect.

The choice of brewing utensils is approached with special attention. Preference is given to a kettle made of material that retains heat for a long time. Clay, porcelain or ceramic dishes are suitable. In addition to the teapot (teapot), you will need a bowl and a sieve.

Making tea looks like this:

  1. Pour boiling water over the kettle so that the temperature of the drink does not drop during brewing.
  2. Pour a handful of tea into it. For 200 ml of water you will need 8 g of tea leaves.
  3. Close the lid and shake the kettle until the sound of the tea leaves inside changes.
  4. Pour the tea with water at a temperature of 85−90˚C, lightly covering the tea leaves. Discard the liquid immediately. After rinsing the tea, start brewing.
  5. Pour the tea leaves to the top of the bowl. Wait 5 seconds. and pour the infusion into a bowl. You can start drinking tea.

The taste and aroma of tea are revealed only after the third brew. A total of up to 15 approaches are allowed, each time the brewing time is increased.

The history of Chinese tea "Tie Guan Yin" began from the time when a poor tea grower Wei Yin from Anxi County saw in a dream a special tree with a charming aroma emanating from it. The voice of the Bodhisattva (goddess) Guan Yin told the peasant that he needed to take a shoot from it and plant it in the ground. In the morning, Wei Yin immediately went to look for the dreamed tree and did everything as the deity ordered. A few years later, an ordinary tea bush grew from the shoot. But when a peasant prepared a traditional Chinese drink from its leaves, the taste of the tea exceeded all his expectations.

Tea "Tie Guan Yin": general description

Today, Tie Guan Yin is a semi-fermented loose-leaf tea, which in China is classified as blue-green or turquoise. This is the most famous and expensive oolong, which is grown in the south of Fujian, in Anxi County. It is known that tea has been produced in this area for a very long time, since the 7th century.

The fermentation process determines the color and taste of the drink. Tie Guan Yin is a cross between green and red (black) tea. The peculiarity of the semi-fermented drink is that the rolled leaf is dried only on top, but remains fresh inside. In addition, more mature leaves are used to obtain it than for green tea. At the same time, unfinished fermentation makes it possible to preserve all important vitamins and other beneficial substances and determines the unique taste and aroma.

Collection time

The taste and medicinal properties of tea collected at different times of the year are very different. This largely determines the price of it.

The most aromatic and delicious tea is considered to be “Tie Guan Yin”, collected in the fall, from mid-September to the end of October. During this time, it is possible to pick about 15 percent of the annual volume of mature green leaves. The drink made from them (after mandatory fermentation) is considered the best and, accordingly, expensive.

The spring harvest, which occurs from the twentieth of April to mid-May, accounts for almost half of the annual volume, so it is easier to buy such tea and its price is not so high.

Chinese winter tea “Tie Guan Yin”, whose properties and effects on the body are less pronounced, is considered the worst, although there are also fans of this drink exclusively. It is collected annually from the end of October to the end of November.

Depending on weather conditions in summer, tea leaves may be plucked twice. The first time this happens is from mid-June to early July, the second time - from the twentieth of July to mid-August.

Green tea “Tie Guan Yin” is harvested exclusively by hand, at dawn, picking only the first four leaves. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain the most healthy drink with an unusually rich color and aroma.

Production Features

Tea production technology is quite complex; it consists of several labor-intensive steps:

  1. Tea picking.
  2. Airing in the sun.
  3. Drying at low temperature.
  4. Preparation (fermentation) - shaking in a special drum for maximum oxidation of the leaves and the release of juice from them, followed by placing them in heaps for ventilation.
  5. Stop fermentation by roasting the leaves.
  6. Curling in special machines or manually. After this, the large leaves turn into small lumps, which straighten out again during the process of brewing tea.
  7. Final drying in an oven at medium temperature.
  8. Final sorting of leaves from cuttings.

This is how traditional tea “Tie Guan Yin” is made, the effect of which was known to the Chinese emperors. If the rules of one of the stages are not followed, a completely different type of drink results.

Varieties of Tie Guan Yin

Based on grade and taste, the following types of tea are distinguished:

  • "Tie Guan Yin Wang"- “royal” tea, elite and the highest quality among other drinks. The best leaves are selected for its preparation, so it is also the healthiest.
  • "Mao Cha Te Guan Yin" - is not processed completely from cuttings, but is sold along with them. It contains many essential oils that determine the taste of the future drink.
  • "Lao Tie Guan Yin" - it is also called "aged" tea. It lends itself to stronger fermentation and is aged under certain conditions for three years. Thanks to this method of preparation, the taste of this tea is very different from other varieties.
  • "Nong Xiang Tie Guan Yin" is a strong tea with an oily structure. It is harvested in the fall when the leaves become mature. After this, they are subjected to strong fermentation, causing the edge of the leaf to turn brown.
  • "Qing Xiang Te Guan Yin" - undergoes mild fermentation, thanks to which the leaf retains its green color. This is a smooth tea with a refreshing floral aftertaste. Collection time is spring or early summer.

Despite the fact that the choice of tea varieties is so large, the most popular is still Tie Guan Yin oolong. Its properties as a medicine are so strong that the benefits of its use are difficult to overestimate.

Taste qualities

Those people who drink Tie Guan Yin tea every day can be considered real gourmets. It should be noted that a classic drink must have certain qualities.

  1. The color of the freshly prepared drink is light green with a turquoise tint. With each subsequent brewing, the color of the drink becomes darker.
  2. The aroma is floral with honey and herbal notes.
  3. The taste is rich, slightly sweet.
  4. Aftertaste - a pleasant sweetness remains in the mouth with calm notes of fresh lilac.

To experience the fullness of the taste and aroma of Tie Guan Yin, the effect of which is felt almost immediately, it is better to drink it separately from the main meal.

Nutritional value and benefits of tea

Vitamins C, D, P, PP, E, K, as well as group B are contained in large quantities in the freshly prepared drink. The beneficial properties of Tie Guan Yin tea are explained by its unique mineral composition. Elements such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, fluorine, selenium, and iodine ensure the stable functioning of all organs and systems.

The vitamin and mineral composition unique to tea not only has a general strengthening effect on the body, but also allows it to be used as an independent medicine.

"Tie Guan Yin": effect on the body

For humans, Tie Guan Yin oolong is an indispensable source of energy and a sedative at the same time. With its help you can normalize blood pressure, stop oral diseases, and strengthen the immune system. It is both an effective fat burner and a rejuvenator.

For Tie Guan Yin tea, the weight loss effect lies in its ability to remove toxins and cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Due to this property, it is often included in various diets.

For the Tie Guan Yin drink, the rejuvenating effect is that it has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it smooth and elastic. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, and large ones are no longer as noticeable as before. This tea is also a natural antioxidant that helps the body fight dangerous cancer cells.

How to brew tea correctly?

To make Tie Guan Yin as beneficial as possible for the body, it must be brewed correctly. A certain temperature, special dishes and a favorable environment help turn a banal tea reception into an interesting ceremony.

To brew tea, purified water must be boiled and cooled to a temperature of 80-85 degrees. After this, prepare porcelain or earthenware, first pouring boiling water over it. Place rolled leaves in a teapot at the rate of 5-7 grams per 200 ml of water. Then pour boiling water over the leaves and immediately, after a second, drain the water. This is done in order to clear the tea of ​​debris and dust and force the curled leaves to open. Next time you need to brew for about a minute. With each subsequent time, the time must be increased by 30 seconds. In total, up to 10-15 brewings of the same leaves are allowed.

This is how Tie Guan Yin tea is prepared, the medicinal properties of which are widely known far beyond China. Unlike the young light green drink, it becomes darker later, acquiring a rich yellow-brown color and rich taste.

How to buy Chinese tea? Product price

It should be noted that real “Tie Guan Yin” is produced exclusively in China. In order to preserve its unique taste and aroma, tea is packaged in vacuum bags of various sizes. The price for it is set at about 500 rubles per 50 grams and more, depending on the type of tea. Oolong "Tie Guan Yin" cannot be cheap, since it is an elite tea, which has practically no analogues.

You should not look for this tea on the shelves of regular stores and supermarkets. It can only be ordered at specialized points of sale and online stores selling tea from China. If the vacuum packaging is broken, it is better to refuse such a purchase, since they very often try to sell a fake under the guise of an expensive drink. The original "Tie Guan Yin" is sold only in vacuum packaging.

Tea "Tie Guan Yin": customer reviews

Properly brewed traditional “Tie Guan Yin” has never left anyone indifferent. Its honey taste and floral aroma with a pleasant aftertaste are especially popular among green tea fans. “Tie Guan Yin”, the effect, reviews and beneficial properties of which are only positive, is becoming increasingly popular. The only thing that puts buyers off is the price. But, having once tried expensive tea, few people will want to return to the cheap option again. How tasty and aromatic “Tie Guan Yin” is.
