
Tender breakfast: recipe for semolina balls. Semolina balls like in kindergarten

  • milk (fat content 2.5%) – 400 ml;
  • semolina – 6 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • white wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • finely ground breadcrumbs - 7-8 tablespoons;
  • butter – 60 g.
  • Preparation time: 00:30
  • Cooking time: 00:10
  • Number of servings: 4
  • Complexity: average


We will prepare the balls with the addition of raisins and orange zest. A recipe with a photo will help you cope with a new dish. You can diversify it with any other dried fruits (finely chopped dried apricots and prunes). You can also add lemon or tangerine zest instead of orange zest. The step-by-step process is absolutely not complicated, so sometimes please your household with semolina balls for breakfast or dinner.

Semolina balls are just a godsend for mothers who just can’t feed their babies porridge. And indeed, they prepared it a little differently and the result was completely different. Just yesterday you were chasing your child with a spoon of porridge, and today you made semolina balls with jelly for breakfast, and the baby gobbles them up on both cheeks.

Useful tips

  • Adjust the amount of sugar in the recipe based on your taste preferences. If you serve the balls with sour cream, add a little more granulated sugar. If you are going to eat them with condensed milk or jam, then do not make the balls themselves too sugary.
  • Don't forget about the beauty of serving the finished dish. Even such a simple breakfast as semolina, present it elegantly and the whole family will be in a good mood. Place the meatballs on beautiful plates, next to them are a few fresh mint leaves, berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants) or pieces of fruit (sliced ​​peaches, nectarines, pears and apples).

An economical and tasty dish is semolina porridge, but not every baby enjoys eating it on both cheeks.

However, you can cope with it, so much so that adults will line up for more.

Prepare semolina balls - from fresh porridge or porridge left over from the previous menu. Season them with dried fruits, sour cream and even jelly and you can prepare to accept thanks and requests for more.

Semolina balls - general principles of preparation

Thickly cooked, fluffy semolina porridge is the basis for any type of similar meatballs. Basically, it is prepared with milk, adding sugar and salt according to the recipe. Before you start preparing the base, you should decide what type of meatballs you will prepare. For unsweetened ones, granulated sugar is not added.

How to properly prepare thick semolina for meatballs without lumps? Immediately measure the required amount of semolina into a dry glass. Take any non-enamel pan and pour milk or water into it. At this stage, there is no need to add anything to the liquid - sugar and salt are added during the boiling process, into an already well-heated base. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, begin to vigorously stir it in a circle, and with the other hand at this time, slowly, in a thin stream, pour in the cereal. Without ceasing to stir, let the porridge simmer for three minutes until it thickens. Cool the finished semolina.

If you need to add oil, do it about ten minutes after it is ready. Eggs and additional ingredients - poppy seeds, flour, dried fruits, cheese, cottage cheese and others, are introduced only into a completely cooled base.

Form the balls with hands well soaked in water. The shape may be different, the recommended thickness is no more than one and a half centimeters, otherwise it will be difficult to fry them in a frying pan. Baked or steamed semolina balls in the form of balls will look original.

Before frying or baking, the meatballs are breaded in flour, breadcrumbs or dry semolina. If you roll the product in breading before steaming, its layer will soften, which will negatively affect not only the appearance, but also the taste.

Serve the semolina balls immediately after they are ready. Unsweetened with sour cream, sauces, melted heavy cream or butter. Sweet - with honey, sweetened sour cream, jam, sweet syrups and sauces.

Classic recipe for semolina balls like in kindergarten


Half a glass of semolina;

Two eggs;

Half a liter of milk;

Spoon of flour;

75 gr. crystalline sugar;

Refined oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place on high heat. After warming up a little, add granulated sugar and a small pinch of salt. As soon as it starts to boil, stirring the milk intensively, pour semolina into it in a thin stream. Reduce heat and continue stirring, cook until thickened. Let cool.

2. Pour eggs into the well-cooled porridge, mix and gradually add starch.

3. Having moistened our hands, form small balls and roll them well on all sides in semolina.

4. Pour a thin layer of oil into the frying pan and heat over low heat. Place the meatballs and let them brown on both sides. We do not close the lid.

Semolina balls with raisins from the oven in molds


Six full spoons of fresh semolina;

One egg;

1 gr. vanilla crystals;

Three spoons of flour;

Half a liter of medium-fat milk;

50 gr. Sahara;

White coconut flakes.

Cooking method:

1. Add sugar, vanillin and a little salt to the milk, bring to a boil, add semolina and, stirring, cook thick porridge over low heat. After cooling well, mix in the raw egg and flour, and then the raisins.

2. Place the resulting mass in small silicone molds and sprinkle coconut shavings on top.

3. Place in a hot oven and bake for a quarter of an hour - until the top is browned.

4. We take the semolina balls out of the oven, cool them a little and, only after that, release them from the molds.

Semolina balls with curd filling


Non-grain fat cottage cheese - 250 gr.;

Half a liter of milk;

Two spoons of sugar;

Semolina - 6 tbsp. l.;

30 gr. homemade or sweet butter;

A bag of vanilla, crystalline;

Two fresh eggs;

Refined oil;

50 gr. seedless raisins, preferably light ones.

Cooking method:

1. Scald the sorted raisins with boiling water, add warm water and soak in it for about 10 minutes. Rinse again and place on a towel to dry.

2. Transfer the cottage cheese into a small bowl, add a little sugar and vanilla to it. Mix thoroughly and add raisins. We first grind the grainy cottage cheese on a sieve to break up the lumps.

3. Mix semolina with sugar and, pouring it in a thin stream, add it to boiling milk. Stirring, cook the porridge over moderate heat for two minutes and set aside from the stove. Add butter to the semolina base, mix, and leave until completely cooled. In semolina, as in cottage cheese, you can put up to 1/2 a small bag of vanilla sugar. Thoroughly stirring the almost cooled porridge, add the beaten egg.

4. Drain the second egg into a separate bowl, beat it and start forming the balls. Wet our hands with water, roll a small ball from the prepared mass and press it down to form a flat cake. Place a teaspoon of curd filling in the center and carefully seal the edges, as when making pies. Having given the desired shape, place the meatballs on a cutting board.

5. Place the frying pan on medium heat, pour oil into it and wait for it to warm up enough. One by one, dip the semolina balls into the beaten egg, then lower them into the frying pan. Fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

Fried semolina balls in sesame breading with jelly


A glass of dry semolina;

A liter of milk;

Four tablespoons of starch;

Fresh chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

A couple of spoons of wheat flour;

One and a half liters of drinking water;

High quality vegetable oil.

300 gr. fresh or frozen berries;

Sesame seed.

Cooking method:

1. Cook a thick semolina base in milk, with a little sugar and salt. While still hot, stir in the butter and leave to cool.

2. While the porridge is cooling, prepare the jelly. Place the berries in a saucepan, add water and, adding sugar to taste, bring to a boil. Boil over moderate heat for a quarter of an hour, then strain the berries through a sieve, and bring the liquid jelly base to a boil again.

3. Fill a 250 ml glass one third with water, add starch. Stir thoroughly, and at the same time intensively, with a fork or whisk. Having broken all the lumps, pour the mixture into the boiling compote. Pour in a thin stream, quickly stirring the liquid in a circle. After boiling the jelly for only 30 seconds, remove from the stove.

4. Carefully mix the eggs into the cooled semolina. You can add just a little poppy seed or finely chopped dried apricots.

5. Place a frying pan on medium-low heat, pour in oil in a layer of up to 0.5-0.6 cm. Warm up.

6. Wet our hands with water and form semolina balls. Roll them in a mixture of flour and sesame seeds. Then dip into heated oil and fry, turning on both sides.

7. When serving, generously pour jelly over the meatballs laid out on plates.

Semolina balls on water with cheese in the oven - “Special”


Dry semolina - 150 gr.;

Half a liter of drinking water;

150 gr. any cheese;

Butter - at least 100 g;

Two eggs;

For breading - white, coarsely ground crackers;

A teaspoon of cumin.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare a thick porridge using water with added salt. Without allowing it to cool, stir in the butter, and only then cool.

2. Add eggs, finely grated cheese, a little pepper and cumin. Stir everything well and put it in the general compartment of the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

3. From the cooled base we form meatballs, roll them well in breadcrumbs. Place in a roasting pan greased with vegetable oil, then immediately place in a hot oven. Bake the semolina balls for 20 minutes until evenly golden brown.

Steamed semolina balls with cottage cheese


Non-grained, preferably 9%, cottage cheese - 200 g;

A glass of semolina;

100 gr. sugar;

One egg;

500 ml milk;

Two spoons of poppy seeds.

Cooking method:

1. To the cooled porridge cooked in milk with sugar and salt, add cottage cheese and add poppy seeds. Mixing thoroughly, pour in the raw egg.

2. With hands dipped in water, we sculpt small balls of arbitrary shape. At a distance of a finger width from each other, we lay them out on the mesh of the steamer and place it on the lower container with boiling water. Cover with a lid.

3. Steam the semolina balls for a quarter of an hour. Serve hot.

Semolina balls - cooking tricks and useful tips

To make the semolina base thick, you must strictly observe the proportions of cereal and liquid. If to prepare ordinary porridge it is enough to take six full spoons of semolina per liter of milk, in our case this amount is calculated for only half a liter. Please note that for cooking cereals in water you need to take more.

To avoid lumps, add the cereal directly when boiling, and not into an already boiling liquid. Instead of a spoon, use a whisk for intensive stirring.

Before adding the egg, beat it with a fork. Pour in small portions, stirring thoroughly each time. This will allow you to adjust the thickness of the semolina base.

If the porridge turns out to be too thick or with lumps, puree it with a blender. This procedure will help correct imperfections and make the meatballs more tender.

Sweet semolina balls can be supplemented with raisins, nuts, candied fruits, pieces of fresh and even canned fruit, and berries. Unsweetened - slices of boiled vegetables, pieces of sausage, ham or boiled meat, greens.

Unsweetened semolina balls will have a more delicate consistency if you add a little grated boiled vegetables to the semolina base. For those with sweets, cottage cheese can be such an addition.

Semolina balls cook very quickly. Children especially like this dish. After all, it is served to the table along with such sweets as honey, condensed milk, etc. To understand how to properly make this sweet treat, let’s take a closer look at the process of preparing it.

Step-by-step recipe for semolina balls

Required ingredients:

Cooking process

You should start making semolina balls by preparing regular porridge. To do this, you need to pour fresh fat milk into a saucepan, boil it over low heat, and then carefully add semolina, granulated sugar and table salt. Next, the porridge must be boiled until thickened, removed from the stove and cooled completely. In this case, you must make sure that there are no lumps in it. After this, add melted butter and chicken eggs to the semolina mixture. It is recommended to mix all the above ingredients well using a large spoon or blender.

Dried fruit processing process

If you decide to pamper your children and make semolina balls just for them, then it is recommended to add some dried fruits to the base. We recommend using seedless black raisins. It must be sorted out, and then poured with boiling water and kept in it for about 20 minutes. During this time, the dried fruits will swell well, become soft and clean.

The process of forming balls

Even a small child can form semolina balls. To do this, take 1 full large spoon of the base, and then roll it into a ball and flatten it slightly. Next, it is advisable to dip the semi-finished product on both sides in dry semolina (you can also use wheat flour). All other products are formed by analogy.

Heat treatment of meatballs in a frying pan

Before preparing semolina balls, you should put the frying pan on the fire, heat it up very much and pour in odorless sunflower oil. Next, you need to place from 5 to 7 semi-finished products on the surface of the frying pan and lightly fry them on both sides. After this, place the finished products on a large flat dish and sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

How to serve correctly

Ready-made, it is recommended to serve for breakfast or afternoon tea. It is best to eat this dish warm, along with hot tea, as well as some kind of jam (cherry, raspberry and berry are good), condensed milk, honey, etc.

Useful advice for housewives

You can make meatballs not only with the addition of black raisins, but also with ingredients such as ground nuts, dried apricots, prunes, pieces of fresh berries or fruits, etc.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

It’s very easy to turn your unloved into an unusual dessert or a delicious breakfast. Prepare semolina balls like in kindergarten and serve them with jelly or condensed milk, jam - and you won’t have to persuade anyone to eat another piece, the balls will be eaten with appetite and they will ask for more! The whole secret of the magical transformation is in the delicious golden brown crust that is obtained by frying the meatballs. You can also bread them in breadcrumbs - the crust will become even denser and, in contrast to the delicate, soft semolina, it will be very tasty!
The basis of the meatballs is cool semolina porridge. You need to cook it very thick, much thicker than you usually cook. The porridge should be such that they say “so that the spoon stands”, otherwise the meatballs will spread out when fried and you will end up with semolina cakes. Sometimes raisins or other dried fruits are added to the semolina, so if you like the meatballs, they are very easy to diversify.


- milk of any fat content – ​​0.5 liters;
- semolina – 0.5 cups;
- large egg – 1 piece;
- sugar – 3 tbsp. l (to taste);
- salt - a pinch;
- flour for breading the meatballs - 2-3 tbsp. l;
- vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Bring the milk to a boil over low heat. As soon as foam begins to appear on the surface, stir the milk with a spoon so that it starts to move and a small funnel is formed in the center. Without ceasing to stir, add semolina in a thin stream. Before adding semolina, reduce the heat under the pan to minimum.

Stirring constantly, cook the semolina until all the grains swell and the porridge begins to thicken. Add sugar and salt. Add sugar to taste; you may want to make the balls sweeter, or vice versa - make unsweetened ones and serve with jam or condensed milk.

Continue cooking the semolina for 5-7 minutes until it thickens. The porridge should turn out cool so that when stirred it easily moves away from the walls of the pan.

Transfer the finished semolina into a bowl or leave it in the pan and cool until warm. Beat the egg into the warm porridge.

Mix vigorously in a circular motion. At first the semolina will be lumpy, but as you stir it will become smooth and the egg will completely combine with the porridge.

Place a frying pan with vegetable oil on low heat. Pour flour into a plate. Wet our hands under cold water, take a tablespoon of semolina porridge and form a round piece. Place it on the flour and press down to form a plump flatbread. Dip in flour and transfer to a frying pan.

Fry the semolina balls for three to five minutes on each side, until an even golden brown crust appears.

Serve semolina balls warm, hot or cool to room temperature. We choose additives to suit your taste: berry jelly, condensed milk, jam, berries mashed with sugar. Bon appetit!

See also interesting and accessible

Many of us have known semolina balls for a very long time. Their taste will never be forgotten, just like our happy childhood. This dish will be enjoyed by both adults and children. Even very picky people who don’t like semolina porridge will never refuse such a tasty treat and will “gobble it up on both cheeks.” This dessert is prepared very easily and quickly, and it requires a minimal and affordable set of ingredients. And the end result is a delicious, aromatic, tender dish.

They look like cheesecakes, but the taste is very original. They are eaten with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, and jelly. The most important thing in the recipe is to prepare the semolina porridge correctly. It should have a very thick consistency and stick well. The taste of our product directly depends on this. Let's look at how to make semolina balls step by step with photos.

A simple recipe for semolina balls

The cooking process will not take you much time, and as a result you can enjoy a very tender and light dish, which is perfect for breakfast or afternoon snack.

You will need:

  • Semolina – 6 large spoons;
  • Salt - half a small spoon;
  • Two types of sugar: regular (2 large spoons) and vanilla (bag);
  • Milk – half a liter;
  • Butter – 1 small spoon;
  • One egg;
  • Flour – 100 grams (for breading);
  • Sunflower oil (for frying);

The cooking scheme is as follows:

  1. We cook semolina porridge, quite thick. At the same time, bring the milk to a boil, add the cereal in a thin stream. Don't forget to stir all the time. Cook over low heat for about five minutes, stir again. At the end of the process, add salt, sugar, and butter. Turn off the flame, cover the container with a lid and wait about 10 minutes - our porridge should brew.
  2. Beat the egg with vanilla sugar;
  3. Add the mixture to the cool porridge and mix thoroughly. At this point the dough is ready;
  4. With wet hands (the dough should not stick to them), we take one portion of the mass and sculpt our beautiful products. Roll each side in flour and give the dough an even shape.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and heat it thoroughly. Place the semolina balls and fry them over medium heat until golden brown and golden brown;
  6. Turn over to the other side and fry in the same way, but with the lid closed. At the same time, our culinary masterpiece will turn out so lush and tender that it will be impossible to tear yourself away from it.
  7. You can also steam the products. To do this, coat the steamer bowl thoroughly with oil, lay out the pieces and cook for about 15 minutes;
  8. To remove excess oil, the finished product is placed in a plate with a napkin or thick paper placed in it.
  9. Choose any of the serving methods - with condensed milk, sour cream, jam, or simply without anything. This delicacy goes well with jelly, which you can prepare yourself or use dry store-bought.

You can also change the recipe to your taste. If you want a sweet option, then before baking you can add nuts, candied fruits, poppy seeds, finely chopped fruits or berries to the dough mixture. For a more satisfying option, ingredients such as cheese, small pieces of boiled or fresh vegetables, meat, and herbs are suitable.

Recipe for semolina balls in the oven

Few of us did not go to kindergarten. And, of course, my childhood years left in my memory the unforgettable taste of semolina balls. In preschool institutions, they are very concerned about the health of children and therefore they are not fried in a frying pan so that they are not too high in calories and fat. Chefs usually bake this dish in ovens, because for a growing child’s body, food should not only be tasty, but also be beneficial. And kids who usually turn their nose up at porridge with semolina will eat it with pleasure.

It’s very easy to prepare our products, just like in kindergarten. Regular semolina porridge is baked in a microwave or oven. You can also make pancakes, or immerse the porridge in a baking dish. You will get a cool manna pie.

The following products are needed:

  • Milk – 400ml;
  • Semolina – 100 g;
  • Salt – ¼ small spoon;
  • Sugar – 20 g;
  • Two eggs
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Raisins - to taste.

The cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Cook the semolina as in the first recipe, but for now add only butter to the finished mass;
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites and mix them with sugar, then beat until smooth and add to the porridge;
  3. Next, add raisins and protein to our dish, mix everything thoroughly;
  4. We form our blanks. They should be slightly flattened and oval in shape;
  5. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and place our beautiful masterpieces on it. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes until golden brown.
  6. The finished product is very good both hot and cold.

Little children simply love this tasty delicacy. It is very simple and quick to make at home and is ideal for breakfast or afternoon snack.

Video: Recipe for semolina balls (gnocchi)
