
Soaked apples at home - vitaminization has begun! The best recipes for soaked apples at home in barrels and jars. Pickled homemade apples

An excellent snack with a unique taste - soaked apples. Simple recipes with herbs and leaves of currants, cherries, honey and mustard.

Wetting apples is a very ancient tradition. There are many recipes for soaked apples - with cabbage, wort, honey, rowan and even straw. Usually the fruits are soaked in wooden barrels. They say that apples from a barrel even smell special. But, living in an urban environment, an oak barrel is practically an antique, so we will use jars to prepare soaked apples.

  • apples – 10 kg
  • water - 5 l
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • currant leaves - 1 bunch
  • cherry leaves - 1 bunch
  • raspberry leaves - 1 bunch
  • mint - 1 bunch

Let's prepare the following products: apples, water, salt, sugar, twigs and leaves of raspberries, currants, cherries, mint (you can take lemon balm). Not just any apple is suitable for soaking. I took the snow calvil variety - they are ideal for soaking. I washed the apples and removed the rotten fruits. Even minor damage can ruin the entire jar of apples.

I prepared cherry, currant, raspberry and mint leaves. I washed them.

I prepared three-liter jars. If there are cans of larger capacity, you can take them. I washed the glass container and poured boiling water over it. I placed a thin layer of leaves on the bottom of the jar. I placed a layer of apples on them. The apples should be located tightly to each other, and not float throughout the jar. If you have apples of different sizes, put the larger ones on the bottom.

So, layer by layer, I laid the fruits up to the shoulders of the jar. Do not overdo the leaves, otherwise the abundant greenery may spoil the apples. Try to use mint (melissa) to a minimum. 1-2 branches are enough for the whole jar. The last layer in the jar should be a layer of leaves.

Prepare the marinade. For 5 liters of water we need 200 grams of sugar and 1 tbsp. l. salt. The marinade should boil for 5-6 minutes, then cool completely. Pour the marinade over the apples to the edge of the jar. Cover with a piece of gauze and set aside for several days. We do not pour out the remaining marinade, but store it in the refrigerator. As the liquid dries in the jar, add marinade. Absolutely all apples in the jar must be covered with marinade. After a few days, fermentation will begin and foam will appear that will need to be skimmed off. Jars sealed with plastic lids can be taken to a cool place, for example, to a cellar. Soaked apples will be ready in 1.5-2 months.

Recipe 2, step by step: soaked apples with mustard in a saucepan

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • black currant leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l. (approximately 100 g);
  • mustard seeds - 0.5 tsp;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.

Select ripe apples without damage. Wash.

Place the prepared apples in an enamel pan, trying to place them as tightly as possible, with the tails facing up.

Wash the blackcurrant and cherry leaves and add them to the apples in the pan.

To fill, put water on fire, add salt, honey, cloves and cinnamon.

Bring the filling to a boil, skim off any foam that forms (from the honey), turn off the heat, cool a little, about 15 minutes, and pour the hot mixture over the apples.

In order for soaked apples to turn out tasty, the filling must cover them completely.

Cover the apples with a plate, without any weight. It is important here that the apples are constantly under the filling and do not float up.

Leave the pan with apples for 3 days at room temperature so that the apples ferment a little, and then take them out to a cool place. After 1.5 - 2 months, the soaked apples will be ready.

Recipe 3: soaked apples in a bucket for the winter (step-by-step photos)

  • autumn or winter apples - 1 bucket.
  • sugar about 400 g.
  • salt 3 tbsp.
  • raspberries, cherries, lemon balm, several branches each.

We wash the apples with running water, remove the leaves and rotten parts. Try to choose whole fruits, without damage.

Place the branches in the prepared container and leave half.

Place all the fruits on them.

Now cover the fruit on all sides with branches so that the apples are completely hidden. For a pleasant aroma, you can take a few sprigs of mint.

Preparing the marinade for apples:

First, bring 1 liter of water to a boil, after adding sugar and salt, mix well.

Wait for the liquid to cool, then add cold water to reach the recipe's volume. Our bucket of apples will require about 5 liters of water.

Fill our fruits to the very top.

We place a board on top and place a weight on it to form a press. Every day for a week, slowly add the marinade. Then you need to move the barrel to a cool place for 1.5 months.

Recipe 4: soaked apples in jars for the winter with mint

Apples soaked in jars for the winter are an excellent snack for both the holiday table and family dinner. The process of its preparation is incredibly simple, and besides, due to the lack of heat treatment, apples closed for the winter retain most of their beneficial qualities. This is a great advantage, because it is during the cold season that our body lacks vitamins and microelements, which is why the immune system suffers. Regular consumption of soaked apples allows you to replenish vitamin reserves and strengthen your immune system, as well as enjoy their wonderful taste.

To prepare such a snack at home without sterilization, you need to choose the right apples. Not every variety can be safely stored in jars all winter, so it is better to choose apples of late varieties, which are usually harvested in mid-autumn. They are harder and more elastic, so they can be stored longer.

Sweet soaked apples go very well with aromatic herbs such as mint or blackcurrant leaves. It is also very tasty to eat soaked apples with sauerkraut or cucumbers. In addition, you can add other ingredients, for example, horseradish or other spices.

We offer you a simple recipe with photo tips with which you can quickly prepare delicious soaked apples in jars for the winter without sterilization. You will surely like them for their unique taste, and your guests will appreciate your culinary talent if you treat them to such yummy food.

  • apples - 1.5 kg
  • water - 2 l
  • malt - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.
  • mint - to taste
  • currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.

It’s better to prepare all the necessary ingredients in advance so that you don’t have to search for them while cooking. Select apples so that they are not damaged and are not rotten or overripe. Also prepare in advance the spices and herbs that will be used in the process of preparing soaked apples.

Rinse the apples in running water to remove dust and dirt, and also rinse the jar in which you will seal them. Begin filling the container with apples, being careful not to compact them too tightly. Herbs and spices also need to be washed and placed together with apples.

The next thing you need to do is make the brine. To do this, mix sugar, salt and malt in a separate container, stir it all until completely dissolved, then pour the resulting liquid into a jar of apples. Close the container with a nylon lid and leave for up to a week for the mixture to begin to ferment.

After the mixture has fermented, you can roll up the soaked apples in a jar with a lid and send them to the cellar to preserve the snack for the winter. The dish turns out incredibly tasty and aromatic, and you can serve it on a beautiful plate or saucer.

Recipe 5: soaked Antonovka apples in cabbage with carrots

For 1 kg of apples you need about 1-1.5 kg of cabbage. Salt and sugar can be varied according to your taste. Next I will explain how, and you will understand.

  • White cabbage - 1.5 -2 kg
  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 300 g
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. with a slide

We chop the cabbage, and it’s better if not very thin. But not in large chunks either.

For soaked apples, I chop cabbage like in the photo:

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Add salt and sugar.

Now we press and rub the vegetables with our hands so that they release the juice.

We taste the cabbage and decide what else to add - salt or sugar.

I always do this and this method of tasting has never let me down.

Place a layer of cabbage on the bottom of the dish in which you will soak the Antonovka.

For cabbage - apples. Carefully close the gaps between the apples with cabbage and place a layer of cabbage on top.

We also pour the juice released by the cabbage and carrots into the apples. If there is not enough liquid, take some boiled water, add sugar and salt (not too much), stir and pour on top.

Apples and cabbage should be in liquid and the juicier the cabbage, the more of its own juice.

When urinating, it is better to put apples under a press: cover with a clean towel, and put a weight on top and store them in the room for 10-14 days.

After that, the apples need to be put in the basement or other cool place and wait a couple of weeks.

Only now the soaked apples, the recipe for which I described to you, are ready. You can store soaked Antonovka for a long time, until spring.

Recipe 6: soaked Antonovka apples with honey and cloves

The apples in this recipe will be ready to eat in 14 days. "Antonovka", but you can try other hard apple varieties.

  • Apple (Antonovka variety) - 20 kg
  • Honey - 600 g
  • Salt (Without iodine) - 200 g
  • Cherry leaf - 300 g
  • Cloves - 20 pcs.
  • Mix of spices (Mixture for mulled wine.) - 1 pack.

We take 20 kg. apples of the Antonovka variety.

Wash them thoroughly.

I used this container.

Wash cherry leaves.

Line the bottom of the container with cherry leaves.

Pour the apples into the container, not forgetting to add the cherry leaves.

We take fresh honey from a new harvest.

We use salt without iodine.

Dissolve 600 gr. honey with 200 gr. salt and mix with 10 l. cold drinking water.

It turns out to be such a pleasant brine in all respects, which we pour over the apples and leave for three days at room temperature. Then place it in the refrigerator or other cool place.

To add a piquant taste I decided to add this mixture.

You can also add 20 pcs. cloves to taste.

14 days of waiting and you can enjoy the amazing taste and smell of honey apples.

Recipe 7, simple: soaked apples for the winter in jars

The process of preparing this preparation is very simple and does not require large financial costs. And you and your loved ones will definitely like what you get at the end. In addition, soaked apples are an irreplaceable snack and a delicacy for children.

  • 5 liters of filtered water,
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • fresh apples.

First, we pick apples or buy them at the market.

Then we go through them carefully. Spoiled apples will need to be put aside.

Wash good apples under a large stream of water. There is no need to cut off the tails or cut out the middle of the apples.

Place the washed apples tightly into three-liter jars. If you have a small family, then 1 liter jars will do.

Prepare the marinade. Pour water into the container.

Pour sugar and salt into it. Bring the marinade to a full boil.

Fill the jars with apples to the brim with the prepared marinade.

We seal the jars with lids and store the soaked apples for the winter.

Recipe 8: soaked apples for the winter with herbs and leaves

An alternative to jams, preserves and compotes is soaked or pickled fruits. I am pleased to present to you a very simple recipe for soaked apples. Preparing this dish will not be difficult, and the ingredients can be purchased at any store, market, or simply picked from the garden. These apples retain all vitamins without exception. Preparing soaked apples!

  • Apples Antonovka variety 10 kilograms
  • Rowan leaf 8 branches from 15 to 20 leaves on each, or to taste
  • Cherry leaf 8 branches with 15 to 20 leaves each, or to taste
  • Melissa branch about 5 pieces or to taste
  • Oregano branch about 5 pieces or to taste
  • Tarragon 10 kilograms 4 branches
  • Basil for 10 kilograms 5 branches
  • Mint for 10 kilograms 20 leaves
  • Anise 5 stars
  • Savory for 10 kilograms 5 branches (spicy seasoning reminiscent of the aroma of pepper)
  • Pure distilled water 10 liters
  • Salt 100 grams per 10 liters of water

There are three types of apple soaking: simple, sour and sugar. Today we will prepare simple soaked apples. First of all, you need to choose the right variety of apples for urinating. Late varieties are most suitable, such as anise, titovka, pepin, antonovka, which begin to ripen at the end of August and ripen until the end of January. These apples have a sweet and sour taste, they are dense and juicy. We thoroughly wash the apples under running water to remove excess contaminants and remove damaged fruits. Leaves and stalks can be left. Transfer to a deep enamel bowl and let excess liquid drain and dry. Now the right selection of spices.

We take leaves and branches of rowan, cherry, lemon balm, oregano, tarragon, basil, mint, anise and savory. We rinse them under running water, shake off excess liquid and put them in a bowl. With the stove turned on, place a kettle full of water on high and bring it to a boil. We scald all the above-mentioned plant branches with boiling water, thus getting rid of harmful microorganisms, drain the water from the bowl, let the branches cool, shake off excess water from them again and let them dry.

On the stove, turned on, at a high level, place a deep enamel 12-15 liter pan filled with 10 liters of pure distilled water, bring to a boil, add 100 grams of salt and boil for about 5-7 minutes until the salt is completely dissolved. Then let the brine cool to room temperature.

While we were preparing the brine, the apples dried out. We take another deep 12-15 liter enamel pan and put branches of rowan, cherry, lemon balm, oregano, tarragon, basil, mint, anise and savory on its bottom. Place a layer of apples on top and another layer of branches on top. Thus, we lay all the apples, herbs and branches with leaves in layers. Pour the cooled brine over the apples so that it is about 5 fingers higher than them. Fold one meter of clean, sterile gauze in half, place it on top of the apples, and place a large, flat, clean plate on it.

Now let’s prepare the oppression, for this we need something heavy, I’m a lover of cleanliness and sterility, so we take a clean three-liter jar, fill it with ordinary running water and put it on a plate, lightly pressing it down, now the apples will not float. Either way, you have some brine left, don't throw it away. During soaking, apples absorb a large amount of water, so periodically you will need to add the remaining brine to the pan with the fruits.

Let the apples sit and bubble at room temperature for 1 to 2 days. Then we leave them for 8 - 10 days at a temperature of 15 -10 degrees Celsius. And after that, we take the pan with apples out into the cold in the cellar or onto the balcony and let it sit for 30–40 days, periodically adding brine and making sure that it is always at least 5 fingers higher than the apples. Until the fermentation process ends, the room temperature should be from 0 to -1 degrees.

The finished apples can be left in the pan or placed in smaller, clean containers, filled with brine and stored in the refrigerator, cellar or cool, well-ventilated place.

Soaked apples are served on a plate as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat dishes. Very often, soaked apples are used as a vessel for baking various types of minced meat. These apples have a sweet and sour taste and a breathtaking aroma. I hope you enjoy the soaked apples prepared according to this recipe. Bon appetit!

Recipe 9: soaked apples at home in jars

Would you like to preserve apples for as long a period as possible, while maintaining maximum of their beneficial properties? And if we add piquant taste to all this? Intrigued? The most useful way to preserve apples is by soaking them. Soaked apples are an excellent alternative to most medications, which have come to us from time immemorial. This way you can preserve apples without loss of vitamins until the end of the summer period and even until the new harvest appears.

  • apples (winter varieties) - 2.5 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • sugar - 15 g
  • salt - 15 g
  • currant leaves - 10-15 pcs.

First of all, start preparing the apples: wash them and dry them.

Collect currant leaves, wash them thoroughly to remove dirt and dust, shake off excess moisture and place them in the bottom of a 2-liter jar.

Cut the apples into slices, removing seeds and damaged areas, and then place them quite tightly in the prepared jar.

Prepare the brine separately. Dissolve the previously indicated amount of sugar and salt in cold filtered water. Pour the prepared brine over the apples, tightly close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in a warm place for 20 - 25 days.

Apples are a source of a huge amount of vitamins and beneficial micro- and macroelements. But it is not always possible to keep them fresh for a long time. Soaked apples with mustard are a simple and tasty way to preserve fruits for the winter thanks to heat treatment.

Rules for choosing apples

A large percentage of success in preparing pickled fruit lies in the correct choice of apples. Late varieties, predominantly green and white, are considered the most suitable for soaking. These varieties include, for example, Simirenko, Antonovka, white filling or pepin.

It is also necessary to take into account the following rules for selecting fruits:

  1. For cooking, apples taken directly from the tree are used; fallen fruits should be discarded immediately.
  2. Apples that have any damage or signs of rotting are not suitable for use.
  3. When choosing store-bought fruits, preference should be given to those grown at home and not subjected to additional chemical processing (such substances can negatively affect the taste of the dish, not to mention harmful to health).
  4. The fruits should be ripe, firm and of medium size. Since the soaking process is based on fermentation processes, small apples will quickly sour, and very large ones will cook unevenly.

Preparation of fruits and containers

Fruits selected for soaking should not be processed immediately. They must first be allowed to rest for 2-3 weeks. This time allows you to identify damaged fruits and discard them.

As for containers, a traditional wooden tub is considered the most suitable. In it, the urination process proceeds in compliance with all the rules. Wood, which serves as material for barrels, protects the ingredients from rotting, giving them special flavors due to the aromatic resins in its composition.

The barrel must first be soaked in water to prevent further damage, then pour boiling water over it and rinse thoroughly with a solution of caustic soda. After this, the container is rinsed and doused with boiling water again, and then dried (in good weather it is better to do this in the fresh air).

Of course, finding such a barrel in modern conditions is not easy, so you can replace it with glass, ceramic or enamel containers.

Important! Any utensils must be thoroughly washed before use.

Urine technology

The process of soaking apples with mustard and other fruits involves converting fructose from them into lactic acid and alcohol. Yeast and lactic acid bacteria serve as a stimulator for this transformation. As a result, pickled fruits acquire a specific sweet-sour “pickled” taste.

All recipes contain a recommendation to layer the soaked fruits with straw or leaves. This is necessary to preserve the apples, since this reduces the load, and to give them additional color. In addition, during soaking the fruits will acquire a special aroma and taste.

There is no significant difference in what exactly the soaked apples are used for. The main condition is that the straw or foliage must be clean, without signs of fungal diseases. For 50 kg of product, you need to take 1 kg of transfer material, which must be doused with boiling water 2-3 times before use. The leaves of the bushes must first be soaked in cold water.

Apples placed in containers are poured with a specially prepared liquid containing salt, sugar and pre-boiled malt. Instead of malt, you can add rye flour diluted in water. Both substances contain an enzyme necessary for the saccharification of starch and the creation of a nutrient medium for microorganisms responsible for fermentation processes.

The first stage of urination occurs at a temperature of 12-15 ° C for 4-5 days. Final fermentation is carried out at a temperature of - 1 ... + 2 °C or if cooling is impossible at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C. The preparation process lasts 1-2 months depending on the recipe.

Important! When soaking apples, you need to have a supply of clean, cold water nearby. At first, the fruits “consume” a lot of liquid, so it will have to be added periodically.


To prepare soaked apples with mustard you will need the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg apples;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 210 g sugar;
  • 100 g salt;
  • 50 g malt;
  • 100 g mustard powder.

In addition to the listed ingredients, you can use currant, cherry or raspberry leaves, as well as various herbs and spices to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for soaked apples with mustard

The recipe for soaked apples with mustard is quite simple:

  1. Pre-selected and rested apples are thoroughly washed and set aside for a while.
  2. Salt, sugar and water are combined and mixed.
  3. Malt is poured into 100 ml of hot water.
  4. The malt solution is combined with the marinade.
  5. A layer of straw or leaves, as well as mustard powder, is placed at the bottom of the container.
  6. The fruits are laid in rows, alternating with layers of transfer material and mustard.
  7. The fruits are poured with marinade; it should completely cover them a few centimeters above the level;
  8. A pressure is placed on top and left for a week, during which you need to monitor the liquid level and add it if necessary.
  9. After 7 days, the containers are transferred to a cooler place, and the apples are ready for another 60 days.

Alternatively, mustard powder can also be added directly to the marinade when preparing it.

If additional additives (herbs, spices) are used, they are also added to each layer.

Little tricks and secrets

Experienced housewives use their secrets to facilitate the process of soaking with mustard and achieve the best result. Some of them:

  1. Before use, store-bought fruits must be thoroughly washed using regular soda or special products to remove the chemical film that is applied for storage in stores.
  2. It is required to clean the lid or plate weekly under pressure and remove any foam that has formed.
  3. If mold appears on the walls of the container, it must be cleaned with a baking soda solution.
  4. Sugar can be completely replaced with honey, taking it in an amount 2 times higher than granulated sugar.
  5. For soaking with mustard, you can use plastic containers with an airtight lid, after making sure that they are food grade.

Terms and conditions of storage

The finished mustard product must be stored in a cool, dark place. If the right conditions are met, the dish can be stored until summer.

In Rus', soaked apples have been made from time immemorial, so a great variety of recipes for their preparation have accumulated to this day. At home, it is permissible to soak apples for the winter not only in traditional oak barrels, but also in large enamel pans or ordinary glass jars. In order for the “fruits of knowledge” to acquire a special, piquant taste, in addition to salt, sugar, rye malt or honey, you can add horseradish, tarragon, celery or mustard to the filling.

When choosing apples, you need to consider some factors:

  1. Only autumn and early winter varieties with rough, uniformly colored, mostly golden or green skin and dense, sour flesh are suitable for soaking. The best among them are: Antonovka, Titovka, Lithuanian Pepin and Gray Anise.
  2. Apples intended for urination must be picked from the branches manually or using a special device. Carrion fruits or fruits shaken from the tree are not suitable for these purposes. Apples for soaking must be ripe, but under no circumstances overripe!
  3. Apples freshly picked from trees are not suitable for soaking. Before ending up in a barrel, the fruits must rest in a dark and cool place for 15-20 days.
  4. Apples intended for soaking must be selected and calibrated - approximately the same size, even, without wormholes, putrefactive spots and other defects.
  5. “Industrially produced” apples sold in supermarkets are of little use for soaking. If you don’t have your own garden, it’s better to buy apples for soaking from familiar summer residents or private owners at the market.
  6. The rye straw used for laying layers of apples must be fresh (harvested in the same year as the fruits), not rotted, clean, free from mold and foreign odors.

Apples in a barrel, soaked in the traditional way


  • medium-sized selected sweet apples – 36 pcs. (approximately 6 kg);
  • rye flour – 2-2 ½ cups;
  • spring or filtered water – 10 l;
  • coarse salt - 3 tbsp. l. (with a high slide);
  • black currant leaves and dill umbrellas - 0.2 kg each;
  • sugar - 3/4 cup.

Preparation procedure:

1. Fill a 12-liter tub with cold water, after 5 days, drain the water from the barrel, and wash it with a hot alkaline solution (2 g of soda ash per 1 liter of water). After finishing washing, rinse the barrel thoroughly, fill it a third with boiling water, close the lid and wait 1.5-2 hours, then rinse the barrel several more times.

Advice. Instead of an oak tub, you can use a large clay makitra - such glazed ceramic barrels were previously produced industrially and were found in almost every home.

2. Wash the apples with a sponge. Soak the dill and currant leaves in a large basin for a quarter of an hour, then rinse the greens and place them on a kitchen towel to dry.

3. Lightly dry the flour in a low-heat oven. When it acquires the color of baked milk, pour it into a large thick-walled saucepan and brew with three liters of boiling water. To prevent the flour from forming lumps, pour boiling water into it in a thin but continuous stream, while stirring the dough itself continuously and intensively with a whisk.

4. Boil 7 liters of water in a separate saucepan, add salt, when it is completely dissolved, add sugar to the liquid and turn off the stove.

5. While the brine is cooling, place half of the currant leaves on the bottom of the barrel, place the first layer of apples on top of them, tails up, and cover it with dill umbrellas. Continue in this manner, place all the fruits in the tub and cover them with the remaining currant leaves.

6. Add rye tea leaves into the completely cooled brine, stir the mixture thoroughly and pour it over the apples so that the liquid completely covers not only the fruit, but also the leaves.

7. Cover the apples filled with brine with a wooden circle and press it down with a small cobblestone (well washed and scalded in advance). Tie the neck of the tub with canvas

8. For the first 4-5 days, keep the barrel in a heated room, when the filling has fermented, drag the tub of apples to the cellar. The apples can be sampled within a month, but they will be fully ready in 45-50 days.

Attention! At first, the fruits will intensively absorb liquid. To prevent the top layers of the apples from being exposed, brine must be added to the barrel regularly, so the remaining filling should be stored in the refrigerator, and when the liquid level in the barrel decreases, pour it in.

To prevent pickled apples from spoiling during storage, remove the moldy film from the surface of the brine every 5-7 days, and also wash the wooden circle and the stone oppression with hot water.

It is necessary to periodically add brine to stored apples, as it will be intensively absorbed.

Apples soaked with honey


  • large selected Antonovka - 6 kg;
  • blackcurrant and cherry leaves - 200 g each;
  • basil – 1 large bunch;
  • well or filtered water – 10 l;
  • coarse salt, not iodized - 4 heaped tablespoons. l.;
  • flower honey – 0.6 kg (slightly less than a half-liter jar).

Cooking procedure

  1. Prepare the fruits, herbs and tub in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  2. Boil water, add salt to it, boil the brine for 2-3 minutes and cool it to 40*C.
  3. Dilute honey in warm liquid and wait until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Place a layer of cherry and blackcurrant leaves on the bottom of the barrel. Place a row of apples on this pillow, cover them with basil sprigs and continue laying the fruit, alternating their layers with layers of greenery.
  5. When the tub is filled almost to the top, cover the fruits with the remaining currant and cherry leaves and fill them with completely cooled honey brine.
  6. Next, place a wooden circle on the fruit, place oppression on top of it, cover the barrel with canvas, keep it indoors for 10-14 days at 16°C, and then move it to the cellar.


  • medium-sized apples – 7 kg;
  • dry mustard powder - 4 very full spoons;
  • salt – 3 heaped spoons
  • rye straw - as needed;
  • sugar – 7-8 tbsp. l.

Cooking procedure

  1. Prepare the barrel and apples as described in the first recipe. Sort the straw, rinse and scald.
  2. Boil 10 liters of water with salt and sugar and leave the brine to cool.
  3. Line the bottom of the tub with straw and fill it with apples. Place the fruits in rows, covering each of them with a centimeter layer of straw. When the container is full, cover the fruits with a thicker layer of straw.
  4. Take a glass of cold brine into a large cup, dilute mustard powder in it, pour mustard mash into the main mixture and mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour the mustard brine over the fruit, set the pressure, keep the barrel of apples indoors for a week, and then lower it into the underground.

Apples soaked with horseradish


  • apples (small Antonovka or pepin) - 2 kg;
  • horseradish - 2 medium-sized roots.

For the brine:

  • water – 2 l;
  • salt – 2 dessert spoons;
  • sugar – 5 tablespoons.

Cooking procedure

  1. Cook the brine from the indicated ingredients. While it cools, wash the apples, peel and cut the horseradish roots into thin shavings.
  2. Place apples in a four-liter enamel pan in rows, sprinkling each layer with horseradish.
  3. Pour cold brine over the fruit, cover with an inverted plate, on top of which place pressure. After three days, put the pan with apples in the refrigerator.

The recipes listed in this article are not dogma, but a guide to action. By adding certain herbs and spices to soaked apples at your discretion, you will get a delicacy with an original, “signature” taste.

Pickled apples - video recipe

Soaked apples for the winter - photo

Soaked apples are an incredibly tasty and healthy product!

In addition, it is very cheap if you cook it in season and yourself.

Once upon a time, our ancestors put fruit in huge barrels, filled it with well water and feasted on soaked apples until spring.

No barrel? No problem! You can even soak apples in glass jars!

Pickled apples at home - general principles of preparation

The ideal apple variety for soaking is Antonovka. But other late varieties are also suitable. It is important to choose clean fruits, without damage or rot, preferably small in size. Large apples take a long time to cook and do not fit tightly; it is better to use them for other purposes.

What can you add to apples:

Various leaves and greens (horseradish, currants, cherries, raspberries, dill, mint);

Vegetables (mainly cabbage, carrots);

Berries (grapes, lingonberries, rowan).

Urine can be sour, sweet, salty. But most often they simply add salt and sugar to the filling and make a mixed version. Be sure to use clean water, preferably spring or well water. You can find recipes with boiled brines.

Homemade soaked apples in a barrel of malt

The traditional way of preparing soaked apples at home in barrels. You can use flasks or other utensils. For the brine you will need some malt.


10 kg apples;

80 g salt;

200 g sugar;

300 g straw;

60 g rye malt;

5 liters of water.


1. Wash and dry the apples, placing them on a clean cloth.

2. The barrel must be scalded with boiling water, rinsed with water and baking soda and rinsed thoroughly. There should not be any foreign odors in the container, otherwise they will all transfer to the apples. If necessary, the container should be ventilated for several days.

3. You need to pour a little straw at the bottom of the barrel and lay out a layer of apples. Then again some straw and apples, finish with the rest of the straw, just sprinkle on top, the quantity does not matter.

4. Malt should be mixed with half a liter of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour, and strained.

5. For the brine, mix the remaining water with sugar and salt, add the strained malt.

6. Pour cool brine over the prepared apples.

7. Close the barrel and store in a warm and cool place. Every 2 weeks it is recommended to remove foam and mold. Pickled apples will be ready no earlier than in two months.

Soaked apples in a jar with rye flour

A simplified method of preparing soaked apples in a jar. Glass containers do not require such painstaking processing as barrels. This is the amount of products for one 3 liter jar.


2 kg apples;

30 g flour;

1.5 liters of water;

0.3 spoons of salt.


1. Boil some water, about 300 ml, pour in the flour, stir quickly, rub out all the lumps. Cool.

2. Strain the rye water, squeeze through cheesecloth, add the remaining liquid and salt.

3. Place washed, dried apples in a jar. It is advisable to use the smallest ones.

4. Pour in the prepared brine with rye flour.

5. Now you need to come up with oppression for the can. A small bottle of water that fits into the neck will do. We install.

6. Leave the workpiece in a cool place. The apples will become soaked in 1.5 months.

Homemade soaked apples in a barrel with mustard

Mustard is a wonderful ingredient that prevents soaked apples at home from becoming moldy. Using this recipe, you can make preparations both in barrels and in large jars.


Currant or cherry leaves;

7-8 kg of apples;

10 liters of water;

4 spoons with a mountain of mustard;

100 g salt;

200 g sugar.


1. This recipe requires preparing boiled brine. Therefore, any water can be used. Pour the liquid into a convenient container and boil along with salt and sugar.

2. Let the brine cool. It should be at room temperature or colder.

3. Wash the apples, dry them, do the same with the leaves, there should be a lot of them.

4. Place a layer of leaves on the bottom of a clean barrel.

5. Alternate between apples and leaves until you run out of fruit.

6. Add mustard to the cooled brine and stir.

7. Fill the apples with the prepared mixture, put pressure on them and cover them with a cloth; you can throw a piece of linen over them to prevent midges from getting in.

8. It is advisable to keep the barrel at room temperature or just warm for a week, then lower it into the basement for a month.

Pickled apples in a jar with cabbage

Many people’s favorite recipe for soaked apples in a jar with cabbage, you can use a bucket or pan. The advantage is that you don't need straw or leaves to arrange the fruit.


4 kg cabbage;

3 pcs. carrots;

3 tablespoons of salt;

2.5-3 kg of small apples;

2 spoons of sugar.


1. Chop the cabbage with a knife or grate into strips using a special grater. Place in a large bowl.

2. Grate the carrots, it is better to use a Korean grater to make sticks, it will be much more beautiful.

3. Add salt and sugar to the cabbage and carrots, rub well with your hands to release the juice. Place it in a bucket or pan, put it under pressure, cover it with a cloth and leave it warm for a day.

4. After a day, stir to release carbon dioxide from below. Leave it for another day.

5. Wash and dry the apples.

6. Take clean and dry jars. Place a layer of cabbage on the bottom, then a few apples, cover with cabbage, then more fruit. Alternate until the end, press.

7. Pour in cabbage brine, which will remain in a common bowl.

8. If the brine is not enough, you can dilute a little brine. Add a spoonful of salt and sugar to a glass of purified water, dissolve and pour into the cabbage.

9. Cover with whole cabbage leaves on top, place small pressure, for example, a bottle of water.

10. Leave the cabbage and apples to ferment for 2 weeks in a warm place, then you need to move it to the basement or put it in the refrigerator.

Homemade soaked apples in a barrel of honey

A variation of amazing pickled apples with honey, which are also prepared in a barrel or any other bulk container. You will also need a mixture of cherry and currant leaves and a few sprigs of mint.


10 liters of water;

150 g salt;

300 g honey;

100 g malt.


1. Boil malt in a liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, cool and strain.

2. Add the rest of the water and salt, cook the brine, cool.

3. The apples need to be washed and dried, use as much fruit as the brine will cover.

4. Tear cherry and currant leaves, 3-4 sprigs of mint, wash and dry too.

5. Place leaves and mint on the bottom of the barrel.

6. Fold the apples, alternating each layer with currant and cherry leaves.

7. Add honey to the cooled or lukewarm brine and stir until completely dissolved.

8. Add honey filling, apply pressure.

9. Keep apples at a temperature of 15 to 18 degrees for 4-6 weeks.

Soaked apples in a jar with rowan berries

A recipe for sour soaked apples in jars, which are stored under a nylon lid and do not require oppression. You will need a little rowan, a small handful is enough. You can use viburnum in the same way.


5 liters of water;

60 g salt;

60 g sugar;

Rowan and apples.


1. Boil the brine with sugar, water and salt, be sure to cool well.

2. Place the apples in clean and dry jars and add a little rowan or viburnum. The berries must also be dry.

3. Fill the jars with cooled brine.

4. Close with nylon lids, keep warm for three days, then you can take them to the cellar.

Homemade soaked apples in a barrel with horseradish

This recipe uses horseradish leaves, you will need quite a lot of them. Make sure they are fresh and green. If there is not enough horseradish, then you can add some currant, grape, cherry or raspberry leaves.


5 liters of water;

8-10 kg of apples;

250 g sugar;

2 tablespoons of salt;

Horseradish leaves.


1. Add salt and sugar to purified water, stir until dissolved.

2. Line the bottom of the barrel with horseradish leaves, which need to be washed and dried in advance.

3. Now a row of clean apples, leaves again.

4. Fill the barrel to the top or until the food runs out.

5. Be sure to place clean leaves on top.

6. Pour in chilled brine, it is important that all the grains in it disperse.

7. All that remains is to put pressure on the barrel and wait for the apples. On average it will take about a month.

Pickled apples at home - useful tips and tricks

To make the apples cook faster, you can pierce the fruits in several places with a toothpick. If the preparation is done in jars, then you can prepare some of the fruit in this way, let the rest soak longer.

You can put apples in barrels not only with straw or currant leaves, but also with horseradish. Sometimes dill branches are placed at the bottom of the barrel.

If the barrel has an unpleasant odor, then before use the container must be thoroughly washed with a vinegar solution and then ventilated. You can also use a decoction of citrus peels to neutralize unpleasant odors.

Is there mold in the barrel? Be sure to remove it along with the top leaves. You can add new leaves, but they must be clean and dry. Mustard powder also helps prevent mold. You need to powder the top layer of apples.

Want to get apples faster? Keep the workpiece warm longer. If, on the contrary, you plan to enjoy soaked fruits closer to spring, then keep the apples warm for a couple of days to start the process, and then put them in a cool room with a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees.
