
The participants of the fairy tale are 2 greedy bear cubs. Hungarian fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears”

Stranger, we advise you to read the fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears (Hungarian Fairy Tale)” for yourself and your children, this is a wonderful work created by our ancestors. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them every day in our everyday life. Every time you read this or that epic, you feel the incredible love with which the images of the environment are described. It is amazing that with empathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. Tens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of creation of the work, but the problems and morals of people remain the same, practically unchanged. Devotion, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome all that oppose them: anger, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. Everyday issues are an incredibly successful way, with the help of simple, ordinary examples, to convey to the reader the most valuable centuries-old experience. The fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears (Hungarian Fairy Tale)” should definitely be read for free online not by children alone, but in the presence or under the guidance of their parents.

On the other side of the glass mountains, behind the silken meadow, stood an untrodden, unprecedented dense forest. In an untrodden, unprecedented dense forest, in its very thicket, there lived an old she-bear. The old she-bear had two sons. When the cubs grew up, they decided to go around the world to seek happiness.
At first they went to their mother and, as expected, said goodbye to her. The old bear hugged her sons and told them never to part with each other.
The cubs promised to carry out their mother’s orders and set off on their way. First they walked along the edge of the forest, and from there into the field. They walked and walked. And the day went by, and the next went. Finally, all their supplies ran out. And there was nothing to get on the way.
The bear cubs wandered dejectedly side by side.
- Eh, brother, how hungry I am! - the younger one complained.
- And even worse for me! - The elder shook his head sadly.
So they kept walking and walking until they suddenly came across a large round head of cheese. They wanted to divide it fairly, equally, but failed.
Greed overcame the cubs; each was afraid that the other would get the larger half.
They argued, swore, growled, when suddenly a fox approached them.
-What are you arguing about, young people? - asked the cheat.
The cubs told about their misfortune.
- What kind of trouble is this? - said the fox. - It's no problem! Let me divide the cheese equally between you: the youngest and the oldest are all the same to me.
- That is good! - the cubs exclaimed with joy. - Delhi!
The fox took the cheese and broke it in two. But the old cheat broke the head so that one piece was larger than the other. The cubs shouted at once:
- This one is bigger! The fox reassured them:
- Quiet, young people! And this trouble is not a problem. A little patience - I'll sort everything out now.
She took a good bite out of more than half and swallowed it. Now the smaller piece has become larger.
- And so uneven! — the cubs became worried. The fox looked at them reproachfully.
- Well, that's enough, that's enough! - she said. - I know my stuff!
And she took a big bite out of more than half of it. Now the larger piece has become smaller.
- And so uneven! - the cubs cried in alarm.
- May it be for you! - said the fox, moving her tongue with difficulty, since her mouth was full of delicious cheese. - Just a little more - and it will be equal.
And so the division went. The cubs only led back and forth with their black noses - from larger to smaller, from smaller to larger piece. Until the fox was satisfied, she divided and divided everything.
By the time the pieces were even, there was almost no cheese left for the cubs: two tiny crumbs!
“Well,” said the fox, “even if it’s little by little, but equally!” Bon appetit, cubs! - she giggled and, wagging her tail, ran away. This is what happens to those who are greedy.

On the other side of the glass mountains, behind the silken meadow, stood an untrodden, unprecedented dense forest. In an untrodden, unprecedented dense forest, in its very thicket, there lived an old she-bear. The old she-bear had two sons. When the cubs grew up, they decided to go around the world to seek happiness.
At first they went to their mother and, as expected, said goodbye to her. The old bear hugged her sons and told them never to part with each other.
The cubs promised to carry out their mother’s orders and set off on their way. First they walked along the edge of the forest, and from there into the field. They walked and walked. And the day went by, and the next went. Finally, all their supplies ran out. And there was nothing to get on the way.
The bear cubs wandered dejectedly side by side.
- Eh, brother, how hungry I am! - the younger one complained.
- &md even worse for me! - The elder shook his head sadly.
So they kept walking and walking until they suddenly came across a large round head of cheese. They wanted to divide it fairly, equally, but failed.
Greed overcame the cubs; each was afraid that the other would get the larger half.
They argued, swore, growled, when suddenly a fox approached them.
-What are you arguing about, young people? - asked the cheat.
The cubs told about their misfortune.
- What kind of trouble is this? - said the fox. - It's no problem! Let me divide the cheese equally between you: the youngest and the oldest are all the same to me.
- That is good! - the cubs exclaimed with joy. - Delhi!
The fox took the cheese and broke it in two. But the old cheat broke the head so that one piece was larger than the other. The cubs shouted at once:
- This one is bigger! The fox reassured them:
- Quiet, young people! And this trouble is not a problem. A little patience - I'll sort everything out now.
She took a good bite out of more than half and swallowed it. Now the smaller piece has become larger.
- And so uneven! - the cubs became worried. The fox looked at them reproachfully.
- Well, that's enough, that's enough! - she said. - I know my stuff!
And she took a big bite out of more than half of it. Now the larger piece has become smaller.
- And so uneven! - the cubs cried in alarm.
- May it be for you! - said the fox, moving her tongue with difficulty, since her mouth was full of delicious cheese. - Just a little more - and it will be equal.
And so the division went. The cubs only led back and forth with their black noses - from larger to smaller, from smaller to larger piece. Until the fox was satisfied, she divided and divided everything.
By the time the pieces were even, there was almost no cheese left for the cubs: two tiny crumbs!
“Well,” said the fox, “even if it’s little by little, but equally!” Bon appetit, cubs! - she giggled and, wagging her tail, ran away. This is what happens to those who are greedy...

Hungarian folk tale "Two Greedy Little Bears"

Genre: animal tale

The main characters of the fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears” and their characteristics

  1. Two bear cubs. Cheerful, simple-minded, trusting, greedy with hunger.
  2. Fox. Cunning, shameless, deceiver, arrogant.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Two Greedy Little Bears"
  1. Bear and her children
  2. Long journey
  3. Wheel of cheese
  4. Bear cubs dispute
  5. Fox help
  6. Eating cheese
  7. Small piece of cheese
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. Two bear cubs decided to go for a walk around the world and left their mother.
  2. They had been walking for a long time and were very hungry.
  3. The cubs found a wheel of cheese, but could not separate it
  4. Lisa offered to help them.
  5. The fox took bites of the pieces of cheese until they completely shrank.
  6. The cubs received tiny pieces of cheese.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Two Greedy Little Bears"
Greed does not lead to good things.

What does the fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears” teach?
The fairy tale teaches you not to be greedy, not to assume that everyone around you necessarily wants to deceive you, but also not to trust strangers who offer their selfless help for no reason. Teaches the difference between cunning and flattery. Teaches you to share everything with a friend.

Review of the fairy tale "Two Greedy Little Bears"
A very funny fairy tale. I can just imagine the confused faces of the bear cubs when they saw how much cheese they ended up getting. And that’s what you need! There is no point in sharing and dressing up between brothers, and even more so there is no point in listening to any foxes you come across!

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Two Greedy Little Bears"
Greed is the beginning of all grief.
A little will fill you up, but a lot will make you swell.
Nazar still got down alone.
Trust. but check.
The fox will guide seven wolves.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears”
Once upon a time there lived a mother bear and her two cubs in a dense forest. They lived cheerfully and enjoyed everything. But the cubs grew up and they wanted to go around the world and see other forests.
The cubs said goodbye to their mother and left. They walked first along the edge of the forest, then through a meadow, then they came to another forest. And the cubs wanted to eat, but they had no supplies. They were walking hungry, dejected, and suddenly they saw a head of wonderful cheese lying right in the middle of the road.
The cubs were delighted and began to decide how to divide the cheese so that everyone would have an equal share, in fairness. They argued and argued, but could not come to an agreement.
But then a fox ran past. I saw the cheese, found out the reason for the dispute and decided to help the cubs. She offered to divide the cheese equally; she had no interest in deceiving.
The cubs were happy and agreed. The fox broke the cheese in half, but so that one piece was larger. The cubs got worried, and the fox calmed them down - now we’ll straighten things out. And he bites off a larger piece. Now the smaller piece has become larger. The fox took a bite from him too. And so she bit and bit the cheese until the cubs were left with very small, but absolutely identical pieces.
Then the well-fed fox laughed, wished the cubs to stay happily and ran away.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Two Greedy Little Bears"

On the other side of the glass mountains, behind the silk meadow, stood an untrodden, unprecedented dense forest. In this untrodden, unprecedented dense forest, in its thicket, lived an old bear. She had two sons. When the cubs grew up, they decided that they would go around the world to seek their fortune.
At first they went to their mother and, as expected, said goodbye to her. The old bear hugged her sons and told them never to part with each other.
The cubs promised to fulfill their mother’s orders and set off on their way.
They walked and walked. And the day went by, and the next went. Finally, all their supplies ran out. The cubs are hungry. Dejected, they wandered side by side.
- Oh, brother, how hungry I am! - the younger one complained.
- And I want to! - said the elder.
So they kept walking and walking and suddenly they found a large round head of cheese. They wanted to divide it equally, but failed. Greed overcame the cubs: each was afraid that the other would get more.
They argued and growled, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a fox approached them.
-What are you arguing about, young people? — the fox asked insinuatingly.
The cubs told her about their trouble. - What a disaster! - said the fox. - Let me divide the cheese equally for you: the youngest and the eldest are all the same to me.
- That's good! - the cubs were happy. - Delhi!
The fox took the cheese and broke it into two parts. But she split the head so that one piece - it was even visible to the eye - was larger than the other.
The cubs shouted:
- This one is bigger! The fox reassured them:
- Quiet, young people! And this problem is not a problem. I'll sort it out now.
She took a good bite of most of it and swallowed it. Now the smaller piece has become larger.
- And so uneven! - the cubs became worried.
“Well, that’s enough,” said the fox. - I know my stuff! And she took a bite out of most of it. Now the larger piece has become smaller.
- And so uneven! - the cubs shouted.
- May it be for you! - said the fox, moving her tongue with difficulty, since her mouth was full of delicious cheese. - Just a little more - and it will be equal.
The fox continued to divide the cheese. And the cubs only led their black noses back and forth, back and forth: from a larger piece to a smaller one, from a smaller piece to a larger one.
Until the fox had eaten his fill, she divided and divided everything.
But then the pieces became equal, and the cubs had almost no cheese left: two tiny pieces.
“Well,” said the fox, “even if it’s little by little, but equally!” Bon appetit, cubs! - And, wagging her tail, she ran away.
This is what happens to those who are greedy!

Behind the high mountains, behind the green meadows, behind the spacious fields, a dense, impenetrable forest rose. In the deepest thicket there lived a big bear with two little cubs. The cubs grew and grew and grew up. And when they grew up, they left their native den and went for walks around the world.

They stomped along the path, bursting through the thickets. We wandered through the forest a day, then another. And on the third we reached the edge of the forest. Here they found a large wheel of cheese. The cubs decided to divide the cheese equally. But how to do that? They wanted to take turns taking a bite. But what if one bites off more than the other? Greed overcame the cubs. They argued and argued and almost came to blows. And then a fox ran past.

- What didn’t you share, guys? she asked.

“Cheese can’t be divided in half,” the cubs complained.

The fox laughed.

“This,” he says, “is as simple as shelling pears.”

The fox broke the cheese. Yes, so cleverly that one piece turned out to be much larger than the other. Seeing this, the cubs were upset. But the fox calmed them down:

- Now let's straighten it out.

And she took a bite from a larger piece so that now it became smaller than the other. The fox chewed the cheese, shook his head and said:

- Oh, guys, I was a little mistaken. We'll have to fix it.

And again she took a bite from a larger piece. And again the pieces are not equal. The fox ate some more. The cubs scream:

- But that piece is still bigger than this!

The fox has a mouth full of cheese. She chewed and sang tenderly:

- Wait. Not everything works out right away.

I am! — she snatched a good part from another piece. The cubs looked greedily, first at the fox, then at the cheese. And the cheat bites and bites.

Finally she had eaten her fill, took one last bite, and both pieces were equal. Only they were so tiny that the bear cubs were only one tooth deep. And the fox waved his tail and was like that. The cubs were left hungry. Serves them right! Next time they won't be greedy!
