
Vegetable cake for children's birthday. Children's birthday menu

If little guests are reluctant to try dishes from the “adult” menu (and there’s no question of forcing children to eat, say, boiled vegetables!), you can use a little trick - prepare original hot dishes that are sure to please little gourmets. This, for example, is a tender, airy soufflé made from boiled chicken or unusual bagels stuffed with meat - a tasty and completely harmless hot snack. And for a children's party, you can prepare an original holiday breakfast from ordinary sausages and scrambled eggs.

"Hearty" breakfast

Little picky eaters will surely love the hearty meat “muffins” with millet and beets - they look almost the same as regular “muffins”, but they turn out to be much more satisfying and, most importantly, healthy. Both children and adults at the festive table will certainly be able to appreciate the miniature hot appetizer - ruddy “koloboks” of mashed potatoes with meat filling and a crispy, crispy crust. And from the same potatoes and minced meat you can prepare unusual “bast shoes” baked in the oven (the minced meat filling can be replaced with finely chopped ham and cheese).

Holiday recipes for sandwiches and snacks for children

Not a single holiday table - neither for children nor for adults - is complete without sandwiches and snacks, and these seemingly simplest dishes can be decorated in the most unusual way. For example, from the simplest ingredients - bread, curd cheese, cucumbers and tomatoes - you can prepare original canapés - “caterpillars” on skewers. You can try to treat your little guests at the festive table to delicious and satisfying mini sandwiches with fried eggs. If little picky eaters only require Cola, chips and other unhealthy “goodies”, you can prepare delicious chips with paprika from lavash at home - they will differ from the “store-bought” ones only in shape.

A very interesting snack option for a children's holiday table is miniature “chickens” made from eggs and potatoes (if you wish, you can “plant” the resulting chicks in a “nest” of French fries). As a hot snack, you can prepare buns filled with ham, cucumbers and fried eggs and baked in the oven. And a couple of familiar fairy-tale characters - Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka - will look absolutely unusual and cool on the festive table: such an appetizer requires the simplest ingredients (cucumbers, eggs, bell peppers), and the most expensive part will be the direct production of figurines from edible “improvised materials” "

Sweet holiday recipes for kids

For little sweet tooths, you can prepare a lot of interesting things for the holiday table - not only sweet, but also healthy. For example, guests gathered at the festive table will certainly appreciate the delicious dessert - chocolate tartlets with curd dessert, airy and tender. A delicious cottage cheese dessert can be prepared from ordinary cottage cheese, cookies and yogurt, decorated with fruit or jelly sweets. And “store-bought” candies can be replaced with “homemade” confectionery products made from tasty and healthy oatmeal - both children and adults will “crunch” such candies with pleasure.

Dessert "Curd"

A very unusual and tasty holiday snack for children - pancake rolls with jam on skewers (however, for this you will first need to master the difficult art of baking perfectly thin pancakes). If you want to do without baking and any complicated procedures in general, you can prepare a sweet chocolate confectionery sausage made from corn sticks for a children's party, which will appeal to small and adult sweet tooths. Young chefs can easily handle the preparation of this dessert. And in the summer heat, the children's holiday menu can be diversified with fruit desserts and ice cream.

Cake recipes for children's holiday table

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a children's party without a cake - and instead of buying a “store-bought” cake, it is much better to prepare a healthy and tasty “homemade” delicacy. First of all, when planning a children's holiday menu, pay attention to recipes for cakes that are similar to “store-bought” chocolate bars. This, for example, is a cake with the self-explanatory name “Bounty” - the recipe and cooking technology are quite complex, but the result is finger-licking! A little simpler - a recipe for a Snickers cake made from sponge cake layers with a layer and filling of chocolate and peanuts. And the “Eskimo” custard cake is very easy to prepare, which looks exactly like the familiar ice cream.

When creating a menu for children's birthday, you should be guided by two main criteria: the age of the birthday boy and his guests and the available budget. It is also necessary to find out in advance whether any of the invitees have food allergies. Children's birthday menu should be varied, and special attention should be paid to the method of serving dishes and table setting.


Many parents, thinking about what will be on the table, invent a lot of delicacies. This is not entirely appropriate for a children's party. Children are more likely to give preference to a deliciously prepared simple dish that will be served in an interesting way. This must be taken into account when thinking over the menu for a children's birthday. The main point of a holiday for a child is, of course, fun and entertainment. And since children are very active, it is necessary to take care of drinks that can quench their thirst. In addition to juices, compotes and lemonade, there must be drinking water on the table.

What should you not cook for the holiday?

When creating a menu for a children's birthday, you need to avoid fried, fatty, spicy and pickled foods. Also, you should not serve fish, except stuffed or in the form of cutlets. Salads containing mayonnaise should be excluded. Bulk dishes are best divided into portions.

Burgers and sandwiches

The menu for a children's birthday party should include a variety of burgers and sandwiches. To prepare them, it is better to use simple and familiar ingredients. Toast bread made from whole grain flour is suitable; instead of sauce, you can sprinkle it with olive oil. Place a leaf of lettuce on the bread, and then use your choice of products: baked meat, steamed cutlets, hard or soft cheese. Vegetable slices are also suitable: fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and the like. From the ingredients that will be at the very top, you can cut out funny animal figures or lay them out in the form of the sun, month, stars and other things. This presentation will interest the kids, and the snack will be much tastier.


Children's birthday menus often include canapés. It can be made from vegetables, alternating colors. Cheese, olives or olives and, of course, fruit are also suitable. Several types of canapés can be placed on one dish. To prepare them, you should first buy decorative skewers. Vegetables, cheese and other ingredients must be cut into cubes. It is more convenient to cut fresh cucumbers into rings.

First, you need to put an olive on a skewer, then a cube of cheese, and then a cucumber ring. Also delicious are combinations of cherry tomatoes, which are planted first, feta cheese or mozzarella, a small sprig of herbs and bell pepper.

Dessert canapés are the easiest to assemble. Fruits can be used fresh or canned. They just need to be cut into slices or cubes and threaded onto a skewer. For originality, you can serve sweet confiture made from melted chocolate, jam or preserves.

You can replace the sandwiches with canapés. In this case, you should cut the baguette, grease each slice with melted cheese, then cover with a leaf of lettuce. Place a thin slice of baked meat, ham or boiled sausage folded in four times on top. Next, thread a cherry tomato or olive onto a skewer and stick it into the prepared sandwich. Such an original presentation will increase the appetite of the guests.

Toast bread canapes

It’s not at all difficult to come up with and prepare a variety of snacks that will complement the children’s birthday menu. There are various recipes, for example, canapés. Instead of a baguette, you can use regular toast bread. Only it should be cut into two or four parts. Next, grease each piece with butter, cover with lettuce, place a slice of boiled pork and fresh cucumber. Thread half a cherry tomato or olive onto a skewer.


You can also include tartlets in your children's birthday menu. Ready-made dough molds can be purchased at the store or baked yourself. Even if you choose the second method, you won’t spend a lot of time and effort. The recipe is as follows. You will need one glass of sifted flour, one hundred grams of margarine, one yolk, one tablespoon of water, sugar and salt to taste.

Tartlets can be intended for dessert, meat filling or salads. Therefore, for each type you should make the appropriate dough - sweet or salty. Flour and salt are mixed, and the yolk should be ground with sugar. Margarine must be kneaded. Then you need to mix everything and gradually pour water into the mixture. After this, the prepared dough must be wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. After the allotted time, remove the mass and roll out the layer to no more than three millimeters in thickness.

Metal tartlet molds should be placed close together on the table, covered with dough and pressed down on top with a rolling pin. Excess pieces are removed. The dough should be evenly distributed inside each mold and put back in the refrigerator. The oven must be preheated to 200 degrees. Before placing the tartlets in it, pierce the dough in several places with a fork or toothpick. Next, the molds go into the oven for a quarter of an hour. In the meantime, you can prepare a variety of fillings.


Tartlets are an excellent snack option when organizing a children's birthday party at home. The menu can be diversified not due to the number of dishes, but due to different ways of serving the same dishes. For example, tartlets can be filled with salad.

To do this, you need to grate or cut into strips two fresh cucumbers. Do the same with 200 grams of boiled pork. Instead of mayonnaise, mash 100 grams of feta with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Dress the salad. Divide the contents among the tartlets. Garnish with cherry tomato slices, olives or herbs.

Another filling option is salted cottage cheese with dill. To do this, mash 200 grams of cheese with a few tablespoons of sour cream and salt to taste. Then finely chop a couple of sprigs of dill and mix with the main mass. Fill the tartlets and decorate with a rosette made from a slice of fresh cucumber.

Don't forget about age when creating a menu for a child's birthday. 5 years is a time when children are still not recommended to eat much. Prohibited foods include canned food, with the exception of fruits, smoked foods, salted fish, and mushrooms in large quantities. To avoid unpleasant incidents, this should be taken into account.

Pizza for children

However, even without these products, you can create an interesting and varied menu for a children’s birthday. 5-year-olds already have some food preferences. As a rule, most children at this age love pizza. This will be an excellent alternative to classic hot meat dishes with side dishes. You can easily make your own pizza dough. Classic proportions should be adhered to. Take flour and water in a 2:1 ratio, add a tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil, one teaspoon of dry yeast, and salt to taste.

Next, you need to roll out a round layer 5-6 millimeters thick and pierce it with a toothpick evenly across the entire sheet. Lubricate it on top with a mixture of tomato sauce and vegetable oil. Then sprinkle the dough with Italian herbs. If you don’t have ready-made seasoning on hand, you can replace it with a mixture of dried basil and oregano (or oregano).

Next, it's time to lay out the filling. Absolutely any ingredients will do. You can cut chicken fillet, boiled pork, sausage poached over the fire. Then you need to place several slices of regular tomatoes. Salt everything. Next, you can immediately fill the filling with cheese. It is better to combine several types, for example, Dutch or Russian and mozzarella. In the traditional recipe, Parmesan is added, but it is an expensive cheese. It can be replaced with any other type. The filling can also be made from meat, bell pepper and feta with herbs. There are a lot of pizza options. Next, the cake is sent to the oven and baked at 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

Celebrating outdoors: what dishes to choose?

When it’s warm spring or midsummer, it’s advisable to organize a children’s birthday party outdoors. The menu in this case should include portioned dishes that will be easy for children to take. It is better to set the table in the form of a buffet. In this format, canapés, tartlets, toasts and anything that does not need to be poured from a common dish are ideal. It is better to order pizza for a birthday party held outdoors immediately before the start of the celebration, or you can completely replace it with another dish. After all, it’s good to cook vegetables and meat on the grill in the fresh air. Although this menu for a children's birthday is not suitable for all age groups. 7 years is the age when children can already eat dishes prepared in this way.

You can bake mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. After placing the vegetables over the coals, you need to periodically spray them with oil, sprinkle with finely chopped dill, garlic and salt, then they will acquire a very pleasant aroma. Of course, you can’t do without classic barbecue. For children, you can make it from chicken fillet. It is not as heavy on the stomach as pork.


The menu for a children's birthday party should include only those dishes that the children will like. There is no need to prepare a lavish feast. The main thing that all children wait for is a cake with candles. You can prepare it yourself or order it from a pastry shop.

Your baby's birthday is just around the corner and you have no ideas? Do you want mind-blowing fun, children's smiles and joy? Throwing a great party is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Think over the menu, and the birthday boy and guests will be happy.

A good birthday for adults and for children are completely different things. The little birthday boy doesn’t want complex salads and appetizers, but dreams that everything will be interesting and playful. Children now like things that are completely different from what their parents liked when they were children. Ask your son or daughter what dishes they would like to see, create a menu together.

A few important rules for the holiday table

The menu can be completely free, but some conditions must be met in order for the children's party to be a success:

  • the treats should look appetizing. Children won’t want an ordinary salad; decorate it in an original way, for example in the form of a fairy-tale animal;
  • You should avoid fatty, spicy, too salty and large amounts of mayonnaise;
  • Children under 3 years of age should not consume citrus fruits, food dyes, or foods that provoke allergic reactions. Be careful with chocolate, honey, eggs;
  • the presentation should be convenient and understandable to everyone (no intricate designs or falling apart canapés);
  • Don’t forget about your children’s favorite sweets and ice cream. Be sure to place the cake.
Important! Choose interesting recipes, the table should be varied.

Ask the parents of the invited children what foods their children are allergic to.

Baby is 1 year old

- a responsible event. The baby does not yet realize everything that is happening, but the joy from all the assembled grandparents and godparents will be off the charts.

The menu is designed for adults, because children at that age eat purees, cereals, and juices.

Goodies for the holiday table

Use simple dishes, but in an unusual presentation:

  • “decorate the herring under a fur coat” in the shape of a fish, make scales from carrots and beets;
  • serve everyone’s favorite canapes of cucumbers with slices of balyk, olives, decorated with herbs;
  • “hot” can be potatoes with mushrooms in a pot, baked pig or any other of your signature dishes;
  • don't forget about the cake. It can be purchased or prepared by you.

Salad "Grape"

Cooking method:

  • Place lettuce leaves on the bottom of the bowl;
  • fry the chicken fillet with spices, cut into small pieces, and place on the salad;
  • mix diced boiled eggs with walnuts and mayonnaise;
  • Place the mixture on the chicken fillet and garnish with grapes cut into two slices.

For adults, choose drinks to suit your taste. Champagne, wine, and various juices are perfect.

Child 6-8 years old

At this age, children are active, want to jump and have fun. Organize a celebration in the style of your favorite fairy tale, for example, throw a pirate party. In this case, the food should correspond to the theme of the holiday.


Almost any salad can be made “childish”. Place the usual one made from chicken and pineapples in the shape of carrots and sprinkle with grated carrots, making a tail from dill.

A mixture of fresh fruits will please all the children. Use apples, pears, bananas, kiwis, peaches, mangoes, grapes. Avoid strawberries and citrus fruits.

Sandwiches and canapés

There are a lot of variations of the products from which you will cook. For example, cut a cucumber in half, remove the pulp, and stuff it with any salad. Build a sail from a cucumber slice and a skewer.

Ladybug sandwiches are easy to make:

  • spread the sauce on the bread;
  • make the body of the cow from a cherry tomato;
  • black olives will serve as the head;
  • Make dots on the wings from mayonnaise.

These snacks are easy to make and will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pizza and sausages

It's hard to find young gourmets who don't love pizza. Ingredients - to your taste and the taste of your son or daughter. The main thing is to draw a funny face. Another option is that the pizza should be in the shape of an animal.

A great way to have fun is for kids to make their own pizza. Bake the dough in advance, cut the toppings, and let the kids make the pizza to their liking.

The most ordinary sausages are always popular with children. Boil halves of sausages with long pasta inserted into them - you get funny octopuses.

Drinks and sweets

What's a holiday without cake and ice cream? The cake can be in the shape of a hare, elephant or castle. It all depends on your imagination.

Place ice cream in the hands of your little guests. Prepare cones, fruits, nuts, jams and ice cream in advance. And of course a device for making ice cream scoops. You have never seen such joy in children before.

Drinks at the holiday should only be healthy. No sodas with harmful dyes. Juices, compotes and smoothies are perfect. Important! Drinks should not be too cold.

Holiday for schoolchildren

Don’t even start without the consent of the birthday boy, who is already “almost an adult.” Older children will already appreciate complex dishes.

Just like for small children, the presentation of dishes is important. Decorate salads, appetizers, and desserts as creatively as possible. The festive table can be decorated with figurines of animals, cars made from eggs, cucumbers and other products.

Main dishes

Stick to baked fish and chips, pizza and other kid-friendly options.

Goldfish recipe:

  • cut the fillet into portions;
  • prepare breading for fish - beat egg white with cheese, sesame seeds and breadcrumbs;
  • moisten the fish in breading, fry for 5 minutes on each side;
  • then reheat in the oven;
  • place the finished dish on lettuce leaves;
  • decorate the fish with corn instead of bubbles, make the tail and head out of sweet peppers.

Advice! Choose fish with few bones. Catfish, carp, pollock, and hake are perfect.

Appetizers, salads

It is better to focus on snacks and sweets, because children do not eat a lot, they are more interested in trying a little bit of everything.

Children love various cheeses. You can experiment with Christmas trees and houses made of different types of cheeses, decorated with olives, slices of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Suitable for snacks are “fly agarics” made from quail eggs inserted into tomatoes. The dish looks appetizing and original.

Pies, desserts and drinks

Everyone loves pies. It's delicious and simple. You can make the main fruit pie in the shape of a ship, with small boats (cakes) next to it. It all depends on the theme of the celebration.

Don't overlook the jelly either. There are many variations. Make jelly with fruit, yogurt and ice cream. The kids will definitely love it.

Milkshakes are perfect during hot weather. They are easy to do:

  • beat ice cream, milk and toppings (flavors like jam or fresh fruit) in a mixer;
  • pour into a beautiful glass and decorate with an umbrella or skewer with any berry.

A pleasant-tasting and beautiful cocktail will perfectly refresh you.

Dear parents! Remember that the dishes should be light, healthy and remind the kids of the fairy tale they found themselves in. Don't forget about various holiday caps, fun competitions and small gifts for each of the guests.

Milkshake with banana and chocolate - a very tasty drink! Immediately after preparation, the cocktail is similar to hot chocolate, only with a rich banana flavor and a thicker consistency. This is a wonderful milkshake for kids and adults!

milk, banana, black chocolate, ground cinnamon

I would like to offer you a recipe for honey cake with vertical cake layers. It looks very unusual! The cooking process is a little more complicated than making a regular Honey cake, but it's worth it. And you will certainly be able to surprise your guests with such a seemingly ordinary cake.

flour, honey, sugar, butter, eggs, soda, lemon juice, sour cream, cream, powdered sugar, raspberries

These banana cookies look very original due to the chocolate drops added to the dough! The result is a kind of cookies-koloboks with dark polka dots. Cookies according to this recipe turn out very tasty, although they are prepared from a minimal amount of ingredients and without eggs, milk or butter!

banana, chocolate, flour, sugar, sunflower oil, baking powder

Shortbread cookies with oatmeal are very tasty, crumbly and aromatic. But ordinary round cookies are not very interesting. Let's make some flower-shaped cookies! No special equipment is needed! And to make the edible flowers bright, you can use pink sugar and multi-colored dragee candies. Children will be delighted, and adults too!

oat flour, wheat flour, yolk, sugar, baking powder, butter, orange zest, sugar, dragee

Cute and tasty meat cutlets in the form of truffle candies. The original appearance and filling of quail eggs will immediately interest everyone. These cutlets can be prepared in advance and put in the oven before guests arrive. These cutlets are also perfect for children, as they are baked and not fried, and quail eggs are good for children’s bodies.

minced pork, sour cream, onion, garlic, thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb), quail egg, salt, ground black pepper

Making banana chocolate cupcakes. If you want something sweet for tea or have guests on the doorstep, perhaps a recipe for muffins with banana and chocolate will come in handy. The recipe is extremely simple, and preparation takes about 30 minutes.

banana, flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, butter, eggs, kefir, chocolate

Pancakes are a traditional Russian dessert. More precisely, not quite a dessert, because pancakes can also be filled with savory filling - meat, mushrooms or caviar. But this is not about them. Make polka dot pancakes using this recipe. These beautiful and tasty pancakes, together with the sweet caramel and sour cream sauce “Korovka”, will take you back to childhood. Well, the children will simply be delighted!

fermented baked milk, wheat flour, eggs, sugar, soda, cocoa powder, sunflower oil, sour cream, condensed milk, baked milk

For lovers of home baking, a recipe for delicious, soft and airy pies made from yeast dough with a sweet filling.

wheat flour, dry yeast, milk, eggs, milk powder, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, jam

We decided to decorate delicious chocolate pancakes with curd filling in the form of unique candies, gathering the ends with strips of dried apricots. Children will really like these candy pancakes, and for adults this dish will be an excellent breakfast.

eggs, milk, flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, salt, vegetable oil, cottage cheese, raisins, sugar, dried apricots

Pink hot chocolate is an incredibly beautiful drink! Its unusual color, mini marshmallow cap and delicious aroma immediately attract attention. Pink hot chocolate is prepared using milk and white chocolate; a drop of food coloring is responsible for the color. Treat your significant other with this incredible drink on Valentine's Day!

milk, white chocolate, vanilla sugar, marshmallows, coloring

A birthday for children is a joyful and long-awaited moment. Lots of guests, kids running around, fun and, of course, gifts - kids look forward to all this all year long, asking only one question: “When is my birthday?” That is why at the moment of celebration everything should be at a high level. What should the table be like for a child’s birthday? How to decorate it and what to cook?

What should the table be like?

The menu for the baby's birthday table should be special. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the preferences, tastes of the birthday boy and his guests, their age and possible dietary restrictions. Everything should be tasty, festive, but at the same time healthy.

When decorating hot dishes, you should use your imagination. It’s better to do everything beautifully and unusually.

  1. The table for children should not contain salty, spicy and too fatty foods (it is better to minimize everything fried, generously sprinkled with mayonnaise, with the addition of garlic and hot pepper).
  2. You should not prepare new salads with an original combination of ingredients, because all children love traditional dishes that have long been familiar to them.
  3. If you are visiting with very young children, then it is better not to place a lot of fruits (especially bright ones), otherwise you can cause allergies.
  4. It is better not to give children carbonated drinks, they are harmful to a small stomach; it is best to put natural juices and compotes on the table.
  5. If there is fish on the menu, then you need to carefully cut it, getting rid of the bones.

Remember that the children's holiday should not be overshadowed by anything. It is better to find out in advance from the parents of the invited children the preferences and allowed dishes to avoid any troubles.

Holiday menu

To set a festive table for children, it is advisable to think through the entire menu in advance. It may include the following dishes and drinks:

  • sandwiches and canapés;
  • tartlets;
  • hot dishes;
  • salads;
  • fruits (apples, bananas, pears);
  • sweets in the form of cakes and candies;
  • fruit juices, compote, jelly.

Sandwiches and canapés should be colorful and festive. You can get ideas for such an original design on the Internet. Here you need to include bright ingredients so that everything looks elegant, but at the same time healthy and satisfying. You can place animal figures made of cheese or sausage on the bread, and decorate the snacks with herbs or other ingredients. When preparing canapés, be sure to use beautiful and original chopsticks.

Baskets for tartlets can be purchased at the store (it is important that they are fresh) or you can prepare them yourself. You can use minced meat or fish, pates, vegetable and fruit salads as fillings. It is also advisable to make everything bright and beautiful on top, because these are the things that attract children.

Sandwiches, canapés and tartlets are an important part of a children's birthday table. In most cases, kids do not like to sit at the table for a long time. First of all, they give gifts, and then they join in the games, so they won’t be able to really eat “adult” dishes. But small snacks on a skewer or a sandwich are what you need. By quickly popping them in your mouth, you can start playing and having fun again.

As for hot dishes, there is no need to cook a lot. Many children prefer all kinds of sandwiches, tartlets and other goodies that can be “carried around” during the game. One or two hot dishes are enough for a children's table. It could be potato, fish or meat casseroles, chicken kebab or something else, but not too fatty.

But even here it’s worth showing your imagination. It’s better to do everything beautifully and unusually. For example, boil potatoes, cut them in the shape of mushrooms, decorate the cutlet in the shape of a hedgehog, and put mashed potatoes in the shape of a castle, etc. Ideas can be very different, it’s good if the birthday person himself participates in making decisions on table decoration.

Perfect as an idea for a children's pizza table. Almost all children love this dish. Here you can show your imagination and add various colorful ingredients to the pizza, such as tomatoes, mushrooms, and herbs. Also, on a round and large surface, you can make a drawing that your children will definitely like.

Salads are a matter of taste. Many children simply don’t eat them, so it’s worth using your imagination. As an original and unusual dish, the “Sunflower” salad, decorated in the shape of a flower of the plant of the same name, or the “Mimosa” salad, made in the form of a field with mice, are suitable. There are a lot of ideas for salads on the Internet, the main thing is to remember the rules outlined above (nothing spicy, salty, less mayonnaise and choose a simpler recipe).

Children always like Sunflower salad.

No children's holiday can do without a sweet table. For a birthday, fruits, cakes, ice cream and other desserts are perfect, which you can also try to prepare yourself. It is important to ask the parents of invited children in advance about what they can and cannot do. You can cut the fruit and arrange it beautifully on a plate. Drawing ideas can be very different: it could be a palm tree made of bananas and kiwi, funny animals made of apples and pears, or other funny scenes. The fruit can also be cut into a salad.

And, of course, cake - no birthday can do without this important attribute. You can prepare the cake yourself if you have the necessary skills, or order it from professional confectioners. In the first case, cake decorating ideas can be found on the Internet. It is better not to buy a regular product in a store; it contains many harmful ingredients and dyes that can cause an allergic reaction in children. The cake should be suitable for the holiday, it is better that it has a beautiful inscription in the form of congratulations, an original drawing is also appropriate. Of course, when bringing out the cake, children should see the candles, because the feeling of celebration is associated with blowing them out.

There must be fruit on the children's table.

It is better to take natural drinks, such as compote and jelly. Natural juices are also great for children's meals. You can also use lemonade, but only make it yourself, the main thing is that there are no carbonated drinks on the table. Ideas for various dishes that can be prepared for a children's birthday table can be gleaned from the Internet. But it’s still better not to experiment too much. Remember that children love familiar and taste-tested dishes.

How to decorate a table

Food and drinks alone cannot create the desired festive mood. In addition to creating a menu, you need to think about table decoration. And the tablecloth will play one of the important roles here. You should not lay out an expensive tablecloth decorated with ruffles and other frills, as there is a high risk that it may be torn or damaged during the fun. Perfect for a children's table:

  • bright oilcloth;
  • a beautiful fabric tablecloth with a floral pattern or polka dots;
  • a paper covering on which children can turn their creative fantasies into reality during snacks;
  • tablecloths made in pirate or doll style.

Another part of the table decoration are napkins. As a rule, they use a paper version; fabric ones are not so practical. Napkins can simply be placed under plates or folded beautifully. It is important that the drawing matches the theme of the holiday and the decoration of the table.

For a festive children's table, a bright oilcloth or a beautiful fabric tablecloth with a floral pattern or any children's design is ideal.

Of course, you shouldn't forget about the dishes. You can supply both regular sets and more original options. There are sets of plastic utensils available for sale in a wide variety of colors and types. Such products will not break and will not harm the health of little pranksters.

However, you can make plates and mugs for the holiday yourself. Buy simple dishes, without pictures, maybe a set made of transparent plastic. Then, together with your child, apply a design to the products; for this you should use special paint. Such sets can later become a gift to guests as a souvenir of the event. Applique on plates will also look great.

Don't forget about additional attributes. For example, a bouquet of fresh flowers will remain unnoticeable for children, but if a bouquet of lollipops is displayed in the center of the table, it will not leave any child indifferent. But here it is important not to overdo it with sweets.

Bright balloons near the table and on the backs of chairs are beautiful and festive. To emphasize the solemnity of the moment, you can install signs with the names of the children near each plate. This way the kids will feel like adults and important guests. The signs themselves can be made together with the birthday person, this will give the holiday greater importance.

A birthday is an important moment for every child. And to make it memorable, everything needs to be carefully prepared. Competitions, games, room decoration and costumes are all important components of the holiday. But not a single holiday can be complete without a chic table with all kinds of dishes, sweets, and bright accents. The more beautiful and unusual objects there are on the table, the longer the little guests will feast on it.
