
The kilocalorie content of nuts is interesting. Types and properties of fatty nuts

Recently, a lot has been said and written about the fact that nuts are a valuable source of nutrients. However, they are rarely recommended for dieters, mainly due to their high energy content. But is there any real reason for the fear of including them in the diet while losing weight?

You may be surprised, but these gifts of nature have beneficial properties aimed at reducing the amount of fatty tissue in the body.

Nuts are a broad group of foods. In particular, walnut and Brazilian varieties, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts (curiously, from a botanical point of view, this is a legume) and other types are available on our market.

In addition to the fact that they differ in name, appearance and taste, each variety has its own nutritional value. Their common feature is a relatively high content of many vitamins and minerals, as well as vegetable fats, hence the high calorie content of this food group.

Calories aren't everything

But energy value is not the only indicator of the advisability of using nuts for weight loss. A number of other factors also matter.

For example, nutrient density reflects how much of the non-energy component is consumed for each calorie supplied to the body. An equally important role is played by the health-promoting potential of the product and its satiating properties. And here nuts are presented as a healthy and worthy food.

These gifts of nature provide us with a large dose of vitamins (mainly vitamin E and group B), minerals (magnesium and copper), fiber, as well as biologically active substances - polyphenols. Thus, nuts not only satisfy human needs for essential nutrients, but also prevent certain diseases.

The fact that they help control appetite also deserves special attention. Needless to say, this is extremely important during the period of weight loss.

Beneficial Dietary Properties

Eating nuts in reasonable quantities not only will not interfere with weight loss, but can also help reduce body fat. This is due to the above-mentioned saturating properties.

After consuming this natural gift, we do not feel as hungry as after receiving the same dose of energy in the form of other foods. This is especially true for breadsticks, chips, etc. Nuts can be a worthy alternative to many other, less healthy snacks.

The digestibility of such food is not particularly high. In practice, this means that the actual calorie content of nuts is lower than that indicated on the label: the body is simply not able to absorb part of the energy hidden in the fruits. “At least one-fifth of the fat in nuts is not absorbed by the body,” says Dr. Stein in a 2008 Journal of Nutrition article.

Almonds are a case in point: their digestibility is only about 70%. There are a number of studies confirming the effectiveness of using these nuts for weight loss.

The best nuts for weight loss

  1. . The leader among nuts for weight loss. Contains omega-3 fatty acids, lots of fiber and protein. When consumed, it creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach, thus reducing cravings for high-calorie fatty and sweet foods.
  2. Walnuts. Like almonds, because they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and protein. Even during a diet, you can eat them daily, but in small quantities (1-2 pieces). This will help cleanse the body of so-called bad cholesterol and protect the heart from cardiac diseases.
  3. Cashew nuts can also be considered one of the healthiest dietary foods. They give you a feeling of fullness, but, in addition to dietary fiber and healthy fats, they can boast of containing phosphorus and zinc - microelements that promote weight loss.
  4. Pistachios are known as one of the lowest calorie nuts. For example, you can eat 50 pieces and it will be only 160 calories.
  5. Peanuts have been shown to increase resting metabolism by up to 11%. This issue and related research findings are discussed in detail in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The authors of the experiments believe that the dietary properties in this case are associated with a high concentration of unsaturated fats, which, in combination with vegetable protein, can have a thermogenic effect.
  6. Pine nuts. Scientists report that cedar oil, obtained from the Korean fruit, can suppress appetite. It turns out that the biologically active substances in the product promote the production of two hormones in the human body that reduce the feeling of hunger. The effect lasts for 30 minutes. American researchers do not say whether this property applies to Siberian nuts.

How much can you eat

It’s definitely difficult to answer, since a lot will depend on the nutrition program you choose and its total calorie content. For a person who is not obsessed with quickly losing extra pounds, it is enough to eat a handful of nuts a day, preferably before main meals. This will already amount to an additional 160-200 kcal. Handful size for different species.

Nuts are amazing gifts of nature that can increase a person’s intellectual abilities and increase his mind. There are dozens of types of nuts.

Nutrients, microelements, vitamins, dietary fiber contained in nuts have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Nut calorie table

Nuts are a very high-calorie food product. But despite this, nutritionists claim that they are useful in the fight against excess weight. The beneficial substances contained in the product improve metabolism. In order not to harm the figure, the daily dose should be reduced to 15-20 g.

Table - how many calories are in nuts:

Product Calories (kcal/100g) Fat (g) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates(g)
Peanut 548 45,2 26,3 9,7
Brazilian nut 656 66,4 14,3 4,8
Walnut 648 61,3 13,8 10,2
Hazelnut 704 66,9 16,1 9,9
Almond 645 57,7 18,6 13,6
Pine nut 673 61 11,6 19,3
Coconut 354 33,5 3,4 6,2
Cashew 643 54,1 25,7 13,2
Hazelnut 628 67 10 18
Pistachios 556 50 20 7

Beneficial properties of nuts:

  • Nuts are an undeniable source of vitamins and minerals (B vitamins, vitamin E, selenium, calcium, zinc, iron and iodine).
  • They are one of the most useful and necessary products for the mind.. Thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, they are indispensable for mental stress.
  • The increased calorie content of the product, a combination of light fats and vegetable proteins, serve as a real source of energy. Therefore, they are necessary during physical activity. To some extent, they can replace meat and eggs.
  • Contains omega-3 fatty acids. Thanks to this, the product is extremely useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The healthiest nuts for the human body

Without exception, all types are beneficial to human health, but each of them has its own characteristics. Modern scientists identify the “five” healthiest in the world - hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and peanuts.


Another name for hazelnuts is Lombard nut. "Die Hard" has been known since ancient times. Our ancestors made protective amulets from it against evil spirits and disasters. Nowadays, it is extremely useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, anemia, and arterial hypertension. Hazelnuts are recommended to be taken for the prevention of cancer, since they contain an anti-cancer substance - paclitaxel.


Even in ancient times, Hippocrates and Avicenna described the healing effects of the Volosh (walnut) nut and its leaves. And modern scientists call it the “tree of life” due to its rich composition. Indeed, this fruit contains many useful substances: vitamins, alkaloids, tannins and many trace elements. Walnuts are recommended for people with thyroid problems to add to their diet due to their high iodine content.

Walnuts will help with physical exhaustion, heart disease and nervous system.

The kernels of the fruit are used for diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, and also as an effective wound healing agent.


Almonds are also called royal or elite nuts. Although in reality it is not a nut - it is a stone fruit. A feature of this species is the high content of calcium in its composition. Which makes it useful and indispensable for the health of the skeletal system. Thanks to phosphorus, iron and potassium, almonds are highly recommended for diseases of the heart and circulatory system; doctors advise consuming about 60 g of almonds per week.

Regular consumption of these nuts improves sleep and helps with insomnia. For medicinal and preventive purposes, almonds are used for urolithiasis, gastritis, ulcers, hypertension, anemia, migraines, and eye diseases.

You need to introduce this species into your diet very carefully, as it is difficult for the body to digest. You can eat almonds raw or roasted. It is often added to sweets and baked goods, and in eastern countries – to meat and rice dishes.

Brazilian nut

Brazil nuts are considered the most delicious, according to gourmets, and the healthiest, according to scientists. It is considered one of the most useful and necessary for the female body and is also called the nut of youth.. All this is due to the presence of a huge amount of selenium in it, which prevents premature aging.

Just two Brazil nuts a day will have a beneficial effect on the skin. Due to their high calorie content, these nuts serve as a source of energy and vigor. In addition, they prevent the development of cancer and heart problems.


There are more than 70 types of peanuts in the world. These beans are a good preventative against heart disease, cancer and gastritis. Peanuts have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms overexcitement and helps with insomnia. It is an excellent antioxidant. Improves hearing, vision and memory.

Just a few peanuts can satisfy your hunger. Therefore, nutritionists consider it one of the most useful nuts for weight loss, and allow it to be consumed during a diet. Peanuts are easily digestible by the human body due to their high protein and protein content. But it is not recommended to abuse these nuts, so as not to provoke allergies and not disrupt digestive functions.

In addition to these “five” healthiest nuts, pine and hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, and coconut are also very popular. All of them have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, help increase immunity, improve brain function and cardiac activity.

The healthiest nuts for women

Regular consumption of nuts by women helps improve reproductive function, strengthen memory, slow down the aging process of the body, and improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Each type of nut has its own special benefits for the female body.

  • Almond. It has a large amount of fiber and vitamin E, which makes the skin healthy, clean and beautiful. This product is used in the fight against excess weight. It is recommended to consume 15-20 g of almonds daily. And to avoid difficulties in digesting it, you should soak it in water overnight.
  • Brazilian nut. Serves as a healthy snack to boost energy and concentration. The trace element selenium, which is included in its composition, increases a woman’s fertility, prevents cancer of the breast and bones. Selenium, along with other vitamins and antioxidants, rejuvenates skin cells. Brazil nut oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, strengthens nails, and gives hair a healthy shine.
  • Cashew nuts. The product contains the least amount of fat, which allows it to be included in the diet menu. This is a real source of folic acid, which is why cashews are useful for pregnant women and those planning to start a family. The composition contains painkillers and anti-inflammatory components that help relieve pain, including dental pain.
  • Hazelnut. It is recommended to use it for varicose veins from the outside and inside. It also increases immunity and improves memory, gives health to hair and nails.
  • Walnuts. A real assistant for women in the fight against cardiac and oncological diseases. They contain a lot of biotin, which prevents hair loss and helps strengthen it. Eating this nut during pregnancy prevents the baby from developing food allergies.
  • Pine nuts. They cleanse the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder, which has a beneficial effect on a woman’s appearance. It is useful for nursing mothers to eat 2 tbsp. spoons of pine nuts to improve lactation and get more nutritious breast milk. Traditional medicine uses the shell and kernels in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    For men

    Nowadays, men often face problems with potency and the ability to have children. Scientists say that men's nutrition plays a decisive role in this issue. Their diet must include nuts.

    • Walnuts. Their benefits for men have been proven by many studies. In men who regularly consumed walnuts, scientists found a significant improvement in sperm quality, thanks to the organic acids contained in the fruits. In addition, biologically active substances, in particular arginine, have a positive effect on male potency.
    • Brazil nuts. The powerful antioxidant selenium contained in the Brazilian fruit increases testosterone levels, thus improving the quantity and quality of sperm. It also serves as a preventative against prostate cancer. Arginine improves potency; it is also called natural “Viagra”. To increase male strength, 2-3 nuts are enough; in large doses, selenium is toxic and can lead to the opposite effect.
    • Almond. A real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, a source of energy. Thanks to their high amount of calcium, almonds are good for bone health, which is very important for athletes and older men. Almonds help increase libido and maintain a healthy sex life.
    • Pistachios. A handful of pistachios helps increase sexual desire in men and pleasure from sexual intercourse. Dietary fiber and fatty acids will help reduce blood cholesterol, and arginine will improve blood flow to the genitals.
    • Hazelnut. It has a healing effect on the male reproductive system, improves blood flow and cleanses the blood of cholesterol.

    For children

    Children under three years of age are not recommended to consume nuts, as they contain a lot of protein, which is quite difficult to digest.

    The child’s body has not yet produced enough enzymes that are responsible for the digestion and assimilation of proteins. In this case, the child’s body will only receive a load on the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

    Nuts, in addition, are a strong allergen and should be introduced very carefully into the diet of a child over three years old.

    The most beneficial for children is walnut. This is an excellent source of iodine, which is why this product is especially useful in children in areas with high radiation. Useful substances will help improve the mental abilities of children and cope with hypovitaminosis and anemia. For children, it is enough to eat 2 nuts per day.


    Nuts will bring maximum benefit to the body if you consume 30 g of them per day. They are indispensable for the human body and have an amazing taste. They can be consumed in different forms, adding to almost any dish.

It is one of the most ancient products on the planet. Its homeland is considered to be the territory of modern Iran. For a long time this nut was called “royal”, since only noble people consumed it. For some time this fruit was not available to the poor.

It is known that daily consumption of such nuts significantly increases brain activity. It is included in the mandatory diet of people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and monitor their weight. Despite the high fat content, this product is widely used in various diets. You can learn about the calorie content of walnuts (1 piece and 100 g) from our article. Here we will tell you about the benefits of this nut, including for weight loss.

Calorie content of walnuts (per 100 g)

Many dieters try to avoid such a high-calorie product as walnuts. It seems to them that it is enough to eat one small nut, and all their efforts will be in vain.

The calorie content of walnuts is certainly high and amounts to 654 kcal (per 100 grams). But don't be scared by this number. In fact, 100 grams is approximately 50 nuts. Even an adult cannot eat such a quantity of such high-calorie fruits. Also, through simple arithmetic calculations, you can find out that the weight of 1 walnut is 5 g. From here you can understand how many calories are in one walnut. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Walnut: calorie content of 1 nut

Doctors and nutritionists believe that the norm for eating nuts per day is 4-6 pieces. Thus, there is no need to eat 50 pieces or 100 g of this product. With such uncontrolled consumption, walnuts alone can cause harm.

The calorie content of 1 nut is calculated from the total calorie content per 100 g. It is already known that 100 g contains 654 kcal, that is, 1 g contains 6.54 kcal. One walnut weighs approximately 5 g. Thus, we multiply the value of 6.54 by 5 g and get the calorie content of 1 walnut, which is equal to 32.7 kcal. From here you can calculate the daily norm.

A person can eat 4-6 pieces of a product such as walnuts without harming their figure. Calorie content 1 pc. is 32.7 kcal, which means that the calorie content of 4-6 nuts will be equal to 132-196 kcal. This amount of calories will not cause significant harm to your figure, but there will be many benefits from eating nuts.

The nutritional value

Since ancient times, walnuts have been used as a medicine, without thinking at all about its calorie content. It contains an almost complete set of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are not produced independently by the body, but are very important for its normal functioning, and many other useful components. B vitamins, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc are found in large quantities in walnuts, and vitamin E makes this product especially rich in antioxidants. It contains 50 times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) than citrus fruits.

The special uniqueness of the walnut is that it contains this completely unique compound, which not only protects healthy cells of the body from possible infection with cancer, but also disinfects sick ones. That's how healthy walnuts are. The calorie content of 1 nut is only 32.7 kcal. 100 grams of walnuts contain about 15 g of protein, 65 g of fat, and only 7 g of carbohydrates.

Beneficial features

For the body it is as follows:

  1. Regular consumption of walnuts improves brain function. Thanks to increased blood flow, more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to it, which contributes to its normal functioning. They are also recommended for use by schoolchildren.
  2. Walnuts also help athletes withstand heavy physical activity (1 piece, whose calorie content is 32.7 kcal, increases energy several times).
  3. Nuts are useful for preventing anemia, heart and thyroid diseases. The magnesium they contain helps reduce nervous excitability, and dietary fiber helps improve intestinal function.

Despite their high calorie content, walnuts should be present in the diet of every healthy person.

Harm and contraindications

Harm from eating walnuts can only be associated with an allergy to this product, which leads to rashes on the skin and oral mucosa. Therefore, it is important to monitor the amount of nuts you eat. In addition, excessive consumption of this product can lead to brain spasms. The norm is 4-6 nuts per day.

What is the significance of the calorie content of 1 walnut for weight loss?

Despite the high calorie content, in one of the well-known diets it is recommended to completely replace all animal fats with walnuts. As you know, any body, even during weight loss, needs fats. But, in addition to this, nuts also contain a lot of useful substances that fight bad cholesterol. This means that such fats will be much healthier than those of animal origin. But this is not all the benefits that walnuts can bring during a diet.

The calorie content of 1 nut, as is known, is 32.7 kcal, and the amount of fat in 5 g (1 nut) is 3.26 g. It is easy to calculate this, given that 100 grams of nuts contain 65.2 g of fat. 4-6 pieces, which doctors recommend eating daily, contain 13-19 g of fat, with the norm for a healthy person being 40 g.

All these calculations allow us to conclude that walnuts are beneficial for the body and can be eaten even during a diet.

Everyone knows that nuts are tasty and healthy. This is a wonderful addition to various dishes. And this product is certainly good as a main meal. By including this product in the diet, we will replenish the missing vitamins and minerals, and the number of calories in nuts will not compare with their benefits.

There are many types of this fragrant and healthy fruit. In this article, we will analyze the energy value of various varieties and find out how possible their use is in various diets.

Composition and benefits

The calorie content of nuts is quite high, however, their nutritional properties and composition are quite suitable for replacing certain foods during the diet. They include:

  • vitamins E, A, C, K and group B;
  • minerals zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • fatty acid;
  • Omega-3;
  • protein.

In addition to their nutritional value, nuts are useful in preventing many diseases:

  • Strengthen the vascular system, stimulate blood flow, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Stimulates brain function.
  • They have a beneficial effect on the intestines, improve food digestion, and protect against constipation.
  • Allows recovery after pregnancy, childbirth, operations, invigorates and improves appetite and mood.
  • Oils obtained from nut shells have an antiseptic effect.

Nut calorie table


Walnuts have a lot of calories. However, this product is extremely useful for vegetarians and those on a diet. It contains vegetable protein, which is a building material for the body.

In addition, the fatty acids contained in this variety reduce cholesterol plaques. Walnuts and their calorie content will cause harm if the product is consumed in large quantities. It can cause stomach blockage, nausea and an allergic reaction.

A walnut, whose calorie content is 30 kcal, is able to replenish the supply of saturated fatty acids and mineral salts, and five of its fruits will provide the body with a daily requirement of vitamin C.


Hazelnut or hazel is a delicacy familiar to everyone since childhood. Delicious and nutritious, hazel kernels taste good and definitely have beneficial properties. The protein contained in hazel replaces meat products in the diet.

Frequent consumption of this product has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Hazel is often used in the manufacture of confectionery.

Pine nuts

Small kernels, which are obtained from cedar cones, have a delicate sweetish taste.

The calorie content of pine nuts per 100 g is high, but when the product is consumed in small quantities, it quickly saturates. Pine nuts are rich in fatty acids.


If nuts are one of your favorite foods, but you want to lose weight, then you should opt for hazelnuts. This is a low-carbohydrate product, and the vegetable protein present in this product will only benefit the body. Hazelnuts will also help replace one meal.

Their calorie content is high, but when regularly included in the diet, you can notice how your well-being has improved, and your weight has remained the same. This is because hazelnuts have a rich vitamin and mineral composition: potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium and copper.

It is impossible to exceed the daily norm of hazelnuts, as this causes a spasm of the blood vessels in the head. It is also not indicated for children with liver disease and diabetes.


Peanuts are delicious when roasted. They are often eaten thermally processed. However, in raw kernels the content of useful and nutrient substances is higher, and the calorie content is correspondingly lower. If 100 g of peanuts contains 551 kcal, then the same 100 g of roasted nuts contains 626 kcal.

Nuts almonds

You can eat a lot of almonds, because their taste is pleasant, and satiety does not come immediately when consumed. However, it is worth remembering that the benefits and harms of eating almonds directly depend on the amount of the product eaten.

The nutritional value of almonds is quite high, but like other varieties, almonds are digested slowly and can interfere with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Almonds are a great addition to desserts and pastries.


This is a rather rare variety. Macadamia nuts contain rare palmitoleic acid, which has a beneficial effect on skin condition. Macadamia nuts are high in calories and nutritional value.

There is no doubt about their benefits. Rare species, such as pecans (the high calorie content of which makes them dangerous for those who are overweight) can be replaced with more common ones - hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds.

Calorie content of confectionery products with nuts

The eastern sweet Turkish Delight, which came to us from distant Turkey, is very popular among those losing weight. The calorie content of Turkish delight with nuts ranges from 67 to 70 kcal. in 1 piece It should be taken into account that this indicator will depend on the type of nut added to the delicacy. 100 g of Turkish delight contains 390 kcal. The calorie content of sherbet is 417 kcal. per 100 g. And in one chocolate candy from 400 to 600 kcal.

You should opt for lower-calorie sweets, since to maintain normal weight it is better to abstain from sweets and chocolate. Churchkhela is prepared from fruit juices and nuts. Its nutritional value depends on the type of nut included in its composition. Most often, this sweet is prepared with walnuts or hazelnuts. The calorie content of churchkhela is 410 kcal per 100 g.

Honey baklava is another oriental sweet that has high nutritional value. This delicacy is not suitable for everyone, as it is difficult to digest. People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases are not recommended to eat this product. And the calorie content of honey baklava is quite high. There are almost 450 kcal per 100 g of product.

Often, lovers of sweets who are faced with the problem of excess weight replace them with dried fruits. This is the right decision, since the calorie content of dried fruits, as a rule, is inferior to oriental sweets and nuts. The exception is dates.

Calorie content of sweets with nut additives

The number of calories in a chocolate candy depends on the composition from which the candy is made. Its energy and nutritional value is related to the calorie content of the products that form the basis of the product.

Both adults and children love hazel in chocolate. There are 518 kcal per 100 g of such sweets. The number of calories in hazelnuts dipped in chocolate glaze is even higher and amounts to about 600 kcal. per 100 g of product.

The benefits of this delicacy are very doubtful. It is best to choose nuts without shells over sweets - they will bring more benefits, and possibly even pleasure.

Homemade products

Nuts are widely used in home cooking. A rather original delicacy is jam made from young walnuts. Its calorie content is high, but if you compare this delicacy with other products mentioned above, then this dessert is preferable. 100 g of jam contains approximately 250 kcal.

Peanut sauce is a gourmet dish. It is very tasty and healthy, and can be used as a seasoning for many dishes. The calorie content of the product will directly depend on the recipe and the calorie content of the nuts from which the product is made.

If the problem of excess weight is relevant, then it is better to abstain from such a dish, since nut sauce is high in calories. The same recommendations apply to treats like nut butter or peanut butter.

How to use

Despite the high calorie content of nuts, there are certainly benefits from eating them. A small handful of one variety or another will improve the general condition of the body, affect mood, provide tone, and strengthen the vascular system.

To prevent nuts from causing harm to the body, it is necessary to observe moderation in their consumption. A small amount (from one to five or six pieces per day) will be quite appropriate. However, an excess amount of such a product in the diet can lead to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and negatively affect the figure.

The calorie content of walnuts is quite high, so if you are on a diet or if you are overweight, it is worth remembering this. As for other varieties, they are also good as an addition to various dishes. For example, peanuts, which are high in calories, would be appropriate in salads or sauces. Many people who are losing weight use nuts to replace protein products of animal origin.

If you have any doubts about whether you should eat nuts while on a diet, you should consult with a nutritionist. Consulting a doctor will help you create the right menu for every day and will allow you to decide how much of a particular product can be consumed daily.

Even those who don’t know exactly how many calories are in nuts will say that there are a lot of them. You can even taste the fact that they are rich in fat. Nutritionists have calculated that if you eat only 3 “extra” walnuts a day, your weight will increase by 5 kilos in a year. So, should we completely abandon these gifts of nature, so as not to spoil our figure? Don't rush to conclusions!

Nuts are a powerful source of energy and nutrients

Nuts are a valuable, nutritious, and most importantly, very tasty product. Many people eat them as a snack or add them to pies and salads. Nuts, like seeds, are very “contagious”: it’s enough to eat one, and your hand is already reaching for another, and so the whole pack or vase is imperceptibly emptied. These fruits contain a whole range of vitamins and beneficial microelements. One problem is that in terms of caloric content they are far ahead of other plant foods.

People eat different types of them. To find out which ones you can (and whether you can eat at all) while losing weight, just find out what the calorie content of nuts is.

About the energy value of nuts

Among those who need to lose weight, there is the following myth: if you replace meat with nuts on the menu, you can get rid of extra pounds without pain or restrictions. Only those who have never been interested in the energy value and composition of nuts can believe in this legend. The calorie content of these products (per 100 grams and per 30 grams) will be as follows:

  • walnuts – 700 kcal; 185 kcal (7 cores);
  • Brazilian - 703 kcal; 186 kcal (6 fruits);
  • cedar – 620 kcal; 188 kcal (167 nuts);
  • almonds – 694 kcal; 163 kcal (23 nucleoli);
  • hazelnuts – 707 kcal; 178 kcal (21 pcs.);
  • pistachios – 610 kcal; 158 kcal (49 pcs.);
  • peanuts (ground) – 551 kcal; 166 kcal (28 pieces);
  • cashews – 633 kcal; 155 kcal (25 pcs.);
  • pecans – 861 kcal; 193 (19 nut halves);
  • coconut – 669 kcal; 200 kcal.

Why do you need to know how many calories are in a 30-gram serving of nuts? Because this is exactly the weight of a package with a delicious snack.

There is a favorite in the walnut family - this is the most expensive and rare specimen. It grows in Australia and costs about 30 USD. per kg. This delicacy is called “macadamia”. The energy value of such elite nuts is 718 kcal.

How does the calorie content of nuts fit into the dietary requirements? The table shows that none of these products can be called low-calorie, which means that those who do not want to lose a slim figure should be more careful with them.

How many caloriescan be found in 1 nut?

A safe serving of nuts depends on their nutritional content. Since fruits contain an impressive supply of fat, it is important how much energy is hidden inside 1 nucleolus. The answer will also not please those who are dissatisfied with their weight. So, 1 nut provides you with so many kilocalories:

  • whole walnut – 26 kcal;
  • cedar – 1.12 kcal;
  • almonds – 7 kcal;
  • hazelnuts – 8.4 kcal;
  • pistachios – 3.2 kcal;
  • peanuts – 5.9 kcal;
  • cashews – 6.2 kcal;
  • pecans – 21 kcal.

Some people wonder how many calories are contained in a young (unripe) walnut. It really lags behind its more “adult” relative in energy value, but not by much. But the taste of such a product differs sharply from the ripe fruit.

Benefits or calories? The truth is somewhere in the middle

Each nut is beneficial for the body. So, walnuts contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. It is a powerful antioxidant. And ellagic acid, which this product is rich in, effectively supports the immune system. If you eat 4 to 6 walnuts a day, it will be beneficial for the body and will not affect your weight in any way. After all, in this case, the daily calorie supply will increase by 156 kcal - this is the norm for snacks between main meals.

Cedar trees contain almost all unique amino acids, and their protein is completely absorbed by the body. You can eat a maximum of 100 g per day. Almonds are a champion in the amount of vitamin E. A safe portion is 30 g. Hazelnuts contain a lot of iron and strengthen blood vessels. In order not to gain weight, 7 pieces per day are enough.
