
Tomato recipes for the winter. Canning tomatoes: storage conditions and the best recipes Recipe for Moldavian marinated tomatoes for the winter

Tomatoes with grapes for the winter

Moldavian cuisine is modest and unpretentious. It does not boast a list of some incredible spices and exotic ingredients. Turkish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Romanian cuisines played a huge role in the formation of Moldovan cuisine.

Moldova is blessed with a mild climate and fertile soil. As a result, food includes a huge amount of vegetables and fruits. Thanks to their exquisite combinations, amazing Moldavian dishes are presented to the world. Today we will look at a recipe for one of them - tomatoes with grapes for the winter.

Marinated tomatoes with grapes in Moldavian style will take their rightful place both on the festive table and in a quiet family circle. Grapes will give tomatoes a special, refined, incomparable taste and aroma.

Pickled grapes are great to use in salads. sauces, gravy As a side dish for fish and game. Pickled grapes are also great to use when decorating a festive table, to decorate dishes.

Cuisine: Moldavian
Cooking method: on the stove, in the oven.
Product preparation time: 20 minutes.
Cooking time: 1 hour.
Number of servings: 2 l.

To prepare pickled tomatoes with grapes for the winter in Moldavian style we will need:

  • electric or gas stove,
  • oven,
  • sharp knife,
  • cutting board,
  • pot,
  • 1 liter jars. 4 things.
  • covers 4 pcs.
  • seaming key,
  • warm blanket for a “fur coat”
  • tomatoes 2-2.2 kg.
  • quiche-mish grapes 400-500 gr.
  • garlic 8 cloves,
  • chili pepper 1 pc.
  • allspice 2 tsp.
  • salt 1 dessert spoons, per jar
  • sugar 2 dessert spoons, per jar
  • vinegar essence 1 coffee spoon per jar.
  • leaves of currant, cherry,
  • dill umbrellas.

Marinated tomatoes with grapes for the winter in Moldavian style - recipe with photo:

We wash the tomatoes and grapes and carefully place them in pre-sterilized jars.

Peel the garlic. We cut the cloves into thick slices or into 2 parts lengthwise. Place in jars. Add allspice peas and a couple of chili peppers.

Pour 1 dessert spoon of salt and 2 dessert spoons of sugar into each jar.

Cook the marinade. At the bottom of the pan we place currant leaves, cherries, and a couple of dill umbrellas. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat.

Pour the marinade into jars and put them in a cold oven to sterilize. Turn on 150 degrees. Sterilize for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. Carefully remove the jars using a kitchen towel. Carefully. Don't get burned! Add vinegar essence.

We roll up our jars of tomatoes using a special key.

Turn the jars over onto their lids. Cover with a warm blanket. Leave the pickled tomatoes and grapes under the “coat” for a day. Now we can move our jars to a place for permanent storage for the winter.

They can be stored both in the cellar and in the pantry at room temperature. Enjoy your meal! And have a delicious winter.

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More information

  • tomatoes 2-2.2 kg.
  • quiche-mish grapes 400-500 gr.
  • garlic 8 cloves,
  • chili pepper 1 pc.
  • allspice 2 tsp.
  • salt 1 dessert spoons, per jar
  • sugar 2 dessert spoons, per jar
  • vinegar essence 1 coffee spoon per jar.

Marinade for 2 liters:

  • leaves of currant, cherry,
  • dill umbrellas.

Marinated tomatoes with grapes for the winter in Moldavian style - recipe with photo:

We wash the tomatoes and grapes and carefully place them in pre-sterilized jars.

Peel the garlic. We cut the cloves into thick slices or into 2 parts lengthwise. Place in jars. Add allspice peas and a couple of chili peppers.

Pour 1 dessert spoon of salt and 2 dessert spoons of sugar into each jar.

Cook the marinade. At the bottom of the pan we place currant leaves, cherries, and a couple of dill umbrellas. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat.

Pour the marinade into jars and put them in a cold oven to sterilize. Turn on 150 degrees. Sterilize for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. Carefully remove the jars using a kitchen towel. Carefully. Don't get burned! Add vinegar essence.

We roll up our jars of tomatoes using a special key.

Turn the jars over onto their lids. Cover with a warm blanket. Leave the pickled tomatoes and grapes under the “coat” for a day. Now we can move our jars to a place for permanent storage for the winter.

They can be stored both in the cellar and in the pantry at room temperature. Enjoy your meal! And have a delicious winter.

Before describing the recipes themselves, let’s take a closer look at this beloved and familiar vegetable.

Useful properties of tomatoes

Tomato is an annual, or less often perennial, herbaceous plant from the nightshade family. The name of the plant is Italian and means “golden apple”. Tomatoes grow in open ground and in greenhouse conditions, on loggias, balconies and even on the window sills of city apartments.

The nutritional value of tomatoes, depending on the variety, is 18-31 Kcal/100 g.

Vitamins and antioxidants: Organic acids: Nitrogen components

  • xanthophyll up to 0.16 mg,
  • vitamin C, up to thirty-nine milligrams,
  • vitamin B2, up to six milligrams,
  • antioxidant lycopene, more than seven milligrams,
  • carotene, more than half a milligram,
  • folic acid, more than a milligram,
  • pectin, about 0.1%,
  • fiber, up to 1%,
  • b-carotene one milligram,
  • vitamin B1, in some varieties - more than a milligram.
  • wine,
  • amber,
  • apple,
  • sorrel,
  • lemon
  • albumen,
  • nuclein,
  • glutamic acid,
  • globulin,
  • histidine,
  • arginine,
  • lysine.

Tomatoes also contain salts (more than half a percent) of iron, sodium, and potassium.

Lycopene gives tomatoes their characteristic color. It also serves as a good preventative that reduces the risk of heart and blood vessel diseases, prostate dysfunction, certain types of cancer and other diseases. An interesting fact is that this substance is best absorbed from tomatoes that have been heat-treated.

The rich chemical composition of tomatoes helps to use them in medicine, as a therapeutic food to replenish the body with vitamins and mineral salts. Tomatoes contain alkaloids that have a great effect on the human body, but alkaloids are rarely found in their pure form, mainly in combination with sugars, forming glycosides.

For whom are tomatoes especially beneficial?

Tomatoes are useful for overweight people with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels. They normalize metabolism and salt metabolism in the body. Due to the high content of purines and oxalic acid, tomatoes are not recommended for consumption by people with kidney and liver diseases, polyarthritis or gout.

Picking tomatoes

Tomatoes should be harvested in dry weather. To extend their shelf life, they are sorted by size and placed in small boxes in one or two layers. It is important to remember that the larger fruits ripen first.

Storage conditions for tomatoes

In general, in the absence of mechanical damage, healthy tomatoes are stored quite well. However, the temperature and humidity conditions for storing tomatoes of different degrees of ripeness are very different.

  1. For long-term storage of green tomatoes, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 10-120C and the humidity at least 85%. Under these conditions, green tomatoes can be stored for up to one hundred days. Deviation of the humidity level from the norm greatly reduces the shelf life of such tomatoes.
    Important! Green tomatoes stop ripening when the temperature drops to 1-20C.
  2. The milky stage of maturity in tomatoes occurs when, in addition to the characteristic color, the fruits reach a normal size for a particular variety and have developed seeds. Such tomatoes have a very thin skin that is easily mechanically damaged, as a result of which the entire fruit begins to rot. Therefore, it is best to store them in the same container in which they were placed during cleaning.
    Important! Milk-ripe tomatoes that were picked from young bushes are stored the longest. Tomatoes harvested in the fall last much less.
  3. Brown tomatoes are light green in color with a pinkish tint at the top of the fruit. The optimal storage temperature for them is considered to be 4-60C and humidity 85-90%.
  4. Completely pink tomatoes are stored at a temperature of 0-20C and a humidity of 85-90%, however, they lie much worse than tomatoes of earlier degrees of ripeness.
  5. Red ripened tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month. The optimal temperature for them will be 0-20C and humidity 85-90%.
    Important! Excessive air humidity leads to the formation of rot and mold on the stalks.

Tomatoes that have been exposed to low temperatures (up to 30C) and frost cannot be stored.

Pickling tomatoes

Tomatoes can not only be canned, but also salted. Glass and enamel containers or wooden barrels are perfect containers for this. Tomatoes of almost all varieties and with varying degrees of ripening, both green and fully ripe, are suitable for pickling. The only exceptions are very large, overripe, diseased or damaged tomatoes.

Tomatoes of different varieties and all degrees of ripeness are suitable for canning. Below are the most “delicious”, in our opinion, recipes.

Recipe 1. Tomatoes in a flask

You will need: In a glass jar to taste:

  • ten liters of clean water,
  • 250 grams of salt,
  • mustard powder - 250 g,
  • sugar - half a kilogram;
  • cherry leaves,
  • a few cloves of garlic,
  • hot and bell peppers,
  • dill greens,
  • a few bay leaves,
  • horseradish leaves and root.


Wash the tomatoes, put them in a jar, sprinkle them evenly with bell and hot peppers, cherry leaves, garlic, dill, bay leaves, horseradish roots and leaves. Pour brine into the flask until it overflows. Seal the container tightly. The dish will be ready for winter.

Recipe 2. Tomatoes in mustard

For the marinade you will need:

  • water - ten liters,
  • a glass of table salt,
  • fresh mustard - a glass,
  • sugar - a glass.


Wash the tomatoes and put them in jars. Don't add any spices. Dissolve salt, sugar and mustard in cold water and pour this cold brine over the tomatoes. Cover the jars with nylon lids and place in a cool place. Important! Tomatoes of any degree of ripeness are suitable for this recipe; only overripe tomatoes are not suitable.

Recipe 3. Marinated tomatoes

For the brine you will need:

  • one glass each of water and vinegar,
  • salt - half a teaspoon,
  • granulated sugar - ¼ cup,
  • cinnamon, cloves, pepper.

Depending on the number of tomatoes, the amount of ingredients for the brine can be increased proportionally.


Select medium-sized, preferably oblong plum-shaped tomatoes. Wash them and put them in jars. Prepare the brine, boil and cool it. Pour over the tomatoes placed in the jar. Important! If after a couple of days the brine becomes cloudy, it must be poured into a saucepan, boiled, cooled and poured over the tomatoes again.

Recipe 4. Georgian marinated tomatoes

You will need:

  • kilogram of green tomatoes,
  • walnuts - ¾ cup,
  • garlic - 7-10 cloves,
  • chili pepper - half a pod,
  • coriander seeds - one teaspoon,
  • dried mint - one teaspoon,
  • dried basil and tarragon, half a teaspoon each,
  • table vinegar - ¾ cup.


Wash small unripe tomatoes and cover with boiling water for 20 minutes. Chop the garlic, nuts and pepper, mix and crush in a mortar. Then squeeze out the juice and pour it into a separate container. Mix coriander grains, basil, mint with the squeezed mixture and mix thoroughly with vinegar. Remove the tomatoes from the water, cut into four parts and place in jars in layers, placing the spicy mixture between the tomatoes. Tamp everything down a little and add the squeezed juice. Close the jars and remove from heat and light. After a few days, the tomatoes will turn yellow and can be eaten.

Recipe 5. Tomatoes marinated in Moldavian style

For the brine you will need:

  • liter of water,
  • 60 grams of salt and sugar.
  • three to four cloves of garlic,
  • sweet and hot peppers,
  • Bay leaf,
  • a tablespoon of vinegar.


First we lay the spices, and on top - the washed tomatoes. Pour boiling marinade over three times, keeping the tomatoes in it for ten minutes. For the third time, pour vinegar into the marinade and roll up the jars.

Important! To prepare tomatoes in Moldavian style, it is better to take brown fruits.

Recipe 6. Tomatoes marinated with mustard

  • table salt - 35-40 g,
  • sugar - 60-70 g,
  • liter of water,
  • table vinegar - 120-160 milliliters.
  • mustard, seeds - 1 tsp,
  • bay leaf - two pieces.


First, you need to put spices in the jar. Then fill the jar with tomatoes of the same size, approximately the same degree of ripeness. Pour hot brine on top. Important! Pasteurize at 850C:

  • half-liter jars for 15 minutes,

Recipe 7. Polish canned tomatoes

For the brine you will need:

  • water - 0.8 liters,
  • sugar - 80-100 g,
  • salt - 60-80 g,
  • a few bay leaves,
  • garlic - two or three cloves,
  • onions - two or three pieces.


Wash small tomatoes and place in jars. Boil the marinade, then add bay leaves, garlic cloves and small or chopped onions. Pour in brine. For canning, it is better to take tomatoes that are firm and not overripe. Important! Pasteurize at 850C:

  • half-liter jars for fifteen minutes,
  • liter and 2-liter jars - twenty to thirty minutes.

Recipe 8. Green tomatoes marinated in Polish

For the brine you will need: In a liter jar:

  • water - 0.8 liters,
  • table vinegar - 200-300 milliliters,
  • granulated sugar - 50 g,
  • several pieces of bay leaf.
  • kilogram of green tomatoes,
  • salt - 40-60 g,
  • one hundred grams of onions.


Cut the prepared clean tomatoes into slices and place in a ceramic container. Sprinkle them with salt and add chopped onion. Mix carefully. Leave for a day. Then drain the juice using a sieve or colander. Place tomatoes and onions in the hot marinade for three minutes, then remove and place in jars. Important! Pasteurize at 850C:

  • half-liter jars for a quarter of an hour,

Recipe 9. Green pickled tomatoes

  • liter of water,
  • salt - 60-100 g,
  • sugar - two hundred grams,
  • table vinegar - 700-900 milliliters.
  • a couple of bay leaves,
  • allspice - up to 15 peas,
  • black pepper - up to 15 peas,
  • dried chili pepper - ten grams,
  • onions up to 100 g.

Wash green, but not small, tomatoes and cut into slices up to a centimeter thick. Finely chop the onion. Place the tomatoes and onions in an enamel container, add cold brine and place in a cool place for six to eight hours. Then, pour the marinade into another pan, and place the tomatoes and onions in jars up to their shoulders. Boil the brine and pour it over the tomatoes in the jars. Important! Pasteurize at 85 C:

  • half-liter jars for a quarter of an hour,
  • liter and two-liter jars - twenty to thirty minutes.

Recipe 10. Bulgarian salted vegetables

For the brine you will need: In the jar:

  • salt - 60 grams,
  • liter of water.
  • one kilogram each of green tomatoes, cucumbers, white cabbage and carrots,
  • bell pepper - 1.7 kg,
  • parsley, greens - 250 g,
  • a little celery and dill.


Wash small tomatoes. Remove the cabbage head from the limp leaves and cut into 6-8 pieces. Wash a medium fleshy pepper and pierce it in several places near the stalk. Wash and peel the carrots. Wash small cucumbers.

Place half of the coarsely chopped greens on the bottom of the pickling container. Then lay the vegetables in layers, and again the greens as the last layer. Fill with cool salted water. Place a circle on top and place it under pressure. Keep the vegetables in the room for two to four days, and when fermentation begins, transfer them to the cold. Vegetables can be served after twenty days.

A favorite vegetable dish of Moldavian cuisine. Every good housewife tries to prepare this wonderful snack for the winter. Givecha can include any vegetables that you have on hand. Each vegetable adds a special taste and aroma to the finished dish. I prefer givech in this combination.


  • Eggplants-1kg.
  • Bell pepper-500g.
  • Carrots-300g.
  • Onion-500g.
  • Tomatoes-1.5 kg.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Freshly ground pepper.
  • Salt.
From the specified amount of ingredients, three 1-liter jars were obtained.


Wash the eggplants, cut them into cubes about 2 x 2 cm, add salt and leave for 15-20 minutes to release the bitter juice.


Wash the peppers, remove the seeds and cut into cubes like eggplants.


Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil until soft.


Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Add the carrots to the onions, mix and fry for 5 - 7 minutes. Place the onions and carrots in a deep saucepan or cauldron and cover with a lid.


In the same frying pan, fry the pepper in vegetable oil. Fry until half cooked. Transfer the peppers to the onions and carrots.


Rinse the eggplants with cold water, squeeze and fry in vegetable oil until half cooked. Place the eggplants in a saucepan with the vegetables.


Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for 1 - 2 minutes, then add salt and pour cold water over the tomatoes. Peel the tomatoes and grind in a meat grinder.


Simmer the tomatoes for 10 - 15 minutes.


Add the tomatoes to the vegetables, add salt and pepper to taste, mix and cook over low heat or in the oven.


Place the hot givech into hot sterilized jars, screw on the lids, turn the jars over, wrap them in a thick blanket and leave until they cool completely.


Tomatoes with mint

For a three-liter jar:

1.7 kg tomatoes

1 bunch of mint

10 allspice peas

For the marinade: 1 liter of water

60-70 g salt

2 hours, spoons of 80% acetic acid


Place mint leaves and peppercorns on the bottom of the jar, followed by tomatoes, which must be pricked from the stem side. Prepare the marinade, boil and pour the contents of the jar 2 cm below the neck. Sterilize for 40 minutes, roll up.

Lady finger tomatoes with grapes


For a three-liter jar:

1.6 kg lady fingers tomatoes

Young grape leaves

20 grapes

5 peas each of black and allspice

2-3 cloves of garlic

For the marinade: 1 liter of water

1 tbsp. spoon of salt

2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

1 teaspoon vinegar essence


Place half the grape leaves, garlic and peppercorns on the bottom of the jar. Next, place the tomatoes, interspersed with grapes. Pour boiling water for 3-5 minutes, let stand. Drain the water into a saucepan and prepare a marinade based on it. Cover the tomatoes with the remaining leaves and pour boiling marinade over them. Seal tightly.


For a three-liter jar:

2 kg medium-sized tomatoes

1 red bell pepper

4-5 dill umbrellas

10 currant leaves

1 head of garlic

1 horseradish root

For brine: for 1 liter of water

1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt

1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar


Line the bottom of a barrel or sterilized jar with currant leaves, place tomatoes on top, interspersed with garlic cloves and pieces of horseradish, place dill umbrellas on top. Dissolve salt and sugar in warm boiled water and pour room temperature brine over the tomatoes. Leave to ferment for 2 days, covering with gauze and skimming off the foam. Then close, refrigerate and wait 3 weeks until ready.

Tomatoes in Crimean style

For a three-liter jar:

2 kg tomatoes

1 tbsp. spoon of dry mustard

1 horseradish root

1 teaspoon black pepper

3-4 bay leaves

Dill greens

For brine: for 1 liter of water

4 tbsp. spoons of salt


Place bay leaves, chopped horseradish root, and peppercorns on the bottom of the jar. Place the tomatoes next, sprinkling them with mustard powder. Cover with dill. Pour in room temperature brine. Let it ferment under gauze without pressure for 2 days, then put the jar in the cold, covering it with a plastic lid.

Tomatoes in Ural style


For a three-liter jar:

2 kg tomatoes

2 pickled apples

1 onion

5-6 buds of cloves

5-6 peas of allspice

For the brine; for 1 liter of water

3 tbsp. spoons of salt

3 tbsp. sugar legs


Cut the soaked apples into slices, onions into rings. Place cloves and peppers on the bottom of the jar, tomatoes on top, interspersed with onions and apple slices. Boil water, prepare the brine, cool and pour over the tomatoes. Let stand in a warm place for 2-3 days, skimming off the foam, under pressure. Then cover with a plastic lid and place in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes in Ukrainian


For a three-liter jar:

2 kg tomatoes

2 heads of garlic

1 bunch celery greens

10 cm celery stalk

5-6 young dill umbrellas

For brine: for 1 liter of water

2 tbsp. spoons of salt

3 tbsp. spoons of sugar


Place celery greens in the bottom of the jar. Place tomatoes, garlic cloves and chopped celery on top. Boil water and prepare brine. Cool to a temperature of 50-60 °C and fill the contents of the jar. Cover with gauze, put pressure on it and leave to ferment for 3 days, skimming off the foam. When it stops fermenting, cover with a plastic lid and put the jar in the cellar. The tomatoes will be ready in a month.

Green tomatoes in Belarusian style


For a three-liter jar:

2 kg green tomatoes

1 head of garlic

1 bunch of parsley and dill

1 teaspoon black peppercorns

For the marinade: 1 liter of water

3 tbsp. spoons of salt

1 tsp, spoon of vinegar essence


Cut the tomatoes into halves. Place half the greens on the bottom of the enamel pan, place the prepared tomatoes, peppers and garlic cloves on top, cover with the remaining greens. Pour warm brine and leave under pressure for 3 days at room temperature. Pour in the vinegar and place in the refrigerator, covering with a lid. The tomatoes will be ready in a week.

Tomatoes in Stavropol style


For a three-liter jar:

2 kg tomatoes

5 horseradish leaves

3 umbrellas of young dill

1 horseradish root

5 clove buds

5 allspice peas

For brine: for 1 liter of water

3 tbsp. spoons of salt

3 tbsp. spoons of sugar


Place the tomatoes in a prepared jar, interspersing them with horseradish leaves, cloves, pepper and pieces of horseradish root. Dissolve sugar and salt in water and fill the contents of the jar with cold brine. Keep the tomatoes, covered with a thick napkin, at room temperature for 4-5 days without pressure, then put the finished tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes "July"


For a three-liter jar:

2 kg green tomatoes

1 head of garlic

1 carrot

1 onion

1 teaspoon black peppercorns

3 bay leaves

For the marinade: 1 liter of water

1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt

6 tbsp. tablespoons 6% vinegar


Prick the tomatoes from the stem side. Cut the carrots into circles, the onion into half rings. Place the prepared onions and carrots, peppers and bay leaves in a jar, place the tomatoes on top. Fill with hot water, drain after 5 minutes. Prepare a marinade based on this water, pour the contents of the jar. Sterilize for 45 minutes and roll up.
